NL - NR 4 Grecol

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Newsletter 4/4

June 2017

Work done
from February 2017
to June 2017

Meetings: 5-6-7

In this number:

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

1. Summary of work done from February 2017 to June 2017
[Meetings held in Riga (LT), Verona (IT) and Barcelona (ES)]
2. Dissemination and exploitation
3. Social media
4. Grecol Anthem

Grecol meetings: photos of group in Riga, Verona and Barcelona...

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Summary of the work done
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

1. Summary of the work done from February 2017 to June 2017

Meeting held in Riga 8-10 February 2017

Topics of discussion the followings:

Revision of modules: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 (Final revisions of modules will be
available in the new GRECOL Xerte account)
User Guide (English version) is being created by Latvia
Module Overview documents M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 (English version)
Dissemination/ e -twinning /webpage: Salvatore Filella gives explanations about
uploading dissemination activities via Google Form. Partners should continue to
enter events of dissemination via the form. Spanish Coordinator, being already
enrolled on the platform e-Twinning, will attempt to disseminate the project using
this tool and will contact partners.
Exploitation of materials [Each partner should create a short paragraph explaining
how they are going to use these materials (from teachers etc )]

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Summary of the work done
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Meeting held in Verona 18-19 May 2017

Presentation Summary of Europole and how it operates

Topics of discussion the followings:
Updating of carried out materials: modules in English and in national
languages (M1,M2,M3,M4,M5) in Xerte and in the web site
Spanish team engages itself to translate all modules into Spanish as well as
Catalan to guarantee a larger dissemination
The English version of Xerte content is inserted in Grecol website, versions
in national languages will be added in the following weeks as well as links
about Module Overviews.
To arrange organization of the last meeting in Barcelona each Partner
engages itself to send in advance two documents: 1. A short presentation of

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

its own organization 2. A summary of the work done in the project.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 3
Summary of the work done
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

Meeting held in Barcelona 13 June 2017

This meeting has been different from the others since it has been held as an
International Conference. The International Conference started with a welcome speech
by the headmaster of the school. The meeting went on with the presentations of each
partner in different manners: through speeches, slides and through Real Presence live
videoconference by the Danish Partner.
After that each partner organization presented its own work done in the project. M1
and 5 Spain, M2 Germany, M3 Denmark, M4 Turkey, User Guide Latvia, module English
language revision and Website United Kingdom, Dissemination and Exploitation with
graphics and charts and the Grecol Anthem Italy.
Some agreements have been defined about a few last commitments to be taken to an
end: completing the link into the website, updating the form of dissemination,
translating UG into national languages, updating the work completed and the work in
The Spanish group has planned a further implementation of the project inside the

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

eTwinning and EPALE Platforms.
Since two days later the international roaming would be abolished, for the occasion we
had the honour to have as guest a Lady representative of the European Commission in
Spain who was in charge to point out the event. The lady registered three interviews
from the following participants: Bernd Remmele, Salvatore Filella and Ivo Zambello.
Link for the interviews (look for the date 13th of June):

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 4
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line Dissemination and

2. Dissemination and exploitation

The final dissemination report is based on the dissemination activities undertaken by

the partners. The analysis has been done on a qualitative and quantitative
perspective. The quantitative aspect takes into account the number of activities, the
level of distribution and the number of persons / audience committed. The
qualitative one is based on the collected data about dissemination on the project
target groups.

The indicative measures have been recorded by adding all the activities undertaken
from all the partners. All the partners made a huge effort to valorize and make the
public aware of the project, its contents and its aims.
The incredible results achieved in these three years of work, clearly shows the strong
potential of the projects partnership which will ensure a future impact, in term of
involvement of the target groups in the following exploitation project dimension.

Our task therefore has followed 4 main streamlines:

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

A. Level of distribution
B. Distribution of the audience and number of participants
C. Target audience (quantitative and qualitative level)
D. Contents and context of dissemination.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 5
Social media
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

3. Social media used inGrecol

Grecol Google site

Xerte platform used in the project Grecol, proposed by

NESC-UK and installed in IOC-ES servers

A blog, a Facebook account and a Twitter account edited

by EUROPOLE-IT, created for Grecol dissemination
Twitter account:
Facebook pages:

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476
Closed group:
Blog address:,

An internet account in to collect all the

consulted resources created by IOC-ES

Google Drive used for collaborative work and a Google

Form, created under the responsibility of EUROPOLE-IT
to collect and organize all the dissemination activities

Moodle Platform of IOC- ES is used for communication

and collection of final documentation.

EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Grecol Anthem
Getting Ready for European Citizenship On Line

4. Grecol Anthem

As promised in the first meeting in Barcelona, the Italian partner has composed
and recorded the Grecol Project Anthem. It was presented in an audio-video
version at the International Conference in Barcelona the 13th of June 2017.
Composer: Ivo Zambello.

Refrain: We want to built a closer Europe

there's a way to feel all friends
'cause Europe grows like a forest
while trees arise far, the roots embrace each other

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

Barcelona: Cristina , David and Camino have transformed the kick off meeting in
Barcelona in a successful event: confidence, friendship and professionalism set
the tone for the first Grecol meeting.
Freiburg: University, Vauban neighbourhood and the Black Forest smell. Bernd,
Denise, Module two, delicious wines happy memories...

Nstved: schools at the forefront for distant learning...unforgettable
visit...Kristian, Anne and Pernille perfect guides, go flying experience over the
trees the climax...

Aberdeen: Phil, Iain and Brian and a really special school: theatre, hairdressers,
music, computer studies... Together with them we enjoyed North Sea splashes,
seafood taste and the harbour breeze.

Riga: at a cosy school Vivita and Loreta gave us a warm welcome in spite of cold
and frozen weather, the National Library a glass window over the Daugava river
and the city, old colourful buildings and nice people

Verona: Great review work leading Cristina, dissemination by Ivo and Salvatore
with Marina, Stefano and Guglielmo... a walk through the city Romeo and Juliet,
Arena, famous Mille Miglia car race, soccer fans and great friendly atmosphere....

You Tube Link:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grecol Partnership

Grecol Project Erasmus+ 2014-1-ES01-KA204-00476

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This
publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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