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Submitted to: Sir Dave Pita

Submitted by:
Sheila Hermosa
Kimberly Joy Rodriguez
Introduction in Canada

Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but also a parliamentary

democracy and a federation. Canada is the second largest country in the
world and a nation of great ethnic and cultural diversity. Ottawa is the
capital of Canada, their prime minister named Justin Trudeau he is the 23rd
prime minister in Canada at the same time he is also a leader of liberal
party. Canada is today a cultural mosaic made up of people who have come
from all around the world, because it is now populated with various people
and also they are colonized by the French and British. Canada is divided into
10 provinces which are Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Alberta, Nova
Scotia, New Founland and Labrador Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Few countries can compare with the
natural beauty, geographic diversity and wildlife of Canada. Canada has a lot
of beautiful and attracted destinations like Rocky Mountains, Banff national
park, Vancouver, Niagara Falls and many others. They also have great
natural resources that produce goods and services. It means that their
economy is absolutely good because they import and export some goods to
the other countries like the United States, Japan, European and others.
In Canada, the education is very high priority of the government.
They are very competitive in terms of education that will help you in the
future. Education across Canada is generally divided into four stages this are
pre-school or early childhood education, primary or elementary education,
secondary education and post-secondary or tertiary education, which
includes college and university programs and vocational/technical schooling.
Every province has their own educational system, they are separated in
conducting educational policy. Canada has not only sustained a quality
education but also they are popular in terms of tuition fees, they are lower
compared to the tuition fees in United States. This is one of the reasons why
people all over the world migrate in this country. And also, most of the
schools in Canada is private unlike with the other country. Private
institutions are not recognized nationally but recognized by the individual
provinces. Canada assures you that once you study there the quality and
high standards will be guarantee.

Divisions by religion and language

Every province has their own educational system and policy.

Primary education
Grade 1 (ages 67)
Grade 2 (ages 78)
Grade 3 (ages 89)
Grade 4 (ages 910)
Grade 5 (ages 1011)
Grade 6 (ages 1112)

Secondary education
Intermediate education
Grade 7 (ages 1213)
Grade 8 (ages 1314)
High School Education
Grade 9 (ages 1415)
Grade 10 (ages 1516)
Grade 11 (ages 1617)
Grade 12 (ages 1718)

Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
The Doctorate or PhD degree

Vocational Schools and Apprenticeships


Based on our own understanding Canada is rich and one of the

best places countries to pursue our higher studies because this country
provides world class education that generally recognized globally. The
educational system can play in promoting physical, cognitive, emotional and
social well- being and preventing poor mental health. The students that are
not willing or unable to attend classes regularly, they can provide or offer
alternative learning options so that student can study and learn something
as well as can apply job if they complete or finish the requirement hours.
Canadian government can fund the education and school can grant
scholarship according to the grades that student got. The higher grades the
higher money they receive.
As we observed public education in Canada is provided free to all
Canadians who meet various age and residence requirements. Each province
and territory has one or two departments/ministries responsible for
education. The ministries and departments provide educational,
administrative, and financial management and school support functions.
Public funding for education comes either directly from the provincial or
territorial government or through a mix of provincial transfers and local
taxes collected either by the local government or by the boards with taxing
And also, Canada is underperforms in the highest levels of skills
attainment. Canada produces relatively few graduates with PhDs and
graduates in math, science, computer science and engineering. More
graduates with advance qualifications in these fields would enhance
innovation and productivity growth and ultimately ensure a high and
sustainable quality of life for all Canadians.
Therefore, most of the people around the world would choose
Canada for education for it has been competitive for many years. They
assure everyone to help in achieving their goals in the future. Once you
study in Canada you are not only capable on applying jobs in a certain place
but also you can apply for a job that you wish for, because education in
Canada is globally competitive.
Differentiation of Canada and Philippines

Education in Canada surrounded by both publicly-funded and

private schools, children begin in school at the age of 5 or 6 and school
mandatory is until the age of 16 but in some provinces the mandatory age is
until 18. Every province has different educational system but it is similar to
one another and each province has district school boards that administer
education programs. Uniform are not very common to them but only private
schools enforce uniform while in public enforce a dress code. Student can
receive a scholarship for school according to their grades. The higher the
grades, the more money they receive.
The public schools are funded by the different provinces and
territories and most of the children are sending in public school and they
help students in their needs like breakfast, giving school supplies and
counsel while in private schools there are only 8% student go and many of
the private schools are religious. They have 4 levels of school the Pre-school
or Early childhood, Elementary, Secondary and Post-Secondary school which
is University or College and Vocational Schools and Apprenticeships. Every
school consists of different grades depending on the province in which one
The government provides the majority of funding, the remainder
of funding coming from tuition fees, the federal government, and research
grants. The institutions have the authority to grant academic credentials
(diplomas or degrees). Generally speaking, universities grant degrees
(bachelor's, master's or doctorate degrees) while colleges, which typically
offer vocationally oriented programs, grant diplomas and certificates. Most of
the students in Canada are in private schools. A minority of these is elite
private school and the larger portion of private schools is religious based
The K to 12 In Canada is almost entirely decentralized to the
provinces and territories. Canada does not have a federal department of
education and this absence of federal responsibility means each province or
territory is almost entirely responsible for the provision, funding, and
regulation of education. Each provincial and territorial ministry or
department of education determines curriculum standards, education
financing, teacher education, assessment, and other related issues.
The Canadas strength is in delivering a high-quality education with
comparatively modest spending to people between the ages of 5 and 19.
Canada needs to improve workplace skills training and lifelong education.
Canada also underperforms in the highest levels of skills attainment.
They also have separate educational system and private
educational institutions. The legislation and practices concerning the
establishment of separate educational systems and private educational
institutions vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Three jurisdictions provide
for tax-supported separate school systems that include both elementary and
secondary education. These separate school systems reflect the
constitutionally protected right to religious education for Roman Catholics or
Protestants, when either group is the religious minority in a community.
Public and separate school systems that are publicly funded serve about 93
per cent of all students in Canada. Six jurisdictions provide partial funding
for private schools if certain criteria, which vary among jurisdictions, are
met. No funding for private schools is provided in the other jurisdictions,
although they still may be regulated.
And the colleges and institutes are offering a range of vocation-
oriented programs in a wide variety of professional and technical fields,
including business, health, applied arts, technology, and social services.
Some of the institutions are specialized and provide training in a single field
such as fisheries, arts, paramedical technology, and agriculture. Colleges
also provide literacy and academic upgrading programs, pre-employment
and pre-apprenticeship programs, and the in-class portions of registered
apprenticeship programs. As well, many different workshops, short
programs, and upgrades for skilled workers and professionals are made
While in the Philippines, education is offering formal and non-
formal education. Formal education typically spans 14 years and is
structured in a 6+4+4 system: 6 years of primary school education, 4 years
of secondary school education, and 4 years of higher education, leading to a
bachelors degree. Children begin in school at age of 5. The primary
education spans 6 years in duration and is compulsory for all students. In
public schools, children generally begin school at age 6 or 7; however,
private schools typically start a year earlier and operate a seven-year
curriculum rather than a six-year curriculum.
Once a student successfully completes each of the six grades of
primary school, he or she is awarded a certificate of graduation from the
school they attended. There is no leaving examination or entrance
examination required for admission into the nations public secondary
schools. The curriculum is prescribed for both private and state schools.
There programs lead to either a certificate (Certificate of Proficiency) or a
diploma. On completion, students may take centrally-administered
examinations to obtain their diploma or certificate.
Most institutions of higher learning are regulated by the
commission for higher education. Public universities are government funded,
receiving the substantial portion of the annual budget. Higher education is
dependent on the possession of a high school Certificate of Graduation and
in some cases on the results of the National Secondary Achievement Test
(NSAT), or in many colleges and universities the results of their own
entrance examinations. There are essentially three degree stages of higher
education. Bachelor (Batsilyer), Master (Masterado) and PhD ((Doktor sa
Bachelor Degree programs span a minimum of four years in
duration. And certain bachelor degree programs take five years rather than
four years to complete. Master Degrees typically span two years for full-time
students, culminating with a minor thesis or comprehensive examination.
PhD Degrees also known as a Doctor of Philosophy, involve a great deal of
coursework, as well as a dissertation that may comprise from one-fifth to
one-third of the final grade.
And the K to 12 of the Philippines is still aiming the goal of the
government. To give every student an opportunity to receive quality
education based on an enhanced and decongested curriculum that is
internationally recognized and comparable. To change public perception that
high school education is just a preparation for college, rather, it should equip
one with the tools to take advantage of opportunities to seek a fruitful career
or employment, and/or self-employment in a rapidly changing and
increasingly globalized environment. Public schools in the Philippines is
funded by the government. All public schools and filled out by the school

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