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Q:WhatisSocialLegislation? Disputesinvolving:
1. Coverage
A: It consists of statutes, regulations and 2. Benefits
jurisprudence that afford protection to labor, 3. Contributions
especiallytoworkingwomenandminors,andisin 4. Penalties
fullaccordwiththeconstitutionalprovisionsonthe Social 5. Anyothermatterrelated
promotionofsocialjusticetoinsurethewellbeing Security thereto.
(SSC) Note: Disputes within the mandatory
1.SOCIALSECURITYLAW evidence.(Sec.5a)
Decision, in the absence of appeal, shall
Q:Whatisthepolicyobjectiveintheenactmentof befinalandexecutory15daysafterdate
(SSS)Law? ofnotification.(Sec.5b)
A:ItisthepolicyoftheStatetoestablish,develop, 1.CAquestionsoflawandfact(Sec.
promoteandperfectasoundandviabletaxexempt 5c)
SSSsuitabletotheneedsofthepeoplethroughout 2.SCquestionsoflaw.(Sec.5c)
the Phils., which shall promote social justice and SSCmay,motupropriooronmotionof

any interested party, issue a writ of
provide meaningful protection to members and Execution
execution to enforce any of its
their beneficiaries against the hazards of disability, ofdecision
decisions or awards, after it has
sickness, maternity, old age, death, and other

Q: Can the SSC validly reevaluate the findings of

the RTC, and on its own, declare the latters

A: No. It cannot review, much less reverse,
the promotion of social justice. (Roman Catholic
obtained through fraud and subsequently


on the one hand and the invalidity of Bailon and
to the members who will receive benefits, as a
and passing upon the CFI Order, the SSC virtually
matterofright, wheneverthehazardsprovidedby
acted as an appellate court. The law does not give
the law occur. (CMS Estate, Inc., v. SSS, G.R. No.
regular courts in the exercise of its authority to

determine the beneficiaries of the SSS. (SSS vs.
Teresita Jarque Vda. De Bailon, G.R. No. 165545,


secured by the law pursuant to the policy of the
A: Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or
foreign, who carries into the Phils. any trade,
The benefits are specifically declared not
business, industry, undertaking or activity of any
transferable and exempt from tax, legal processes
under his orders as regards the employment,
except the Government and any of its political

subdivisions, branches or instrumentalities,
including corporations owned or controlled by the

Government: Provided, That a selfemployed

person shall be both Ee and Er at the same time.




discontinued, reduced or
Q:Whoisanemployee(Ee)? otherwiseimpaired;
b. Existing private plans shall be
A: Any person who performs services for an Er in integrated with the SSS but if
whicheitherorbothmentalandphysicaleffortsare the Er under such plan is
used and who receives compensation for such contributingmorethanwhatis
services, where there is an ErEe relationship: required by this Act, he shall
Provided,Thataselfemployedpersonshallbeboth pay to the SSS the amount
EeandEratthesametime.(Sec.8[d]) required to him, and he shall
continue with his contributions
Q:Whatisemployment? lesstheamountpaidtoSSS;
c. Any changes, adjustments,
A:GR:AnyserviceperformedbyanEeforhisEr. modifications, eliminations or
XPNs: theremainingprivateplanafter
1. Employmentpurelycasualandnotforthe the integration shall be subject
purposeofoccupationorbusinessofthe to agreementsbetween the Ers
Er; andtheEesconcerned;and
2. Service performed on or in connection d. The private benefit plan which
with an alien vessel by an Ee if he is theErshallcontinueforhisEes
employedwhensuchvesselisoutsidethe shall remain under the Ers
Phils; managementandcontrolunless
3. Service performed in the employ of the there is an existing agreement
Phil. Government or instrumentality or tothecontrary
agencythereof; c. All selfemployed considered both
4. Service performed in the employ of a anErandEe
foreign government or international d. Professionals;
organization, or their whollyowned e. Partners and single proprietors of
instrumentality: business;
5. Such other services performed by f. Actors and actresses, directors,
temporary and other Ees which may be scriptwriters and news
excludedbyregulationoftheSSC.Eesof correspondents who do not fall
bona fide independent contractors shall within the definition of the term
notbedeemedEesoftheErengagingthe Ee;
servicesofsaidcontractors.(Sec.8[j]) g. Professional athletes, coaches,
Q:Whatisacontingency? h. Individual farmers and fisherman.
A: The retirement, death, disability, injury or
sicknessandmaternityofthemember. 2. Voluntary
a. Spouses who devote full time to
a.Coverage managing the household and family
affairs, unless they arealso engaged
Q:WhoarecoveredbySSS? in other vocation or employment
which is subject to mandatory
A: coverage;(Sec.9[b])
1. CompulsoryCoverage b. Filipinos recruited by foreignbased
a. AllEesnot over60yearsofageand Ers for employment abroad may be
theirErs; covered by the SSS on a voluntary
b. Domestic helpers whose income is basis;(Sec.9[c])
notlessthanP1000/monthandnot c. Ee separated from employment to
over60yearsofageandtheirErs; maintainhisrighttofullbenefits
Limitations: d. Selfemployed who realizes no
a. Any benefit earned by the Ees incomeforacertainmonth
under private benefit plans
existing at the time of the 3. ByAgreement
approvaloftheActshallnotbe Any foreign government, international
organization, or their whollyowned



instrumentality employing workers in the A: No. It is not necessary, for the enjoyment of
Phils., may enter into an agreement with benefitsundertheSSSLawthattheinjuryiswork
the Phil. government for the inclusion of connected.Whatisimportantismembershipinthe
such Ees in the SSS except those already SSS and not the causal connection of the work of
covered by their respective civil service theEetohisinjuryorsickness.
Claims based on workconnected injuries or
Q: When is the compulsory coverage deemed occupational diseases are covered by the State
effective? InsuranceFund.

A: b.Exclusionsfromcoverage
1. Employeronthefirstdayofoperation
2. Employeeonthedayofhisemployment Q:Enumeratethekindsofemploymentwhichare
3. Compulsory coverage of selfemployed exceptedfromcompulsorycoverageundertheSSS
uponhisregistrationwiththeSSS Law.

Q:Whatistheeffectofseparationofanemployee A:UnderSection8(j)ofR.A.1161,asamended,the
fromhisemploymentundercompulsorycoverage? following services or employments are excepted
1. His Ers obligation to contribute arising 1. Employmentpurelycasualandnotforthe
from that employment shall cease at the purpose of occupation or business of the
endofthemonthofseparation, employer;
2. But said Ee shall be credited with all
contributions paid on his behalf and 2. Service performed on or in connection
entitled to benefits according to the withanalienvesselbyanemployeeifhe
provisionsofR.A.9282. is employed when such vessel is outside
3. He may, however, continue to pay the thePhilippines;
fullbenefit.(Sec.11) 3. Service performed in the employ of the
Note: The above provision recognizes the once a oragencythereof;
4. Service performed in the employ of a
Q:Whatistheeffectofinterruptionofbusinessor foreign government or international
professionalincome? organization, or their whollyowned
inanygivenmonth: Provided, however,That this exemption
1. He shall not be required to pay internationalorganizationortheirwholly
contributionsforthatmonth. owned instrumentality employing
2. Hemay,however,beallowedtocontinue workers in the Philippines or employing
payingcontributionsunderthesamerules Filipinos outside of the Philippines, may
andregulationsapplicabletoaseparated enter into an agreement with the
Eemember: Philippine Government for the inclusion
3. Provided, that no retroactive payment of ofsuchemployeesintheSSSexceptthose
contributionsshallbeallowedotherthan already covered by their respective civil
asprescribedunderSec.22A.(Sec.11A) service retirement systems:Provided,
Q: On her way home from work, Asteria shall conform with the provisions of this
Benedicta, a machine operator in a sash factory, Act on coverage and amount of payment
entersamoviehousetorelax.Butsheisstabbed of contributions and benefits:Provided,
by an unknown assailant. Her claim for benefits finally,ThattheprovisionsofthisActshall
under the SSS Law is denied on the ground that besupplementarytoanysuchagreement;
her injury is not workconnected. Is the denial and



5. Such other services performed by iv. 2% of the average monthly

temporary and other employees which salary credit for each credited
may be excluded by regulation of the year of service in excess of 10
Commission. Employees ofbona years;or
fideindependent contractors shall not be b. 40% of the average monthly salary
deemed employees of the employer credit;or
engagingtheserviceofsaidcontractors. c. P1,000.00, provided that the
monthly pension shall in no case be
c.Benefits paidforanaggregateamountofless
Q:WhatarethebenefitsundertheSSSAct? 2. MinimumPension
a. P1,200.00 members with at least
A: 10creditedyearsofservice
1. MonthlyPension b. P2,400.00forthosewith20credited
2. RetirementBenefits yearsofservice.(Sec.[b])
3. DeathBenefits
4. DisabilityBenefits Q:Whatwillhappentothemonthlypensionofa
5. FuneralBenefits retireeincaseofdeath?
6. SicknessBenefits
7. MaternityBenefits A:
1. Upon the death of the retired member,
Q: Are the benefits provided for in the SSS Law hisprimarybeneficiariesasofthedateof
transferable? his retirement will get 100% of his
monthly pension plus the dependent's
A: Benefits provided for in the SSS Law are not pensionforeachchild.
transferable and no power of attorney or other
document executed by those entitled thereto in Note: The above phrase primary
favorofanyagent,attorneyoranyotherpersonfor beneficiaries (as of the date of his
the collection thereof on their behalf shall be retirement) was declared unconstitutional
recognized,exceptwhentheyarephysicallyunable bytheSCinDycaicov.SSSandSSC(G.R.No.
to collect personally such benefits. (Sec.15, R.A. 16137, June 6, 2006) because it is in
1161,asamended) violation of the equal protection, due
andselfemployed? 2. Ifhedieswithin60monthsfromthestart
of his pension and he has no primary
A: beneficiaries, his secondary beneficiaries
1. Er Report immediately to SSS the names, willreceivealumpsumbenefitequivalent
ages, civil status, occupations, salaries and to the difference of 60 multiplied by the
dependentsofallhiscoveredEes monthly pension and the total monthly
pensions paid by the SSS excluding the
2. SelfemployedReporttoSSSwithin30days dependent'spension.(Sec.12B[d])
age, civil status, occupation, average Q: Bonifacio and Elena are living together as
monthlynetincomeandhisdependents husband and wife without the benefit of
marriage. Bonifacio declared Elena and their
MonthlyPension children as his primary beneficiaries in his self
employeddata record in SSS. A few months prior
Q:Howmuchisthemonthlypension? to his death, Bonifacio married Elena.Is Elena
1. Themonthlypensionshallbethehighest A: Yes, she is considered primary beneficiary of
ofthefollowingamounts: Bonifacio. The phrase Upon the death of the
a. Thesumofthefollowing: retiredmember,hisprimarybeneficiariesasofthe
ii. P300.00;plus date of his retirement will get 100 per cent of his
iii. 20% of the average monthly monthly pension xxx of Sec. 12B d of RA 8282 is
salarycredit;plus unconstitutional because it violates the: (1) equal
protection clause because it impermissibly
discriminates against dependent spouses whose



respective marriages to the SSS members were

contracted after the latters retirement; (2) due 3. Amember
process clause because it outrightly deprives a. At least 60 years old at retirement;
spouses who married the SSS members after their and
retirement of the survivors pension, a property b. Doesnotqualifyforpensionbenefits
interest, without giving them opportunity to be underparagraph(a)aboveentitled
heard;and(3)socialjustice. to a lump sum benefit equal to the
total contributions paid by him and
Further, the survivorship pension applied for was onhisbehalf;
classifiedasdeathbenefits.Hence,thecontingency c. Must be separated from
that gives rise to the entitlement of Elena is the employment and is not continuing
deathofBonifacioandnothisretirement.(Dycaico payment of contributions to the SSS
v.SSS,G.R.No.16137,June6,2006) onhisown.(Sec.12B[b])

Q:Whenisthemonthlypensionanddependents Q: What happens when the retirement pensioner
pensionsuspended? isreemployedorresumesselfemployment?

A: A:Themonthlypensionofaretirementpensioner
1. Uponthereemploymentorresumptionof whoresumesemploymentandislessthan65years
selfemployment old will be suspended. He and his Er will again be
2. Recovery of the disabled member from subjecttocompulsorycoverage.(Sec.12B[c])
3. Failuretopresenthimselfforexamination Q: Are the children of a retiree member entitled
at least once a year upon notice by the tothedependent'spension?
RetirementBenefit beginning from the youngest, are entitled to the
dependents' pension. No substitution is allowed.
Q:Whatisaretirementbenefit? Where there are more than 5 legitimate and
illegitimate children, the legitimate ones will be
A:Itisacashbenefitpaidtoamemberwhocanno preferred.
Q:Whatarethetypesofretirementbenefits? thepension?

A: A: Until the child reaches 21 years of age, gets
1. Monthly Pension Lifetime cash benefit married,getsemployedandearnsP300amonthor
paidtoaretireewhohaspaidatleast120 more,ordies.
thesemesterofretirement. However, the dependent's pension is granted for
2. LumpSumAmountGrantedtoaretiree lifetochildrenwhoareover21yearsold,provided
who has not paid the required 120 theyareincapacitatedandincapableofselfsupport
monthlycontributions. duetophysicalormentaldefectwhichiscongenital
1. Amemberwho Q: When is a beneficiary entitled to death
a. has paid at least 120 monthly benefits?
retirement; A:
b. atleast60yearsold;and 1. Upondeathofamember,ifhehaspaidat
c. already separated from employment least 36 monthly contributions prior to
orhasceasedtobeselfemployed,OR thesemesterofdeath:
a. primary beneficiaries shall be
2. Atleast65yearsold,shallbeentitledfor entitledtothemonthlypension;or
as long as he lives to the monthly b. Iftherearenoprimarybeneficiaries,
pension;(Sec12B[a]) secondary beneficiaries shall be



entitled to a lump sum benefit

equivalent to 36 times the monthly A: Disability pension shall cease upon his
pension. retirementordeath.(Sec13A[j])
2. Upon death of a member If he has not
paid the required 36 monthly FuneralBenefit
contributions prior to the semester of
death: Q:Whatisthefuneralbenefit?
a. Primary or secondary beneficiaries
shall be entitled to a lump sum A:AfuneralgrantequivalenttoP12,000.00shallbe
benefit equivalent to the monthly paid, in cash or in kind, to help defray the cost of
pensionmultipliedbythenumberof expenses upon the death of a member or retiree.
monthly contributions paid to the (Sec.13B)
b. 12 times the monthly pension, SicknessBenefit
Q:Whatisadisabilitybenefit? ofdaysamemberisunabletoworkduetosickness
A: It is a cash benefit paid to a member who
becomes permanently disabled, either partially or Q: What are the requirements to be entitled for
totally. sicknessbenefit?

Q:Whatisthedifferencebetweendeathbenefits A:
andPermanentTotalDisabilitybenefits? 1. The member paid at least 3 monthly
contributions in the 12month period
A: immediately preceding the semester of
DeathBenefits PTDBenefits sicknessorinjury
Requisite 2. Confined for more than 3 days in a
atleast36monthlycontributions hospital or elsewhere with the approval
3. He has used all current company sick
PrimaryBeneficiaries Member leaveswithpayforthecurrentyear
Failuretomake36monthlypayments 4. Notified his Er or the SSS, if he is a
Benefitsshallbeinlumpsumequivalenttothe separated, voluntary or selfemployed
monthlypensiontimesthenumberofmonthly member
pension,whicheverishigher. Q:Whowillpaysicknessbenefits?andhowmuch
Q: What is the effect of the death of the PTD
pensioner? A:TheErshallpaythe:
1. Ee for each compensable confinementor
A: fractionthereofor
1. Primary beneficiaries are entitled to
receivemonthlypensionasofthedateof 2. SSS if member is selfemployed daily
disability. sickness benefit equivalent to 90% of his
2. No primary beneficiaries and he dies averagedailysalarycredit,subjecttothe
within 60 months from the start of his followingconditions:
monthlypensionsecondarybeneficiaries a. In no case shall the daily sickness
shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit benefitbepaidlongerthan120days
equivalent to the total monthly pensions in 1 calendar year, nor shall any
corresponding to the balance of the 5 unused portion of the 120 days of
year guaranteed period excluding the sickness benefit granted be carried
dependentspension.(Sec.13A[c]) forward and added to the total
number of compensable days
Q: What is the effect of retirement or death to allowableinthesubsequentyear;



b. Notpaidformorethan240dayson 2. Er shall be reimbursed only for each day

account of the same confinement; of confinement starting from the 10
and calendar day immediately preceding the
c. Ee member shall notify his Er of the date of notification to the SSS if the
factofhissicknessorinjurywithin5 notification to the SSS is made beyond 5
calendar days after the start of his calendar days after receipt of the
confinement unless such notificationfromtheEemember.(Sec.14
confinement: [c])
i. isinahospital
ii. the Ee became sick or was Q:WhenwillreimbursementbemadebySSS?
injured while working or
withinthepremisesoftheEr A:GR: SSS shall reimburse the Er or pay the
(notification to the Er not unemployed member only for confinement
necessary); within1yearimmediatelyprecedingthedatethe
3. If the member is unemployed or self theSSS
ofhisconfinementwithin5calendardays XPN:Confinementinahospitalinwhichcasethe
after the start thereof unless such claimforbenefitorreimbursementmustbefiled
confinementisinahospitalinwhichcase within 1 year from the last day of confinement.
notificationisalsonotnecessary; (Sec.14[c])

4. Where notification is necessary, MaternityBenefit
confinement shall be deemed to have
started not earlier than the 5th day Q:Whatisthematernitybenefit?
immediately preceding the date of
notification.(Sec.14[b]) A: The maternity benefit is a daily cash allowance
granted to a female member who was unable to
Note:Thelawdoesnotrequirethatsicknessmustbe workduetochildbirthormiscarriage.
Q: What are the qualifications for entitlement to
Q: When will compensable confinement thematernitybenefit?
A: 1. She has paid at least three monthly
1. Beginsonthe1stdayofsickness contributionswithinthe12monthperiod
2. Payment of such allowances shall be immediately preceding the semester of
promptlymadebytheEr: herchildbirthormiscarriage.
a. every regular payday or on the 15th 2. Shehasgiventherequirednotificationof
andlastdayofeachmonth, her pregnancy through her employer if
b. incaseofdirectpaymentbytheSSS employed, or to the SSS if separated,
as long as such allowances are due voluntaryorselfemployedmember.
Q:WhataretherequirementsinorderthatErmay entitledtothematernitybenefit?
A: Yes, A voluntary or a selfemployed member is
A: entitledtothematernitybenefitprovidedthatshe
1. 100% of daily benefits shall be meetsthequalifyingconditions.
reimbursed by SSS if the following
requirementsaresatisfied: Q:Howmuchisthematernitybenefit?
a. Receipt of SSS of satisfactory proof
ofsuchpaymentandlegalitythereof: A: The maternity benefit is equivalent to 100 per
b. The Er has notified the SSS of the cent of the members average daily salary credit
confinement within 5 calendar days multiplied by 60 days for normal delivery or
afterreceiptofthenotificationfrom miscarriage,78daysforcaesareansectiondelivery.



A: a continuous period
1. Exclude the semester of contingency exceeding 120 days
(deliveryormiscarriage). regardless of whether he
Note: Semester refers to two consecutive bodyparts.
quarters ending in the quarter of
contingency. Quarter refers to three d.Beneficiaries
consecutive months ending March, June,
SeptemberorDecember. Q:Whoareprimarybeneficiaries?

2. Count12monthsbackwardsstartingfrom A:
the month immediately before the 1. The dependent spouse until he or she
semesterofcontingency. remarries

3. Identify the six highest monthly salary 2. The dependent legitimate, legitimated or
creditswithinthe12monthperiod. legallyadopted,andillegitimatechildren,:
Note: Monthly salary credit means the children shall be entitled to 50% of the
compensation base for contributions share of the legitimate, legitimated or
benefitsrelatedtothetotalearningsforthe legallyadoptedchildren.
4. Addthesixhighestmonthlysalarycredits
togetthetotalmonthlysalarycredit. A: In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the
5. Divide the total monthly salary credit by
180 days to get the average daily salary In the absence of all the foregoing, any other
credit. This is equivalent to the daily person designated by the member as his or her
maternityallowance. secondarybeneficiary.(Sec.8[k])

6. Multiplythedailymaternityallowanceby Q:Whoareconsidereddependents?
78days(forcaesareansectiondelivery)to A:
getthetotalamountofmaternitybenefit. 1. The legal spouse entitled by law to
Q:Whatisthedifferenceofcompensabilityunder 2. The legitimate, legitimated, or legally
theLaborLawandtheSocialSecurityLaw? adopted,andillegitimatechildwho:
a. Isunmarried,
A: The claims are different as to their nature and b. Notgainfullyemployed,and
purpose. (Ortega vs. Social Security Commission, c. Hasnotreached21yearsofage,orif
G.R.No.176150,June25,2008) over 21 years of age, he is
LABORLAW SOCIALSECURITYLAW beenpermanentlyincapacitatedand
Purpose incapable of selfsupport, physically
Governs compensability Benefits are intended to ormentally.
of: provide insurance or
3. The parent who is receiving regular
1. workrelated protection against the
disabilities hazards or risks of

2. whenthereisloss disability, sickness, old
of income due to age or death, inter alia, Q:Whatismeantbydependentforsupport?
workconnected irrespective of whether
or work theyarosefromorinthe A: The entitlement to benefits as a primary
aggravated injury course of the beneficiary requires not only legitimacy but also
orillness. employment. dependence upon the member Ee. (Gil v. SSC CA
Nature GRSP.37150,May8,1996)
A disability is total and Disability may be
permanentifasaresultof permanent total or Ifawifewhoisalreadyseparateddefactofromher
the injury or sickness the permanentpartial. husband cannot be said to be "dependent for
Ee is unable to perform support"uponthehusband,absentanyshowingto



the contrary. Conversely, if it is proved that the performed by these 50 people is not in connection
husband and wife were still living together at the with the purpose of the business of the factory.
timeofhisdeath,itwouldbesafetopresumethat Hence, the employment of these 50 persons is
she was dependent on the husband for support, purely casual. They are, therefore, excepted from
unless it is shown that she is capable of providing the compulsory coverage of the SSS law. (2000 Bar
forherself.(SSSv.Aguas,G.R.No.165546,Feb.27, Question)
Q: Who is entitled to the benefits of an SSS (R.A.8291)
member who was survived not only by his legal
wife,whoisnotdependentuponthemember,but Q: What are the purposes behind the enactment
alsobytwocommonlawwiveswithwhomhehad oftheGSISAct?
A: To provide and administer the following social
A: The illegitimate minor children shall be entitled securitybenefitsforgovernmentemployees(Ee):
to the death benefits as primary beneficiaries
because the legal wife is not dependent upon the 1. Compulsorylifeinsurance
member.TheSSSLawisclearthatforaminorchild 2. Optionallifeinsurance
to qualify as a dependent the only requirements 3. Retirementbenefits
are that he/she must be below 21 yrs. of age, not 4. Disability benefits to workrelated
marriednorgainfullyemployed.(Signeyv.SSS,G.R. contingencies;and
No.173582,Jan.28,2008) 5. Deathbenefits

Q:Whatiscompensation? Q:Who are considered employers (Er) under the
A: All actual remuneration for employment,
includingthemandatedcostoflivingallowance,as A:
wellasthecashvalueofanyremunerationpaidin 1. NationalGovernment
anymediumotherthancashexceptthatpartofthe 2. Its political subdivisions, branches,
remuneration received during the month in excess agencies,instrumentalities
ofthemaximumsalary. 3. GOCCs, and financial institutions with
Q: The owners of FALCON Factory, a company 4. Constitutional Commissions and the
engaged in the assembling of automotive Judiciary(Sec.2[c])
components, decided to have their building
renovated. (50) persons, composed of Q:CanSSSEesbecoveredbyGSIS?
engineers, architects and other construction
workers, were hired by the company for this A:Yes.
purpose. The work was estimated to be
completed in 3 years. The Ees contended that Q:WhoisanEmployeeormember?
since the work would be completed after more
than1year,theyshouldbesubjecttocompulsory A:Anyperson,receivingcompensationwhileinthe
coverage under the Social Security Law. Do you service of an Er, whether by election or
agreewiththeircontention?Explainyouranswer appointment,irrespectiveofstatusofappointment,
fully. including barangay and sanggunian officials. (Sec.
A: No. Under Sec. 8 (j) of R.A. 1161, as amended,
employment of purely casual and not for the Q:Whatiscompensation?
purpose of the occupation or business of the
employer are excepted from compulsory coverage. A: The basic pay or salary received by an Ee,
An employment is purely casual if it is not for the pursuant to his or her election or appointment,
purposeofoccupationorbusinessoftheEr. excluding per diems, bonuses, OT pay, honoraria,
allowances and any other emoluments received in
In the problem given, Falcon Factory is a company addition to the basic pay which are not integrated
engaged in the assembly of automotive intothebasicpayunderexistinglaws.(Sec.2[i])
components. The 50 persons (engineers, architects
and construction workers) were hired by Falcon Q: Baradero is a member of the Sangguniang
Factory to renovate its building. The work to be BayanoftheMunicipalityofLaCastellana,Negros



Occ.andispaidonaperdiembasis.Ontheother a.Coverage
hand, Belo a ViceGovernor of Capiz is in a hold
overcapacityandispaidonaperdiembasis.Are Q: What government Ees are subject to coverage
the services rendered by Baradero and Belo on a undertheGSIS?
ofserviceforretirementpurposes? A:
GR: All Ees receiving compensation who have
A: Yes. The traditional meaning of per diem is a not reached the compulsory retirement age,
reimbursement for extra expenses incurred by the irrespectiveofemploymentstatus.
public official in the performance of his duties.
Under this definition the per diem is intended to XPNs:
coverthecostoflodgingandsubsistenceofofficers 1. Uniformedmembersofthe:
and employees when the latter are on a duty a.AFP;and
outside of their permanent station. On the other b.PNP.
hand, a per diem could rightfully be considered a 2. Contractuals who have no Er and Ee
compensation or remuneration attached to an relationshipwiththeagenciestheyserve.
Q: Who are covered by life insurance, retirement
The per diems paid to Baradero and Belo were in andothersocialsecurityprotection?
the nature of compensation or remuneration for
their services as Sangguniang Bayan and Vice A:
Governor, respectively, rather than a GR: All members of the GSIS shall have life
reimbursement for incidental expenses incurred insurance, retirement, and all other social
whileawayfromtheirhomebase. security protections such as disability,
survivorship, separation, and unemployment
If the remuneration received by a public official in benefits.(Sec.3)
mere allowance for expenses but appears to be XPNs:Membersof:
hisactualbasepay,thennoamountofcategorizing 1. Thejudiciary;and
the salary as a per diem would take the 2. Constitutional commissions who shall
allowances received from the term service with havelifeinsuranceonly.
compensation for the purpose of computing the
numberofyearsofserviceingovernment.(GSISv. b.Exclusionsfromcoverage
Q: Who, under the GSIS, are excluded from the
Q:WhatarethesourcesoffundsoftheGSIS? coverage?

A: It comes from the monthly contributions of the A:
coveredEesandErs.(Sec.5) 1. Ees who have separate retirement
schemes (members of the Judiciary,
The contributions of the Ees are deducted and Constitutional Commissions and others
withheld by the Er each month from the monthly similarlysituated)
salaryoftheformerandareremittedbythelatter, 2. Contractual Ees who have no ErEe with
together with its own share, to the System within theagenciestheyserve
the first 10 days of each calendar month following 3. Uniformed members of the AFP, BJMP,
themonthtowhichthecontributionsapply.(Sec.6) whose coverage by the GSIS has ceased
Q: What is the penalty in case of delayed 4. Uniformed members of the PNP whose
remittanceornonremittanceofcontributions? coveragebytheGSIShasceasedeffective
A: The unremitted contributions shall be charged
interests as prescribed by the GSIS Board of Q:Forthepurposeofbenefitentitlement,howare
Trustees but shall not be less than 2% simple themembersclassified?
interest per month from due date to the date of
paymentbytheemployersconcerned. A:
1. Activemembers
a. Still in the service and are paying



b. Covered for the entire package SeparationBenefits

benefits and privileges being
extendedbyGSIS. Q: When will amemberbeentitled to separation
benefits and what comprises these separation
2.Policyholders benefits?
a. Coveredforlifeinsuranceonly
b. Canavailofpolicyloanprivilegeonly A: A member who has rendered a minimum of 3
c. Mayalsoapplyforhousingloans years creditable service shall be entitled to
d. Judiciary and Constitutional separation benefit upon resignation or separation
Commissions underthefollowingterms:

3. RetiredMembers 1. A member with at least 3 years but less
a. Former active members who have than 15 years: Cash payment equivalent
retired from the service and are to 100% of the AMC for every year of
already enjoying the corresponding service the member has paid
retirementbenefitsappliedfor contributions:
b. Not entitled to any loan privilege, a. notlessthanP12,000.00
exceptstockpurchaseloan(Sec.2.2, b. Payable upon reaching 60 years of
RulesII,IRR) age or upon separation, whichever
2. A member with less than 15 years of
Q: What are the benefits provided by the GSIS service and less than 60 years of age at
Act? thetimeofresignationorseparation:
a. Cashpaymentequivalentto18times
A: the basic monthly pension (BMP),
1. Separation payableatthetimeofresignationor
2. Unemploymentorinvoluntaryseparation separation
3. Retirement b. An oldage pension benefit equal to
4. Permanentdisability the basic monthly pension, payable
5. Temporarydisability monthly for life upon reaching the
6. Survivorship ageof60.
7. Funeral
8. LifeInsurance Q:Whataretheeffectsofseparationfromservice
9. Such other benefits and protection as withregardtomembership?
may be extended to them by the GSIS
suchasloans. A: A member separated from the service shall
continue to be a member and shall be entitled to
Q:WhatarethebenefitsunderP.D.1146(Revised whateverbenefitshehasqualifiedto.
GSIS Act of 1977) that may be granted to the
separatedmembersofthePNP,BJMPandBFP? Note: A member separated for a valid cause shall
automatically forfeit his benefits, unless the terms of
A:GR: resignationorseparationprovideotherwise.
1. Oldagebenefit
2. Permanentdisabilitybenefit Inthecaseofforfeiture,theseparatedemployeeshall
3. Survivorshipbenefit be entitled to receive only of the cash surrender
4. Funeralbenefit valueofhisinsurance.
5. Retirementbenefit
Q: What are the conditions for entitlement to
Q: What are the reportorial requirements of the unemploymentbenefits?
A: Er must report to GSIS the names, employment 1. The recipient must be a permanent
status,positions,salariesoftheemployeeandsuch employeeatthetimeofseparation;
othermatterasdeterminedbytheGSIS. 2. Hisseparationwasinvoluntaryduetothe



3. He has been paying the contribution for Q:Whataretheoptionsoftheretireewithregard

atleast1yearpriortoseparation. tohisorherretirementbenefits?

Q:Whatwillconsistofanunemploymentbenefit? A:Theretireemaygeteitherofthefollowing:

A: It will consists of cash payment equivalent to 1. Lumpsumequivalentto6monthsofthe
50%oftheaveragemonthlycompensation basic monthly pension (BMP) payable at
the time of retirement and an oldage
Note:Amemberwhohasrenderedatleast15yearsof pensionbenefitequaltoBMPpayablefor
service will be entitled to separation benefits instead life, starting upon the expiration of the 5
ofunemploymentbenefits. yearscoveredbythelumpsum;or
2. Cash payment equivalent to 18 times his
RetirementBenefits BMPandmonthlypensionforlifepayable
toretirementbenefits? PermanentDisabilityBenefits

A: Q:Whatisdisability?
1. Amemberhasrenderedatleast15years
ofservice; A: Any loss or impairment of the normal functions
2. Heisatleast60yearsofageatthetime ofthephysicaland/ormentalfacultyofamember,
ofretirement;and which reduces or eliminates his/her capacity to
3. He is not receiving a monthly pension continuewithhis/hercurrentgainfuloccupationor
benefit from permanent total disability. engageinanyothergainfuloccupation.
inordertobeentitledforretirementbenefit? A: Complete incapacity to continue with present
employment or engage in any gainful occupation
A:ThedoctrineinCenavs.CSC(G.R.No.97419,July due to the loss or impairment of the normal
3, 1992), was modified in Rabor vs. CSC, (G.R. No. functionsofthephysicaland/ormentalfacultiesof
111812,May31,1995),wheretheSCheldthat:The themember.
head of the government agency concerned is
vested with discretionary authority to allow or Q:Whatispermanenttotaldisability(PTD)?
who has reached 65 years old without completing A: Accrues or arises when recovery from
the15yearsofgovernmentservice.However,this impairment mentioned in Sec.2(q) (defining
discretion is to be exercise conformably with the disability)ismedicallyremote.
provisions of Civil Service Memorandum Circular
No. 27, series of 1990 which provides that the Q:Whatispermanentpartialdisability(PPD)?
A: Accrues or arises upon the irrevocable loss or
Q:Whatisthereasonforcompulsoryretirement? impairment of certain portions of the physical
faculties, despite which the member is able to
A: The compulsory retirement of government pursueagainfuloccupation.
officials and Ees upon their reaching the age of 65
yearsisfoundedonpublicpolicywhichaimsbyitto Q:Whataretheconditionsinordertobeentitled
maintain efficiency in the government service and forpermanentdisabilitybenefits?
the opportunity to enjoy during the remainder of A: The permanent disability was not due to any of
their lives the recompense, for their long service theff:
comparatively easier life, freed from the rigors of 1. Gravemisconduct
civil service discipline and the exacting demands 2. Notoriousnegligence
that the nature of their work and their relations 3. Habitualintoxication
with their superiors as well as the public would 4. Willfulintentiontokillhimselforanother
impose upon them. (Beronilla v. GSIS, G.R. No.



Q: What are the two types of permanent contribution prior

disability? hisdisability
e. Heisnotreceiving
A: oldageretirement
1. Permanenttotaldisability(PTD)accrues pensionbenefits
or arises when recovery from any loss or
impairment of the normal functions of 2.Ifthememberdoesnot
satisfy the conditions
the physical and/or mental faculty of a
member which reduces or eliminates his
least 3 years service, he
capacity to continue with his current
gainfuloccupationorengageinanyother payment equivalent to
gainful occupation is medically remote. 100% of his average
[Section2(q)and(s)] monthlycompensationfor
each year of service he
2. Permanent partial disability (PPD) has pad contributions but
accrues or arises upon the irrevocable not less than P12,000.00
lossorimpairmentofcertainportion/sof which should have been
the physical faculties, despite which the his separation benefit (he
member is able to pursue a gainful shall no longer receive
occupation.(Sec.2[u]) separationbenefits)

PTD PPD Q: When will the payment of these benefits be
Causes suspended?
1. Completelossofsight Complete and
ofbotheyes permanent loss of the A:
2. Lossof2limbsator useof: 1. Incaseamemberisreemployed;or
abovetheankleor 2. Member recovers from disability as
wrist 1.Anyfinger determinedbytheGSIS;or
3. Permanentcomplete 2.Anytoe 3. Fails to present himself for medical
paralysisof2limbs 3.Onearm examination when required by the GSIS.
4. Braininjuryresulting 4.Onehand (Sec.16[c])
inincurableimbecility 5.Onefoot

orinsanity 6.Oneleg
Q: Manioso was suffering from several diseases
5. Suchothercasesas 7.Oneorbothears
maybedetermined 8.Hearingofoneorboth
bytheGSIS ears ClerkIattheBudgetCommissionuptothetimehe
9.Sightofoneeye was transferred and promoted to the DENR as
Senior Bookkeeper. On 95, he was
Such other causes as hospitalized.The results of his examinations
determinedbyGSIS showed that he was suffering from Acute
Benefits Myocardial Infarction and Hypertensive Vascular
1.Amemberisentitledto A member is entitled to Disease. From Jan May 95 when he compulsory
the monthly income cash payment in retiredfromgovernmentserviceandafterserving
benefit for life equivalent accordance with the for36yrs,henolongerreportedforwork.Hissick
totheBMPwhen: scheduleofdisabilitiesto leave covering said period was duly approved. In
a. Heisintheservice be prescribed by GSIS, if the meantime, Manioso filed a claim for income
at the time of the he satisfies the given benefits with the GSIS which found his ailments
disabilityor conditions of either (1) workrelated. He was granted Temporary Total
b. If separated from or(2)ofSec.16(a). Disability benefits for 2 months.He was later
service grantedPermanentPartialDisabilitybenefitsfor8
c. He has paid at months. It appears that he appealed for more
least 36 monthly
disability benefits with the GSIS which subjected
him to a series of medical tests. In 97, he was
within 5 years
brought to the PGH several times due to Chronic
preceding his Renal Infection 2 to Obstructive Uropathy 2 to
disability Staghorn Calculi (L) and Benign Prostatic
d. Hehaspaidatotal Hypertrophy;DiabetesMellitusNeprophaty,Stage
of at least 180 IV, and Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis. He then
monthly filed a request with the GSIS for additional
disability benefits, claiming that the ailments for



which he was hospitalized several times in 97 a. Hehasexhaustedallsickleaves

developed from his workrelated illnesses. The b. CBAsickleavebenefits
GSISdisapprovedManiososrequest. Provided,that:
i. He was in the service at time of
Do Maniosos ailments which later developed fall disability;or
underthecategoryofpermanenttotaldisability? ii. If separated, he has rendered at
least 3 years of service and has
A: Yes. Under Art. 192 (c) of P.D. No. 442, as paid at least 6 monthly
amended (the LC), the following disabilities are contributions in the year
deemed total and permanent:(1) Temporary total precedinghisdisability
disability lasting continuously for more than 120 2. The temporary total disability benefits
days. Under Section 2(b), Rule VII of the Amended shallinnocasebelessthanP70aday.
Rules on Ees Compensation, [a] disability is total
and permanent if as a result of the injury or Note: A member cannot enjoy the temporary total
sickness the Ee is unable to perform any gainful disabilitybenefitandsickleavepaysimultaneously.
occupation for a continuous period exceeding 120
days,exceptasotherwiseprovidedunderRuleXof AnapplicationfordisabilitymustbefiledwiththeGSIS
these Rules. In the case at bar, Manioso was on within4yearsfromthedateoftheoccurrenceofthe
sick leave from Jan 11, 95 up to his date of contingency.
retirement on May 15, 95 or for a period of more
than 120 days. Surely, the DENR, in approving his SurvivorshipBenefits
more than 120 days leave must have passed upon
his Medical Certificate relative to his ailments. Q:Whoareentitledtosurvivorshipbenefits?
Maniosos disability having lasted for more than
120 days, he is entitled to PTD benefits. (Manioso, A: Upon the death of a member or pensioner, his
v.GSIS,G.R.No.148323,Apr.29,2005) beneficiaries shall be entitled to survivorship
Q: Does Maniosos retirement from service
preventhimfromentitlementtoPTDbenefits? 1. The basic survivorship pension which is
A: No. Benefits due an Ee due to workrelated 2. The dependent childrens pension not
sickness shall be provided until he becomes exceeding 50% of the basic monthly
gainfully employed, or until his recovery or death. pension
None of these are present in Maniosos case. It
would be an affront to justice if Manioso, a Q: Under what conditions are the primary
government Ee who had served for 36 years, is beneficiaries entitled to the basic monthly
deprived of the benefits due him for workrelated pension?
ailments that resulted in his Permanent Total
Disability. (Manioso v. GSIS, G.R. No. 148323,Apr. A: Upon the death of a member, the primary
29,2005) beneficiariesshallbeentitledto:

TemporaryDisabilityBenefits 1. Survivorship pension: Provided, That the
Q:Whendoestemporarytotaldisabilityarises? a. was in the service at the time of his
A: It accrues or arises when the impaired physical b. if separated from the service, has
and/ormentalfacultiescanberehabilitatedand/or rendered at least 3 years of service
restoredtotheirnormalfunctions.(Sec2[t]) atthetimeofhisdeathandhaspaid
36 monthly contributions within the
Q: What benefits are given for temporary fiveyear period immediately
disability? preceding his death; or has paid a
total of at least 180 monthly
A: contributionspriortohisdeath;or
1. Member is entitled to 75% of his current
daily compensation for each day or 2. The survivorship pension plus a cash
fractionthereofoftotaldisabilitybenefit, payment equivalent to 100% of his
to start at the 4 day but not exceeding average monthly compensation for every
120daysinonecalendaryearwhen: year of service: Provided, That the



hisdeathwithatleast3yearsofservice; P12,000.00:Provided,Thatthememberis
OR intheserviceatthetimeofhisdeathand
3.Acashpaymentequivalentto100%ofhis 2. Intheabsenceofsecondarybeneficiaries,
average monthly compensation for each the benefits under this par. shall be paid
year of service he paid contributions, but tohislegalheirs.(Sec.21[c])
not less than P12,000.00: Provided, That
the deceased has rendered at least 3 Q:Whatarethebenefitsthatthebeneficiariesare
years of service prior to his death but entitledtouponthedeathofthepensioner?
does not qualify for the benefits under
item(1)or (2)ofthisparagraph.[Sec.21 A:
(a)] 1. Upon the death of an oldage pensioner
or a member receiving the monthly
Q:Aftertheendoftheguaranteed30months,are income benefit for permanent disability,
the beneficiaries still entitled to any survivorship the qualified beneficiaries shall be
benefits? entitled to the survivorship pension
defined in Sec. 20 of this Act, subject to
A: Yes. The survivorship pension shall be paid as theprovisionsofpar.(b)ofSec.21.
follows: 2. When the pensioner dies within the
period covered by the lump sum, the
1. When the dependent spouse is the only survivorship pension shall be paid only
survivor, he/she shall receive the basic aftertheexpirationofthesaidperiod.
sheremarries; Q: Gary Leseng was employed as a public school
2. When only dependent children are the amemorandumwasissuedbytheschoolprincipal
survivors, they shall be entitled to the designating Gary to prepare the model dam
basic survivorship pension for as long as project, which will be the official entry of the
they are qualified, plus the dependent school in the search for Outstanding Improvised
childrens pension equivalent to 10% of Secondary Science Equipment for Teachers. Gary
the basic monthly pension for every compliedwithhissuperior'sinstructionandtook
dependentchildnotexceeding5,counted hometheprojecttoenablehimtofinishbefore
from the youngest and without the deadline. While working on the model dam
substitution; project, he came to contact with a live wire and
was electrocuted. The death certificate showed
3. When the survivors are the dependent that he died of cardiac arrest due to accidental
spouse and the dependent children, the electrocution.
dependent spouse shall receive the basic
survivorship pension for life or until Bella (Garys commonlaw wife) and Jobo (his
he/she remarries, and the dependent onlyson)filedaclaimfordeathbenefitswiththe
children shall receive the dependent GSISwhichwasdeniedonthegroundthatGarys
childrenspension.(Sec.21[b]) death did not arise out of and in the course of
employment and therefore not compensable
Note:Thedependentchildrenshallbeentitledtothe because the accident occurred in his house and
survivorship pension as long as there are dependent not in the school premises. Is Bella entitled to
children and, thereafter, the surviving spouse shall file a claim for death benefits with the GSIS?
receive the basic survivorship pension for life or until Why?
A: The beneficiaries of a member of the GSIS are
Q: When are secondary beneficiaries entitled to entitled to the benefits arising from the death
survivorshipbenefits? of said member. Death benefits are called
survivorship benefits under the GSIS Law. Not
A: In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the beingabeneficiary,Bellaisnotentitled to receive
secondarybeneficiariesshallbeentitledto: survivorship benefits. She is not a beneficiary
1. The cash payment equivalent to 100% of dependentspouse.(1991BarQuestion)
his average monthly compensation for
each year of service he paid Q: Is the cause of death of Gary (cardiac arrest
contributions, but not less than



due to accidental electrocution in his house)

compensable?Why? FuneralBenefits

A:Yes.TobecompensableundertheGSISLaw,the Q:Whatcomprisesthefuneralbenefit?
Q: Abraham, a policeman, was on leave for a leastP18,000after5years(specificallyyear2002).
month.Whilerestingintheirhouse,heheardtwo The amount shall be determined and specified by
of his neighbors fighting with each other. theGSISthroughaninformationcirculardistributed
Abraham rushed to the scene intending to to all Ers for posting at their premises. (Sec. 23,
pacify the protagonists.However,hewasshotto par.1)
death by one of the protagonists. Eva Joy, a
housemaid, was Abraham's surviving spouse Q:Whenwillitbepaid?
whom he had abandoned for another woman
years back. When she learned of Abraham's A:Uponthedeathof:
death, Eva Joy filed a claim with the GSIS for
death benefits. However, her claim was denied 1. Anactivemember
because:(a)whenAbrahamwaskilled,hewason 2. Amemberwhohasbeenseparatedfrom
leave; and (b) she was not the dependent the service but is entitled to future
spouse of Abraham when he died. Resolve with separationorretirementbenefits
reasons whether GSIS is correct in denying the 3. A member who is a pensioner (excluding
claim. survivorshippensioners)
4. A retiree who is at the time of his
A: Yes, because under the law, a dependent is one retirement was of pensionable age, at
whoisalegitimatespouselivingwiththeEe. least 60 years old, who opted to retire
(Art.167[i],LC)In theproblemgiven,EvaJoy had under RA 1616 (An act further amending
been abandoned byAbrahamwhowasthenliving Sec.12, C.A. 186, as amended, by
already with another woman at the time of his prescribingtwoothermodesofretirement
death. andforotherpurposes).

Moreover, Abraham was on leave when he was LifeInsurance
killed. The 24hour duty rule does not apply when
thepolicemanisonvacationleave.(ECCv.CA,G.R. Q:Whataretheclassesoflifeinsurancecoverage?
No. 121545, Nov. 14, 1996) Taking together
jurisprudence and the pertinent guidelines of the A:
ECC with respect to claims for death benefits, 1. Compulsorylifeinsurance
namely: 2. Optionallifeinsurance

1. That the Ee must be at the place where Note:Theplansmaybeendowmentorordinarylife.
2. That the Ee must have been performing Q:Whendoescompulsorylifeinsurancecoverage
hisofficialfunctions;and takeeffect?
3. That if the injury is sustained elsewhere,
theEemusthavebeenexecutinganorder A: All Ees including the members of the Judiciary
for the Er, it is not difficult to understand and the Constitutional Commissioners except for
then why Eva Joy's claim was denied by MembersoftheAFP,thePNP,BFPandBJMP,shall,
the GSIS. (Tancinco v. GSIS, G.R. No. under such terms and conditions as may be
132916,Nov.16,2001) promulgated by the GSIS, be compulsorily covered
with life insurance, which shall automatically take
In the present case, Abraham was resting at his effectasfollows:
house when the incident happened; thus, he was
not at the place where his work required him to 1. Those employed after the effectivity of
be.AlthoughatthetimeofhisdeathAbrahamwas this Act, their insurance shall take effect
performing a police function, it cannot be said onthedateoftheiremployment;
that his death occurred elsewhere other than the 2. For those whose insurance will mature
place where he was supposed to be because he after the effectivity of this Act, their
was executing an order for his Er. (2005 Bar insurance shall be deemed renewed on
Question) the day following the maturity or expiry



3. Forthosewithoutanylifeinsuranceasof 2. Within15daysfromreceiptofthenotice
the effectivity of this Act, their insurance ofdecisionoraward,theaggrievedparty
shalltakeeffectfollowingsaideffectivity. mayappealthedecisionoftheGSISBoard
of Trustees to the CA. Appeal shall be
Q: When may a member obtain optional life taken by filling a verified petition for
insurancecoverage? review with the CA. (Sec 1 to 5, Rule 43,
A: 3. Whennoappealisperfectedandthereis
1. A member may at any time apply for no order to stay by the Board,by the CA
himself and/or his dependents an orbytheSC,anydecisionorawardofthe
insurance and/or preneed coverage Board shall be enforced and executed in
embracing: thesamemannerasdecisionsoftheRTC.
a. Life Note:Thesocialsecuritybenefitsshallbe
b. Memorialplans exempt from attachment, garnishment,
c. Health execution, levy or other processes issued
d. Education by the courts, quasijudicial bodies or
e. Hospitalization administrative agencies including the
f. Other plans as maybe designed by Commission on Audit, disallowances, and
GSIS from all financial obligations of the
2. Any employer may apply for group
insurancecoverageforitsemployees. Q:Mayamemberenjoythebenefitsprovidedfor
in the Revised GSIS Act simultaneous with similar
Q:WherecanGSISloansbeinvestedin? benefits provided under other laws for the same
1. In direct housing loans to members and A:Wheneverotherlawsprovidesimilarbenefitsfor
group housing projects secured by first the same contingencies covered by this Act, the
mortgage giving priority to the low memberwhoqualifiestothebenefitsshallhavethe
incomegroups optiontochoosewhichbenefitswillbepaidtohim.
2. In short and medium term loans to However,ifthebenefitsprovidedbythelawchosen
members such as salary, policy, are less than the benefits provided under this Act,
educational, emergency stock purchase theGSISshallpayonlythedifference.(Sec.55)
Q: What is the prescriptive period to claim the
benefits? Q:Whoaretheconsideredbeneficiaries?

A: A:
GR:4Yearsfromthedateofcontingency 1. Primarybeneficiaries
a. The legal dependent spouse until
XPN:Lifeinsuranceandretirement(Sec.28) he/sheremarriesand
b. Thedependentchildren.(Sec.2[g])

Q: What is the process for the adjudication of 2. Secondarybeneficiaries
claimsanddisputesregardingtheGSISbenefits? a. Thedependentparentsand
b. Subject to the restrictions on
A:ThequasijudicialfunctionsoftheGSISshallbe dependent children, the legitimate
vestedinitsBoardofTrustees. descendants.(Sec.2[h])

1. The GSIS, in appropriate cases, or any Q:Whoareconsidereddependents?
person whose rights are or may be
prejudiced by the operations or A:
enforcementofR.A.8291andotherlaws 1. Legitimatespousedependentforsupport
administered by the GSIS, may file a uponthememberorpensioner;
petition before the GSIS either personally 2. Legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted
orthroughcounsel. child,includingtheillegitimatechild,
a. whoisunmarried,



b. notgainfullyemployed, 4.EMPLOYEESSCOMPENSATION
c. not over the age of majority, or if
over the age of majority, Q: Discuss briefly the Employees Compensation
incapacitated and incapable of self Program(ECP).
support due to a mental or physical
defect acquired prior to age of A: It is the program provided for in Article 166 to
majority;and 208 of the Labor Code whereby a fund known as
3. Parentsdependentuponthememberfor the State Insurance Fund (SIF) is established
support.(Sec.2[f]) through premium payments exacted from Ers and
from which the Ees and their dependents in the
3.LIMITEDPORTABILITYLAW event of workconnected disability or death, may
(RA7699) promptly secure adequate income benefit, and
A: A covered worker who transfers employment
fromonesectortoanotherorisemployedonboth Q:WhoaresubjecttocoverageundertheECP?
sectors, shall have creditable services or
contributions on both Systems credited to his A:ErsandtheirEesnotoversixty(60)yearsofage
service or contribution record in each of the are subject to compulsory coverage under this
Systems and shall be totalized for purposes ofold program.
age, disability, survivorship, and other benefits in
eitherorbothSystems.(Sec.3) TheErmaybelongtoeitherthe:

All contributions paid by such member personally, 1. Public sector covered by the GSIS, comprising
andthosethatwerepaidbyhisemployerstoboth the National Government, including GOCCs,
Systems shall be considered in the processing of PhilippineTuberculosesSociety,thePhilippine
benefits which he can claim from either or both NationalRedCros,andthePhilippineVeterans
Systems.(Sec.4) Bank;and
2. Private sector covered by the SSS, comprising
Q:Howarethe"portability"provisionsofR.A.No. all Ers other than those defined in the
7699 beneficial or advantageous to SSS and GSIS immediatelyprecedingparagraph.
members in terms of their creditable employment
servicesintheprivatesectororthegovernment,as TheEemaybelongtoeitherthe:
the case may be, for purposes of death, disability
orretirement? 1. Public sector comprising the employed
workers who are covered by the GSIS,
A: Portability provisions of R.A. No. 7699 shall including the members of the AFP, elective
benefit a covered worker whose creditable officials who are receiving regular salary and
services or contributions in both systems credited any person employed as casual emergency,
tohisserviceorcontributionrecordineachofthe temporary,substituteorcontractual;
system and shall be totalized for purposes of old 2. Private sector comprising the employed
age, disability, survivorship and other benefits. workerswhoarecoveredbytheSSS.
(Sec. 3)
transferoffundsfortheaccountandbenefitofthe A:
workerwhotransfersfromonesystemtoanother. 1. Employeronthefirstdayofoperation

This is advantageous to the SSS and GSIS members 2. Employeeonthedayofhisemployment
for purposes of death, disability or retirement
benefits. In the event the employees transfer from Q:WhatisanOccupationalDisease?
their creditable employment services and A: One which results from the nature of the
contributions are carried over and transferred as employment, and by nature is meant conditions
well.(2005BarQuestion) which all Ees of a class are subject and which
produce the disease as a natural incident of a
particular occupation, and attach to that



occupationahazardwhichdistinguishesitfromthe 4. Claim was filed beyond three (3) years

usual run of occupations and is in excess of the fromthetimethecauseofactionaccrued
hazardattendingtheemploymentingeneral (Art.201,LC,asamendedbyP.D.1921)

To be occupational, the disease must be one Note: Notorious negligence is equivalent to gross
wholly due to causes and conditions which are negligence; it is something more than mere
normalandconstantlypresentandcharacteristicof carelessnessorlackofforesight.
Q: Abraham Dino works as a delivery man in a
Q:WhatisSickness? construction supply establishment owned by
Abraham Julius. One day, while Dino was making
A: It means any illness definitely accepted as an reportsonhisdelivery,hehadanaltercationwith
occupational disease listed by the Commission or Julius; irked by the disrespectful attitude of Dino,
anyillnesscausedbyemployment,subjecttoproof JuliuspulledouthisgunandshotDino,hittinghim
thattheriskofcontractingthesameisincreasedby in the spinal column and paralyzing him
workingconditions(Art.167(l),LC). completely.Juliuswasprosecutedfortheact.

Q:DiscussbrieflythetheoryofIncreasedRisk. 1. Is the disability suffered by Abraham Dino
A:ThetermsicknessasdefinedinArticle167(l)of 2. IfAbrahamDinorecoverscompensationfrom
the Labor Code is a recognition of the theory of the SIF, can he still recover from Abraham
increased risk. To establish compensability under Juliusdamagesinthecriminalcase?Why?
ofworkconnection,butwhatisrequiredismerely A:
a reasonable workconnection and not a direct 1. Yes.TheinjurywassustainedbyAbrahamDino
causalrelation.Proofofactualcauseoftheailment in his place of work and while in the
isnotnecessary.Thetestofevidenceofrelationof performanceofhisofficialfunctions.
notcertainty.(Jimenezv.EmployeesCompensation 2. No. Under Article 173 of the Labor Code, as
Commission, G.R. No. L58176, March 23, 1984; amendedbyP.D.1921,theliabilityoftheState
Panotesvs.ECC,G.R.No.L64802,March29,1984) Insurance Fund under the Employees
Compensation Program shall be exclusive and
Q: May an illness not listed by the Employees in place of all other liabilities of the Er to the
Compensation Commission as an occupational Ee or his dependents or anyone otherwise
diseasebecompensable? entitled to recover damages on behalf of the
Compensation Commission as an occupational Q: Socrates Benjie, a truck driver employed by a
disease, it must be established that the risk of local construction company, was injured in an
contracting the same is increased by working accident while on assignment in one of his
conditions. employers project in Iraq. Considering that his
injury was sustained in a foreign country, is
Q:WhatdefensesmaybeinterposedbytheState SocratesBenjieentitledtobenefitsundertheECP?
Insurance Fund (SIF) against a claim for
compensation made by a covered Ee or his A:Yes.Filipinosworkingabroadintheserviceofan
dependents? Er, domestic or foreign, who carries on in the
Philippines any trade, business, industry,
A:Thefollowingdefensesmaybesetup: undertaking or activity of any kind, are covered by
1. Injury is not workconnected or the
sicknessisnotoccupational Q: What is the Going and Coming Rule? Is this
2. Disabilityordeathwasoccasionedbythe ruleabsolute?
orkillhimselforanother,orhisnotorious A: GR: In the absence of special circumstances, an
negligence(Art.172,LC) Ee injured while going to or coming fromhis place
3. Nonoticeofsickness,injuryordeathwas ofworkisexcludedfromthebenefitsofWorkmens
giventotheEr(Art.206,LC) CompensationAct.




1. WheretheEeisproceedingtoorfromhis 2. DisabilityBenefits
workonthepremisesoftheEr; 3. DeathBenefits
2. ProximityRulewheretheEeisaboutto 4. FuneralBenefits
enter or about to leave the premises of
his Er by way of exclusive or customary MedicalBenefit
3. Eeischarged,whileonhiswaytoorfrom Q: What are the conditions of entitlement to
his place of employment or at his home, MedicalServices?
or during this employment with some
dutyorspecialerrandconnectedwithhis A:ForanEetobeentitledtomedicalservices,the
employment;and followingconditionsmustbesatisfied:
4. Where the Er as an incident of the 1. HehasbeendulyreportedtotheSystem
employment provides the means of (SSSorGSIS);
transportation to and from the place of 2. He sustains a permanent disability as a
employment. resultofaninjuryorsickness;and
3. TheSystemhasbeennotifiedoftheinjury
Q:WhoareentitledtobenefitsundertheECP? orsicknesswhichcausedhisdisability.

A: The covered Ee, his dependents, and in case of DisabilityBenefit
A: They are income benefits in case of temporary
A: total disability, permanent total disability and
1. Legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted permanentpartialdisability
or acknowledged natural child who is
unmarried, not gainfully employed, and Q: What are the disabilities that are considered
not over twentyone (21) years of age or totalandpermanent?
over twentyone (21) years of age
provided he is incapacitated and A: The following disabilities shall be deemed total
incapableofselfsupportduetoaphysical andpermanent:
or mental defect which is congenital or 1. Temporary total disability lasting
acquiredduringminority; continuously for more than one hundred
2. LegitimatespouselivingwiththeEe;and twenty days, except as otherwise
3. ParentsofsaidEewhollydependentupon providedforintheRules;
himforregularsupport.(Art.167(i),LC,as 3. Completelossofsightofbotheyes;
amendedbyP.D.1921) 4. Lossoftwolimbsatorabovetheankleor
Q:Whoareincludedinthetermbeneficiaries? 5. Permanent complete paralysis of two
A: "Beneficiaries" means the dependent spouse 6. Brain injury resulting in incurable
untilheremarriesanddependentchildren,whoare imbecilityorinsanity;and
the primary beneficiaries. In their absence, the 7. SuchcasesasdeterminedbytheMedical
dependent parents and subject to the restrictions Director of the System and approved by
imposed on dependent children, the illegitimate theCommission.(Art.192(c),LC)
children and legitimate descendants who are the
secondary beneficiaries;Provided, that the Q: May a permanent partial disability be
dependent acknowledged natural child shall be converted to permanent total disability after the
consideredasaprimarybeneficiarywhenthereare Eesretirement?Why?
eligibleformonthlyincomebenefit.(Art.167,LC,as A:Yes.Thisisinlinewiththesocialjusticeprovision
amendedbySec.I,P.D.1921) in the Constitution. A persons disability may not
Q: What are the benefits which may be enjoyed but rather over a period of time. And disability
undertheSIF? should not be understood more on its medical
1. MedicalBenefits



Q: May permanent total disability arise although A: In case the employee's injury or death was due
the Ees does not lose the use of any part of his to the failure of the employer to comply with any
body? law, or to install and maintain safety devices, or
A: Yes. Where the Ee is unable, by reason of the saidemployershallpaytotheStateInsuranceFund
injuryorsickness,toperformhiscustomaryjobfor a penalty of twentyfive percent of the lump sum
more than 120 days, permanent total disability equivalent of the income benefit payable by the
arises. (Ijares vs. CA, G.R. No. 105854, August 26, System to the employee. All employers, especially
1999) those who should have been paying a rate of
contribution higher than required of them under
DeathBenefit thisTitle,areenjoinedtoundertakeandstrengthen
Q: What are the conditions for entitlement to theiremployee.(Art.200,LC)
A: The beneficiaries of a deceased Ee shall be SIF?
conditionsaresatisfied: A: Contributions under this Title shall be paid in
1. The Ee has been duly reported to the device for the deduction of any portion thereof
System; from the wages or salaries of the employees shall
2. He died as a result of an injury or benullandvoid.(Art.183(c),LC)
3. The System has been duly notified of his The Republic of the Philippines guarantees the
death, as well as the injury or sickness benefits prescribed under this Title, and accepts
whichcausedhisdeath. general responsibility for the solvency of the State
Q: For how long are the primary beneficiaries shall be covered by supplemental appropriation
entitledtothedeathbenefits? fromthenationalgovernment.(Art.184,LC)

A: Q: When does the right to compensation or
1. Dependent Spouseuntil he or she benefit for loss or impairment of an Ees earning
remarries. capacity due to workrelated illness or injury
2. Dependent Childrenuntil they get arise?
married, or find gainful employment, or
reachtwentyone(21)yearsofage. A: It arises or accrues upon, and not before, the
3. Dependent Child suffering from physical happening of the contingency. Hence, an Ee
or mental defectuntil such defect acquires no vested right to a program of
disappears. compensation benefits simply because it was
operative at the time he became employed. (San
Q: If an Ee suffers disability or dies before he is Miguel Corporation vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 57473,
duly reported for coverage to the System (SSS or August15,1988)
Q: Does recovery from the SIF bar a claim for
A: TheEr(Sec.1,RuleX;Sec.1,RuleXI;Sec.1,Rule benefitsundertheSSSLaw?Why?
FuneralBenefit Labor Code, payment of compensation under the
Q:Whatisthefuneralbenefit? SSS Law, Republic Act No. 1161, as amended.
A: A funeral benefit of P10, 000.00 shall be paid duetohazardsinvolvedandaremadeaburdenon
upon the death of a covered Ee or permanently the employment itself. On the other hand, social
totallydisabledpensioner. security benefits are paid to SSS members by
Q: When is an Er liable to pay a penalty to the contribute their money to a general fund. (Maao
StateInsuranceFund(SIF)? Sugar Central Co., Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. 83491,


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