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Geography Department

Year 10

GCSE Geography
Student Handbook
OCR B GCSE Geography

2016 2017
Welcome to GCSE Geography

Welcome to your first fascinating and challenging year of GCSE Geography! This handbook is
designed to make your life at GCSE easier by acting as a ready-reference during your Geography
Over the next two years, you will be studying a very contemporary and relevant subject that will
prepare you exceptional well for life in the 21st Century. From the risks posed by earthquakes and
hurricanes to the development of cities of the future, you will study a broad and deep curriculum
that will engage, stimulate and support skills, decision-making and fieldwork.

So, what is Geography?

Your course has 3 parts:

Content % of total
PHYSICAL Our Natural World 35
Global hazards of weather and plate tectonics; climate change; coastal and river
landscapes of the UK; rainforest and polar ecosystems.
HUMAN People and Society 35
Cities and population; development; population, economy, politics and culture of the
UK in the 21st century; resources and food security.
EXPLORATION Decision Making Exercise 30

It is crucial that you approach these topics like a Geographer. So, you will learn to

Whats the plan for the course?

Year 10
Michaelmas Term 1 Global Hazards
Michaelmas Term 2 Dynamic Development
Lent Term 1 The UK in the 21st Century
Lent Term 2 Distinctive Landscapes
Summer Term Coastal Landscapes (including fieldwork in North Norfolk)
Year 11
Michaelmas Term 1 Urban Futures (including fieldwork in Cambridge)
Michaelmas Term 2 Climate Change
Lent Term 1 Sustaining Ecosystems
Lent Term 2 Resource Reliance
Summer Term Revision

How are you assessed in Geography?

At the end of Year 11 you will sit 3 papers:

Content Assessment % of total

PHYSICAL Our Natural World 70 marks 35
1 hour 15 minutes written paper
HUMAN People and Society 70 marks 35
1 hour 15 minutes written paper
EXPLORATION Decision Making 60 marks 30
Exercise 1 hour 30 minutes written paper

From the very start of your course it is worth thinking about how you will gain marks in each of
these assessments. This links perfectly to how you will learn to KNOW, THINK, STUDY and DISCUSS
these topics like a Geographer. And this is how your GCSE values those things

How to be successful at Geography:

% of overall GCSE in Geography
15 25 25 35

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