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OBITUARIES For the full versions of articles in this section see bmj.


Qiu Fazu
Pioneering transplant surgeon in China who was also honoured by Germany

One of the few doctors bridging success- as a teacher. He wrote Surgery, a nationwide
fully the wide gap between Western and standard textbook for Chinese medical stu-
Eastern medicine throughout his long life dents. In 1948 he founded and was the chief
of 94 years, Qiu Fazu was the first Asian editor of the first popular science journal,
to receive the highest German honour, Popular Medicine.
the Federal Cross of Merit, in 1985. He In 1978 he became deputy president of
is remembered in China and Germany as Wuhan Medical Institute and director of the
much for his personal courage as his medi- Organ Transplantation Research Institute. In
cal achievements. And he is one of few peo- 1981 he was appointed president of Wuhan
ple to have endured and resisted two terror Medical Institute. He never lost contact with
regimes: Nazi Germany and the Cultural his second home country and helped hun-
Revolution in China. dreds of German medical students to visit
Qiu Fazu was born in Hangzhou, and benefit from the experience of training
Zhejiang Province, China, in December in Wuhans hospitals. His support of the
1914. He decided to study medicine because exchange between Tongji and Heidelberg
his mother had died after mistreatment of University earned him an honorary doctor-
appendicitis. After his finals at the German ate from Heidelberg University in 1982.
School of Medicine in Shanghai, he went to However, life in China was very difficult
Munich with the help of a Humboldt schol- at times, especially in the 1960s, when the
arship, graduating from the medical fac- Cultural Revolution tried to eradicate privi-
Johnny Erling

ulty and receiving a German MD in 1939. leges and class differences. Qiu had to clean
Despite the German racism of the time, toiletsand this was the only time they were
Chinese people were not badly treated, really clean, he used to joke. The family
Qiu said when later remembering his time moned up his courage and told the troops, had to grow its own food, and he was sent
in Germany. These prisoners have typhoid fever. Let into faraway rural areas to provide medical
During the second world war, he worked me take them away. The prisoners were care for peasants.
as a surgeon in a Munich hospital trying released, and the doctors led them to the When life and the political climate
to rescue many victims of the bombing basement, saving their lives with careful improved again, the couple continued their
raids. He was later sent to a hospital in Bad nursing. modest life, with Qiu still practising and
Tlz, a spa town 50 km south of Munich, One of the German nurse students sup- teaching when needed.
where, in 1945, he encountered 40 prison- porting him was Loni, who became his wife He leaves his wife, Loni, and three
ers from Dachau concentration camp. They soon after the war was over. In 1946 she children.
were members of a huge group of prisoners accompanied her husband, who was home- Annette Tuffs
forced by the SS to leave the camp and go sick for China, first to Shanghai and later Professor Qiu Fazu, director, Organ
south as US troops advanced. to Wuhan. The couple remained devoted to Transplantation Research Institute, and president,
About 60 years later, Qiu remembered each other and had three children. Wuhan Medical Institute, Wuhan, China
clearly that he was getting ready to operate Back in China, Qiu introduced modern (b 1914; q Munich 1939), d 14 June 2008.
when a nurse shouted that there were many surgical techniques, and with his experience Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a812
prisoners from a concentration camp lying from Germany helped in setting up medi-
outside. He ran out of his room with his cal schools. Promoting the development of OBITUARIES continue on p 181
operation cap on, as he had already learnt abdominal and general surgery, he is consid-
what happened in the camp. More than 40 ered a surgical pioneer and the main founder Advice
ragged prisoners were squatting down on of organ transplantation surgery in China. We will be pleased to receive obituary notices of
around 250 words. In most cases we will be able
the ground in the corner of a street. Sick and In the 1970s he began the earliest research to publish only about 100 words in the printed
weak, they could not move any further. The programme on liver transplantationfrom journal, but we can run a fuller version on our
SS troops standing there shouted at them experimental study to clinical treatment website. We will take responsibility for shortening.
and ordered them to stand up. founding the first institute of organ trans- We do not send proofs. Please give a contact
I was shocked that they were not able to plantation in China. telephone number and, where possible, supply
move any further, Qiu recalled. He sum- He is also well known for his achievements the obituary by email to

180 BMJ | 19 july 2008 | Volume 337


Hospital in radiology, moving to The first from his school to study

Joseph Michel Gaston Assing Peter John Lennox Holt Leicester Royal Infirmary in 1960. medicine, Harold Holmwood
Former otorhinolaryngologist He officially retired in 1997, only to Reynard on qualification worked
Northampton, Coventry, and Sheffield be recruited some months later as a as a casualty officer throughout
(b 1921; q Bordeaux), died from locum to various peripheral hospitals the Blitz and served as a surgeon
bronchopneumonia on 23 May 2008. without the burden of administrative lieutenant in the navy. He was
Joseph Michel Gaston Assing was interference. His ability to get through consultant surgeon in Newark and
born in France and was in the French all the films, procedures, and reports Nottingham from 1955 to 1981 and
Resistance during the second was legendary, and he was kind and was instrumental in maintaining
world war. After qualification, helpful to his colleagues, especially a comprehensive general surgical
he moved to Chicago, where he junior staff. Predeceased by his wife service while teaching at the new
worked in otorhinolaryngology Former consultant rheumatologist in 1995, he leaves four children and Nottingham medical school. He
and general medicine. He then Manchester Royal Infirmary (b 1932; six grandchildren. was also a master of Meccano,
moved to England and did q Manchester 1957; DCH, FRCP, Matt James, Bob Graham winning prizes at national
otorhinolaryngology and general FRCPCH), d 26 February 2008. Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a768 exhibitions, and an active lay reader
medicine in Northampton, Coventry, After qualifying, Peter John Lennox in his local Anglican church for over
and Sheffield. He became diabetic Holt (Lennox) worked in Cambridge 40 years. Predeceased by his wife
but managed it in a disciplined way. and Birmingham. In 1966 he was Margery Lila Moncrieff of 66 years, Phyllis, he leaves three
Early in December 2006 he was senior lecturer at Hammersmith (ne Allen) children.
diagnosed as having motor neurone Hospital, joining the renowned P W Wenham
disease. He leaves a wife, Hedwig. academic department at Manchester Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a689
Hedwig Assing Royal Infirmary in 1973. He worked
Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a767 on collagen arthritis and ANCA-
associated vasculitis disease, Maxwell Stanley Sewell
eventually heading the department.
Reginald Frederick Bolam As reader, he was particularly proud
of developing the departments
paediatric specialty and training
future rheumatologists. He also Former general practitioner Lewisham,
wrote more than 150 papers and London (b 1927; q Royal Free 1951),
served on numerous academic died from a cerebrovascular accident
committees and editorial boards. on 11 January 2008.
After retirement he delivered After qualifying and six months of
occasional lectures and undertook obstetrics and gynaecology, Margery Former general practitioner Crouch
medicolegal work. Predeceased by Lila Moncrieff (ne Allen) moved with End, London (b 1929; q Leeds 1952),
Former locum consultant general his wife, Mary, in 1981, he leaves her husband, Gavin, to Northern died from lung cancer on 2 February
surgeon England and Wales (b four children and five grandchildren. Rhodesia (now Zambia), where 2008.
1924; q University College Hospital, Ruth Holt, Tom Warnes they initially worked for a mining Maxwell Sewell obtained a full
London, 1952; FRCS), died from Robert Bernstein company, Margery as a mine doctor. scholarship to study medicine.
cerebrovascular disease and epilepsy Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a751 On returning to the United Kingdom His house jobs were in Altrincham
on 28 July 2007. in 1961, Margery worked part time in General Hospital and as
Reginald Frederick Bolam (Reg) family planning and the Universities house physician in charge of a
was determined to become a Derek Conrad James Mission to Central Africa, and was dermatology ward at Newsham
surgeon, despite his right elbow school doctor for Mary Datchelor General Hospital, Liverpool. He did
becoming fixed after treatment for an School, Camberwell. She worked full two years of national service as a
early childhood injury. After wartime time in general practice from 1972 captain in the Royal Army Medical
service in the Fleet Air Arm in Malta to her retirement in 1985, and as Corps in Cyprus and Egypt, where
and Gibraltar, he studied medicine a clinical assistant in geriatrics at he specialised in venereology and
under a government scheme for Hither Green Hospital. Predeceased dermatology, dealing with several
returning service personnel whose by Gavin in 1998, she leaves four cases of leprosy. Although he
studies had been interrupted by the children and 12 grandchildren. loved dermatology, he decided on
war. During the 1960s and 70s Reg Clare Markham general practice, eventually taking
worked in the Middle East, and on Former consultant radiologist Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a750 over a practice in Crouch End that
his return to the UK he was a locum Leicester Royal Infirmary (b 1927; q had been a doctors surgery since
consultant surgeon covering the St Bartholomews Hospital 1950; FFR, the 1800s. He ran the practice
absence of one group of colleagues DLO, DMRD), d 21 January 2008. Harold Holmwood Reynard singlehandedly until the early
throughout England and Wales. He After qualification, Derek Conrad Former consultant surgeon 1980s, retiring in 1999. He leaves
leaves his third wife, Susan; three James was recruited to the Royal Nottingham General Hospital and a wife, Ruby; three children; and
children; and five grandchildren. Army Medical Corps and stationed Newark Hospital (b 1916; q Kings three grandchildren.
Susan Bolam in Hong Kong. On his return he College Hospital, London, 1940; MS, Helen Sewell
Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a668 obtained a post in Charing Cross FRCS), d 3 April 2008. Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a758

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