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(Sekhar Sir)
f+rsir Kfre : -

telrr)' deFofes l)ermlnoF 6toraqe perrrtioai dtea'

a . Per6i6ro(e i6 o obich
- '(rl)
aPPlicoli on <Ln stottd Perm;ncorl) i5 coued Per6lsltol
'l dafa '
-o h
tc re lgic "'
&me dc,r.^ c.5 Pet6is k"i i5 ca It"d "'s ftnsls
.-' --+ 1be logid used iD
A6 a JavG FoSramm.i 14 have the 4rruriq olnoos 1o rnxc Sone abd'<( do Per6istot

..' O AFhi ftr

' '. @ tn x-r Fire

.- O A Dcft.oase

A tld| Pire id mlbinq t,,t a. Pire d,ich ig not retcrtb oirb

oDU ttob'ologg tt'rlj,*r-.,
- -+

' ' $t Javct oPPn g^grtiilo! )a t'rm)na'(d-

ewnrtrot-'3 h
ofo Java oPPlia{r+ton ' ft
lt rrKoDs
maDs ewurrw
6e appn i5 lill ol]'\'
. b"f th\l rtr datu PYmr@d (d) gcncrore d 4
* thtn t" licue llo she.'6
-\'-+ Ad a oova Pogtamrrrr, iP ur S o Bac& od at ct flc 6re

tor) tgiog a Bre'

fu fr.tar. Cs{) uddrr3 ttn dcra ;no f,'1g ..h
ocrrErr 6tveam ftr/
.1159 lnpur 8rcam 'i rtart'ibe dorrt &o'' a 6'e ,
: -+ o &vc" gr5g14m
:' 6,ritiq the dofa in t a Fr '

dirh Bl?5 , ioe got fic &r*r.,g dracolooclg.

cqvnplex.e crc ts, tt'a 4r nc'd io cdE &'ne Tttyt*';?c&

Q 4ra a'e G",rPEeJad

lar,e ang &tnrncrn ry'ry Lh"Xt%c !;re tut"k&s

@ {-o, r.s r,rr
&'v shrdnt lote drar:,, ! (+ {at"
0 Rnu co.,'. bc urcd

lesS Seorred
@ ftn. o" Ycg
tg dco the dcoE{

@ te 6a.'t ttr';tr*; n lnngil

a- :-
@ xrot os cr bacrend

---+ u6iog )(rD) ab 6 6o.*6d i olED6l e4{rar ta a pk* Bre 65 o k+end , &rJ the

diPPaence i5 a el6t Brc cat' lrar 6t6re tb dola, oo Xvol Pirc c:.n 6tur tb &fzr

cnd also can ds.nbe rl\e dc'h

E5- Flot gc

lN Asc 600 rt is Doi d.s.dEtbc 8lc, JlE) .3hft tbe .'.J$ .

{rrpad > loo 4tYrdid> r.-s Bre att' $r ddta and arso' cltaig de.scribc.he

le.(,rn> A6. 4cnc.rne> dclrct

LsJi> 6Do 4&'l >
' i,r'l
'-'t t,ilb X.Dl OS a baat end
, r" fu the 4rlouring pYbblerns U
0 Ro ctrur,rong qn )trrt Rte roe ti?ust glloaJ Sc'me tule6
@ Rr 6ca"cbi"g & s"'* &rra, aloago an cmJ Par< d

lltna tree 6 tratluYd iS C*ared Or,d & rifan$

XFDI i5 6\x/rl $en d.^labascs .
ftnP t-,

@ Irrl 6le6 art IAJ sru'rd,

r'anaf int<glrg dto th clc'r" [c{) &ro
@ are (aD't ?&tenliqj in]qnrU

MTE.- rhe benst oP x.t b, c,ot tan tmrs &'{ rbe tlera a11665 io \-,
[nguc'ge In]4rende(r, PhrtP.\m I'n de4tn&,n1 u.,A 6ro6 el .f'*g'rdr* '
*) blegaie as a &* eo d ".-

-+ tot$ Flerc.nt SemarLt qskro UL dpr 6.rrne J..r-br.c* s, so @e enJfir.d iDlD

DaraBP5e frrtncl8errrd
q{ltth '

coi6 Dqra&$6 ur }e.rr, rtc Str*i"g a&ankgee

tD Ldorl' t i'b iE '

0 Olragaser are SiYnPlz

r.oe ho-r'e o C6-mmon queq LaW$e Cs"t) -

&r" 6t6'ed ih c! Ddrttgole i6 suYrd
@ rfrc
TA o mrogo* ccro SiLt lr.t'gt tooutrl of &t"

flo *s ,latr. in a &fz.Aase

@ u:e co., rrnnage the JntcAlrg

osfo' i rots

f app;og [onn ) ?
go Pcr ohier ltlonrlr'al
- gi- wb'J u.,e n?cd to g Pt't iara oPPli@ticog t6 ialk @i$ dc^Jabose 5'

3q5trm6 giveo JDgc l-cchoolo8

-'+ *$ m;cYo
dorabases BqJ in a
-. ftn c-*uw
'-. --+ fveo tor,6h JDoc is
c' Socd re4hmlogc{ .!o;rh
" 6,/du(cd
r'- sord PYFbtems (d' ) &or"bocks ' er/iroDrrrDt, fbe te'hoologY t

the ftfa6c'6e stt'(l'rl e ;nY"iDd aDJ

,0 cobirc c'&r' ng JDoc pcr6iSLoce lo6ic )
afio' il compleer-r d iF rfte
dn cetei APtrY fie crwtl '
r,;e uldrc tbe JDgc c'?Plicor
oer t'r olar rbe changes in rhe
&r..b46t 6traduYe i3 rrld l?-i( rhe'l

dire apl.ica-t{or cbde, Lohen evel the Jooc codo

i5 aaded ' tt "opa lin.jl,rn
on o- pYogr(imrrer, (db co'l' )
ge t]'rDsF4rcd
->*R dara c"in be in obt{rs ( fte d&r'r coirl
oP Year
@ ln cpurartons '
6lnrlni ib in dararbaS
f'e &tr" of oLkcJs bf ohea
drh in rbe orPti crrl ott ) also in
ohieers Llu &PPli"rltc/a { a dorz.uase ' so o,-'
he JDgc tcd'olog5 cc'nmr tYao$R:4
c6;rt be fiafik\<d b rbe &drrlase
crf,jtrt ii Govrted t0 a tcab 4 F''n $t lerr
n3 Q] otiru ina o Ext- 6 re^b inf?
Hr'.r A? o{pli (otl.m coclt is inftrased {n ccnvefi
O 0Dgc,o lo3! osj s&L op6olic,n6 8, * g, bosed per6t6itoce Legtc ie c. \.
d.'ri.r bose &frnd<r* ( Jooc 6'sisr"'ce I'ogiL l4E'3oie daa"de''t )
od J
.O fn Jdbc lrchnolo! / r,o bor oll .to'tr d E'(cPdetn$ r 'ohn
er}e'( t,Ire Soec ode

in dqr rrffriroidr, @e ned b odd ettber tg 4toon btoc}6 6r tt"o'e ' :t rr{t*^i
Itre b(dde o 66 pyogro.ner( ( chealed Erc4Hoo s )
@ rn OOc kcl,rplogs so{., ycpi}tdive 6}.,11''fefti a{e reqKrre 6 pre"vn OnS ctrrodGd \-/

darauage . l}"io rtflfivg slattnai i5 cale d go;lcr- P1c-r}e code' &oz-o ttr:e cocle '*'
a burdeo on a. Pm0ramff|e{ t,i be incyfdsed. (00)ler-pldt(
Ja t'LkecoYe oSodl. ccrnnedr<'n rIE rtam'nl e^Pr;c;tb'
@) f., Uoea, a Ptooto"lrrr{ ba5 rJ
t lc the cc"\rfLtloo o6t'i''9
rs -r- r {I catrr!}{'ff' clo6lDqJ
It .nec,ng $c pYDsfqmts 'hc6
e n
lo |rrno
(oift a . rf 't ts pel horxl lc proprtg then cd a laxr pior of lioe ) 4h J
Dara8c s

c,+Pliacrtlot Go Yun O(lf oF Cunne(}ions ( ctr''rtron r'nno'menf ) W


-+ ro oJdcr to tf obdre clraco bacr<g og JDc ttrl'nolqSs *t t6lfd ra1r\

cvr corDe
randcng ShrEd grDv;dir$ c! specicd kjnd Og 6lt, Opm Soei(lote or t-ool .
k'{ cqtneotq v
--r (nhle u.eiDg oaH 6lto, it lntffiro't uslc agoin JDsa KLhmlo$
c W
tor$ ddkucLse , -It rrans , if ol2t4 ' 51u,5 r r'Jp a{e indiYtatb using JDB '
tO krll< Uirb 04ia$a-!(S.
-> Ttrc rrr{or btofit6 oP onh 6lro'd ir,ctude6 Don rrarsk,r ih ohjeclg 4 'rhe ' (,
prsitKoce l03ic indqroderU 9f &rra ba,scs l. U
qi- vJkrt i6 Ofrm I
oP 6luJ , @bicb oci6 liKc cr b'r; de blcD
opn 16 6 neto kind Pe{6i6t(oce

fro"aL-t ! or gorm dara in rbe R'ro 4*

Jcrva oPPllcdtlctn '{ x'l4losu
&vc. 06
o+p)i.aHd't . oti.+ h


useS JDgci.JNor dnd JrA ( Ja!c^ lYc'r$claicn APr) Por

oRm eoPr@reg inrc{oa\lS
ccrnvr{-micanng a Jovc crPPu cdriotl birt a Do.laBole in otde, lo Trao5ft"

blro rherr-
bJ C"nec}toj
D&tarSoae oflero$oo6
6n oo1 6lll) us?s JDSC Te'!'nolo33 " to ft1ftxrm
Rr{, obr('inin 3
on Oprl 6lur ureS tNof, Lohtn tuoftOlon pr:orl.dd$#c.rprr"d .

DoraBasg *.o,jlcm3. dnd fiA i5 u5td coh;re oaooging he -Dfa6are

,,r l

1be PDlloco,n$ o't he s6me of ft oaij s)to3 grven t5 difft*tr* vc"dra5

65a, p64g
----: dO66 (eoh r.te1
igArr,5 -_--> lF.he
-+ JopLiDk Or64c (CnP
---, --'
oJB Lotf(i Javq &ao) --:--------- ,qfi4he

tc ..' oOD C tcrva Dfs ohi.q ) Mobe

fn Reol lime Afpr;ao$one) 1}l hlo Of$1 6lrt),5 prc krcd, iBArtS'
tlibe'mE is the rDo6r opm &R er al@ atren g6rnparrd rorb ftre orler oPpl 6lkts

i4 the pdrDarb Rrnctiooatirg OP crtr r6e OEn 6l@ra i6 Eeme. Jt ff,an5 rbe Ddq
lr-rrns ftr qrirr b don ;n fie R''rq oP o\ieus and rhe Par
gi5r.r,(e Log t(. lS

indepndenr oP au ttre DaJabaras.

F., tur i5 l+ib(rndrc !

AD5: - Hib.r Dde i5 an ofxn 6ocl.ce ftortte axnx, olso cqfld a6 an oam fuot . o.od

Ib o(ts a6 a middlc tagcr betrren a Jo\a}o{?n aod Dalrr 6ose { *u' o." ,)
Pe.riarcnce ond qAerl 6ervi.e in rhe furm of Ohiects.

1r, Otel rcrrninalogg) U)e Cdlr lhbfrnofe a5 an clbsfrandsn lcraer cn lop

6+ JOBG |chnolog8.

HibcrDdlc Cc.n be C&Xed OS a lDol and aL$ c6 o fi<rmtrornv, BL'L

Hrerrnrc 4rrotoa fbe Cot' matrntiH 16 oF Ramansrl< 6

rte Porroto;ng Cort'rtro0d'f i 6 e6

Frarnc orqrrs BrrocoS

ft'o - instcu&ble 6l@'5 . Tbe 4a o? a @ill be r'r'

@ Frame r'lort'5 &rr -Fraae<o<'tt< U
ttr fi:tro oF a srr oe iar Fl6 '

t?.1 Frorrf dorP6 are imPl"rrrnEr}ldns ? kd rDt tb sPciFcc.ti(rns '

t6tk otflicofioD cmr4ins C/ile.!6l of,e amhg<"ancm !,

@ EwrS Fr&rr

a"d *p5 ciYe'"divided as rr{r'in dDa \i

(9 Frt -e rot rv6 cond ios ,1at Alu
derrndt,rr ia. 9res'
&oBrs f Aclvanrc,ges Og l+bci notf : "

Fibe'Dolc ha6 an E (cpHor,

r @!t.-b Cobv'YI5 otf*ed E(.4rlof\s oP

;i}gc inrD Unehckd E&+ttoo6 o? ++'urD1t{'' 6o, Hiberr$e h1g aU ur,cAeLei

E cptidD6. 6o, 1bc burden on a b;uc'mrc Poa^mrrr.r La.s a r.drrced , kcorrse

i6 no need lo hard le lb ExcePilc,ng eT Pllclil8,

Fih.t rr*e bos ito otpn qre'g LargtroS

e coled +i b'Ynolrc oxre"5 Larg''oge (ua
Loirh lht5 He,L) ++ife'nalc +unc6 b4orrf s Datcrbose indep enderr"t '

nc of ao&na rrlfr6 ber"4fr'

Lhuernara |.)C.s caclrng rrEchrnisrn. 1t redt'crs rtre
g *)
a Jnva o{plicottoq aod o lletaBost, 60, lliternole lDcYeos

gere"(marre of an d{ptrca$on.

tHuaoare has ver5loni n9 ao d TjrrrsiamP P"olul ' rorrh ttr-ra B** ' *t tn
a &,ra ig rrrarf ieJ arrl
c' l so
Corne to kr{Io foo *"g no o? iirnes
timc rhe dola i5 lot modi;ed'
oh t,tff detQ, ol c'Dho.t

-@ l-libernale &rpPolrs lnbed rtn'e and PlSmcv?\irm

ac$s5 rrslhPle lable5t

the dada 6nad
l,1*) +li berodlc (r)e can rorr8g
-,o ( cssose io$mt )
b5 opl6iog Qelo$do shlfl5 '
OJeo POro
i5 a UShr -deiBhJ Prame co6tk., ba@ur6e
@ +luetnort o
aod tttlajoc'se ^

a bl{-o an o{fli'4}too
ctcrss3 OhjG6 lv{ Darriftc,osft.r

eYc.. - "
oc I oalzole

Poxo c\o55'.- c(n

clos6 nr doegnot iroplerrr,rif
drsrot efitod cr bdge
--+ A JarG Ctoss, toblcb oP Java fhrt
givco bb Gng technologS o ang fra'nctilo'rY
inrc*?ore ,
igPe oP Jala cuss i5 ccrllcd d PoJo c}]xg'

-- Pr rorrPle,

O p($lic cl0s6 Test

l/ mc$ods

.] jeva' long ' Q$ar--

6i1a cla36 fo deFartt L exttrd9
-+ he Tert i3 o Po[o cu!6'
o of ,tovd.. 80, A PqIo clQss cAn e,(icod cr,
urt Obtq c1trt6'6 cs' API

clo.s6 o? Java.
@ p,r,,. ctoso lYg.Enrprtan ,{rcrdi Er tcpric.n
/t crf,oaS

here HgF,rcdon is a clcrra Ert+ttcrn

- paro s1as6,. Becouse fb'' Baae
.1., :,. jr' \,
betongs to Cov"APf o? Jp.'t a'

(0 ctosr D.oo

clas6 T3r gxxrda , D.Crno

' bose rlosS Dtr o is crldo a. fuJo cl4.!^9
--r Le"e Tar ia a Pqto clar6 B&ouJe 'ihe

cla.J6 -fe6
i irrdcrr(ni6 iava'io'&da0?4ale
-z hm Tert )6 a pF cldl6 ' ga'n"s e it ls 1"ryk"r"1o3

fbfc{f<r i6 klon\gs to CcreAPr 6F ifava'

fP&rv let
f{rbll c clals JZnt exEnds Javqx ' 'stvl(t' l-+

-t [r,e Jc51 is nor a Po0o loss , B@us it i 6
( g,ft.adin9
'' :'.11.:1

i6 c. cbss oP $.rroAPr | &ur.t-12.l'd063 .

@ p$io Ctoss Test inplctrtnlg jlva. rtni' Qet'ore
I rtx Q'-nG>]
a kz it1a air.Plqrrarins Pt.'oGe(r)o"l
h'. ?.t i5 rpi nbJD ctals '

fo ''.\--,
bclffSi Rmi Flrntodl

*, -, JD Jdva, cr l;gbt-ordgfr Pratnecao'f i5 also cdl-ted a.s bdn-irrvq6ive C't 1,df' -
lDRui6i ve
- ltarft urork '
t --ur i^
i6 t Id
tlo) invasive
invcsiv cit ;Dirlriive ft<-rrneroor l< '
Ao Healg - toaghr -'
{iietne coo,
- Q:- Wbat is a avogon i
I *-- A Java&on also a Jo\rq ctriss, t.,r!,rch i6 i;dPerden' oP c'n5 rec|'nol"g U

a lir^rr uorK'
- --+ to 5d{ rk* et Javcr 4lat5' a.5 i a 4y9S91
tf'ti $t'f"t koo- cc'ndiHctns tousr 'be

- goltBud ,;i l
- O A Jova clasS rrusr he gbtlc
i- a c6t6rr4cl41
(D A Java class mc rst cootcdn Pu$ic degorrl't '

+ \t
a S'* adaq Pqio rlasi rrn ot trsd rpr
Everg JavaBcon clos$ '0160 Poto

Egi- Potllc Clos6 ^mo


R"blic Dn'( )
"t 7

- d " Poro' aors '

----+ Hcte Datro 15 a - - -o.n
D ctas6 ot a'so

-j z lnr b)
rt.^utic. Pt'm (lt" a"
J4v4gean clars ./ D'mo )s a PoJD clas w'ii"( rhere ie no
- --- Hce &rrr, is noi.c(
!' FUic dt&rot Conshuri" ia
d6| de'ss '
mapPiog in Hiberrd :-

..-+ mdppiDg i5 o. mednni 6rD oe ioRrmiog an ORm too I CHibrr,ole ) ol,L+

dDr folo cldsS oueqr is need ro be $..Fd ID (ohoi +aHe oP q Dslc^tarC \-,

r{rAPIDS i6 a procesc oP h J
toritlng rrapptng6 bp-turcrr a pcuo cloxs

O iu.ble rnrn aod pot6 ctos6 Varic6te6 Dar,'6 lo a J.drle cDluff5 ftw. J

rlPPing ia c rrrtc.d.rir. , k-,l rar $e daJa. -n*Eh rrnfPirs ff)ebl&ft^ '

t.libfrrole 6idrr8 4.' Todb tte &.ra.r6tng q adlohse,

Evrrg oPn toot oeed rfappi!,g tne.rrrnltcro, ioo(de{ to Brde ' tbe sfale og

an Ohlf in a hr.Bare. \,)

An obilr l,or 'a' ep.rr*S Cdxed rdenfi tU gg$,

, Elorfog.
1{] 6Qh, 6itdn, qn Ohj$ ts nuhrng b-* 6iDdog *,r 6rart o an OqFf, tdnoy
- \J
ibe idEr.r'rb { k}ouio.,r.
-> F{l E0:-
Pabtic cldss Ce6br''e{
p,rotc tni Gstrrtlld:
P$vale jriioS cuslofdrNamei
p'tvoJe Sni"g .**r4,4 Adart.r s ; J
6erts65 q0 gd<.6
f U
--\eE Cusrttttct c t ; !,
cusbmcr Ct


ssXxr ( ) )(
-----. b..b4viout
ge xx11 J
r orr
@ 6n-k{ rr
Op.t4 to\, hcorrse an
rndoot et 6 rnndatz^g Rn on
Y,trtiip\t Ptfb cto6,6,gg ond I)arc.6ose &n GnloJo 661rip1e tabler ,
60 on oRfl t@l @nrt crrrtr6tan d .P b te 6rc'red )o
objed is neecl
$ve 1hJ5 irfinrclaH('q, a pro6rome( rrust Ccrnsf"r.+ /
u*nt table' -Ib


A mlgpinS beEreo q Qdtorne.( clas tD Ct,sror.,,ir taote (Dill

gr l)Fe tbc


Public ct*g C^ro-.t > ffstortter
--_ C.rto-e,Ia ; (tJ
> cia cdda
.+ c
C(lsrDrrEl N{rrie -.o,n"
----, cus rorrr'f Addr366)':-

io Hih,.ioat, r,a{ptng Cc.n be dooe in ?, un36.

O au c.atr,"g an tmt p1e

. O BU art,ng Atrpfalo'g
m cldiotira &d[ @id |c cr4d iD ]fikntt ]a 6rn rtDl. Filti4F slaie]&e;bDg.


xothe otove trble Cr.storrs fioto oQj?ci ;s ;ed fo be 5luftdriD CdltDf(r F$ler. i.lDcd4b49

ftot lroo c loss ohjec] 6k4e {rii I 6c 6tdrrd io Ct colu"hs . :r'

strr'tr ldde coreDhe, ;r ' o.fa,Bott
Ooh,Bot( .

.'-+ ro hibetnolc, a rrr?Ptn3 Ble 15 ldtfified c"irh <c.njft].rr.e > . bbm.arql

'-> Atnat\ gxr.oiidn YE+rIYtd f,n an ltnl Bre ig ''xrDt" &+ hbctrq}t c'!of's
- .bbro"r'n}', lo
rnolPln3 Bre as T.?cogni2' iL
(15 1rgeslcd io F"+ Ik exrcrstoa oFa
a,sul$ in s6 64plicalton.

---> f,rr i"t a rrnPPlng xt''t P;1s c{ Jrava claJ5 an.l PtDpcr fi o? a .laa9 a.e -,

r4A{ted lD d fora9are h.bte dn J Colamqs ol cr ftJ4oaJe +alte.

otlol "ots
-> -ih s$orat 09 tlrrtr'g a rmpprng .Bre tn -$rbcrrnfe l5

(aogrnmr 2 . rrnl
Zhibernq,r - rrfippih$ z
h r
do]abqK ta"\e
lrnsa *
rnrre= Rrlrg 'yrtriied iova ctassnorog'
.L1b[e -- "E ocfi= "Vainablo **" Ot,r-t, =" pn*tg yrX olcmn ",.'orns" >

lgenzranx class = " flfi?' otav no..te' 1 2

zlid 7

l.fxD?erfg rr(mf =" \bTiable rnme- 6166n =- column rnme' / z

LWD&{\ rarna =' Vari..ble rr,ff\a- dtrmn - Calqrn(t ndm' ,/ 2

LlLt.4ffd >

zlhue,narc - rfD?Pio8 >

IfnP 6krttnnr6 : -
in +$bernoJe) 'rtr i5 9065ib\ ib .,,$le rarlliple
O t.:frile consttt t'lng q r'APi og 9re

rurpiog ln a 3'n9\e trappil.'g Src'

,jova crc,sgea k6ls
a!t" coorca cr ffndr-le
(l:o+Piog fitc3
@ in R"otF,rne
o{dico}t6o3 ) the
a rrr'ts la3 cDhqnn ood ZPnPeW r-,
a rrD{?iog ftle zld> i5 to rooP @)it' P{i
ii c^ raS ro *s? ajq!: P"-9S-!9-
tterr inarcqd rt( Li a> \ _.,

19 rtert Crr't mul]iPlc Prirmq V(56 in

a fuJoBoBe *crjc\e
tc,5 ure $5e Lrytc:lf

Gn Bglr ortol ie {fiharntt '. -

'id rD*tn3 hd frr3sln 6 rggeS 4 iofdr ma'Hun l-0

-) G"rAgura$dn iq }hhc'rrre

tbe 'lliberocrK'
0 C.mndftt Pto(E| l}es
ra $b.lDoJc PoPe'trlc5
@ Ma,mrng Rrus
_ ---+ Conggctrotlon in tlbcroat Can be d6rE tr) crnlg alre /,r$d i.e. \ ooanr.cfing

, Ar' xml Pi,

+ A ds ' h,, hlUctto're &T al"Pe" s
Ccofi g.nafion Fle l?,ir5 erttl.'sioD
a4ge*ed tD Frr tte e^irn6iso a5 "'cq'xfot", T
recogoize a daoggcoafioo

6P |hbcrnorc in c{ Prqie* ec.,gt!.

.'> a,,e cao'L rPdace cc'n Bgurdfi ort &oro xfrl (nlrb onDofu'lon ' 3t me4Do in b;beroate
r't'pP)n xrDlt Llt p6; @oegurollcn Xtnl
clnmlaHc,S ort usd a.lg Sl arr';a rt' 3

,, $5- t) Hiberrffe 15 mt a rptd'rnnr og JDBC, lhberoolc is acr"arq inhodlroe J

AS An Olrttflnot"ive EJBa si6le eoHit bqos.

*) ung coirh HibcrrnlE i5 (oi$
rDrhing k* cr)d.un$ cDBc E4l,rologU
ln dtre*lg.

'.+ tlilcrnoJ( tq)plogs g)c6 cfit (tti tc n ? rDaUs

-_ .t

@ rhrorrgh 1mr fire

O f'o"gb Ahno k Hc/ns
drit( in 6blU 'xmi plle- (d iC i5 inhod4'd lik'",drt 5a
Pireg oYe
-.-j thbclrp,-be c(l:n?igurdHdn
gle3 ujed iD b't'tnore e"r
., qlso cdnfigu'roliGn gtes cc uitrlf( in Prtfcrh<6 Bl6- 'Ibtb t'!f!i6d3
(lllng 'xmt ere (rtlg
Jn hibanatc 6 r( cnQ.td6 {d( dre '

,.".lp,ng Arcs s,t tT ed in &ollitnc *!e-td)o<o '

- ---, r6drrte C'rm no4
each rrbdulc in Q<oldme ' 'dnt.;ts
ooe rrgfPirrg P;re contc'ittS 6ne Per ^
' de an,te
.tova et.s. i...ito." .,op9'ng Gri c-t e'osa ro "f Jwa

Lq'.' z h,ur,ncrlc - rv'0Pjoq >

= a.,,3s lbm?: >
zortf'nr'l " 2
tt aW\ ... . >
Acto* >
)clot' ndh.- '>
z.\.!$ >' n4\a- -- ' 7

Ll \Lss 7
4 hi!a,D^K . rr,opi. > dE {frd'trd da"E(drratl
..16r .t'F !.bo.4lrda adns

--t h coda &c a< us+'S alr,.t Hc'r) ptDa.'/tia of d"ra6"1: aP oa clu'qt o"e wafg\- ti q^ot+s v'a@t'

. t/rso! cg &t ttq s(llt otg$lrason fil'{ o' non@d tt q"} Ia"46lc

LI D&,1\PE

zhihtnc}f - coDFSo(c Jcn >

LSEjt ic.. - ?\rfinU

--> J
Z!- - Gnrrcrion ProPeYtic6
' P - d'ivcr
' enne{'k/q ' cL;Yrr clas6'> ha9lltc'urrl
lt +1\ rr,rne = htberooE - j
hlrretr,ore ' fctnoeerlon- ctt
t l> 6hive't *t
4rrqvn mrne ='i '-1groP- 't>
lw|*'ftb rEtm(:u hibe,rrre. C6nnecdc/n.
> -
Qsc'rrlme",> uselnc.n e 4 P,ae<o\
?g'suxrd '> po stlor! ''lrtu rtnta o
zPmf&r$ rr,me ='hibcroar ' amoectlc'r-r '

Z! -- Wqtfiie| ' ->

h;rerncrrc '-'
'f1,tt4lau1le'l diatctt cwsvL\ne zlt'ntz'tl7
ZProFo rC rrryr --" htbcQ3le '*' 7
\Q' z lprD?<4t1d 7 l-t
Z:Wv.(\ rp.rrr =
b;bc,,rnJe 'ol:ct'-ql">
Zl-- rnlt,ins ?''teb ^ -'
/wn4ptog ,".'cr,rc' t" ntafpir'3 Pirt oama l>

4 Segicrn - Nt'xtttg "

- Gn6gurartcrn z
..^, ncrte c.pplirodon ! ,-
in ^^
?'to ot 'l
rc-1-r;re '

9t tu" ",.t'J conAqutartcm ,,.od in crn a+pu.ct$oo .

g: rt
ft on
cn rc !9iL
rhe '!-::- --
ry dpcds
Dorat'cus i6 }'-a
Gres aod
'+ 1be {c}io bduren rtr cr'BqLrrarra :
rrubt @ cllfrfc one
.-7 rdure tcnkint &rrrb -$ibrnrnre, coe
d rrrr*a( Lod+'el rhr DaFda-t"l-
8,e &n *6 Oelat?c'sc c.'n ib doesnol-
(-ty (u{) in rDulHplc D'ltaBcrv fuv@ '
ore rrnnlng in tb Sn61c Db exu
SDOC Ix(raYDmcl has to to,irg the SoloperaH(os
ih Jdva dde rn4rutll{ ' 35 }5 the '\-/
-> fo
{t6(E ,siblli q ce pqJ(rrrna{ ioJCOa \-.,
&!t in \lhancd< lre oo f)<cd rd r,:.rtt 3elConwnnds n .3va c*te nrlxt-tt"tg' 4 l6dte t"uronuu;1'-3
4 br*,.pfa . 5o, <ot u5g OI6tu cl.'rs in (rfiQiryrartn gle lhi 5 Ol6\:!t c\ar! @ir\ (dd lnj'rrx{ (!{e '
c4 l-r;y',,or< andoling dok!b.!r( $eoet( q/t6'nr dndl 4,,r er*h "xr.,rrcro
of h;tt"plt
lhJ' d't-lt vor"t it'gttt"
.-, rtrDlh* qdrca{ng soL (drft,nnas ild( r.. *!.4 qx r,:e druo-clt 0tDcr^trs
tt J
St*-"it vatlrr ls rh.n (De Sce gnt j,L crn\dn I, ofieruite u.rt Corir scr.
l-HDoncd( A'.biE0crre :-

l+ibcr rrrtc
l (4'n

I -

fJ"o- f"*-l @'

'- tlbero(}le 64tcmvr ',

.- Atrttor ;Gavio kiq

IqPc : ofro scq.(c &orrt nr].V
e Ve.rslcm: 4.x C(urr....t v<rs;or) (comporiute otb .lCrr'Ot)
3.x (rorngclible @irh JdKl-5t)
?.x (jasak\6r)
: (n(!ro. so{rr(e krigc.ner/p'qie.ts /hr*trnte I kvsf tt,*rrasez

Tcoriat : &r(olo. tuhrriatsFrini. com / httcr rote

\, c{r-1(l]. ro6eirdio. ne,t-
Uaoat) . Java45.
* Bools: l+ir'mft 'n &rldo
Pro tlite..,..rc: ( A r, s rcrr'r; colr cn )

-- uorbhg (,oilb Aametxnr <ltrrg is mrhiog Uf u6in3 rt Pre&erd c'lasse

given in rhe gt &tes , da il der,tlop aa c,{pli@$oo .

ft" a Rar.6 &rc"lk, t,e Lor.< a rrr,ro iar 6re aod dr+nd."r ja. B're-o. simi t(ert3

fta Hiberoale hlberftrte 6.(Jcr1 is rhe rra,io jal Bre and fie rer.dnirg ,taY BLea
a't dqrendenf jc" f;r<s 6,l ir.
ne Srxr<rt.'g are re li6l oF i<.' Rtes 6e+'nt ;n 11l rte C1-4sser,r u R"t

exerr-nng Java o?Plicdftc^r ulrh

a b;bermae'

O l+ite, n<Ik 5 ic'r

@ andr 'veteic"r 'jaY
@ crnrrmcns - corledtonS - \'o{sioD'dctv
@ &m41i '
VeJidn 'ic!Y

o ,ialrssis t .vc/rs ;dn -iq.I

j \,
@ jba-voo'-oo. ar
Yu{si(m 'ia'J
@ 6te4i -d?i -
@ hiberrsle - i P-versi(r)

rrndsgiooding rnc,n and drpndenr jc''' frrtt:- :-===:-=:=

in &@ ot $e n\ne o(
-'-- I? .^ Jc,lra cr'ppliao'tlon uge3 d doss dva'lob\e
pe pecd 10 *,- *Dt iar Bte in the c\atsFajh'
corDpitaric'n drad\ <r need
aro*ct iaFte
.glr, *o't &pndt on acratscn
- ;;; 6tc at*o in *te cLAs5PAr !+
to 5c1 rhe &pndrr*
Eg- fubi
j c class A
--vac Aiava, A. el4ss
' ' vo,d tntt ) cvv a''ta"
l llcode

3 J
F-l}lic cl656 B
>Ja{ac B':ta'tc\ )
{ \,
E^rc?$un otturst
n&rr A() i
i' I a
A d6b>
vdld rDr)
7s1- a;,r55Pc,rb -' a 'ic't U
{ >i4Y4c B'javc J U
aoui ..orL) i
2ja< cv P o;'it" 6'ctctss J
3 ..J
NJavo lrcl n r1
SrHlc gars llai
>.$,taL gEl,q"Sava J E4codoi oailllF r-J
{r,su-1Srnn3. a's5i I ) Vx:LPllott\\e 2 S<+ lrosiiort zr-aoqe4vi
'{u oo=nt- BC);
25q' q1q5gP..rh = b'iq';'4 >
a)a4 -J

1 1 bohj'm.rc)) Tjovac 11"n 'iava J

aoh{i.d gi..rn&,r&
.:ava mot" a-l
-- Jo rbe ob.^re exarrf)l e Cod e, b.jar io fic roc,l n io.r Bte aod o iar is tbe dcpcodcn-6

jar R re 4rr rrra o (,h;lc

ib er ir, rh l+
-- Ubi le Coi.tPiling the hna] n clar55 b.ja^r "nd
coi$ Lrior t rc atso need
4{c'r in the
oxcuri ng the Na..i n clos s dlung r


5Ep5 ro odrc a clien' dpgllcalioD ;t, llibc'norc:-

-; c\.6t< orr ohJet o? Crof:rt.oacm
..., GnAAU'';bo cass i5 -::; *, q!T:H;::::-*'*d
a Joa &,ra aFPl;col1"o, Lib"nc"t( e'viroornrrH

Conr.;Xu*a'lon class
cP3 Qorr'a't.
a class o? ot3' hiterrtd{'
-a GnPigr.rarjo'' i$
@e need to corl &'nP;gure t ) -eri"'
Aht' c..oJins on ohi't of s-n*t*'^
os c( f)crornel.r
bX gass;og crlnfu*o]loo !
9o"tI"" --:l:
Btte 6-9 ots6 tacdeJ
*",^^fi Btc topprn9
- *; '* ^o*sroo ^t,^6. l.rh anfuyuTelton
*"t.' i5 'scd eod t\t
;; "oe
g,hAutatl oo ctc'tS '
aod vaqio1 4t s a s+a'ed in $. 'oe !a"94cg

(oofiguotla Co* -- r*a G''(r6uvarto''t ;
nel ' cfu ' x..' r
con?. ccm$qr'rcf"

Sk?- F-: -
ttU"tror- Cora.i 9".t",Y"nn,'tr
lug l, rc,-r oUf* oP
-7 B.aill on
..' --u 6*",-Fotr*; ia ..'' jrEYF.ce 6? dr1' hlbcrodle
rrtt( Ace i3 5^er""E'q9li'r1
-rtc lmplq'rndo! c tass of &:so"Ea*3
&<r liryt(iLt"tl dn c'tass
Sincc ir a &,r*utru t btt' inrr ooA iB I mP

6rc pmvi dcd ro5 hiburY)ot-c ctttlX .

Ull[n a ".tr.rnFar.ry5 ohJe* i5 b,ird th,e q a! &n Hgt,roH ot aod nr'{$.- &
tl)r\ 5e skxtd int6 Sessrct lFa.r,tJ o\)&l
&rsu,Fou-g ObF.r ls .r,"1* i,*.; .-lgh* Ohje,j.
rt,*s is tbe qtr'tt o$e k"r{ G!i6 hi Ohje+ CY@ttd in bige' oore.

6ero,,j h.ttt| -- Cc,nP ' baitd $so:onFaucn t >;

Skp-tr:- opn a 5es5;c'n oP l-rbe,nalt.

on toi rb rl(
inrcr nol-q a
ghen a $gsgloo is oPened then

ftrr,Base toll be esadished '

\t3 implcrren t6.floo C\c.t6

-'+ Sutiort is ao \nu<kr-e o? or6'hib'rde Fcnlayc'

iE &ssian fmpl rl-ott"'"j
bJ ^
Serat- ib IDeaDS \,
"-> ir; *ber narc 5e56ic'q5 are P'o&ti
fusr*E q is a &.ct'5 i5 gmdrci ng Se6616'6 (obi.f5)

Seeaioq sesStao = +t!$ttt'J' of'e o 535) an ) ;

6Fp-n:- 06ir) a Jransr'cHco col tb a Oarabage

6p dotc u'trhin aJit'-az'atter
ii, libernale al\ f,bfatjose otf,xdtlonS
O{ce$ " &ie*" O(,erd$ctn
using obfcr.
+ A Jrc,n sactt oo cr.n be 6lz{Ed
'f 4 O' hiLr' nat'lc ffr!*lrrdC' J,3 i mpl
---t liansc.t*rdD 15 oo rt?t'!c
Clas6 i6 -Fcrosadron Tr.p.t ,

-liaosantl cn tl = .9esbrdo. kgio-llansarnon ( ) j

[rf". O()eiadont cto DJaBa{c osio X rrrjhods ep Sessior,

..r:Pr.)l eornPllH"o o? o&\arto^6'

6ir?-fl :- CcprDi I a TraDsc.a}lo4
Lri6 iD a -TtansalHcrD
oJ\ O4ratloos rrrst bc &nC .

thberoa'lc, q44 tottuo*s tl''e

is 4urcd tt'c'' h;tl"are ottfuatt
-'- tF aq oYcaiott
-' {x'cornmirt) ;
''> c\6e d ks6tsa ('l& d F a0a8 e C6',nedl Crn @'TD
rhe Dei..6Q6c
ss5lc,o 15 clo5ed rhcn ioKl ncjlj a ,

.---+ <ohen a

rd\l be dosed.
355;6a1. clo.5eL i

r"' at4<t
*(pS:- l^lhllc 6toioq ir Seat'rt

ft1a&,a tt seo"h &x serk,

:; stssi o\1Fa.r."! og Liuertorc 1":'z/,oAs

&ctt"g ' crosdt)1


closg ' (j'rled Pro&&r +D a &fabase
6r'(ioq (r Polo
16e .Pauo<,tng Exdm?\e iS

u5;n3 -lflerDdfc'


Pod{t. hht., xlr)l . ,r'-: ..-.,. . l

Fo b;brurc' cPg'x",t
?rodq<r-Inrr t .

Proa,f . ,iavo f eom )
Flbric ctdss Pna"*
' pn"ot iot ptodatrd;
f,'rvoJ< 6h, D3 prod'dtName
Pr;vaF dooble pdce i

lldeh"rt Cdnsr'advi

F^ttic !ta,,*C f
ll fu rorsd,2ed Coosrr,.lt-u
"'; P'oa"*(rnt Fo&!Tu'6Hr

" *r'*t,Il = Ydr"u '

;t,*".1"'= sd'orNa'e;
tt*6'?4e :f .VGi
llsertt, o and SeJcs
aaR"dAcrr a frnt g'a"rla )
L wa

{ )
*'' P,odurld = Produrrrd

J," int SerPodarrtu
*n,,n F'Dd'uqhrd '
It-btlc void 3er Pta"" Nc't" (Snq pd-'rM-')
Narot I
*t' 1 d"t'N^t = P'i'ur

;. 6*ng 5.,?'"r"*|t''"ct
u a

lgno n Fd,-r-rMrou
FJui( vo\d serPlttt (d'*f Pltr )
{ ttug' rrt.. = 9n,.;
Fl.bti . dc,br" gu?*" t2
l{ rfu\ n (ttit" l
6ro,ing ao ohjeat lDa Dcrlaoag e' }.la'b'i'q'(
-'tfDa d cl&ss
l'1ibsn6,t o{T'l;c.dor .o}'ile
ao ohiert fom " *ult

ctreuo {,r gert rrrlbo& in a poJib ctass o'd talute readr5

4t c'rans' 9t
a d&4+ cons;.../d-d ona oloo ' *tkr
tlibcroalc cbqr<6 4or or't'v/.3 in &Jo
a e
to p.- &r ro {ithr{ 6 .5l6rc ol rc'd opc 'atlo'rs , in PoJo 'ft6r !k,'[*n^^
ot')l&"*'* dr olso setrr.t ao) 84+a^
r.r shdr) d inc,ud? c@Etrkct'(
--r rP oe dorpt cleak the J..vo. clo:s rtrq d4$n3 o,,nP;laHoD
aru &ns hr..r1'uJ iD
&a $d Java claJs '
pobfc aekdri coa5,{attrtr tottt & 6tJnao)sc<J\ c.ddc'l

oro r'ol/Ex"
"-fl Hib.'mrcl l+b.,odfelhnios
,r*"i I'Hl-ll,i'- r'uu"t >
biFrndltc- roolgiol - 3 o -d+d
'bril: /f brxrnott
'ou..e{or6. . ,rr/

4bilc'oatc -?ry{t,o8 ,>

*rbts >
frod'c ' id"le =" PYoJd'f -
Zcloss noroe ''
' >-
Zid mne -- P'odurrld
C,ol4mq ='Pid"
'/ z
ZgNfltuf Closs = " oss;6oed

,Llid >
' c'lamn =
ztoF"rU ffrme = po&vNa'ne
L{rf-*l :
narnc = F,"" 6olrmn =' Pnte'l

zlclos s >

4h;g'rrx - mqf ,g
Zl-- L;!<narc. cfu.,vt --)
Dm 60 //FN"
< lD(.l!PE bil,flDd_H - ron R$uya$ao puBfrC "-/lH,r..*r" 1t+*"-*t@-
" hirp,/wnu' !'ilcrrox" org Idid hb,rol - ronhyroHon -3o'dE''>
Z hiucrralt - ('#rg(4anrn >
zeesic":. - %oo4>
Lt -- Csrncc.ta^ p}."F lltg-->
*.",ti'""* J'i*' lt'.,*u- et*tle ' ituc' Orade ft.'o' 'lvwaz
t^; ..,a1*qt'1"
lr"oqr! narn?="H!o(^aJ<' ccaneri'lc,\ " tarr "u jCtc: Orrocte:lhin: g\o6thdt: l6)r:occl 4f${
lProFl'rv mrE =' hildoalt' c@.t*ro. . c$trrn@rc'e
" > &r' 4 f'r"') '2
A""fn! mme='fu'!a<i4,c' (onnt!"c^ ' ,''
-- I*,"'t'- 1*.,y<rta - 'r
Zl J.** .
z{roPry nsnt-" hitt'nal. " Sal'u_- ' a6'Ehana't< ' H+ z lt'^t*'rta 7 \i
,.1,7.t ,,V ,: :,. t,
zt- - ,qi;ri h rc f+tp+l e r+r t* '.n,) 'r'. 1 . : .
?irrllE.l2.r^_, r'rJnt|., i, , ' U
- r.1ir. -Frn l!-., r U
r.,r6 1rj?l!/{

!,.'+: ;4
tr)ll!,,..!:i ir.j.J aJ4,.t lci,nir ...
tsl', rjv}.l] :4.1i r/
h1!h,!l {t{.: rliaaratlrt .J.j .,.a, . \t1,.,,rtiri-) ,,r.,:.*l ., I
<. ,'t?1r-11.. )i,.,1i|!rrij :
"'r. t - )1\,{r
, ".9 . ,.'. :, ()
' i r',lrnl

i r 1;rs,,;,,t ' ' ./i' )'r\;'. t!.,:

< lijt! \J
1, li4.r.n.n;l ' , 'rirr; I i-.s$r.,l.-:
\.] . ., ,,,,fon !r ht .- 1/, t:] l"lstrl
-f U -\

lyl,1trLdl ^

'I l .,r U
. ,l
// P'oa.rsloxt t ..!

irn6ort olrg . btber DdJc .Xi

infrrt 6rg.hrbcnarc' CPg . * '

Poblic Pod,$
Erblio 6ta.lic voi d rEnn (5mql1 a'ts)

ll SteP-r G.Prgtr.'ar.n'(
ddme z rteto
(oofig"' arron "

(" blucttnrc' eP3- rtr )i


,*-#[- &'*,'5 = *'..?'5uird5oe;o''Fo*'9c)

I fi,.P-D
66o&ssr.'.'( ) I
<3stdo = f;/"rg'
ll ercr a 1ltod'/t
Pada'ct P--oett ft"dtfrc ;
St* the ,totuC S

f . ser Podtltrf'h,ne (" sz-r");
P' scrP'rce I to-1 ,

/1 st'P- e
kgr Jtaovt't''"n )
I.ony'uw lr 7 s'sgtdh '
I stc?-e
*sbi <n , hy e L?) ;
I 5r<? -9]
/t srcp-n
&55loq. closc t ); ")/
Syov- . cx.a ( A Wd''* 6qlt-t ts $rtmd in Dmbase
I/ 5l.p-gl

Qut'.i' ao<C/
ctdgs, o it cn be corr,Pi rcd bg tli&oc+
onl cLlBgPATll
-. -+ Prodr.ct..bva io a FaJo

&rcn3 ' 4trr aoroa Roar0 -java

*us &ra Flc Jur necd }o set

-- P.oa,r*lrr".t ..iova uscd +hbrmlc AP1 ' o' to GmPile

io te clA5sPArH

rt:njar Bre (witr,naJe 5,'i4r ) o? {f,tt'oorc'

5 Froldrsn' bt'lt(m
\ h;5ro'Fd'jat : '
Hi krr)ortAp-r ) 6p.1- cussp$ = D:\ h'b!,r'!"ti -5'{'

> Jc\ac RodrraI.,:r" t 'i^va 3"'4erse4lt3 cornPil d e

Hit(rrM}cA$! q
d'{'eo&n-t io! Bfl'e
3t &cgle aoa
- -t n e^eo*c], o{plrailio.r, need to

otdbcl+.Jcr in 6e cLAs5pAI H. ',- .

- 't'o e \ Lu ll.r'o]c6 'v^r '"
Hiba(nalcApp!> sgt c[,r60dt, = 0:\h'5rnax - 6raldlsau^n<'o I
dlri' &dr<',' - 3 6 5\l'b\,'1//''d
Fnc^rd iar,, hrfi cyr -1.5 5\lib\re1'rtd\ (nr)'( -e +'6'iqi ; srr'o
: D'\H-d\r\li5\$nv&ssrst
comnroos i o,\n-a \.l,,,ta\ rit\ dorrr+j - l6')'ja{
0'Aia1,'Dr\tr-J\r9r(J\l;b\t&,o.ita-r'li4t I D:\tl-d\ltb\rt+-'td\6re4i-4Pi-lerr'96:1

rr* o{pkono , u*.,*"4 " c'c4fc 'a "k'5tt

&h,c *c run lhi5 fl"6"trJr,5.rt c
Prodrct - ktble ln ttr Dor"

(tftt} table pro&d - blle ( Pid tur*tn (s) pnnt'rt }"t , \,r&m Yaicha{5 ), N
' lrtdftl *t*g" (l'r))
ttik'rnr 4p!> java' fto&ur Ins<, t
q,ua1 i6 atrar<d b.{ inErftrr'rj Ol..tat'ldt6s' if de ee d'lr db'.r4d 6hoo-rtr |. 'r4,ftJr1
r4 Jbl6 intcrt
Hilr{rnft : ioy'rr inn Roc&u--fajotc (, pr;re, pid) .af-es C?, ?, ? )
A Poa"u ohie$ i5 Skrrd in lltrrBase

NOIE:. lhbernolc lnl,(fne!{ u3.9 prefai"d 6taft.rrif c4 ;HbcJ rD Pered rt)

Oa.nSags 6pg.qx ont .


q ctorg r,l3aiaSle namg \)

0 Hhile aadori nS rmppmg ft," in Hiberrde , i9 a pcgo

c/# bd-l i6 J
ond Utc bese iatje CdumD rErne are rrgcied tbcn coltcmn

opH crnof .

rh.rt lz'ble ardtfrje

@ IP pqto Clas6 mrn and -E
ule mrne at rnlrhed
i5 oprioDol.

hibr'qa6 . hb-edat.",,ra prD6,'g :: tsloz/r"rr

DDL ot'crc+loo5' an
o- dar<'k'1"
-+ TbiS is an Hibernotc lxofx{ tlJ , us(d &,< peiR rmlog

{ b;r'oore'
exa,,d f
OrdL;ng toit+, lniLcroarc, h;tc' norc h* ,tu o!,ti'y t6'adJ
-> Lohilt
pc-rPa.m DDt oF .\rloos ) iP nerJ.55.d11

- -rbe 4 vofuet of t?ts f'rog.ft1 arc

o \./&l id orc
@ CY.6,rc
(3) ufdalc

@ lrcct-droP
rll-is fiDrlitu i5 vol i dd,l< '
---' te cteRul i \'/alrre .,?

F!r"q i5 validadt rhtn lu tc'mte <rol3 ckcl'6 &t ke

(i) iP $6 val( oP r|us U
k.ble and R" colttttrrlg irr fie ttolc '
0i) :P eifie{ table (d) Columrr9 cloes oot exi6 t lben lrif, norc riouos cdt E.<Ptloo.

-? iP hb.rftr<. bbrDdd I . a(rro gnrfsi6 i$ 'cYeo-te,,

0) rb(n blbc{tr}< che+b n *'e aUc ia Dtfeba.s . i erisr irtn it co;rr te

drqrped ard rbcn cr ne@ lalie (lrlll bC CrtoKd \r3 lrrU<-rnc,rt
Cli) ie Fble dorsn't en1.a thcn dirertS ct c\ nr!-o tz/ok lg c-r(r}<d.
- olppticartco p,t
Cii) rbe value i5 srriraJole coh"., e-uu.ang Brcr fi.r,e. .ahit.
{a{u.nn 4- (. (,irl tbe previot's &'la dcLk't to tbe tal"le-
r]ext lirre, Jaose

'{ the tc'fte

-> i9 hihjlm}(. hbrnedd I . aL-t-o prDAntU ts r4dare r+req f ; U...or. ctr*6
Sr ' iP at col'-aon o[o<s.o+
661 Q'{ colqmns. if ,t<,bl erlst hco it ct\ed'6 colu'oos

ri6t flrn it 16itl be aAAed m fhe *d'le '

dQxr $e o\i5tio3 'la.bte 4od doegl.)o
. <,(t)Iocor Ltle.rtd !c,,-rre, hi btrnate
- cp
itf'o hbe{na}e cr're
t exlsi
d-rop rbe er,isting cdamrfi lP a lable d''sno
o rap tarte in rhe dara,base
*r o
"-'rerrcinr r5 vo-lucs -

tii) ton rrz'.liveb u.pdo.te ;s $e lcs+ wlue

i5 crerc-dF P tl'cn
;P loiber.r.t<. htnn? dd I ' atlto FDrxr*-b
-, 6o exer'r-tl oo 6k'r5 ') c'o d
Ci ) hr trnoarc ot
o'lc5 $e table 6hcn ao dpri I cafi

i3 cto[e] ^Plicil! i,.t att [pplia*ton '

dropo rhe +aHe coict) 5eseronFacraq
i'ori le E rr{U'c
(li) ig *rn,r',;o*o.t i5 nor closed e'rplicitl3, i e' iAcoe&no|

*xn hiktm*c t'irr Dol_ lyDp rhe iaf"te Pprn the DtaBase'
tnw'nqi a.,,
be added io
( Croh3uratlo'r o'"
-.- Ttu'b Libt{m.h< hboalJ ) ' atto TnYt<\ ean

tike *) -grloto;ng
ad t- c([tD " 2u4darc zlo'tw*'l z
ZPnFrry rl.,Jne --'' bl xrnc'c " hbmz

" h,b"o'rk' ck'Xml 1

gurahco hr.oar''e aS
wh5 ,,:e Fc?ert to
usr CooP;
S- ib is rtot
[i 5rrrra]e ' c(a ' xrn I
fittoaroe is
Aosl- r? a cooB3uia$o'r CrrnPi gtln [ ) r.ghoq'
lant'roe A5 C^ flrr&rDttc\
qn1dalcv5 to P65 ft,t B

l';te'"rre ' cfn x't\ 9rtc

+ ) 1*45
83 &k.,rt ccmgqr(
otr' rromt tb... o"#+o ,.t"t L
. -- I? ttre coo6 gtatloo File m'oe i 5 Sorot

.- gasStd aS PaldroJcr
F^ Coo6gqrt l) cx-rhsd '

xrf'l \beq ccnP" co'rPi gt're t)) v'l

- -- tP .gle rr(me i5 th{a ln;trnarc. cP
hitt'o*t'dg r'nr");v"
t1-f ' c'roP; 3aw Cl

-r JP ?iunc,me i5 5a$Ja' cPg xrol thcn 66.,.,9, r-grg,.re ( )

Go9. csnggurr ("Sorhgc..cP6 . r,mr " )', ,/'-
a- qLo hiU.r...r.
Oi !]hoi ii yhe d,pleroce PrDf,clrnO 8,. or,,t I't r.*aa (onfigc{ratrcrn

P;re i
Bre, coe can GnrEcficm ProFnli(6 ooe
ArF:' tn hibernarc ProPerneS 'orir gle'
rrr'ppiog &,,< he
nr,nrr be odded
c{dt fo o PrDfx'
d' 5
hitIncrfe proP"rH e6' &lr
Btcs cc'o't

rfrn toe cc'D ddd hibe{f)are prbPori c3 t

&* iPitio cr ccsn BSumfion xmt Bte
F'ica '
csnneqloD ftorrfti'b aod alao rrp{'dng

HlUermtc )(rnl i5 in ttodrratl ;'-' l-rilgtrn'te 5x


, in srrod of xml hle a profx/rtes Brt

in hlbrnole e x is u'ed '
- lP Fbp64ics B',. iu t*d thco the $rem-e be 5'f .t*'5"oP**'
be tctde d orrttrreti 6I1X ,, olxt'"'t'r
ond in a clictLr c.?Plicctlton it. @ill

qn &ier- 4 (cnhgoroficm c!$s i6 c'rurcd

g.,, c.n* co' f= rrt" G'"fi+'r c.tto0( l; I

Cr' B

rb maoo Lo- no nee.d to caa Conft.*at J*'**"

rcr*-6rnPrXtro}l crn ohiet.t
p*fr,ti.5 Pites, h;\r'narc rno{?tog
---, fnc6e o?
log ccl-ung ct merhocl' cong ' qd d t- )
' hwn" Irnl
'); r
f n*tt
(oo9' c'adpte
P;tc bd o* rrcrrcd
rfie"' -
n,f o xrnl ,

$- fP h;u'oax ProF tics F a.,

d C-e,3.rraH"D-,
n -
uh.b iS cclnsi&:rt d \ hiur'narc' .,.
thltr"'cJc uxs P'q'.al.Sa ?;te a
E IF ccn6gute ) hrrhod is no'l
( Cc'ue d trn
Crmr64rafioo Xrnt
ftLe ' 't'
Ootr i Ccrrrg@ C) mert{)tt i5 cttrad tl''P-
hbun4l v
to'tt''ot^t 6"tol,o3
O'.- a hikr r'ete oLPP\icoflc'q b1
.= c&o c13e c-r@fe ' t'ot 1' \--l
Piic cvt c"ohg
qr't$c'n xml
Xmt 6te
Rre 41 I K]'
'.== './ e5 ,
rrrrr,rc r'f'n(,fil
q aod rrr'po n9 I'r<
d the Clnn' tx'ld'trS
t-ttoD 1ttDltv"
bnnzcnor) t
- ,hr ' '-'
3de oae d to od
cb.Jrt ln rhe fu'lu Gle '
ir.e*13 to tbe Con ftgurcrnan

atc cfpliotlr-"r) toltboat apft{'{q $1t .--

&ass bac!- o+ e{r,Hn X an
-> Ive .-./.
cr-'Gn$grtrrlon Xrnt Are l5r iP ant cbor'gcs a'e telAlrfd,.io *p-nofr}iee frtu> t&.
. *o rnar-a.the .cf.rongea ro ,Sxrrce .4i, fr:
, *,1. ,* ? T'f.,o ,,**o":
5cuve co61g.

rr i,.i b

lbe &rritr,
.q q"1 " ld,r'iff "fllr$F:l#,J"ff 3 l' 1*: : .'
""0,,,{'-T,1Tj,**-'-[** . *bors:r;r oarl po,r!o,i,i] e1_ j. ..,i.
(' -- Ij

d tst:- (ti
t" {l; .lldqt,i. r .1.,:sofl ;;,rr",; ,... ,

^t"t^H r't)l ) ;
ne- Ltol'!- '--

ConPigurctron Lon P --
.iisti' otaf '.StLi'on"oni)
c,op. srRqr,'ru (ll$''+,q4*rrySgg; til
, I ::..-.
c-F o ._ t \.--,
^ '*0ogxry-(,"mn,-,),|i,!
t'!i:rr .lir.iai{}f Irt}i
rnr#J *,s . e,:,r,:.1,,,1,, ,,., I i-'.'': J"''
tlo"ncn"l ' ::
) '''S


) ,,,.L.-lr:'i*aj !,t j' ll i.rl8{.


1?il;,rt$ ,r ..]r.1 1:.]1, L

fr-iqr.l.r, il

ir "ir rer\tl.t_1] r.. ,..
.,. ,rirj
# r,1jt) l,!r,jl :ai]:i .: r.,t,.rr.l
t.r', r,,,2:!1 i. r,!] i.rlr:r ,:,p, .3 :,l,,iryi !trl*)d#-} ,'-1,
,,,:1, r,1. ;.j,,r:f:i i):rn

. .-i ..:r'i ]> b.irr\:''r

- tolo,lz"lt
Gl loact og,r,r;,'., [ *rcct oportrr,) -.')

-+ hod oft'olion is rpl,iog b* radiT an 6qltot R-n a Dra8age in}o a Java aF.J
ustng !l'bc.mlc.
}0 a baa Operc*ion gelect oF;raficrn a tvcl ltbSfarnro/t }!16a-u J
-) Jocrde{ 0ergorm /
goio'' rn*tr Fo<
ant ore 4 rhe li'lrodni
^ noo rrr'rhodr gpen $

0 g.r(Cra:s clazz, &talia''lcle id) 'J

@ to"a (Cft"s clcEz. 6c'lali" id ) J
oP o
-fhtp'oore w"d a clors
---r tlhirc p.,&-,,fitog ere* o{L'o1-torr u6ing
+berrr}e' ''
5d'rd io q J
&to clc,sg ou'.,d rd ohlccr dmoQf, rrtdHPle 0hie!"ts
R4 idnHlbiog ooe
, J
Ootq&.se gttd"t
^ -J^^ a
oea f)t6 clor5 ftn u
Nhilc -tliber mre creorcs intcrnorB an Ohie'rr
-) " loo.lrt,c
'-* d' -J
F.r er"^14 an Ohje oe $(
poJb c't&t6'j
rhe Sela-r. d d.rc. P*n, o hJt.Bqie ,
,"u,rxr n2fd,
nf43 oP rlrc
OQJieet uL
Clags DgJesr
LtoaS ruue Lilo'
rhc PoUo'
on oud c'F^ p[6 ci^ld ' J
-, .llibe.narc inrcro.rrl o'l-t$ ne$In6unce c) & **"1

trsinq Ctars oqp.t ,],P.u\t G.,n:nuctrr -,

'rt .oiu che!., Rt F'u'' '-
-, ,r*rl c^ nur,Trxrn<r ) is orued
( dnn . !
r*gcd ort''r@\(c\ -
t\"r5 is
in a g51 6p6 rf e-xist g-pn an ohleat 4 ** flfu
a t'.
c<ec*^6 uud"'6
oo ba raised. 60/ .oute
f,1c<gtoo r,rirr
hik'nqJ' +alt( r-'
^ul roona'tt"1 in rhe al ar:s ol+"J{
o frr.bltc clcpo/tF &tshurrw
*]e* "'ohte*s licrn rte DatuAe(t (
looa I
i-t h''s thc
an o$Er pro"r a I'ur"'ult p"
--+ rlhile lood,qg ,rt"3 DErBalc
| ;
Srtur'n, OPYot{ons
nods d'Jt R^t a Daraga:e and snt"ts
ib ina Rec'rt&t *'
O Hfaqo.fe fitst '-'
ilr*'",r*. c'rec*c! d' cl&rs 6hl'r bb cdllln3 neroLa-ance L) rx;6oa \'/
@ FJo

nox rta& rfu va. vulrus &o'n- 6u hd (o*t6 3*K*1 )"ouar

O +liu, f?r""rt
oqd 6kreo *he \rotus inh' ' E,+"*+
ylx sr,+t"tse$gF
pru cros o'd"r { ouing SaX{r,C) .--,

4 ?W do17.. .
) F'*',g, .tll bamrc rcrurng tbe Pol 61aa5 ohj* lt &ua- anrt .


lll 6oN Y
L(n e6oo


91 e,)
---. wlon M rntrbozr i, ur<-d &r./ lo.ding an ohie* from Mmnse ' ll'1a,'t4r(
4sr vatgic, wot$er "W the uid"
is eri"t in r}raBase cn nor' re axi6l
rhcr i6p16;dttr rrado it &om a ttr aod pre1lare.s inltr rtorh Pa$o cl4s

obslt (p,.i"4 closs dqi) -frdli #no lt*1- PorD ebs obdel.t
lOcrr to Our &lao.Cpn
tkn h;btnor" to 6!i P Tte
in frb<El6
Te *r 6iv.q 'd 5 oot er'isr lD rba Datao@e

ond ftnou-ld teturnS rxtl \rdqc hac-k o rhe Ud!cl{'Pr)

che"*r &' 6l"t ir
--", iDdare t? load t-) rrclrod, cotr: te lu&13 ar', obf*t
a t]oJa c'lsr o6oa-t-
an rl itt is erist in lhe Du<'e,Y il*t {hu"norc ['r+aes

uJifi trnpr$ fi' a Jcroa Protem'

dafr. and .retaros *rar oujcrr hdi
I'iutnore i5 noi a real ohjrrt ' fl -r*os rlre
tlede rb( o\trr rrlarned bg
it @s c{" PtoU "ohJ'<rr '
obiat doer n-ol d'nr.trr rk Cot^ ol a fui<tsare ' '!r cr:r: coll
ptqrarq 6t4fi5 acrelsia3 Jhoi 6qlor fia9 it)Lt"alu lDv"rnc:lrttait t
t^}lrD a Dava

teads rbc dafa rl &+oB<ce a'rd fxd.5 it intb rbe PoJO clax obf!f,

lhi5 me*,anlsrD in \uts mrc ts ciruual L.z6 tcr.d;o3

iP rhe 6iwo ld d.oes not rist io *e fol4Gale fieq hikrnart t\rqos

Ob*cNotli@ra Era{'Hor)/ in.arc 4 teC q<th6{.

$- w}r* r r6e d;PP"...rc {o a C-1-) aDa 34(n, - ),.

E:O IP {rc Srre') rd do.s no} oxisr io rbe Pr:er{" tt"- laadCr-) od6ad tfnotog c16

ftrl I;
Er.tgtlo') l kd atc'-) dJ(rtns

.so&rmod (ar t'r,r of aa6 -g;

@) toarC-,, lad; ''lhe 6
. a,
t 'hfa
a D-te8ale' so,
fic ddlt r'oo U

Tts15 ee'tg ldanX. U

*- ,s
4-:- rS it
o ,'aDdrhrg
nanatnrrg bor,t a p't'bcygl.q ,"ff,!1#"
cot,rc tool'ng
&| No, rP rle'e is rb Ptha,, krx ''tifh''r6 guE oF''of'o .,rb ou|
, '6atd J
grc.r'rrqn if iJ 16
c+roa , L.t ia loqd oFdic'') b,u"n*l +rq6' or tl'e
6iwt ,
4-"a-**.,**i, 1,,', 11.,.1 i:r. g-r1.,,nj ,.: i..- ..i rj\.r-i.!r +*r*..s1p ,,.-,
E- *, ^ "olpT 4e, E*n'#ae d*y + ," ,""1\^,.:fl1!y: *k u
,*u -- !; k a't4,.. t, ^ 1'o1t''9{" ?*"],ir,, . j
\yto*, !,
,zrtj:r r rrl-'r11 'r:,rrrl O

' ;,-tr.i ,1,.,"r.,it ,","j, \,}.a..},r,raj .;.t j|. 1..:.ii .:t; lt ,, rit L,

. ..i'.,r.;raj r h .-rli: r.i, :;,ji- -. ro.,r,\}i:

r:'r..,iri.-i nr'fr .l rtYs{A *1'-
,'i.ri' "u:f, 1* $n*
load (-) erC-) jjg/-:

I ,i.

ft'1*' 6P"$ea'o"c'r;
&tt,o,, ;",; =
0hi.,. o-- ees5i6n' 8et(Pro &J't)' 'cr{;5'zzz):

iG {o==rut,r)

Sort. a &oart &lrh id

' .-. ..
else ..'' ' ':

&s5bn' cl6c( ) ;
&.r'"5 : .r*. tr )
! //vu,oc)
, .,,t .

J //t tcrss

7 t
iaua Rod'.q&l'a iavc'
zic.vcr Prq&d &ie<,t*<: ,ct.d P'ud,.r O - .Pi'J - -'1 ' ''I ' "iil'r ' rs;'l ";
A Prldlrt u';ib id $3 1s S"n I .:.-i !i rrjri^) ..
pr$dqd id - 36J
pnirr* oom z = Lc'r ...:ti
i :
f,tudu* tni.L - t6.,o.o
A".- ftcu to IamnB"a urec.rtrr an Oqje& is a{)! 1ot| lbtt LazS loc'clea &""' rhe

hrr.bases -a

cr SeE4L of!{c'}|an, irDmidierls @t'eD on

9,- I" Eon$ lftdiog, It'lxrmrc BerE'raJcJ

Ohtcl i5 3elec} (sl) )odded. fb rdr4rns ew. rbo<rg b (r:e are ml- acrssiog (rudiog tb<

ltr,.l obi9tr iD *,e cale brt iu is loade d .Rt- (*".r'a g"- ) *" Dolaarrv

rn ln4 la,arng o &1@l oF3'oLr(m J ctnl5 coheo

, HiUetrnrt ge,.nu-lcs

Ac.46ing fbof OhjG io tbe oode, oi'ei (,i'se c( &/c.d cPe'rc*l

('n i5 t-,6t

$ooocrcd !1 tte b,[e,


t"'6aar,* - )e!el co4L'e ( level 1 cor-L'e ) ( u.,Cft.)

'cozhe i5 c{i'ne d
rlen intttnorlX a
-a Nben o. 8es6i(.n i5 oPercd in tfibelnole

dlong toil}) rbe &ssion' A6oe dn .the ohjerts @ill be

*tt ' the 0F a""''"


-. - \,/
Drrtog ihe #sgion o?
at rfla,o6 iP are Perf;rrq an
ttr.?e'l) a?u't *es''a,''
EYrnd in $e carh e
*is cp<'aF'r's toi't !e
th"" fo *:'
io') ela* 't:
:Inp.t tol udorc tu{) &x,.
ail'e al thar sssidn'
i"prt'e'lrX in
sn|t d4 l;5c.' ncrrc
mctnd l,l ns Leloctrr a 6"De 6{4r
tuiiih belP 0e tbc athe \iihtrnal<
red'rcej $c
an tl be
o$ *tt Awrr car'r @i

anl a Du*aetse ' & r\st the ptfcnmc'nc

$err Br"r l,rt ,,nof. V-iP'""
[,r e*a-ple, iF ax load c.n Ohje* ?ro.r a Orr<Borc
tLc"' ru'J6
trar+r,i rhis ohjet is iq $a slstsn cc'cle ar rpf IP 'Jca '
tl-rrre "t

$e ej"+ &- c".he, irsiccri 4 Proro D*ar}<rse t, t5" kir*

I'du'ec'l lco'-',fPh

and dof.^ 54:e 19it !c rgdl.ccl.

{ **loofo"r-^; a"'1**
a:r \v' nare , .ft srt.,b 6ert c,q o(P.,eJ [u{) fl<'"rcrorci

iLs o{!r) C4c}'e

- ASa hi*, n.jc p'q,yqynmc*/ rre l*it hr,r. ant SerHot s ,dfu {o \. L^) c'"4c +e
* or J,salle (n.'oa) Jfie co<hc'
be ailtuahct\ catc'kJ (Dhem a 6es'sidD ;5
- -> -thic &s:ic,n le,rcl carhc coill

op"reJ onJ oftonl]; coL! clored rslrno &sstttn is ctasel '

:J lq/oaleol5

h llt')ov L ao Ohiect &o'n o. 6ess;"o cc'ohe, bc

'-: --+ As a ProSrcrm$er, iP Xocr roont
q<d the eoicf() tlu A
erictL) ncrho4, rhen ore need 6 pais dn ohielJ 4 cr Pa\a',''Ql<'r
ohierrg &oro t *"' '"
---r t thitc ccrling clear c ) m*hod &'t a"^ann ::,
'R*;;u ^*tu-
att oti.ts 'l*^ athe)not
a ?e{tict't<tt
tt ;:; r".,,," ;e "..-u*
- lnc fua,,}ase 4^ +'oi"e' 'lw st
@ fte B,,or,nq @de it % loqdi"g arnc out* &oa
p,od-cr ?9 ,5' a63 . '/"iil|
Q!;err o1= 6esbiont'9er(P",dj'rt'gLr,"'6tt)' ( (t+\'Z[
' p,a"u p,--(?^a,,,-r)ot', .. ,-) \ l\ Jtl"'/'l'
- st' P("P'o&ci;.'t*t
(Waat'l.' .,t<L$' a3n) )
;; 8" ktLi"^ L'
" ot-i
Q"a'u* P'-- (?tat"t)
\''' S,u rC P,i co
:" *t'' 1d"uL))l
nrttz b't
sessit/n "/ a '
Jfl ht ajaov ( cod, dn obie(l' is lot'&d tDl$in r+'(
c ib iJ ls^led Pnn the
J ne*t ri'o
itis {o' nnl ' t'o. the fu'tt'lfuie a''
bc h'Plo1ed an
csnsolL 4
a ai
,^:,t Ae
6ut;.n cc,lhe , 5o, 4U -, Setett
\-- hbrrnarc'
.- --.r In fie, jfi coe 6dd 5s5i6'n1'detrc) $pn on obied dirl ue lo"Jcl

* sho' l cn rt'e
,r" O*lg*lJ ,* ,nl Hme, 60) rh&l t@o se)e8 6?.nl3tn/rs u\uLe

Crnsole b5 hit trPt<,

\-. s' 333) l
Obieg o\ -- 38st.i1L ge* CPtodJ'ct'cks rilgt@.r.

- &"&cl Pt : (P'oa".-t ) or ; ( q"-l

S o'c ("' Bo&,1 " + ' 6*lloO'uNlc'""e
tt );
1'.tc^rrc = P1
ori..-r p.., 3rr.)
'\ ,, n^.**ilt. t^"*,;;W___2
r",. d^M7 oljr{.r di: srtsi6.t,rq{f ..,r\
Se55,oa1'(reor( ); t*i":i,...
s--- /r*,-a."x.
L.jr b. r4rd 6o)ov.
Olo.iar o1 - sesaonl ' 6et lfma"rt ' ctus , zzz) '

P^au* P" -- (P.aut ) oz 1

3.o.P (" Pnce --" +

P"'gttF'i curl );
fn tltt mielcltc it ure ubnr fo 'rcrr.\r'e ctnt pi..rr,.r ohju4 G (rle cvir( )tnrft@l '
Se5sicT t '
pefi(lrl(n obrrq q'i(b( tttnowl f'r:nn
ol oa.Io'nJ.ut , TYrd
in $.i5 err* ( ) t . 9a\3 one oh'."tj . OVa o, -- xsstrt(Iqer{?.d.l,l.r rc* 5,zr3).\,r

I er.rq'- '----) s,
OhkJ Oa -.- gsd@!, gu (t oa,r".' chs,+*)\)
Prd"q P) = (0md-r.!r )or,
Sort"prtc.--"+c.,-. \-'l
(oP['---.---- -"): \-/
S-6sio1i. evi cr ( pr ) j
obr'qa qa = ,.r,,*n-o* 10.d- .u*,r.)
pndld 13>(tD&&)o3; U
{{tK^r, ec(rna.<,ctau, 331 y.
("'n("fnr. ..- ' + pl,94$i(())..
qFt {r./- ,rrtr^, . i(} (tnd,,{r '!r(4, \r't )
rql)'nn!.cvi<+ (fr)_


Up,iore Opetc,lco '
---+ In btbernarc, dh dojelt (ohlch i5 olreadS Srard ih ct Dk' Ccar' 6e QP Aat- 4 -'
in lu;o anorr.che s ,

r) t,,c con {.ipdarc an o{"*,

4 'i'ho.,t l*d; nSit P'on tob"t<- :
8) ure co-n trdatc ao &t"rr h lwdJn it ?--
Afil ' .-r:- *t'-'
h *
^ -DaJ<'Ba-ze I
-'-' bl toirbstrt tadtcg it ts'rD )
JP ue qraoi to updal{ an ohid,
k b $u*t ' ")
lhe &twuiqc str,,s aft ntu

a*,,+ ,"ao'|
tu '4&'i<
o!,r.h o6e
:; :n. ,:ili:: ".::;-*, tb de'
uent ul)
(iii) set nr. \t{lq.s lo the Vrwtrttt ube}' coe ]
Civ) cc,u &pJa'. C ) oF a 6essi.,n colrb ina larwYcrtt J
" ii' B zns $(m
a paf,u* tol're o
2,- ,p ,"uranr tu t4darc 6 frice a( .J
code is ft+rrcd
th2 4ruu':ioX aJ

Pro&Lc+ P'--nea
P'"d'tt()i a
P seil"oa"'rld la:z)'" J
P ' set?ar',*lxh"(u^)
'' j
'ser2tiz (4cr,o)"
be6'n Muwan on 't L/
'Ta$ +x-' kllr''rt:'
gssic'n' u7f,arc['n)) O
+\'Commii-); (j
*,e PnG4 fic nodt'+ is 6
r,rk n is ereurcd *en in rhe
ttre atpve cqle DalctBc'se
tr'e 3'rt1'-nai"'e
al Lt't'
urdc*cd tr, ' 4000", &rr * n-;_, rr-me fus'*s ?
P'odu* - ralte \J
Pid PrE.e Pr'(c
:,' \:: --aotl
-4- .-l
63c -tt^ -:
" --+ -l6e Jft',Abrk alpael i5, ue neecl t et bar\ thc Votutt ak(b &r 5 '2,
o( ttus
(tunr tb ufaar ' r:t a &'t ah't
dsrot aznr k uldd< /4oJ thc Y6LE ul'xJ' ut "a
Aefa,.n vaL'e caiuL<
on rhe pmXram,nx anl &, i? a P'W is nbt lt! 1t'jcn ;ts

udt+<li,, rk DotoK";e ,

!' - P',l".t p-- nr, rrodlcr( ) : ll p*"" o:nt'o OYld-uqtr;

p.5611troarcrd (ra:); ll p'sttfi"u"u t":t);

p, 5q,Rod"ut'lans ('S,rnsu"c'"):
p.s$Pyi. [eooo); il -t4osoul
:::_*;=;; ueur.ansr.orar().'
Trqr8cotJoo 1^: sessior) lc0,nTtu"so{n on [ ); t
- '
I att'- ' aaaor< (c)"
.- rr (ommi tt ),
Fodrd - rr,.t t? I P"O"u - tbt.
'v fid ?'aYnr e'r(c FsmP
., nolt ---.ord I +
!'3 Ft"
-+tdd f--:a".*
3i-f -6- | ".r".
l.0o I S*".., n",

I m,oo+-tr
!- Jtr *uo c,4proa.h,
tst .u" ne.d h lrr.d arr Ohjrf @e ,nflr
to upbn kon t!'e
-> ,@hd,
hn|ase an) t1..\ nt an &t )$e eero vaJrxt ro tlte yny'nlet wl';'L '^nn*
1o uf l"r' , 614 in a Jmnm 't on

t, ,lrr, coyba& , L.Je no netd to *i ftftn;oQt VaLtrcs +o tAe r'..|otnrict nhcA

_ dottoi |un rO u4laX .

- -> rD tlns o4Pu.6 t @ no nc.d h crlt u4&tc ( ) nulvA oL a sust on

\-- 9&- I! tat w,n+ td q,i,are $t p;ce o? a pm&'* Ld '' 323' tl"- rlt
.1;116oin3 Coele is rlr; n rl .

.- Uh&r o: s(!6rc,r, .3u (* _<tass 33a\.
D , -)'
_ l,oduq e.(p^a.r)g;
l,r,.,So.-H *, l,r = gesg.n- begl;_h(os<dfi on ( ),
p.*tktte ( toool l
tx. c"m rni 1 11,
rn -lhr +agte b pducf,table
. p;d
pr-rni-- -.@
flS- +ord
Eat -.-
Lq ka.

--+ rolcn ug&ring dn ohjed @hlle toadiog it Rom a &ralao,r e, *re wna;Bctric.ns d.rn g -'
o , ldtt1,
oYr rbe d&l( o?oh ohieci (,irl be Srure,t ast in cache of g""si,,.rt Labe.-t

rhe clnngca crrt trc'n e('ed *ra choda e me"'a'5 J

a Tmmacton ii comr.l fltd the')

t0 he hla6a,5e. -IhiS opraH dn in h'b.rrnlc i6 crdrcd ds'.Plus!Il]

lhbrmrc per&,,oi Pr*t,tt5, dorl65 gxietbg berorcen rbe stqft og

-r crnt X obco iP
crn chioi in cache anJ *c &n'basu

, I9 $cIt o'.( rb ctnnges in fie slafc c,g an Ohiert 5y6,r d in codte :) aod atrti io
'FoJnrezfida -
0qlabclrc firD lrihffsrt do"r no+ a0r'k an, Pr*h Wr@ti{f\ c;l@ a
iS G.mrttcl '

.-; rhe 6E*c ct{.o1(5 Pr'm " cothe "o'"3 J

Ru,5hing ii u rrrdranism o? ht.nsg<rr
ohi* i6 a O.,r1d:9',a". '
t0 c'n oqFq-'
ot. &L:ac. is &'r \uA-' o3 "nl"f{
rbe *rroruinj cli.Y* q)Pttdd
' olpse prdl*fd ie ta: .

// fa"otLldorc''l't'tc.
''l/lryr 016'hitsrndl. '*i
irtP't or! . Itl F" DdJe ' c Pg ' )+ t

FdrB, c\as6 Ptoa"cUPd"tre \-/

P 5 v mf5r,,"st] 4rgs)
{ \j
rfti Gn6iXaroac"t ) l
&oet6o*l- G^e =

Cont' con$r6are C);

S,rr'^R..t* &.1b-.1 = 6,"9. kiU6esaro.tE'rt'1tt;
D(sslon 5.rg;a,e = fcr crrr! . Otr,.,a:5i6.r.'( tt
Oh,* o= .9e6si6n.Btt (P"a.rr..l"a, a"";i
P,.u.t p = ( P"a,,a ) L p'''' n* L" r* l
'^ '.trv;St
)o ". )
l"raniacrlort tx : g15ug-. Urgrn lrcns<rfl." ( )i
P' 5rHkr [soo )'
P. sefrrlca L tboo ).
g. se?ta,,rrNa..,t (
''soN1 ';;
. r.pPee.,tN q.: t"s11.yo,ll )r,, . .,.
tr. c! rrmi tL )i

S.Jslon - aloseq))
&ctt'U . c-tose C ) ) irill
! ' I "
'i, .:q,. .ri .l i')
g)d"{*'5lqb!e" , , '

pid pNimE phtc

'-r(lr _,) ,,,. :96; _e"_
',;j ."':rif trir.r :,,r,f-:.r,?-ri ",* ::Yl" .,,liC
'rro{i*r,il yt-r ii-, r. j :..:,,:_,_t : ,t.ti!),

. . ..\, l. r.. d .r.. j , ,..:J I ?:.: ;{,},'.'.;. :! ii,,r

. ,. , r.(1:ij rl, ..1:'* :.1.. , l, t\ -t., ij.J ,, . '.t.rli.)v

jJi lzi:.i!]. "1
,., *i-t.,:ry ar., rtr.,i. ,r' lrrrvri )f) ) .ti.
.::'i1 ,t lll,y,1i-: t ,. ,. - ,, . .,.Lir:ll 'r.:_i,i,., ,r..


r,)r-, '- ^ -r
" :':t -)ta-j
.( )1r,riiii,- I 1...r
{) Delert Ope.oHan l. -

-) Ue Can DeK_le ar) &m tbe Di&Bo-se o$rg llb.t.dle in rhe Srtocolog
kro (mX5.
crs< '
i &rnD lt-'c ftdaB
Q (,e can deklt a!) ohFl h
tDirlD(rr lo4dioS

@ oe can aacru an o{ied bJ loc',.tr"g it &o- tb" &tr<'Base '

Apfloc{6- 1 :-
.Id r() be
--r In $i5 df{rrocc}, , de alo crldt an oAFct ond !0e oan ors;gn tbe
rntrboct to
deletd &om the hta8aJe c.oj tbeq de can cou dtt"-te-t; J
de]."tc on Ohied r|t" DatoBase'

+ oh;re da.trng a., Ohje(f ln *ns appmab ur m need tu asst6q at4 orhel

ValurS an 0hjeli erc$ il, Wa:x -lht 'n.x daexl an odw %n &nbo-n
bJ chcdda5 & *. ra.
+o &ldc or prod"* ohose ld ia aa3 fforn tl't De|oiqJe' \-/
fot excLaPle , ap t u t-oc..*
$ toirlro* lod,ng it &m the Dc.iz'B a se tI'ru tht t'uo-In3 dt is

i/Foa,-Drt ;'uo
''ttf,o't o9, htll odj'- r'i
i-n"o .['U"*^' tts'x; \i
lrrHic clojs P-a'*]ttr'
Ps v m tgrrngtl "{xs)
{ :
Unl=rl't" QnhV"'-n^tl
b?' Gt"4n":"tt
g$",,',t,.r) 4""'1 -' Con?' b'tlg4-p'r'5t-'l;
6ess-(m 6ran.'^T- = ..foa^ ' oY^Su"r-CS:

F"ar* p = n- P-u'.rc1 ; t
P.serB,a-tJ.l f::a),'
J;.r.',,1"\ +x :srsii.rn!, ,lt;Fa^na*n A)
*ut &le+x (?) j
6esskmL' c/lrl{())
-+,tt6,l . albt.() )
i l : ';''
3 ':."i-i
-' tlr"l
afi,racb -r,:- - aoJAaq
ohii!+ fumrr. i6e"tt i!.goa krJ Cd -
--t JD itus afi'rdcl) , oe need ,lp'"1lA*dT ;r@n ;'ji i I
$e.1 re ncea \o..,_,
&fqo rhe le.& d

qet(--) c'r g,-; mabod and


0\l-* { corunX da'rc [ ) r''stsa '

? r In o+rio6{hj , it tt CtJotrd h tct' Grr'r'"

4 cohcn ctrn p,'cd oltb ltd5 apfftnctt
&*r-1,'**0a","' oofi1i,i':'''5;; ;#;"Pq'i
6pp:}]cirrJfl- ,u:'5rt+<x,


o: Ee+Sr''-*r{ fr"no*r-;!r*!1e31); .
. QUief,, r'r:rryr '3.J 1rr. ,;i r/ rfilJ ,1

-ftny,cfloo i1=- ges6ion. b7;ola',s"<fi co ( )l .,.,' , -'''];

t' ' ,..t1 .,".1_ , .,.r -
!1, / !!
8usion ' du4e co)i

.:,j:v]!r?r, r:11" ;' ' 11r1:t i

^.,; ,. :a.i,p,"r1rti) ,$ r..,-, r '1.-r .r,;')

fttt.BaJ OPe'..h@s

Btnglc ro<-.r 6p4n .11oq

0ut k ogren ca-y

0 souet ) ,*Ha'L
O "J
(! qr"hr. t ) r
e) Nbrrv so ,,
(t delk( ) @
@ toc^a t .1

Ve.SIcnlng on Ohi:rr:
-> In Hib.rnale, co. h.r,e c^ ftau.e tbor hit ' nort 6br.4, version oF an ohjesl Ina -

io i&nnq lr,
0cdc$Gse lr'-ble Colrrmn, no.o t,neg Crn ob; elr ;6 .J
(Jdatcd, sincc from ito crrrafidn ,

'-, L*x,rl oo o\ieaf ls rdly inrertcd into rhe bfctgare ttxJn it w,Gt c.,n nuwbta 1" -
inernd 96 (tul1A \-/
? , ,+". iba &kr is q&rcd $co thBnnorc o&ttrajl
inrT.rncffs tg ' t, , *,.l 5t rres ttd in D:roriqv
it 5 vcn;io'4 varaido r,rLrtli4
ma'ny noofl tnne5
- 85 rto&ng the wtston c,( on oliger
,.o. c.q $.,i th6i' hau :
ihe Ohl&r is u{ddd sof,tr.. L
'$ gtr \,Jb6iooiog a ttoo
-> Rn- 141 6166 ohier tt,n *re Srrocoir8 a
Chonffs Ort ;n a(t Oq|,ctb!1t(/. 1, O
O in poro cloJ8, or necd to crorc c.n lorcgen vc,!.i4ble and oc neea lo F"e*x
appprk Fesedoro and qett<r rv+!rd,t ,
> toitlt
In rmlO;og gl I cne Reed +o G1figun 6. tafl caued Lllettior'>
Vers;crr Vorrto-ble oqd Vcr5ron Coluro\ Urd in a tqlo clc,r onl fubGaJ(
Jrrblr rufnA*!.
r% ho
-> 'W 1llc,s',oo 2 +.!q rr1ot b t6 i ""6lc.n-! crf+ti L\ a>

nnapiS {.t".
-> tD Ofi,tj *Js Vers".r. r,-og ft"ntn .g }rrbr^rlore t rbe PrDdrd ohjecrs rtery, Lt: Deed fo
rBFe rbe clnn6es in @r,q,ts " iavc. anl ' bLm'xrol 1;pq 7hs $tto''ln3
Zl-- Prdrt bLIn x'n] - -)
// fxli,uc . jcLvc\
zblbtrDot( -fiEoPl% z
F.b$c . t^s P.d,,* Zc-laSS naroe = Pna-*" "
'la'lt'le = Prodl '+-krbte;
{ zia rnme --" l-tDdlralld " colt f6o = "Pid " z
pnrcl}( ioi FEdl('Id i z
zg&dtow ckt:s ='arsbqi'l
fj(tv('lc Stttq P'a.*N^rne :
' Ll;d>
Fitcllt double 0o,ce)
* *Zv e-tti
i 'co
t,.-n ="v"', -
''d " I t
on narne=" v
)r* rn\,d}( Jru v; "Po4Yrf
' =" DaDdrraName' colqrft
lfters re13rl-" rdi '
t+aPft! rwrr p,tc/' o1u-.,=" Nrc " I ,
$dt4 ="
] ..llcliJE>
4 Li U".t"f - rflalpht Z

rohen a 1pr]] pYodl]<1: ohjed i5 ir,6dricd in a 04la8ote then a r/oz Jror:

it6 vrr6ioo rumur rri tl be b))<A ab @ . tP a pmdut i5 loadeA c.od oP&xl

trrt it5 vtr6lsn toirr be inacmerrrti 4"!) ^;r,o*."q E li'Vnr"tt '

Prod{4}- fabt8
Pid ?oaYOe pr,Ce Ve,r-l I iig1t'lbltrr'lRi k(
+rrh"r a nao frDd4f 5 inlritd i
ll 6o,Y 3N lt V''6lon
qod) ! --: ohcqert'r - r,rodd 15 r,?Jaf'{ ;t6 .-
t bt irtroe'r?
nun$w ,P''r
Per, 4 ]-{itcrrr,rc:-

i5 Posslble i6 on dore ar tOhrr fic"e an ftjec is r'4J<'rel

-a io Fhkrnolc ) ib ko6co, cobar

tts$ rbe J,rnr 6r&mP k"nn a *ibr''trrt '

tht ss* &* ard Fir'

.* a tib"nare * adol'r$(qut qa 6hrrc.9 tor) ,rcrcts
:h<oevsr an o[iet i s
the &nga,se , krl,rn euu c,n o[iet - lJ ing,rrcd CoiJ t

to Fnoo) 'dLra a/D

--> (-oift rhia 'T},np5l-<.mp
ftql*re "f -$itr,"norc, it i5 cnl5 posslble
oh,eo is &pdcrld io rbe htasase, b<.r ig ;5 6ov D.rdsible
tb kt'- l-o- -ott3

rb,r4 ti.ne5 aq ohleu- ts o1&rcd,

'- -) lL t5 pos6lble to kootl Lrr*on3 no.4 6.rro ffi, ou** 15 u$rcd uang

' le + a+b bth

Vsor-tn g trtnr- ,P -fhu"nart L* ib l5 noi f'oter
vcrtiooio$ ooJ p c4-4 +lme iD dn q+Po'

+ ? o4plg -1..-..1a,np p*:o."s o( -ll'uon rc $en fic -Burutn3 chon6el on1

tt{tri'ed ;D a.} +)PtJador. .

0 ;n Poro clois ) de D6ed tD cY&Je a yqz,rtl o( r6ee Ti'noramP a'' J

+-,qcluc 3ltcr aod geftr rne$od5.

@ in '.'rpprng *re of *liuctr:ctp r &nB'6ure<fmearraoP > i--.4erh

zid> +xU

fD -iimestam'f c-e need rD irr'?a/l- -

rcJo , ddle r'afin3 o- prlt ttd dg

Jalc..Aflt'X; W oye, 'k 4!ir. -T. " ^- ulc,o" 4 &'J'{i\ P4:,J

li.'renrop isa
tT4rnple: -
,.'-" t f" po&ll
re fz,r
thio Trfrst(.mr P."rq'.e ;ample, o< need to ttt4vz r$e
po&!} acmple, J
ctJaoges in ptodlct. jevc. onl pDdacr. hb,.'' 'xrol llce 'e &rrott"3

// g'a'*' LRrrD) 'i

irtgat iavc''6?l'x I
W# ftaa \)
Irtat^c clr,ss
P'lvcfe inr Prodirrrld : -.
raruolt 8$q P'd-tarNarrrl :
;nivarc darfte p.ce t
-|i",rr.,.-p tb; J
, Fo*
-'+ 3u1<4 !'r
"-' gn+r:'s ' O'
4t -- ft-dutr. [brn. xmt --7
Zbi btrslc - frf.t?lo g 7
zclqJs ryr.t P*d,.c.' *ole =" tablc " >
zid name= "Prduqld ' colrtqn =
-" >

A.r','xat7r{ c[us ="o$sigied" /z

4td ,
zHrrle6tarnp rnr'e --"b5 ' column =' ttla't' /'z
ZP"of/tttj m.rre = '' pndnctNam e ' g1q.16." yno"tnt- " tcryL="p'l>
'' /7
- Z.fhDgdt m.rp = n[d@ coluron="pnce
zldis| >

_ ZlliUe-.nrt - roa+FDl >

.+ i l-libarnrc is r."crins a tulasase *: *"
- 'lrorsra'rp cd,."p c,g Dre, .f,e ib i6 ful.-tco' *"ff;:r}f
; sqpJ r" od"t"l.
blt lt alt. gz* ot ].} ^
&ttL tt an Oht't is r..pd orc/ ' oP I
ilrn .oe can
6t oaro-rg'c
'a rF w Darq&.e iable rrnn'crrrg
* 6o$t h;u.,ni'rc' sr'r"s
Ti,'r6ra-p colb-n ";;;;.' ct{
$) ob'Jeel-
lt c..ecled
Drrc aod tiwr irr 'tbe D,,etsrde @l^ltletq

.._,. Gderd ' p.rnt lerJ pname r&t'<inraLto?,

-v..r') ,

J 861> c'r'alc tab\e produa-ialle[ett :::::

tirrr5EdnP J /
;nrcc rurrtrr (Q
'r) '
fable Cteard

(u. cli,J aPPuca,ro .6F tik rb'

r -> tp r,c Padrrcr.fn#nt -- l F,"e
fu t#K'" &rc an "
- P^a'd obtr-l and cdso
- in l)ar&Ea\t ,. r,rte ..
6dc!' * ftcro P\&Br - "
Pid py!,.,e {'n(e- T5!4rn? - u" -
lto. 6sqoo AH
l\l SCn4 t'DoO el-Fb-ro
6trPs tD dewlop ao }hbe.r,ote 64plico}Jon Ubing llgEcripse 6'x

$a DJaBose 'Iilae rbe 'f;11*jj",

3lQ-J:- cld.E a 1&ble Ccd-ted EYoPloUec in

f/r)lr,cttb F% rrtrne VadnDLto).

56L) c1cfe j*1" gmPlbbee (etpoo rl'nl''r C6 ) /

&r-t ru'nkr (8 ) , &pro rr.-b"6)) I

tZrlte crcrred .

6iart ll0EcliP5e lDE

nbEcr'Pse 8'x .lro.ble "---1 E\to\
-----r ll0EcliPde ---->..
6ta{ t ---r [,{T&rt5

orl.! sfa(e l-.--c'\*'*

I | '-'---'-1,v

'------'> ftqifl}rBr'' :
lrrJ ------J &vaPrDJed
sirP-tr'"- cticl on Fte rrrnu --------+
6l l4|3lde- lD tlt's viao W
ste-fl:- t Pa*"5s ElPlor
el vl&r i5 ditfio{ed
Bg &k^r t 'o t( Frro -
\ c"a @k ot't-:"
- lD NaviScrfa/ I u.,r rd
br.i fo,a".r it in"iisidc ' 50 ehr'r8e
Tan*, ,.'^, f',' .-,
-----+ Narjtfid
--" gh6tol'\cJ'
ctcr4 on tdirtdo@ rn'fll -- --

*-o . Qr6hr** dn prqiecr t''.->t16EcrlPse-,'*

?at<'r -------->
frfffftft: ' \-'
--- -i O Hiberno're 6'z -----loetb ---+r!xb
D0 oi'rd :
Conr(} UPL'.

flfilcr cla55 : o,o.trt. Jdbc.O.49ryY1

uso{ fxime gatt

&,;S tlcnd I )ig e,l

DidlcLl : _,-_ ar)e^l se)ea -f t'*'*

[-J ''.aK 56slJnFa"rr'$ 'bt{"
-u rrnu ------) or''o lrr'5trthw ---' fl5Errfxc Dd 6LE4l!I'q
Sre-g:- ctrcv an Ntndotn
grDto6e^l virn ctl't on fJ vitt,ll tn,
boft"vt Nar)
fagru,o" a DB r --+
((ri the Su-'ng
-,_,"* o"k ju .

Dtver lernp)c*c grcac (ntn or;vc' )
r+ O A.! na.yne of cla5 nc'rrr
; | ilu D';,"'r /
[ttver ry-a |

Covnaotoo ucl
u6ernome ; &DLb

Ibscor" d ; liqo{

0:\oEd c\raf! \irbz\ lrb\
Oldbck rjdt

Orivcl CIQSS nafne ', Or6de " jdbc . drNar. Orarf e Drt Ve,l

rprt --,; F.f'r fah

-3 n
6rQ-g:- in DB Boccnrr vero ar lePra;de, Pighr cricP
an flXD';vci ffi*"
E <4 [14l5(,0r.l : rh]. I -----i oK
-=5 ------t BFna Scorr
gkf-m:- ExPaDd t1lDdvq ?;{'Dl]nd cA.r!/t}.r to $60*vr'r
-"'-'+ -Tolie rr'me
---------i Pght critr on
---i Expand TAOLE '--------+ gelerf Etflogee hlbl

aod 6ge* !hb"..rorc f?evclse EnSinri rt do the folrcrio5

-> p(fD D6 r1,b1 rrr'pi'5 inRnl'ratan
Javasrc Srder I /apz lsc
VApp* l5-" I ffi.--Jt

f] c.aorc cbsrrr,<r clarA

a+F D"Ff
-----t lxit
-_+ 6olsh rc"6'l

P.o* [3oa-tl- no I
6leP-13:- Qigf* clct on pyqief oa,1e
oe\n "
--) Fr'ni5\
it o16 'hiuernr,re *l
i.port otg. hrsa.r*r. cPX'*;
fibli c cl45{t 6ua.'"1t- t
*,. ,st!t1c voie ,,6. fStot5t: ct'5;
C-Bg",*.t cioliP =neln C*er3"*,r-Cl;

GnI'con9iS t YcC) i

So6- se1slon = furo'U ' oP'$tstr-c )1

E drX." e--n's Ed"fc(); , :i-

e,serEneoo (rur);
e.s*Vw,n. Cn"u ");
e-6e+&^l t60@),

e- erDqtoo ( to1;

-TionJor-rr on lt -- b **\cn'

se5El6n ' 6dr'ce) ;

r-x commtlC )', ;
io D.,n&,sc" )
5r* .-',-.'nn("E d'l., *'!ta
Se55\oo' cto6cL ' ''
) )
&""a close L

s9:u' Qqhr ctlcr o'

Add E{itrool

3ta-!? Rqhr cttcra orr StoataJ"srtr'i'tlq


';.;, ,..r,. .. .1.\\.:]

rl ?z- oz-rDl.
- DiPP"'.nr ShLs oP on O$.r iD hib.' r'ofc : (riFe cgcte oF ooobjeu)
tto b slaRa in an
---+ A poro rtaso &jeer *-* ii goibg rd hoe tbc S,,totq3
Afrpl lcod6tr.

O Ttot'sia n.t utt

O Pe{6i6t(n 6b}f
\* G) o"n lea sr.r.

tJ tlcniinr 6}d-n :_
objtt i5 &dFd &t a Paro clc66 fuo $at oEie{' ctitt be in o
-';" ^ ",-
-Trc,noienr eherc'

- nrll \blue 'fixnolao toe t*rX /"r+

-'+ r? ae cftort G pcso 414ss oqjer-t trJ o:oigning'

On Oh'fI} i5 in -Iran6icrlJ SrdJ'

5 rDi Ye! c'!ed @ir''' a
--> A -ftc,w;ent 6tarc ohjcd is on ohi:t-t etL'cb i ascJssi

Sest:o" oP h'bernorc.
Tr'ansienr Sf.rrc ohjdcr i5 nor le{'rtlcnjing o rar4 an un&( tine &r.Bo&
-y A
IP u'e rrnt4 onX clnrrys on ibe Dara cf- a Tranaizr+ ohj.-d-. rttcn *rrs d.ooger
-- -
oYe ml ePftck^d on
ttre Dra&,re.
ES- P'a'nt P=nct P'arr<r Ll; Producl p=eq11 ;
P. arPodr,6J6 ( 1q11;
'---f,"tt "p " if io 'Iiansicr* etcr<
P s.+QoC.,a,M'r ( ,'nc.n; ,, l.
bere "P'' i5 in
-> Tr.,oste 6ilr,

- @ P*'rr.* s,.*,-
--+ oltn a &ve Opercdl<ro it doh Ob a lionatcnt 6folc ohf(} (ov) 6hen a
lmd opratron is dq-r on a 6rale obtrt ttrn the Ohie{r c'itl

\' e nft'ud into [xl5i6*nl 6ktc,

- -+ Utho 6n ohiect is enXred into perAi*ctr-t Stale tkf$ it is O..SosSlc,rd otA

! g$ttcm oP U".nofe. [t
-4 rP dng fmd iFr&ilor6 are dme d^ CLn o\le* ;n o Par6i6rcnl 6raft rber)

@ r+f ebanjea ate un&'r rog o.lfo.

eeeea<A <t"r r6e lc.S

Prcdrc p= ocr.r-, P'oa"oll ; Pro&.* P=oc. rt ;
p. setP,,,a-crla 1,,, 1 ; -- tlcne ' P' )s io Traostaru ttqr<
P" tul?0a..&Na-c[" esc'' ) ; fla;e+ O = 5ersror, .
g* (P,oarur cf ors,l, ,
" )
p- etPncefqoool; p= (f'a".t) o",
-+ be.e 'p' is in -Tfur6tq$ Elalr
+ hr,e "P" i5 ;o &n6ld<'/ 6h31-.
Trc,n:c.cnc,o tx sestt- - k6:Jiolr@no4( ) l
8erston.6o,.re [P),'
*t t)c'. ;s in Per6Jsl(nf shoF

gt"r:- r/
(9 Drrrl'ed

Nh[o q &56ioo i5 cloeed ad c,rhcn a i: clore a 6-t ot-xrn on o66e." "


i5 eric.r &,"n tl,e sa"tL- tbcq an ohi*r to Ca.\vcnneA fu^"t y"nl"ttnt "o*u
inru Dmrkd statt'
be J
hlh.o an Obre* 1-.., it' o$arj mer$ uel$ o' sesat'n *t"r ib t'oirt
edered inlo Dercchad ato+e'

ftl.ohei otatt ond if^?''-rdr f;cofi-s *'


AlifLl ffr'.r ftc Oc,rr1": cnt ndr eP?<td a ftre D'rE.Bart

in Lrlt c"sul
---, 'ihe ry io
c6mrD6nd1] and -lic.nsicnJ sr&he ftrcc.hcd 6h3le

tlt changes ore mr ePe@j<l 6 a Druf&'se ' \-/

,-+ peio*rcd 6koL id c\ grzt1 6herr orr o1y.1t i5 &xffntn I drJ 4 a be5t"cn J
ard -Tianst c,u Strr-te is 61 sw{ Vpu{e a*cnng inro a
&rsld'l '

( )j
tri@ p.o,.r+ ?="*'rr)
Hoatct P=,e- l'/"d"q "p* is io +tc,nsl]* atak
--"5 i*,4
P s&Pod'cld t'rr) i u,,;.'
) Ohie.r o-- 6esr)ca. Aet (P.a..,t, cror s, --,)
P *.P.t ., N*'a I
P= [P'ouct) o;
?-6tt$'re (4ooo1 :
-> k"t ' p' ts in -translcru 6Krk ---r lt'.t "p" is io P,(l6lmt e kJ.k
Sasstlr'cl&'rC ) j
---J tre -P" is inerc!-lre d 6t'&-
a- 'lrar5qa66n
tx = &a6bo. b$olan:c!fiqr)c )i
&l6ion . sal,/r Cp) ,.

--+ bart'P'is iD F,6t5trnl 6taft

tr.corrmitt );
8Agioo- dose( );
----r her ' p' ts in deh!-hn srtrrc .
o.--afz' 2o|tr

toodL) @l'tc) deKlct )
g*c) a{eGuPdore C )

v!clt) @4r<C )
c\corf ) rrlcY9ac )
CtoscC) &rveOt t-tP&rcL )

bcx r.rate
NOIE:' ts y.l aliaahed tb A Ses5i."l oP hi
TrdnStcnt $tatc i5 on Obi.* obtcb oot

to noft and Oefat-lcl

ond ll,.sisrcnt slalc ;5 qb Ohieq- alta.hed Sessiorr ^2 trl bcr

8i4fc is cr n O\i.4t tohah i.l cr'me arr of a &l6idn,

// 5tr-l<6 c licn'i'ia\,a

imr'rl 013. hlbc:oole * i

lmprtf org. hihcYmre. ch. t ;

Clois StreoCtitt"t

p s v In, (5tr|ng aasr 1 )

S"sro Fa,r.,3

P*., P--ne^ ft4"6-1 ;, ffv ;t i, trctr6l (nl 6rqlc
P,serRd.,arr ( r'rY
0 uPoa,.a N".'c ('')1
P,serP'rce ( +*o);

= 95gi..r. hr$Dlrcnsodl6n( );

Session . &veCl'); ll P ;" ;" Paislslt*6lbJr

tx {6mmit () j

6e55ion-cle@Y(); ilPiu io Oer<rkn 6tscrt

g. r"l-P';a qaool ;

Tiaos((rton tr a = gesslcn- krrilt''sa* anc) j

pasr*cnrstate .)
Serilon' Lrpdalc [f 1", fl P it to
Lr e. commi r C ),,

6{,53lon . ( lO5( );
ftcro1 . ctoseC lf
t .,

fli fihat it rbc dif|.rcnce erareo

ugddle C ) cr'd rrrr3e | ) ffr'hod 4 [*tto" g

f$,L LJhrte &.rcrtingo &r"o,"a oq;.rr iDro fla5i6rcnf $are, in 'he cotrt" op & o*att \'--/

iP orrea{ on O$crr i5 slel trlth tbe same fa (iacnr;(+e") vords rt'en |4'e,d<C'
rrrrbod &-ijls tb r.'nv<{t qq 95ie* ft66 dfcrAd Stalc iotr, ur6J6t<i-f 't) P

5o, lhtrrrqcLp fi'"d, t
Instrod of t+darc rnchrcl t ) thon LUr116*. onl:l C"p;es the
i? cn cag rrrrje \,
6r4ft ( hpn1es (vott cs) 4 det oh.d oer. Ohfd inlo an eQia, in-#rt anc}e

tbt &rne Tde"! firr vdlue ( rd utr.) orrd tlpn tk chontrel ."e updo'eJ t"
$1 Dbf&ur bhr., rht lonradbq i5 Gr,.;drrct, .-J

Nh,le Ccrn\,'k't ag a dAa.fef Oh&:lf, Ho P(' 5l6tfft-l^ tht"1 itlsolrra5 s

k-ftc\ tD @q me{e(-) inatoi of- ugdarygl -otrra.
// (Jp&rcfiage . java
iolmt o1g. bibaqale . * .

imttrYl o5. hiV,cnlc . cP6 .x'

Cl&5 i U$rrdterq
-i e

PevrfSrrqoqsrl) : l

- t ^ -,^-.^-.^-,*,r.bo6St*;t,.,p"ro'xL);
\r 6*s^F".'t1 ftcrag =rru:
$r","o sqlr-'f= fucto'U'o1tn***tt:


Qbett o= tssroof . g+ ( Poa,,ot- clors, 1rl);

\7 P, = [Proarc) o; ll P, -----a o"a'

t 6es'ont. closC )i -,

- P, *rR'tc ( I6<t,' ll P, -'-n d,;r.'Yc a art dne *' dJ rdk:

in od.d'J star' obje't ' h!'ri6rarl6 o

'15i5 rxdliF'd$dh5 * *' ltt lD Ac o'ia&.s(

tessJun ses61olrl = &.-t*g ogt*ot(!l()

. i
Pr,u., fu --nutt ; /f P" -----, t*t's;u*
0\,"4 cr = Esro.,!, gr ( Pod,'4. ct&t$, nr)j
P- = tLa'ct)oa: I p".--,.-.- F?,.s)st<4-l-

-fioosoolc'rr tx = 3elfiare. kXrrilrao5c',rrtcn( ),'

/ S"o;-a . ufloJecPr),' ---.-----4 llrrpD, f,.rcaptl o't
ss5lone' .'o,Xel]) ) llpr----- F^d$?t^f

tx, CoiDmitc )j
{<ruj . ooscc)j

colntugirc -id :-

-.r IP o DaJagase ta.ble IQs rnre*ran One t"j-o.I k.5 colomo fpn tohile co;6n3
roo{t'lf5 PiE oP [tiU..or", ingrt-ad of usio g Zid> *,g , .oc oted 16 csc
-;a, kt.
-> ulure c6,;r,'r, rtra rnc4prrX Bre oP Lib.",orc, i b i 5 rl,e rrx.nAor<1 ** e;tl'<'t <id > ict \-/
ct (eo,.,pocre - la > -he6 rousr k. a" B6u.ed \-'l

Nl." a {'Ua }ol q Si"nlt f;r"o*1 kcX (ar) no prloor, k1e 1b<,n tx n<<J fo J
6AW Lia> ta6in rn4plnS $Le. tl ,,n*lr,n one F'no,d l=6s in +-ble r!a" '-t
1& t6 rr reY-'rd ' \-/
Q1,n :-
Z&nPosllc - iJ >
t'att --'Voorolle r'o"e' cblut,"b='frdac'/i 4 aelr*a<-'f 7 !-/
L\- t rDt'.\ aa.rne=' Vcularle mme" colcras =' ?rt^X\ ab'nnw'6;- '

rla""p6t n -id 2

8,5 - o1-arjts

an ohiecr ioto $c l)tdaBase ttl$ clcqJ<Tl-

c,,mpositld' coe fted to
-+ lrlhire Savi.,5
qs5i8o ptrDP'rfi5 $!tr the oUietl aod then ote br/e
Potb c1o55 ohjed, ood &re a
rg,] 6Kl &,uto 5 aa
ib io 0arc.Bose, It rn.on5 urc &-t bott anl 'o!de ;
ohj.d' s
otj"Bo:t roa nerd h Fds c6nn*6ire -rd ft-
*"r'r< l-u
rd}rn lm&og o'n ohictr F""l '
*o 'o*s' .,
to le,d it g'o|l) o. fur4gase ' It rrEans t,t nced t6 Lrf'ot( ort oSje*'g
ihcn u:r ned i0 a$tgn l}t*q ts Ptfr'11E3 {"-tlot oq}tt ond *'c'n "'ct@d
t' C
as c". <,l -fa erv' tot) lood mu6ods b [m] c'n O
Rus tinr ctaj!.tl ?alarnd flet

Ohje* fro- c Dof.,Cose

a se&'JPc'ftwit
on ohic*, to pctts a' poJl) crcd ohi'd d3
[,r thc *rrrr o? tmdln3
ttt Ohta-h fix-tst- Ae a Saratl zcd
bhjeA-' .--l
& ei,l*n ger or lmd , w-rhools
implemcnt tbe cr*s &"r -
To nayc o p6lD cr&$ 6h)erl- &s c, 9*'rittd our* ' 4s
i.*' t' $*t'*'U("ru r-t')
. F.\a{4plc:-

: -> ro 16. $t,o.i.rg aa.ntle, r,,e a'e Aoln b skrr and lma boor' clas& o{ie'ts-
4c"e isbn Nomk'{ t* Lt' or ft',",ogkc3': ' ; 'x'a''t*$
io a Datcgate. $orrd 4
;n &arrBase, roe a"t' U* o*
- --r rhe li.Dc
At og sd.,i% an ouert
-: ;5
a Bcut<, tr oYe Pasiog bcue;a
( rsun N +d*'1
- +ime o? loadrog
&,r g*lo'l lood (-' -) 't'4ho<ls '

book.hbrn' l?f'\'
+ ' closg
Fdcic cl &s5 Boou imehtoenii 'hva-

plvarc i.,t hrrJd;

g,;vorc sung f,ct'rM"'e
pvo-re do4-de lmcc I
po* inj isbnNqmBr

Serttrs { g*ttr"s

Goor'bbr', ' xmt

Z1- Doctvee -- - >
^:: :::;*'' taac-'5oou-uh"
Lt,,,npos't< -ia ' b\d" 17
,-* *:"T"i; _v Id ado-o=- -,
4Vq - ?rDF/is n&rn'-' I

zl6oroposllc - id > rr.-^-^o'r lc"lqrlt=" D" lz

" rol"mn-- bnarrc o
t.*t, name --'barNanc

lm!n.,r3 rPrle=" Yrste" />

zlMYtot<-- r'lcl{Ptng 7
' *hire ewzoog a rri41rtDg f re of h b,.,or", e*llr <ie 7 cr' <cDroDo6'k -id> h.?
is rrr.ndc^tt',1.
ll l}loV}+*tt j .
au d

;.npaft cr$. Nb,'no}( *l

knl,d{r o1.Mwnorc'$'*'
polrlic clars B$v'In<o't
?5vm[5nrngt1 avgs)
f lJ)t{t"" raortJ( ):
I ' con86art c) ' b'j J
4'naY= n* C-q"trro"t>
n ?-*o- or.rn S-r*l-C) j )
bn*r" stsr on = -la.,ot 'ul-" - .

t ))
B-* b=rr'r Bcov
! 'eiltYN^'"a(do'ia'); :
b's<*B,'t" [ao'o)i
uttl \
t' tttLu"N"*r Oo
u0"' ' Cf ; '
-li,.t"O - t^r = Ses3lm' l.rri-iia^sa"ltotr J
so!cL5) i !-.,

*rr ' corrr<nt

tC )l
6p5Jion.4los( --t

-facra'1' clo5eL)j \-/

J9 ,-.,
/j 16"&* ''i"uo *i \-.,

ittfr fi lubtno"
q il;
imv* of \ttt"P,"' :
(rass l4orbet4-
f$b\lc \r
nt, "
n'. fsu'5li c^"ls) \-/
*tJ"'o -+-,n= *- C-ur'looL)'cqnfr ' :: J
,9-.^ t*^= -&'t"tr'q^9**-Cl'l \*)
ioox D,ncl;
L--lt ,
' b.serBoorad Lr) i

L . ar.!u', No-ut C
ro l t
Eoop br = [8-r)s..*-' 6*(8""f :
P;- r'6 &^]'r'. B,"
"'- -" t ffi**
S.o.t C' Bo,rNa'.='
tur'6ut&eN.a';ti )l- 15I*;T.ll* i:f;""*
!o P(" g,rce= " + br'5ak'et>); .

' &,$'lsn 'clos'L)7 '

, &r,t1. clbsrL)i

' e*ar"'
<^* nPle ; *ra
$ris , b""-:
- fr4
-, &ftrc?_ eracd'kro3
, . . ,,, r*'"'*-
(bia ,*.ryr 6o1 i'bn))ij
, boo*
.ra.,ne -itifu ,t't
boor.-ide6 (5)'
' 1 5;4, isbn)J
\,, -
SorL) ..ttr< nur'|Lo{ P*ne'5
o^.t-*t*tt'l '

tloK-rr/'v \
FPlYrnaR: irfftt into BooPSaart
d '
fl,E'mrc '. e)ctr b6YA ' 'bt

Boormvna =
1x\rc ? &'o
Grnerot*s io l-hU.'.nre

&e<tre S|.,rirrg on ohjco 'n a Ft<(ase, l"tr;'r,t:' .et$c5 uE"*rr an RT

*oJ O$e!' ib 6-l 01 r)ol '

In $ibonarc Id oldt+ ct'n tce q<*'ot<d bY e;r!''et' d (xo6rdntnt4
vat(-.e {<r crn
-fha lnhrrr*tc'n dirr be 8lv'o to th( bi bcl,^'dJe uaio3 'goi'r1l6>
E *o "P z:t'
*,u tc.X laX'
d ed gmc Plt&F*J P"FrarnJ
I fl6omrc, rbc $omet'rru
os alda&3 fnovJ
'-+ qn apls'oi a\J
&re nor Sdf<rble Na
a$"arbros. ond er.isriS algo'trl'rna
Xo{4'aAoq aser de Avrd f-ri-t'U ktC g<"<Bt/o'J
a f'toa&rs & aftanqs
thn +;laoatc l'os 8*
a,l6 .it}nns'
\ *ut'nrc @o*
a o list o9 E
tAP: ocJ fcnc:alus 6r'et

O oss',g"ed

0 irrr...cnr \--,

o &lfren cc
/-o Idcn*l \
0 [.,r ro

o frr$ ve

@ {-.rg n

@ qu-B ' hex

*c--'- pe lot/ tora

@ ossitned '.-
--t It,e ciPol-llt geoeroror clo55 io HiL?tndre i5 'as5i{ned "

--> t? gerrr4jd clasb is asrigrE 'l lhcn hitctrnrc ;f ern<;c5 rtn id value ?<,t
an &.ia(t Roor a p-gta-na , \rPl'c dn Obe(} i.5 doirtg tD be Sol{d in rhc
-+ Jn&,L 4 ossijnad Scoeraht/ ib is na erao&tcny fo aCJ SancYoivt crl rhc Ao ht
lld> t LX
-> -IW| anAcpc-)t* ft YDcons ;5 a28ng5 (ass;9"'ea )
ossilr,ed ?.'r,etat E or.)
i6, DonEase

dng DataBase.

fu e6" l:d mrne =" ''

coluan = Pid 7
Zg.nada tlot' =
a,s$9ned " f >

Zid namc.'Ptdcrjd ' o,lun ="
p;a- I>

@ incwroent:-
rfro L;uc'narc 43gs
-> TP neocrotot claba i5 added a6 ;ncrcrncaf

value ancl f n
as sl gneCs
Ccrle d rrnx(Jd) +-!-. dnd Oeneralcs dn id
i5 l-6 Sc(f'( '{r'
lfu's { Jd va lcre ihe nero Ob;*, bePorc iL SoirT

Ohircr in Dot-u6ase .

$e pm1tf.l &an oUe* lkn

IP a programmcrv it 6e.r fl.e valqc {n
' 6er b *' Wqrdntt{t '
bibcrnarc 6iroPlS igrores rhe id" vat're
dre o lhbe'oart
rP o, t,tafuse tablc dosno I cont'o''n an "rcct5

rrr^Y CJd) a5 'O" grno{at<r'

is c' hrttBase iod+<n&nr
fu, '8::-59 Seoet"ran

ry /id m.c="PrDd,cit1,-
lqcnd ai(i Cla<r
saer anJ
oeralloo, [lhvnare i5 going ]0 ooeY.]L a
o, *"tl)t * $6ve

Insert CorrrnandJ

('1,3'! )
;:l:', :::, :"'::lilru,P'd)v4,/c5
- @
"q'ry'.- valoe oP a'
6eled5 ne^t
1P genetd.E{ Clo65 i5 Seryrerre ten hibott'a-rc
vdrre oS an id
and 0s5ltn5 trlr
wenL( &om the &r4cia5c
iq lhe OeE qrrse
frr r\e o51e.t 6tta .t{rto itf*
Oble* cli\r be 6ar,red
&apcr,aa, @e n(ca ta pa:g a FtdtM
(,bile @nPigu'i og thi s xd'frar<r{ class -
Cc^Ued 6q^r oce' critb the rgneoce Cafcd in Oera8ase aJ (llggl ''
.IP a &ql,..otc rllrrre i6 r'Dr Porsed d a Wamercx nrn 5'6rrn6a 6t-a,l4
ylxt Vola!- *4j3.\ce CdtLe l);&"nat< -kry'ence o.,J &lerf6
anJ c6sBn6 ib c,s on"id" te4'rc on Ohf'r i< 6olni to '<o''c
4tb. Koyence

in a DanBast '

-Thig qAente Benerctcr i5 OoraBose deg'tdent ' &6 g"oale , ft L,$vs P,'t

Orade o,rtS W lt dE aoi cdl. fu nXatr'

" "z
;fnDd'ttad 6pluon ="Pid
/id mrne
LXat{ll-ax clas5 --- 6"+1l..'!9"
@hile &!.c an OQjerr (Fd!,4 Ohj ) rn a, {h:b,roalc is BotnS rb

tsne{crre lhe 4,,*'.tx ShL &lmrcrols '

llilrrrrrte : &le* hbonotc -*+'coce '

ne^fvol t- -"rrrl)
Pid ) vds3 \'r '/ ' /
l.litrjnak: io9{t inn pnduu (Prnrne' Frce'

:: ge
#erce lnctlrrffLr 4b)
56r> Creot-L ztrAfutL
mJ -

Z i d rnme --" fd-r,c* la

- coltrnn = Pld"- J
Lg(l'."(x'r?n cW6 =-
f/l!ef,(f" \,
narrf, =" se+rr'Le
z fn8 -:r4'idnce \)
zpal &rn
\t 30in0lo
in ct D&'Fr!Bcse/ +hvxnarc
airite $rein3 qn )
ohicct Lp'udllrr

At..z'u*< tF,e '9orror-.'i"'5

t^t -ttll,u-
' '- &"" dr-t
Hibr nal : 5da4 ffs - slAco( '
.\ '!,
../ v'l'rq (1,
l inc//r inro pvpd-,tr ( p *rnt' ?d Pl ) d
+iber q at
@-Ut"- o_*rr\o l^* gct'.,c*ng tt fu
genra'r .oJo dies a sPecicll Pomu\c''
: -= chiaOas e
qn ohjed, beftre it i5 t'ing to 6tor ino -

o 4st dme *rn the :l val(e 8'rproj<d is 1

j -t dh.n lb;s 8eneroror is exearn o9
ds rl-'en it c45
' ' D'" noi dme 6'514o r

r 'biro ' tt ii ''

* g"tt
c6amo +tt'
tplrn dua
'-' e*e".,.rca
- --^ "":
',r'u.,"" *rrtd ' r*-!.
col,rnri" 1.,

- o lixmtl a |i't $e.,eYarioj lnE ro "-

in a rrr,?Plng ftLe, atcrg tDl6 Sercliajot
- --+ tohire cooA.g-n; ng ihjr l,;ro ge()erdro{
ujc ned io gc' Z pqYqmelcrS

0 toute
@ col,t .)
Ql rrox - ro
toirh hlro ttnero}(,{
fP toe t conAgure rte abore
dono 3 garcrrff-tct5
ft,, rlc
hi berryrhe iarlJ de9o.rt' vreuer
tale * hlk{n*< - unl$le - F!3
Col(lmn ------) ntnt - hi
mr-ro 5??6? g rhi"ia';.rrl
-) then c'Pcr 6"'nerort
' : :. i',
ottrn ptst ri."c hiro 8cnefiatct i5 aetllat
oB libetaok -oh\Ae +9
liberrrcte 61o,.3 G vor..e 'c in hext -hi column
tble' the
for' 66e rtrn 16 6o1u'lc*ca
arhcn hn, 3e.,crat i5 ereurr<d 'ot
*pn iffremLfti5 ihe vatut 4 rr"e-hi
nexb id li *'n9 $e fr, rnuta ond
Vag co[,.-n bN "e'. i'e. ne*-hid$Xl,rt betorrr's
'3' lnron-rto5 rhan h;Ue'qqJt
IP coe O,nff5arc tbe aborre atr)6idc/.6 PrDra,mrDey

as5i6rd Vollras, insttai 4 fte deeaatt \a)r!2b '

cucr. R* t"o'*pa:
f- vA'.-! pybdacl ;
lid mrne = "pladr4ild " col.r,.,D =" Pia
" > d'o?
&6p ru5< blbo'a-tsL $tlrsJ
hilo" 7
'/ rrenear.rt clas5="
;;^"^ nerr( '- lz.lle ' 7
z lPo'<'t">
rnJ -z!'te
> fie* LlWam"
t-*-^ rprne ='cdurno"

Lqtaf. rrnaf = ft'rii'-to > $ Arxclm7

' Llg|nc'ol<t 7
-> (1)h? n a\ pro&ct oqyt* i6 $).LA (rslog $j5 "
bi to'' enarafdY &, 1at tlwr

ttg" prodqctld roitt 5e a56i9ned at, " i" . APttr grrtrorrg rbe d; bi l.tnct

,9bft, o valcre " 1" in ncxi cotumn oP rr5

-r<rblc ' .J
nX drfwf ir)io tb(
-+ A9rcr exccldlng 51rnc c,flraficm) coe <oiu 86 rt',e Snoti 'J
Dj.nerae' ,J
5aL> Belaf * &om FDd'!'i- i4ble J
pid PoAoe f"tce
L 5.n! 8@0

66L> 6{er} * &orn roY ' drte

tg a.prhel pyDdlrct i5 sc,\rd in Dd@gale tto b; t o Sarsrlar ryncrofes
-h f rnr-lo iDext noc^t \ Ar;+<.,t gu..rlr a$ng $
c 'i
d , li rrrcre
id Value 03" L7 \,... ,n * r +t = LL /
irrrrrrrntS the votue 4 nrb c6t(llnn bU a
Af fukleore ure Giill gct fhJe 4rr"cor"g cttg+'
ffit> 6lelr * 'Prom V.tdt'+ -+Pble l \-/
Pid Pmrhe Pn(e a,
&ng 8000
!L Lo,r 600 O

x j
SUtL+ PrDm r"u - ta'ble

-> lhis hito gsrrraru ib Trdqt,rJ.n.t oP o"ta0agea '

> ohlE Ccn85uricrg rir;5 hir o Sunill.Jlo\ cDa C4rt alSo CooBg4"t &tn( Ftlratt'el<t5

imteai 69 ot' t1.,,. thrt e in xmt Bte '

@ r*nntg:-
i5 @.,senH.q o4fd lrxfcrDeff (olurr,D CB
'lbi S fdetHB ?.oercI(r{ usd

a LbJaooje io-ble ) if! a rrp?Pi og Rre oe bibtrncr'ie'

b3 &11 CbFrBas& Sen\Ms ' tu'
&u-roiffYrroerlt Col(,mn i5 rDr 5uPoo'td

rru-5 rdm li t3 i5 a D..,labose dqr<tnder* flrFrotol '

coloron r Laf
6rEgi orocle doesn't scrrrpo* iocl'c'(r,l-
drrtD nol
.ff""u fu
rtJ praK^ 'b,t
orrro inc{m af colLrmn. p) I'deiui{ AeT

P.n oiart".
6no 7
E9i zid n&me="6l.,Jenrnc co\uttr:='
c)oa6 = iScr*i 15- lz

(O ,ottu.,-
fa qn J one 4 &lot"inq
c{ nql, g'rrdfd Clcrs6, ftit eqrcr 'he
-+ ihiS gtrxrot(r{ i5 not

3 en.fot(r6. Q r+-teoce
@ rdcnn hJ
(9 t"to 1be
d not" re Uc5 tkrt
i6 slPfnftd b5 neec'se
!{rter Dafe Jst cbal'g }e}!eoLe
nclrive i5 eq/rarto sqA'n'e ' ooriw ls ato4l to lt"'!
raeni. f,p Sd *rn
lP not tbco bikrnrart ckrcr:
rP not rhcn ff'mu3 hurwt ixee [ito.
coluFn = Pid 7
zid oorne ="Po&cJd'
clcas --"
/l1d 7

W-lhl5 generakrr c\455 i5 onl5 use?tn l^J\.cn o{ri'b In 3 one -0ne


t id vatue o?
ge.etctt rt i-l t-r:ed to c{,S
blur the obierrs thi5 tdrci$n

cns ohiect tt, I.d lolt-te 4 arbrhel ddfrr

a- oP D'togcler
-, 11,i5 Q!'citn ScrErrlr<d
l5 ln&{xnJen* -

-+ 'Ih)6 garf,]]ax'. ct155 i5 u5d P* prr'"'X f.X a9 " Atrr. ibpe " in c( hfaga,re tagte-
" \,
UUid skmd6 At univcr6al ljhiyre id,
+ Ouid it an atqrthra ir Benqor< q i""
ulilll. g 6!1r 4 di8,16rb
h,red c,n tbe Srrooin g 4 vc,luzs. U
0 fp aaar.s 4rhe 96rrm,
(0 Sro*.r time og 6Vr1 .,
@ 6gut
- ti-'
6 C"ctrttt \bjurr ln Jvn :' :

r% cdt'rtttls.' ei*ror' aag coo ue -6era:erav clc'*s o'd

f;r, S,,,...g $rc o? 1,"{nory
tU5 Uuro.hex [o) osgiSned ' IJ
tt't Panrt'gvcxs ot
cao he trscd ootg
th( Ttainln.g 3enrdo{ clals(3
nLtlntgr tUPe'
$lfe3 (rr. taEcn q nmbV tgf'e' otttg ' \,,
Jn nnrr4 ttE cdr5, t)|lffar'uvcts
i5' nct a PtqarrlS
o, *u6 uuid'ho(


e< at;oq eL C(lsFom gen.rdrrJr cla.55 :- es[o\me
clasl is '8'DeK('{r).
lhoerrnre &..-e ,.-t lns pavided Some prtdeBr,cd gLrfiatul
*a exi'sdrr9 lcrrfio't.l' clc'Jsei 4rc wt S''|ft'r)\e
rr io's Rr on ohj,errs xe
alSo Latok c\f'\ w t*-'-dekoed t"rY'aloa 'Ia$
Oa q)pli.altan +f o ," 16r'r

uie CaU 6dcb geoe'..rtri. cld55 a5

a "60r61p,'n 2enc'roj-or '
tzro 6ibpeJ -
rPtc d{tn iovolvca
C1e|Jn d Cuslom 6.rftakri in an Hilocr
irnplcrrr'tr'n3 it ?@o an
6kpa'.- dr nefd b fteol'c c Bercr ofdr clcts5 4

inrcr&rq or3 'Liktoof<, ' ia'Jir.nnQ;oftr*n"kn usin$

a rro?Pln8 Qte
class &r an zid z
t<L"tr io
j al- &erl rbe gonerclor
Lg<nt{ot,tr > ia1 ,rprLoJ cr.!
e d
- r _ r Lc,rr!4r
d *"T5;"r,., r-'*
Jte.okctGu.etet' rsan in*Pa(e 7ov;ded () eih "
goncrarc( ), so, (e'need to ioPlcd Xencto]"<

an & an dhica '

Uni rye Jdenhftcru Gt"c""!o^t
AJc-'r' hc"
4" wt" ctdsa ftOrcncra&r
o't 5t, ohid- o)
t p.u.,c &ti"fiz4bte g.rr,"'are lSe':rJrrdu"rof

fl ro9r.

3 Px an 1d>
k ConBgu'e'l
a Ger,etonrr das s Ca'r
Jn a rtppiry Frc 4 l-$U.'nac thi s

tac tn.c *E +at)l.olt)$

"Pid 7
{id oa'e='pruLtld' lolurnn -
lwentu c\ai6 = NJ Gpoer@ld F
*tn6 fi"
ttre $rrourrnX nerofot class
Generotot i6 ured &, gen'ctat;n'7 a Pro&'ctild \
rf'e n4rr'
lo6ic a Qondrrn ncrmbea
nt Romrbtr a-Ln rrr,rrip'I3 toith tco5rb o? [lr.d4lr-

// 1156u''"r- q'"6dlh
' !d'"H At'1

lYnft'rl hibcrDafc'
di8 .
)e) se'riorrrbff'fi1
@3.h,bc"oore' ogioe'
iala.(.llit' *i -
Frblic class l'1gG.*roro. lrDdcyhd'Js TienriF ec Gene{aftry
o"*;r;" &;aa r*t, ( &ssron T".d.r'*"aw 6lJ Ohicrj o)
"= 9.- Bo1d.-c) I
rxdb6 \lYt bi lrnc 9"oJ' zar
inr k = T' D.x blntcto) ; tl lt c."n<,1''6 o-ro
aat '-)
o', ll ir i' 1r<carl*" @^*
Prorct p= [Pra",*)
6ty sn--- p - ges?,d'rtlrlavnt [ )i '11' 6'i een '+@
l+p.. \,
i'rr lo'6rl =st ' ian6.tbtl; t s^et"Nu - '
Etullla da],o gl^""' oor u'1"'

f"$n'1 i= F*l'rurh ; trr l'hdt4 'l.$io ",t-J

ao ea!.*: ldt v6"f,ie h <,
ill it
,-',.1 ,t""t t"u*' \.'l.Lr^. *l -z-' t t 1' -at ra"L(a<e r)
D414,-,Lr& .r.L< O<'r+t

1 *r^ rort o*;v 'ht'l) te4 \)


. t,

Servlct @i fi Hibrrr.4f JDt< gtolion :-
a crvlci crn ure JDB. code fb ktF.
--+ Tn $rrlcf fo a k-LtBos CortrdJoicoflitn /

c0)rb a,
,.2 an plta. oP JDBC codc) iP@e tLse "fliberrrorc *rn ar' cclr'*dt drotc? r '46

&nr* oitb l+it lm}( lnJqr4irdn '

, ao s:{ttq- coir$ $ihrrrrt -Tnft$a}t$n, oe harr r'tr {iu*g : afrrnn oa-ir,s +"/

dorrloprr5 a 86t Et oirh *iuarort frsl5Ko(!

ApD16(b t :- ,,)
-) c\leniopPl*olt64 iq 3e'r;ce 'rrh*\ \J
ctto$1 l+ibelrbF
-t e c4n iq,ssr t the 5rqr R'r

oF a So.r I+.

-> L? Scrvrce C-, -) r.r-rtr,l Conlrrins brrirdinX Euer*S(Ironj *ect rolnn ttre rro'c'l
OI.JY# irrrrasioq rhen rbe no.o? Soti@ *t'"

t,';il;F.I;; *"Lt *,^ r(( !^M<d. rrpr.h bi',.* ._-;5 old- in.!".ejE.l
+ Jt rn.o? G;Er.r-"g o.e
rtreo h-uaeo on '

BcxrJc Seoloolo.Lo'5 o? .l+iberrEre i: a |lcolSocrg* oaf*'

Trib olprmcb i6 rr,r' q
@d appreoc-b Gri ;nrgr.r'ng a $g1vt& colrh

lilo({rEft .

Eg: fxrbtir clcrss 1195.*ttt e^rcrdg GcrEolc'lrvtet

t firoroa sE' JDE

*,, uo'o ,5e!vice (re+t'!l i Yspo'se )
/i Go$Surcrico ohie*
/l c-,s3ute t )
1/ buird fuStonF
ll @n&s"r"n
ll beginTton6dclt-t

Jl onn"tt c
ll ctose


Afi,rc,ch - e:- (-'-) "#'"d '

/.'rdll6n in Salitc
iDs'lrrrd og dePiniog *. 6esero.Fo'rot
E ro"t ,; rnrt( ), s"'si**&,
devide 5uir aing6asr'n
coe cdn
+o destrddCJ '
Ser.rte t ) and clo6'ng $e segmEu"ni \a

fic is, tlikvtrarc is g-...ri'[,

Adlcrntate ap fi1s 6q4moch Sesstorrkcrrg "t
o[kct. tscz inii L) dg c' Sew ler- tai tl
on.e ,, rDt & *"tS {elAcst oh a $,vKr

Caled & co-rce p<rr (.,. &rv ttj Ohie4' .,.r.

c'nd iP *rrs Aproaclt-a is
-> if- dn ftPpticarron Conkdn6 rnr-rlhple &r*lers
oppiicd $ro a fusonFl,ouj is se6,oarct1 $ernerarcd +tn E^i
P^ r'itc"' It mcan5, it ao Appucr.loq Ccmktio6 4 6rvl(xg thtFl
$.rsrcrn[acrq oP lLiternorc i o gcrrnarcd k't %"N ti
"r's '

-lPpUcon 'ro cs'lr' $iog)e *rvler to '-

-t Jhjb hFDacb- e )5 flritdbLe, iP on

klcr^raF (oirtl +ltbrrnole

-' Eg" Fblrc &'r';t*"'t
ar.,de czcrF
llgst'ure e'Ef,d's
cldss l-l!'brwlt
fL(bll c CIdSS
rLa'wtY J
t J
p^r. voi.t ioit ( ) tfiYD@5 5E
3 -.t
/lConBsurottoo dele*
/l anf;3u'e
/ b,rla3c,srcnE""oi J
t -.Er-F
*ftb@6 5E' loE ')
p{.!tJic void 3wi. (rt4'tst, YtJlc'rre)
' on
/f64uo&ssi 'J
il k3riT""*'n"' u
I c".-i t !'
jl ct*. s""r., -
3 '-,t
$oid deskoSc)
I \.2
lltto" f-.ttt"5t;
orJoe/ rora .J
Apgocnh -6 i
,rwltrs':9t .6
tt:*T ltL.zrrrfe cr &rlo+frn
inrcSrcrlioS ^:,|. ^
orrtn mrrtipk
6er',tcr6 :":-1g$'gr*-
i=**" \'
tD ,norc 8ea"oE'"r"5 o? $tc"rc'rc
6c uxb o+po'
and shnrc ib toifi all &i"]Ie]s cP
. . -. t .",
l-!k"r'"ie 05
rn o{d",t6 '.flEe 6t's-F'oy i:T;"I-#-:
q elarote c\a,rs toith c( Stoicki*o1 \-',

a fus.oRrrc'5 4r or5 ontc'

flre 'ftlt',ri.,g i. o un"tg ctcrss &'{ T rrYinS o $ur''E*t'3 'p -
imf'lt or3, hitnmJc. *j
impoft . hb4r .n t . ch . ,t ;
public closs lhbetft,rcUt I
privdJc stqhc b Sssr'E r"'V @,
P&buc Sm,iic *ss'6!'Fa'r"l ger$sar'-F"oi C;

;r(&.r*1,-=,..,,' ';
t &sal'-rll'l<1() "'

N**X ? ne(d G.,Hguraloo (l' cor B3trrt t) ' 66ra

rcruY n f*,r."f ;

6n5 sa' [mptogee ahi'tji
e i5 to cua0 of!,Eri
fte Brrocong exampl Pc'P"rm

derv\<r 6i6 l]ibcrndlc loltdron"n'

hde'( ' brrrl

SeEu' EmPloUce

Emdq.e Srrwd
g-.nor f"ttj
' horif

FL- EnPlo3ee 'ir"ia I Pl'Jo )

mtdJhr Jdl a
Hi bet

Jixc4 S.rvlcl' lavar

Upddrcsnvl.-t' &v4
f,Uetigrll.t ' J&va
Sdaikfll../ 'iqva

* '.la$
cmPloJ.t. tlto' lro I

lniberm] xyn I
lj !"lb(irrqlt
n w- '- i Yt1(,lr.d.i,r5
'- -e'v
rn,r.r"rr dr.b.'{ ri,v6 (6er(0iirr )
dl.'ao lrrcarc$r|g a l,,ticatl or @irt, biberrbft, @. Ded io coa{ lbJD d&ss, m<+pi. 0l</ ..-

&''ftguralton fire { }Herncrre ior. C)ossei :Bd.r Ood -lhc t-rrto cnA dtpc,nd.n-u1

&,' ftrcs c{ tiibetrp}e in}o t_&!y \.'.

To c0fnore rbe ,hva Bres oF the cttrNre opplictdon, cre need to 5e1 7be Srrct'ri og ')
? jc.r P;res in i",e Cl,rsbpAr* 'J
0 &.rvlet-aPi'ial Hibernoi6'iaY 't

ftdogce rhe o.t)Pli.olloq RtDr ) i"6 efi'w'+ - tp'B z\wet'aops F'rao'/

Di'tcldri (CurzDAPp
--t Sla'r rbe -lbrrrnr 8ervrt ood Seod fbe {rrot rtnS {e+rgi lLro a B7o"6ot

httP: // tmrtmr : aonf Cr,'d *n ,J

ozloalw4w ",t64d" J
*) Gnffi6n q Loirb tlultiPle &roboscs J
6g,or to fshn otrr&huos oD tlurliple ,f", .,
o,: oee rb consr'&q
olarioe tben
alion J::i.;:ilff
u'" --'
l-ilrr "l'1,]"',o.n*,*,".-J
b;uerrrde rtr oo'o? &negr, r

str""r*:eo:r5Hjj:5, conrsu,c.rtcro 'Bte' o"needc 1
ro 6 oie"'t'-: coi,g9r.,.*;o, Eres oerrcr rnrttide %n"oo"
1L rnecror
ose's ) oJ ned a --- -

ol",rdlloos oo
moldPle &raG '
rrr'tlp 'r '1
10 p6, fum 3el5i cms ond

'Ir,rnsoulaT t* t* *' * o"' molHPle

*''t,,, ' J
y* ffi:i;tr Rr,. & o,rr.nns toirb wx,*,pre

in coro Rgalarr olr B'tes

corrr t'e
of,a l('t*'tt-tt
fte cr,neirl an *'^tt" alrroli g'r"e - ",
a;g A** orra rtre rrrgrd rto
grfotornt Ot'rfrJro0
coC need ]1 GngS(lrC fbe '-/
g a D@tagdlt oP *'ut'
';;; &rnneotrn
: com ' rrSi I ' Jdbc ' Dirtr'i t
Driv{I clarsS ,. ^,,
://lb(albo5t i 3306/ tcst
,, , 1 ldbc: mg{l
Uglncrn: {ooL 1
Rrssc,bd r {oot 4
dic,red : or$. hibrnale. diareu' . tlSSoLDiclcl.
--r kr g krirh po6rfrt 3e'! Ddfagase'
a'nnecli n tbe $lroolng are rbe co-nrredltm

DrDfrff es &nd $e Diatd t-tcd s .

Drriver g16155: 0r. fr6sigfiS4l ' Onr8l

US6( : Postgr3

r ft[rgf(s
url : '$bc; pcergre ervl I //lccolhost
t- Dic'tett
diate* i org. biber;are dlole.t Rstg'cSo

(, fP Connecd on PlDfrrrie 5 unkoo('n

Cc() DioteLt cl&s5
NofE:- ctYc
Drrtrr bol ftcn t,re cdn et the
k&rmaHco fto-" hirrmre'
Rre fior ls Dish,bt^rt d oloDg to;rh tlib'nc'lc slo
rhe lli bcrftDfe,*ies 8't e i '5 crrd to,clf
ncdt '
lindl \\ [nQJsu \\ QJ'
disBibdlon -5'6 5 6p'ol
- disBik'4lon pra-letr -' taldc'J
0 i\hibernole
tb :P* mgseL 6''d 1nstgw sau
Afi},i ia'
Prom Hibe"nore Btes , tl]e Dd
ohite ecmner-tt n g 6'rr[
tU"oo'H '
f.9\,e,r reloFd iar Btt" 'n 'h'
rng56t \Po6 t t$6' !
oj a lirne
cc'ro'rrq59l '
jdbc- 5'1'5'ic'1
-, j G1
-+ po$$rcsc1, l -idb ca '
x) 16 6ptn mg36 L l rben do lhe +brro@roY
pybmp ljne
E'O f1U56L Comraard
----r mg6eiL t HISSL SetA'eT '-'-J
5rr.ri --r 0Yogmmd
ft*crPrss arr
d : YDot 1
- C6nned tes t
- t- DE'bq&l( rf'rnf
rrgi6l-> &lc4 x &Dto st&drru )
x) TD o{ur, Co.rmand rtn
e eti.or of. psrqrcsq ) ' do ftre -ft'rrocoin 3

t PrD{fams
---------J ?c6rgnc's? I t'3 '-"" ""
' Wl tb $rg'rc$
Enld @rsst ord : 016t?r S

lb6tqr:c =# ele* ,t P,om &trclenr "

> 6kie(Lr . jcivo,
StdenJ " hho'XrDl
fiiY'mre -rrvgs3. I '
b) h,.nafe - ttswo s9 ' cPg I ',r rn )

TrrSn Cl i arLt ' ic'V ''

hiurnarc artrb Cc.nneqi dqftiou

t,l&rogcd J
l^ibile obr.rin c\ cDnre$i on u6iDg cr cri\J(Jt
lDilb cr Do-rr,B&Se

getr closS Drectl5 openg & CoT)oel-tlttn

co;rh a
c\cr$s ihen lvive,r l1c,na
(rn 'J
blra oos se'r v eY ' and
ib i5 a rrrn r]-lscd5te ccrnrrrn
oSrT crrtons
dD is oP'oed rbf,n ctPlcr Dcf&liase 1'
IP a rrtn - reusc/ble &'nnec*' \J
be closd' ortrr @l5o it@iI\be gtil\ iD
are comp\eercA then itr rrusr J
rrm - YeuscJo \e Ro atotb"l Clie'rr'
O0ernSkrrc and ttrot Ccnreotl cto \5 c{ J
ctn i6 opened ccnd tttn ctosed *r'n S rtr'

I9 g6,1h tlrr c( ConnecH Oaiaga'le fetue'r ' so'

*'e \-)
ng crnd ctose'ng r'T'uf $ b'rdctt
6pni be dc'ft&sed ")
o"t*I ;* LDit\
Fe,rRt,r',arrc "q- 'bt
toe tor a tah'n'"g'<re cale I
tb o\t(corne $e olrrre ptrDbiems ' .-,
In crdor
Qooling co)rb a --,
Connernon , of
9r -, ot***t*-t
-^--pd HcmS arc opned
a Fol
in fu,nnedoo poLlng tealdflre 'lbe cfDDcrlcrns In*re

Gnd gtct'rd them in o SDI

ft$oBose 9rv'ec
*,. *
*mf J:Xff-:' il *i= : T*' pn.,<'r 6ot t'L .-.""'
fn."*t $e o? urttr''U-st i,
'(du4t d , sotha*
** goft^
,'fclcveos( d ' crol-av
a anJ nrrU larei
t ,,., fle SttrW 6';rn
A &nncln on ffo\ toilt be crex
si Servor S)de in rc.!r6me aQsnS '

oslos I etrr:
- e,:- Nhc-t i6 *,e diPP b)lr,) (\ Poo\ ond a cor),e -?

poo 1 ;s
..- Aos:OJn o -rt mc(n5 j'st ohie(i iD rhe
o ohjed-5 ore 44.11 ohjeds
pLpl" Qr olbo call *rs 6ee c ohlecs as
g,(..crtg 6(rrne a5 e lc.6 r o 4iect in rbe
rrec?r4se if) c\
a g'u'p o? 6rclrc fur obiedg
sraltc\est ohieds. 0r- d ccirct e i5

Ciirhe no toro oUids art c4uat ' .L, rd-.tHptr o\is

- -,,

@ rna rct, Lohcn it i5 *5 s'n,: :"':*f:. :-.,i;:;;,, o. r!^ti'r're

cr @(he ro tirrf in a
io lxr\ i5 prce. But ohen :'^ :-, i5 rcssrha.n coartinS
t'd Hrx iirDe r'a t*'
ohleu i5 Ptee lt '1p3n5
(hch' intt'nrll'J
afPlicolio' utE5 conrrc'J'rn Foollng
+ &h&It everg bibc'ran l-tiE oc}e i5 olr0
85 crn{n f}olrog in
*t*t;;*; ;rr '"
mhiie -taru tl -'*'
cr,ttPd JDgc Cconec}{cm f$lio3 . l,r,*oioq 3'{"5
is dzuided itto the ''
+ ro bitrtoc+c t)c C(l!-rrcfiart peoling
c(mrf'ddn Pcol
D Soin -it' dDBc
4) ftiYd PdrtS t'rTcAon fbb
-rlfisn fxsl '
5) tPder 6ide

&rne4lioo flol: otrerr an aPPlca+tont

-ggoilb-in <5 inrcr ocdr'l
a Gonacrr'.o 1rnl
--"" 85 deft.c,rt, bibe'rrttc cte(
- aa?acltg os '1
e/cutt6'n i5 6hr'{rtl d 1 .r.,-.rr cc-rair
a.rofaing fnlnir.,lrrn
crone"} cr! lco\ 4 }"uetnex-
--t qdcPtldlt , tbe hrirt-ln
d5 '6 r'
and rnarirooro caPacjrg guiu in arr-H
caq chc'nle rlte r.m"'*: tofr'al hu oP fie
/6 pyDgr4r'yDcd
- .
Pol'sizt f'rmg
/rg ih hV^"arc
l,f h'oafe' co'4nantoo'
}5 **lq c60 co.,htu'Ylog

Con Rgr,retto,, 9l r e'

l<'r fr:- "bltcr notc rorrrerrt(o' ynt ' s\ze" z 15 z lgNttt!

ZP.tfx\ oarrre I '

fet : -
o Th\rA palYtb Coone*lon
tts( *)e tsi\l- -in SDoc
omne*16' pco\'onfg fr'r
d 16
!li!.{nofc i5 rro mend(
pn dr(-t{cr., m oci e-
I\Lsnort 6a lt
cc.t$te u:ea f<'r
Testihg $e ottti(4'l1('n s & .

S ( ne.t Hr^e o$Pns) o., .
Nh;re C.rcaroX l?eollirn o{fucafions (,lrh -lliber rxrJ( c\na 12f d'''ocrl 4 Serv& Dvir_aitT'rY

-8,,*'rr, -o
the.t Bibe\ao.b( is veron*nded to 66 crnd on 4rtre tlurd earrrl

cn arz disrriattd crldr5 <oirb h;tr,.taft sl@

O(f,,o 50r!{t Gnhectt @tls , ohlc\
pt',o I
o c5PO CcnnrHdn

@ Foxool Ccrnn.fidn PtnI

0 caPo &Jnncddn [60l :-

al('!' coirb
...> C7PO 15 on olleo ) ibig disl-'ih'ted
&uY.e $iyd Pa,-rg cc,DncHan fiool
C 5(, -vcrsioo 'i'd '
hibermre in flre R'r' & c, iyx Rte

Tb cdrvatc thia czPo c6',ne4lon [-bol, qe oeed th" &rrot'it'g 'i(,o

c]enBzt '
fte S3t'rctrron $rc cl lliv-nt,t< '
O odd cSPo dar.d PrDPc,ol{ tt) om

(bitrrnatc ' cP3 xrnr;

@ oaa CePo 'v.ysion"iGr ih the cLAssPAftt'

nttc'it'1 z PtPr'lticl in *'e

T& c6Po pooltng,co( rfe.{ t6 add lbe 1'

Co"6grrarrr'r Br e'
hib'xodfc' f6t'nr}rot '
qrorcrrt orr ' ftoYide'{ -claJs!
> 016 '

1,Ptt4\ti.! $fae= " bibcJrrrle ' ''de Llvnt<rft.{ 7

'' Llqmvnta7
z+.qfora rr,r',e = " hi6t{m}c' caPo ' rnio'6i"4'>
It\oo1ftx nofie =- hil?tmott ' ca?a ' $t^t:9\21'- >
16 AFto(zttq
a} dne 4uo-"'3
locctHso '
caP@ ia{ 9,le i5 ovcli }c&l

<hibonc^tc-bome>\ lib\ opr{ornr\ c:ru\ c6p0 -!e(t'co 'i4Y '

Dnxoo \ cuirELrtdn Poo\ : -
t d
is 0160 dlo ofloocdce rhir [rrrt''t
61v'ipcftcnPoo '
-ihi5 pro{oo \ G.r-eLH (In Q()o
B te
it \s drsv; bcrk<.d
okrng oi rb \ribt'nak \n the fr^m crp ct '1ar
.-Ycr 6i oo 'i <r1
Pmloo\ c'|1\
t olrivorqc{ lhen i
06bctn *$ 6 PYoxoo\ GmneLlion Oco\

$t k irnn (oonerll zn pco\ u)il\ be deodivcrred '


-0 otl'vohe thir lnox mt ConnedJctetn Qoo\ , fhe Btroolt'3 aYe {he 3 cl{'YY e{
o{ird .
rbe Coorrc+lon Wenhe$ aod
O at * a &perarc xrnt Rre oitb "?
be lcLnSodme> ' N'n\
the pcol ' 'T!r'is xr'-)t fiteDome cr'n
sefr.rdlc xr'! I Bte c'totctt
o"d ott'og c'Dirb it Jhe
@ a,nBger. *e P.'re'
pmvi&J clc,J5 6nd o,,o, *""u' in blue*mtc ct-f'' 3t"..n ^
-vc{siao'dc'Y in lhe cLAssPAr}l
@ +a r.:r,r," exe&'Hn3 ) ek Pm^ool
ckesrl t re-1rr-tred
xmr Bre &r o p-nt- ib
L3\i\e crr.,l.og ,. sepc.r-rrK
o?t*Xr^ l coo te on{ rrerne
Dto fio". fie xml and the roor elerncnl
rhe loot i5
'i 4nl oa ccn(t
rn frgo I fitnlmtrrq Slze oF
pr0xool c6.\rgch$o
se+ Yfirxsi-zt c'9 rtte tcol'
Sei minsi?eexPlicirlS B,r rrre corrr

41.-- Pf,oxool - ?(rr' l -->

Zgo$,c lbio g 7
tomrcol >
zollds > -unca, zlotlas >
: drc\ z/A'rivcr -a(t >
- trrl > ,Jduc : I rtrin : @tocartost: l5r.i
zldivn -aGs >
ZdYlVt r - Clrrss> o6Je'&ry- 'OracreDn\rrr
ldivt4 - PrDPerri! >
*t:tr" f >
" ,1411tg="
/!n$rt! r4r',e ="u<er
" yolue='ugu- Iz
zva?uvl (at lL=" Pt:@<r'd

,zJd'iw^ - ftrDlsrrls > co"r\d >

oo -
Zff)ax ' Otor4}lcn 6 - @rr\f >5z lmol'cat'ttiln

,zlPYDxoo r >

/l ic*rtrrI1'\q >

(re ctr neud to feI'o\te Cdnn4noin 6nugr*{c AnJ

----r Jo ltk,nafc CroRgurnrt<,n

in pt&.-t ctF thcm ur need to cd d 010{6 \ ftYof'rrH

cs '

1l-- PtD(oo I Ptb{vYtl<-! --z

2+t{/,t1J 96161e - " frlbcrnate. F.bxool. lml i l,roxool',rm I zlqtwnnz
4ryvn5 mrne='h;krndt' lroxel. Pool -a!ia$u > o.&A zlaryt'*gz
<pnw(\ ''hiuei.arc,
natne = connaH a\. gro$dc,r -c-lor Sa 7 o.NlanaJt ' Gnnaltcrn . P-go,G'urt,
P'wltr Ll("P<ft'{ 7
7) Server-slde conDe$ion poo) :-
i5 -r(orD<rlcJed
-> -l'D fitbernotr, tohen an qTl,'cc4ior, i5 .snniDg oi- sen3tde, ib tD

ct3e q Servcy gide CobDetlic.n rloor Co"Bgor.a I rbe 9rvcr adroioja lo]trr ^

4 N&tte''g iP q conn<ctton fj3ol 15 C6r,Brc(rad af ge'vEr-6ia e #(f) a Uciva crp)ic<rllcp

fanDing eli.)tl ut)*) In lb &YveY G' oo aPpli cotkrD rqnr)iD 9 ''tt ou+ '+ rl:,e

6ervar&.n c.cces5 *Bt CooDe(}fan rx)ol'

fucr44s o @nn l$ or)
-- lpa uc c.tlccD ranfliog or c:crroe the Serv'r *)en J
ravo, otrt

mostbc siatrcd ' JP a r.ovc{ c+Pl"* J

Ro'n , lbe &'vet
. 't dlr'he4}l
i siae ::]:.: c."r
inSide rhe su"vcs tbeo it
tb tc'orDeode d to use ct SeYVe''




I ctnd ol5o < J

cong' 3arts d- cJr)r)ech('D 6-rrr
At Srrverside, o\1 AdminiSFol<rj \J
Dafairc&r c. \.,
bet<oecn G J'avo PYbgra(ro and
ct Ccmrratlcr'r trol
A Dafa&dce oari like o rrtrd;'dol
(*+ I
ptz- ct r ;
A Java progrom crrirl Q5k c{ D:rrasoaYce io ot"riiln q ConnecHan t29o

Io }be midd le c^ ww"" ) rhe rorroe*rcrr P"o- poo I ,l+tn ')

94 (obklios
crt&*ei plor S C.rnne&loa ar,,l rhco ttrrl- flo;y GrlDeldcrn L) snd to !i
Jan cr plcgro.r.r. '-)
A pm rg CorDcctkJq t cllso ac..!ed (5 c( l6i<ol C4'4nu'lo4 clr) { it It

fbt c\ \-e.d Conne-(ioD r h-tf crrfiq like q yco.( Cqnnd*{ dn 16 qc11- javartog<!

dhcn o ta'/d pvugrarn closs rbt Javcrprngv6."', tl'.o inten"lJS the 'reotonq",t{-o,)
t trl (poo r ccnrne+tir-in) &n t t.o lhe p6o ) -,
-' A &rver ctdmiDislo.r-ar O}aTcs b'te fu-rY( e Obj<4 in JDa rqi5h, oP rbe.

r<;at'- i6 c^ forrroon orea, io sbore rbe o6je*6 all lg"*.r

6erver. A ooai

PYDgrAma:r6 o.nd Crdmi ni s hr,tafs.

reXisr'5 and laKeS Frtaso (1"e
A 0a!a PrDg rc{m Bts f C-.ttorl'S @;rh
ft66 o poa I thmt13 b Ocrjr('gk!(e
o\er* and th cn ob f&i n 6 a a,nrect+o",

Ohd q5 rnedic-fo ' o

O!g1n oo poo l
(.) 0 oo o
O7) oo o
.oo oo0/
*a tilqsdd
A tut't'atint"noto, @'dt9
. rhJrm- -
oldfu ,h rq'tFJ. i,j( t5 '
orj 6'h
tdk o+?6 re..l! ttE oo,'s4t'r
trr'YB , .tlJ i. Id'aotw "

N,r.rU DtqrorD Por a O"ra'gt'r-

o c.r1ffr'}{ anFc'
I in a 3e1ve-1
ca A *1!ei rrdrrrioistqtqr CbnBgure
f;r o.. &d{#r
as a med-tatcrr '

CccoBgu"re *d-rrbcrrrce
-,@ A 5e-rve( odminiStat(r/
6bje-4f in iNDr' .t.Sirtri '
A.' odminl6raH Regi5Fecl (st*"a )
- @
" Bioalqg'l
ttu5 ia qt:o colud
'-- ^-r a^nr&ls arirh rqrst',tr co 3

PYDre'ris and
CE4@ n Java prograra ulrs Jodi
name [r'cA) - Thls i5 olso
ooa.," 116(otrrce o\je* , b5 ujini i tf Jn&
ca{ed LooYq oEt<4loD':
ger Connerrcn )
oo \ ct'l[i ng
'--,O((9 A Jovo f"og"tn as\'s Rx o' Crnrnectl
cm &o-
ar)A Bt'rf1 oUtt'it-'S o. Ccrnnedl
rn<rhxrd tm fur<.5o(r. ce oboe*,
tlre poot.
c{drJ obEdns C,rJfuttts.e
Lrdr Rt* tgt"rt3
, hlt " torc ;Di'x
It Case o( hibc,nc.rc
Dafa(SoclYae Odrt "
-',:.-" q .^-", don
Connedon P"o.o tt't Pcol fiYDug b
ood fl{o Ottdi$5 ^: c( lbtrn oe
fq *.15r (oe ned ro rcmo\Je Co"'eufc' Pro6'r
tie$ ctrd iqp\ctcc

hed tb o-tt. c$, f,n4i gruf<rFi<3 in l,;ber nore ' Cgg ' rm I .
' A!\tdbc{LtL -----> JrrCiff(rne
o hibe'Dal- conncrHdf)
@ fr.itrroote ' irdi'class 1on.*o cl?oD lbe 6erve'i like GrassPisb
S6nrr',/ (.$) r"xblt8(

@ Liuerna-tt'
jndi 'ur t )


3rc?-1:- copy a.idbol4'ilcJ in c1\glqb69i6bva\ $ox$"b\ do"rarne\ dotrn,o -l-\
q?=t draar ibe 6tass R-sh sawcr r
bio > aoodlr;n 6b{t-dornaln dorrrrioj-
c:\ gtrressshvz \9lr'sa Rsrr\

6KP-fl:- opoe fte brDcoser ard tgPe ibe (fl

brP: //lb(.trMt : 4t4
SDBc > *Eq Cmr-ft1i,'alf, f)c6l6----> j
I Apond
Sft?-.ig:- AL EPr5ide @^pood - d"r-ts
, '...' $rroring
f l h,trt'rn - rte
'rr+ aa5 mdc
r.--l_---- "oe_
Nolrle '- I Pool-one I

flfsdrYce lrPc : ,h*ax 's4l '

Dd.l'alrje vo .r ', I Otad. I I

SKP-a:- EDt r rtr rlao-'og A 4ddjli6r'dl

ft4s.or d


trsel ltotl
ef c\. a. [qo-- ] vutk|n
$e-ia: At leef Si d e &lerr JDB0 ReSoorces ----r Ner, ---J Effel
- ----) oY
&o) lraroe 1 P*l "t"-l ---1
cannetAan pot is exatW cYuie or D"l
, Uiclc-or.,
Notg.- p 'lat'\ warbu a-

fioot narn e
----. !r"tb]

\. :]
]tr Porrcurng eramPle is io oblain a Connedr'an &om 4 C,Dffrffr(o] c+ GhssFsb

Sk'Jent ohie0 in lt,c h-ts .S{,Je .16119 +HkiDak.

*rvcr &'r 6i.tJiog q
L' 6tudc rf 'jdva.
6rud rtt ' hbto" xtf)l
bibelr,.*c' cFA ' xn \
Clicn'i 'iava
Ftt dria ext *L Aaz rW {rtro,ri.,5 3.i{rr6l.9 b
1rpte ule ned ro rrE;sF6b Stts'
d{ra.t r &0}n arl *,e jar krrs 4 h;Ur"nc're in tbe CIASSPAY H

@ app*rv -rr'oa, ( c r\ gtassff:r'v:\ glass9t sh\ lib)

rr\glc.ssP;shva \ gtc'ssb'b\
r;b) ..
@ jov.^ee'j..r (t(.,t r Jrnsr
, .-...r^ \
lib\ in6k'u \ c0P\i'ofion\ '1
@ ir'4ir",ova i ".r ut*.*''nts \glastgsh\
h" -lir"ndor-rr
No1@ ao afPti..*lon @ &
& r+u'5 erqmp lc refor Page

cl)e 8(]- 4rJ e...p*o., toirb rne so6e #-

E5. f,l"n a<ec,L ng *e ohl^ e?amole
' iP
6et gt(ql-api -ic.'t i., classFrg
iocDmPslit'lc ltEn
5rP46-o9i-l'6 0 (d \arcr)i6
' (coc
can doco o toc.d
6 dJar l1o,'' *. CI-ASSPATH
4 vemovi.,g SlF4i'a?i-1
-a +)
6lf^i-c?i'Jar &oro blUettla*u

CooftgrjYiog o. C,r-,rfLddn F ol Crri Atblo8ic lo' X :

6Ep-I :- CreCrte C\ *-a\re-t ( if no er(i5t )

I6blS -'------1-
nrfl-ogi c &'rruu
# &ode Wellogi c
SlcA r
----a PYogrorr)g ---+ -J
GnPtguretton t ri z-c.r d

gtp+a- a fit4 u<bLnl;. dqnaio ---2 11gx6 b '----- Eot<^

Oc?atc --JNex
Dfirxun oarrt : !'itrl..*e -aoto'ln' -----t (Prb ----)
USal fftrr,e: d.b\oqi ccdYni o

F65(oed: ),0.blo iclo ,-----1 Artt -----t I&b ---J n^ f

a* - --
Cs.ftrm Parzroc{ : l--t^r-upaic to I
6EP-$'.- 5rc(t tt tlxb\qiic Seivc'I

c:\ Or.qe\ hidd\e ulo\ uscr-Pqi'rB \ &rDa;ng \ blbe'rrnrc -acr'oi a\stantl^icblog;c ' ba1

sP-s:- oteo *f Brdrs1 ood TgPe ibe fullo@irrg Url iD addYess baY
crnso te
bttP: // tocc,tt'ost : roor )

U&ln&mg : HablSicodmin

Pds6arr.{d i i.!o

6itP-r:- Expaod 6rvic5 ol lPtside

e'pdnd ODtlC+ 3el-!i Ddr4,5oa(e6 ,

Nesr -------'
a""' t* $15tlg J
Name; I 9@lme
or Nam:
F;Andi I
-l$pe '.
-,---r oe)(tt , Oxb ----e En,ttr
[.rE.hdje I)rt'r":
ge Srno:inq co.oealco PtaG''J4
1;,obdse Ndrf, : fili---

F{t : 16.!r

g(Drt lxo(oam c.
fYrls .qrd n
-, --)
\_ _L
Gnejn.o pa5(rooc I Y@:-\
--'--+ Nert ---J B ndm,oSc'ver --- 3 fioiab
s}(psl:- o,,l.* I*, Lfbol'n*)r,/
pool lheo ctrcx do P6lor,e
cl'd. c"'
to 6ei c'4'oo'i3 {t' c^ Con*cttoo
NOIE:' ig $o(t cJc(nt
I --'l gtE \J
rnnarcaf;rg:l- ---)
ooff{l@l -----r 20r'r rhe co+or'nJ
tcl'b r' Cat4dq: @

fr fie prrviar5 exef.ple, iP coL uJar'l fo use Catnnd'tdn por cff cru$i6 se'luq $6' -

ib lttcrnatc' cfx' lml ftr ) de ozd t6 odd rhe Suocoin5 Trdi r'rDlrn "

zftDflrr$ mrrrj bite..,arc- ' dor'gd'rce > otaclei''dt

'' ) /-llt''D1'a|g L1
liodi' Wlroitiar Gt"rct fu 4'*ry'-,,
tpnpttl narne-= " brr.r.x,rc ' iodi- ctasS'> rci'loiic'

/-W(!'\YA mrr,t =''iqdi'(Zrt"> t3: fl tot{.rh"sr; l"o'1 rlftDfi4t5

ia crlseonlri r.( add rhc fa,o,ring onr a/d,;rro,ral ico P;rc tntea H**11rrf[:;!'';earu"1
fnlrrrtarrce tt pp,ng i.' hib.**
.-. Nhilc c?roling o{pliaarions in Jovcr J iP rrDlc rlnn onc clc{ss ia go;.,g m k'Ut
&me Cornmorr oi'laihrr.5 rbto lno6ad o reper'tiog rbe Commcn cdh bcd<3

ind,!ld!q{l in &ch c&6G./ Loe c,fr,lJ iobe'nrc.rre rnacbc'ni sm \ Seporc*in 3

g.ner&tized c!*rl rrc-r.5 crnd 4edarlized "ttn *"1

.- ,. ed Trn.h'et caocl 5tu
derLt oi rtr Cornrocrrt
--' Far exc.mPle, coe [ noo closrs col.t
^) Torbet
bx'tts os &pctme"t io Teo'heY:
- o*o* cts id arid nar',e' ood 6gr-'ar

oppDc-{'H dn into
@n &"'vcrt *rls
and banch in sr('tdenj ' lben coe
liKe rle for'o<oi''X
q creafing o Frrtr* closS(o() gc6a clcrsS hot" 1t1*r1


o. ghadea.r o[Y* *to

e a 1@.be1 to()
---+ |.Dlire fe(6i6iogrte inie"ted ohreos i Daf..B.6e It ro'ans tolh
iohcritd PrDF ti'3
d\so io rhe
l,ibooorc pt{s13t6 the
are ' tu, vY
eX rbcf l-'iY"''r"
g?t $atiztd ood Spea oli:"d
artrit'ru ib rbe
)u{rzu're iaheritcltce'
SdPPct/tg lrTr'lri '- '*
' "-t:-t)
* - ttle 8"le{dljz-cd ^-i clc,d EQedatizr
<r*jatizd F'rittl-s
m inFztrn
Tb inFarn rht
the t'rt'-"'*" clbcrr
}Ltr'octre . , 8rc
0.,. /Lr.
(l$t tr t)
-c'ddtncmal Con F
"'-"'--t R ot'r-zrfl on
or in c.. rrraPPlos
oby{r/ (nc Ded tD cdd Sotne Surafi

- b ceded ir,bt'iruncr Tn"?Ploi io ll,rbttnc'r"'

ir o @rrcd *litrr nort \irotthies '
'--,,-, lnbsnn@{rc m&?P;ng ;v' \l6roare- Lr's

te inlt"ted
--+ b* ptn;ata $" {rtot'in3 3 strcd46ics f6 Yrl'"derrt
-I|Lc.oorc r
drd'a, in Dat"Barc.

o Tdtl P{ clas,s lict.r.}tg

@ Tdblc Crr hicnrchg .

lbbt F,Y C(r)crcofc cfa'r-s hctt'n-!5 '

o Toble Pel closs hicro'tcbX :-
In fii6 oP 6rcR33 biu"'mrc u6e, ct Sir8le Table in Oorogose ez./
l1df,c r
6 g1a3g, blara'ch5 oP o ^ _
Jav<{ o-ep li<<drdn
Te{rre$effing the enrite
4rqlecrs o9

g1665 bi{anSS 69 6qPm c/? cru d(fNi d clalsq .,/

Jn otbe{ (l)6rd5, iP Tdic\e Ptn ',

in cL siog\e fcdde DoJaBose '
c.( st1trcd
coluo n5 4'st gt'wrat'tzt.l 'u
a Doi"Bose iritfe cciltaing
In thiS T5?e 6P biic'rc\ ,
djt"bt if.5 and 4n od& ticnq'[
oltri it6' eolctons +6 Specal-'zeJ

d fJl5Llim irnrd (olcrmo '

oJuch o *1 *
o De6n'irr)ir,3l(, vallla)
,> A Dsc"l rDiD oj:Itt colo-YDn 6tdrt6 :
clmonS cru$Pte krri \d cloitrr @s8l5
ide..hb ooe kri\ed cI6&5 ohFtf
Drr.Base '

-+ Whre Oo{Uag rrirb d',6 thble fxr elaeS friexar\, tte Degc;mrtaftr c"]1h1 U
a l)olz'8c'se f<tble' \r/
ls rmn adfrrr1 ir'
o'* ^'"'3 Otst* dffi,-", -
irnplcmrntd d oirh
cc"i t lce
-> To.ute pet ct^se bicrar4rl rc]ar.d ro tti##f"#ffi,^"r.-,
e gr'rrgle tablar rbe oltmog
----> f.lhre Crcc/JD3
rb rnt ru\l Omsltain i '
g}:arrd norr be d&\ied

cr Dcsctmimfu Valle aod ;t i5 used hD ide",tt J

Colamn 6iare S
-7 A D.scrlrnino'l-c'{
ohjers st"'Ed in 4 \,
dfnt'3 n-xrm Plc Derived ctasses
one Drdvei claJ6 ohjcd 'J
6iog\e 't.lbE'
fu)o dc'diyd Lla.J6e3
C'd) t Ca'\ a {tXdt1
mer*' LDirh
gg1-O lr'l"lrn"^ Eore clca5 carled

od chtolte'
aO uaLL<e d{+lu i'', Jdble?'ctc's e lttt'rcttX Qt 6tu;og ''ftd"rcotd !-,
Cbta B c'le '
ohleds )h a Snglc ta'de of
c}r4/!e Pc^lfittlt J

dard l'1pe
\ Pqgrrnr
Pid ccllle clrrgqe PTaPe

rolpioS B're, (.e rEed to use Z4&bclass > t'3 Pj' *pp;"3 S''bcl"sses
-t ID bi bclnole

o? rbe hi ra r.t6"

e -f- ,t"aatt'X *'e .g'hcrosse6

-.--'' hle hc.V +@O otPrDdches
Sigle fbffiog 6'te'
in z!
{r 8rre clors 'at'l i'r crAdc,ssc:
0 Ide car, c'ngd1rye
an ioto c,.

$e can S@role gcoedase ortd

Diefcrani moPPloS f;re'

t Bcz ;t Yr&ccs
ttrc ohcve t@o of?fir(h ?4 he i5 f'Ye&'caJole
rtre 1s+6'gptooche
in r naF-'tc
S'c$)' -Apc"t ;;",
ttE .b,oF xml 6tG Crno0Pios
t$ 4r rnotHple lirnct '
(l]e no ryed i0 c"nB'5a.e rraploS

..- t'taPproaai,: -
Zt -- Pqycrnr ' bbro ^fnt --U

c4rne --" Pal mcnf

tlbtc : F!0r'rnft 7
' ' colsrnn --" Pid " I >
zid rAroe = PaXroeorXd '/ t
"pt50c" "Java 'loo5 ' swi"'5
y. 4liscvi-inafor cok,mn= ttrpe =
LPYIPL:J9 ttatY'gJato"t'r* /Z
" ditcti-it'oto
iqrr ,{Subclcrs5 rnme -- CrtlitCcra '
j- O!1d15 P c6)urnq = cctgpc / >
zpnP,r\ na(f'e

491>cl.,u,.s > ' ehrlyac'

s rre-e " cl"scr.l minafrr - vqlrre =
zsaba\as =" Cb.q,r"Pt-entt i
zPt?IlartY pa-e --"ch"1,.j[0.' tolomn =" cttXpe" l7
LlglAass >
.1td qptrt "t,:-
- fbgrr'crt-' bbm ' rm I

'o ,Ii., vpsag=- Paymcnt' +able -'Pa{r*nr61 >

zid oarre -- ' Fd ,nt ,r Id n cola-n='Pid'/z
Zdiscriroimt<r cola-n ="pmoae " tsoe=",krra,)wp. t"d "/ t
L1xa4t'rt1f p6qn6 ='amcr,rrt - />
ulh--> !,.
Crrdit ' bbm' xm )
At-rr,> .J
* grrodc='haoxrrt' =-
zsr6clasS y661g ="Cr.d* Cfa ' 4 *solmirs:ra -va'llc
a a.a,t" 2

z-p.q,ldta naroc ="CardTJpc - ;',edu-o,el crrgoe'.f .> \i

AsA'dar > lj-,ij

Ah-',> J
'ij -..'
clEoe 'tb', 'x'D I U
" '36loqP =' ch16 nc '/ z
Atr!fr,{?5 ndrne-- "r1*a5n. U
Lls'tr)c'ss> Lr

ja'l c' pqpr'r'@

Ctn1"elh6w,"nr' {L *,, e^oroplc trfti
pgrr<r*' hhrn' xmt
do dppri..,flo^ @ ,9 l"na",r !,
biu,non'c?i' xYn!
;; '' r. ' \,
x class
oana,tk ,
&oPliceFot rheD
fi?n er*,rro! *rtS 1a61s fu clciss clicnt
&DeYdJed in DrrnBose .

96r> ScE{i * .soro fir6nra< ;

llavto AnD</.l.l- ?oAfe cctYPF cHrycF moDE
r Sooo o? -roAQ- 13 vrSA CR

e SuuD O i-,qafl- t3 oaoE? clt

'' @ toor. Pel 3r-b cl&16 Hir..r4r$ :-
!' h L'r.rclrc ntg.$e^-ts ft'c
nlo"l tr'D ( dc'ra l'' scg^ror<
-> rn $ls bpe 69 bi"or"bX,

tables ) brr not in a girtet4ble'

Ltses a Sefa{o}e tabk RT sk'ioS
- rn tbls rUPc o( inlrll-cncc ) hit""nort
ecrch tL';vs 'l ctass fzx
str:ry rtr
Basg ottri brf(J aod a &povarcit'J"t

Ocrivd c l0SS olh,lbales.

chtt' slzted in clart rzrlte
- -.> -Jo ord.r ro rnd;otujo rbe {tciH oarup b*oc n the Base

uscs ft'rei3n tcX elu p '

ood Deaved clasi lll'bles t'l'h'nurt "cUrrc"r

'..n tt't use 4 desc'imi oc.j<{ olr'r'm is oPho'..t '

h rllo Tdble P<r srbcl&ss [t;'cttt'5
ta i-rse a lttXlioined - g'&loae > &'Y
.--+ io o b;hrnor. rm?P;49 $le, &re need

GnB6tniog To.U. po' lrl l,rro'Jg

Evmple '- eQtYnt ru
Credi tcoY
I fug"'ct'l to't' t<'x' denvtd clc,.sses
,--Iu" cr. Baseclctss cdlc
;: ;;;.-*-' t""* ole6"'3 r"'u''1,n'&r-uor'ss htrarchi 9''re1nsenxo5

*la dorr. in a hrt Bose u6 huatnrt


;r CoraYog roect

cteqre\ ne

*'ilut., Ftr,.n-t5
Fg id ofrgrn-t pdore

{$eltftY'^l Credlt - fib lc clq4e -table

\ Ir,
P;d c.t! 0e ' P;d .bts p.
tsfnrnr ' bbYo ' I

Zbibn, -r.r.1pi.'g >

" ">
Lct(r56 *nJ=' Po5** 16519 =" Fdmcn'r6
1id rraroe =' p{r.rnrld' 4p)urnn ="Pog;a

LP\DW\ q4,rg=" Atnurnr" / z

dncrie r{./cr. rl..- 4!qrr5 rnmc = 'pXrrrnrDrc" 6o1t'-" ='p&te'/
%ifl-V",ne +..6te -- Gldtt - rorolo">
d,scr.clcd s .moe
=" C...dit
G., dRrXmenr
ths ii djzai'3 ["16n kX <"t"*n
t*\t 413 col(rmo =' Pid "/> -'--' iofqin i6 tlib!'nale
l-PYDtrrfg Oome-- " cd.dt PE
" 'colt"t'n
/z J
/ljolned - srrbcra*.e >
ctrlre -t"r'le" >
x *+r' lioine d -6ubdas5 na$e= Cl'.ye Po,6-cn* tulle =
**rtZltl =
rm6 =
column p-id />
LPtoFrtttS = cbclA;lpe dlutno = chiupt
tljolned - subdar6 z coptr *e
tbkrno-t( l.,"ll a"'"tdDt""t\
in to F-ot
F'"*', !*r lalac
./lL\6ss >
zllub.rnofe - rrrrppin q u

Ttte P.r Srdcta"s

P, *s a",opL 'ef<'i
GtarrG,aft,X-tnr '
Ptt'b 1 ro a{r" o \)
C tx1..efo..'* ' '1,."v
tt^' +1".d*d
JnsertC cnr ' iov
ti o.

p6mtn1l-bbro rol
h;uno*.. cPx . xmt \,
Cxc*c rtr fonu'io ol DulaE \s i- *, cl al&
Kct/ at'xr'n-r nu-ha, (q, t) , t-,,
S6LT crof tab\ p.g,'.,'t< ( ts{;a rurrbrr C5) Pr;ma'5
&'e ) j
fqL> trql t('la Credil ( t .l nt mLar ( 6) ., cdg|e vc.tru.utto ) )-

66L2 Creaft d+.-l."5( ( l-iA hqin[q (s), ch\r' e Vcrd.a > (tD) )i
39r> 5tl(r ]C P"- 1os"."r! ,
sdL) F &Ds ord41- tsak)
l6rt ,r fi"4 d,rle t .rtr _
* Pttrr 6Aett 4 eo'.' Gd'1-t',t tei &om cl*tue-t rtk
s6L7 Serct f{Anrnt6;
PJP ccrYPt PS aHrYfr
F.dID ir"c-m-t P&re
7 50oo

& t,ooo

* @ Too'. pev corr:nare ctcrss hir,rtbd i_

- -> In ,tus l90e 0P fr,herrorre hiror\ , hibe' n.*< r.xs cr SePaic.l't tagte
$o$ng fte ger@lizd ond qdo.!.ized ort.bc*." or c{ deriurid class.

._-' ,b *u6 rup o? Inbcd tahce rrp{pi , hitei *.rc us<s a S?crro}e trb\e io

braBosr &r e(.tA (>rlved ctars o? rt'e !tito.\.

!'/-? Jn *ris Tgpe og Jol,cyifand rnanlog OlSo/ desc:im)naj-o cA&ron is oPd or'o'!'

-*> rrq rn60p;og *rr op $iucrnorc, .,e oced tD cdn9rdure Zunign -sulclos6?
(anBgmng Jiu* erv C{nr"ot clots Lirarc\.
l-ioiod -srAclcrss 2 --i'iasle for
Zuniclo - gu-bclass > ----+ Jd-ble F'r &tf,cloJc

foSroznl Date

card\Pt c@aeTgre

\'\ Crd:r- tzute t!, (h44e - ra6la

F2..{id dn,odni pdde u40. ir,t arnot,o.t oJ"K d'lgp<
.Utn ' xrn I
PagtrQl 5
.(c\6r S n&$e = Pudrn(.\f
" lz
L\A natoe = P%r"fR Id ' aoluYnn = "F3 id

,4frtqnt'J rnme='Grnclrni'l>
" ttrtt*" =" pdc''te'' I > J
ZflDPIB narDe = P'^{1,'cn-f)ar'"
-plle =" c'd-r - *'tle" )
,.4 r >4tJni6n -a-rbclars = crestcc.rdPasr'crq"

ITYDFftJ rrrme -- c(.rd b 0e 6e1q6n =" q6x ne'/ z \,

zlunico - s$4rlr5
j 1'J51gz" atr1l41-
l<'bleu >
m - e(rbdar S ndmc ck$le
r rr Y ZLrnl

" -' >

l-l\"(tttu home-,- cfeyletrpe cotumn =^ elrtgne I
y'unioo - sdbcl"l6 >

/-lh-r' >

Tortlss e>a"|. r.Pr't

C't aitCrtaPo6"tr"* ';'v "' W'(D oop7,6.

($c4-te fog mcvu la^:
J"srCri cr* ' ic.V a
b hlm-'rn \
[.t'Jroqr j
lr;tr"orc ' cP3 . lrn t \-,
* - cl'dd
Sp> c.eorc Abl Crrdir - klbl e (po,,ia a;.tr^Cs ) tnt*l k(t , qrnoat* rvtYnL.(<,
") ,
P&te do-Fg) c.lg0e vcotl,c'r a Lro)t) )

gr> ptid ,,"rJroi1o) F*'{'1 kq, ttmur:* wmkz(<t>1,

Ccrk +r5le clqpe - iaH (
a (l'
fuk &,t<, c$sne V&<)' ))' aY
Ss+ &14 r. P*- 3aL> sc-la, + Porn cbaq'tt -ta-ble;
F*i d PoArg c tgu '4n,,"r poflv- j!!IS
t- Vr(A ---i- hru! F:rq< DpDdl
i-r tlus B ;rhe.irz,"!@ fal-t+cr tri c-l(r(( C,s,{ftc.IL da\
HAL otf or /rors
(Hib.r.,or. du.'5 Lan5""3 e
Burr of*tori orrs ;tt )librroate 1-
on 'nb;be'rsrc '
ohrectS' con be don in hrio trrl5'
.- -.' l,Jhire trjort,bg @irb Lltbcrrntc ' oP
\- 2) B(rlt' OltrqHao3 '
tl-ff i$ r) Single roto operallon 3 and
!e ePfetred crn o
---o opralt dn rt'c opeJo-tlon -;11
l^ihite per&ming $ngle 'a' '
siogle roa; oP $e D4la0ase '
Yo(l]s a.t ct
og fhe O?efiA<ns a* ePkl-ied crn rrrrlhPle
,.---+ JnCcrb BulkoPfTalton5,

Hme on DataBrrre
d6 pvwi dad the 'Brtaoing 3 telr'n;'1res &'r pe'(a -t"3
.'---o Ribrrror Framecrtrk

Bot r oPcYorl c'n s

@ Hrbc' mrc 6uct'; Lc'ogt'aX

@ G'n';o
O Nalive 661

- FlaL:- HaL '

=:-::::= 9L
T,,., o? 56L
t: co-[ed
--, on oh]., o(ienrcd Rrm is cc,r6r@rrd 4 x+I"'ct''''t
*,* *tcloich
.:: qPlrS
bul o
u* "'
rnrn is
i5 rrcitbln q rgt.
--, ohj(d o.ricor(d ' noYbln
"'-'" \hriahlc
- c\':5
rorrh Frocrrrs
mrne, " - toirh [b]b

nar''c @lth pDf,b cl.o" nc^me

an'l column6
ana H6'L cpe'ie5
i5' saLqpeYitsare
--- ;;;;
'lhe big diPPerc.ce soL
t"; qtlt115 6]t
[L.raGose dqxn&r*';
irns cn c' 0arrtBolP '
Ne con lrerR ir,-, borh S"t* 60n-5elef
-* "ttd
_ usin3 HAL
5"'<r Ofoorionr in HO)L: -

fu,ohoctt Dg a &left Operadon in HAL i5 ctnlost e?aal f0 CBrsI-fqcfir)g

ML 6etgu in 56L '

Pubtic cld55 Emplogee

t ernplole e
--j emploteefi ::--!- J
-) ernprD'eeNarne
Q "*^' -P )

-' i14 lspilvomber


r9; tr
591 fiom CmploUe

hq,t ---J Selq-} e.x Itom !.np'loXee e )

Pto- E-elo6oe " ,.]
&o- thtFr6'go*e
r Nhre uging obore Hst gpend, oe can Selelr atl ernPloses

t*S det4i l5 +4
+ermiaoto8g ) iP <"'e lma o'np\e*
0r airne rn b'uenrare -
"our *len ir i5 cAiled .J oq F.rrl oqle+ 4r,"n fie DardB <4e
ure can d[reu tX 5rctt on
L]o'L'pe\ otrl
--? bhile \mding frqr ob;e* , b
{iom kcXtot,a
Sq/ --) s?leu enomP, s..d &o- emP\otee
e *
fqr ---+ .Ere+ @ errdrye eMme, e'emplo6ee $.l
fo- ErtPr'{te

og '
b5 uin.3 thc o}rlr S, RaL cy,et uh;te loadinr3 fte fr'r $ar de{ailo' O
eroplo$ Sorn rt c &* , r.r is co! ei lmdlng 0r'rHal
obPtt{ O
u*u tr lm&ng pc.1$ ar gbje*5, de C6d t $r&r t on \tbl ?uat
uld' :
'Pto." K3.*a '

---) set* * Pturn trnpl%ee toktt dcpmo =

slelF e. * ftw,r pmplopa e uhet g. &{*Nuo!t

h+r ---,
?*. r*ilJ," e o\<,e 'dcrtNcn!<r = >a
---, 65 using th &bo!e !16'L 9e'5 , tbc emplo8ees toarrbio3 cin 2orb alqza1yrn6,r

ore 6ele$td ' Jn the abo\t 94c'g, &rr oqjets crq I oc'ded P"rm rhe
Ne s*rrr ted \{g'L qtt?'t toi'6 fo' "
kgcocrd, so

P,oro emptogee obere
6?l ------J Sele* errroe, se\
Sal P-- E'''Pltte e ,-
t4l s"terr . ernfloyecNt rne , e' e.'ploSee
- ' dcatNumuer =

F m%: qr.lo(r = : pr
6etal ernp\ogee Ncnre, e- coplqp&'l
e' "otN
tiat err6'logee ohid1,,
----) bb u6ing rte o*'.,w Htu 1uend, oe crre. lmdtng 1x'.'

bg dqendrng ot\ $@a degl Nariber giveo Ql- rtrnHcne

ei *,e\ c'
ln ac) Hat fo c( n-r$ fime 1g\u9' u)e a'n inserl-
--J ?re{3, Frt rhe C#c"I
(Cn) a r$amed fxt-IcrYrJc{
pcu.'r".or Pcdamerel

PGi r1ooo1 Pr"rornetet

Cl )
1..larnt d Pararncfc,r (:<mme> )

rred o Cut'5 "-**:

Fr. e^ecuJing HetL qAnts r coe
* * 6'arre0trerx
( ) oP S"!si.,o lnrt' 'ce
Io ser c^ Qc,ei rePc,r<ace .p" lt"o
' Hur & paDqY'rrnci
Hitcrncrre i5 fie rn&n
$s5sia,.r ftLrr P. in l:";*&l a pmg*er'"'r' t-o
,.*t' "reyird
Geco" *" ;
and llrlrrncrre' "; ' CIe' hitctot*e
b9 Sersl(rn f,nrevk(
o{L i.En
tr,rv- cr:i rh

Cgnrz-, ri-
6".ts ?rs = Sessi''t) ' t"*tQ*'t C h?l co$mGod ) :
tu call orre r4-rbt Stlo'o;I
nJ c' @ue'g reeetence toe rEed
Agrcr Crnglud '

L6 6arbod.5 {,r, e^ut-fng *'at qrtrcrg

@ tistcl Qn Sle* Oo'{oH
-, fo ncin-Selelt oleral1on
@ enec,^rc U PdoteC ) -- -'
* 0,..'g is on inrcrflce oP org ' biberDat pki ood it5 re6.,re.,Ce p6inf6 16 .--

\t6 1mp)tmtni<rrl6n ctars5 ohirt
clos6 oe $ue'g frurci fure ' 15 0er.5r-P1 \.)
--r the imPtimer*Ldt(m
lbeve are e t{dii5 o( exeut;og c{ Selec} dP"ctHon oP Hql'
!6t,*t r-

Daft,.P'ase J
-) In tbis LeL! 6e aIe 6elc.ltn3 F-rll a\ie(ts PwFl.
tl3lng HaL 7uLI3, iDtal oc;!'J 'j
-2 l.{hirc 6ere4in, Errt ohier6 ffo.n. htc.8o:. 4
f iuematc pcrfu,rr65 the 4r rr.,r,:io?
l-libondlc re.rd6 tbe ,oto'a krb\c ond eknzs r6em ib c' Q4{rttser 6qj"t'
eodn ta-,j & Qes.'t+** o"'J ' sroros *re &rr'' io a
poJD ct&ss o5lec/'v
@ Hiucrnore
r.rd 5
in 4 Coll?dlc^l oP 1ee lr'clyl-ia r(Java o'r' 'b'"! - r

@ F,uer*t" SfDyes o-u Poro,objlr6 !-f

6r finattq bf U.r no-i. fetutng the G>lle'dc''
rcPaeote b'rf' 6 6t" dav..PlDltc,fi\ '
\]-.i (,
Jben (oe necd f6' ItcrraE *{l'
-" APrcr outa.idog a rePernce oP list cottacr'lcm
collecklc.n ,r ,eoaiq 6rnc bg cne c6o't &otn rhe cdt

'. -
srssi(m. c"e..rcQueq (" f'u.r
$uer3 ^d
v { =

&u'<(0 o s

Jte"c*ur it = li6t ' ittrcftjt ( ):

Nure (it.bc,sN""t ( 1)
O*u 6= it' ne'*( l;
f,nplogee e = fEn'ptogce ) o1
S-o.P (e'getXx"());
Nc.g -a:-

-.' ln rbts (l)ot, .de d-r yeadiog CD{) l{rlding 1r,r ria( oqie4,g Fo- *re Dc'tc'Ba6 e
using Ho't qrc.U.

* --) !Jhile reqding palda\ ohieu-s per forrc'3 rb" &rro.,l"3

) l+,bcrnolc intc{.drf
aod t'-u't"'t' d
\, Hiberfire s $e DdJ( yead pr-a ootc.Base t.bie
Hitprndle 61rrye 5 ea$ n:to dcto- 6e 'ps&risef 'r,tot 66ita 11

@ l+ib"*e 6loot Ohjc(jl:l lr1ro, .iava.(^ril. Liat cot t"tr't"tt'

on brd' io clri Jav6' PmSrGrr] '
@ 6*u g Ih berrnre rciur nb $e -(iet cotlectl
eeitr ete'rrcor r4 se
--> t"lhile iK{iHng rhe col }rcr-r crn, u," need to tst(ost
Cblleqlon iotu 6qart 1

Mroe r e. e''y'o5ee5u
P'''., F'"ertr* 9
6.,re.g gtX . 6es6i<,o . crorcQtrerX (" s.t.a e'"fnptuUee

Olrkdt l

Jtttrlol ;y= 1;51. it raf<n ( );

t"tbr c (it'{rosNe<tC1 )
OUi...t-1'.- =(OUcvLl) ii. r,erif );
S'o'e (ru"1o1 t" ''+ro, lrl )y

l^Iob O: -
--) fo lblS Nc,t, toe & rcqdinS d 5ir8\e pn4"g o? dn Ohje* 6r)

lfom the DO u5io3 ttaL +'c's

o? olttt$ 'rnt<r oolri !'ilernore pt$"rn'
-'-, Llhile e,( c@dlng ft\i o tuPe theo

the &''ot''.' g
o t+ibtrEre raols rhe ddrc. Rom +s.lrte a1;d dio.rt6 i. Qesctrr5er,

@ |ltbcrr6}c Snas the pyo(t.irg fb?e usiog ftedrs.r rncrc.derrq and st.'r s
ttre volte o? egll, ran inb rhot parrtcutet Spe e odj&r .
of e Rear[ se|.
@ HiE'nore 6lores the ohie(]_s
. info ,.c+.,coltLd.qo o? tapt- Jc.v<.c^tt. Liet J
@ Emttg , p;5.'n *.
rc.tu'nb ihc C-blie{fl cr\ k.* to Otr jovc. pvo6rc^m ,-)

hbile ittra-nr$ ,tre cDtletft.,,1 cR fie

colle6ta'r .,
..sn1,,, . 1ueecd6h. elcrnn-r.
ihto *nl pe{ticote'r Oht'e+ ryee.
O*ot gt -- s<sir,n ' ct orc Qa..x, (" sere* e. erog] /'o,. Et't"pr'ut" e ;

l-ist ttst -- gYU. lisr()l

.Asr luog :J
f- -'l (9 obu*(
l"'r l'*--\J
I s.'a |
Jltrott t 11= tist ' iEraf"tC);
Y,llr,re lit ' baeNe-x tcl)
"(5i"3) it',
5, ntxtl) i
5.o e 1sr) )
3 E'l|,plolrce.;qyA
h;warc' '?a "tn l

Sarerl-Clrerrf 'iava :

' clags
nP., 9og, no (! "p" *, S 4lp,,ao.r .
... Non - 6ereu' @rctior)a usiog Ha,L '-

'- + tjbiF H6tL, uJe c'ro P'r f?rm botb 3eiq aDd - &l?q- o[ri'{Jd]D5 6n cr Dafz'Bas

-lhe (.1c{ oF ftflSho(liD9 o. mr,-5le* cPefi<'6 i5 atc.rD Sim;llan fb ah

c'i7t' q PoF l ld\'
s6L rDn-6lec cPqanic;t Bur 6e rt4'tace a Talle rpYnE

4od cdqmng Mrm 5 ui*) lcsD clrrsa \laYiables harf)a6'

need to co'u Ier|FuParrl( )
HOrL oe
''e H6tL
nsn-6ele* oPerarioD oP

,-- f- exeurli $ a D ' -lionocr}ron Letctase

to grr a
J--? Nhie ereurlinq q nm -se.lect q)e{oti<,c,r
toe need

-lr c'nsaci' c<r fz-" ncrn - glcr' opcoltooe

-' hiU"'no*(- rred s o
8.'l Upa"rr"t rbe
fu e"ornple, if coc t r,nt to per&"tm on t+dore ope{&HoD

eolcq o? ernplog ees, tt.,e {trrtp;tg code i6 Yt1.t-,i{e d

eS e' aaq*S"r -+
$,rer! gy3 = sessicrn. cre4fc0ueou ("uea.e Emrttee
t-a )''
t'rbere e'&ltNum6ex =
lir1nacl.,o lr = 6es5too. begrJrc, 1 ; 1

inr f< = gr? . greofeUpdc.+ t );

ix. Cor,rD;t ( );
so?(xt ' ro <-,rs t"Pdafea i;
a u.""'u* 4*-::,*]"'il'
: -tff*.' op{,oric".' ia oor
bf coruin3 orr' ""
oD i5 rroltuns
- - i.' HoL IoSelt oPe'(6fi

anob* objcl ,, r
,np use \r6ei i {e.r",r

Irsert oPrcdlon
in ^
Ho'L t,le
f6ns,,cruing on
c&ob\o\ tJ bu-tes af
o? H6t , c o*tt rh

.- .- on
u*ure 6ur'onuclns "*."1i-Llrrtert olxra}Mm
* gtrre &utri' m*t be &e{uue'
destln*{cn ohJej cod'
\nd;vi dr^crilX SpecPled in
rhe 0u\'
^ ho4 Voni.rb\cs d( q/ialto rh. &)t.. .ws ata d-t6n,Jloa aa$ o*a 6\r< crd .a\ .-t\,
l{t e^orf,lt :-

. 6es6'cn' co"fu"ou (" t*t ie6 fesrL*plog"e tt*tt'*t*il;U-'l

ffi; e'tt"'gloXtt Nt"r' f
&r* e'emp\ogeeld ' "'tr,,Plq1"t i--"

.&p urnbc,r F"- Er'd$" "'); ,r

-lio.,sr.r,.o ix =6us5lc'o ' yt;"Ti(."itrr tX .3.1t ia5lc is ir'8rrr'd no{'rq k'+c"flr$
ci o6ed 5 ,.#a t f"i'
y,o onc trble tu arorlrc
t, dq* e'eo'reUP&rctr; J
t}. cc.Drnlt t )j J
ffii6clal6 ctYt coPled lo v
* Nh,re uriog rhc oto\,e -.14e) o\ie*s crP
, F"c\t'
. i..,. \-l
Js$Ellp\ once Pq-o ctoJt ' sg$iot tbcvocro of or'e tc'ole inra ;
H6,L \nstrt oftrcll
an ic rntfring
--r ]:n c
tr-rb\c o? Dol"Bog e'
onotrc,* c
El')Plotee ' ioYa ,)
erd%ee'bbm'xm) '

-retu pa6eno@ q,r"@4 #'#:1;::,^'' .

$e -tt:.ndo.,r i4V4 y#r1-cli.Ql ' ,J
'los< -)

- ,, , c

{ ri c
. .., ...;'
,9a!> Ser* CooDr (i) , Ser" LSoI )/ tD&r\ tsol ) FtTr rnp\blee
t]aL: SeE* oonr(r)
. h0q.e&4) , ndr. te.e,nprrye&t) ftorv.
, Ce. jl

,,i :,i
(rircrra AeI (s\Di,i
--is ,rr"d ed Dodin3 eoHli 5 (ohi&r5
) Bo'o $e hasoee
cri|rra. Apr i., t+it..i
oP(ratJ:.a) cdn be dooe'. 3t cao't Pc-t F"{ r')
usiog rhi6 cr'ir.'iaAPj, Od$ &l$
- oo Dc'f&l3ose
UPdorc \- delelt oFlai o"r5
nnu rn!.rr ,J uYos!
o\r$ initlf L@) (>
n,_rl.m rrrr_heni s.a
qle4"'!-tne'n! *rr r.od;n3
rJ uss
In r I';Utttnre inKtrn
Crittric.AP ,
- 9lajqclls
@ nceil'to pqss qq!S49q tQ'r
nf,rc.dar-q 0? a fosc\oss ' 60r

|+ib.rrrlc, ds c '
i'e donot PorS dt'b "tlt"u Pardrt)@<{

Nbi\e Cl.onDS G'"'ior re'letzoLe

\ 1615 s,hicd.
lmt<ai o? qu.ab , t.e fies6
M ) 6P

To obr4rn a (,'rl rcrla refomce, coe oed tD co-u "r*rtGr*'i..(

s.s,^.h11f.."..,, - \
arc need"
*&d .,ik lc rnurlip cc,n& rton fc'ltt"d)
\,arp "*,tnAr&
cpe ncrd to cdr
o Perrn{e 4 6rrteri a ,,
APtc', ff |"ng
*u ** oPto$- osini
Porn rbs

*,,*,t"'j ;:::::"':*',
n F"'tohiccts(or)turtorarrt
".OeloBose .
clc'ss) ;
sessian. crcaJc GE'ia CE'oPlo'ee '
Crirerict Cnr:
Li.t .nr. 1;5il;
L-F 08.

- it=tisr- ircrJ t;
Hh/r( (ib bqJ^/." rt I
' )
t e.ptq" e--fEn'e1u6" ) ir.Nexrt);
I 5.o r (e X6f,xl. tl)
Add,nq cond, hoD ro cnrcYio

-> |thile ) {rom a Oera Base uslbS cfit'nar if (a &rani tD dfal5

loddirrg nr}i6 (obierfs

& Coodrion f{,( toadr,',3 66p5s theo l,)e odd tD Cyedrc a Crrrendo o$err abd f{eb -
U Ded rD cdd Crikrlon o\icrt m C;rc'tr' Ohiea
ibg tPcr<oce 6-t'3i' l?tx"r"r"'r tr"ttY
--, G*non is ao inrcr&^ca gat qnd .* can
inK'i Pr're' Rest''-al o''s
-- Rom.r,- s class ',b rbl g&f.d-:!s6 a? Grt'rt- .,
is c lxoo clo66 . '\)
-lhe oll Star{c rrflt'ds anl o{h 6t''"ttc m'FnJ J
Re6h-ichcT,6 closb Cfnl.(d'cr5
ObJcrt j
{eJ&rng o. Gi E i6n
I I - I -t.ricn., and Q:gt';tfit'ns borb acc &- &ttP Ft!"'it',
blt! Udt(n(,' '
ft Ottb iroilo'(itX
Cr:d o,6 ' lo'tern"r"'
&; Ptr- ')

- d'"t **
'rr,u 4,,*,'5 cocle ;s for lbadinS nriH.5 of E'phtt prto clt'J 3
a leltc'r '3, GttcliG'
'rsin5 \ \.--Z

rr"a;: "*"1
G,*'o crrr = 6es6ioolcrarcGo;'(E ;.,.' i :
crii (onarnon;.,'
.ad d
L;sr IiSf -- c'jt ' list L);
Itttcrrrr it-- L'5t' iKraLt(l);

,y9:==- -Ihe 4rrotrtog

codc p {- load;ng enxtlc c,9 E 'rl%tt Poro cv'rs ., t,.:o'd""9 -
q5ia5 C"lK^ia'
iD 5oS oqsrtr'cnr and l-r.in3 Solr'r5 as vo\ttrio Sooot a
Gip;a crJi =lssion, *o+. Grr;o (Enalor.e-crars), ,.',,

(, (o.,&*r,n != Qe.ttt.rt-s' 9 l" ffiqfi' a.; '

r,n Lod lpr,l = Best'icficmS ' gt (atrelqee$,r', Sooo)1
C\l|cyl ,-
$ Coyldid cm3 -- Rcsrrrficrts ' anl [co.,altcnf , Ccrdlnona) i :.,
Ct't 'a|d (Cr,n&ut,.m 3 J
L,;sr riti = ( ;t l-isr( )"
TO Fr m6rt thao 6na Ctrdi tl cn , f;rut ,.]u ryed to wcre $e tm 6t''3;66"5 *
qnd fi.q the Ao<'\
Siogle Ordr rl c'o b5 cc.urnX oni)(or) or t'-) rnerhods

6cn&lloo wL need to add -fwr C'rilcYio '

povo .'tctts fu
EEj ," 4,ro.o,.,3 co.le is &, loadi$ enmries 4 E pl*pe '
be g'e....^lt")
run*9 & ' sclc'Iu "h't'ta
dppl6i%t e c.'ndin.rts ca depa*roetr't
-5 'larcr
6nd empltrgec wmc shqrld co^lonn

[rrc'ro cri, = sss,dn. c{e""9"::f

eA (
frr tericrn ..'.di r,d' I -- PestacHqn6'';;;*'"' 3t('; a'Pr"5"eSor"'

C;rc;'- il::;= "'t';'t' ))

- H dDJ- -- {2estndlc,'s
' lixe ('ttelo2" Nat,e
o') a!r. & "
C"i f.n
(c'n&ct r
a -- Q"sr'i..ttons'at'a
Ct tt+ c- c''rd,tloo ::::^:l;
qnd ( fc'n& ttcn't-' --
'o - Or<ri"Bn' '
Yt tm ^-
. Gttoo" Cc,

cr ]u i s
llrraBase coing Gircri '
) f'*o- 61

:- $I;.'':'L,J"J*:;; "'"' a kndics fte ohrffi oult't

to add Oae'
'' or&'r then
ib c,!?lti a iinX ScT"*
-, "tnrp(oe ul.rnr "". '
** ct,tt;c. \ ooruo3 add $de!C) 'rrrSo'1
siari4 -abod
t8 9t'*:
r& Aa"n "t^s \ cldons
c4n on dt*tf-;
ds ctsc (-) ond
'*o ktlo6 ttoo t1o,1.- -4'tro

- c e is -lu'r ha&n6 a'r*tn: + t--

->'Ihc -$u",tn1
Dsctndtnfi grdsr ug tht-i' scldniLs '
C't*.. c.fir -- 3e(6i6n. Grdi t' ( E-/oott ' tl^t;'

Q'a* ordr'. = &a- ' d"tc("et"r"lt5"tS"r");

C.ri t. odd Or&'{ fod'( ) i
cit' lisl L) j
L.t lisr --

LOading ptticrt 0beai6 uslr'g CniEria i-

--r h$le lmdrg Otfaa Run o ft,t (6ins critcric!, ib is Pc66ible +"
lmoinX , in"r."a oP O'"t'Plte-r Orltnn &o-
fr,u oUPrrs
otird \,
Dokrqllsc is cdued lmdin6 gom"l

k;* - oh}lh f.r ej'ch

-.) & b"On3 partiar OQiedt, toe nced tD cftole a J
P-?tt Pqrgt.,',, .r'*' ,J
obk n L ohpr h coltlnX erattccMs& J
-> hle Can
Pql*rr-u clol6 rb o &.r.rq Jr gre*u"6 P'qjttt''r o?ty'ti '
NOIE:- C;.rlr\ety
-U Rest '.rr-a Cl'66 i6 c\ +"q & e"a"*S ClrJ teri('n cAjeFs:/

*c &troa"X 6st+s
ir'votve 5
--- Payriol CtaJdS a6in? CriEna
oa1* %tt och PtoF n
O cr.or. a Rq,e*lon

@ naa P"qtcnrtot, dqled's tD


@ set&de4List lo cri
$e Cri Eri o. '
tfe need c'u
ro li6r [) ft'r exer-rin3
0n *'A'*ilo't' ro fl1C,rert'lf
Ar *re hmt o? l trrollnS rtgr 'ollerd ' (o( need tbPtcos!
inro (Jhicd-t l'
ftrroornS ^crroP le
is Rrr Loc.dlog tc,ro prDfe;ffes op
Afm fi orn the DoFg'c{se qtin$ G icri q
\.-/ (trrtic,. crir -- &sslon ' ."-,,. $*ttr o ( Eoplo5ce'cnss)i
\v /lsitp -1
v ");
Prok*.^ p, = Pqi&ri""s ' p-F"T (" errployee N'.me

\7 P. =P,,ipnc-s ' P"{"n3 C' .-otor.c&r ) I



- // s'.et r
L-ist( ) j
' ftryut6 Li" r
Plisr: Rqieu{6os' frniedi6'-'

\J ddd fB)i
Plist' add (F!)j
crit' sfP'qied <n ( Plist)i

iinaff' ) j
\- Ilt{'rof ;t -- liit '

t it'hos No'tt )
' L
66ar rotol1 = (ohF"t]) ih'nt^tt);
S o'r (uolo1+
' " +rocol'l) j

c'n OhP$ uslnS crtE'iq:l

..' @ Lmai"g o Sirqle PYDfrYq oP

--+ Nbile l6qcliaS q usin3 Rq"afl'must

S;ogle PDPe{\ r ,. 66 oeed oP
a sagle - '-
ure ^^^
can A'+tdq
dlwcltl add o !lnDieatlo"c6!
PbFmJ l
',-> Tncrse oF loadio3
'fo Gl"t;t'' e empl't5ecNo"r
is R.,r loadrttS a 3io9\e P{DI'e'rt cou"d
--o -Tbe Srra,,i"'3 code

fio- fta&ae usinS Giterio

(r4re C.o"'" I FldoJee ' clars ) ,'
Git tto cr;t -- sess1(h,

: R*"ton p-- Pqit'tl'-6' pog'<r5 ("e'nel'Xecr''lcTe')'

.J c-r ' atPql".tt oo te);

\.-, List list -- trif'tistc)j

llcrarr'r ib--tist ' iieraiorc) l
L'*'ir (it 'YrsN" 1())
6rng n' --f6t"og) ib' oc"tc),
i5 otso osedr'oben roe u'aot ru fi"d ot^J
In hiberoare, fttleoooo cdn6cPt

CnEr.t'& '
o$$"goJt R rxl*,0 oes,.rf tr5in$
Fbdlr'' otg'tore rn*uog bd lirc
yes(-rlis i5
sum oP Sotasri ,coon* o$

Ob)4la Ctn) rmi 0g 6c'k'iic6 et'*'

BrrocolnX grrng\e ccAe 9n g"dtT raoG'nr suro dmqrlnl'''o 14
]he '
&nr!,-ies og erDflospes u$ng
ftq:arros o? c''iKncr '
cros s) ';
crir = 8essio.r ' c*o-'"
Grtio ( E'odotee'
llt l
Rqjeot6Jr R-- Pqlorrona ' tot': Ccx-'ort)
P.i*i.^ ;=;;-"
Ptju.ri - ; = n*-t''no^f' "fl'6*&")i
Plist =
odd ( Pr);
Prisf '
prist'add L&)i
odd IP5);
s'; v' 6ethit-{noo (Prt"t ) i
lrst tist = 61i1' li5t()'1

66srl 3

f}tl ai.'t it-- \irn. iR{olo{ L) ;

iF (it. trasNt^ttl )
t 1) E.rK tC)'/
b"aQu,.* ru,ol1 = [Qhreul i

1 6'0'9 C.y""tJ*"'**.*J. +lt,('L4 )'

i :-
- Po$ioalion rrEbods in c{ilcriq
enhHs oe a PoJD cl{rsB usir cri}erio, ib i5 Possible io loctd
'- .-> l^lbile lo(dio3
in6rcQd o load'og att ohi"trs
$e o5lects oF a P{rjcu
l-i rcrnqe'

d'Lt" i5 c4',ed
*** d-o h'
:-.-, 6 \uze orncunt 're
oPP\iog FiooBco ted'niq/te
i..' .'tl rtti
ne i.oo
a *t"td fu Qati'oJl.n
o \ rb
'!' rrao.t"'
1[," %rroro ing 6'" rbe ir.oo rne'ooq
on,.ras rotad
-----o ft stc'tr o ., ,
Proro \61 reaodd
"..":: , , *Et .ean as 16,o.l hcz l-lex rrqrt
srr tr (to) a
r) eerFrt tf?esrt ,'u,----"
16$ 6rtn a ".
; 2) 6erf1&x Qsut ld'o)
YE .-G,r."o
L (E-croocc.dcs)',
6e'gld$ ' ctot fu
Gi tc.ia ctit' e'+ 46 "i'a"
. 6erFr5rPesotr
(5) I ,"cda t)e Jeturs
c t' **l1a^Ptst'rcta);
Lis r list ' c{ir'list(); )i
,.- list itcraFdl
lrcratot rL -

{, .i1 nxtL ) , "*e ,p*E"&te.fuo:
Eoplogee LErnpi,$ee o{ N*t"BoO J ;
et EmP\ogeeld
L) t" ' re.gdE,npl%teMme r e q*Dtlr
6on [e

arPbCD' '
a ,efu Po6enn: @
errlolooee 'bbo'xrnl
ceB' xsl
Gtrcnr ' i'va
+ ' c\acs

-_ 6:-
4tt stdll a , hdl-rd{r 1f4,o\{ t'
cboor l4g'L ohcn, fte 6((a,rt('
cti( dr'orr1 sctot ogratlou on \oart.
ch.o t, CyietEd4 rdren Ae A(!e','k dXoorntc
Narve Set u
Lllrco fo
chY:se Crirc"iq ;n l-liu.'*r. ?

0.:- Nhn tD choose ilot- oo.l

Obc.n Oe t lc.nt lO

lo a 2*lu* o6'on*' <^t' J

A*:- lrlh.n de unot PenP*tn

ure cdcnr tD rrrt!-e tha gtt'*J o dto*t'

\. e.
01nln rnt r$Ple Cr'n di nons

lo ure G"ru,t''
ihtn ii i5 recornendetr
tx'"rr t-o
no'n -sele* oP'roJtdns
[or) o\m crre

Nhtn wt ure'nr to f,rrPrr.o to ase |] L'

q,ti* ii i5 <atn-&d J
trc.lrc Akltc

rb-tlgh tohith ., coe ccLn e,,. etufe

9. coneepr o? Hibctnol'c'
*> Nalive 56L i5
ru sO L q)c]U,rlon5 on c^ &JaBog '
alet o.A fft \ - f,e'lel.f oflo$<rr6
dn oe4
cnn pc'gort'' borb
-> uilb Mrive 56L , ue ia a bta8oe &P"do't--./
(,]e dcdb fgee Sor- 6uena I 6o
Tn MlivesoL,
L in cur)

1t,e SrPt it,g of fie noo

ffqf i ,.o:rr.,S f.,r u5in3 NdriveSq
.ldber nart cqP c4,ltao '
o{?L'caHon in lu an Hibcrn4e,opn, rat J
er'i6ho3 JDBC
0 nhire migta$n3 6''t currrdoe SaL omroardS
use AloriveSot-- Wra"^e a JoBc

olso ol'bt'5 lo,L @tt''4od's '

a,.d Nhli\t66'L
fu]oo5e 8o t cn ]lo*oort
c4{'l"t crn
rr', orao to ca[ a' Po (edr n" o? a .,

qJe ned Na$\re5o'L'

&o- ot, Hitt"ere 6{pli(oHa\ .,

.> Fcr xeo*l o3 6o'L Oue;'a ooc lxragcse
' so'L6tIt inrcrface.
ur neei a ,cPo"nc 4 o16 ' bib"rrr're
b5 Ot -ing
o? 56'L 6trel SrJcr PzAe
--> coe c4n obldq & lflcence '
crnrc56,L6t,6g[ ) vttbod of oeoiorQ'trt't"t )
(' '
8o'touer s qrg = 656i6D c'*rc5ar-ar,e'u 691
'onnc'c )i
u&'og l\hiveSgL
o F'rr ob{'is (or) d tutl oAiecf Prom a OoraBosc
-> Nb;le selecliog
gc(-b rod o9 QeslLrSt ioto an ohj"Ltl ], td ml
;olt|n6ll3 Hibc{ rrt( G'rvYts
ar dircll5 56'L Co,rrwr.r
ioiu c! paio cldsS ohjerl' b'o'-'se io NaHve$e'L ) tgPe

rsme 'rn 'ib'

Ord ib clotoot a Folo clctss

fut excrrhpl:- i
( er... * Pnt'-n emPtogee')

? 655 i on '
5er-Occr! q'Ys "*4st6r-Btueo0
-- qlu ' )lsrL) l
Li5 t
\ ''51 erbplo8ee
r---l_ 66pol

II l"'-

fE{af('{ )t-- l}sl iKtcdqc)i

1,otd rt [it 't!5Ne^t L))
I it''-'exrt)l
ohlerr fl,,tl: (obrdl ) "
+' +roct1a1 )
" +lc'r)l1l -r
)'o uD.otoJ'
e (.ruoi"l
S'o P
t" -+

ciopr: &ovo "

E'* ohitr 1ut.,

q,",.-J & load;tl ^' ao c:+

. p<r uh
o,*.,*r. * corr'
!^rhi\ qx..i$ne
rDc cd.f\
: :H-;l rnf<
00J..@se ) rtrn ohlerl l
imtod o+ an
eaurtser into a lqio c\d;b oqi* ,, c,. fi)& ctrcrs
oft ea{h {cd inm
ro infam tl* Hjbeffijc ttpf @' iop{nauX 4
9 evbs obJa+ +
(6u rrrfirl **s wr\rd t'f,. Pd65
tle oddEntrgt)
PAlb cl&s5 cls a Pararf(K{ '

Rrr aro$,Ple:-
6t'"t L ro* o 0t" ."$'P.');
SoLaue"X qq -- tQs6icn '
qt.odd Eohj rg I Enplo6ee-.lcss)"
Ltst tisr = 9q ' li6rL) i
Itc'at<i{ . il-- tist' iltrajzrc),'
riltre C t.lDdqN.rtt ))
[-ela6.e e= (E"pl"y. );t'""^.t >;

s'o'P(u'8.'x*" t') '

a ndD-sele(t- Ogrrcfton : -
6f} c! Dct@g4tt
o- rr'>-gX* Op'crrlon
--? l,Je or$ grecr.rc Updorc t ) Q'r era"nn6 ir,
-kansgl-t\Go ' Beccurle r
!Si" c
oFJro.t{crD, t-,re
-, v,JLil( Q,\e.ding a Q6o-6elrj ' \-/
otonng ndn -sele* offtcrlfaos
a -Tsr6orif oo fs 'cryrr'"d &
t\.bc nc,.rt
Fdro(droPte: -
6$l6rtoq udtlc unrlo6ce *r *-t
6aL8&tt ?*d = e"srton ' c"tart C' ;lff
emPno= i Jr
qq ' 6etP"t""tcrc{ ( o' tooo);
flsO i
. s* Pararrercv [r,
-f*" r*- tlr = 6es6i6o' lq;Jrcincorto.c
lot K -- +ru . e^(ralcu Pa4}et -.i

+1 - cororoi tc) ;

E plddet'.lav4
'am ) \-,,
enp\o8.e ' bbm
Nd rr Cli'ff' ilr\la
* 'ctarss

rek4 F3"@ (S A lt-a*.r.

"{ln !-l
6:- Nln} ia *e d;gPcroce b\to H6'L d'od Nali v 6e L!
, .- "r^+ivso,L (Jo4 use s6L gretleS'
(lse hbl. bcr, in No}ivso'
9a'ie6 '
A!L*1O I" cose oP 116L, tl,e
16&paodent' **7'Xi,;;ffX
@ Ho' ouu"s d'e DdraBale T;
Ha!, u( cao't &lt o' proredzrt 4a turtstrn
@ rt*ugb cttta BGI c
daYt uI *
f 'rxrs .,,l of- '
l8Jive sGL Io c"r' cal-t o FDLe

fcurog d Procedcde 6r a furffioo i-

o o t^ Q'r{rto"t
Q,r cqtlio, f'ded/r?
oolt r hc le o limitatls{)
.-z Xn Hibcl Loe

Rctr) Hilg oot , iF

it dots no t
Cc.n be
'- -'t 1\te limir('$on i6 ' A Prced.rre

oot ccorc^in eitbe'{

ftruln doq \t(,lue6' Ii mecn5 a PrDcedrt{e Slnodd

) irlo&f fxrrcrmcreYs '

-rilP *,"'
Oot (or
role P,n'tr.'
Ih te'
&'raBc'se from

--1 NC cen c4lJ a Em(Jtoo o


'.2 ruurnioq q Cr-,r s<sl


i5 g)tp66ible
fo cT tale ot
or bibplnde, tt
Nhire r.Joluog wi$ eirtrr

Fotn d Xa.raf^O$am ' X-t- ls ctotJ

froceaure c-r Rrnaon irt 9"16,6*.


Gr o 9.t tr- PrDm a 6avc'grD$ro-Y! '

po66ib\e to cou cr Proced["{
c.- fi'"nrl ctt Ohca it I 5 r.-ru{oin$ any 69Q-f 6-c"r
'' or
'u 1o co/- a orocedL'1e ute Togc code in *\bctare {- c""-t n1 grdr tl P!

vatuei 1ttn u']e cdtr

on5 TXoe of
&nc$o"s done in fic
oP P'r"ced'"t5 Lrr) thbelnale
Pt* I


(oo.lt5 l
SrrotrinX P'
ef td' e-taticit

O ,.lt'n3 !l'bc{mR ',Ji$

d\(f' JDbc cPdc
@ U$nl lhbcYrsle
CdlinS a Procedure Ro.o Hikrnore
oced&r fiorr, th betr)of< bU (, L6iD g IDBC c'dd ''J

trtn thot pruCedrt( &outd roi r*uvq dnt Vrrue5 '

hP c-ari cou o pnc.dar'cb '>i ct rePerunce "? OtLet.r"? Itrr fc6ur{3
C.,^ trta l^ ...1,\ l'
.qdL6uq a'u = 6c63ldn ' cteolt )OLAtJe''r / dGll
(* Dlomrnelpo{Arn' \?
tJ /'
.r '- -'--J\ '-- '-

t ard udox's $e giuon v'

Te *rrotor"g procdclYe in CIrGcle +oues .rJ,o inporawpteve
fu4 6al&Y$ ft6 6n errpiogce. :

ffiL>. ed g1e.r . in \ U
Ge6.rc oY reel ace prreduie b$tPro Leoo 'r

ernPDo = roo]
s.,r 5al -- .oht DbYt J
1'[. *ro*

v l
Tus[re4, , \l
ftLtoltc- | I

Prrrcde,"e crfalcd
cd\on i5 &" coll,"t rhe ofs.tP
fll' fte S'lot,ltt'g liberqcK o{Pli

* . dass

ll cri r* .&va
imfrc(to5. hib.rnarc' * i !/ir'i'
imps.a oq. hiu'nore ' cP6 ' i

FDlic clos5 clicflr t

ps v rq tShtngll .'is) ?r
t - . -rr'' rr-gor'vrc)
cr'#gr^vrc ' 5l;'r$ltl^f,"ttt'y f l,

Ser:r<,nEcroy Pz,co.6
'r.o' G''e6-*""ct
&Lbyg, oljtfr!$rtl'.( ); U
on SqS ses(lar'
Ara...j gessr,q. ."* ;;; f{* 11'1)J') i
+t! ' 6ff,ruc8ar I o/ 1-? sc ) i
. erl".e6"^ ( L'ter,o1',

esslon' 6e6lo-liansac*'xrt
, -rcnJ&ot<n tx =

tx . Coo rnlfc )j
ft,sslon ' cloleC) ;
Acra.5. close()i
6'o l( P-tea-'" aetrca" ) )
- Corriog a l"ocr-lcor A?m Hibcr r'a}( :
ode rtro
u.*on Ro. l+ib.{., e bx
- ,-.-l otrhocr* t'rslng
$e 4noo;ng 6 condrtr ons '91'ar rd k Sa$rAa.{
- *f)alaBalc
O^ Fln.r-"'ftIil- 7e'utn o
cryftt)n a)p ot rlt" tadB'
*l (ot) tnust
@ the u's' "*" 6''td &ti,ies eo'$c+t '
@ -npr k,nro^ ''*t

\-7 y::!-fun: ,*e'LeLn(,')sp'L 6t.."3

^-rr""tto'l iP e
i? &me
- -, Nhire [>ve]o?in. an lh&rrpte ' a&\;cctncr'

CaD u&' dqcolr* &,'a:{' 4 {lbott'ot"'

a6tt,n andWn , ,u Narrr;

'-> Mrqd ttte'rjc5 at ffi UF's

O rntamed llau 9uo*
Na.e NoriuL @L ltrdl
Cg .

.- + a\ older tu rouse " qt"rX 2- fu '64$pla
flm4 {n
#m4 {rt or'' }hunn*

fbco clre n"a ro am8g,.l ** q',\ tn "r'1ptng

f;'t'bt PUrHnS $me
rE' P* $ ry,\
..-7-, T0 Onggur Har $c1 ioA rnqpitt $re tben "rhe t<'6 is 4'"\Z'
$mi\\rl\ r ro cm B'Xprw SSLqe.'b $e ltt \5 Zo'vl- Yaet >
NOTE:. 1tre tqrqt, r o"r asql -We\a> tat 6hcqr d be adde d outside 4 4ctoso> k6.-
For o(omple :-
nplogte - hbro ' xro t

Zcldt6 n tr!a-- tr.'progee table ='emPlodee'' >

Lqtkb ?; ?
oo.n =
,,^. ^
kor:logae e h*rr e'dep+NQmbe{ =
2 --". \-,
zl4rlxtn> !,
Ls(l-1l/cY rnme= ?2 \,
o -'s-l 59'L +r(''t '
&leu a P'lm rrnPldEee cohr'r or''1 - \,
4$-W<1> \J
Llh-m> .J
o. - . :a -. L ?rot5 ,rcc need to
exetu (
-5 To er*f,r Norrdlt61- 1z'r5' Cor) '\lared
outctin Quz-5 rtk,"tnt:' h c"*nfl 6ctl0'""a
Ov"n () nafiod "e *sun \J

lrrr.{P"G" \J

Or"t grur ; 8tsiun ' 6e+Narnedguen6 [."+:)j--r* 9r-g :

ds"'u q?vz-- sru,1<n' 6rNc'-eaQ'"g t 726sLqA%, a
g{1. <rParar,*rx (o' +) i
t-r dcPttumb(,v f1J r. sspap,,,oot (o,ry);
t \-.,
1 Ll4to
Lisr /;51 :- grtl' lisr( ); Lisr lsr , Tvtdz.!E1( )) ', ._.'
Lr*or.,gr" poso.,or" obFrf tr" t-,r o{.+ L A5;." 17 of,ccS {#&t*
:. -,


fte Brra.oing f,oncnon i6 3o
lnB b teft,Y o q C.aY 541 roirb o ser oP Erplo Xe<3

getL> ed xL

Cr.ft (r' rtPlace Rrno;<m emP-

c-p A-.n- '-P-'qr

Jetutn 6$6 -tPari&rr iS

Cr gl5-re{cur6cl1
b4in I
x p,ero
olfn ca d glrf
flc'rn CJ"
aon ;

661> @xL
F.flx"o c,'ealed ,.- to" ned
,ae ro canPi6u'c c. NamdM'ft
HibCtttate '
r"' '"'"" Pom
--, For <c,rriq rhe obcrve
. _0.,,nrr;oq 4roa;o3 f;;;l
Il,il ':"1]",-n'' "*" *o
naw = 9t
L31\'"tde{l, . ., - ,."- !> [o0lor. jovd.
arr(,s " '
;.ax(rtq clc.s5--'EmPlbUee ' 'li'n+ iavq
* o"**
[!-cr eme-io?oc)J #;^5@^
Aqt -y'e*x' f,ittt.'.ptt
fo cd*tr{l
n is use<l {c{
{cr in%rrntrr
ingorrnlr5 tt''t
- '' " 'etl
In rte above ' Zreriu{t" '7
intD pc6o c\&\5
obfd' eolhY,*o
ed,l, r6ur op Q+rtt&i ..-..ore
t c'nvo,.s
-' o thcn the \htlt
/Yeka D7 '-J
' --a 1? ore &Y)o+ Conft6(lYt
[&$\l5rF into an Orqiedll' i*F*d & tq"f
Stru"lu o& i'
<m oP [rtbg nate 6,e
-2 lh a clicn-i oPPlltort
u-'lll& l5
(r'oBXortd in rhe r.rg';n6 fttc
rht f.-,n"u*',
a tt^5 L'+'" ) ;
d*"3 qf$ ? 616).n- 3<tNarfeJ

Li$ llsi = 1'5'li5tl);

-L!'[ ioe fo,rn
li5t {. ) mtJho.l itcc\
tohao oje
- (IIu5 the P.'.gtcttr and obl&lfs
a,\ fHE\ook( 4 idbc
c)ll{5d &rft iotb tr CJesu\rer
\cl $bEtnarc 5tdl(5 $e
@ Hitrl.or. 8tzles lbe data- 4 etLt, to|Uo &,l6tl. tnfD fi.Jo (l&r5 o h.j..+ ,

@ * siurf6 * &JD crass .hle.ts intb a colte4|o 4 ,sr. L;.r.

a.. P*rrr
h,u,.r.r. @ x.l'qlns *t Cotltcdcm 6de6 bc..r. 6 o i arrc frru5llrirdr-
Ccling o frcred.,'e/
1..*n"n Ho'*^_'113 Jdbcclde:-
$ru'.. lntcrft,re oP hiutt)ar' hr^t ptov;ded <^ rrrr$od dohjc *(), afijch 16
-> ,,)
q&d ib 4.{#) excar,.( rbe JDOc &de d$it(') in an |hb.r.r*e aOp)tcqH 6r .
. ry'.
tb urire JDo c ro irnpl(m(er gglry*'y9:'
-> fn crzte thcn uy
$b.rra* ) c,crd

( )
*> Nurr inrcrgoce [<.s ptovrdcd oo AErrcat irfrhod cqlri excidc onJ ar'
tho<-'rd imflcmcntaHon e\eclrc( ) Frfifucl bd oTbtn5 &Sc @ae '
- \-,
--" Fd{ e^cmpl :
p{,bli c clas5 llghJat irqterrrnJ6 N6{B-

a-) rboocoa l?"ttPttc.n
' Ouotu vo'd ]drrt
" /Jr"l'lo iau'

3 --)
&,a fr- l-;u<' nare asqS jduc o&

IiYu lt C0ll,ng Pbct&Y's a'rd

are no \tstri cH c'rta tnhren rbc Pocteat -tt5 o"d R^do.{ ..,
hrm thro-'r

trr farrable Srarc.+nr 4 jdsc

ere{.16 t ) mcrbo4 4 hbrr ,
inicv Prtce use

t Grllln3 cr CoO c. &.,.t/-

-he +o)rqdinJ Prb(e0lrYe 15 L.{
alo.r"Hn5 k-nt s bg d,r.-*nJ cl sd',ry oF on

L-n)o.1ee. Th;5 PtDced!'1 t'krs empn o bc.s inlxrt fht'-r rer,'r-rS btdrS AS drry+,
r- 6r'm6e
5gL> ed Fritpa
tolu$ ou' "u'n/t)
praedr* bo.*,s - Pb (e,r<, in oumbcr,
Cr4t ct .tq,lacg

n,.,o'x^i (4'
't *o* ") i
bq,f,'E-* "'* ' -*'
f.m co[rn< einprb < eoo i
Selelt SoL int efiQ56l emplo6ee
i9 emp 6ot bei,o.eq 0 aod Sooo theh
bon"s := 5oo;

'v d aod '&oo l'n

elSi( emPsal bel:&Ltn ?od'l
\-' bp,4:= looo,

b6oas : =)5oo i
eod i? l

A6l) > lA K(noa


Pn&d4rc CYeaEd

hib.rrr'jc 'c?3 xm\
Crier* 'java /'oass
' ll Cllcot Jova

lrofrdtt oit' blbltrbJc ' * ;

ia,fstt h'*roet ' dt'*)

or5 '
ittw't ot' 'lnib"iatt ' idb0 ' 'f i
inftn- jaYq ' sq'l' lt)
lmPan &vo' 4til' *;
llJ5\ic eloss cll(n*'
T ar$'?11)
P 5 ! rn t Shnt'$

L- .^ d--, lr\.' c-qbu

n-Bqcr.vr () y;altcl-I-oeL);
{ostut = nero
"' ; ! ,
5t-sst*Foj"i ()'
6"tstt- sts51-= {t"t) ' opn&ssr""
- - lo?t+
t0 lLc ftr rr'^g'e d{D"""49
sco.,rrn 5="r- $ao"rn (S$sK-ri;); ''+ . i;r ' '' ''1 'sl'd'r

trn?nd )-' "' i

6 o'9 C cn,'{
j. an,Eftr z,a{ Jnr ( ) )
5. rr^r

.,:.";itr'# I"n. J.t^t".t"* Wur'c)

. lol d eroec"re (G, *on ct') *"tl'rs Sgry+t1
5 -...
Co*r.$or.*,"t o*r'= o.-**Ct" ("tc'u b'1i - r'(?'1)i );
llog,r* on pe\o.oe.',
C6rrDi. re6i5w-r Oat,r ( a.,f.:ptt' flr f<of c );
// er i., F.r...*r-
Csitnr - sEtInr C1, no),"

llau 1" Rocdotg

cst-mt ' e{&dc( ))

inr Lor,,,.s = Csnot - getIrrt C));

_--'.+ I' wad rhe bono{'l \i
5,o.p ("Bom,s=" +u"oas ) ;

J it -a + execar-.c )

J llc't 4 lJon' l'.dr,r,eddfi h \,

); l*a & d"vro{vL)

&sston 'closrl ) r'

-Rctq. closzr)l
l- r< | or/ r'r
(nirb 6ewlci dn d Hibernc"he Inre6rc(ticn
f\inonon , cLs Po'r-o(-^
te dr"Ploled ot a lm<oserr ,'j
---l N hen *,r"e io a
h''ze dmoaoi oP aal< to i5 j d,:y'exed on
a-f c. timc
.tbcn, i9 arr tbe dora \J
.iee -teJfs'xe 4- a 6tut "1"tz+ I
tu rgeat'o$"", @hile
lbt Duzc
thc brl'<arcr rtrrn on &duset looSes
oP dqJa ot. 6nca, s\odn c'n a btncose''v '
ure nerd dal ded tht - L,zt c,muLr.t o{
-> :+deu fo 6'{.tcllr ttr
de nceJ tD 6\od poXe \ p.Xe 4
dor.. o
dala lnto rnruv)" Ff 6 6nd ^
is - gaSirctioo'-
bmo5e{. -lhib roechahish', &lraI
6.. lin'< it
c.'<- rot disP\a'$ed at
of Jnbr d\\ bc rrp.ils
--: F<r, px,.*plc, \f 316' l r
,rDd51. thL t.]orls orc i;sptaXc J ln o- pabe b5 Ycqe '
1t meo\s Pa$narton

rqedanlsto i5 6{plic.l Rn d;.pl"Ot"3 thc "otr o?"^ fobon '

-+ 1n g'ost 4 u/D olpti(ak{dns us-d 1n q m,JHme, Lr) o{ptieJ u'tt\ Fd;oar"1
1te f,rruoi"g era,,,pt is c( 6e$r Et u:ttb ltbcrrrare InleYa lc\, to disnhri - flt,$Jeq

6t1Ps details al cflc ln o Fge, bg devidroS the EmploSeeS Plajes ioto

routtlPle po-3es usinS flaincfiorr medroruSm ,

F lcrlr:

koiodtian &r'J t'r:

.,r implcrocnHng Pcl;*:-tlco

fte 6rrocotng logics a.. r$rlyd in a 6e{ve1et


iogic r :-
is P'r &)ttiab tr3e og
rncd. e
to cbecY- 0ffortr{ d tq46t
a t de o@d
--) Xn 6rlltf,
- &'fa' tc( c$r.d fe1eloclcs-,
Ksfttnse rLa'lt}* 0aJaroe
ra&q *'e v6!ae {a
Iq q 6a'rlct,(,oe o<o
- kpoge ..eqluesrcd t5 the cr
to Bna 'cr*

p(tge ,ode x aJ ooe r 'f q- cl-cnf i5 not f)1s5ir'fl |X(ielrdex PoYGr"4q'

loe a-e deci dio$


*l.n bic aw tz'.uaj rhc V6fuL de WSe iodc\

-,a r? Fssed Pctgeindx
o- ',n df tcF.
05 Prgetn der Se$r
a- ('rcg"r"d"t')
5*.,g gPdglodo(
= rvlLest ' g+Patuft\e!<t I

i9[sft'i"]ode" == ry,,r';

' Rel ode' = l)

3 -_,
{ - 1 r(s.fueGd;t
n -,- \.
pgel'dcr = Jott6tr ' prseJ''r ); I r \)
3 ,-t

ls:l. ) Tt *' pc'ge Ro"'' a ocrosovrJ

l?n .cain'
'ed'.3 ibe
Bnd rhe Sr6dnglode! J
oP l-lu<pore tt o.* ,^-,,-".
usiog gireric( :
-"'n lira Bocfiog 5rari;og Tndex
' f"9
Grctsase &6lnJ P.olooH dn
*e oulrs of *rr pr.Xe Po- v

o ot o yubte
t@'- on c. ' \']
deEulS in rhe t'nm f
Qe&'dsPo. Page
* Pc(ter'rt )( *'"'r.c{Of
ior 5i = ou-kr O[ Re3'6sp.Po5e
( E-oro6ee 'cta-ts) I \-/
Grcar. crir I s'i6l6n' c*o-}.C.,i'"ao'
j \J
a.rr, s*f,''5 r Rcsc.rt (si) \-
o P"'-t tp" 0'.s") ) \-
cnt . se*fbL 06..rts io'-u'
Li$ li'i= c'it' listt) t
il-"i-aicl'(n [ ); !,
lt ' llst-'
Ittta.roi ''- '"' |

) ' '1 \J
hhle ( it 'tosNc"i( ) , ,r
t'\J :

3\', \-./
l0$lc ai-
ohFlfs ['tcrrae ) a\'nnbJo\e iq $e DarLertse tc6le \-i
-ig* "*r*o? ^
oh,le c!6lf)g Gi tcri a brl nee Pcifryrdis P- R"AfS ""
in biberno-rc ) '
Ogreetd}{ tqrr.r164 'rsu\t .

o( oLierr( lo Oo}afuAe in
---r rn ttrl s lqic,toe ore Strninl Irc rn orJai\a'lo\?

tokdm o[ rtGlrAs Vcuiojde.

f"ixtia Cirt = se5sioo, c*atcG r.'f a ( [r',plo6te'ctass)'

Prqi"n- P1 = Prol<rt oos " ruoGc'ru();

Cri ' 5er Pnjecti co ( Pr)i

List = &*.list();

Tf.ratn it -- list'it"df6'()i
if (it'hosMxro )
lnr(goY i= ( hrqjca)
it r'exri)'
s ii
touNL"'rbc"OP Qecoa =

' logi c 4:-

$e tot<rr no oP
---+ fincl md lnn5 requi,td {r'r disp\c^6ing
og Yr'!t{ag Pal
fu B*,a;"s
.-.--: {ecddg urlth no
ult d.vide *tL +oFd m og
.- * no.4 r&tes
.'-----, dS are exiat thcn lnc'drnenf the no'cP 6t'ys d tme'
IP onJ odd;don6r ruor

: noO9Pages : tok'tN{rntc.'oFQ "uaal o"-uwblY1"* t

if ( ror.aNu,"ut"Ot Rea!"'as
> (r*tf Pau 1 *nv'O?Q"*asp"' )
mQ?Pr'ies * *'
bgj( b: -
:==== o., L-.os- P.,r PeSeNov iXort"'l '
IinFs h$crtroks
Rcv c'd Nc"t lints
---' W ,;. .--- rt e tiDk i,s linl,ed
t *'':^::"
-- u.,k rhe
-.t potd o. Pora."cfc.{ P4s?roder " :'
- ,.i"*';;r
", fltu;o* llnk , pogeJnder is cuJYfni Fer,'dex

Rrto&Jtx * 1 ' 5fxsrd not k

FaL ioder ',s crrrr..u , sn [".*o.q
{'"'' o e an J N{t unts
p<rtot's lior qbood co{ 5q disolotca
d,lgta3ee . Le r1-l3e'

iP(g.gelodex > I)
t ?PoBeindcr =
" * [pgelna.x - r )+ '' >P'v '/e" )
go'1,tio'tn t"<o hoP=srvr
iP (po6dnr er zmohbgu.
)"n", r" ('za h*e =5"Ya ! poge ind er =,'+(rt6elna.*

D[&]onJ Strucl(rrc '. -

w&rnqcNo@ P.0gLPrr*@
'l. rr I ),"t.1
o+ L"do.,r.
) :1 i: c,', .l;,., ,

ibcrffrrciar I

T0 ornpirc flgmlt oo Servler,, are need n 53t *r Buotorog tgl Oq$rq, j"
Crfi65PAr$ O 6edtcl -e+i {a'r

' ., ..! lr

a- tn f}lar,are ( Assocor''cr's in Fhkrrr+e )

- 1ba dora in c! DalaBase i5 6tored in rnrlfiple tz'bles crnd rhen &rDe 'reld.}taq
ts a56ioed bl(o rbe [h}( , !gro,,se oe fte 9,*t''3 t<i)o Yccror6'

o 1n oYder tu rc&ltt WQeAxndorcrl oP rtre Doto it-, DoroBos" t![-ut"s

To n)orsSe the ofz{axdns on the dora eorgl5 '

L# t $d'e $e }ocfcrr anJ

'- {,r gxomnle:- w. lou" o 661s Hospitar , cohcYe or&Jo'

talya oP[Dinlm u''r loi c^ dodttJ ' 5o, ltte to]\e is 6oto5
-b loor liBe tbe -Bruroio5,.
*r id e Ti..,<lot
Do.Name Spe.jaLr4aon @ -tprn
Doci d
t-1D L
\ 6r 16
lol lc MD
";+'t{ loe x) z 1"15 aol
7., \6

to> B irtlD
t..l z


ihe a,te't tct'le ,

p- artdn froid infutor- '
o oerurin?urrnct$ <n i5
o. d(!r('f D '
-t''"| ffi'tLtl rJle-{i
tna '

or is dwlrcr*d in tha +c'-dc

o 0.f. ioPtnmo-tl

So, ib ledcls t0 bnQedr.^ dco

ur'e Con l@idc *e ';We
Urz.fud,,n&n \ Fddeq '
-? TO so$/t the
inio 1106 +!b\es live the -forror'lin1
+ab\e g..HcY*-ing?
hrn?sto I
2o6an _ ineo
q, I I
doa a &mme spdatiz4fl
lo\ Agt' :Dl
I'lL tl6 3o-L s
Ir, rhe o$d.e, *f dara i5 deu idd iotD trlo irJo[e3, therce 15 ;v6^ blt-o rhc

dat( io ' so, il'e &ra sb'd in 6a D1f46ose ia an Ucelers &ta'

1c')o ialtu6
f(no trt $ene sboo'd b! sdme
-+ 60, (ohn rhe data is clevidud

it o'" *k &
reunan blco tt't drtra rbrroee
io ralae tfia d1it:. os use&"t'
'-> lo rh( o-bow, t'x L"
tLs optl ctts)

o NC Can coq a polic* ia in-fo -ino ttrJc\e '


id inrb Erte"r -it'Fo

t!\e '
@ VJe Can a aockrr

(^ orl, in&"ar{^ ;6 '<f<re 'J

,----' irr rhe ft ut", aclr &}ien-f id, agoln

h rrrlrra thr\ tt{'"r4 i5 cr. Daxrkdan d .rrd .

d*.r- rnPo
dcc; d dorn:me Srno.\!z<'tl (,) &r-i d

" 16l ABc tlo 1|

Fr A{4L t+o
As c }{D 5
lr! !

To rrsolvt r+us DataQe&ndr.nrX fm)ble m / tD' need b CopU ,ta Oo-r-ibfni!

panent- togo +:r$e. so f* &t eor'' Fdi.nj )n&rma4Q, cmlg er 0ur,v ia ts

Yt{P!+rd . So, thc l&droJen,X problern is r.dt "" d.

Parien* - ioFo

Pa,- i d k,l,oame tim.slo t doc-i l U-

t 1ol
9- )^ ,ol
3 z lol
&t 102-
ZDL B la
f-q ** Bud,,.,deot Oobiern is vtd,red 4 ce$iJ a &pr;a ;nro

o. p.rtr.f in h,.n"ft"tr - $ , Acrotding fo rhe fctm\noto66 , c. rePexniiol

Inj<ShtJ ts q,rptrti b lo the d"tz- 4 \,ro tultss '
/)4.4'iai43 lo DotaBase krmlnolosl , doct<n id ls crp;ed to Pdl.P^i, 50

-it'Fo t<r'tte
doc-inPo is q talie L.'6) frrosl(x tdl,l
a., d ft*i.t* '\

chla td'te Co) Detr;te d ta]{e.

in l-liberrl3t
Errnl-c 4,' Pos;sii"g
*,ts tgre 4 Tebj<J da-t'a i'1
-----r Nhilt NclUaS oirh hi
as porr & 6u" c'PP)cortcn
crtofe mutdPte Po* cu4s 6es 'l't\'6
CbfcrBole) Loe
c* 'lhe ftflo clo'sss-
crnd ro{ otsifl\ a ftJott dnshiP Ult,>
frYPi ng in $i
&ok?t 15 CJ,uad
of relorto',shrPS blc, ode43.
Hitgnd' &PPatr5 tbe lonon;nX + t'Jf"a

O one -to -moog

@ r"an6 - n-one
@ rrr.n8 - n -rrr'o9
@ Ohf - to -one

rdalonsL; P

ort-ro - rrBot (Ur,l-drtecrt"trc'l)

ido clo$el
rbe o\\!:il6 Le
bef'Ee f)
'10 Gft,15 tbi6 one-to-mang a6Sossio$oYr
-> a rr14'; re d
Suo.or.t3 chan6cs
in , thn the
Ulbcl r1ale

de need tu odd
an acldtttenal pnV-'n..4 4
0 uhile Cleartng q Pffiot l-{]D ctos5,
tu Storc nanl chitd dhje'l-s ;''
t$Pe 6llc$dq . 'lbi5 crl le(-tlon prDpo{}s 13

f{rYenlr Oqjecf' DcrrioX

in " po* nl- 'lars rm?P;n3 '
Ottecico PtoP-ng
@ ore n"na b GmH rhc
fo.e4n ke1 ana {he d'tadan s}r-iP
}o Cqn?t3.,
ftis Csn?r3(roflc'q ) cr' nend

in the rrraPln3 Fra '

4 lib"'n"rt' chilt oqie4s qve adled to
lle F"enf'
lO) 't^ a clicnt a{Pll corlo'.'

lixc rbe {Lrroo;n5

to a Collectt"n Ohtecf
t'o'rr o9
cl'rld obtcr6
@ adl d
O cdJ 6l\ cticfJ) o\Jecl- ti ibt pc. ,cnl O hie*
i Exalrip tc : -

anlll aoHdn CoUPd Vetta"r ottd

-+ W" have kro ruJo closss in oE
-ihe veia-rbo sb;p bct@ceq Jhse kE a'ria o1)eua ;6, V"na^ ia o<ao"aratJ/
tD frulHPle Ca6rorrff6 . 60 fbe rel dH onshl P ;5 ooe-tD -ma5 .

----' In *'lt Vend s{ Onc,l Gr.srorrzt velorins4r.t'p , Vendr'r clal s ia a parta 64ay3

ond Collr-nu ctoss ia a clutd ctt'ss' \)

-Tb- one, ro Veods'r +o crdt6rne'( lx 6orn6 to
-+ -roabs rdofi cn benoceo
u5e rhe &'r*i.,g t{o6 }djoleS iq Oorz'Base' J
oi VENDoR(pc,'.ni) I ti CusrDHra Cclr,.', )
(u6I NAr4E (tr61Ar10[ vtD
f J
110 t/ l.llt-E I q15lI

llw** ilt*.ntd '.J

Ctdtr,rrY 'iqv 4
Verrtcn . jcrv a
Vc.'d c't F{ti c ct&A5 (1rrt"-w
P{.!,b\i c cltds J
vcrdrrld i frn-$a'}e iot cLl3idrrttfd;
pdYdle iot
*rg.Narrr; fnVdlo *in3 '{Mrnoi
[',udlt Sr,{n0 orhdr,!4'{ A"U,q'j
Cu6torrrfs ', f'1Varc
se*o{ { 0e*64

l (uttt,"st ' f5Yr) )rnI

I'brn'xro lJ
Vaodor ' t
/'b-ttt> >^
rPtne = Cl/Atzrn&
" follc =-&"rvnu
/}].(f]> Lutss
" t< 1e .'-ve.drl'> Lid ---. l> c
/LVJSS r,(rr;' Vcodor

/\d - ^, -l> " lz

21xo1ttu9 - !J
4a('fta "' -lz /f>rl% --' l> \)

@ 4,+ r"...e = o" hrner6

2 Adats> t
lkrt col(mD -- vENld /"
I "
p,. J
16ne-fD -rr(ry\ ctsS =" C.otrr..on'
Ax*> l-.nU
// cricnt.Jova I
Pr6tic closs Clicff

P5 v o (sr'iogt 1 ons)

@ q fu str=,"- )L'sr'St,();
6et. aa a Cc^) )
(4' oJd frr).;
S$. o.d J (ca)i
b) v s.-rC.^sio*, t Cetr) i
( );
lronSoCH<rn tx = st-!sion bc{lo-lronsdd('r'
sessido . Sc.v ( C{);
I tr , Grnrnir C),

V.t&'J Cu5ionel

5et C(rotorfr6 ', Qo

-ldD 0.'
t.ra3\r"a ggd"
{ )cro

NorE:- tlhi\c eoirh rck'riorsbl6r op llikroora, ir

ttnr appfX hL ot'6'arlon dqoc on one oEjcct o-r ibs
m nted to add an a'h i6Lt'! a ed Crrscode, tob;le

eumcnt in q rx.lpif)3 ftte.

fo E3:-
2/set narrf :"( u slorrfY6 CO5{Od( = arl >
lkeg V<nid ' /2
Colqr''D ='
rDanJ "
zc'rie'iD - t163 =' CL'star'*t | ' .t .
J? ocdoool od d Ct,stdd alt'ikrt( rht'r thc defrarrrt val,,a oe cosoeae'lisl
3+ n,er,ns, b5 de?ourt hberturt dosot hcns<-,i onl ofx,rdHdos &r to lic rtlo'ttl q;<r6.
q rbe veDddr ond Costavtr, tr-lc1<6 Can 5q e"cAj<d fu *n5 one -tb-}l-:sau
Jo ocito&rse ,
rclodrnshiP lire fie
pr,"r5 <t r $fi& v*'r'ova1-1) '
vcndor (v,d ru-barc6)
5?l> crearc tobla
{'''trtrj kzd' cr'$rdrnc varc}lora tlo]
farr d ffnur"
g4ll> cllore +ejcl ctrnrarrrr C5)
venid rxro*Cs) *prr..'c;1s ve'nq
drJtoddr Vctlcba! tc'o) i

vcftlor javq .

Cu.5tDrn<r , iauq

Vcndor " hbm . rrn I

Cqsbrrg,r . hbro . {nr I

brttmre. cfg .:- r

Ioc.rtCt irif .lcva.

Il l4^Rtt+oto
*. class
ll utsaaqt\.,{ 'Jdv d
1/veoarr. Java puA)a dats Cr$=;r ./
imf&ar- ic.Yo'tdtl ,t i {
fxrtl,c cl.d6 V'ndar Prtrta}t in,h cath<'nrr{U;
t P"\alt $-y
ttu* ,.'t v'ods(ld
p;u"* "
5"r,6 vqla' Mmz; P,raH St'rg ct'rh'ni l\'ld/<Y.'
frt"*. 8* cutt,.l''jn'<)

t j
zt -- V.rdf(.lbtn l'nl -- >
zb-6> ..
" .,- = v..d nr' >
z4l"ss oorn' --'v(nda
zld r'rnr="v(rtlorla cfdt^mo--"

narre--" vtrrdorNarne
" ztlumn =''umn'c"
Zs(-t namc:" atrs l*rn " ca"(a.dt =" a"" >

,kl Col,.-n =" v..t ie 1 z

(qnnnu I z
Lc'nc'rt -W\ a lass =

Qtu z
Atlc.t >

f.lrustait' hb- .rrt,l -- >

/b-t ,>
la'oe ='Cr'stz''c1'z
-or" **t ="C*1o"1'" ' "f
ad rn-rr?"ctrsldtr'fad column=*cusHa

;;*;';";.' corrrrnn : ""^:::,,:?^,:::'

6ti ='to"

4roforS nam =

Llcns' > . .

I !-- bik^oart'cfu ' ^ml -- >

Z!r..,+Plr| ft3('J.\(e="yendo.hLro.xr.rr' /z
zrr4o\n5 ,e*tot --" Cr'shxn&/. hlto 'xt'r r-l2

// fnsg(tclicnr
imF.n- .b!a- uri { - *,
imf,o{t oE ' bibrn4}' *i
iln?.'!4- ot.hibo,rlo/ ' clt' d'i
Floli. clals Insn'CU'*
O , u ,"(S*"3t1 aXs)
f.'*^4.', a

/pr"tnr $dc*
V-drt v-\<d V..r.L);
v,suVcoJ^u (rtt)
t. s*VtndaNa.rc ("x6H " ) ,
c!,irr I /LhrJ Otlu* - r
ll Oh1il -
Gtw* cr-r'...', Cytrr-n tl j Ct tt.nru,, e1= n* fl,rt *"ra11
cr. su&sar',r, fJ(50t)/ c,' ar Cr.,r"'t.Ir Go>Ji
(r,<o Cqtrrrnov Nr',rr .fr.rfy'J j
f Cr. set G.r-dr''-.r, !nt1 ("tts')i
Cr'scr G rtar,,r,r 4,u* (: +l,r D" J/
Q'tt r,rn un A{a*x 1'Wo')
/l.l"ra oL.)al-3
C.o'* c:=rco C^rrr*,a1i
cr.a. Grn".. fe 16or) ;
. r-,Jl ,l i -!.


r !r,..{ir "
* .enq";
_- 4,+nrrrrti I
/laer cJ"ra Oh)t't -h Ja'r-'t'lr'&+
C.t .=* -lLr'9.e1 ;

s. ad 'l ( cr );
6. ad.l Ccr) i

s. ad J cca)J

+6 F,"nr O5,lc+.
)ladJ iava ' u$ t'st-t I riii ,i ,.if.,i, | 1 't: :
.,,! :1: r! )?'! t

V.srGxr.-wsCs)i ,\ !.\,rer ii.. -:r "

.-fLnsc.o{ or -1r serelcrr'

= Qr[f'",'!E'rro" ..'.:. ";;,i;
.. serrtoo ' sol,e cv )
I . !;irr. ni.\j
tr'&mmitt)i \ .: r!1lr:i t-fi5
ftlc16n. dore L),' , :t,d !.4 rX, ol.rtcl T .,t,.,..'

l.'r i,i,"',.i
54) Sercor * &orn Ycnlq i Cl{skrnarj

Yt0 \,NAME
ttl l8m
a-i 6ete(} Ofrercrlon io |o- rr)..nt
- Orf - :-
- a f)arer* Odecl lS loclded biOe\.r^tr
- Jn onf- lD- m6og relddcro Ship, 6h.o
Ordo rmli ca I rl lood B ii6 cbila obicrrs-'ctrso Prom rbe ftd'a6661 .

-+ !'lhile loc'dti- na Lh d obiclr-s oF a Fro o\!ar,

. 'n Scren-r coc can inp<xrn
the hibevrnx oealh<'r Lc.zy loactrng C61) e&y\ lmcftry ep clrtd O$cfs
ls rqFir a thruc.$ t'"tc..y,, artrt bc+t _

* BU dePar,rrt frt6rnare tr.res loa&og , Lrero.lse rhe daParrrt vq-tr' o?

- -la73
- o-rtriu.*t
1az5 is true .

---o IP t e crror to in?

tbe hitar-or. rhor , alelS
gdrbtoadl'5 c"r cl'jtA odenrs
tkt tre $loutd rnol.{ tb( \ra.t r "g " hd crrhth^Ft c.s +&l6e

*-+ Jn earl5 loading, #iktmrc loads tt'e ChitJ Ohj(cfs aloDg @ith rbt peffrt
Oqie* ;--.6;*11. &* io Laztrloa&n8, $r"t -tg ftmn r ohjcrr t.< lmded
\-7 ,r- t"t,-'""/ )
and il.5 chird oqpcts d'.e [ocd. J oo &-ar, d (wt'."

6 all v''" =' h..elPd;' 7

- ls* n r'). = dt$tom(r cds(adc -- TL.acCdrtt

LlKj> * b11la'1t"3
V^rt="a@' -----'
loz6 ='forsc ' car[ ltu& n

ar/o: / :orr

//stt?-! tr1) i
(Ve''dat' clals'
t'undcrr v=(Ve"ao) Ses6ioD' 6er

// 5lQ -z
$ei- s= v' gaCLrs m nrro C ) i
// s*p -s
' 3"r (C*bffler '
cras5/ F3)i
Cusro".' 'c
= (C*"-.., ) aessi-

I srco-*

Jlaosacho" tx = Sessidn ' Legr..'Tiaoeaotco( );

9' rrrsve (c1;

N'rn a cbrrd ohreci is,t",,c,,"d P.'., . c't&ioot* tt','":ru::ff;""l*

bet@e o I
rht i, il' reotr'e rbe rel&]iooshiP
l,ttclr,are SbiDA
cbi ld oh.i4t as
l"td o( *"'r
ilr cblrd ohiar, b'6 onu'g F""r3n Ir';ba'egte is oot
o p"** aod c( chldod4f -/
APrct a ,"rog-s\'i I is vernowd r'i^
io rr.Dtr *ro+ Boo tt'e Dat-Base ' *t*
Eoing "ecord
e^e"'ied ihoq
in o-,st'r'e{
c'lt* opptltoHl'' b ::""
lP Ae ci.bow Tarer6okcx as i:!l
: ll":..;'' t'l: *'' aro\rralre 'p;r$

Cu9i d cctstname aLrc1-add { vc(l; d

5ol lNp.t P)l)

,}r.r t)
r&trd '
g07 rfrPl'oo

sDt cT5 t))D

- I r' Pr;sr io *'e tabte
ki shrl fiL t<(o{ d " -
fvc.1*c,5h tb' tl4Hdosh P is rtmoved '
' ''<t'rl "
a..n fuch verqd os a O' Phol.'
(nnov orfhon rtlor'r &t"
$e rt' e
t lh bcInc'rc thc,r
tig .De tcc(nt to inknm ft tlo ttre
+be relorb'slllp ls rrrurred
D&t&garc tblc irnrnedlettb,L*'""e's
pare^r an I Clult csra then uz naed ft mo&fu a Val.e
sP clu.r,,le ottdb'n
a--as' dll -delel -orPron

true" '' '&leta - otpLon'

15?r name = CLrsj'omer6 1a.n =" Casda.le = c'11

k'*''g 6 valuB
It"t coscade a|*\,"-,,< lnve rlr
l) None CdeParll t )
2) all
6) ott - dereK -orPbcn
+) 8.''.1e
5) 5r,ve- uecLrre
6) derere
6Wc'Ho% J
Cb^car.te atr'rih'lJe )g
ft hil,etn(ltt atoc* r,lir,.cb Yt6'-*-le<+
ased io )oerxm
ed )) ot' tt'urf-tL;P
ohie?f cf, an Otu<"t
(dFiled (das&'t
S\ruld be itanskred * ., r.-rr ^I"rn< ?]
nilc onlb cosc'&s inst' i oF"c'$ot -t * i--.\l

rP " cc.:rade = save'' tbcn tlit. T'd ?l

*.*=;***' *t" |L'b'rnarc "*'t
.* '
::'- f'fl,ffi"T]
rP" dekle then
co*6kle= dekle''
-l+ttrnor< @er4des t'" ""'A-'u:-]:fli":#
*"': ffi:
i*"o*' G'scdes Jo' -*'**
j9 " oos cr'd e -- ort ' (o[,(zde8 0l\ oF,dHons 6n
c]t; ra clqets \-,
r' '*
*rern O,
19 " coied e = otr-dere*c-otb"n .
so"de '
;;*-*" 4o |oYrn+ oQi:at -'
coe io rr-s' +)e orr (hird aa'e*
-^;" *r; ;P toc'.-'r
l" *'; ,-t
ttrn rx L*\ot,

- L'^LrP't
J* f,roro ihe DalaggSe L
O hoa +t f')c'd ^t ohi.l ,n to ceued! on
v- * c, C
*d o)\ .hJrd "T ,'";n o -Transaanq
O 'Nd
":;;-- a
(tttffi u"1,_'"
llatto I clals, ur);
{enac,r r1= [Vendor) n
) \,
Zi ' v get 6'stc. neroc)

r -- se'glon ' u'6t'iTiotctottt^t l ;

r,' -{A;t"" 'r

.6 ltr",wAll( )
lr. rohmlr aJ
- --,-- rp \o.r rv\nt tt 6 Fuznt ot)ett o&7 itt alt ch I d o6i,ar fom $e
l',e pre"t'cb:e ' liP' #r
-f],'n,,' n,
ft*ak st then ,neneed tt du"n 8i-pl6

V*ut,r t= (V^at) seir:on- 6erf Vc.raor. crass, rr r );

'--/ -Tunsc.onrn .
+x - sessta4 !,vdx""1S '
\: Sers:co ' dere+e (v)'
-- 4}''omrDll();
\*- Ust"g ;avcr. LrHt.L;st cs o, colt.$J.,q '.-
-+ on,,ro-*, P, &, a ee t*':.'*tT
hllpn o{rpluiDS rldrl.nsb,
"r-rr^'3 Xm"+
- f*..t oh;e.-t ,, in Pc.,cr,.i- clost crre rcd a collaf'oD o? qpe etrlet *j liav'.uttl'get
- cr Libt ff' na?.
HaooJ co|trt''o n
* --- a6 I--'6r rboq blkrnore Lts?s arr cd&
J?1,. ure col\eulon rur'e
' "'nder'4" o?- a cbtd io
rbe Llar into Dd<'6are
el,ird ra-ble {.'r
stt-n6 u

ioa r"apP;o3 $re' t* need to &'n86ort

-- or rh. tirne of conB8rrrrnq Llisr? +ax

'' li6l iodr x' olso iq *r rrd{'ptnfl +te '

' rl-L^,,- ..n3

o' P-d"tf ' o*att a{f',}6;'.'3
nJ' t' :lc/lsts
*,*"^ cqr'!e'{ l}J4to
bo* +.ou o"e &nJetr is
- "r b'lco a Datev aod a f4ad't+ {;-e'
zle arc-16'Yoarr\ e
o:scxsr..ed oirf, flJ,tt:de P'.1ut't5 , t)
{'1/l]tftd tz't
add'irlana! rol'r'no i5
) ,, on
-> Jo P^&c -Jat,led lur'Bose CeUld

Stu;nq rl.r list irrAc'

,u a t. E^a.nple ate
-IL'( Yni6 P
-A abe
\r ->
DottuBdse -lt
rnr {,'@roDqJ( -kLbvs
, ln inde,
pE I P\ p'o&o
\ dco'er I I J'I rI
i,o dr,,; I
I .,,^ '''l6e
t4 oALe, deotd
ry:9 t!:' Aeo} a g

0rrTo Han5 ?

\-: tj D'kr'3vq
lt! ja! q
\? D{,Jor. bL,n"', [rnl
ftrod.l'ct . llm xrn \
h;h,-ax ' 43 .x o i
,,..* ldc'roian - Ja\io ,

* _ c\ass
/\P&i t:
// gi:arc 'i ov t^ lP,&ard^va
p,bdc cl4rs P"e,,l+
irnftn- \lsra.(rril. *;
Frltic cl.rs3 ft..|.x Ptn&,t+U i
' -.. r..'.Y}lva,e .St*X
!duarc lot decLnJa;
3n"3; r : :.r.-,,',l...- -.-Fi!cr,9,.;/otAe W14 :

ft tcL*. Lisr fuaat'Lee1, s,&n 4tg,tgc...., .,,,,

, , '..:.j, r1'
e+<'< ! 6a<r
t .r.: i. , ,

rl ' f'j :i jr:i41\.!I:i:i. r:lit1,,i !: i. rli

Dptu ' hbro'x
;{F 1 . ,,rj ,,.,. ., .l ,,.

lclas v<mL--" *'!l{{ tuAc="&br:7

/td oa.,'e = " &b k/i3:E-.'r', 6f qln a-+.lf ;d11 { i,.,,,.i ., " .i.
,|Jtt',l> l
x ;t^L*r;"{H'-.,1
@2tnrr *;,=''f-&iit,l +ze*+*,="otr'
c"L-o =- JPo-ru " /z . : ,r .

:...i \''i.
''1:. nl L,'

'i i:r.r .;:i,1r f..,

1- 1. ,". r

i:') . it'ir:,:.:1
" i":r t

. i rrre:il

/tn!,4 Cu.Y* ij^v<

'nPYr &v,{ L.rJl' * i
imt tt fin. hk,-nqJ-c' +\
h4rn- an 'Wnate' fi| 'x't
Frtllc da].6, Tost'tClicnl
P, u - (5r';n3[1 a'3s)
Gn-&r.g n&, *-
)'b'ird Sss;'-fuk^4 t

&r <-i o., 0esfid,:

lle"*'r oalru
D"a^ d-- ne'a Deau Ai
" -);
d. se+DolurNa-e ( '+ac
t/Lhr) }LF+ -3
llcbrd cq)at - r, ttctriAWt -z
pdu+ l'=net' P^a"*tl; Pa* h=nu"fu;t'a
P-d'* Pf'nr'o PlJ'"utrT t) (to'-1,' g .c.P,oa'+tr ( rorl.
n' se* ilad-Gu ( qq ' 7r-, sP,,l"'ot
f, .c'P-d.o-t N^"t {
'}") g .ratP"aur }w".{"2'
7,,sePn4'* Not* (^ i'); (s*o)
*r. r.* f'n'<c [:c'ito)l Q.a*P'1..
1,. suPntt (zt oo) ;

llS*-, oa, ditAI o\)t'rs to io"n '"r'l Li'r

Li'- h'+--n- *"d L;"r >i
tist' a/l LPr)i
lt<t. aal (P>) )
lxt'alr 1t1;

List n Pdr*
ll'o+'' lloaa iatta'at
; set fud,,lrs 1 ti't);
-'liansa,n ,xt t-t -- st:tl<,r,' k1;{T"u^s'*^( l)
f x ' lornmil( )7

9,t4-l un, c16{eL\)

*Y!t | &.n deate' i
..t"so )

Sdeor i toYt, Wdt'rt;

Pprcs OEhlio !I.
X jol 0
1 So.rd
1o3 a
?e loz ftot3
(bog> +og:-

is used & rbae 'p'!o unr-List tdco (de consB"\-e zLi6t > lal ln
- ^* "
a rr{piog Bre, rP c't tt'2 *ren oe at6o l.f,ed tu at'B8c(i zlier-i"t6nt .-'
' z\i6t>

cblomn rr. ne in ci'lld table' ;r,

Jat io6ide it, f;iv ioftr-r''g tbe hiu"'rr'le ab4/i $
tdf4, he index o fie chitd oQi&* i5 r'ccd to be
in rben hibernc*e 4l5o 5k rt3 it6 index in
hcq o. cluld 06$ i3 sl'eed
&Ft"t in tie Data BaAe. $tt tfurc ;t no t$e L.,iflt
li6l Gbog r,ri fi fbaf ch;ld
(tuftd tn a fuxBate '
thc inder oP a ch;rd a\l'rJ

rhc clr;ld bblcat 't./t,of ibs
--t .Tn &&{ l'a iolzxrrt ke l'ti&'orc thot staft o,;{,
inswt o( ZUsr > tc-A ;n
\n a hld&]tc , ac necA +o ef'ltf;nut zbn > tag
hiVrron ,qP;n5 1'e' ct'
of z\rcr> B1 'f
&alar . hbm ' xro t F tc , ntttad

--+ f- ke ohue etaoPlc , io

cNnl;W Lbofl> k.3 li t'e thc -Btuln? '

.6e)'o.'t" 7
<v$ rp.rc
1Y% 6lumn = &arld "t,
a!?e-fo -ln@nN chss = W|l,tr'' l?
zltni. fie
an aAAik,.,I
NoE:- B-q co.,hat,inq t$e L&17nat, Loe *" 6uoid
l"t s+ann6 in&x'
chld *able (, "sd l;st-ind'^)
- ,^-..,r-tt.6<r

.la!o- crrit' List
tb rcrrd o p'rlicule''r ctr;tl ohtcer
4E. Jnane oF ixva ' L'ti I ' 6ef/ it i5 P0s5l

a[ cinra o[ars &or'

$g Dat'lBate ' \-,
o{r, ,he por*-t, bt 1nirhoc't lmdinq
a c}'rrd d ohJt+r t/
---{r)rr.rose 4 .!c'la' t.til' U6t, it is Pojslbte rD z'al F'/iicqla

fu the larr nt b3 ortf,oo+ tmd;n3 dhil d ob<rrs

(ii; berar.le , Lir, oru.* inder ksd o&a(in6 off an O\tur '
in t-,t"t"^r,
[r;;) tht d;PPcrtncc can be -h,-,nJ, ,he.r Lzn is ofltieJ Lrl noi ,
e3;- b! usic i$ +Dtll,j,inl c(tle' r-o con po4 o,t'd +fi cl'td Q i>e p"eat

lne f>it@Bt'r'I '

Jhe ft,'|aOo:e, b7 ni$lo'4lLn| dI dlitd obel}s trll^
r) LA;U --" h1.e', ---) loT j loa&ng

Dectcr d=LOeoE.) setsion. 8e.C D*r.,.' cld6, lol) i

L;.r l,,st = d,6erP,ud.*s( )j
&rrr o= lisr.6erLa)].
fuu"t p= [P.a-";6;

lsrog col ruion tUpe java.crtil Fc.1,', -

-rnong relollonsh;
.. P tL'r -. ,rg a
o s('r' rD'r"
oP ctntl dxj<tfs
----, vJhile C,rtlr-lio5 One- to
)n cJ. p.Yrn-t- clhj.Ll ) (r)e use a le.c,}tdn r"3r'e c4 PnrMt in o- P4rYer1t cLar6
.,_ oDl

'Thcr{ 6n tgle cc.n be erhcr a jova util'St* Lox) iava'ari r'List L*)
Java otil- XaP

,-- a IF toe use d colledt cro tgPc o.s iava.trlil'noP thao in nopprng $rt aP

\- Il,krnore, toe sVnutd use llutl > v,X

"--> rP col lecrtcn tgne is used &s & rlaP theo., in chtld fubte o? bnsose an
'oddihiorr]. Cdumn ls .tcg""d f.'r aD l+bu{na}e, & st
"i"3 rhe ke6

l- 6 chrrd Ohjcct ) 0,rhile Sknjng ih ind plr? .

-"+ J( Colleclton tgle ia jala,uril-lh{ iheo , colvte 6onfl4*"'n, rhe(ft4 > t'7, c't o"1
h a-A t,". c(n Add; tbn<d ta3 c.tSo inSid e Z rmp I k5 Carea lwtp -t?X>
jouo. un-t . Ser zE, >
jona ' cnrt.List
jrvd ' ZJ:.x'It 7
*'}e l2etottoshl
cd-lred P4ler
(4!'led and f'.a-ct.
&aler .(nd '' 4
!!@we Lw kDo fqlo rrorses
" O
d One t6 - dn3 trDrn &nt,.n to a irtdr-.rt '
a Oeq.K'l
r a't us:o3 14"p" 30" ct c"llel.lncn fu sh;'6 a 6rc"f +
@ fn deole &vo (lass r t,le
pro dr, cts fo a der.len'.

@ etrhe hrnt o( i,,51,rnr,g d Dzattt r,rith ?vud,urrs in Darr.B<,re th.n hr,n.^r.

dsb sta'cg lne kLX e et& groAu* u:el in "- l1r"? Coueatlon it ln" [),t"Ut.
Dare. .java
d.t, ' hb- ^- t
PrD&.* . hbrD - xra \

bitrnare. ch. xmt

Jnc*Cricnr ' .ova

I D*,.t .our. Po&lr ' iavc.

irr,$crl. ioYa' ulil *',

8$Uc clctss Deole] trtlu c claJs 0d"4 c:

" Prtot i.,a &ore'l d ; Pi\nE trtl' pndrufJd; .-j
frw.n St"o3 drobNaYni F*n"ro
'd funq po&u Nome; \l :

Pi'volc Ho{' Ptdt'!t6 i pnVcirt do<rr1e pace; ^i

0. _ _it
serrt's {g+t<"r *rr(,< z\el+od \-I
x -{

// deot"r. bbm x- t Ji
Zl oocwPE
6He=" &c-ler >
( clots *n g J DsaPr "
Zid na,ne="deoletfd" coluon:'^ did'/> I
" dlno'ne' lenfrb ="ro' /> t.4
zfrDlr,t rprne=" dec.prMme colu'r'o =1 _i
{h'arde ="anl l' > \,I
@/tW ,rarrs ='lprodlcti' '

Lk X colt mS + "&at id " /> .:

"irrn ' ra"5 '$""3",
6ii, znr:rg-y..rl coln,",n = "rolrn." Brt =

Lcw-tt-$r'a4 clesg -*" prDdaiir./

/ hiuerno4 , cFg ,rm t
//pto&c ' lD to r. - t

,/-\rt 6plti n3-
// Iose'tCrir'*'.1..v
impo4- jo\re.oat.x;
irnpc,vt Ot,lnt!,r'cl' *)
imror 43. Iu lor.a+e' dX ' r ;
Frlt'c cl..vl l"r.',,l-Cfrt-*
P s v m fsr,ing tl t'# )
**^tr'+n *^n=
&*s^ sct"c'!:

ll P""* oaY"*
Deov't d- rrs fu.:t.2- c> I
d' s*DeoraT-i (tot;;
d, <+Dalt" Na"ne C *Bc'),;
A il^d &)P'1-?
ll ,*aa oqz' '
t ldd rd o6pt-a
f\o&'at b-,'l.,D

Pod^t P,--n"- D"duut> 1

%un P,--n- P,.d-tlt>)
E sa?aa-c*tt
p,.s*Pr,il'r.rl,d (no).'
P, . setP^&rr1a fror) )
h. sdP-d""'V''""LtJ
p,. a. Pm d".*Na-"
seil^d'rr Nln'e ('r" );
q' 6' wPx"(uo-l
b' u*Pn< Ls'6h\
v,, su?,vfu (zo"o1, "

llsnp+ 11ostr sls,$ obJt*'k Jotta'utst'f1a+

YIot *'" -))s'u4a?O \

tna{, ' t'or C'f-d t" Pr)i
nqy.?ut (" W"A2' , b);
hr"?. f* ["fr&', P3 ) )
l1eq.:- ll ada jana.ual,fva It Part* DtW
d, * [maa) ;
'Tv,nsa'ncn -tt,
= Sp:slc,n. k6vFt^nla,O ;
Se$on , .qu (A) '
gut + P.n J-tui
+i' &Inroi'la ),'
Did DL^an'
lol Mc
kE* x P6,^ F e"t*;
' <lo set t)
--fa*vy P;l ftd,^e Cg, O.^tt d |'rkJ
) qot I Vwt tol h.d.[
3 tol I 3,rft lol t6 rL
qot lnJr tol IrrJ3
a..ordtot tD $e I'asl'c"ac mo1 &ft. stnt s|.t r< @itt be g.,E I Aola ln .,.t<* craa .

Q* nt"t i5 fie diPe dr,c us;o3 jova,uri).List aod ja!a.aor. hop 1

_tf: frcose o? Lisr , ue Ctur o'ro; d fie add; Ha.l,tf Ol .rq.a, iP clri.d i,* 4
GmAnu;n6 lful> f"A, &-rr Jroua oY flng , i&ltino+ Porsid.a tu aaoid
aA);t1ono! d;luoan in clatl la6le ' I i L:.. .,: -r .. ,. .
i6Pe os L'si and a cotlaol 'ti iSPe
$ Si.nilaJirl blco osiog o ou"adon
-> d pcthlat' lcn cb ild{dHjc#-aF 'ffth;}oY(^f, oqtcLl)
t1a? is, it Pslble
15 to dtl4Jh

in*rad o? 1d-.&r)3au citld dqia-l.6 6p rtre prar o\'{r

.-' ln(bse a( collezllcn JbPe Li5t., (de o,se inde,x 61 incq*e 4 cotl'*Jon tgfe

we u6e lnn| -vt6> , . o?

_o , ^^_-/O++.,''_,,,,,""
etd *^ rn'| t'l "" c^

16e .ft1b13ro q :o n ool aOn"a'-Iu


-- l)
r ^-r'v'ckrsBIllI)
yorcv'cusor,r) i
ho1t^ d =[Derl.r) eserar'qetfr"., ,ir'r . i 1r,,,,.., ir],:,. ,..,.r iri]" ..,1 .. .i

i" r.r7 r, i

. t'
mon! - lo -cne

-lo-one relolion*,iP can be apPli(d P-'o c. chrd dqjeut to cr F.rrnf o\je4f

' --r

d cddfd % nong &ltd ohjett3.

y'.crr'rdiog lD Hcrf)u-lD-one) pareru c[!eu i6

ld Od& tD 116 pcrrem Oh-reLl

-> T0 applg llang-tb -one Qssosgafioo Po- a ehi

lpe need ohe Srrocorog cboo6c-s .

0 in .b"a latb clas5) 6e oera a / fro]oirlng to ih5 pctw'rLr cl ass .

t!'q to
(D ;n chi rd rrnpp;n, B,e, r-o. reed to ConP; gc've lfttaol -]f"oDe>
inP<,rrn fhe hiberocirt r,!^ccrt fte w.laH do shi P .

Jn l\ibe,norc ffi;ono rDith ftE r.ta$doehPs ) uE need a Cotlecf,l oo lo a.

Ertel poJD cl&JJ

Plre rll ct.,s5 in c{ c}fld clas5 r*r', tha r<lo$ <'o \5 to-one '

.J Erampla', - Ur h_rc nD6 Ibf,b Ctclsrs dc,r ar ( t+tt

Ven d CustcrD/ '"r"*l'n "{
\*/ rnAnq-io-One )5 a !en&r a!|ec+ is ad ded ib Trcnq Cc,s ri:rne,t chFf,l's

Tbe Dl-a B.d ttblf & ttus ..clattonslup ant.

?E, er 6^6r"s ()trd )

veodcd ( Par.n-t ) /r"
Yg !!9-i- Cr5lil tarsl'o&mc Cusra2J'r

l/ c.[rttd
llw,,t ll o"tn* ' io.u n
/ \f,rdcr' 'i6v
?ublic cta!6 Lrdt'roo/
P(rbll( clos6 Vcrd'r t- Jd '
Yttd-t rru (usftEal
int vcndo'rd; t

Ftra-tr ,Sr,;n3 c*i'''o^ Nloo'el

P;uore SUng Y\nd,,.Na-rne i
n3 tu""n- Ada"n* :
P,lival-( 5d
@':9Pntr*e lcodr \!<na'^ "

//veodr,r' hbm x't

lh-o > ranle:"vodl' )
-4las5 namc = Y'nd0l
L\d --- l>
., L?a$rq -- l>
//&*t "."' . hu-. xr",r

zda46 mroe =
"Cr's+anr'r " k*ie= "arst"ttra i .=')

.|d -- 17
ZP\DW{rA - - l> J
zwffa - - l> - cosde ntt l> :-t
vqrdcr " .,-, ='V*' ,or....:*ri!
LoldtxJ-ra -one

zlcta-s s >
rn-e ='
ttQc,toc 4 ti o
^. ''"," P"t'*
i5 ctdldJ l.o rh Grrfitvr Cqjerrs
veojdr Ohji{'t
lO d- Ctieni ciTpli.4t{or of +bltt*rt c
Cr'et""""- Pqro
h catunj *Vc" aor 1 ) wrhod

ry c,. eeNe.,d^ Cv);

c2. &rVo/ o( Cv);
(3. rtr V odor (v),
lD;b'{n6le 1st lo'iA'es coearbt'r
-+ At rhe *.'rr,c cf Eavio g a"rtra otrcd 'j c'n)1
* e^lst' tbe'o
loibe daJabase fcr) nol-'
rr***uH* oLtad{ e^i6t

cItU o$e.i Lt)!t roe 6orr'i in fie Drr"Btire

asf toitr s..T
rtren hatot"
t exlst in rbe f}ra@re
c{cts nr
Le W"+ Oqled
cnA *En aer('t $e chj ld O$etf '
Pa<nx oa:ft

-o"e I 1!l o't + + &nb .v'.naa;

Vid voaoe
L> vener''rara ni rBM
O'erufir4 'jcva
lrn I sle* x Pn'-. twu"ltr )
\r'dt{ ' bbrc
r- _

G4! curtt4*e ryll

C'sn"''t" ' bbt' '
:-gg Yo
h1 1el
rnte ' cPg ' 1
;; a.s Fro

Josent Oirif ' "ra'la 9n3

* c\6s!

ocrr @
_ _,!t" Ese y@-:el qrytttdl
79,ton C*9
'lqz| " or+rtbc'te oe rtrn! - to - 6ne : -

eted cr child ohitf is loc'de d Pro'o *'e

--> in llaog -lo -one retaHdo shiP,
d actoro4n c'rut '
Dat4Bose theo lls ossoss;afcd fnr'nl obed 15 olso loc''le

.- -> io ftjs m.rnS-to-cae ) hikroo}c &aM warhe" a Pa'er* o{Fai c? a cktd ro

aefx#Y o'' 'LatS

r b loadd elrbe,t irn'hdle+Lt o, lott'l d dl+Yisq-tc '

-'- $e dePri! I t \to-I!e of la"t grrhi

Trje )n lnon8 ..t-o'doe i5 PNU rhr s

ls G[ed Prol8 loc(tro8,

- - Tp ,lor, t.o,i FC
lirzd = &rrsc' *,cn it is Cole d ' eor l$ l@J'n3"' rn fno'6 loar!"i .,

aod tt'en itis o&ted

to ay;ta o4te*
hlbernare cxof-6 a o( o.,Dxl oqje* 6x.rerut
ond oPtor ftc.f {he chj ld dqierf i5 gitro l-o cxrr proXrc'm '

\s tb
\'-, tb is adad tb the c.hld ohFa* ail eNIt rte cL;te c6fr! tiu<r1

- J'Vo WoS'ro,t't

ri.-.- /' ' /-

[_] (irtro.'rt C= (C.,rto.,rv ) Se'sroo . 5et ((usnt'rr .c
s , 50 1 )l
\-- l-!:-ry]" '-

laz{: lzrse drag'am'. -

}gt*l '!---- q-.\ Dn

.;o,,,."oJ@-( / : \_%,.>
)- f--
I l,^":g
, r

I\-/ i l\r- ll \s+
Detetc Cfxr^lion 'n roaryd - to - One :-

---; to d.r* a chrd ohJg'r tkn b;berno* t.rr.s In del4t< -

lJk ' to" &. t11t.,g

It5 porq* Oqjetf al6o Fr"m rbe Dir"luge.. ''"

Hiberrcr"tc i5 ta fi)l,.,
*U .roi5a ';ctt!ld Sa1
---+ r? r& fnnf Oqi&r hi

an excr?lioo ^ \,
td ohicar L- rno'e ch' tdg tbc'r
"*,y,al&i ib6 pore61-
daft3 $e chH dqlea+ and &i'r -f-- the

ir (r) ifs
-', -L(
ft ddeJe *'6 ,h. cln td ohj&+
gtz (a) r/
Ittn n&d +o rnarD,\ the Caci:eAe a)+li}ule'
F.tenr Ohje4 cttt'

$ve- c4dct< , btl not delet< for) ol-r'

Ey : r!.r r

Ft ( 0oto"et '
(Ct,rtot'r' ) essrot' '
Cor*"* c=

-ltansea-Hao ixzefgSldn' ba3i"Tra^so4fi dn()]

Jg55i6.-1 ' jalett Cc) i

+x.Cotnm\fC ) /




or-io- r'ar'g (gr -dir ecri<rn ar)f rnang -Fo -c.n e fbi-drt nH".t3r;
-'-+ 6ne- lo -rrang (Ui-diteoronol) . i5 a corbinaHc'n o( o-re,to -rrranS onJ
manb -io -one,

p4ten-f (]'ra
-> Fat orre-n - rrnrru\,I toe n2ed a collr$6n in g16,26
' P''"t

d cta'<'
ffnnu-ro{rne,.,,e nerd a vePetance bP fntenr is rep red ln
4-}t t
&' bi.'dittofi o''c^r'
bll! ven 2ot
,5.- fP crrc t ra.,r ta applV one-fo+r>aY ln
o.nd GrSro-e-.- f$t6 classes theq c,re nezd rhe rr*'it5 clenn+ '

0 cttor. cr colEzlt dn prDfr.4/t in ctzrls. il"r(nat

- @ crtq.rc a rePeren ca oL pt r,r- n c+, I J e[a{s i

add @{-<"-t) Q.,itteuzn r6oa aF tc.3 in pr.ven - rno{,rring fiLe ot' d

add 4many-iD -ooez t&X ih cl d mcr1pi og &r".
ll w*"* ll*la
$rblic 61a55 ve6164 &ltii c crars C,gru-o'
rlr\nfc iDy ycndorld; {
P" v c.l inf crlJta.n"D )
pn\ele Surl v..'dorNorne; pl,nrc S;g 6*6rrs'\h'v'e.'
P"*1i.. S.r- cr,3lurber6 ,, prrar. $""J .^ou*foUr"reJ
pdva-tc Vcodx vtnd"r s

Vmdrn.bbm 'xm I

Ll&.!5 rr.rre= 'V<h dq " fu,)rle="wndt't" >
Lid.-- .--l>
l{ttnq'n ... .-.1>
LKI raf,j'\e. drrkrrrr^ 6 it^tlrse = bn.r >
CcrsA^de ="att"
/ua 661&rna =
'^vtnid '/z
lone -to-n a\ da;s ) C^oni I '
Llttt )
\ .klr*1>
) L'!.>
In atn at,'! l{tt-<" ;ir-*= 2nu,.,J

th. ,hbtnot +l* *e. vela.r;46fuplv



lc llda/:tt Vcd-r,az?' :,inw{c -*rfui'$i,tdqr{6,t r.r r i i'r_: ,:, i

" olrS
t? ote dnu a/d irossa =tr,raijl r ll*#t a/qet&t&*e J
Jo' a9ilfl L'i -Jire4tqc! ,t4.rfi .cn..6hf.* -:nu ,1"' 1 rttl: 1! !:
'. J
.$<t> ll
/cws tftrt'---Clrlwnt't" +fi="cttho"- ) o
Z:if, - ':i' :'i i '
j'r r'1;
--r '
- -r 'r

ZWsr,c,tH --'. :;j 17': - ' t t',

-r,,-"'=lr[Xi" *")t*o't
lmdrtt - to -on e


! ..' t ' t.lltt $;:rn'r'j/

:i ,: ,i * ,r.: - 3rrri;.
- l-1i I '_

\ ', ]'i
.R-ldltoDsh;P :
-, manu - lo - foan5 -
t'nns ldlidn6b; Plsra bodr etaes-
rmng - io - rrang -@lolidDb'jP is a oDe -'to- e

blul ohje$5 o? t{Do Pd)o cldses usi r,3

ro apP! rrlary - ro -n)af)g "relarioo.3biP
c\ d} PoSD C)4Jas -
biberrr.te rhcn coe need cDllecfido t3?e dP ptDPe{IJ b,orb

-j rrno, -lo-h'Er1g .relo.tioo 6hip iS a6ncls c( bi -di fea'l-tancl. 461 66 need ta

infrrrr.' rhe [;66tno-re fl]ai ib is bidtE4tonal.

Z -Ihe -loaY
,,a f"u" hlro poJD clfte6 ca{ed 6r'dea'l and coclfte'
reld$crisb,p br@en rhe rroo poso clc65s i5, one Sruzier* i6irfd in
1t' rcvrrge r orti. cd''116e loiocd
rrfrltiPle CoufS31 i'e. orf, -to-rtdn$ '
F*15 he rd/bno'6:hsp is
mrr$ple SiLdrntS ) 50 a3dn it i5 one -to -rooru'

-'--) In Sturlenr POO class, LJe need d ge 4 W*"

Catleu;on -'*t .&" "tA"X
v bU o Stud a"r ' Smillc{
rJ ln Ccurse FJt (tcss,
A ff${ al CourseS jo;neJ
\'-; cne need 6 Colleerc.n tSPe + P\a(trnJ &n 6nN/'ng a qcru1 & Ert'deftts

ALo nto
darse6 ohlefs ,
----''r to - rna^5
P PoJo
robite OPPIUiD$ rncnS- '"ldrro1ALl
os &)n toYte '
ar dnrr"bose 6ide, tE ni(td c^ th;rd iaAta a1so,
'The *ry;ra m aml6 tanT-n4oY "elzurooshP
minirnum no.& +rbre-
--t'@ A Joio lable &.nr.rio5 ha6" LXt oP rrqnt- b - nr'nf
BtzrdnJ C'nd
lztb\es & *nb
F.\q.ooe : - ltf,, pO,ID c!u5e.6 and the

&yrrse "Y<l'!H
c'r'sl''r P ate
trrb\ic aldsS
poblic c1655 S'.,ae'r*
1 cd.seld
6tqd.nfld 6;111'seNhrLe
sk d.nt Mrne
6hdcnr 6ra
[,m vo-tc Sr cc*oeeo ; {o'rate Qt St d""rs
J 3
eF Skrd n t r @Gf6e
i J_
6id orame GrrP cD4me dutoJilq>

' idr-PK :

8rucko+ bb,ftt'rr.r'\'

th- ro> :
" n*'v -- sa'*Qt"-7
t(to6 r11r''p =" 5t<'*nr

Z,id _ 17

4.xnp.{q ..- l',

lpr,lttt\ ' + '. .1.' ,

zkq cotunrr ="sia

-Px" f>

llsu 7

C6(rrse. hbrr, . xro )

Zb-m> I I,

zc\alc mtDe G'!'EC" d"te ,=L.a4i'Ig

= ,

-- l>

Lprbgrlvr'g l>
- lroirrc"i
( s.r Slrt&,tts" Casaede='Lr.l" 1.{ble = Strrau',ts I

ukt r " od -fFu /z ri1:, I
Zriaq -b -moy cfass = " St,aenr " *1u.,, ="sl a -fa"/ >
ZltloN z
zJtt -n z
--, Jrt a ch_eoi dppricar<trr oF Hrtcr oore , rtre $rraoiog is rfr poce&e " adcl'nX

d WoP ccrr{Bc.s 10 a .studcnj

$r tu = rra HllhSet( ):

serr. odd Ccr);

Serr. odj I crJ;
gr. sg;f,r Ga'ec (serl);

S&e = n(ro

Scra . odd Cc') ;
Sta. ddd Cc3);

SX. r*G"t*s f*ra);

rhvca Grrr6<8
arY.' dAeA ta.r
siud<nr-! ood
h the obbve coder @,.@..t#
At tb fornc Hrne'
tebfidn 6ttP
'15 cm-to-md8'
ad&d Skrdenia' 3o' *
qgoro rbc ye.tofl66htP
se ig odd ed +tn Stodcnr4 aDd sFadea-iR. so,
&rre Coor

t6 one-to -tnoYLb -

Smq rhe ttidrc) *up odded i5 ro@n3- to -mcnd '

f,n c 4 I.ur.nrt, *t $rroolng

Crient OoOn is rhe groccdlrt {"r caan3
a ftuf 0f- ShJeniS io a onc &rz f - 9t 8{ttano! tt$trt fC ):
64t. ddd C5');
., lcts, ad,l ( s'):
cr. s.t8kjdc'ur Cr?t )'.

*?. aaa tE )i . -,
rb2' add Cr'):
lce.edd C(3,),1..1' -.: a rll*;
t rS*'a.'*t Ctca) I

I ;f,_ ,.
n'Aq -to-fr)Gnt is mrt"ng k+, arE- rD.ri-ronJ tdafi.9 3h'|
Cg..i n .dlrt'la og 6tf-to 4o<a\ .relelcv'a!* r
3t 6ta&nJ joirrd in .cr4cr c4n6< s l. rnonj
q cd!r6( i6 j0ied q s'45- + dn-ra-n\\ Jl-nl-b**
Siado.ri -dne

Cd,'sa . i o\rr
r4+o( F%c @ appt,.cc,lr- no:
Stt denr , bho ' :vo t @
&'rs . bbro' Im t
hiie-orc - 4n. r-t J
I",arrcuqr ' lg\tq
J{ . cl.tts

56,L> 5el* &"" s|udeff , 6el(* * R'n CsrfS<. )

6-ro SNAroE &PP crD g!ry Doe*lrdr\t

OBn . q.} oEd e ' l'o \-4
mcfr 90l &va l5d

56u> gete+ * -vt Studr'rrs -(6srse5 ;

S}D,FK e9-F:-
I ooe ,i
'\oo? q6l

@ eaa'.5 an adn'}.iotYl &@rre to ;
io lie grlsting St.aer,r the'' *e 4'io'rn6
--- T od4 o. neq, cc!Y6

ore re4irited

&(++: I0qd o ,9r,denr Ohrer* fom rt e DaraBa-le '

6r@-!-'.- Itcrd ite &t 4' Coqcs 6? ke 5t

mD G&r6e OhFt tolTf' dirc^

j"Pg- cYe-'' d
SkD-!r:- Add rhe ccrrrs obtrf tb $e sf trll$ in a Tiansdrl on
lltuo-l- z-
8r.,,aenr 5 = (St a"* ) seseror. ger(stde{Lr. crl.!s, too t) .
*t seF = 5'g.f GcarjesC )i

Crtrrse C-- rcr-o Gar"ect',

a. **rt.3a LQo3),1

C eer (ot rse Nc.m e Ctpp)j

C' sej- D,rah.r, 160);
on IY
-lian6auton tx = sd4sian' kgroTranaacfr
*t' aed3L))
f x 'C6rnml rt ) )
g)u* * F;rr, ' 'sliid"'ts - csa<e8 i
s.L> &tett * $o6 Cooree' taL>
sro-FK dD _?r.
Go OIA{f}E Vt@fi'n -
raY) - looj . qol
qo> 6{.ru( l1o lo02
aot )

101 ja'/s lgo 1?>

q8 tlP
100I qo\' .
loo >
..10" l6a I

"n o rro &qdatLt to fie @^islroq Cclr6e il"n rtre &uoog 4

5qs are re4Dtz4

6t to:.-bad d C!.tY5 obFl ?Prn *t Dota6o:(

8q) "n :- aead *p
g!t4 tQ&nts 6t hC cd'fr
6w:D't Ctlat< a rl(lt) Stud'n}
obt" corrh &Jt'
sludertr ohja* the sf 'di*t fi a 1.zfiEta46o.
g'oj:' ada rbe "irJn

@ttJe .={#")s.,t'-. 9* ( course. curs , 9or ):
dro d:
gr er-- c gerShde^l-3 ); C

6lrf-B r
5r. ac,t* 5=6.- Sha&nrcl;

5 q$qlr,,Fr ClDoa):
5'(J6tud.u ltr're (",.Y"'' ) l
s(g Srrder|Jogo d S.r.a):
jfq." IrontaLtl.^ li, c$i.,n , t041ran &4tIr,C);
DereXng a Or1t6e P,otr) a itll dn* : -

6l?6 crra 4aplrc4

To der}( and alsliqq c$se Pol", 'a' oaa3rw' r6c $rrocaro3 .

o baa rie et der* Fam Dala8crae

I L'
r*a ou hc @6ea .bined { a corteoddn oq[-i':'' ' "r '

o \Ed rba oL{6e iD rhe teftlo(, d fioro o

c' hi'ib$r1!tttt-i4'
o ltrnA/a that unn Qo^ tie colktlcq , c''rrb io

s= C5rracnr) 685lot'' 8er(6r&daf
' clorg) lcrol )' 'i':"' : '"'-l't'."'i-: r"'
llsttP-r 1 r ...).{..r1 ,.,11

et 5er = a.gaclotsoc)i :f r_11.,!,:r .-::;:-

Gr,.,se c- (tiu{to) q*5i^.1 9$ [ Ct'aee' dors'
,,.",1 I rtrj.,: . rrrri
ll 6KP-k
li4nrrl: d.:
ot*ta{) )
' = 5oe#"{'&4fitns
lYi'rlsoirton ''lx :') 'r

-3. remae uct I {i-l rl'1, a.i,

tx. c.rnmi tc ))

_ ".,. *_.:

. ., . ,, ).', ' , -,. ,''

'.- -."w I

: :.
*) &)e -io-ooc :-

on-lo-oDe iehlio'sb; P can te otpti'd ;n ft'ro @{5.

O om-io-one ('ifi Foretgr' KeX
@ orP - o -o.,e uJ'b ftll' ftB k'1
Ors-ro-oDe Lol*, Foreign ket:-

--t one-ro-oDe oirb Fover'6n ktJ i5 alrr'osr e$!! to o{fiUir)t !t Yrrdt{ -to -ooe ' lr-t-

ii Frrei6n kr3 cott'mn 64- ch; fa tdCe 4to(.ld not alloo &rPttcr're
ibe diepcr.rcc

latuc5 afd dGo nul\ \c[4zs '

Frl8n kt5, .De cdc
-2 hjhi Gohgutr ng rfii s cme-to-on lcr$dosltP coi$
coe ad d Ulr+..J 4"rnt -o'r
fie rrp0plog -fr'e.,' k'r
ZrrBng > tzLS in
- t-d-one
> t&$'
oJtritr*!5 & $a 'rn6o$-to-one
('1$ Fk rdon d)'*tp rr;J e. reee<on io
Nhite 6{dU;oS *116 one-to -one )
16'"Porn* clo35 '
chird clo55 nrinHns

' rhe Yrro$ onsln'P is
prrn aocl !'rcco!e
Nc lave roo rcro cto*rs arraed

one per5on hs crre Licenee - hro -^ne r rbe rclarcrrltig

onc ''
rh6 "lup
-- In h,brrrrtc , toh; re o?dxine

eh;ta c l&sS lD c ff"/.'4}.d6s

${let be ccmh-xcrwd fto-
'lbe c\&s5es oe ?t'16 one'tD-ooc l-l4]ioos]ul
[aJo l-rnse
R'sr'q "t*
Poblic clcrss T'" inr ,!'(4-1d'

* x"H'
{ Pli"ale
ffi\otr inl ft.scnld ;
priv.rh Swing p^<onl.b.oe,' '{).t 1ta
Se*.,s {6ert "r @ prr"ar' Pe'rsoct

! serk* 46tlt"(

Pe.son tr .[].en6e
r Fv-

t e&rc Purid
Pid Pnarn e
!d iddc
// p*aoo.

lcl(is' ron'e=" ftrsrf,,'' tl'l = ts(s<rr!
/id __l>
tPPnY - - l>
2rqx&J - - 17 l \/

4h-r.,> ' !,)

ll &ce nse ' lb'n' I


/h-m> J
<c\456 = Lic4trc ir.*tf -- 41.**"

1id - - lz I': .:,,

/P'Iry4l - -li"
Ll'rlf,/,nl - -)> " rl
6In . ='P.,s.-
Zrnoo8 - io -dne narrf = Person
' crad
@ urn 3u e = h
/l cwg > @ rlrr-nii'ri' :'r'hue'-'l:

llh--> orc4d,c >" oa' lz. .)


I onero0'cF I

L+ P.rdn.jala
Uccnse' i4va
F6oo ' hhro'rrnl
e gqp0!
Ilccoi! ' hbm' lrnl
I huerrrrc' c? ' rq t bcz- &{tn K!3 olumq . /r".l?f .p;-
' J!1!!J'tCu'r* ' Jav4
&{lr.4lc vof[.-l '
* . CtcrlS

ole- &)a,t r Ru.', w{:P.' i \ d.B {grft 6in{id*i&t l':Vn@e

0\o"r ihc F tn-t 6tFtf iJ
Pid Prtrne 'ad4td'
llol A0c 0nn rtc Pue o!tah,o$@rg chJu t$
te.\?t+ )e PtoYn license,
I:J id4le Eoalc pq-ld
l"^- )-lDar-13 2t-rnari3 Irql
Cne -t -ope t,ib P'r'ntuLca:-
o Qnergn ka5 6ot""t i6
rq in cbld tuble 'teFoYal t$hi"?
. ---- tD ooe-rD -or tor6 ro.ergn
ord ib doe5 nbt orfdi &'{'j1;c4} (rul| rktlttes
cdumn 6rs6 '
to\ti'h doatot d,lo.,,
---+ th child ld)le, nt* o *-
Ctod flJll rolue$ ' coe ccfl rfakc
.- F(J{er) ke5 &Pa\ofdll
k3 and '
-----' to6}cdl c'g {t'vi 3 t"rtt'J ' 1hi5 bpa og
tsct in rt chrd Ebk-
oolurnn al3o 6 a trttgo
crrred or-tb'one *
, u&Honshr p rs crl rr be
@hd\ & *n.o:chJel,-
YelofidnilnP ) FiocilJB4J
----o 5 r! 5 OnC- tD-ofrc
of cl[ira dcJe*'
@ied into ?d'rr'tY4t
to''h fn"'c"'dFJ'
**t " *: "1"6j:t1l-f"*!1
--, In *ri or-ro--t [it"'tere rl'o+
) toc cdo ''nft'rm
.- ----a urrb 6e haooP fto6n" gc"'evol..x
relue aP rhc-

; -'** &rai into f"","1Fl

coq rhe ?"no'\v'5

c\n\d qled ' r

| *ot't "'o'< Li"t"

.r Public
ct155 Fr56n
t ori,rznr ir* 0i@"seld i
{ _}d |
eau-r. ;.'t 6son I :; *" is.o..rD@K:
privdr:( ,or ttr
uo'N"mc I |eirdlbc :
tro,. W
s.*," {s.,,."r | 'i';'*.rfir",tr"*t
rl3 'hbh- xml
\ t,, '
// [pl6(n.bbm imt /h-m>. .End?. li&nLt >
I ^--e-_.lircnea
z( lqls Yrrnr
-' n>
d , i 7
zdus6 tr,,,e p.,,.-' "-'-Fd-i tid ft$.-- llc.n<rTd col'-n="jlJ
zid ' 'l> i Orr.*,o1a'1 l.1ass='fugo"7
4-pr1en - -l> | ,*-*, .,
,/> 'rv'"- "^Z ' vor"-!' > Pel.6n
4y,,^, I Ax.'.'"-"
" '
o-i;il*-'' li"' t"-'..'o"' l?"^ <"scot''t"tt

-^> 4\
a- 9F pr4rk
Rlsor) (fi6dY'r ) li@o 3 e Cd', rd )
Pid Prar.e &tt eaaj<

L-a __ ,___-l
L-> pcrso., .Jova
r"k^ p,6e@ cn op"@ + l'a*t@
'tia.nse ' htm
. te"{c'n , hbm . rm I
Lj be{'atc' c&, \ th \

Jr.rratC-r ienrlova \J
FoFd i!@r iR&fl^J r"n i,]hL'at(
't*tn \^tl i6\'ratt'
Fta,Y,t< .)

*i* {ldbag> oF n:orX -ro -oang "-

-rrohl ,".torto.,sl,r e , hlb"norc tlss Joi:, krble &n 51a'lr-'3

-r hbir. o?pl6int rnns-rD

fu '
Jo''r 'iablc '|8irl8D lt{P
rbe &5t
ihe FLtD vtll,4s oYe d^jucarcd '
ft,Agn ktS. zo

Jn o irrble , rterc is fti unitreh(36 L6O tJfnqpacltj.'o , tb oAarg Csl r.d;fo

-+ "Ptn
ttr diJt ensilt ' lo' & *a*t unl#.rc65 prd to rtre joio tade, crr ose

1if,tuT> tu|'
t$Pc 1r) 1k PaUo c.l-41,1
--, a zidbrrg > ra3 in a nappiog $re' rbe cdlancn
cooF Epre
nrxt be List'(,;ava unl'List)

-a iq Zidbct6> fo,, ,e * ornrk'r ttr-3 Or ted L!oltQaa<n-\d> & *aOt'U

itc -i.nanrYr'{ cob t'' 4 Jo''o tcl'tc '

rr'lYt]u -to -Ytt'n1 eramP'le

in [vio45
$e Srrot:inq o'a rtc cbanSc5 't4'tored \,

L.e ose aidb'r{ > t<q'

@, ca,"cl* tgpe
Sei cnr$' t"tt'*n t96 Lit''
O rn s&&t* '\, rQkrce

ii{r,* "E\(luril' { i
PllUlc clrrss St"a"'.t \-,
{ t*" idt shrde{, 1d i
6rte -6*"X aL.a'r trh'ne;
Fror Jog cz&Jvcrrp '
) Ft'ta* lsr Gzr'4:
.otr\ L:a|n9> t.g lirc * 8rro"ot.,6
wpte zfu> rcX

@in Srr,zrenr.h[m ' nr',t , "

" " 6luderud co'rrse5 ' casc.rde ="ar >
( ia bag rarne :"co.trs.s lzrb\ - -
' ". tgre--";"+' 2
/( Dlkdton - id Colurnb = s- c-id"
Lqen.@!I^ (lo!5 ='i -t menr />
zlcDllectl cn -id >
l\ column = -Vr t '
.loa 5 =
"-Lb(traei u =.,"cr6.-er-",lz .
ZtoonX - 16 --a*
Ll idbt$ > .:'
cLrsc lhcttd
nol b

Clsiahed '
6\i"t Ut- ncc'd .,liSt
-o ib In e*Clicnt 'Javcr, in ?lo.* & ' 6crj
4".rLier cl ;
iit I

L;"t r,*sr = rE o

tisl-. ad d CQ) i
BY ad A (c>) )
6r' ofcr,'s'e ft;st);
Sx.scGc'rae(i;st);'''-' io borc'8orc
(.e ohitsln rbe $rro<'"rns
Afre. extr{ttnS rhe }s{ rlenf
' C

6eled f' F' StudeY'J ;

sid s4'rr

6 aaq
lool bbb

g@r, * &o- o4{se ;

!g ry"\
qol idlq
r]lralt ('n
qo> ororle ''100

&)u x &pm 6ia&nJ5- qerYstS ;

6!ll c^-d-PK c-r-t:_'
dAl I
lool q 0)- ' t-.
tDa2. qol 5
tbol ltL 4
' a** /rneP"
0:- wk't it trd (o') nt r rrrDblerD in I u<""^re ?
o*ro lordioS e PaYerr ohjeaj-s @irb *'dr wsgecliw clnld
*:- rn relorion sh;ps,
urtf Pt iooa""g 'rf tlc
&on ftre &laBase $en btb",not 16ete4r- oPeraitcm

P4ytr* O$erts and hlhAnort ,ffus c!

6ega{dt e<1<at oV'<cai:.r't "r ha0nn 'J
5 F'r"oh oqy-,lra r6on J
chd oqj.{r6 of each F.'t"} oqi94}' f,t meoo6, iP *t"e ore
tlc 5 F"'""r o6err5
J a'' d
h;u"r*r. useg -i sel4r op'rarrc'r & loaaon; o'n
-bb'tt J+5 J
*h n'"-..t ohiecr'
5 ue* qt'ranoos +1,. lu&nA rhc dr;rag 4
hwro}e' -71;:t is trc,uee "1tn";-"oblt-' '*;
Ua+ ataatont t*
in -$uz'mre ,)
- ohid
--r ar
*'n' rtltr'lqils *'4 p'e* \i
Y :n !+n FDdeb
&'"t t' )
. 4-, .-..,!i,"re
d''J.' m..lHPle PsD cta{5 objcl}5' 4 *'t'
---+ Joio 6f4rsmd6 G{c uti tD 54ect the '--'
utioS o' $qlc &te* oP<traHoo ' \'/
thc rer,Hon dup oddecl b\c" thrro'
ber{"' n th'
trc'fld. *nP
a(16} '-'/
t}ren d
-> Join g.rolerner*s 6rr s,,\5 a{,p\ide,
PoJb Cbyets.
CruS J
dE foro,aini t3ff5 c+ JoiaS
-> t 1-"r 4 j
0 Jnoer Yoit) \-)
6 L"guWroin \*,
0 Q'ght0utt' ro; o
6 I.,,, uoi.r +^ r'r
mrna and igagrostetz' :
15 l" $errl
r< ererr o \endN
+ $e &rru.rl ing addeJ blu 4 vc'nd''r c'nd
6infl o*-"-*'6 'dancnghp
"'r'"ne \-'
V, O$roo.rg o6 c
a Crru*w ohlatr'
y join v'$r!4 c
n \/.,e,
PYDn l- rarono
c' crotv-elNarne g''1o'"3
644 v.u,ndtN'.",
is ft4 $r+ a \en&,r rr.n'e aoL ibs
-, tht Srr, riol Hau tr,mt,and
oss0sslcLvcd Cushrhor narne , b'tr uslng -tb -6ne a,U*f*eh+ dt
Gsrorrrr a.'d Verdor '

*tEr v.vcnddrName, c t'-'"o"*l;tlo-t &- Gt*tt c ioiq c'v'r'&'r v

-'r tx don't $rci ft1 c{ Joio l3r'e rtr.' \ aePo'rt rbe '1oio gle ls TnocrJoto'l
'---a lonet Join 15 on 64i!i Join og 6oL. It mecn6, lte Join 6trr'i 6'reofs "ttl8

tht datc' &um tarole , iP an assossi c'r.a ddra' a(l6t 'r ib '
rbc Br,oring clic/rt of,pn liles oo-tD -rne(t| rebAondnj p blr-o a vcnd<T anJ
-1$ usi?Jolr' 5i11r'
d. paffb cr4s5e5. dr,J obtctns tl,c &rz. $orn too -ttrltci
.,. 0rjrDrr./.
f/ Toi''tcst ''!rva
irqn* iava' uttl ' *;
ioPort 016 ' bitcl"oot<' x;
o16 htr"''c'tc ' tfu - *;
F.ldic Cttrs 5 &;o'Icgt
P6 v r'' [5u"gt] o'gr)
li"46 *ttt'"T-x"'n q )
5,..1- f...,5 U*= r-, G-elEuYaH<"t()' &nlnutL> '
S.s.r *ro', = -g-rX.*"fusr.,o () ) r,.r,.--
\'l4h' #,- k .
c'a,.td'r"{ l
B*1 qr1 = scr5ldn ' ('strt't v '*'a"Nm'
"t-*$.,"a c" )"
ioio V'&rJtdrn"{6
Lisr [ =?t ' li5r () ;
Iu"o+u it-' l' i"fir',nL> )
. !,lh;rt (it 'basNt^t c l;
Ob.i,-t ,,.r, 1=fout 1)it'oe*rcll ..,, ri,
. - '' t'+'(ai
5o g(rooloI+ --. .It r1\,
| rJ'
-- 1
. Serslsn ' ctos't ))
. {r"t . ctos() i
'3 \

llibernarc &ttds efol daj('- ff,D,,\ 5rt'oA: 'e At

" -> rncose 6(- kPto(!rc( .pir,
$ uein anJ also dara Curn LePtside
oFfie $rn, ao', $111r l"* t'
-.r' & +Jfr'*
no O5sosslofti d"r- n* rtt
%lu 6;de 4
&, f 5:-, rtu *rrar;ng l}rn stakmr,,rr &le,r-s mc'. fir.' Yendn, <r" rlw1l, ,
*rte is no Qsro 66]&icd data o* P6l.r sau (i-ulc*i.-r;

\tn ioia J
$'$ v 'v.ndrNlc,,ne, c. custrr.e,Nlc.rrr f,"'., v lePr o'lar v'a.,ala't'rs c
-.-+ fn Gre of ,t8ht o(Jl.r &ia, k f.,',are *lerrs r.,o,r dd. "o,,) 'r!" 5{de 4$e
join ir no asso6told dl,t tat LcPrsla" oe $e Jol\ ' ,
, err.l lhg 6h th,ete

--'. Jn C4K gg ft rr 1oio, L; Utt.ore &-hcrs b$ eqrd dc'].6 ond arr'o unTsJ Aata \J

f.. U"l Siaeg 4 the Join 6krftrrren-F ' J

Sofurrc $r 1+ n pnbtam i - in ha L .-,
fb a $ogle
ar)Src kte*
ass qx'(lttoo -' &r l64rnl
Lt-r- \J
-'1 To redlre !+n
red,re !+ 6elCt cfzrdH4rl6
n 6elct cfztdH4f}6 '
o[pt6 cie oed tb
rtr p.rcr* oSecrs ofd ihdr ossQs6iarcl ctuld
' ')
'iotn lu" ' "
,JOrn ftr.r' gtatcmenJ in Ho,L '
*)eL$ otr
qAet t*'' \'u"nor"
-,=." *sirucr rbe 4uo.,t,-5 Ha'L :
C!'st'Jr@'6 (,i$ a S'le &ld- q".o$o'r
&nd thei( yegPe'*tle "); J
l^tn ger<j
\ / 'i - r' *i#",-J;":"*
v'*- '

d"or +"b--seliidn.c'-r.g*"1 ("9"..


iP ae e^erttt lne atrove qgerj th.o l,'t'

t""x aub'"ollca* dlgabtPs
-> o
Lo,g to'.a,nX k"k'l[ff:) and 6aru',<rer
o.!re Ser$i of{''r$oo
l-or'&ng alt patnts end clutds

no,@ Setat q-oftots, the p'r Pttrt"ctnce e4- aa op6t(an n

@ dr crn6 the

a5;r1 !g i6crreanr.

fukr-tlgrl l?I .j'+q probtern in C'ri E ia -'-

nrc -faruolnX i5 P,n td.,ri, lt+n frtDbl. B') c".rc'la Anr tg L;Uun ot ,

Grc*a cnt -- sess\dh. cydtrG r."r ofvtf,t ' cross );
Jortl) t
c.rt. setFedrlloa e ('c.torts'i [tnr'nc;ae '
hsr l,-- cYii'li6r();
Xo fie oSove Code, i?@e ds.ot se+ Fek}l r.6le 4ran { dr&ct r t51 P'r"t"node
6ELEci rnode .o(4n6 1+n' 6icl&f Op(nr'nora dre 3e'.,o'<
oo)rr be talcn a5 SsLr"r".
t vtd-.,c " l+n " &let ofuahatts inro c. S16lc Screrj of.@t{c'q ) (lD ntu4 1'6 zlnttXe

1he Rr'rt.ode os JOJN.

Rkhrng SrraJ.r.g,ts oP lhtecr.rc:-

$ s"re*
@ Join
(! S,:fseietr ov 6"!d oPe'ra'fi <rD

br depo,,rt R+.).r.,g 6''afeit i5":'"-^ Ra

O- -:H'#";
Soottdcd Rtr tca&n3 thc
8od and a J'1'-
6cc.1jas '
1oAn3 cltidS og a6ah Pan-t ' ['ere' 1+n omblem

0- "'
&in " 5.-,.r<r
\resped\ 64tcoion o chlldi,
;*':;: ;;: rbr
ib lotd f'"")

ava n&cad lo 1" oprafl c6

& *- *
^ setea-t ,

\" set'*"'r""ol-
flc! '@'<s " '"*
h;u"'o*t fl@x{o}<8
srurq5,, l't;U"'ort
t3 \
----5 34 6el ell Per.Lrn3 Srtrq5
Per.Lrg -.**"- !J!'oo
o! cldras o(
& W' V
ogarS ond f seJ<tt oqlcrt@ & "

6d fle*"oxl '
ilr'r iblsPdsjbla;
4 qlc
-lr csu **R*t'r1oce
(!u (-'-) '-'- .-- oP c"lroic'
! , ., rrhocl 0t" I":
P"khJ"O -*flb
"'.seled $in
@) f,oiri
saerr Gr) *"4 si,"t4.
*.. &!-
t. n'ru &'b("leut
"P.r.u"6 rbe R;.t"t*q
i gu,e- *"
q-'-; tj
n*-rlrocl , "
*) ah erod 4 cou ng getkrchYlo"le Cr-) ' o *. il^**o F5,roH cn 'P
co^ F5r.ltcn
co" '+
'^ ,er"x.dop
in <r nalprnS firc , !1 olAnl Rtl" amv-'rc 'tt" '
trr{Crt +flc '
;tr"J stJokle4 >
{set m.e=" orrro-"ls '
g"nr'--" atre.* |

Llkt z
NerBcans lDE:-
ao Hibelrsrc afPn Llgl"g NtBoo6:LoE '
SKP5 l0 develoP

aftP -!',- Crec+t a la.btt iq * Dalagrrse lir{ *'e &'ro.o.rg.

, f'iljeff. va'r"rar a tto) ) j

6D c' ioble &rro (sid nr-tcr ( s) otrrr"S v4

6-|Q-?:- 8i4rr ryer4"ont

SQ-!:' C[ct on Fre h.oe i.r.rr, prDjc4 ..'..._--_r JqVcr --t -:L,tcLAl+U aA}lon Dx b
--) - --r
Pajcct Natnc: - -------- [] cy\.are llajn -' -r Fdsh
lliu.'"'re - Li!r"'rX J
5kP-+:- Piol* ai.v on Liw-r"s Sra- --------i Add LibtaY'd '-"------- -'--+
Btp-6:- .Pi8hr 'ie'i
cric*. q", rrDi4 rnme (Hiki.aft. r) -- --inca,
--> Other ------+

l-li&rrd CsnBSllyorton kJizard

oi(t .----------+ next
--------------+ Ddotras. Connetlycr:
+ frlrl,r fthbc-re Gnr&ior, _-_________> pAr<r ttr &ro.:ng &k jl6
OrivcYN&me ,
f-- Fl -_)
Nc(.) +---J 'r dK

H6t : I b""b.-;-l
Uk"*-a,G6+ I

f&$<rdrx 1 6* ---) ffa"h' v#t'

P Pilelodlt ----+
' - ---'tofoe4
fitn '-
S:l]: lzi3ld (tick o., Pq)rJ Yiarne
- De.'o hbte
nexb ------) nat ----i
J'^'^ ---u
'llbs'ndrc *\-"to f**t'j
af Side o6tr ------: $ni"b rc[$]la ';
r #F
'nar -----J thr"rs+

=;*"ilil;,*H il ;
g'<0 t:- bchr ctcL o.' prde* rf,me --> r,<ro Jov'{clars '- - J tl*S u'ot:@ U

f,"is\ - t)
i-frort 0r$,littroa]t.*)
irn(loYr utt. h;borrat( . ch. *'
Frblc Ctol S lrrerC uc.*

P6 Y
- (3*og o,5sl.l
{ F.turuL))
&ts-T"rt "5 &t',u= rxo G.?rg,.,**1;. *ngagureL)'
$sst or
= 44tU - or. Serst o"(, I
h'Dc."o d=nea P,,Derno(;-
d.s+Sra (r'r1,'
d.r+Sno..e t'.o"" ),:
ibe l-io,t'*'lro'' fl = selncn ' k6;oT;uns a t o\L))

&sJq) 6"\i: Cd ) '

tx - aofr'rrll tL),
SJsl an 'ct64{ ) t
&o.ft. "
,- s3;1:- D,i1Ur ct;'t+ oo Irs." Cti"* 'iava "-

lmntttl*t'.- eloo
'>ntE&,o 5 B.irro'a
in fi1.4 &n'or I., o'", . 1ao'o
// ftE i!
O ur.d
&,1.i :-
6 =_ioo
5nrc5 S,='ro'
hib"'d< chr6r'
- o -"*'*, *.tc..i",c.o-"tc,,A! 4@*x>
.,- s:::::--EA-
+Dl{,?5 od.. }ira?ld" far"dl'h
"ot! ht kd&!-' >-r$r:
rh llgilgJ r ".d,<
tc ,n4erns
(diF' , HTj;.
Y'c!&F' odJ';;
- sh!.dlt,io .' -.. -zralah
-f,r'- - ,: fffi ;""" ke''tdis "'t! in '1""*a-s.. fd"!a{ '
iir- --,,J lon,,r. oor" (-t-roh *,_Ti;. ;" Q*..a, w**
6rc *t
so. I'tonot -aap'1

onlij-drt6 &c P';" l" Jrt

ll,- ?,*
Annotariong in l11b.1n6Jc

Nhile $Yitiog &vc^ o{pr,s, tbre dYe dieeerni or4g's i6 Ptovide.

mra dora '
-, -+
O ile 6e^ l,[tirc ctrnm.ol6 ir) a Ulva PYDgrarrt r dOgoe Sorne kioa 4 rff]-add'' Rr{
Java 6iarcm.^ts in a ftrram '

o'oo ooarBe's, ohilb otso &P;rct; ttsc'Jrir.

fnuu 'tre "tu-ol's
- @ tn Jova, .oe

of c &va
- x'.'l o;re
h i6 d?Pio? molLda '
@ nu con calcre

--) In lhe oMve 3ur.Us , xmt uaX 0f &hnio3 rncradc'trr is trrrrc$ns rbe
| .,
) efra$se os Porl 4f,4 ,f4va ptqjct levtloprrrr*,
burden dh &va frDaraiTfr S

Jav& o{pliaaAon need nDre no'4 x,nt


X'nl'6 in o Java P'qlct+ dg.plqn'nf'

-" S"l
ibe hav5 trse oF
'.' ,---r 1..., crdc( td rtdr"a
'") ;n'to '1ava Pvom
onr.tollons ) introducd
OPm rtJa&]-a ;o
&n 3
otelicalldrls J tDe aYe
lJbilc Gosintdinl Hiber nole
'J &rn 4 rrs?PiT xmt $ res'
@QPD6) @L 3ol
r6{Pin3nX xml ftree
Ro- a^ }l'bc(rp}c
Jn 61du tu \e&u-
the rrAPP'


5 ('c Cant 'a

-----r Bt usint 611notalton '
b cnntdn &r& 0160 '
'") Leorrrc a Go8fl,rofl t. Rre 6ong i5 d..s 4 $a
c" o* *c )oddd
-----o tr ,no1ool-, lr't thbcrnore ftn pnautot'
A" (s^)',,
'--/ . , bb guN d5 Pstt 4 Java Pt'siottntt ':
oonorr*lans PlDu;ded "J
-; bt' gjN os f*{r oP rrna.r
ErBa x o',d
ood ioplemenr.'x
.--- is
st,.q'F a
ca$o,1 wteased

o? r\ls Epeq'$rcoxo'r b crt pmvi ded b3 the &wer v*dar ST {e#^3

EJEe'x and 0Rt1 @t vq'*ns'

4"t st-cn'e h q: 9Pt
--r -Iktt oonoF*lo\9 in oll of81 fti" Po(t

ded imp\tmarralt oo w
t0015, be,n,!.!c I1-',1 ou oa$
iod6 onr provi
-' coY'm,tn JPA SPetlhcofion
--> Nbile crariog on dnrrofali"n , &xne me*a&tz, id prDyid ed 'Prt o", "o',.t,ariorr - -l

It rn@n5 rrrrdddtq' oP metc'daro '

c cttartt'6 it '
1g ftrraoirf a'g l1..,a tr6 inft,rrnortvcs dl"a +.{ c.ri anrobHaD tokt
ofPltGble ' tE.t ls Q"c^
glrrr* an arrntaAotr i5
0 ro dor fuga 4 Jara J
clas S Lot) 6 Qnarv,erho / tor) fd o PrDfJe'!trU '-
- ef< '
.|u u** latl tfis annolarlqn i6 vi6ible I i'e' ocartre'r an dnr'otratldr'
O . 'u " ,
iaxl '
V8ute & G.pite t,ra. le'"I (ov) R'or; 'ne \,

-? -The
16l inffnrrglor, Q,r an annotr,rt<rr, is ser \ tlsir @1z r8ef . rhii i6

Co$ed Tc.r6er &o; iccl't a"' Lto tqer }o&"mol^

-----, -lhe rld infic,rrmrrcm is addei t6ir,$ @Rel(nHGn . thiS i6 odtt?A d oS

$e Qetenlton tbti%'

PqTD clc45
Cor',ooo AonouriooS Wrh "-
to imft(l a F*e4e 4
hblle cl(oxng a POJo clctsg
J r,rr,*, ure' oeed

csled *:
JPA &vox ' PersisEoLe
ugiog 'j}tle cYo'{T
qnmt.rHoog arc fornrrpnll
-.+ The ftrtcoing 4

@ @rote

3J*';;r.,*'. - ' o'{pade

g laD'' 61s
(9EnHB ond l::h*"'o(t't l
;, \",e\ d ffr@ r.stod torr.r '
elrtg' Fw"": '-
o< apprnt.ode oi ad&q rhis
. e
tll r- eo'L Pdb ctass t,t *rurll
EntiS lcetn

&t-s tlue a1
anroraAdn , cL f']oJb clasg :
-Io.Ule 'g ctkcl t6 rm0l c| FJD CloI3 tt) a FBrlse trbte ' re ft aelas're'ne
-; @
6')a tt'.b.enaroe 4Ye rQlklJ ioen rtus @ rirue anvnnttm i's oPd(mal '
a- kcg .colutn & a b)a&te loAe'
@rl it rrrpped 'to a prDfrryrg @rth o p,tlttf.Yg

@ oh-., i5 ro ml? a grDtxlYru aoirb ^tumnoP c'

a (! Dara8aq'e tdJole '

fP poprtg narae and columo nc'1,.,a ore tnoJche d theo @ 6tt"'t' Qnnoiorlo

yesdrYCe I toe
sboU'[ aa4
Jr1 @nBguralion Bre op lr,rte.nare, .)"srcd

rq?*% Jry
-) h 9u" & khr*r.6'6, ln o' cllevlf aiop'i' tile oecd
clat6 ig
Ctal6 Oba*. baf u .&r,n biu',oaitr't A . cint
b' ae &.'L ttlrted "tuw
mcqed in a Gr,66.rarri^ d/'r3 <tntf, '
^ Ltkioo.a.
in a Clicnf 6{di'd$on oY

-g-(b oYt oddd to mr

Po5b cltrg5. .9, xP ony
rocore oF dnrotultonS, atnnoiolldng
PoJo cto!5 '
bd th15
ts, h Ye'srnPi te
trrc'aoi. 's "tot
ia rut-a dvalo bo!t.' The rtagoo i5 ' in on a+P[arHa4

Fgr*r.6 d"rt d* chong.s &t"t'+ts

cl@l< fl''o00lo1
X Bre fu, nua$e
(rr) rg t,rc usc ornoEdlsn g aod . olso tle

S"*rt rrropirg Xrnl v-lxt<'&ta i5 c6tlsidc'""d '

in a Dcra&'rc trsioS
'it &r{ 'n5ert'n5 o sE',denJ obJel}
0ne Brr,*r"'X otPt'
Anrntdhons '
L, 5r,,aoru.&va
bitt"are ' cl3'rtnl
Jo5art Cti.r* '&ro
+ ' cldsS
(9 O ,e k'd.qr
'4"r ft8l o,\ app.,
' o'- Oifecreoce blor &r? G) 4 Per,5i6t C-) rncrtod

ased ib &w an Ohied-
bs :. bo*, 6avC-) { per6isl L-) irlcttld$ ar',
<et<lrns ibe' id o? thi Sawdl' o4jsf
fuiagase' U4
Save C)
: i,_ .-.,r1 i, a,\

bolr rD a J3{a ftogrartl ) hf Perobf C) rnerftod does i. t r."tr tbe iJ oe


&*ta oule'r '

"5"tt4gl: ! ltrrl.i l$a,terrixo l6Pa4
--a \tuYn fUPe4 Batec) rrsbod i5
pE5i6t C-) rtrfu i; vot4
ttt \)
ste lhe ' 'gorrroruld Pn
an obic,r '
-*1 $4ve tr) rrpttEd )s crsek^r ;'tq'r .,
$t"tmru ddrS

coruS 81wc-) merfioA, coe con Skre rbe art'rned

va-lle \-/
' &4 tohir,e
. .'.
irrio a $r'al.d oqle*;
;= (r'r)rtgc'r1 s"csr""' saw(e) ;
Lsaar"rze; .btr*
6J dcsnrr-
f,t urc ose gr{14}.rr rb'oi5 a$lgn d , tr{'stsr C-) -ttr'd'is ui;tt+^^ :
t$fx ;t 19i'
ttrar o * on* , bc? lls a}tr<n

:' ' .1r

Aonol-at oD6 Q'r ir*,eri tarc dvryit 3 '.-

cdred @I*,et'r"'r' ''o

ftrr irte,itzrtce .nq'plog , rc a "r)-T - need
Croes level
6|raJr$'/ '
Rr @ rr*,a -oce ) r,:e red . *t o pctrameh:n c4ued
En( Eee '
5Ymr.A$ Pdtem vatcte indati<3 ihe inhsi)

lotc p'r clc'rs

' SlNotua -'rAgtE )
.- fntdnnJlsPe
@ rnkritt'nce [srnreg'd :btfte ptrr rub
JodED ) "--"t
rderancc t&,.Ltfl -- fnhedtar"cilsPe' Grardlc ctoq'
@ Qrr
ft'l'";tot"tT5oe ' TABTE-PEF-cutss ) "r.,u.,
@J,,l,ar..n.e CS,,alcat =
Tobh get clo55 :-
Glcrvon i'l
:::-:- ,hrraYd.rt lS Oppticd rheO (oe rrcd a Di6crirnirtfd
l'lko ?lte t2i cl&rs
$e Dg r"lDtc
Glumn coa u'se
To rrg0 o. DiscrirnLDafq '
.o' *t @ Di*'i-i*rtV"t""
'ro as'{o drc v4lue ,,
@ Dr.i-; mralGtt'tn dni
Gtc!:9+tt clas D'ecrlrnirBF" GX,fd
lZrne (Je 3-lbcl(lss C.I{) lade Pc'r )
rncose og
i5 ortlsf)crr '

k{ioent 'jovq 4n o?dl(atlaY)

h{ngtr 'iavo yeft,r noge l!o:
( ** rcald 'l
C|P3|]4.h{'7fnt ' iav q
@ "P o.., +hndoc.'r@ '
'rm t
bte.rore ' cP3

Jr{rr rcr;cnr ' Jdv'(

,g92*? SePoro*-
r(,"tc! a't
gJbuats b;rz''clt I in
*re DcraBara
-+ il] cqs & kbte Q^

Pc<nf cldss ana

allo f- etf' sujc ct&ss '
rt1,rrrved coPlc** Pvogr'ttt'l
At rbe oP inlerir5 the obi/S t
tme onJ cooi$ tsr'rtfu Pt
tl(3 inJD cln\Ar4bt'
F,c^r Jdble and dnld PYDer

6( W^r t.,br- ;41 ahird t$E'

tire q
ktf + $( ciuHttb\L orr lorciShlecJ
--) rn c\rtttr trbte, $e P'm41
' To 'rrft,n', fte hie'mrc *nt a Gt.rrtn i6 a like a prtrrarg trX -d
ned on oonof<!*lorr adad

frAtr :t i., -rr1


{,.r_r .'.' 3!.tdJ

A.,.*or--s fJrrt' Penrt'oshiP s

6Dg-ro - rfrnx @i rb . -,i *w;.n

ro-rtnnt Lun4qi chiP
a+tyr d " o{'Pl3;"3 cne-
- -> ltc Rrnoio3 t@o Arnoiafions dyr
Rrcrr =
cttd faio clc45 t d$cad e =-G'sccaeTsnc ' Ar-r-
@ On Tono.,5 (tr6tE"nrx -- chss od 4 '
Ia'rrTgoe ' Eao'e {)
*fo,arcdGt"'Natnc -- Pr ) LAZY
@ Jot.,Grur',n {.o-e ='pr",

ref<,r p.Xen 6"9 -t "er"

o @
G6bmer. Javq
bib.Y'Pj ' cq '
rml oP l-""drd-(t
lrs.rr Cll crf 'iava

{rrJo8- iD -cne Loi*, Arnota}''ons " -

ftm Atno"irfign 8 dYe dloiY[d 4T apo16;"9 rrn"5- ro -- ".(U"19
11,g .Porrcxrtt,g
-> is poi n
''n ch'.lrd c\cds ' r-o\'rrcl" "rrn6
(-oe oe.d c. P'6ts'rtb lt fi'srbc'r"o
:" I'T'"--i"*^
.",e ned to o+Pl:
--' ;;";;aols "'*^t" F'"po'tl' ,-
C*,,.nTSg. 'Al-L, @=
o? tri..u pqjo clorE, tto"4" =
( t-''dL"tttr = ooss oli ' EAT^EP
\> *""*0".
' - {J ,, -
^ G"'*" (r'o'e = Pr"., ,*e*",.d
Gr.-"\}o-. -'Pi )
@ Jo'.,
t;* tD \rnd"t @' rraed f'
''s64onstrlt *rrr. '
Jb ofllll FX'r'J -10-sne
tror F&mflc,
fttto cl&jses llFe $e sllo{oln3
cralc Jhe vcrarr aod G'stur'*'{
/ cosnmcr Jcua
//vttta* ' iout^ lmf{rtr Jov9x , fJ'^<lsKnce' *;
5ien'e ' *i
imPo+ iavctr 'Pers) @ e.r.s
fa E @ rnue (na"r : c"tt'""c1' )
@lnste ["r-e= t'nd' ) =>o?lotur
? c 6or"t',r
P(rbll. class
' 6rd {..q\, g@L1" (o".''e- c'stle" )
vro 'lr A
daru-a Ln"'e= C!c/< lnr Lo\;ttnot )

Vcriq Id l
, '* Muc ;
" -."e"); r'l'rale Ch{nj Crutmr.
. @ Cotutnh (oaff= vrra'
PVa+c $trfng ltnaotM"t; @ Cd.ron [ ="C*tru )
.-w"aAPat f" SMnS cdiot^q Ad{rrB '
in x-r fo,.,or
!.,- p-n Uarg {ez,r1 @ffr"XToOnc (t"erbuiry "Va,a-.cros, c"saar =G*c".r1p.*) ;
16"c1"3. f\
&,i )^ A^'uren q' '-d*" 1""* P'-{ t'nY
(guro)ntllu rDn (tiarne
= y1].l,id t "tfr,,..rat @r.","l,k ,t= vra)j.-
priua*c Vcna", ve.a*.
p,L- LlzY la) f,Atrer L'z'd"trs


G."r_u,. jova.
htar*.t . cfx .x.r
J}*r(rl "tf ' iiva
*. 4las3
ODe-rD- roar,? (Ur -ar'c d*,"r ; (otrt' :-
--> fi OAAtog b6$ Cr,e -io-mong dJ1d mc,n8-to-one at1h6t rfid), {De dro
&c-tope bi-dtvaa-darnr dne-to'rnanX osd6ia}lon-

--t Oj c creatrg bi - drrecnorn-t t*i'nstl.p , i0s|6od 4 ,"+.dn @ Jo;nGl""'o ,

r&n6tona^ {- b* 5de5 ) bte can oooi d *nt @ CoinGluh n dt mart-to -dtle \i

h d"i rqpaB; w..oll,eta( d @ru"XtO*C,-,-,- ) r'r'ot<'rro'.

ro-rnn3 in bi-d;rdl{oncrl blo V.rrd'r aod OYstorrri qe
1D opplt oDe-

&tat<- Yc u eod ccrJt0rr/t

cl&!<4 like $e 4rrocoi o5 ,

Publr. class \ndq

''a ");
i'*'u,"" (n<'r '- vid

Piv&J( inJ Vrndoru;

@ au-n lva-e =" vno-e'J;
firrarc SUn3 1,1,rtr00 Narrr ;
( t""Xc.euru = (r,sttrno. clc'rs t t.lst!&--- Cu'cacTtpe' ALL ) 6
@ OnaT"frrat
rtft'nt'rceeGlrrt'u lr)z'rz = vra'
@ S,nGt.-n fnore =\la"ia', )
[)nv..t( S& &'r rumovl ;
P{bllc clc(s Curt'm4

dtlt tnq f,d
*,rlo Narne
*-) &ltl.,,,cr Addr.{J

6l1a"oJoo ne -- V',a-'clais, @scad e= Gsra*Tye ' ALL t

U [to'6*e".;rx 'cutt"ct s:
,rar.4 Bg = )
V.nda u6dd : -E tT*,a @Joi.,o1...,,
',o.h)a ftht.

llaoU 'm - Manb Nirl lnmttrfionS

Pleot - To - r4arnJ relcrHorrshjp i5 d.llst5 a bi -&read<rrEd
' toe ned '( Jol"Table
(p\co focm -To -ocm1 rttof,ot'sh o ir o4Pr;cd rt'err

io *r 0ero6o:e '
ott 'reqr'it"d to ilr( Fr.rb-io - rrtrr'i tt161+c"rcJ'le

A t')lntrr,(,ro oP , r'r2tes "PPh

fee,pfrd N.
1e SleoioS art the 3 Anrrltanon6


@ n"ngTollonS
@ JolnTc.ut"
a) @ Joi"Gltt-. lte
'Ihe &"ieq6oQa oP
JotoTo.b\e and
--a fn( oF honXTohal ,0]e rred
rehrtoosl,i P o/e stzt'd in Soinlablc

ctnnotark'n is used inSide @,Joiorante

'--+ @Jotn(p1u..,o
1 .tr o$oncluo'bltsl
99t Wa how trn fioso ctorses
*ser G,'n u 4*"''
rlan6 -to -man5
lbese 11oo 6y'r.5 objerK
iS '

llang \ tcrn9 a.rA

i.e, one Caft$or5 h,9

e la5es*t& ttus retalrtniht a{e PF

...-, Jhe Dabgc 'I \-tt.;ld
Grggcrrie .5
ctt-id a(rt-f)otn
- lttn -noor

dr.tqaJe3 - i krhs
ca|-id, gr. ir.b'id -(K
/7 e.reg.rru 'j4vq
impoYt iovax. P"r6;stto@'*i
i/nf{* ic,vd ' .rfll t(;

@ P"*tc
@ Tolr"(.ot'c = 'eet:tg"r;ee')
Poblic alda6 Cdl'?%
"car-ia ") \,
@Gt.,-n [m"r =
fri\rl-te ini Ct+<gg ;
Gtu-., ( rn rr'r' )
.,e = " cof -
;rr;rare $;oj c"r1oX M"re :

;J;il Ar-u )'

ffi',ili(9gw="aspa:iF-!,f =
;,.ro' c dr',
coscade =c*."a'ra*
, uot"ro-ote Clt!'a td-'dc \-,
@ Jor"Tolte ^ .r. a$t
@JoinGtt'*r, (lr'*= c*-ia-'Pk
n LOlornft = (9uo',n\erum
tit J)
irnorsJgin Gu*c @JoinG."-n (mme='ittm-id -Pr"'
P,rulc 6el I trnS :
---" Setro" ( $.re.,(

// Jt ro.Jrva
impc* jc.,a} ' Pcn#9tn'e ' J'
imfwt ial,o'(Iril'*i \-,
O P,*hj \.'2

(no"ta-'' itt"e"

Fr5$6 c\ass
f'tert) .,j.-..
- 6rd \-,
6-"'u-" [ot"'t='
P;varr in* lgtld ,
' \--,

@ Col,rrn.,
('trtc' "ix.-*d') r,,,'r @Sl*r"
@ **ffit#L,.;1ffi'*' s , cas,te= Grai'r3p''
PrivaF S.t s o"rcgc^it 'f (atg'Yv
L =
man8lo t'lan, Annbrddct\

Grcgol ' &va 're9<a pqcoo:@ on o* @

ftcrn 'J6v a
hik" . cP3. x"r I

Ir6e^tclihf . iav a

'' 6 Otr--,0 - one llsq lt -t"* t-

'-- --> he can olPlS ooe-lo-one 'n t'6 "tdis '
O ore -ro-c'e rortb Foreignka5 '

('i*' FmdYUve3
@ -e-'o-o't !4J44 c.'d
' frc4plg ooe-Ti-one cr,irh F
eJgn tseq' toe '*dia'* ;
rutt vatues ioto foc1orc5 cda'tn
dnnar'/tdn t'x shu'tJ add
u"''' Rmgn r<1 @irb '
u)tle afPlsing cm-ID'oJt
-) & ot|noft r{dn
Un[,t-te oot
ur4+r\ crrnu" -
Y '- Ini-rrrlt 'l+tli'l<
s/* -
- -^ dx
- torrh bei6okca , "
'ox (&e
'6a) /:.M---'T'J\. ortroroftao
-- Fn cm-tu-ooe @fU"tfuO"
e.r)d u@n !e
to o{ptJ t0-6ne p blt! Frson '
,'-> lP 34-,' urnr ooe- doflc'nsku
coth lrugnkcX c'n ro* ttro rhe
u5'n3 oonot fidns r irr 6ne. t.-'o.r

ore fie clasS8 t ltb 6,ryniafi cns c^

"'i'o- ' F/r6$r'od ' *i
Lic.ose "Jav

irDfrrt iafa'x ' fro{9st(nlc'
@E"nT puorc oalsLiall.'re

(.ate "
= trtsot") t^,,
grclic class Persoo
drau"- ("t"'e =" tia l
IL lluox r",l- lic-s"nl,
@ 6rrrnn (rr'rnc -";ddE )
&1,"" (-'*="en')
i*r. * ;uuttW),
grl nr ft",f Puso"f @Gtu-n frrr.-t = ,)

") privale Do'e &plteDat( j

@ Gr,-n (mme'
pf.qe 6wt"3 j

o&tog o gerEralJrf &r a.' ia 115 9a"!I16:-
rP oc oroot to (rdd do3 go hit,.,ore f,fDvldC gs''(rof"r c[al6 l0 an xd
ttrn For ue rred b deBoe *,o"^ 5tr-t<8b usl(
aPnr degntog ltrc Stt4lql rb add o ocrrrratur e. on Ad crre r-r e d

@O"*--d,r"-" .

.Irn lt ts cpt R.'.' JPA'

--- @ G.rr;"G.r*rar,n is an ffi orrbk tlon & lrlv' o"x otd rn1

Hihernolt [r$ frrDvi dad J.oo onoot.$qns of its' otoo @G"*^;.o*n-ta I

l(oo onnotuHqns aro Ror'l Org. hrtrrnare.
lttse Arrotalcrns pva '
g*** &t an rd b defaa* or$XncJ orar ls J
---. * gw &tot sp"cq 6arrcT
---t IF (oc uant fu OdJ Irserrfr+ garttol?'t {# c^n fd ufi$ Onrrct&ttc *rn
ue $o&td crtqk P6b dcr$ litc rhe 4,*t'r3
/f p.a., .u"uo

ilnF* ,io\)or ' flrdftrlc. " ,t ;

imFrt or5 hiLanale, omoidrm' *;
@Torc (moe ='p'd,.r+")
pJltc 61455

(** ="691", stuxrt -- 'irrcrcmcr+ ")
@O*-'r.C.*-r- troJio!
^ rrrrll(
eJd I

@ 6r*,t ( gone"okt{ ='3oe' )

@ Gru'n (w,w=- era"
fttwk inl- p'drcId ;

--, "tt*." )dcard* Sr"'r'5^

10 aPlS glL,t.drr,r +o{ anxd
", t*,"*-(*r"="ul^",-*'=n6a4"-rt''1'.*'*u=6"8**t*'ffi "ffi
C*'".='Pa -;
6 GU^-*r
pnvo*( id prc,a!(+7l .
-- ---. lD an t "hito'' ocrroror P- on ra , &! oed it'e +lldtir6
'' @Gur*.',.G..rroror (ru..c = '8".r-t ' I S}ttcA!='bilb't
lnraritltt6 = | @ &'ct"ztcl (mt'e= "hle "' vorrre =''mgroi"te")'
@ lora-er< ( mme ='cor,r^n- ,
vale =" rrx t'),
va&e --"
@ Pn'a-o* ('ro: -ro', 'o'E
e 6"t-d.^d\loll.t ( g<lr,erofoy
@ Grn-. (.,c,-a =
"ora ' ) .. .

tr'\raK ir* Pndrr(} ld ;

Oneloone dirh f*troovy l<1 :- t)g cl''td t4lot( dtso

!3t (,e ncd to mc.Ee Pn*tkt
ttnS p*-n'1
..' --+ fo a{plt oneloooe '
o fr,!Cig"\.<6. obj.rr it"ro
ax oult'-
of or)e "-- tg'tnarXvn &
conx rhe p'"'a'o
u1 o(
inPorm thc b;&"',arc
tbf I
.-. -, a o tt
' e,*aolct
oft,i,,,r ouic'r ) ut- us' lt-"tn Jerhu'*" o lit'*'
rbf gi. . ;-s-

au d0el6 onerton' Ph,"&'.JL?t*-;; iIn'4rt-*a.

-.-+!-c^o-p\u, th< rtu-o crst
cl ^""
L ..\as, ttr *ea +t eear< ^n ,*^*- &l,1r,r*y.---u
t.*" P *Orn*o.
llger.--i"vo. *;J
i-rzn ia,rar'r,,rs)(lo,(( 'xi
t: _

ilf fi;'i*< 6!1*b+attn.s'

@P*3 @*'l -
-r"rle (o*-e ="Pda ) "
@ @f"U. {n".-. = l;,-o ),L cut6 Wa\ ,",];u. clo*s li.-r.
{ { /o'o'**
@rd '^.,-id' ) \--l".-P +v!- -'
Q.,G,**G, -'\
-"tu(r"-e= v r', ' s*'?]"-s"/
li6r""nrf 'r'-e = Pd-'- r nL
,ur. r *
g'uo lTr ; pno^u<xt -- @la"..a<' ('* -r*Y' '

it"6 p'+-M-e l
dG.-,*.Ur* (*.6"* -,- 'n^.r')

- n a @ ot"'" (nob' i'ltc-u " )

. !,"'T,r[-'=l?iilir'
e Hff rY"=;'#y'
Datrc e-5t*fox2
@ O,"ro 0r,. ( t"'go f n*X
"lrn^. ,t^'s , cos@Je = Gt^*1xce . ett I
@P;-"r5k1Drn Gluqn i6 infienrs y[,e h; tt^""1-. rt* ^^lrr^,t^., eoJ,.
-a l"itr a q
'a" 4
dl\o ac+inl
rr or. P*r y'tn ',

hrrn tc. Jaya
nePc' pone@ aN,,@ e L^*O
hilc'nare ' cf1' xm t
fnr"tCur'ot ' iorj "
6Br>--d&f-{_0oq-__.a^{E", ;
fEkr D

iq hihf'fiar-L -."
(omnrt"nr rrrd)lnq
,' o
cllx ar a
nlu;'9 a *kN*t "P o"e fbtr0
+ ^ r**-;re
Q:ryxte* nwpiox i5 t

metnber vc.ria6le o? dmrlg/ l\P chi6 '

--, JP UUr oftrrt5 Cnnpo'"e"* rruprog rhcrn c}iftts c+ i@o frllo cfoJtel G( irrsrrrt/ v
to o Singte t4,bl( oP D1taBose '
q v
,-> ta 'inPzrm fie hi barnor. ri4t obe cl&ss refr.r nce )E od-in3 ar c""8'"qti-
1n cfdf r
A( c,attt r cto'rE l b o lri&nn* -7Jp1 $t" ap usc tCattpn*' Lfl
t? t ta aaPlJ &i{t.fl,.tf ryxqpinA usln6 4hrotdrtnr-i tf i aC ule i:r'. fdl(r5,t^,tv
-, W '$ t
*-u annotcdtcng '
@ E "kddecl
a or (E"*aaoale )iw*o.rtc ihrb onoilq (la'd !'/
---'" t hile uinS annatllaB ' f0 rrrF Ffo
cbiJr4, r-oe .urfl annotot'' @u"*aua'

fn a Polo clc,s6, Lg mol". n9 ay1uht { dt l, tkrt',,ce at ". tunFmo-,t , tnt ute

an rh. -{.,uoin6 e^atdt, a '"tt-"tnct oF PM-" .t"* p ooog ar a

Gt^pore*- 4 Penoti dbu .

a- llPnane.jaua l/P6^sn.jav^
imFvt jayd( . l/.'I,ltri'x,(f. +i irnfptt trotn^. P$rft,.(< ,q.
@ wn*aa^.atu @eu'l '
'P"-"', s
(\biL clavs P|!6lri: @loaetname ' J

4 fx,$L otra P"oon
@ &u-",(" 1" ) 8- J-
p.ldtt Char iru'tlafi Aa 1
@Coru-" ( n"..,e=' F"o*." ) f'Yitl4
< inf Pe"5o,JA :
p"vat I'r,tX $,.tN-''u; @Cat'^"( n"'ne=^ *a" )
-) p\ruc J.rY..a+rl ' Drc Az,L',
@Cau.. I
f;** 6'n? lartNarnel ytone ',
p.vt l'. PNtnnt
3 t

Lrk'natt. cPa )"nI
rt9<,r r,aSt@ q?n @ + L^'l^'t 61
f,ra,ftcu.'* 'jduq
* ' cldrl

.- 5or-> seldr x Ptorn

prrr.tos )

DTO DD !-- :-I NAlr|

6 \\7
l,lt o6-r'Pf! lo *-,.na{t,i^n''
a'c difP<ier* tSfxs oe &-urn'.s 3
O" N+Ei
$j $ furr O5cu n'oPeto3

fu.'lior Ohj&r .'t{el

(, n3

@ I'rh.nlt '"re -t'ontn5

(D co-rr-e"r nooot"' . ft'|t'+P,"5'
f i'*'-' [r'a*^u
a', {dat is @ rcr.rrral anmla}"'} ,r- h;y,*t" a}rr* c,ral*t abr@o
E-' @t"wut anrorctro. ''^:': ;;"
t ; -ff
-n^e [or) Dre a"l-[me "* ". -[me t.o Trr'c(oo-n
:-D"t -re a, t;t\.1,to inf--
-- h r;', Lu'*r' r'^16
,1{ rh;t ?{np'"['t onnot'"klon '
is" nlso inrantl ;4'1D D0 tl'q ')
t'( ofp\
t @
:"" 6561u-" ('r"re:"&b
Y3-i bie-n^rt1''s"47Pr'T'-e)
Ehlz Aot)
h;t",nor. i.,es,a dnb Tnre irurg DraBale P"^ ata y,,g"tX .

B @Gr"-" (.r-e = "'ton" )

@Ta"r, (T6rfrn!3ne ' TJrl ESl"ANe )
Pd'ere D"< d@.b'.

fo fe alo ela,'f,l, hih.'mrc lrstzts btr' dare and +lmc )xfo 4 *aA(,

6tno5 orilb Hi\rrrEle Inlqralion : -

l%i c
InlcErotiog eturs G)i6 Hibererte i5 nrfuog b4 cr!'ng Pesrd-(rxe

impterrpnreJ ln Hbt{ rit}. Pro- Adton ctoss 4 S\t"t5'

-l rn Swt*s P1t, N- lntca{4J1dn i5 poss',b\c toirb othel Rc"r'"tootvs Ptortt

AcHarr Crass O? St 0t5.

4 'IFf forldoing c, he q)$eJng A\bt tobL tO \oic8{ale Strus (,lth tliLrtno} '
in exec're(-'-r-) c4
0 ule can de6ne ol-t. *r peiisrcnce \o$c 4 !';f"ttort
4Y-g loqrcosed '
ktlon clo-$ rn rlrls amroae),, rn oB lr;het'.ort &!ja'b obje*S
-) og A]r3n ctari iJ Col{ed .&.r oh 1A"st
t '
@&usc executc[. -, -'
ofi c' g.tlt rc \b In6redce d2
-+ Tbe draroUa4l( o? ftfr 6,ap'oach i5, a Lordeo
becolse 69 m.oP &ssbotmror5 ohf-do'
Acrron cn:g eoJ
6rsl dtt iD
Sera"^ftrr"^3 irr Gn$rucloY 4 at'
@ * c^n c*
rs crcrcA lot
ace 6'aut
e^o!trc'-' -, -) og an A.lron cla$' lee,
&(q '
L5 ls4'@d6'
in 3ftt6, @t one obe4 og foltoo t:ro:s toirt te slncd "'"d*ore
io on Acno"ciars cal,tr
tbe dulobc.& oP tt"s orx'ta'h i5, F&4'3 c'ored
-> etot'r'l" d igcoa hcE
$ro.ved olt'n cvro*rav ' Pi*to' ctas f-i rrang t ftn
joFrcrddcs' (rtre
-to Atrlon ckl$J then ur need tD c''de 'R1

a c"*t'5 $sihFold'5
@ oe can cyor SeF.rcrte 3r* clo$ P,(
ord P,, d"B-n3 *,rl.,a" & to d' a"r.ln'" og"n'os I I'ik'.,"tt'
le{,(rax ctar! is cqre d 0. DAo clalr,
-fti s ctooeA \s a k** uryga.^rN , .&r inregalrr 5 sr''^rs onA \p'*re '
one fup'src [.t, a^5 +"*f b5 m,rnele Acttorcv.xes *
O Ae j+ G 3tn.t6 &rrtl' ttlocroor lrte8rafrqr exornrrlc q6;.rr"1 qle <ra pr&r.ntog
.--, Sn6rorog
&dd onl d.trri c{r'orionS cn 4 So,bsLrilr,i oP d"h, bU ffiq DAo cl4r(

fut t+.ta"ot code

Stt'6 -cor'gt'r'nl

irdcx . irP

selbar-hilE tat-
t r$pricatioi-1 (se*r"t 'ru, net.'1'.t6'.1i!" ioBeit,irpdat;dite .nd'3rot
2 t' ol)erationi(cttFD op.lations))
-----------------ln ler!.htrd---------:---:----j-------------:
i 3
6 <a h!ef=.i nsert.ht61 > Crate E!ployee.</a> <b.>
7 <a href="update. htnlnxtpdat qr4'ro!'eq-i/* <ir> :

I <a hf6f="d3L.!e. btnl'r> Delete Erployee </a> <bi>

9 <a hr:f'i'se1ect.htilr> Aeleet EEploiea </a> <br>
t-2 --------- ---- ----iDsert.htel-----------:-:------------*-----
L4 <n2>
15 <fo-r a3ti6n=trin6ortarrr>
16 FdI).. r <itPut tiPFtett ndF"e4pnor'><b!>
T7 EraFo i <input tirroatext nd6-',,eade,,><b!>
1a : <inpu! t!.p=tert n&e=uial.'><bE >

19 Deitii . <input tipe-text ! e=ndept4.a>.<bt>

20 ' r- i- +ype=su.b!i,t varu6-!'rNsEs'r,,>

24 ------ ---- --- - - -upitate. htrl,---------

26 <\12>
21 <r. .T ,i. .:,= "uFdatsrv">
2A Er:t.o : <iDt'ut type=txt n&e=,,dpno'Ixbr>
29 aniae r <input titE=tex! r 6=!e.d6'1><rr>
I 30 : <inFt t ti!=te*t nde=rsal xb!>
I 31 Deptno : <input ti1)6=texs n e=ndeptnot'xb!>
32 <irgit tll!)e=autrit walue=uupDAlEn>
i 33
34 </h2>
36 ---'-----------seledt-htrl------------
37 <center>
I 39 <fom acriox={selectsau>
40 Enedo : <input tiF=text nae=trspno"><bE>
47 <i.p!t l-r?e=stbiit wa1u6=nSEI,ECT">
45 ---delete. htld---:-
47 <h2>
48 <foh art'on-"de1t!wr,>
49 Enpac : <input ti?e=trnt nare=nerpuon><br>
50 <input qrpe=srluit v.lue-nDElEtgr>
s2 </'i2>
54 .. -web,el----------
57 <sepI r-nme>s1</srvl.tris@>
58 <3eslt-c1ass>Insltg.slt</seelet-clar.>
50 <ss1t-@tping>
61 <setrl 9A-ns@>s1</.Ftst-na@>
52 <u!1-pirtt6!n>/inse!ts!w</uI-!Etr!n>
53 </servlet-ruppinq>
64 <.etrlec>
65, jsery16t-nd>s2</!arvl.t-.a5r.>
66 <s;relet-c1ass>updatd6*r.K/senriei-clags>.

a*har-hibeldat-*epls. t*t 3/2/2OL3 A,as PM

?2 <s6F1.t>
?3 <ser1t-n&e>s3</sw16t-tre.>
?4 <6ery1et-clasE>Deretsowl.t</serelet-c1ase>
75 </s.n1D
?6 <aewlet-@pPin9>
77 <swlot-n'@>63</!oR1t{!@>
78 <u!1-patth>/deletesEv</ull-pattn>
79 </E 16t-eappins>
80 <Eealet>
81 <strIl-ne>s4</setr1t-@>
82 <6rylet-class>selectsea!.6t</servle!-class>
83 </3e!v16t>
84 <ssle!-napFing>
85 <setr1et-rMe>s4</setr1et-nde>
86 <urr.-pattei?n>/selectsrv<A!1-psttn>
8? </.ealet"@ppin9>
89 ---------------------Eaploye. ja6-
90 //Erployee.jawa {PoJo)
91 pultlic clas5 Ergloyee
92 I
93 priwate int @plot'6Id;
94 privale st.i.s dplo!eNrle,
95 plivate int eEployesal;
96 plivate in! deptNuDbt;
9? pdblic int qetDeptlhebr O {
98 retun deptlluub.!;
99 1
100 public woid eetneptNuub.! (itrt deptNab6.) {
101 thi,s. dp+-Nurbr = deptNrlber;
to2 l
103 !'tiblic strinq got8lF1ottL! O {
104 retu.n dployeeNaG;
105 )
105 pdrlic woid eetE l)loyoNa@ (String dployeeNde) {
10? thia.orployeell.c - dploFerrrde;
104 )
109 pdrlic int gelEEi)IoyIdO {
110 retu.o er91o!elat;
111 )
LL2 pdrlic woid eethployld(int elployeeld) I
113 this.oEployeerd = @plottd;
11rl )
115 public iDt EetEit'royeSe1{} {
116 returtr dp1oy..Sal,
LL1 }
114 peblie void BotE ployeesal(irt dptoyeosar) {
119 this.eqtlq.SaL = dplo!esa1;
LzO l
,.22 - ---.-- --- -- -- -------oq)loyee.ttb6,nt
123 <lDocEiPE bib&ate-nappirs PoBtlIc 'i-l/ttilernate/taibernat6 ltappitrg DID 3.0//EN"
L24 "httti //hibEnat. sdrceforq. net/bi!tute-nappinq-3. O dtcl">
125 <bibelnab-@pp>
L26 <dlasshare='Erploy
L27 <d D@=tr@p1oyerdn6olllD=na,r-o'/>
LzA <propertynde=n@ploieN.lan colurltrEtr@i/>
L29 <I)lotEltyna@=ndploF.sa1" col@=nsaln/>
130 <PtoPelty na@=ndept$ltlibeln colutlarrdo!'tno /> n

131 </olass>
132 </hibehat6-npt'ins>
133 --------------------Inseltservtet. j
134 idpolt Jlwa.10. r;
135 tllporl Jlvd, sery1.t. t,
135 iarElt o!E.hibenlto. r;
13? ilpolt olE. hibhet. cfg. * ;
139 trtrllc class Inseltgeelt atend! cele.j-cserylet
139 {
140 plj.ct sessiorFactoly frctoryt
141 //Don-life cycle iltt rtlod
L42 prbtic woid j"nj.t(' thrors geftlttrceptior
Palte 2 of 20

sekhar-h1bernate-exaqrles. t*t 3/2/2Or3 A t15 PM

143 {
144 faotory-rer configuration ( ) . conftgllc { } ,builalsessionractory O;
145 l
145 //r!f. dyoLa .nice O hethod
147 r)ullid voi.l eervi@ {seryteequest rq. s6w1tR6spon3 res)
148 throws seFleeExceptioDr loltcoptiotr
x49 {
150 //!eEd input warues
151 Str:ing a1 = feq.SatPatdeter ("dprc");
L52 String s2 = reS.getPardete.("enaG", .
153 stlinq 33 - !es. setParete. ( rsaln) '
154 Strirg 14 E !q, gratPaldeter ('deptnon ) ;
155 / /nratryrnE
155 int apro = Irtaqor.pafseant(s1.t!i!O) ;
int a1 -{53.tri!{)} ;
158 irt dptno = IntegeE.palsernt(s4.trirO) ;
159 //opr sessi.on
160 Sossion sssion = factory. opeDsession O;
L6L / /creata a pojo crass objct
L62 E&ploy6 e= nw snplryee0;
163 6. setErployeeld (dpno) ;
164 e. setlal)r.oyn@ ( E2 ) ;
165 6. sotEqrr.oyesel (sar) ;
166 e. setDPtNlDb! (deptno) j
L67 //begdn tlssaction
164 tlaDaactioa tx = sssion.beqinTranEactioa O;
169 ;
170 t*. co@it O ;
L11 PliDtlitits! pP = res,qetwliter0;
t12 t)R.piittla("<h2> Erployee sared Sucoe56fuut</h2> <br>n),
173 ps.plintln (,'Return <a href=iaclex.btsl>fiOtG</.>") ;
L14 pe. cro.e O ;
175 session. clo8 O ,.
1?6 | / l.ewj,c.
L71 poblic rcid algstlot' o
174 (
].t9 f.cto!y.ctoseO;
180 l
181 )
1A2 -------------------uPdateselt. java---
183 inport *;
164 irpolt jaEr. a6w16t. *,
185 inpolt ors. hibrnat. *;
186 iEport or9. hibrnat . cfg. * ,
1A? publi.c claes ltpdatStrIe! extends cnerics6slt
188 {
1a9 SssioDlaotory factory;
190 void initO thEows SpletEiception
191 {
factoriqs ConfiElratio! O . codigule O butrdsesgionFaotory . O;
193 l
L94 eoid se*i@ (SnletRequeEt req, SRltReaPons !s)
195 thEows SeryletEa@ption,IoBxcEl'tio
196 I
197 //!ad rnput wa1ue3
198 stlins s1 = iq.getPardetor(n@pnotr).
199 strinE 32 - rq . stParetr ( "n !e" ) '
200 string !3!Pa!a@t!(n5aln).
20L gtltng s{ -= Fq. getPardeter (
202 int qmo r Inteqo!.parset.t (s1. t!i!O ) ;
203 ilt sal - IntEei.parselnt{s3.tsj.E{}},
204 irt alept$o ' Iatogr.parsht (a. tril() ) ;
Print$titr pF res,getwfite!O;
gsslon sessiotr- = f,actoty. op6s33ion O ,
201 objat o = reasion. gt {Ehplo!. class,at'no) ;
209 {
2to pr.plitrtln(n<h2> Eelrlot'e Nunbgt Not Fou$d, ao lorr
2L1 , i. not upalated </h2>'l ;
2L2 Pt0,t'litrtln(nReturn <a href=in<!6x.htrd>Eo&</a>"),.
setha!-hibeloat-e*aDrrls. trt 3/2/20L3 A tL5 PM

2L4 )
215 EnpIoI. c q (EryLore) o;
2L5 tnsaction ta - ..!!:ion. beginrlansacti"otr O t
2L7 .. sotl4rroyaN.le (s2) ;
218 . sei:lq)roy.sal (!ar) ,
2L9 . . stDPttulibr (alaprlo) t
220 t'(.6or6it(l;
22L pr. prlrtln (,'<r2> luploFg updated sudcessfu1l1</hz> <br>i);
222 Pt. PriDtln (nBtm <a hlef=iDdex. htnl>BOME</a>"),
223 rr. o10!6 O ;
224 3s31o!.cloae O ;
22s I / / sewLce
public void &atlot {)
227 {
230 )
23! -------s1ctsft let. jawa-------------
232 ilpott java. io. r;
233 inpo:t Javax. setulet. r,
234 impor! orq.hibenat.r;
235 ilpo.i o.q hibhatg. cfg. I ;

236 putrlic crass gelecut4lt atends Geoelicsenles

231 {
234 pEiwate Saaionlactory factosy;
239 public void inttO thess StuIetE*ceplion
240 {
24L faclo4tur Confisuation ( ) . configuE ( ) . builarsssionFactory ( );
242 l
243 r.sioe(SenletR.qust !eq, servletAsl'on!. !s)
throvs sefr1et&:ception, roException
245 (
246 String al = rq.EtPa!@ter("dpnol') ;
241 int .qDo = IntEe..palselnt (s1 . tlir ( ) ) ;
24a P.j.Dtfltit! F ? ros.qtwriterO;
249 Assion segsiotr = factory.opensessionO;
250 object o = assion.get(Eeployee-class/erpno) ;
252 {
Ps,Printlt ( n<h2> Eaplotee Nulrber Not Fo6d. so ros ig
254 not selected </h2>n);
255 tr.println(nFturn <a h!f=index. htel>soME</e>n ) ;
256 DaturD;
257 l
254 Eq)lote - (sa!'!.o!) o;
259 Pt Ptiatln (n<r2>n) '
250 Ps.Printrn (,grEDployrd 0 ;
26L P*.PlintLn(n<br>n); '
262 px.Pdntrn(6.stEryIoteN@ o ) ;
263 Pt ' PEintla { (6i>n } -
264 F .prlntl.!{o.gtEryroyesal 0 } ;
265 pr.plintlD { or>n} '
266 pr. plintln (e. gtD.putulbei { ) ) ;
267 Pt.Pri'ttln(no!>it,
264 Px Prbtln (n</h2>n) '
259 try.i'liltln ( nRetuln <a href=ind*.btt!.1>EouE</a>n) t
270 Er. c'.osa{) t
27L 3e33ion.clor.O,
272 l //seftiae
273 public rcid dataor'o
274 {
275 factory. croae O i
276 )
277 l
274 -----D.l.tgaptt. I
279 ilport java,1o. a;
2AO j.DFolt javax. adlt.i t
2AL irport org.hibElnat .rt
2A2 iDpolt ors. hlbotut,cfg. i;
243 Public c1as3 DeLet anlt ett !!d5 cn;icsery1t
281 !
sekha!-hibalEt -t.!r)16s . txt
245 pliwat Se8BionFactory factory;
246 tntbuo hid inito throws sedlot6xo.Ptj'otr
2a7 {
2AA facto4dres codfiguEation ( ) . @rfigu!. () .butldsessionFactoly ( );
249 t
290 publio void sewice {seflIeeReclu5t Eq, SrvletResPonso ree)
29\ throi! gpLotException, IoException
292 I
293 //read i.put watues
294 sttj'ls sl E lecr.setPa-deter(rrdpDon),
294 int nFno = hteq6f.palsolnt(s1.trl!{} ),
296 Printllriter I'w - leE.96tw.itr(l ;
291 sssion session = factory. oPens63ion {} ,
2gfJ ottjoct o - sesEion. get {Enployoe. clasg, ebPno) ;
299 if (o-uu)
300 (
301 pw. printl. {r'<h2> ErPIoyo NuDb.! Not Found. so row is
302 not deleted </h2>!r),
303 I'r. I'l1Dtln (ttRetus <a h!ef=ini!e*, htnl> oid</a>");
304 letur.;
305 )
306 lssneaction ti = ss sio. beSinElansactlon
. ( ),
3o? ..38ion. delete (o) ;
308 tx.@@it0;
309 tn. ptintln (.<hz> Eeployee dlted sucossfuu1</h2> <br>");
310 ps. pliDtlD (rtRetuEn <a href=ina!6s.btlt>H@B'</a:>") '
31L pr. clos O ;
3L2 aossion. ctose O ;
314 pttblio rciit dstroy ( )
315 {
316 factory. cloEe O;
317 )
320 appl1cation-2 (coFecting *ith nuliiple databaEos floa an aPPlication)
32! ------------------Stua!6n1. java------
plblic c].aas student
323 {
324 t)llwat lnteEr atudeotidi
325 pliwBte String studentnac;
326 pliwat tntegeE FEts;
32t plrblic Int.geE getMalks ( ) I
32A ntuh Grk.;
329 )
330 pubric roid stlr.rks (Intege. M.kE) {
331 thi3,ralke = Erts;
332 l
333 public rntEr gtstudentid O t
334 E.tun stud{tid;
335 )
336 publlc rcid aetstualoauid(tatsr studentld) t
337 this. stucientid = studentid;
338 l
339 public strinE Eetsttdentn# O {
340 retun atudentne6;
3rI1 l
342 pdblic woid Btstu<i6ntD@ (st.ins stu.rntn@) {
343 thie. stualentnac = atudntasDg;
344 l
345 I
346 atuclent.lib!. eI----
317 <lDocrtPE hlbh.t -@ppinE tuBrrc n-l/IriblBte/si!hat Mat4tiDg DTD 3.0//ENn
344 ""> -erl'Irlig>
350 <cl!!! nales''strid6nn tabl=n5tudntn>
351 .id,*=',.ao*."tdn coludFnsidn q'Pe="J!vr, 1.n9. rntese!"/>
352 <plopE ty tl&=nstudeD
353 <propdty D@-nnarkg" />
354 </cI.s.>
355 </>
Paqe 5 of 20

356 -hiboEDet mysq1. cfg. El-----------------
357 <lDocttpE hibh.t-co.lLguration PUBIIC
358 ,'-l/nib.natri/silt nete confiquEarion DlD 3,o//ENtr
361 <sesslon-factorfr>
<t-- connection plopertls -->
363 <prctpelty tl,e-n coEection. &ier_c1a3s'>coD. !ysq1 . jdbo. D!lr</Plope.ty>
364 <prclErty !l&e='.coDnection.ullr'> jdbc:qasql: //locarho8t:3306/tes!</P!operty>
365 <I'rolErly nse!{conrecti@.u3ene">!oot</proPrty>
366 <prolElly treeattconnection.Passwoldnx/PloPrty>
361 < ! -- hilcgrut prolErties -->
368 <prcIElty na@=ndialect">o!9.hlbetut.dial"ect.r&SQLDiaIect</p!op6!tY>
369 <propertt' !!@="shos_sqln>tse</ploEErty>
370 <ploperti' t:,reE'">updat</Prop6rtt'>
371 <l-- EPPi[g files -->
372 <lapping resouce= studert. b!6. s1" />

3?3 </sossion-faotory>
374 </hibemate-conf iguration>
375 -htbfr ate_postgresql. cfg. eL---------
3?6 <lDocTvlE hibenat.-@rfigntration PUBIIC
377 n-l/Hib6rmte/Bi5loat3 CoDfigulation DTD 3.0//E!{"
374 .'.'>
3?9 <!-- hibeaatejortgrcsql . cfgr. n1 -->
380 <hibenate-coDf l.gllantior>
381 <s65ion-factolY>
342 <!-- @8ct1on PtoPerties -_>
383 <pfopeftt' ll,@=icomectioD.dtj.we! cla.s">org. PostE!3ql.Driw!</ProPerly>
384 <plopeEty Eie=r'comction. urln>jalbc. postglesq1: //rocauDs!:5432lpostsres</prop,
385 <prop.lty re=r'connection.usernacn>Postgt3</P!oPe!ty>
386 <plopartti
<!-- hibhate plopertieg -->
3a <t'ropetty naG=ndial6ct!>orS. hibernat6, dialect. PostgregQI;Dialect</p!opa!ty>
349 <I'sotErty naie-nshow_sql't>tEue</pEoperty>
390 <prolElty ne='">updat6</P!oPe!ty>
391 <!-- la!,ttinE fils -->
392 <daplring ssou.ce=" 5 tudent, bbD. rDL " />
393 </sessior-factory>
394 </hibeloate-coDf i,gulatiotr>
395 -lnaertclint, java-
396 ieport org. hibeanate. r ;
391 inport org. bib.mate. cSg. r ;
394 clase hsertclient
399 {
]to0 Etetio woid aain (strj.ns Il a!qs)
401 {
402 AeaslonFactory factoryl = nef, Configirlationo.
403 coDfiqu ( nhiblnat_ryaq1. cfg. sIn) buildsossio.Factory O ;

404 S3aion ssaionl = factoryl.opensessionO ;

t05 SEsionPactory factory2 r ne{ Cotrfiguration0.
406 coDfisule (r'bibnatojodtgs8ql.of,g.5Iri) .buildsessionFactory o
407 saaion aession2 = factdry2. opns63aion () ;
404 stqdent 5 =new stqdent0;
409 a. s.tstudentid (111) ;
410 3. 8ts1tdEntlls {"aaa") .
411 s,s.tuaaka{200) ;
4L2 lresaction tx1 = s33id1.bgtnTfesacttono ;
413 pelgist {s) ;
414 t:l.c@it0,
415 laaaaotiotr tx2 = d6ssid2.bgintlassactioa0 ;
416 sessio62.persist (3) ,
4L1 ta2 . oo@it O ,
a1a aeaaiontl. clos6 O t
419 3esaio.2. close O ;
420 faotolyl. a1oa. (l ;
421- factor92. clo66 O ;
12s Applicati6n-3(Conaection aith prorool)
426 -------------Pro<luct. j.wa-------------
Pag. 6 of 20

6ekba!-hi!!Et_*aaple6, txt 3/2/2013 AtLF PM

{27 pub1i6 claaa Paoduct

124 |
429 plivEt j.nt ploductld;
430 Prlvat Stting PloductNa.[e;
1131 pliEt doubte F!ic,
432 Frbltc woid setPloductld (j.Dt ploductld)
433 (
434 this.ploductld E ploduotld;
435 )
435 Fqblic in! getPEoductld o
431 (
434 leturo productfd;
439 ,
440 tEblic woid set".oablctlde (String I'loductNaG)
441 t
442 t}lis.proaluctNae = ploatuctlraie,
443 )
444 publtc Stlins getPEoduct!{a@ o
445 {
446 return productlil@;
4A7 )
448 public void set!.ice(double p!ic)
449 {
450 this. price=)Eice;
451 l
452 trbric dotble getPriceo
453 {
454 rturd;
455 )
456 )
45? ---------------producr. htjn. ul--- -
454 <!DOCIiPE htbrnate-Dapping PUaLIC
459 n-l/libesrate/Hibeloat6 Mapping DID 3. O//ln"
450 ,,http: //xw. hibelct. orgldtd/hibmat..@t4rinqF3 .0 . dtd">
451 : <lib6at-6ppin9>
462 <class naie=nPloaluctn tabl.=trprcductiDfo">
463 <id Dse=nploductldn colljM=(pidr t$o=nintn/>
464 <ProPerty ne6='!ipioductN&ett colllfi={Pn@( IenEth=r10'5 t!?e=nseringr/>
!55 <proFotty nde=*pricett q?-ndoublen/>
466 </c7aBa>
467 </hilr6mate-Blrlring>
464 ----------------hiLtnat6. cfg. bI-
469 <IDOCTYPE hlbrnate-conf iqulatj.on IUBLIC
470 ',-//uibenate./rii$e!nate confign:ration DrD 3.0//EN"
ttltttp: //vw.hibedate. orElaltavbibe.nate-confiqqratiop-3. 0.dtd,'>
472 <l-- hi!.tr:te, -->
473 <hi5rut6-@nf,iquration>
474 <sssion-factory>
475 <!-- proxool properties -->
476 <p!ol.ty*ool.e1ft>proxool.ro1</pEoperty>
471 <prolElty',>abcd</prope!ty>
474 <I'!o!E!ty n.ltF'rhiblDto cotreetjion. prceider_class n>org. hibrMt.

479 comection, ProxoolcornectionProwialar</ptqlrerty>

480 <!-- triS6rnat properties -->
481 <protErty n&6=ndialect!'>o!9. bibelast. dialect. OlacleDialect</p!op.!ty>
442 <ptolErty n@-(stroa_sgl'r>tr.</p!op.rty>
483 <plolErty trrFrrlrld2ddr.ruto">{pd.t</prop6!ty>
rr85 <l-- tnapping file5 -->
rl86 oat,plnq !"/>
487 </ssrion-f!c!o!y>
448 </hib.!nat -confiqsratioD>
489 -proxool.*rI-------
190 <!-- plorcol.eL -->
493 <alI.!>.bod</a1ias>
rl94 <&iw!-u!l>j dbc: olac1e : thir!: S locelho3t
: 1521 : satya</&tGt-ur1>
495 <drir-ct.!s>oracl. jdbc. orlclDrirr</&iE!-oras6>
a96 <d!iEa-p!ol)e!ties>
491 <proprty oa@=nusfn 61u=nr@ttnl>
Paga 7 ot 20
494 <PtorE ty n be=nl'asswoEdn vaLt'Ftrttgfr/>
499 </&iE!-ProprtiB>
s00 6ax-cobectiola-coet>s<lt!4-oniection.-count>
503 -proahrctlDEott . j awa
504 iapolt olg. bibnlate. r ;
505 j.Dpolt or9. hib6n.t. cfg. r ;
506 public ola!6 Produatlnsrt
5o? {
508 public statj.c rcid nain{stlidg sags t l}
509 I
510 Cotrfi,gMation colf = ner Cotrfigrataon0;
511 conf. confisu! { rhitelute. cfg, rolr) ;
51,2 sGs aionr&tory aactory = conf,. bulldsssionlacroly ( );
513 sssion aosaion - f,aetory.cpnsssion0;
514 P.oduot P= ne{ P.oduct0,
515 p. atProaluctld (10l) ;
516 P,setProductN&e ( "SONY") .
51? p. atPri@ (9000) ;
518 I.ansacrion tl = session.bgirTrarsactionO ;
519 session. sav6 (p) ;
520 t*.co@ito;
sessj.oo.close O i
syats. out.Plinr:tn ( rtProduct savgd i! D.tabas 5ucce33fu11yrr) ;
523 facto'y. close O j
524 l
525 l
521 Applicatioa-4 (serve! Connection pooLing rith ihdj.)
----------------3tudent. jawa----------
529 I'ublic claas Student
530 {
531- priwat rntegs studenrid;
p.iwat Stsilg stuatentDde;
533 priw.t Integer Brks;
534 t ublio lntesar qtMa.t6 O {
535 aturn c.ts;
536 )
537 pubric votd setliarks (riteser nalks) {
534 thi'a.riarke = eiks;
539 )
540 public Intg. gtstudntid0 I
Etuo atu.tentid;
542 l
543 t'rl1io woid ststud.ntid ( rnreger studeDtid) {
544 thia. atudntid = studentid;
545 )
546 public stlirg getttudgnrnae O {
547 rtu$ atuctelrttr@;
548 l
549 !.ublic rcid sratu.r6nrnee (slring studdrn !) {
550 thri., tud6nt$.4 = srud4tn!!e;
551 l
552 )
553 -------------atutlent. hb6. &I--------
554 <|DOCIYPE hibhat-@pptnq pUBlrC r-l/gib.natellrib.hat
rrrtttr: //ltib.h.te. sour@fo.qe. net/hibehat{lDDind-3. o MapFinE DtrD
- d;;>
556 <l-- rtlrdant. hb6. eL
557 <!Ibln!t{appiag>
55a <cl.3a ltam=nstuclent' table=trstudent infon>
559 <i.r na!r"stu<tntid" corllq=nsiE! tttFiIava. leE. rDt s.!">
560 <g6erato! class="assignedn/>
552 <ProP.ty nalFistud6nt$ae'. colur!!r-r!D.!n tF.=nj.wa.Iss.stlitrs,, Iosth=,,10n/>
553 <ProPEtY rllr!-rDrks n/>
565 </hibrut..@t piog>
566 ----------------hibhrt6. cfg. uI------
567 <!DOC!tPE hiblnata:eolfiqurslon IUBETC
568 n-l/Bj.brnate/sibenat configulatj.on DlD 3.o//atr.
Pag6 8 of 20

569 tthttp: //{w.hibelnato.orEldrat/hiblnatg-copf i.g!!ation-3. o. dtd">

5?0 <hibrnat-conf iquaation>
5?1 <E616ion-fattory>
512 <l-- jndi rrui I
5?3 <PfoPeEty n@='rhibraato. connectioD. alatasource ">o-ee@t</p!op.!tf >
<prolErty tl, . jndi.. olads n>cd. sun. enterpEiEe. i!:r$, .
575 se.iaI IDitcon!exrFactor!</Fro!6Etv>
576 <property na@=i'hibrrat. jndi. ur1't >iiop : // localhos t: 4I4 8</p!op.ty>
577 <l:- hibenate p!op!ti.. -->
5?a <propelty n&esnshos_sq1n>t4e</property>
<pEoFerty trae=ndialctn>org.hibehate. dia16ct. OracteDiatect</propelty>
580 <propertt">urldate</ploperty>
581 <!-- @ppins fil -->
582 <nappinq .aorce-nstuil,"/>
583 <lsession-factory>
584 </hibeEnate-coaf iguation>
58s -----------------cIint. jawa----------
585 iaport olE.hibeFate. *;
587 irport olg.hib6!.ate. cfg. *;
588 public class client
5e9 {
590 rrbLi.c rtatic void @in(stling ..Es I l)
591 {
592 conaigutalion coDf a nr coDfiguration0;
593 @rlf.configu{rhilchate.cfE.ntrl) ;
594 SessionFactory factoliEof .buitdsassionFaceory O;
595 session seE = factofy.opensesstonO ;
596 student s1 = rew stualant0;
597 st. . setstud!6atid (102 ) ;
594 s1. aetstudentre (trralz t;
599 sl.setMarks(600) ;
600 TtansactioD ti = 8s.bgintsssactiolo ;
601 ses.8awe (51) ,
602 tx. coMi!O ,
603 s65.c1oseO;
60rl factory. cIoB. O ;
605 )
605 )
609 ApplicatioD-s (4abt6 p! cl$s irrt.ite@)
610 -----------------Pa!renc. jawa---------
611 irport jaE.util. r;
612 I)ubu.c c1a33 Pai@nt
613 t
51a private int pat@rtld,
615 plivato double arc6t;
516 9rivate Der paldentDatg
617 pubtic double EtaEost() {
61a retuEn a@u!i
519 )
620 public woid setaesr(doubtg atlouatl {.
62! tlris. aount. = .!ost;
622 )
523 public int stPai@Dtld() {
624 retuo pai6atlt;
625 )
625 pullic voicl setPat@Dtral(inr tEt@tld) {
627 thie.paldenutd = !'atdsnttd;
524 I
629 void setPalDrtDat{Dat patDdtDat)
530 {
631 thi3.pat@rtlrt=)atl[sntltlt,
632 l
633 EetPayDan@lts ( t
63rt {
535 . rturn !Ei4!rtD.t3;
635 )
63? )
.538 ------------------creditcaldPal@nt. jawa
639 pubfic c]'.ss Crealitcardlatddt rterds PafdDt
P.E 9 of 20
3/2/20L3 e:L5

7tt < !-- PaiEat2.libd. tol -->

1L2 <bileEnat-Epping>
7L3 <clasE !a@Enpai66t! tablg-"I,a!'!nt3n 5ch@=nscottn>
7L4 <id lee"tEttdtldl coludr=p.yi.ln>
715 <sene.ator olassEninc!dont />
'tL7 <propelty nane-"alouDtn/>
7L8 <propelty ne="paioentDatotr colt&tr=nPdatei/>
?19 <joined-subclass narc=ncseilltcardDsf'nt" ta5le="cledit-tabln>
720 <!-- for6iqD hey ltPPtng -->
72\ <key cotllM="picl"/>
122 <PtoPert!" uaie=t'caidtftEn colllo="eci!.pe'! renqrtt=t8n/>
?23 </joined-so!d1ass>
724 < Dse=nchquoDaFAlrt
725 <key co1tJm=trI)j-dn/>
't26 <pEoperty u.he='Iche<luoliPen colllm=nchtl?e le.gthan8n/>
727 </jrjaed-subctasa>
129 </hibernaie-nappinq>
73L appticatioD-? {Table P! concreto class)
- --Pa!rent3 . lita. el
733 <ltccTYP! hibelrate-cPPing PuanIC
134 "-llribeinat6/Eibenat ltlt4tiag DID 3.o//EN"
735 ',hctp://vw.hibelnare.orsr/dtd/hib6rnate-Mpoinq-3. 0.dtd">
736 <!-- Patden!3. hbE. d1 -->
737 <h rernai-@PPinE>
734 <c1ass ndlnPaldentn>
?39 <id na@=nPafmentldn col$rn-nPytdn>
140 <geneiator class="inct.!dt"/>
742 <PtoPeltY n&e='ta@sttt/>
743 <prcpelly name=nPaf@DtDaton correlF pdate'/i
144 <uDion'srbclasd naue=ncreditcaldD:tdent" !ab1e="credit-table">
745 <p!opert!' na@="cE!dri1)e'r eo1lJm=rlcct$E( lengtb-n8n/>
746 </unlon-s{bclaes>
747 <union-Eubclass trdeEnchquePaf@nt" table="eheque-ta!1e">
744 <p.oPeEty col1jm='chtt?6n length="atrl>
149 <lunion-sut cla! s>
?51 </hibrnate-napl'inE>
753 . Application-a (EQ! Sol.dt olDration)
754 - -- --EnltloYe . j awa_
755 //Enployee. java (Po'Jo)
755 public elass EdPIotF
151 {
754 plivat int dployeeldi
759 pliwate strtng esPlotlfa@;
760 Plivace int dlrlotesal,'
?51 ptiwate inc &PtN\rtib.!;
162 Public iat getDolrt[uldber o t
753 return dptNulb..t
764 l
765 public rcid st!6ptxirnbe! (1nt dePtNuDb6!) {
765 thia, aleptNnrbor = deptllteber;
167 )
164 pubtic stling 96t8ry1oy..!ran () (
759 rtun dlrloyeN! t
770 l
77L pubIlc woid BotEEploygel{aDe (strnlg dPloyeeN@) {
712 thi3.q)Iotc.N!s - dPlolaNam;
713 )
171 public int gtElplotId () {
175 letuh elPlotId,
176 )
717 t)ublic rcid lotlls)lotard{Int 6P1olerd) {
714 this oplof'..Ial = dlPlo!Id;

719 l
?80 Int gtEEPlorESaI O I
781 .eturn edplotsrl,
Paqe 11 of 20

sel<ltar-hlb6rn.t-exupl es. lxt 3/2l2O13 a:7s PM

742 )
783 woid staq)loy.eaal (iDt .qrtoYsat) |
781 this, 6ploy6e9.1 = Dplo!@Sa1 ;
785- l
745 l
747 -- - -- -eEPlo}e . blo. :dl
788 <lDocligE hibelDate-happiiq PttBtJc n-l/ltib.lEte/Iribelnate Mapping DaD 3.0//ENt
?89 "http. //bi-bernare. sourcefo.qre.nerlhtbla.r6-@ppips-3. 0.drd">
790 <l-- dll)1oy6e. hbm. ut -->
791 <tdbernate-napping>
792 <class nee=t'Enployeen tablFnedptoi'n>
793 <id n&=(@ptoy6etdi coruMrn-lFlon/>
794 <propelty nee=ndployl{acn colt:m=ionllenl>
795 <propltv ld=n@plo1.eesall coluen='3ati/>
796 <propelty ree=trdegtNurbefn @Il's=ndePtlorl>
?98 </ltitEnate -Eppinq>
199 -----serectclient. j
400 //srectclient. java
801 illlroft java.utif. *;
402 inpoit olq.hibe!.ate.*;
803 inlrort org. hibernaie. cfg. *;
804 dlass selectclie^!
405 {
806 putrlic static woid !!in (gtlinE I I ar93)
807 {
a0a sessionlactory f,actory = re{ co.fisulacion ( ) . configur O .bqildses:ionFac
809 sessio. sesEj.on - factory.opensssion O ;
810 I /'ar-r
811 auery qr1'1=!6sion. oloatOuely ( "fron Enployee e {}!t. ...q)loiesal>:P1
812 qryl - setPararetar ( "p1".2000) ;
413 r,isr 11 = qtyl.I1st() ;
414 Iteiar:or itl -;
415 q. !Ie (i11 .ha8NextO )
816 {
81? Ebployee - (EsI)l6Fel itl . next O ;
814 systd. out. p.irttn ( . stEq1oietd ( ) + " \ t" +e. O +'\t"
819 +e. getlnployeesal O *'\t"+. g6tD6l)tNulb6r ( ) ) ;
420 ]
82L systs . out . Plintln
823 quely <rry2 = 3331on. cleateQuery ( nselect e.aployeeld,.lr,ploi6NaG fEo'
824 Eaployee e {he!e e.dePtNuDbet=:P1"};
825 qrt2 . EetPara@te! ( trt)l(,30) ,
426 List f2 = qry2.list O;
a27 rterato- it2 =;
824 {hite (it2.bsaNoxtO )
429 {
830 object r[ j E (obj.ctt ]);
831 syrtd. ost. plirtla (! t0l +'\tn+! t11 ) ;
432 l
833 sYstd. out, Frirtln (
835 Query qry3 = as3io!.creatqury("select e.eEr,loyeeNsle frc! EDployee ,
836 sh6! 6.@ploy6Na! lit. rtstr n)
837 nid 13 =;
838 rterator it3 - !ator(';
839 wbile ( it3. hasNert O)
8r0 {
8{1 string r = (gtrlig) tt3. nit O;
8tt2 systa. ort.plinth (5) ;
8/t3 )
8ta sy td . out . I)lintln (n );
8{5 sesslon.clos() ;
8t6 factory. clos (l ;
850 Arpriotion-g(HQl, In.ert op!.tlon)
851 -i __ --- __Erploye. . j
452 fEl,lio clas8 Ebl'loyee

Paq 12 of 20
66kl.d-hibernate 3/2/2013

453 {
854 privat iat qrl,oy..ld;
855 privat stling @plollfam;
855 private tnt .qrloF.Sal;
857 privat6 j.trt alai'tNulibr t
a5a public lnt gtD.ptNud! { ) {
859 sturn dptNlsber ;
a6o )
861 public void gtDeptNudr (int deptNdibet) t
862 this.dptNuG. - aleptNuliber;
863 )
864 pubtic stliDg setliPLoyNae O {
465 !tuh dl)loyeeNa@;
866 l
461 void BtEqrloyeNa@ (Stri,Dg 4PloyNa@)
868 this . oirtoitla@ = @ployeNae;
469 )
470 pdblic int EtEqrLot'.eld O {
a?1 letu.n 6bltlof61d;
812 I
8?3 public woid stlDployeeld(in! @Ployeeld) {
474 tbls. lt)loield = dplot6Id ;
475 )
416 pDllic iat s.tEr@Ioresal ( ) t
817 seturn @Plot@Sa1 ;
8?8 )
879 public (int dPloy6sa1)
woj-cl setanplotsal I
880 tbis. lploy.Sal = dploYeesal;
aa1 )
882 )
883 ---.apl oYe . hld . m1
484 <!DOCTYPE hibernate@pping PoBnrc tr-llHibrE&/ribe&te MaPPitrg DrD 3. o//EN'
ss5 "http j //hibsate. sourcefotga.oe!/hibehat6-@ppipg-3 0.attd">
8S6 <l-- enploy66 , tita. B1 -->
641 <hibernate-Mt4)ing>
864 <class nde="Erptofn tablFnsploye
aa9 <id n@="erplofr.ln @Il'm=ndpnon/>
890 <plopdrlt aalle"@ploFeNaft" colll@=renden/>
491 <property na@=ttdt'l,oFesal't collls=rrsain/>
892 <Propelty na@=ndPonlrloln coll:M=ndpt4onl>
894 </bibelnate-Mt4titq>
495 ---bitElFte.
896 <!DOCIYPE hibesat-configrfation PUBLTC
897 " - / /Irib6nat/aiblBte confiqnrratio! DTD 3.o//E!r"
894 "httD: //ffi .hibnat. olq/dtd/iribelnate -3.0.dtd">
899 <!-- hiboat -->
900 <hibelnate-conf iguration>
901 <session-fsotoai'>
902 <!-- coNatioa PloPelties -->
903 <property nl!e=r'co$ection . alril,u_cLass ">o!acle. J albo. OlaoL.iDlj.weE</Prope!ty>
904 <p!op!q, lltsFr@rnction.urt">j@/PfoPaq
905 <p!oP.ty nti=ncomctioD.usehse'r>scott</ProPoltr>
906 <p!op.!ty D5DeE'rcodection.pass{ordtt>tiger</PloPefty>
907 <!-- bi.brnat- plopertiei -->
908 <?roperly n.!e=!clialect',>org. hibernate. dialect. Ollcl.Dislect</Prop6lty>
909 <prolEEty na!srshor_q1t!>tne</P.oPe!ty>
910 <propltl' D.@='">uPdat6</P!o!stY>
911 <l-- aaPPllig fitos -->
912 <lapping r.lourcetnesptoyee. bb8. nl n />
913 <AapplnE rgsorEc=n tlteoplote. hbc. bI( />
914 </seEsion-faotoEy>
91s </hib6nate-conflguatioD>
915 ----------------_----_-I.stErPloye. j.?a---:-_---_---
917 public claas Iat.EDPIot@
918 {
919 plivat int dpld;
920 pliwat stling attrilD;
92L plivate iat qrs.1,
922 priwata iDt deptno;
923 public vold setE4ld(int @ptal)
924 t
925 thts . lpld=qrrd t
925 I
927 int getllpld(t
924 {
930 )
931 rcid 5etE!P!l'@ (gt!j.Dg dlrrEee)
932 {
933 t}tis. dpNa@=dpNar. i
934 )
935 st.inq getla!'N.c()
935 i
931 retuh spt{a@;
938 l
939 woid setErpsrl(int qrsal)
940 {
941 t!is. dpSal=dpgaI,
942 l
943 iht gotEnpsal o
944 I
945 rtuh @p9a1,
946 I
947 void sotDePtno(inr .t6Ptno)
9rIa {
949 this . alet,tDo=cieptno ;
950 )
951 iDt EetDet'tDo o
9s2 I
953 letun .iepttro,
954 l
95? <!-- teE tspLoye . hbr. nl -->
958 <!DoCTIPE bibernate-@pping pUBnrC "-//aibelnace/r.ibe.nare lrappirg DlD 3.0//EN(
959 t-aappinq-3.0. dtd">
951 <hibernate{apping>
962 <class nee=,,testEhl'1ofon tabIFnTESlSMpt OYEE{>
963 <id n@=ndptdn cotr'D="esp d,,/>
964 <Ploperty nam=rre8p!{a@ 1n9th="12n/>
965 <P.operty n.c=tr.rysaln col1ld=n3af'/>
965 <propelty n.i=nd.E ttror />
968 </hib6hate-@ppinE>
969 ---hsertclint. jaE
970 iopor! orq.hibeEEt. *;
971 irpolt . afg. +;
972 pdtic class rD5ortcttent
9?3 {
97A public atatic ?oid @in(strinE sI t)
975 {
975 sasionFactolll faotory - D6e confisu.ati.on o . configllr o .bulldseBsionl.acr,
977 asio! aaaion = faorory. opensession O ;
978 Query qrr - sgsgion.cieareOuly(rriDselt j.nt rstEnploye (eroprd, dpNam,
979 upgel.,d.ptno) setecr 6. @plo!erd, e, enpto!er{.ue?.. q)loy.sa1, e..le!'rNulib,
980 fro6 EaPror e"l;
981 tlssactio! tr E !55ion. beginTrns.ction o ,
942 int I = qly.rcut(rpdate O ;
984 si.std. out. plintllr (k+" objeots irselreat,, ) ;
985 Quly qlyl=8ssioE.csatOuery(,,upd!r Edl)lof e s.t .@ptoyeesar=gooo
985 *ntIft'!br3o")
9A1 ' rEeslc*o! r:1 r !6ssr.oD.besinr..".""llif;, ," ;
988 j.nt X1 - Say1..:.atuDdet O ;
989 tr1.c@it0;
990 syat6, out. plhrLD (L1+n ob jecr6 aE upatatcrn) ;
991 s*rlon.6lo.e();
992 f.cto!y. cloao O t
993 l
994 ll

996 Applioati6-10 (critli'a rest)
991 ----E ProYe. java--
998 pullio cla! ElttloYe
999 I
10oo prlvate iDt dploteld,
1001 priwat stlinq eilploidNac;
LO02 prtw.t irt @I)Lof@Sa1 ;
1003 tnt &pt{trbr ;
Prite j.nt
1004 pubu.c getDePtNu6be! O {
1005 itulD dePtNuDbe!;
1006 l
1007 pr:!1ic woid setDeptN@b! (int dePtNutl'6!) {
1008 tbis.d6ptt{ude! = deptNuaber;
1009 )
1010 Str:iDg gtErl'toyeeN&e O {
1011 Fturn dlrloFeNee;
1012 l
1013 pub].j'c woid 3et&rPlo1el6ee (strinq dP1oy6l{aG)
1014 thi6 . @ploiel{de = lployeeNd ,'
1015 I
1016 publio int gctloPloyeeld O i
101? rotan eDl)loyeeld;
1014 )
1019 publib woid set!&ploteld(int 6ployeelal) {
1020 thi3. 64t1oy6rd = enployold;
1021 )
t022 t'ub].ic int getlel'loyeesal O {
4023 rtum @['Loy.esaf;
1024 )
1025 public woid setE!P1oy66sa1(iD! 4Ployoesal) {
1026 thiB , @Itloyesal = @Ployesat ;
to27 )
1o2S )
1029 ----dPIoFo. hbn,el---__----=:----_-----
1030 <lDocrYPE hiLonat3-@pl)iug PttBLrc "-//gibelnate/Eibeftata ldaPPing D1D 3.0//E!ri
1031 "htpr //hitElnate. sourceforge.nel/hibenat@ppin9-3. 0.dtal''>
1032 <! -- dplo!o.hbn.aL -->
1033 <hibE ate-@PPing>
10311 <class na@ElEDployeen tabl= dployee (>

1035 < d n@=trdploFIdn co11le=xdpno(y'>

1036 <proplty na!=ndPlofN&6. corllm-nena@tr/>
1037 <prolErty col@=nsa!.n/>
1034 <propalty 'rE$rttedploye6satlr
t1fu=id.ptNuebe.n col]jm=rdPtlDnl>
1040 </hilcrEt-@PPing>
1041 _-----C!itCIient. ia
!042 i!po!! org. hibernat. r;
1043 iipor o!9. hibeanat , cfg, +;
1044 ilport olg.hlb.nat . caj.t !j.on.I;
1045 ilFolt ja6.utiI.*;
1046 claaa caitcli.nt
1047 t
1oa8 prblic stltic woid Mia(stliDsl] aigs)
104 9 {
1050 sssioDEactory factoly = a6s Conflsuatioa O . config1tr O . buitdsessionEact,
1051 sa.ion Besai,on = factoly.opna*aion0 t
1052 //r.oEdj.Dg fur.I objectg(waY1)
1053 c.ltlia crlt = Bession. creatCrlterta (ElPloyee. clase) ;
1-062 EsrrLoye e=(Eiptote)o;
1053 gystei. out. ptiDtLr (6. gtalPloYeold O +" "'t. getlePloyeNeft ( ) +
1064 " n+6.!ret!eP10yesal ( ) +u "+e. stDPtllu&be! t) ) ;

Pag 15 of 20
4,i15 PM
1066 sy8td. out I'rtattn (
1067 ploperries of objctd (kay2)
1068 ctrt rta !.:::"t
111::lin arit2 = seslion.cleaL..Fi
1069 Elojection Pl = P-;;;;:;;.;;;::i;i;;1ffi1f,.1:i:..,,
1070 Projction p2 projecrionE .;!o;eEty (,,upro1'9sat,,t
1o7l Projectioniist= prist = nro5ections.projcrion.isrO ;
LO12 pLirt.adal(p1); ;
LO73 plisr.aatd(p2);
107 4 crit2 , Etproj 6cri on (plist) j
1o?5 12 = crit2.Ii6rO;
7076 Ite.ator ir2 = l2.itelaro: t! .
LO77 *hi.le (ir2. hasNext O )
10?a (
1079 objct obj t 1=(objectf t)it2.next0;
1080 syate- out. pEiEtrn (obj tot+,,
10a1 . "+objtlj);
1082 Systd. @t, pribtln (
1084 111::3i" with siDqre plopeEty(,ay3,
cn!6r1a crit3
10a5 Projection p3 =,tee!,Ioyesalr),.
1086 qit3. serprojection (p3 ) ;
1087 l,ist 13 = c.it3.liEt{l l
1088 rtrator it3 - 13,iteralor{! i
10a9 xhile(it3.hasN6xt O )
1090 (
1091 Inresr i E(rorese!)
L092 O,
Syst6.out,plintln(i) ;
1094 systn. out.p.inttn
1095 ae8atoa.elosO;
1096 factory. close ( ) ;
1100 Applicatior-U(Natlw
1101 --. : ------___________Eqrroie. Sg! ap!,lication)
!LO2 p@rac class EDployee
1104 priwere int esployeerd;
1!05 plivrt Stlitrg @p.t o16N&e j
1106 pEivate int qrloyesat;
1107 prihte int d.ptNuib!,.
1108 public int gtD.ptNurber O {
1109 Eturn dptXu&b6t;
1110 l
1111 public woid s.tDpttfu&br (int deptxu!.ber)
t!12 ars. dptNu[b. = .!6ptxu&ber; t
1113 t
1114 public attiug srtEDI,toFeN5@
aeruh .qrloyeNane;
{) {
1116 I
1117 public rcid st!ryloyeNde {strinq sp.royeeNac}
111A this.qrlolre"lr* =
1119 I "rpr"i""N*,
!t20 public iar EotEq)toyerd O {
LL2L atuEt ol'toield,
!122 )
aI23 publtc rcid,s.tEeplot@rd{int
L\24 $proyerC) {
tura.qloteld = ePloy.eldl
1125 ]
1128 public int gtteplo:,esal O
!L27 {
**- @t lofSal;
1128 )
LL29 publla trol.ct-stEry,lolesrt{lnt uF{ay6.Far)
{130 Enrs . dPro,l@sal E ery+otErsal {
1131 I ,
I133 '
113{ < r DocrypE bu*mat6-**iffiiiii;* :qr--------------ti
1135 ..httD://hiha'-.*-
_^__-_a-_ 3.0//ENr
pekha.-hib.tut -.rslr.txt 3/2/20a3 a tLs PM

t!31 <clars n.lFiEaploye

1138 <j.d rse-".4rr1o!6tdi co1ffi=nenpn6tr/>
1139 <PrqPgtty n.c=n erployeeNa@ n colllm=ntr,re'/>
1140 <prqPatty naM=n@p1oteesal" colrff="sal"/>
1141 <prqperty tr@=IdeptllurSorn eo1lj@=ndptDo'/>
L!42 </cIss3>
1143 </ldb.lFtc..@r4)inq>
1144 -----Nati@cl ient. ja
1145 iqrort olq.hitErnat..; .
1146 irport orE.hibrnace. cfg. i;
L147 irpolt java.util-.*;
114S class Natireclint
Ll49 (
1150 public static woid @in(sttingtl arEs)
1151 t
lL52 sessionFactor! factory = nr coafigdtation ( ) . confisure ( ) .buildses3ionEac.
1153 Sssion Eearion = factory. opbrgdlion O ;
1154 //non-Eelcr
1155 sOLQue4, qry1 = session-creatsQlQuery('t into dployee
1155 vatues (?,?,?,?) n);
qry1 . setPaideler (0 ,17991 ;
1158 q!v1 . etPa.aatr ( 1r reo|'.r) ;
1159 qryl,BetParareter(2,5000) ;
1160 qlyl , atPaEa@leE (3,10) ;
1161 t.ssactiou tx = session,bgirframaction O ;
1162 int k = qri1. executespdare O ;
1163 tx. cffiit O ;
t\64 systd. out. printtn (k+" tof tnsertct. . . . " ) -
1165 SYstd at. PEintIn I n====:n) ,'
1166 //selecr op.ation
1167 sQLouery q4.2 = Eession. cleatsgt Query (.tselct * fion sployee
1168 whele deptno=lo'r) ;
1169 qry2. addEntiiy (Eep1oye6. ctass) ; //Enti.t!. query objct
11?0 1 = qry2.list0 ;
11?1 ',igt
Itoratot it = f.iterato.O;
'1172 ,ld1e (it.hadNext O )
1173 {
177 4 Enployee e= (Enployee) it.n at0,
1r?5 sydtd, out.plinlln (e. Eetlut l,oyeld O +"\tn+e - getEr.ployeeNde O +r\tr+
11?6 . Et&dploxesal o +"\t,,+6. qerDptlru&ber o ) ;
r177 )
1178 sssion.closeO;
IL19 factory.closeO;
1183 Application-l2 {caLring a functton using Aibhate)
1185 tr:bric cla* trploy
1145 {'
1187 plivato j.nt dployeold/
11aA !'riEtg String aployeeN&e;
1189 Pfivat int tryIoyeesal;
1190 I'riEte int aleptNurbr;
1191 giblic int qetDptNudber O I
1192 r6tuh deptNurbr;
1193 l
1194 publia woid setDeptNurber (iit deptRilbar) {
1195 this.deptNuber = deptNqnbdt;
1196 l
Lt97 pEblio gtrlhg getErplo! O {
1198 rlun @ployeeNe
1199 l
1200 I,:b1io rcid setElployeeree (stii.hE ar:,o!';ilabt t ' "

\20\ this. sployeeN&6 = eplqFdll!&a,

- !202
.t203 pubric i'Dt E.tlrnptoyeeld ( ) {
' '
LZ91 Etum alPloleerd; ,
1206 lt
L20a I'$1ic rcid aetEBtrloyeilld(in .dPlolaIdl
\207 thia, hployeId = eq)Io!eld;
Page 17 of 20
aekha!-bibenrt-r.4rl.a. t*t 3/2/20!3 9:15 PM

L20a )
L209 Inil1lc j.nt g.tlDlrloyesal( ) {
L2L0 rtun d|)loysal ;
L2!L l
L2\2 l[bu.o wold ettqployoesal (in! edployesat) {
LzL3 tbi...q)1oy6esa1 = @ployeesal;
I2L4 l
!2L5 )
L216 ---------enptoyee. hbn, xeL--------------
L2t1 <!DoCTYPE hi!!Et6-@t{ring luBl]lc ',-//dibfrate/Hibeaat6 lrappi,g DtD 3,o//EN"
121,8 "httpr //hibeaate. souEcefoEqe. ner/h1bEnate.eppin9-3. O.drdtr>
!220 <clasE nallF"EDp]'oy6n table=nenployeer>
\22! <id naG=,,edployeldn collm=(epnon/>
L222 <I'r6Perty D&F raployeeNae " co1tl@=n6nen/>
L223 <prolErtt nale-"eqrtoyesalx colt@=nsaln/>
L224 <proP.ty coll,@="&ptnoi/>
L22s ':@=!d6ptN@bert
L226 <sqI-que4.
L221 <rturn crasartrE&ployee'r al:as=nenl>
L22A l?EcaII 8lectA1lEnployee sO ]
1229 </ sql-qu6ry'>
1230 </hib6mat6{at pitrg>
1"23L ------c1ieit. jawa--
L232 irpolt org, hibh.te. r:
1233 irport orE. hlbelnat. efg. * ;
1234 isport java. utj.l. r,
\23s public class cLidt
!236 {
L237 public tatic rcid nain(srling arq6It)
L23A (
SoaaionFactory facloly =new ConfigulatioDO.confiqu.e{),buitdsessioDEactoly
12AO Sssion ss = faetoly opeises sioh { ) ;

12/l1 Cuery qry = ses. setNeedQuery (ns1r) '

liat 1 = .Ir]r.tist{);
7.243 Itrator ir = .1. ite!a!o! O;
1,244 ahj.]'e (it.basNext {) )
1245 (
1246 Ebl'loyee e = (Eoployee) it.D:t { ) ;
1247 Systd. out.println (e. gtEDployerat O +n\tr+e.getE&ptoyeeNde O +n\tn+
1244 ,gotE&ployeesalO+n\t"+e.qet5eprNunbeiO ) ;
L249 gya ts . out , prirtln {
L250 )
1252 factofy,closO;
1256 Applicatior-l3 (pagination Apptication usitrE Servlot ritl lribgrnate)
t257 -----EDp1oF6. jawa_
L25A pubric cla6d Ertrloyo
1259 {
t260 plivata irt et)loFerd;
L26L p.iwat Stritrg.qrloyeeNde;
1262 E'liv.te i,nt dq,t oy66sa1;
L263 prlwat int deptNulbeE;
!264 publio lnt getDptNulibor O I
1265 !turn dI)tNo&be!;
L266 ,
L261 publtc rcid setDeptNrrEber (int dprt{urrre!} I
1268 thi8. a!6ptNu&br = d6ptN!r!ba!;
1269 l
1270 trtblic Std.aE gttep1oyeeNa@ O t
L27\ rtun @ploieNac;
1272 )
L273 publio woLt EetlaproFera@ {srring 6lrro!,e!ra!6t {
1214 thi,s dlrloyeelta@ = dplorN.!6;
\27s t
L27 6 public int gt!ry1o!erd O {
L277 q)loy6ral;
1-278 )

Paq 1a of 20

6Akh{!-rdbEEt -x&pls.txt 3/2/2oL3 atrs 4a
rcid s tmploye Id ( iDt aplot@Id) {
1280 this. erployoetal = dplotId;
1281 )
1,292 rrulIic int qetErployesa1 O {
L2a3 rturn 4Ployese1;
\241 l
1285 g$lj.c void settnproyesaI(int !ploy6sa1) {
L2A6 tltls. @ployeesal - erp1oye6g.1,
L287 )
1288 l
L2as -----------------------eRployee.tlbe.el----------------
1290 <!DOCtIPE bibmateaappinq PUBiIC i-l/Hibemate/Eib.late Mapping DTD 3.o//ENr
L29L 'tht'lp: //hibeinale. soulcefotqe. net/hibraEt-Mpping-3. O.dtdt'>
1292 <hiblDate-@ppinq>
1293 <clas3 na@=trEnl)loYeetr tabl=r dplo] (>
\294 <id tra@="@p1oyeld( co1tld=neEgaon/>
1295 <PloPorty nd6=n6ployeeNa@n co!.llD=nD'ci/>
!296 <PloPerty na@='Ienployeesati colll6='rsaln/>
L291 <pfoPerty nee='rdeptllurb! n co\er=naleptno n />
1299 </hiblnat-Dappinq>
1300 -----------*----- -- - -- --web. mI--
1303 <5.4let-DareX)aginatidnte6t</doFl.t-D!re>
1304 <ae let-class>Paginationses1et</sewl6t-cIass>
1306 <ae*Lt-@ppinq>
130? <s6tr1et-n@e>pagiratiortest</eewlot-n&e>
1304 <u!I-patrrn>/ps </u!!-patt.rn>
1309 </s416t-epping>
1310 </r6b-app>
1311 ------------------------PasinatioDSeryl6t. jawa------
1312 jltrort;
1313 i-uport jawaa. seelet. *;
1314 j.apoat jawa.util.+;
1315 iDport org.llibe.rate. *,
1315 iiport orE.hibernate. cfs. r;
1317 iBPott olg,hibe.nate. criterioD. *;
1318 pubLio cLa6a PaqiDatiooserylot extends cnelicse*let
1319 {
!320 int t)agelDd6x=0;
1321 seEaioDFactory faerofi;
1-322 glllic void init{) throws AealetExcePtion
1-323 {
faclory = ns corfigaation ( ) . @nfisu ( ) buirdsessionPacrosy {l ;
1325 syst4. out.p.itrttn("factory csatd.,.... . . . . ") ;
!326 l
pr5lic void soaice {SewLot-R6.tust .sq, SntetResponeo ses)
!324 thro{s SftletAaoption, roExcoFtion
L329 {
1330 ia! totarNuabtofRecordsso ;
1331 in! nuobtofRecoldsP.lPa9=3;
L332 / /Iosrc-I
1333 String sFaghdx = req, g.t!er.!ter ("pa9oi(te:() ;
1334 if ( sPag6ha!6x-aoll )
1335 {
:.335 . paqelDdx=l ;
1337 )
1339 {
13aO pasotndea-htE!.pu!Int (sPasetndex) ;
13r11 l
1342 sesaioo aoseioa - factoly.opn9r3ior{),
13ila:. int Ei.-(FasInd*rd'lbelofR@rdsPerpaEe) - Du&blofRo@rdsprpa9,
1345 . clitria ci.t2 E .ssioa. c!atcsiteri. (Ellt)Iole, class) ;
13a6 cEit2. sotriratResult(3i) ;
13!t7 cit2. setllraiReauLt. (nurbrofaooa&Prpaqe) ;
13,18 List 12 = cri.t2.Itat0 ;
1349 Itrator it2 -!.tor0;
Paq. 19 of 20
3,t2 /2OL3
1350 Pl1ntwritr pw E res . Ctwl.its (' ,
1351 Ph.grintln { tl<centlxtabl. borta!-2 rialthE' aOS r treigbt= t 7Ot, > ) - tr
L352 Pv. PlinLrn {"<fr>") '
1353 pr . prlnt]'D ( o<tn \F!P{O<,/thxtbEl|t|!{E</th><th>SAr</thXth>DE PTNG(/th>r I
1354 Pr,PEj.ntln ( n</tr>n
tr355 rhir.e (1t2.basNexeo )
135? E ployee e 1{E!p1oFo) it2.n.rr O ;
1358 Pr.println{n<tE>n),
1359 . pw.pfiAtln (,r<t bt!+e.gattrytoyerd {} +n</t4>tr) ;
1360 . Pr. pribtlrr ( n<td>n+a.gtE4ployeeNac o +"</td>" ) ;
1361 I'w. F:antln i,,<td>n+.gltElpLol'sal o +i</tc>n ) ;
1362 Fd,p'inLtn rr<tD,,+e.gtDoPtlihbe! {) r"</rd>-, ;
1363 Pw. Frintln { 1</E>') _
1355 Ps-Priltln ( r</ta!a>n) '
1367 Critria c.it1 :e$sion.c!Etecritelia(Esploye.c1aes) ;
1368 critl , setP.ojectioD (l4j.otlons, oicou,r ( ) ) i
1369 Liet u. = crir1.lis!(i,
1370 rterator it1 = l1,ir.ator() i
1371 if (itl,hasNear O )
L372 {
t3?3 object o = irl.doxr();
L37 4 total1{uobelof*acolds-Iategt. parsernt (o. tost.iDg ( ));
13?s I
1371 int nclofPages = tolatNuibelofRcordB/;
13?i ii(totatNrdbelof,Reco.ds > (Dooflases * DuiberofRcordsp!;ase) )
13?9 {',
13BO DoofPaqes; = noofpags+l ;
1381 )
1382 Pw. Plintln ('<b!>r) '
13AA Pw. Printb ( tr<tab16 widlur=?ot hight!2oa>r)
1385 Pk,PEj.Dtln {r<tt>n) '
1386 P*.printltr ( "<td>n ) ;
1347 if (Paget.alex>1)
1388 {
1390 ps.t)rinth(,,<a tEf=rs?pagindex="+{paqerndex_l)+">
1391 )'
1393 {
1394 Ps.r)rintrn ( rEnbsP n) '
1395 l
1395 pk.PEintln ( n</d>r) '
139t PE.Println ("<td> enbsp, </td)r').
1398 I)s.pliltln (t'<t >rdbsp;</td>tr) .
1399 Pr . Plintla ( n<td>n )
1400 i-f (pagetndex <noofpas;sl
1401 {
\402 p{.I)rinrln(,r<a b!6f=)s?pagei.ndx=tr+ (paqern<!6x+1) +n>
1403 )
140r1 eIs
1405 {-
1406 In.P.iDttn (n fdbsp; n] ,
L407 )
1408 Pe. Pllntln ( "</table>n ) ,
1409 tt. Pllntln (n</cutr>n) .
1rt10 sesdior. alose () ;
L4t2 l
141a t
1415 factoly.closqO;
1416 sy6td. ost.piint].n { t'f.ctoly otosealn),
1t|17 )
1a18 l
lh^J""+-4 3h912o13 9t47 PM
Application-14(One-To-lMany Exampl)

//Parent POJO

import java.util.*;
public class Vendor
?. private int vendorldi
t privat Skin g vsndorName;
l{r private Set customers;
],! public Set getcustomers0 {
t7 return customers;
i3 )
i4 public void setcustomers(Set customers) (
this,cuslomers = customers;
't5 I
ii public int getvendorld0 (
return vendorld;
publicvoid setvondorld(intvendorld){
this.vendorld = vendorld;
public String gewendorName{) {
return vendorName:
:ij.) public vold setvendorName(Stiing vendorName) {
1: thls.vndorName = vendorName;
a) )
ilif --------------Cu!
//chi'd PoJo
,.1 public class Customer
private int customerld;
private Slring customerName;
private string customerAddressi
publlc int gelcustomerld{) {
return customerld;
public void setcustomerld{int customerld) {
this.customerid = customerld;
4:i )
public String getcustomerName{) {
..1t return customerName;
t{ )
public void setCustomerName(Strins customerName) {
:'n this.customerName = customcrName;

;ublic void setcustomerAddress(String customerAddress)

i-i i '
12 this.customerAddress=customerAddress;
:::] )
public Strins setcustomrAddress0
aal (
r_ii return customerAddress:
ai )
l .,
ti9 ------,-----vendor.hbm.xml
-riil <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC'//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN'
l:1 "httpJ/hibernate.sourcforoe net/hibe.nate-mapoino-3.0'dld">
:i: <!-- vendor.hbm.xml ->
03 <hibernate-mapping>
64 <class name="Vendor" tabl="/endor">
<id nam$"vendorld" column="vid"/>
06 <property name='lvendorName" column="vname" lenglh="i0"/>
lt7 isei name="customers" cascade="all" lazF'trus">
t:; <key column:"venid"/>

Page 1 of 31
3/'l9/2013 9:49 PM

<one-to-many class="Customer"/>

<IDOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "'//Hibernate/Hilrernato Mapping DTD 3 o/EN"
"httpJ/ 0 dtd">
,l' <l-- costomer.hbm.xml ->
't; <hibernate-mapping>
<class name:"Customel' table="customr">
ir) <id nam='customerld" column="cl.lstid"/>
,! <property name="customerName" column="custname" length="1 0"/>
lt <proiert! name="customerAddress" column="custadd" length="l0"F
import java.util.';
import org.hibernate.*;
3t import org.hibemate.cfg.';
a3 public class lnsertclient
:i9 (
public static vold main(string arss[])
r1 (
92 SessionFactory factory = new Confi quration0.confi gure0.buildSessionFactoryo;
Session session = factory.opensession0i
g5 Vendor v=new Vendoro;
,,)a v.selvendorld(1 1 1 );
/Child object-1
:,:r Cuslomer cl = new Customero;
cl.setcustomerld(501 );
:il) cl.setc!stomerAddress("HYD");
Iill l/Child object -2
Customei c2 = new Customer0;
,i'r' /Child object -3
Customer c3 = new c'rstome4i
itl c3.setcustomerName("VERIZON");
I t'.4 c3.setcustomerAddress("US");
l1.-i //stepl
14 Set s=new Hashset{);
irt s,add(c1);
'i0 slep2
j 1.J v.setcustomers(s);
; -?fl Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction0;
ta,t tx.commito;
124 factory.closeo;
: i;1:
12s import java.util.';
t?9 import org.hibernate.*;
i30 import org.hibernate.cfg.*;
i3l public class Additionalchild
132 {
133 public statlc void main(String arsstl)
134 {
135 SessionFactory lactory = new confi guration0.conflgure0.buildsssionFactory0;
i3s session s5slon = lactory.openSession0;
Page 2 of 31
6khar-hibernat"examples-2.txt 311912013 St47 PM

Vndor v=(Vndor)session.get(Venclorclass,.lll);
i:{j //step-2
14f Set s = v.Setcustomers0;
141 //step-3
l4;l Customer c4 = nw Customer0;
143 c4.setcuslomerld(504);
r45 c4.selCustomerAddress("US");
147 Transaction tx = session.beginTransactlon0;
148 s.add(c4);
149 lx-commito;
150 session.close0;
151 factory.close0;
't 52
153 )
154 --------------SeleclClientjava----------------
J5.5 import java.util.t;
't 5s import org.hibernale.';
157 import org.hibernate.cfg..;
158 public class Selectclient
159 {
160 public static void main(strins arssll)
l0i t
102 SessionFactory taclory = new Configuration0.configureO.buildSessionFactoryO;
16rJ session session = factory.openSessiono;
164 Vendor v= (Vendor)session.get(Vendor.class,lI1);
165 System.oul.println("Vendor nam = "+v.getvendorName0);
156 Set s = v.getcustomers0;
167 Iterator it = s.itrato{;
",tif) while(it.hasl,lextO)
170 object o= irnex0i
'lf1 Customer c =(Customer)o;
1t2 System.out.println{c.getCustomerld0+" "+c.getcustomerName0
'i?-1 +" ..+c.SetCustomerAdd.ess0);
174 )
lt5 session.close0i
'176 factory.close0;
177 )
1?8 )
't 79
180 import org.hibernate.*i
181 import .org.hibe.nate.cfg.';
142 public class Deletecl;ent
181 {
184 pubric stalic vojd main{Strins arsstl)
is5 (
186 SessionFactory factory=new Configuraflon().configure0.buitdSessionFactory();
187 Session session -factoryopenSesston0;
188 Vendor v=(Vendor)session.get(Vendor.ctass,l.t.t);
189 Transaction tx = session.beginTransactton0;
19{) session.derete(v);
191 tx.commit0j
192 session.close0;
194 l
'| 95
't97 Application-1 5(ManrTo-One Example)
/Parent POJO
201 publlc class Vendor
202 t
203 private intvendorld;
204 private String vendorName;

Pags 3 of 31
sekhar-hibernate-examples-2.Od 311912013gtd7 PM

;- :l public int gewendorldo (

return vendorld;
1'.:i I;) public void setvendorld(int vendorld) (
:2i this.vendorld = vendortd;
2 lr.i )
public Slring getvendorNameo {
2..2 relum vendorNamo;
?13 )
21lt publlcvoidsewendorName(String vendorName) (
this.vendorName = vendorName;
:16 )
211 )
218 __--_-__-_-customerjava_________-_-___
ill g //chird PoJo
22A //
))-1 publlc class Customer
2i2 {
223 private int customerld;
'224 private String customerName;
,,25 private String customerAddres6j
226 privats Vendor vendori
177 public void setvendo(Vendor vendor)
228 {
zits this.vendor=vendor;
230 I
?3.1 public Vendor gewendoo
return vendoc
;:ri:.,t I
',:] publlc int getcustomerld0 {
ti:i:' ret!ffr custome.ld;
;::r7 )
236 public void stCustomerld{int cuslomertd) {
239 thls.customerld = customerld;
2'llt )
"i4 1 publlc String getcustomerName0 (
;t/] li relum customerName;

void setcustomerName(String customrName) {
?45 this.customerName = cUstomerName;
246 )
publlc void setcustomerAddress(String customerAddress)
:49 thls.custome.Address=customerAddress:
2SiJ )
?5i public Sking getCustomerAddress0
2t2 {
t53 return customerAddress;
?54 )
255 )
:56 -__---____-_vendor.hbm.xml
?5? <IDOCTYPE hibernate-mapptng PUBLTC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN'.
2ri8 "htto:/i ">
;tss <l- vndo..hbm.xml ->
260 <hibemate-mapping>
261 <class name="Vendor" table="vendor,,>
i6? <id name="vendorld" column="vid'.>
:63 <generator class="assi gned../>
265 <property name="vendorName" cotumn=..vname'' tength=,'10../>
267 </hibemato-mappinE>
269 <IDOCTYPE hlbeinate-mapping PUBLIC "-//H;bernate/Hlbernate MappinE DTD 3.0//EN..
270 ' hltp:/hibemate.sou ,.>
271 <l- customer.hbm.xml ->
272 <hlbemate-mapping>

Pag6 4 of 31
sei(har-hibernate-e4lmples:2 txl 3/'19/2013 9:47 PM

')at <classname= Customer"table="customer">

21\ <idname="customerld column="custid">
21a <generator class= assigned'7>
2f1j <lid>
zf] <property name="cu stomerName" colu mn="custname" length="l 0'?>
27$ <property name="customerAddress"column="custadd"length="l0"/>
2:-* <many-to-one name="vendor" class="Vendor" column:"venid" cascade="all"
280 lazy="proxy"D
281 </class>
282 </hibernate-mapping>
283 -------------lnsertClienljava----
2A4 import org.hibernate.';
285 import org-hibernate.cfg.';
286 publlc class lnsertclient
287 (
288 public static void main(strins arssll)
249 {
290 Sess ionFactory lactory = new Confisuration0.configu Session Factory0;
,sl session sssion =factory.opensession0;
252 //Parent object
?s3 vendor v=new vndo4;
?.94 v.sewendorld(111);
29$ v.setvendorName("lBM");
296 //Child object-1
297 cuslomer c1 = new custome4;
298 cl.setcustome.ld(501 );
300 cl.setcustomerAddress("HYD");
301 //Child object -2
Customer c2 = new Custome();
303 c2.setcustomerld(502);
304 c2.setCustomerName("TCS")i
305 c2,stCustomerAddress("HYD");
306 /Child object -3
it7 Customer c3 = new Customer0;
303 c3.setCuslome.ld(s03):
3!g c3.setcustomerName{"VERIZON");
310 c3.setcustomerAdd1e3s("US");
J1i //add parent object to child objects
312 c1.sewendor(v);
:i1n c2.selvendo.(v);
r t4 c3.setvendor(v):
315 Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction0;
319 tx.commit0;
320 session.close0;
321 factory.close0i
325 import org.hibernate.";
326 import org.hibernate.cfg.';
i27 public class Selectclient
32S public static void main(Strlng argstl)
330 {
331 Session Factory factory = new Configu ralion0.configure0. build Ses sion Factory();
Session session = factoryopenSession0;
333 customer c :(Customer)session.get(Customer.class,50l );
334 system.out.println(c.setcustomrName0+" "+c.setcustomerAddress0);
Vendor v = c.setvendo4;
336 System.out.println(v.getvendorld()+" "+v.getvendorName0);
337 sesslon.close0;
338 facloryclose0;
339 l
340 )
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sekhar-hibemate-examples-2.txt 3/19/2013 9:47.P[4

litl ----------DeleteClint.lava--------------
tt12 import org.hibernate.*;
343 import org.hibernate.cfg.';
344 public class Deleteclient
345 {
346 public statlc void maln(String argsll)
347 {
348 Session Factory factory = 6slv Configuration0.configure0.buildSession Factory{);
34S Session session = factory.opensesslon0;
350 Customer c =(Custome.)session.get(Customer.class,50'l );
351 Transaction tx = session.beginTransactlon{);
352 session.delete(c);
353 tx.commitO;
354 session.close(h
355 factoryclose0;
356 )
' Appllcation-'l 6(0ne-To-Many Bi-dkectional Example)
360 vendoriava--_---
361 //Parent POJO
363 lmportjava.util.*;
364 public class Vendor
365 {
366 pdvare intvendorld;
367 private String vendorName;
364 privaie Set customers;
389 public Set getcustomers0 (
3i0 return custcmers:
j72 public void setcustomers(Set customers) {
373 this.customers = cuslomers;
374 )
public int getvendorld0 {
376 retum vendorld,
378 public void sewendorld(int vendorld) (
379 this.vendorld = vendorld;
380 )
public strins setvendorNameo {
roturn vendorName;
383 )
384 publicvoid sewendorName(StringvendorName){
this.vendorName = vendorName;
386 )
387 )
389 //chitd PoJo
3S0 /Customerjava
391 public class Customr
393 private int customerld;
394 private Siring customerName;
395 prlvate String customerAddress;
396 pdvate Vendor vendor;
397 public void sewendor(Vendor vendor)
398 (
39S this.vendor=vendor;
400 )
401 public Vendor gewendoo
402 (
403 return vendor;
401 I
405 p!bllc lnt EetCustomerld0 {
406 ret0rn customerld;
407 l
/t08 public void setcustomerld(int customerld) {

Page 6 oI 31
sekhar-hibernate-examples-2.txt 3h912013 g:47 PM

lhis.customerld = customerld;
iir" public String getcustomerNameo {
return customerName;
41,{ public void setcuEtomerName(String customerName) {
415 this.customerName = customerName;
public void setcustomerAddress(String customerAddress)
418 t
4i9 this.customerAddre6s=customerAddress;
420 )
421 public String getCustomerAddress0
422 {
tx2x return customerAddress;
424 l
427 <IDOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate tvtapping DTD 3.0//EN..
428 "http J/hibernate.sourceforoe.neuhibernate-maooinq-3.0.dtd">
4?9 <!- vendor.hbm-xml ->
430 <hibernate-mapping>
4J1 <class name= Vendor" table="vendor">
432 <id name='vendorld" column="vid">
,t33 <generator class:"assigned"/>
,i35 <p.operty name="vendorName" column="vnahe.. tength:'.10../>
436 <set name= customers" cascade="all" lazy='true'. inverse="true..>
<key column=''venid',/>
rllB <one{o-many class="Customer,./>
4.{1 </hibernate-mapping>
442 ------------customer.hbm.
443 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLTC .L/Hibernate/Hjbernare Mapping DTD 3.0/EN'.
41!i "httpJ/hibernate.sourceforqe,neuhibernate-maooinq-3.0.dtd">
4-1! <l-- customer.hbm-xml
44rj <hibernate-mapping>
<class name= Customea' tabte="custome/'>
<id name="customerld" column="custid >
449 <generator class="assigned'l>
45r <property name=rrcustomerName- column="custname.. tength=..10"/>
<property name="customerAddress" column= custadd'. tength:"10,,/>
453 <many-lo-one name="vendor" class="Vendor" cotumn="venia.' cascade:-afi,,
45.: lazy= proxy''/>
455 </class>
45ij </hibernate-mapping>
45u import java.util.*;
459 import org.hibernate."i
4L;C import o.g.hibernate.cfg..i
ilB i public class lnsertclint
482 |
463 public stalic void mah(Strins arsslt)
4$4 (
465 SessionFactory faclory = new Confi guration0.confi gureo.buitdSssionFactoM);
46{i Session session = factoryopenSession0;
467 //Parent ob.ject
46li Vendor v=new Vendoro;
469 v. stVendorld( 1 1 'l ):
470 v.setvendorName("lBM");
//Child object-1
472 Customer c1 = new Customer{);
473 c'l.setcustomerld{501);
475 cl.setcustomerAdd106s("HYD");
476 ,Child object -2

Page 7 of 3l
sekhar-hibernatFer 311912c139.41PM
rir;' Customer c2 = new Custome4;
1,T i! c2.setcustomerld(502);
48{l c2.setcustomerAcldress{"HYD");
481 //Child object -3
4&2 Customer c3 = new Customer0;
483 c3.setcustomorld(503);
484 c3.setcustomerName("VERIZON");
485 c3.selCustomerAddress("US");
487 cl .setvendor(v);
488 c2.setvendo.(v);
48S c3.sewendo(v);
492 Set s=new Hashseto;
493 s.add(ci);
4lr4 s.add(c2);
495 s.add(c3);
ds6 llstep2
497 v.setcustomers(s);
498 Transaclion tx = sesslon.besinTransactlon0;
499{cl); I 6@'l'a tavt( vt
500 tx.commil0;
502 factoryclose0;
506 Application-1 7(ManrTo-Many Example)
5U7 -------------sludent.iava-----"-------
50B importjava.util.';
509 public class Student
510 {
51'l Pnvate int studentld;
p.ivate String studentName;
5i3 private Sking studentcrp;
5i4 private Set courses;
515 public Set getcourses0 {
516 return courses;
5'17 )
518 public void setcourses(Set courses) (
519 = courses;
520 )
public String getstudentcrp0 |
return studentGrp;
523 )
524 public void setStudentGrp(string studentGrp) {
525 this.studentcrp = stuctenlcrp;
i26 )
5?7 public jnt getstudentld(l {
518 return studentld;
5t9 )
530 public void setstudentld(int studenfld) {
53i this.studentld = studenild;
public String getstudentName() (
return studantName;
5it public void setstudentName(String studentName) {
537 this.sludentName = studentName;
538 )
541 importjava.util.';
542 publicclass Course
543 {
544 private int courseld;

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9e!har-hi!ernate-eIan!ples-2.lxt 3h9/2013 9:47 PM
.ti' private Sking courseName;
:r' private int aluration;
. privale Sel students;
54.i public intgetcourseld0 {
5:i" return courceld;
5ri )
55i public void setcourseld(int courseld) {
:r. this.courseld = courseld;
5i3 )
554 public Siring getcourseName0 {
555 return courseName;
55i )
531' pulrlic void setcourseName(String cou$eName) {
551 this.courseName = courseName;
559 )
56fl public int getDuratlon0 {
561 return duration;
16:r )
Ji,ll iublicvold setDuration(int duration) {
I this.duralion = durationi
i1:j )
lli$ public Set getstudents0 {
return sludenls;
54s )
5il publicvoidsetstudents(Setstudents)(
57.i this.studenls = studenb;
57r l
lii.r l
.. _--_---_--_student.hbm.xmt--------____
:i,i <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapplng PUBLIC '1l/Hibernate/Hibernale Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
"htto J/">
<!- student.hbm.xml ->
<class name="Student" table= student >
ti!r <id name="studentld" column="sld"/>
:i;t: <properly nams="studentName" column="sname' len gth="1 0"/>
<prcperty name="studentGrp' column="grp" len gth="1 0"/>
<set name="courses" table="students_courses" cascade:"all">
<key column="sid_lk"/>
<man!fto-many class="Course" column="cid ft "/>

5ii ) </hibernate-mapping>
Sail course.hbm.rmL--------------
;lir <IDOCTYPE hlbernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate t apping OTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- course.hbm.xml ->
i:5: <hibernale-mapping>
5S:ii <class name="Course" table="course">
<id narne="courseld" column="cid"/>
5,1:i <proper{y name=ircourseName" column= cname" length="10,,F
<property name="duratlon"/>
ifl: <sel nams="students" table="students_courses" cascade=,,atl,i>
<ky column="cid_fl('Y>
iari <many-to-manyclas="Student" column="sid ft"/>
6il i
6a: </hibernat-mapping>
601 -------------lnsertclientiava-------------
604 import org.hlbernate.r;
605 imporl org.hibrnate.ctq.r;
6C6 imporl java. util,';
607 public class lnsertclient
60! {
609 public static void main(Strlng args[ ])
611l {
,611 SessionFactory lactoryanew Configuratlon0.configure0.buildsesstonFactory0;
61: Sesslon session = factory.openSession{);

Pase 9 of 31
311912013 9t4TPM
//Student obj-1
ll i,l Student s1 = new Student0;
51rj sl.setstudentName("aaa");
t"1 s'l.setstudentcrp("BTech");
alt /Student obj - 2
619 Student s2=new Student0;
6:{} s2.setstudentld('1002);
621 s2.setstudentName("bbb");
622 s2.6etsludentcrp("MCA");
623 //Gourse obj -I
624 Course c'l = new Courseo;
625 cl .setcourseld(901);
6?6 c1 -setcourseName('lava");
627 cl.setDuration(150);
6:8 //Course obj - 2
629 Course c2 = new Courseo;
630 c2.setcourseld(902);
631 c2.setcourseName("oraclo");
6ll2 c2.setDuration(100);
631 Set set = new Hashset0;
634 set.add(c1);
635 set.add(c2);
636 sl.setcourses(set);
637 s2.setcourses(set);
638 Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction0;
64'l tx.commit0;
64.: session.close0;
543 factory.close0;
.i la l
a4ri --------------additionatcourseJava-
647 importorg.hibernate.';
64S importo.g.hibernate.cfg..;
f,.1 ! import java.util.'.
n5{} publicclass Additionalcourse
i:51 (
65? public static void maln(String argsll)
653 (
f5.t Sess ion Factory factory=new ConRguration0.configure0.buldSe6sionFacrory0;
e55 session session =fuctory.opensession0;
657 Student s=(Student)session.get(Student.class,l 001)i
659 set set = s.Setcourses0;
l:F1 Course c3 = new Cour6e0;
iiG2 c3.setcourseld(903);
663 c3.setcourseName("Cpp");
Lta4 c3.setDuratlon(50);
ii6$ //step-4
it6{i Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction0;
n67 set.add(c3);
n68 tx.commitO;
669 session.close0;
670 factoryclose0;
671 )
672 I
1173 -------------------Deletecourse.
674 import org.hibernate.';
675 import org.hibernate.cfg..;
676 importjava.util.';
677 public class Deletecource
678 (
679 public static void main(Strlng a.gtl)
680 {

Pag'10 ot 31
sekhar-hibernate-examples-2.lxt 311912013 9:47 PM

Session Factory faciory=new Configu ration0.configure().buildsssion Factor();

Ses6ion session = facloryopensession0i
Student s=(Siudent)session. get(Student.class,l 001!;
61rI stp-2
6J$ Set set = s.getcourseso;
$8t //slep-3
s86 Course c =(Course)session.get(Course.clas6,902);
b^ii9 //step-4
690 Transaction tr=session.beginTransaction0;
691 set.remove(c);
69? tx.corhmit();
693 session.close0;
693 factoryclose0;
635 )
696 )
698 Application-1 8(One-To-One with Forelgn Key Example)
699 --------*-Prson ja
TLrl publlc class Person
7t2 {
713 privale lnt personld;
7il4 privale String perconName;
public vold setPersonld(int personld)
7n6 (
707 thls.personld=personld;
7C8 )
I09 public lnt getPersonld{)
/it {
'/ t.l retum personld;
i;t public void setPersonName(String personName)
?t,i {
r15 this.personName=personName;
public String getPerconName0
:13 {
t19 return personName;
72tt )
ti2 ------_-_-License.java___________-_
714 import iava.util.*i
725 publlc class License
l!t$ (
privato int licenseld;
l?! privato Date issuedDate;
private Date expireBatei
73! privats Person person;
731 public void setLlcenseld(int licenseld)
'/,12 (
71.1 )
135 public lnl getlicenseld0
73{' {
737 retum licenseld;
73S publlc void setlssueclDate(Date issuedDate)
74s {
741 this.lssuedDate:issuedDate;
't42 )
743 publtc Date getlssuedDateo
744 {
745 leturn issuedDate;
746 )
747 publlc void sgtExpheoate(Date expiroDate)
74A {
Page 11 of 31
qel!cr:!!t!9M!99r!!!p!9!?lxt .
3t1912013 9:47 PM
. ,
pubtic Oate gerExpireDate0

public void setperson(person person)

public Person getpercono
; iil|
, l_i !

<!DOCTY_PE hibernate-mapping pUBLtC ..-//Hibernate/Hibernate
. Mapplng DTD 3.0//EN.'
::.1 "httpJ/hib.eJnate.sourcetoro;.neuhibernate_mappinq-3.0.dtd.>
<!-- person.hbm.xmt
<class name= porson" table="Derson..>
<id name='.persontd,. cotum;>
<proprty name=,,personName.. cotumn=,,pname,,
.. tength=,,10"/>
ii <IDOCTYPE hibernate-mapptng pUBLtC
"J/Hibernate/Hibernale Mapping DTD 3.0//EN,,
ibe.nare-maopi nq-3. 0.dtd
<class name:'.Liconse- table=,,license">
<id name=..ticensetd'. cotumn=.. d,7>
<property name=..tssuedDate" cotumn=..idate../>
<property namo=lexpireDate" cotumn=..e.,are,,/>
<manFto-one nam6=-persoh,, class=.,person-
column="perrid.' untque=,,true,, noGnufl=,,true" cascado=..a .,A
------------lnsrtclinl java_-______-____-___-_

import org.hibernate..;
import org.hibemate.ctE.";
class lnsertcttent
pubtic static void mainlstring0 args)
SessionFactorv facroftE new c6ntisuration0.configurc0.buildSessionFactoryl,r
Sssion session = factory.opensession{);
//Person object
Person p=new Person0;
p.setPerson td(1 i 0 t );
//License obiect
License ti= now Licenseo;
ll.settssuedDare(new Dat0);
.';ti tl.setEj(pireDate(new Date{));
/- License t2= new License0;
I2.setLicnstd(101.t );
l2.settssuedDate(new Datel)t:
1!! t2.setExpirDate(new Date{iir./
6'1t ll.selp6rson{p);
8r1 // l2.setPercon(p);
112 Transacllon tx = sescion.beginTransaction0;
!J4 //;
!i5 tx.commit0;

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seft har-hibernale-examples-2.txt 3/19/2013 9:.r7 PM

l/" factoryclose0;
I ;i)
3rl Application-ig(One-To-One with Primary koy)
822 ----------Personjava
324 public clas6 Person
e25 (
426 private int pe.sonld;
427 private String personName;
824 public void setPersonld(int personld)
829 {
830 thls.personld=personld;
831 )
public int getPersonldo
833 (
834 relum personld;
835 )
836 public void setPersonName(Shlng perronName)
839 )
840 publlc Slring getPersonName0
841 (
$42 retum personName;
843 )
844 );
845 ---------Licensejava---------
846 //
84? import java-utll.r;
8{n public class Llcense
849 {
850 private int licenseld;
i51 private Date lssu6dDate;
452 private Date expireDate;
B5ll private Person person;
854 public void setlicenseld(int licenseld)
8s5 (
856 thls.llcenseld=licnseld;

8s8 poblic int getlicenseld()

859 (
860 return licenseld;
861 l
462 publicvoidsetlsauedDate{DateissuedDate)
863 (
864 this.issuedDate:issuedDate;
865 )
866 public Date getlssuedDate{)
867 {
868 return lssuedDate;
86e )
870 publicvoidsetExpireDate(DateexpirsDate)
871 {
472 this.expireDrte=expheDate;
473 )
874 public Date getExpireDate0
875 t
876 return expireDate;
877 )
878 public void setPrson(Pe.son person)
87S {
880 this.person=person;
881 )
882 publlc Person getPersono
883 {
894 return peason; :

Page 13 of 3l
99k!qt-l !ib-9!!!!_ j9!3!!'q!e-. j?.!4 3/'19/2013 9:47rPM

:' ! <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernale/Hibemate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

' "http J/h ibern ate.sou rceforqe.nUh ibernate-maopino-3.0.dtd">
it, j <!-- person.hbm.xml ->
.,r <hibemate-mappins>
i: <class name="Person" table="person">

:lir <idname="prsonld"column="pid"/>
r.:4 <propertyname="per5onName" column="pnarhe" length="i0'D

i::ri </hibernate-mapping>
<!DOCfiPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC 1/Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTO 3.0/EN"
<j.- license.hbm.xml ->
<class name="Licenso" table="licnse">
<ld name="licenseld" column="lid">
<generator class="foreign">
<param name="property'5person</param>

j'13 <property name=trissuedDate" column="idate y>

:'i).i <properly name="expireDate" column="edate''/>
<one-lo-one nane="person" class="Person"

--------------jnserrc ent.java__---------
import java.util.*;
import org.hibernate.'l
import org.hibernate.clg.*;
class lnsertclient
i public static void main(Stringfl args)
SessionFactory factorF new Configuration0.configureO.buildSessionFactorl);
Session session = factory.opensessiono;
//Pe.son olrject
\'- t Person p=new Person(l'
tii(: p.setPersonld{1 I 0'l );
:j 27 p.setPersonName("ABC");
1?at //License objecr
l?9 License l= new Licens0;
t3i) l.setlssuedoat(new Date{));
.r l1 l.setExp'reDa.te(new Date0);
Transaction tx = session.beSinTransaction0;
935 tx.commito;
tl$ sesslon.close0;

:': l
j' Application-2o(component mapping example)
!r"i? ----------Person.ja
94,r import java.utll.*;
lzi5 p0blic class Person
946 {
347 priwte lnt personldi
948 p vate PName pname;
145 privato Dato dob;
e50 public void setPersonld(int personld)
t52 thls.personld:personld;

Page 14 of 31
seldarifibernate-examples-2.txt 3/'19/2013 9:47 PM

95:i: )
,.i54: public int getPersonld0
s35 {
d56 return personld;
s51 l
95S publlc vold setPname(PName pnade)
95S {
96{l this.pname=pname;
96r )
962 public PName setPname0
963 {
S64 return pname:
965 )
966 publlc void setDob(Dale clob)
967 I"
S6S this.dob=dob;
969 )
970 public Date getDobo
971 {
972 return dob;
971 )
974 );
976 //
977 public class PName
978 {
979 private char initial;
980 p vate Stdnq firstName;
S81 privale Shlng lastName;
$8t public void setlnitial(char initial)
063 {
984 this.inirial=initial;
s85 )
986 public char setlnilial{)
987 {
S88 return inltial;
gnr )
irt, publicvoldsetFirslName(StringfirstName)
{i91 {
,)93 l lhis.firstName=llrstName;
9S4 public String getFirstName0
;95 {
996 return firstName;

998 public void setLastName(String lastName)

999 (
1000 this.lastName=laslName;
1001 )
1002 public String getlastName()
'1004 { retu.n lastNam;
r0(J5 )
1006 )
1007 ---------person.hbm.xml------------
1008 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-,THlbemate/Hlbemate Mapping DTD 3.0/EN"
1009 ' http://h >
1010 <!-- person.hbm.xml -->
1041 <hibornate-mapping> ,I
1012 <class name="Percon" table="persons'5
1013 <id name="personld" column="pid"/>
1014 <propertyname="dob" column="dob"/>
1015 <componentname="pname't>
1016 <propertyname="initlal"column="lnll"length='s"/>
1017 <propertyname="fiGtNamo"column="fname" longth="10"/>
'1018 <propertyname="lastNama"column="lname'length="10'/>
1019 </component>
'1020 </class>

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sekhar-hibelnate-examples-2.txt 311912013 9t47,PM


' r ;:r -*'------"-Client.jav

i' ll4 import java.ulil.*;
i.i21 imporl org-hibernate.';
026 import org.hibernate.cfg.';
' t27 class Client
i02B {
1ti2,o public static vold main(StrinEt I arqs)
i030 t
i031 sessionFactory factory = nss Confl guratlon0.confi gure0,bulldSessionFacloM);
1q32 SeBsion session =factoryopenSesslon0;
1033 PName p=new PName0'
1034 p.serlnitial('s');
I 03ti p.selFirstName("Abc");
1036 p.setLastName(''Xyz");
)037 Person pr = new Persono;
i033 pr.setPersonld(1 1 1 );
1039 pr.setDob(new Date0);
'i140 //asign PName object to Person
1r141 pr.setPname(p);
i&42 Transaction tx = session.beshTransaction0;
1044 tx.commll0i
1045 session,close0;
1946 factory.close0;
1tj47 )
1048 )
1r)5ir Applicatlon-21(A First example using Annotallons)
r05,l //Studentjava
i':t53 imporl javax.persistence.*;
i0s4 @Entity
1055 @Table(name="student_table")
105C public class Student
t fit; (
i058 @td
'a5s @Cdumn(name="stno")
1t)60 private lnteger sno:
l0a1 @Cdumn(name="sname",len gth=10)
101i2 prlvate Strlng sname;
1t63 @Cdumn(name=''stadd",lenqth:10)
1t64 private String addressi
1065 public void setAddress(slring address) (
1066 this.address = address:
1067 )
'1068 publlc String getAddress0 {
1t69 . return addressi
1471 public void selSname(String sname) (
' this.sname sname:
'l0tit )
1474 public strins stsname0 {
1075 return snamei
1076 )
1077 publicvoid setSno(lnteger sno) {
1078 this.sno = snoi
1079 )
1080 public lnteger getSno0 (
1081 rturn sno;
1082 )
1083 )
1084 ___-_________hibernare.cfg.xmL__-___
1085 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-confi guration PUALIC
1086 "'/Hibernate/Hibernate Confi guration DTD 3.o/EN"
1087 "@'5
1088 <hlbemate-confi guration>

Pag6 16 of 31
sei(har-hibernate-examples-2.txi 311912013 9:47 PM

'!1!il <property name="h ibern ate.connection.driver-class">oraclsidbc.driverOracleOriver</propertf>

tlt9.; <property name="hibernate.connection.url">id!!igEg!C:l!!ilj@!99e1!99u1!2ij!aqa<property>
'rt:r? <property name="hibernate.connection.username'tscott</property,
l tiii: <property
1094 name='show_sql">hue </property>
1l-]S5 <property
1096 <property
1C97 <mapping class="Student"/>
r099 </hibernato-confi guraiion>
1100 --------------lnsertClientiava------------
1101 import org.hibernate.";
1102 import org.hibrnate.cfg.';
1103 public class lnsrtclint
1104 {
't't05 public static void main(String args[)
1106 (
1t07 sessionFactory factory=new Configuration0.configureo.buildse3sionFaciorv{);
1108 Session ses = factory.openSesslon0;
t10s Students = nwStudent0;
1t1g s.setsno(101);
1111 s.selsname("ssreddY");
1112 s.setAddress("hyd");
1113 Transaction tx = ses.beginTransaction0;
1t14 ses.Persist(s);
11'15 lx.commit0;
i't 16 ses.close0;
1117 ractory.close0;
1'r 18 )
1115 )
1121 Application-22(Table per class using annotations)'---
1f 2l import
1i?4 @Entity
?: @Table(nam="PAYMENT")
I t?6 @lnheritance(strategFlnherilanceType.SlNGLE_TABLE)
1121 @Discrimin:torColumn(name='pmocle",discriminatorType=DiscriminatorTypo.STRING,lenglh=4)
11?g public class Payment
1129 t
11:lll @td
1i:]i @Column(name="payld")
113? private lnteger palqnentld;
1133 @column(name='amount")
1134 private Double amount;
1135 public Oouble setAmounto {
return amount;
1137 )
1J 33 public void setAmount(Double amount) (
1t39 this.amount = amo!nt;
114{l l
t14! public lntegr getPayrnentld0 {
114? rturn paymentld;
1143 )
1144 public void setPaymentld(lnteger paymentld) {
1145 this.paymentld = paymentld;
1146 )
1147 )
1148 ChequePayment-java--
ll4s //ChequePaymentjava
1150 im porl j avax. persisten ce.*;
1151 @Entity
1152 @Discriminatorvalue(value="Ctl")
'\153 pobllc class ChquePayment extends Payment
1154 {
tt56 private String chequeType;

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sekhar-hibernate-examoles-2.txt 3/19/2013 9:47?1,

public Strins setchequeType0 (

11ail return chequeType;
'i t59
11(i{' public voiC setchequeType(String chequeType) (
11i;1 this.chequeType = chequeType;
1182 l
i163 )
1165 //
1166 import iavax.persistence.*;
'1167 @Entity
1168 @Discriminatorvalue(value="cR")
1169 public class CreditcardPayment extends Payment
1171! {
1.171 @Column(name="cctype",length=10)
1'112 private Slring cardType;
1173 public String getcardType{) (
1174 return cardType;
1175 )
1171) public void setcardType(String cardType) (
11t7 this.cardType = cardType;
78 l
11f9 l
1180 g.xml-_---*--*--
1181 <!oOCTYPE hibernate-confi guration PUBLIC
11A2 "'//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0/EN"
"htto:iiw.hibernate. ">
i1B4 <hibernate-configuration>
1r 85
f iie <property n ame="hibernate.connection.driver_class">oraclejdbc.driver.OracleDriver</proprtf,
:187 <properly name="hibernate.connection.url">iC!9!I3q!9:l!!i!3019!a!!9sl!!lll!salrya</propert]/>
11!r8 <property name="hibernate.connection.username">scoti</property>
11tt <property name="hit ernate.connection.password">tiger<propert].>
I 190 <property name='rshow_sql">true </property>
1191 <property name="'supdate<property>
11!:? <property name= 'dlalect">org.h ibmate.dialect.OraclegDialect</property>
1lllr <mapping class=''Payment"/>
1194 <mapping class="CreditcardPayment'F
1135 <mapping class="ChequePayment'tF
11S6 </session-factoryD
1197 </hibe.nate-configuration>
1196 -'
1199 org.hlbernate.";
1200 import org.hibernate.cfg.*;
1201 public class lnsertclient
1242 {
1203 public static void main(String0 args)
1204 (
t?"nn SessionFactory factory = new Configuration0.configure0.buildSessionFactor();
1?U6 Session session=f actoryopenSession0;
1Itf CreditcardPayment ccp = new CredltcardPayment0;
1208 ccp.setPaymentld(101 );
11109 ccp.setAmount(5000.0);
1210 ccp.setcardType{''VlSA");
'i:i 1 ChequePayment cp = new ChequoPaymento;
1212 cp.stPaymentld('t02);
1213 cp.setAmount(8000.0);
1214 cp.setchequelype("ORDER");
1215 Transaction tx = session.beSinTransaction0;
1214 tx.commit0;
'1119 session.close0;
1220 factory.close0;
12?1 )
1224 Application-23(Tableper subclass using annotalions)

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import javax.persistence.';
12itl @Entity
1i1l public class Payment
'i 23i (
l?34 @Column(name="payld")
i235 private lnteger P4,mentld;
r216 @Column{name="amount"}
1237 private Double amount;
public Double setAmount0 {
1?39 relurn amount;
12llit l
1?4 ! publlc void setAmount(Double amount) (
this.amoht = amount;
l?lri )
public lnteger getPaymentld() (
l)tj, return paymentld;
12,16 l
t712 public void setPaymentld(lnteger payrnentld) (
124n this.paymentld = paymentld;
ti24i )
1_r:n )
't2t //CreditcardPaymentjava
import iavax.persistence.';
1?:1,' @Entity
public class CreditcardPayment extendE Payment
?5rr {
' @Golumn(name="cctypo",length=f 0)
private String cardType;
public strins setcardType0 {
:]..,.j. return cardType;
li,i )
public void setcardType(String cardType) {
this.cardType = cardType;
'il;$n l-----.--------ChequePaymentjava---
'i?t! //ChequePalmentjava
??ir import javax.persistence.";
' 17i @Entity
:.ri'l @Table(name:"CHEQUE_TABLE'J
:r': @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn{name="p_id")
,2 ',1 public class ChequePaymenl xtnds Payment
itirj {
iiiiii @Golumn(name="chtype",length='10)
: t) private String chequeType;
i !i. pu blic String getchequeType0 (
jLllr return chequeType;
r!1{r }
1,:l: publicvoidsetchequeType(StringchequeTyp)(
,o this.chequeType = chequeTypei
i;:tir l
12tt4 |
I ?61
1?86 import org.hibernate.*;
1?34 importorg.hibernate.cfg.";
i288 publicclass lnsertclieni
i289 {
1?9t publicstatic void main(String0 arys)
'-l (
Sesslon Faclory factory = new Configuration0.configure().bulldsesslonFactory0i

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sekhar-hibernate-e!9mples-2.lrl 3/19/2013 S:47FM

Session session=factory.openSession0;
CredilcardPayment ccp = new CreditcardPayment0;
illl: ccp-setPayrnentld(1 01 );
l-t!a ccp.setAmount(5000.0);
tr97 ccp.setcardType("vlsA");
i;98 ChequePayment cp:new ChequePaymento;
12S9 cp.stPaymentld('l 02);
130,i cp.stAmountl8000.0);
1:j0'l cp.setchequeType("ORDER");
1301: Transaction tx = session.besinTransaclion0;
1305 tx.cornmit0;
130{t session.close0;
1307 factory.c'ose0;
1311 Application-24(One-To-Many Relatlonshlp using Annotations)
131ii ---------------Vendorj
131i //Parent PoJo
13i 4
1315 import javax,persistence.';
1316 lrnportjava.util.';
'i317 @Entity
1318 @rable(name= vendor")
13i 9 public class Vendor
1']?l I
1!21 @td
1722 @column(name="vid")
'1323 private int vendorld;
!32r: private Slring vendorName;
1li?6 @OneToMany(targetEntitFcustomer.class,cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
1327 @Joincolumn(name="venid",refercncedcolumnName="vid")
132? private Set cuslomersi
:12:t public Set getc!slomers0 {
r33ir rturn customers;
133t )
public void setcustomers(Set customers) {
1:i3 3 this.customers = customers;
1334 )
133 5 public int getvendorld() {
1:36 return vendorld;
1337 I
1338 public void setvendorld(int vendorld) (
1339 this.vendorld = vendorld;
134ii )
1341 public String getvendorNameo {
i:42 return vendorName;
1343 )
r!4,1 public void setvendorName(String vendorName) (
134ri this.vendorNamo = vendorName;
1346 )
1ta4l )
1348 ---------------customerjava---------------
134\ //chird PoJo
1351 import javax.persistence,';
'1352 @Enlity
1353 @Table(name="customer")
1354 public class Customer
't356 @td
1353 private int customerld;
1359 @Column(name="custname",length=10)
1i6{) private Strinq customorName;

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sdkhar.hiben'!ate-exaEpLes-2.lxt 3h912013 9:47 PM

@Column(name="custadd",length=1 0)
pfivate String customerAddress;
public int getcustomerldo (
return cLrstomerld;
public void setcustomerld(int customerld) (
: rti this.customerld = customerld;
riri! public String getcustomerName0 (
1'i l) return customerName;
1j.tI )
public void setCustomerName(String customerName) (
1 ..,-! ] this.customerName = customerName;
plblic void setcustomerAddress(String customerAddress)
public Stnng getcustomerAddress0
l ri.til (
return cuslomerAddress;
1384 )
<!DOCTYPE hibernat-configuration PUBLIC
'LI/Hibernate/Hibernate Confi guration DTD 3.0//EN"
"httoJ/www.hibernate.orq/dtd/hibernate-confi quration-3.0.dtd">
<l-- hibernate.cfg.xml ->
r!11 <hibernat-confi guration>
<l-- connection properties ->
<property name=r'connection.ddver_cl:ss">o.acle.jdbc.OracleDfi ver</property>
It!.i <properly name=rrconnection.url >idbc:oraclelhin:@localhost 1521 :satva</properly>
1.!.5 <properlyname="connection.username">cott</propetf>
, r11: <propertyname="connection.password">tiger</propertf>
<!- hibemate properties ->
';ll <property name:"dialect '>o.g.hibern ate.dialect.OracleDlalect<propertf,
r'i';i <propertynamo:"show_sqt">true</propertf>
'i:,r,1 <propertyname="">update</propertf>
iirll <l-- mapping ctasses ->
l l|r <mapplng class="Vendor"/>
<mapping class="customer"/>
1,!0,1 </session-factor]r>
l0$ </hibernat-configuration>
") .
1,rt7 import java.util.';
! i lr:: import org.hibernate.*;
i,ttll import org.hibernate.cfq.*;
- ,r1
public class lnsertclient
id:; public slatlc void main(String args[])
r',tj I (
i , r-l SesslonFactory factory = new Configuration0.configure0.buitdsesstonFactorl);
i ri i .t Session session = factory. opensssion0;
'141t.t /Parent object
.11i Vendor v=new Vendor0;
I v.selvendorld(l l )l 'l
14,$ v.sowendorNane{"lBM");
142r /Child oblect-1
1421 Customer c'1 =new Custome i
''422 cl.setcustomerld{501);
14?3 cl.setcustomerName("lNFY );
1:i24 cl.setcustomerAddrss("HyD ');
1425 //Child ob.iect -2
i4?6 Customer c2 = new Customer{);
14?1 c2.setcustomerld(502);
r?L c2.setcuslomerName("Tcs"):

Page 2'l of 3 t
. .-:!--

sekhar-hibernate-xamples-2.txt 3l1gl2|13 g:47 lM

//child object -3
1,lti Customer c3 = new Custome4;
r.{l? c3.setcustomerld(503);
14i31 c3.setcustomerName("VERIZON")i
1434 c3.setcu6tomerAdclress{"t,S");
'1435 /stepl
143t! Sel s=new Hashst0;
1437 s.add(cl);
1433 s.add(c2);
1439 s.add(c3);
144n llslep2
1441 v.setcustomers(s);
1442 Transaction tr = session.beginTransaction();
1444 lx.commit0;
1445 session.close0;
t446 factory.close();
145C Appllcation-25(Many.To-One using Annotations)
1451 vendorjava------------------
lmport javax.persistence.*;
1454 @Entity
1455 @rable(name="vendo/')
1456 public class Vendor
145? {
t453 @td
1459 @column(name="vid")
1,1U'J private int vendorld;
14tt1 @Column{narhe="vname",length=10)
1462 private Shing vendorName;
1461 public int getvndorld0 {
return vndorld;
public void sewendorld(int vendorld) {
this.vendorld = vendorld;
t4ai9 public String getvendorName0 {
return vendorName;
14? I )
',11t public void setvendorName(Strlng vendorName) {
i47 this.vendorName = vendorName;
1474' )
147S )
14i {j
1473 imt ort javax.pSrsistence.'i
1472 (@Entny
1{0-l publicclass Customer
'I442 t
private int customerld;
i4!aii @Column(name="cuslname",length=1 0)
I'137 private String customerName;
148ti @Column(name="cusiadd",length=1 0)
1{89 private Strlng customerAddress;
149t) @ManyToOne(targetEntity=Vendor.class,cascade=CascadeType.ALL,fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
1491 @JoinColumn(name="venid")
1492 prlvate Vendor vendor;
1493 public vold setvendo(Vendorvendor)
1495 this.vendor=vndor;
Pase 22 ot 3l
s?kh4t!!9r!9!q-q?t!pl9!?.!rl 311912013 gt47 PM

public vendor setvendoro

return vendor;
public int getcustomerld0 {
lltt:i rotum customerld;
'ta;ii j I
15il4 public void setCuslomerld(int cuslomerld) {
15rl5 this.cuslomerld = customerld;
1ti:it) )
'i5ir,' public String getcustomerName0 (
t5!Ja relurn customerName;
15C9 ),
15'td public void setCustomerNbme(String custome.Name) {
1:1't this.custoirerName = customerName;
1a12 l
public void setcustomerAddress(String customerAddress)

t' this-customerAddress=customerAddress;
publlc String getcustomerAddress0
15 l8 {
'1: l9 return customerAddrss;
1t?t) )
1ti2x ,
15?:l ------'-----hibeinate.cfg.xml
', <:DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
i52.1 "'//Hibemate/Hlbernate ConRguration DTD 3.0/EN"
i.i:ta "hltp:/www.hibernat '5
rr,i.lil <!- hibemate.ctE.xml ->
r';?7 <hibernate-configuration>

i:i2i <!-- connection properties -.>

15lj1-. <pioperty name="connection.driver-classsoraclejdbc.OracleDriver</property>
t5;?1 <property name="connection.url">ig!9989!cil![i!:@]9gal!99!I!lz!9gba<ipropertv>
<property name="connection.username">scott</prcperly>
: iitt <properly name="conneclion.password">tigr</property>
<!- hibernate properties ->
<property name="dialct">org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect</propertf->
<property name="show_sql">true</property^>
<property name="">update</propert]/>
<!-- mapplng classes -.>
t-r39 <mapping clsss="Vendof '/>
r 5,i{i <mapping class="Customer"/>
15,11 </sesslon-factortf>
1542 </hibernate-configuration>
.'., :
l54 J import org.hibernate.';
1541i import org.hibernate.cfg.*;
1i46 public class lnsertclient
rs.l7 (
i5.16 public static void main(String argsll)
:,j"19 (
'i55 sessionFactory factory = new configuration0.configureO.buildsessionFactory{);
'1551 Session session =factory.opensession0i
r55? //Parent object
1553 Vendor v=new Vendor0;
1554 v.setvendorld( 1 1 1 );
i555 v.sewendorName{"lBM");
1556 //child object-'l
1557 customer cl = new cusromeO:
1558 cl. setCustomerld(50 1 ):
1559 cl.setcustomerNam{"lNFY"};
1560 cl.setCustomerAddress("HYD"):
1561 //Child object -2
ls62 customr c2 = new custome0;
1563 c2.setcustomerld(5021i
i564 c2.setcustomerName('TCS"):

Page 23 of 31
sekhar-hibernate-examples-2.txt 311912013 9:47PM
//Child object -3
Customer c3 = new Custome();
'I iti)l c3.setcustomedd(503);
155i1 c3.selcustomerName("VERIZON");
'i5i i //add parent object to child objects
'ls?: cl.sewendo(v);
1573 c2.setvendo(v);
iJ;4 c3.setvendo(v);
1575 Transaction tx = session.besinTransactlon0i
1!;7 4;
1578 sesslon,save(c3l;
157$ tx.commilO;
1ti! session.close0;
1fa1 factoryclose0;
1585 Applicalion-26(Many-To-Many using Annotations)
rSBS Item java------------------
1588 imporl java(.psrsistence.';
158t import java. util.';
1ig[l @Entity
1591 @Table(name="items")
119? public class ltem
l5t 3 {
1i94 @td
i535 @column(name="irem-id")
1-!!i private int itemld;
lirjl @Column(name:"itsm-nams",length=1 0)
1:ti{ prlvate String itemName;
i:,lJl @ManyToMany(targetErrlity=Caiegoryclass,mappedBlF'items")
Private Sst calegories;
public set setcaresories() (
ili!i; rturn categories;
I'dU3 )
'l(i04 public void selcalegories(Set categorles) {
'i6s5 this.categories = categories;
1ti06 )
public int getltemldo {
160: return itemld:
t6 ii) public void setltemld(int itemld) (
15t l this.itemld = itemld;
Itl t )
iatl public String getltemName0 (
1614 return itemName;
1615 )
i(r16 public void setltemName(String itemName) (
this,itemName = ltemName;
i618 )
jLi 19 )
1520 -------*-catsoryjava____-_--_-__
tt21 /Categoryjava
'1471 import javax,p6rsislence.t;
1t23 lmportjava.util.';
1e?4 @Entity
1625 @Table(name="catesorios")
prblic class Calegory
1627 {
1628 @td
r629 @Column(name="cat_id")
1630 private int calegoryld;
1e31 @Cdumn(name="cat_name",length=1 0)
10:? private Strlng categoryName;

Pase 24 ol 31
sekhar-hibernate-examples-2.txt 311912013 9:47 PM
r'ti3 @ManyToMany(targetEntitFltem.class,cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
1e35 iolnColuln:=@JoinColumnlname="cat_id_ft .,referencedCotomnName= .cal-id"),
r636 inverseJoinColumns=@JoinColumnlname=..item,id ft ",referencedCotumnName="item id))
1437 p vate set items;
1638 public int getcategoryldo {
1639 return categoryld:
1640 )
1641 public void setcategoryld(lnt categoryld) {
1642 this.categoryld = categoryld;
1643 )
1644 public Set gelltems0 {
1645 return items;
1647 public void setltems(Set items) {
' this.items = items;
1649 )
1650 public Slring getcategoryName0 (
165tr return categoryName;
'1652 )
1553 public void setcategoryN:me(String categoryname) (
1654 this.categoryName = categoryname;
1655 )
1656 )
1657 -----_----hibemate.cfg.xmt---_____.
1658 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-confi guration PUBLI;
'I659 'LI/Hibernal/Hibernate Confi guration DTD 3.0//EN"
1460 "htto://www.hibernate. .>
166.1 <hibernate-confi guration>
'1tG3 <property name="hibernate.con nection.driver_ctass..>oracte.jdbc.dr'ver.OractDriver</propert}r>
1ri04 <property name="hibernate.connection.u rt,.>idbc: oracte:th in:@tocathost:1 52 j :satva</proprty>
'1665 <property name="hibernate.connection.username..>scott</propert]r>
16$6 <property name="hibemale.connection.password..>tiger</propert}r>
1637 <property name="show_sql">true </property>
I {i0e <property name="">update</propertt.>
1e8S <property name=rrdialect'5org.h ibern ate.diatect.Oracte9Diatect</p.opert}r>
'i6il) <mapping class="Category"/>
16?1 <mapping class="ltem'/>

1673 </hibrnat-confi guration>

1674 nsertClientjava---------------
1675 hport org.hibernate.*;
1676 import org.hibernate.cfg.';
167 7 import iava.util.'i
167'it public class lnsertClient (
1679 public stalic void main(sirins arssll)
1630 {
1681 SessionFactory tacrory=new conftgurarion0.confisure{).buitdSessionFacrorv(r:
1682 Session ses = ractory.opensession0;
1683 Categorycl = new Categoryo;
1684 cl.setcateqoryld(1)i
1685 cl.setCategoryName("aaa ):
1686 Calegory c2=new CategoryO;
1687 c2.setcategoryld(2);
1688 c2.setcategoryName(.'bbb..);
'1689 Item i1=new ttem0;
1690 il.setltemld(101);
169f il.setltemName("item1")i
r692 Item i2 = new ttem0;
16S3 i2.setltemld(102);
1694 i2.setltemName("item2");
16$5 Set s =new Hashser0;
1696 s.add(il);
1697 s.add(i2);
1698 cl.setltems(s);
1699 c2.selltems(s):
1700 Transaction tx = ses.beginTransacfi onO;

Page 25 of 31
sekhar-hibernate-xamples-2.txt 3h912O13 9.47 PM


Application-27(One-To-One using Annotalions)

'it0s ja
imporl javax.persistence.r;
1f12 @Enrity
171i @Table(name="person")
1714 publlc class Person
1;15 {
't7i6 @td
1-117 @Column(name="per id")
1i 18 private int personld;
1i19 @Column(name="per_name",length=10)
I T.:t1) private String personName;
M.1 public void setPersonld(int personld)
1722 (
1723 this.personld=personld;
1 i25 public int setPersonld0
1726 (
1721 rturn personld;
1/?IJ lpublic
1129 void setPersonName(String personName)
l t3tt (
1i31 thts.personName:personName;
173:Z )
ir3:l publlc Stdng getPorsonName()
1134 {
1735 retum personName;
1715 )
r' ?
1;'19 //Licenssjava
174C lmportiava.util.';
1741 lmport javax.persistence.';
174? import org.hibernate.annotations.Generlccenerator;
1743 import org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter;
1144 @Entily
l?d5 @Table(name="License")
1746 publlc class License
4147 (
1748 @Genericcen erato(name="gen 1 ",strategy:"foreign "t
1.749 parameters=@Paramete name="property'',value=-person"))
17s0 @td
; I
': 5 @Gene ratedvalu e(gen erator= 'gen l ")
1752 @Column(name= lic ld")
1753 private jnt licenseld;
1754 @Column(name="idate")
1;55 privale Date issuedDato;
171i6 @Column(nam="edate")
17F7 privat Date expireDate;
l?58 @OneToone(targetEntity=Person.class,cascade=CascadeTyp6.All)
1755 @PrimaryKeyJaincolumn
1760 private Person person;
1761 publlc vold setlicensetd(int licenseld)
1162 {
1763 this.licenseld=licenseld;
1764 )
1765 public int getlicenseld0
1766 {
1767 retum licenseld;
1768 )
Page 26 of 31
sakhaFhibernate-xamples-2.txt 311912013 9:47 PM
'j769 publicvoidsetlssuedDate(DateissledDate)
'1778 t
1 th is.iss uedDate:iss uedDate;
17r? )
1773 public Date getlssuedDate0
1774 (
1775 relurn issuedDaie;
'776 l
1177 publicvoidselExpireDate(DateexpircDate)
177A (
779I this.expireoate=erpireDate;
1780 )
178{ public Datc getExpireDate(}
1752 (
1783 return expkeDatei
17A4 )
1785 public void setPerson(Person percon)
1786 (
1747 this.prson=person;
1788 )
1789 public Pe6on getPerson0
1790 t
1791 return person;
1792 )
1793 )
l7S4 ---------------hibernate.cfs.xml----..-
173s <IDOCryPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
1796 1//Hibernate/HibernatConfigurationDTDS.o//EN"
1797 "hftp://twvw.hibernate. '5
1798 <l- hlbernate.cfg.xml->
1?99 <hibernate-configuration>
180{i <session-faclory>
t60l <!-- connection properttes ->
1842 <proprty name=riconnection.driver_class">olacle-jdbc.OracteDdver</propertf>
1803 <property name="connection.urt">idlslEglejllid@l9ss!!9lllLlzEslya</propertr>
1804 <propertyname="conneclicn.username">scott</propertf>
lSlJlt <p.operty name='connection.password">tiger</propertf>
18rl'1 <!-- hibernate properties ->
'l <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.diatect.OracteDiatect</propertf>
1808 <propertyname=i'ishow_sql">true</prope(f>
1809 <propertyname="">update</propertf>
1810 <l-- mapping files ->
181i <mapping class="Person"/>
1812 <mapping class="License"/>
18J3 </session-tactory>
1814 </hibernate-configuration>
181s ------------------.-lnsertClientjava------
1816 import java.ulil.'i
1817 import org.hibernate.*;
1818 import org.hibernate.cfg.';
1819 class lnsertclient
18?0 (
1421 plblic static void main(Stringo args)
1822 (
1823 SessionFactory factorlF new Configuratjon{).configure0.buitdsessionFactory0;
1824 Session session = factoryopensessiono;
'1825 //Person object
18?6 Person p = nslv Pgrs..O.
1827 p.setPerson ld(l 101);
1S28 p.setPersonName("ABc");
182S /License obiect
1830 License t= new License0;
1831 l.serlssuedDate(new Dateo).
1832 l.setExpireoate(new Dat0):
1833 l.setPerson(p);
1834 Transactiontx=session.bginTransactiono;
1835 sess';
1836 tx-commit0;

Page 27 ol 31

1845 import java.utit.*;
1846 lrnport lavax.persistence..:
1847 @Entity
1848 @Table(narhe="persons..)
1849 public class Person
1852 @Colunn(
private int persontd;
i854 @Embedded
1855 private PName pname:
1857 prlvate Dats dob:
1858 pubtic void setpersontd(int personld)
186U this.persontd=persontd;
1861 )
1862 publtc iht getpersontd0
1864 retlrn persontd;
public vojd setpname(pName pname)
I8ri! )
1B?J publlc PNamo getpname0
187ii retum pname;
'it; )
'{ publlc void setDob(Dato dob)
1i] 15
1876 this.dob=dob:
1877 I
18?8 publlc Dale gerDob0
18e0 relurn dob;
1881 )
1882 );
184 //
1886 lmpon javax.persisrence_r:
1886 @Embeddabte
1887 pubtic ctass pName
1888 {
l::: @cotulnn(name="r",tensth=1)
private char initiat:
pnvate Shing firstName:
jiij 3i:',:T,l.ffffi1ffifr:;'|ensth=io)
;;; - ?otr's,v(,id ,. nrtiat(char initiat)
1897 ris.inltiat=iniUal:
1898 I
1899 pubtic char oetniti.xl
1900 ( -
1901 retum initi6t;
1902 )
1903 public void setFirstName(Strlng

Page 28 of 3t
,99tb3t!&9Mq!e-exam ptes-z.txt
311912013 9:47 pM rstName=firstName:
l'{1{i I
iiLl I public String getFhsrName0
1909 return firsrName;
1914 )
l91 i public void setlastName(String tastName)
19i 3 this.lastName=tastName;
1915 publjc String getLastNane0
1917 return tastName;
1919 )
lli9 -:-:
t;:;'-f ,il,i:.lHfi il::J"ti;"T#1i1,:,',."".f,",.,*",
r:-2! <hjbernare-conn;uration>
:??l <r-- conn'ection proDertis _>
lYrB <propertyname='.con;eciioh.d;

;;;l jf'f,",}--1:-.'t-lection.passwo.a"'tigerad.ode;;
:"^: 1_ nrDernate properltes _>
:]l <prooerryname=.,show_sqt..>rrue</properrp
::: <""'r,poaie.riroperrv,
:;;- !j_ mapPtng fit6s _>
,_':l <mappjng class=..person"/>
ll," <mappingctass=..pNam../>
ir3r </session-factorv>
1']10 </hibernate-confi;uraflon>
^'i /I :--* ------crientjava--._'---------------__-
rmport java.utit..;
",a r import orq.hihernare..:
1i,44 import org.hibernate.cfd_r:
ic45 class Ctienr
is46 {
public slatic void nain(Stringll arss'
i948 t
1C49 SssionFactory factory= 6gw grr6.
,{ 950

s"""i- = r"cio,y.;;;;;:#;;1"0 "onnsureo
PName """"iln pNameo.
lBi? p.serhiriat(,S.);
1r.t53 p.setFirstName(..Abc..):
iri54 p.setLastName(.,X,2"t:
195$ Person pr= new person0i
t!5(i pr.serpersontd(111);
pr serDob(new Date0);
1:ri6 //assign pNarhe obje;t prson
ii4AJ Transaction Lr = session.begihTransaction0i
r96.? tx.commir0;
1964 factoryctose{);
1tr65 l
1966 )

Page 29 of 31
sekhaFhibernatg-xlqp!99r1.txt -- 3/19/2013 9:47"M
privale int employeeld;
privaie String employeeName;
privale int employeeSal:
private int deptNumber;
1.! t7 public int gelDeptNumber0 (
return deptNumber;
19t!r )
'19i;i' public void setOeptNumbe(int deptNumbe4 {
198',r th ls-deptNumbr = deplNumber;
1S8t )
l58r public String getEmployeeName0 {
1984 return employeeName;
1985 l
1986 public void stEmploteName(String employeeName) (
1537 this.employeeName = emploleeName;
1988 )
1C89 public int getEmployeeld0 {
rg9r return employeeld;
1991 ) public void setEmployeeld(int employeeld) {
1!!:i this.employeeld = employeeld;
1994 )
1iE5 public int getEmployeeSal0 (
1931 return employeeSal;
1$S7 )
19qe public void setEmployeSal(int employeeSal) {
1_49-q this.employeeSal = employeeSal;
zLtJ.i )
2r8n I
?,)ti: ------------"-----employee.hbm.xml
:a1l <!DOCTYPE hibe.nate-mapping PUBLIC "-/Hibernate,/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN'.
"htlp://hibernate.sourceforqe.neUhlbernate-maipino-3.0.dtd >
l,.Lir <!- employee.hbm.xml
liiiiii <hibernate-mapping> ->
it{)'' <class name='Employee" table=,,emptoyoe.'>
u.:ritl <cache usage="read-only''/>
<id name="employeld" column="empno"/>
<properly name="employeeName" column="ename'y>
<property name="employeeSal" colunm=!tsat'./>
?,.j i;: <property name="deptNumber" column="deptno.,/>

i </hibernate-mapping>
l': ------------,-,---hibernate.cfg.xrnt---
i9lrl <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuratlon PUBLIC
''-l/Hibernate/Hibernate Confi guration DTD 3.o//EN,
le lr
i " httpJ/www. hibernate.orq/dtd/hibern ate-confiou ration-3.0.dtd ">
:al! <!- hibernate.cfo.xml-->
: ail, <hibernate-confisuration>
,t\j l't <session-factory>
?t::2 <!-- connection properties ->
1'12 J <property name="connection.driver_class..>oractejdbc.OracteDriver</property>
lir:lr <property name="connection.urllill9i9E9!9ltbi!.1@lqeaL!99;lljzlsaly3</propertf>
.lliii <proprtyname=iiconnection.username">scott</property>
:t::r! <propertyname="conneclion.password..>tiger</property>
?{\21 <!-- hibernate propedies ->
2l2i <propertyname="dialect">org.hibernate.diatect.OracteDiatect</property>
729 <propertyname="show_sqt'>true</property>
ii;l:fl <proprty name=",,>update</properttA
l: : <property name="hibrnale.cache.provjder-class">org.hjbernare.cachs.EhcacheProvtder</DroDerlp ,P- rL-
lu r" <!-- mrpping fifes
=\: l,.c^4./ ba.v.e.-t V,b4!-.dve. U19_ jec^J - \e'!e .e-.!-;t)^4ai"4an:-'.',
?iJ33 <mapping resource="emptoyee-hbm.xmt..D z.( p,t4f-t t7t
2034 </session-factory> +ru.p
2035 </hibernate-configuration>

:03; <!-- ehcache.xml

:033 <dfaultcache $"a
r,l.e s.L+i-1 so"--
?44{i eternal="false" _> ey$cry\a! = 9or:' Med:j 6e
*t!4-!Lbj,j!qlegLa!plgsj?]tjl 3h9120139:47 PM

.:.-,I j ' timeToldleseconds="120"

' ' ,t timeToliveseconds="200"/>

:11I il maxElementslnMemorlF l0"

;4/lt etemal="fal6e"
.2111{i timeToldloseconds="8"
;r4r timeToliveseconds="300"
?0.18 l>
2049 </ehcache>

:0-ql //clientjava
?952 import org.hibernate.'i
;1053 import org.hlbernate.ctg.*;
205t publlc class cllent
2r)55 {
;:056 public static void main(String args0)
2C57 t
JDJJ} SessionFaclory factory=new Confisuration0.confisu re().buildSessionFactory0;
:{rtiil Session sesl = factoryopensession{);
?01i1 session ses2 = factoryopensessionO;
?r62 Session ses3=factoryopsnSession0;,
2r64 Employee e1={Employee)sesl.gel(Employee.class,7876);
2065 System.out.println(ol.getEmployeeName0);
:00ri sesl.crear0;
?067 System.out.println("ossioni cleared");
?&68 el:(Employee)sosl.get(Employee.clas6,7876);
,ia\l System.out.p.intln(e'l.getEmployeeName0);
;i)7al S!6tem.out.println("==============='l;
-t':'u t
ltti 4
'catch(Exceptlon e)
:,'r! Employee e2=(EmployGe)sss2.get(EmFloyee.cla6s,7876);
,i)11 S)'stem.out.ptintln("==========-==");
I'J8? trv
?!81 {
r85 )
')4t6 catch(Exception e)
nlttt {}
:it1li8,i Employee e3=(Employee)ses3.get(Employee.class,7876);
il.l9{r System.out.println(e3.getEmployeeNameo);
2!-q: ses1.close0;
?rlgi.l 3es2.close0;
,:ii9i ses3.closs0;
?n94 factory.close0;

Pase 3'l of 3l
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