Global Temperature: Click Here More Figures

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Global Temperature http://www.columbia.


Global Temperature

To sign up for our monthly update of global temperature (Map and Graphs), please click here

Additional figures are on More Figures page.

With 1880-1920 Base Period

In this graph the base period is switched from our traditional 1951-1980 to 1880-1920 for the reasons given
in "A Better Graph", but of course we continue to also produce our graphs with the 1951-1980 base period, as
shown below. (Figure also in PDF Data through January 2017 are used for computing the means. last
modified 2017/02/15, now with GHCN version 3.3.0 and ERSST v4.)

With Our Traditional 1951-1980 Base Period from Here

Below are maps of the mean surface temperature anomaly for the past month, the past three months, and the
past 12 months. Regional weather patterns, apparent on the monthly time scale, tend to disappear in averages
over longer time scales. In the chart in the lower right we show the 12-month running means of the global
land-ocean temperature anomalies.

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Global Temperature

Most recent one, three and 12 month mean global temperature anomaly maps, and 12-month-running
mean global temperature anomaly. (Also in PDF, last modified 2017/02/15, now with GHCN version 3.3.0
and ERSST v4).

Our traditional graph of the annual and 5-year running means of the global temperature is shown on the left,
and 12-month, 60-month and 132-month (to minimize the effect of the 11-year solar cycle) running means on
the right. Part (b) makes clearer that global warming is continuing it did not stop in 1998.

(a) Annual and 5-year mean global surface temperature anomalies. (b) 12-month and 132-month
running means. The base period is 1951-1980 for both (a) and (b). (Also in PDF both parts, part (a), part
(b) and part (b) from 1880 Data through January 2017 are used for computing the means. last modified
2017/02/15, now with GHCN version 3.3.0 and ERSST v4.)

Additional figures are on More Figures page.

Information in detail with tables and the original data sources are on NASA GISS temperature web pages.

Note 1: GHCN-M version 3 replaced version 2 in GISS temperature analysis because NOAA/NCDC no
longer updates version 2. (since 2011/12/15)
GHCN v3.2.2 was replaced by v3.3.0 (since 2015/06/13, See NASA GISS Updates to Analysis page for

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Global Temperature

Note 2: Ocean data were switched from HadISST1 + OI SST to ERSST. (since 2013/01/15)
Ocean data were switched again from ERSST v3b to ERSST v4. (since 2015/07/15, corrected on 2015/07/19)

Our Essays:

Global Temperature in 2016 (2017/01/18), Figures in PDF

A Better Graph (2016/09/26)
Global Temperature in 2015 (2016/01/20)
Global Temperature Update (2015/08/24)
Global Warming Hole (2015/03/31)
Global Temperature in 2014 and 2015 (2015/01/16)
Global Temperature Update Through 2013: A Discussion. (2014/01/21)
Global Temperature Update Through 2012: Discussion of latest data. (2013/01/15)
Global Temperature in 2011, Trends, and Prospects: Update of GISS temperature analysis and
discussion. (2012/01/19)

Monthly Update E-Mails:

To sign up for the e-mails, please click here

2017: Jan
2016: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec (annual)
2015: Feb Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec (annual)

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