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india @ UN. was the performance...

- SHould india go for permanent seat?

- ICC v/c ICJ
- UNSC v/s UNGA resolution
- Lots of island disputes- south china sea, east china sea n japan sea
- india n south america
- connect central asia policy unveiled recently
- india n china in Africa
- relevance of NAM.....that was wat PM spoke on in tehran
- extradition treaties- S.rabia extradited abu jundal, portugal - abu salem, denmark dint extradite kim davy(purulia
arms drop case)
- cultural diplomacy- muktijoddha remains to BNG, kapilavastu relics to SL, buddha statue to Myanmar, people to
people contacts
- India n BRICS 75 $ billion loan to IMF. India gave 10$ billion. How do u justify?
- Is india toeing US line? - delay in IPI, cutting crude from Iran, abstained in 1st UNSC resolution on syria but voted in
consequent ones
- quest for NSG, n other memberships(australia group, wassenar etc...)
- stance on climate change issues
- should siachen be dimilitarized? (2012 avalanche)

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