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Testicular- testis, epididymus

Cremasteric- Ovarian- travels in suspensory ligament of ovary and mesovarium;

supplies ductus deferens Abdominal Aorta supplies ovary and uterine tubes; anastomoses with uterine a.
Inferior Epigastric- Median Sacral- near bifurcation
Anastomose above inguinal 2 Common Iliacs Internal Iliac- next page
ligament Opposite one
Superior Lateral Genicular-
Deep Circumflex Iliac- External Iliac deep to muscles, above lateral femoral condyle
Ascending branches above inguinal
ligament; travels below it Superior Medial Genicular-
deep to muscles, above medial femoral condyle
In femoral sheath, triangle (NAVEL),
Close to Origin Femoral Middle Genicular-
through adductor canal and hiatus (goes
passes anteriorly into knee joint
posterior and changes names)
Lateral Femoral Inferior Lateral Genicular-
Circumflex- Deep Femoral In Popliteal deep to lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
Pudendal - Inferior Medial Genicular-
deep to sartorius Fossa
Skin of penis/ clitoris deep to medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
and rectus femoris; Through Adductor
participates in Magnus to Medial Femoral
anastomoses at hip Popliteal
hamstrings Circumflex - Under tendinous 2 Surral Arteries-
and knee between pectineus enters medial and lateral heads of
arch of soleus with
4 Perforating and iliopsoas; under gastrocnemius ( ONLY blood supply here)
Tibial Nerve
joint capsule to get
1st branch to head of femur- Medial Plantar-
susceptible to tears supplies medial digits
Posterior Tibial-
Descending- Anterior Tibial- through posterior compartment; in tarsal tunnel behind
over vastus over interosseous membrane to enter medial malleolus at ankle (tom, dick, And harry)
intermedius anterior compartment; descends on
towards vastus interosseous membrane between tibialis Lateral Plantar
lateralis anterior and EDL, then EHL, and Fibular-
continues onto dorsum of foot supplies blood to lateral/
posterior compartment
Occasionally forms
Dorsalis Pedis-
Branch to dorsum of
can be palpated lateral to extensor hallucis
Cruciate tendon; medial to deep fibular nerve foot
Anastomoses- Deep Plantar Arch
at hip joint Pierces 1st dorsal
Tarsal Branches interosseous muscle to Arcuate Branches-
enter sole between two sweeps across the floor
heads of 1st dorsal
Inferior interosseous muscle
Dorsal Metatarsal Branches
Deep Plantar- Digital Branches
contributes to deep plantar
arch on plantar surface

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