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Dedication to the Spiritual Sun

Closing the Birthchannel of the Mothers

Version written for the Third and Fourth Hour

Of the “Twelve Hours of the Night” Mystery play

Dazzle Star
The Mystery Temple of the Dazzle Star 2010.

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This book contains material for the mystery play “The Twelve Hours
of the Night”. It is part of a collection of Egyptian mystery plays.

Text@ Dazzle Star

Closing ceremony
Version going with the Duat-Rituals

Necessities; music cosmic twins, chalice filled with water, seed stone, veil with
starts, tapers, altar light, 5 tea lights, tea light for everybody, bell, sons of Horus.

Four Mothers, Neith is at North, because

location of this ritual is the North pole.
Imperishable Stars.

Procession walks the labyrinth. The form a

middle circle around the altar, the imperishable stars
from a second ring around them

Outer circle stops. One by one name a star (Clockwise),

1. Mizar, 2. Bubhe, 3. Merak, 4. Alcor, 5. Etamin, 6. Gamma Draconis, 7. Alpa

Draconis, 8. Beta, 9. Epsilon Lyrae, 10. Castor, 11. Polux, 12. Altair, 13.
Vega, 14. Cepheus, 15. Algol, 16 Capella, 17. Alderamin, 18. Kochab, 19.
Pherkad, 20. Aliot, 21. Megrez, 22. Benetnasch, 23. Tau Hercule, 24. Alrai,
25. Yildrun

All We radiate the Eternal Light of Truth

Neith Raises the chalice

Selqet bell

All The Goddess hides her face behind the Veil of Stars
Neith Veils the Chalice

The Mothers
Holds hands so that a circle of winged goddesses is formed
in the middle.

I am Neith and I pass the morning and I pass the night of each day in making
protection for Duatmutef who is in me.

I am Selquet and I employ each day in making a protection for Qebsenuf
who is in me.

I am Nephtys and I hide the thing,
And I make a protection for Hapi who is in me.

I am Isis and I conquer the foe.
I make a protection for Imsety who is in me.

All The others hold hands so that a circle is formed around the
Four officers

We thank the Mothers

We embrace the Goddesses who gave birth to the Universe
The visible becomes invisible,
the birthchannel closes!

Neith Isis, Nepthys, Selqet

Raise their conopic gods facing outwards from the centre light

The stars at the Northern Heaven are lit forever, they Guard
the birthgate and remind us for always of the Secrets of Creation.

Let us thank the Four Elements and give them license to depart. Bow down
for the Sun at Midnight!!
Magus Takes the canopic God in her arms

I am the Goddess of the Inner Sanctuary of the Cosmos.

From the Words and the Light of the Creator
I send back the first element into the Nun.

Enclose the Canopic Cod in the wings (visualise)

I breathe the sweet breath

That comes forth from thy mouth.
I behold the Beauty everyday.
Give me the light,
I weave thy spirit,
In multitudes of crystals of light

Turn outwards
East Takes the canopic God in her arms

I am the Goddess of the Inner Sanctuary of the Cosmos.

From the Words and the Light of the Creator
I sent back the Second Element into the Nun.

Enclose the Canopic God in the Wings

I breathe the sweet breath

that comes forth from thy mouth
I behold thy Beauty every day.
Give me thy light,
I weave thy spirit,
In multitudes of crystal light

Turn outwards
South takes canopic God in het arms.

I am the Goddess of the Inner Sanctuary of the Cosmos.

From the Words and the Light of the Creator
I sent back the Third Element into the Nun.

Enclose the Canopic God in the Wings

I breathe the sweet breath

that comes forth from thy mouth
I behold thy Beauty every day.
Give me thy light,
I weave thy spirit,
In multitudes of crystal light
West Takes the canopic God in her arms

I am the Goddess of the Inner Sanctuary of the Cosmos.

From the Words and the Light of the Creator
I sent back the Fourth Element into the Nun.

Enclose the Canopic God in the Wings

I breathe the sweet breath

that comes forth from thy mouth
I behold thy Beauty every day.
Give me thy light,
I weave thy spirit,
In multitudes of crystal light

Neith Bend your arm and make your shoulders narrow.

Selqet Bell

• bow Together
• bow in turn towards the central altar,
• Spiral outwards in three rings

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