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Naknek Missions 2017

What are we doing? Last summer the Crossing sent a mission team to Naknek, Alaska for a
week, a trip I was so blessed to be a part of. It was such an amazing experience that weve
decided we need to go back! From July 30th to August 6th, a group of 12 of us are flying back
into Naknek to pour into the lives of these people! I cannot express how
excited I am to see all of those kids again and show them Jesus love!

Why is this mission trip so important to me? Being a part of so many

Vacation Bible Schools in the past few years has really shown me what
an impact I can make in a kids life just by spending a week with them
and sharing Jesus with them! It is so much fun to get to know the kids,
serve the community, and share Jesus with the people we meet. I know
that through this experience I will grow closer to God and learn so much
about Him.

What do I expect to learn and do there? When we go to Naknek we

are putting on another Maker Fun Factory VBS, just like we did at the
Crossing this summer. We are hoping to see about 40 kids at the church,
where we will have lots of fun and teach them about who Jesus is!
We also plan to hold a youth night for the teenagers in the area,
where well get a chance to share the Lord with them, too. We I would love for you to be a part
believe being true disciples of Jesus means leading by serving, so we of our team! Here are two ways
have a couple service projects lined up so that we can reach the you could join me:
community through our loving actions. 1) Joining my prayer team
2) Help me get there

Please pray for: I need about $700 to get there.

Receptive hearts This will help pay for airfare
Proper perspective/focus and also pay for the materials
flexibility and prizes for the kids VBS.
Personal spiritual development
Ephesians 6:19 Any gifts are tax- deductible
and can be given to me online
Thank you so much for all of your
Click on E-give and put the
prayers and support! amount under Missions
Simone Sterling
Put my name in the comments
section and youre done!

Thank you so much!

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