Aptis - Writing Practice

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Task 2 - You are a new member of a travel club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences.

Use 20-30
words. You have 7 minutes

Please tell us about the activities you enjoy doing when you travel and why you enjoy them.

Task 3 You are a member of the travel club. Youre talking to M. in the club chat room. Talk to
M. using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.
M: Hi! I hear you are a new member of our club now. I have been a member for about 6
months, after my mother gave me a years membership as a gift. Why did you join?
You .......................................................................................................................................

M: How do you feel about the club

You ...........................................................................................................................................
M: What do you like most about travelling?

Task 4 You are a member of the travel club. On your last visit to the club you saw the notice

Dear Members,

We regret to inform that from next month membership fees will go up by 10%. Also, we are
sorry to tell you that for the next two months there will not be any activities are the club
premises are going to be refurbished.
Please feel free to email us at management@travelclub.com

Write an email to a friend. Write about your feelings about the notice and suggest possible
alternatives. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.


Task 1 Fill in the form. You have 3 minutes.

Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5

Fisrt Name
Family Name
Date of Birth (day month year)

Task 1: you are going to take part in the competition for amateur film directors called Drama,
drama, drama. You are required to submit some persona information. Fill in the form. Full
Date of birth:
Language of your drama:
Genre of your drama:

Task 2 Yu are going to enrol for an Art for Beginners practical course. Complete the form
below ansering questions 1-5
Full name
Date of birth
First language
Preferable days:
Preferable time:
Preferable payment type
Interests (list 3)

Task 2 You are a new member of the Art for Beginners course. Fill in the form. Write in
sentences. Use 20-30 words. Ypu have 7 minutes
Please tell us about which skills you would like to learn during the course

Task 2 you have recently stayed at a hotel. The hotel has hased you to complete a feedback
form- Fill in the form. Wirte in sentences- Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes
Please tell us about the most pleasant experience curing your stay at out hotel

Task 3
Ypu have recently joined the local English Teachers society. You are talking to M in a car toom
of the club. Answer M sing complete sentences Use 30-40 words per answer. You have 10
minutes to complete all 3 answers.
M: Hi! I hear you are a new member of the club. Ive been a member for about a year now.
Why did you join:

M: How do you feel about the club?

M: what do you think about the calcellation of the story-telling competition for Form 5 pupils?

You ave recently jpoin a ccling club. You are talking to M in a chat room of the club. Answer M
using compelte sentences Use 30-20 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3
M: Welcome to the club! Ive been a member for about 2 years. Why did you join=
M How do you like it here?
Are ypu going o take part in the Marathon next month?

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