Survey For Language in Contact

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1. What is fundamental to define the contact phenomena?

Social factors are fundamental to the definition of contact phenomena.

2. Thomason and Kaufman have proposed a typology of interference mechanisms

related with social factor. Which are the established distinctions they made?
They established distinctions between language shift and language maintenance,
language learning and language creation.
3. Yaron Matras discusses the role of the social prestige of a language, often defined in
terms of political, economic, or public dominance. What are the evidences he
show? He gives evidence to show that asymmetry in the Social roles of the
languages may determine the direction of change, but does not necessarily explain
the motivation for structural change.
4. What is one of Matras objectives? Is to identify the relationship between
spontaneous innovations in discourse and the processes of language change through
the propagation and stabilization of these innovations in communication.
5. What is Matras hypothesis about innovations? His hypothesis is that
innovations are not arbitrary but driven by a communicative purpose, and that
contact-induced change is the product of the creativity of speakers who seek new
ways to achieve goal-oriented tasks in communicative interaction.
6. What do you understand as Replica Language and Model Language?

This creation is understood as a process by which the speakers of the receiving language
look for methods of establishing equivalence relations between their language and the
source language.

7. Why is creative activity important?

Creative activity is an important part of contact-induced change, as is well-known and

described in many studies in which informants are portrayed as unpredictable speakers
(Thomason 2001) or language builders (Hagge 1993).

8. Define the following:

The former activity: It is the activity which adopts the model of the source language and
may modify it to adapt its structure to the receiving language. The less attested: It is
characterized by the emergence of a structure that is clearly a consequence of contact.

9. Write the ways in which Purepecha has been modified the influence of
1. Firstly, the Spanish particle type msque has been borrowed and replicated.
2. Another particle type may be associated with an original construction attested in
Lengua de Michoacan (a pre-contact replica language), the coordinated type with
negation (Lit. It is warmer inside the house and not outside.). This type is a
creation resulting from contact-induced and internal changes.
3. A third particle type is also accompanied by a locative phrase, as in Spanish
10. Which are the two link of innovation in Purepecha?

They are the desire of the speakers of the villages in which this construction is found to
distinguish themselves from others on linguistic and cultural levels, and also a cross-
linguistic tendency to connect comparison with location and to express comparison through
a locative type.

11. List the structural changes that language change and language obsolescence
can promote.
Reduction of paradigms
Reduction in the use of grammatical categories
Loss of grammatical categories
Optional mechanisms in morphology or syntax.
12. According to Alexandra Aikhenvald and Ana Fernndez Garay illustrations. When
a language is in gradual death? and What they observe from speakers of
obsolescent language?
A language is in gradual death when the languages no longer actively used nor
transmitted to the next generation. They observe that speakers of an obsolescent
language vary in their proficiency, from fluent language speakers to semi-
speakers and rememberers with very limited competence.
13. What a language contact outcome produce?
Contact-induced language change: which include change through
borrowing and change through imperfect learning.
Extreme language mixture: include Pidgins and creoles and Bilingual
mixed languages.
Language death: include Attrition, Grammatical replacement and
14. What happen with an obsolescent language before passing into extinction?
Before passing into extinction, an obsolescent language may become a carbon copy of the
dominant idiom.
15. Explain the features of language death
As speech community shrinks, material is lost and eventually is only able to express
common concepts which usually leads to extinction.
Grammatical replacement
Starts with borrowing from surrounding languages and eventually, little trace of
original language remains.
The first generation is monolingual in the original language after in the second
generation it become bilingual with dominant language and finally in the third
generation becoming monolingual with the creation of a new language.
16. How was examinated language by heine?

Heine examines language contact situations in which grammatical meanings or structures

are involved.

17. Whose studied multi-causality and distinction about grammatical changes?

Chamoreau Estrada Lastra inpress Goury inpress

18. What is conspiracy between contact-induced phenomena and internal

Studies on language change only take into account some of the types of mechanism and
process reflecting grammatical changes.

19. What are the principals of grammaticalization?

Words borrowed from another languages.

20. Do exist places in which exist mixed languages?

Yes, it is situated in Spain it is call Gibraltar.

Language Contact

Contact-induced change and internally motivated change

Ana Paula, Roxana, Arlet, Gabriela.

21. About what, Contact/induced language has been related? (Contact-induced

change and principles of grammaticalization)
Contact-induced language change has often been related to the presence or absence
of constraints that may explain the borrowing of different kinds of structures
22. What does Bernd Heine argue?
He argues that contact-induced grammatical change is constrained by universal
principles of grammaticalization.
23. What does Meillet argue?
Meillet argued that the evolution of grammatical structures would imply the
presence of processes due to internal change (analogy and grammaticalization) as
well as processes related to language contact (borrowing).
24. What are the problems Julen Manterola points out with the ways Basque data
have been used in recent contact theories?
He discusses three specific problems:
Firstly, the use of only one source does not take distinctive dialectal data
into account; empirical knowledge about Basque needs to be brought up to
Secondly, historical data have been neglected.
Thirdly, the function of the ancient plural indefinite article batzu has never
been explored.
25. What does Anthony P. Grant examine in his article?
Grant examines major borrowed mechanisms in processes including clause-linking,
coordination, complementation, conditionality, and causality in various languages,
and discusses the extent to which hierarchies of dependent clause marker borrowing
can be established and empirically validated.

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