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Practicing English Study Tour


Name :

Atika Gita Pratiwi

NIP. 1337420614034




Thanks giving the writer said to the Allah SWT about yhe grace and the mercy. So that
the writer can finish this practicing English tour .
Tourist 1


About Liza :

Liza is young girl with beautiful face. She has white skin, stylish, and tall. She
twenty two years old. She used glasses, white sleeveles undershirt, jogger pants. Liza is
lecturer in Paris. She come from Paris, France and arrived in Indonesia on 8 October
2015. She would stay in Indonesia until 3 November 2015. She visited Borobudur with
her friend, Rebecca.

Tourist Opinion :

Liza thought Borobudur was awesome, beautiful, amazing and she like food in Indonesia.

My Opinion :

I think Liza is good person, friendly, and nice. She also funny and kind. I am
happy because I can talked and photo with her. I hope one day, i can meet her again.
Tourist 2


About Rebecca :

Rebecca is young girl with beautiful face. She has exotic skin, stylish, and short
hair. She twenty two years old. She used glasses, brown sleeveles undershirt, jeans pants.
Rebecca is lecturer in Paris. She come from Paris, France and arrived in Indonesia on 8
October 2015. She would stay in Indonesia until 3 November 2015. Rebecca want to
holiday in Indonesia. She visited Borobudur with her friend, Liza.

Tourist Opinion:

Rebecca thought Borobudur was awesome, beautiful, hot and she like food in
Indonesia. She thought that Indonesian people is friendly.

My Opinion :

I think Rebecca is good person, friendly, and nice. She also funny person like her
friend, Liza. I am happy because I can talked and photo with her. I hope one day, i can
meet her again.
Tourist 3


About Janet :

Janet is beautiful girl. She has white skin, white hair, and tall. She used blue
sleeveles undershirt, short pants. Janet is teacher in kindergarten. She come from
Netherlands. She would stay in Indonesia until 20 Oktober 2015. Janet want to holiday in
Indonesia. She visited Borobudur with her family.

Tourist Opinion :

Janet thought Borobudur was beautiful, hot, and historic place and she interest on
Indonesia. She thought that Indonesian people is friendly.

My Opinion :

I think Janet is kind person, friendly, and nice. I am happy because I can talked
and photo with her. I hope one day, i can meet her again.
This is My Group

My Group:

1. Rizky Swastika P
2. Atika Gita Pratiwi
3. Nur Maliya Sari
Criticisms and Sugggestion

I am happy because I learn English in a lot of knowedge that I can use in the future.
English language learning system I think is very good, thanks Mr.Gunung who always
patiently gave us science. I will always try to learn science, better so that I can be better and
more useful. Thank you for all the knowledge that has been given.


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