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Science for Life 9

VELS chapter grids

Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Living with acid Length of Unit: 3 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge and At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
understanding of: Your own experiment <www.science4life.
Students explain the (Chapter 1, p.1 Science for Life 9)>
behaviour and properties Science in your world
Practical Investigation Textbook
of materials in terms of What are some common acid
their constituent and bases? Properties of acids Chapter 1, Science
particles and the forces for Life 9
What are acids? (1.1) Changing colour
holding them together.
(Chapter 1, pp.25 Science for
They use atomic What are some common acids? Life 9) CSIRO
symbols and balanced What makes and acid an acid? <>
chemical equations to Practical Investigation
What are some properties of
summarise chemical acids? Using indicators Science Teachers
reactions, including (Chapter 1, p.6 Science for Life 9)
What are the procedures for Association of
handling acids? Victoria
Science at work What is a dilute acid and how is <
Measuring pH au>
They use the relevant one diluted?
(Chapter 1, p.6 Science for Life 9)
science concepts and Chemical reactions of acids.
relationships as one Practical Investigation Mad Scientists
What is a basic solution?
dimension of debating Network - 24hour
What are some common bases? Comparing antacids exploding
contentious and/or
ethically based science- Why are basic solutions as (Chapter 1, p.9 Science for Life 9) laboratory
related issues of broad dangerous as acidic solutions? Practical Activity <>
community concern. What is termed alkalis?

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Students formulate their Acid test (1.2) Teeth Quirky science
own hypotheses and (Chapter 1, p.10 Science for Life 9) activities
plan and conduct How can you test the acidity of <www.grandpapenc
investigations in order to something? Practical Activities
prove or disprove them. What is an acid-base indicator? Testing pool water ce.htm>
They use chemicals How can you determine the Testing soil pH
(including biomaterials), strength of an acid or base Design an experiment A Science Odyssey
equipment, electronic (alkalis)?
Acid rain Interactive - brain
components and Measure pH and the pH scale.
(Chapter 1, pp.1215 Science for probe, technology
instruments responsibly The chemistry of acids and Life 9) in the home, atom
and safely. bases. builder, radio
They select appropriate What pH means (power of the Practical Activity transmission
equipment and

Hydrogen ion). Neutralisation <

measurement procedures
Acids in your body (1.3) (Chapter 1, p.16 Science for Life 9) h/aso/tryit/>
that will ensure a high
degree of reliability in What are some acids in the Practical Investigation
data collected and enable ABC Science
human body? Making copper sulfate
valid conclusions to be Getaway
Stomach ulcers. (Chapter 1, p.18 Science for Life 9) <
The chemical process of ience/>
They present
digestion involving acids. End of chapter summary and test
experimental results
using appropriate data Indigestion. questions. ABC Science Lab
presentation formats, What are antacids (anti acids)? (Chapter 1, p.2021 Science for (Teachers)
and comment on the How are your teeth affected by Life 9) <
nature of experimental acids? bnotes/>
What is plaque? Over to youWorksheets
They use Material
Why it is important to look after (Chapter 1, Year 9, Macmillan Chemistry for kids
Safety Data Sheets
your teeth. website) <www.chem4kids.c
(MSDS) and risk
assessment to evaluate pH levels in the human body om/>
the safety of their and the importance of keeping
investigations. them balanced.
Over to you
They evaluate the Acids around us (1.4) (Chapter 1 Year 9)
appropriateness of the What are some common acids <www.science4life.
experimental design and we are exposed to?
methodology used to sID=5&intArticleID
investigate their pH of swimming pools.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
predictions. Water control and pH testing. =73&det=1>
How are plants affected by
differing pH levels in soil? Question test bank
Why is pH testing of soils <www.science4life.
How is the pH tested of soil? sID=5&intArticleID
pH in foods.
Acid rainwhat is it, how is it
caused, why is it an
environmental hazard?
Neutralise it (1.5)

What is chemical neutralisation?

Why is it important to neutralise
an acid or base?
How is an acid or base
Are there any solutions which
are considered neutral?
What are chemical reactants and
Key ideas and Checkpoint

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work collabo-
Learning ratively, negotiate roles
and delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content

knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make
Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete
tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by

identifying how their

message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Useful materials Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
Glue goo <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain the (Chapter 2, p.22 Science for Life 9)>
behaviour and properties Science in your world
Practical Investigations Textbook
of materials in terms of What are some everyday useful
their constituent materials? Making alcohol Chapter 2, Science
particles and the forces What is glue? for Life 9
Making soap
holding them together.
Carbon compounds (2.1) (Chapter 2, p.2325 Science for
Science at work Life 9) CSIRO
What is carbon chemistry? <>
They use chemicals Practical Activity
(including biomaterials), Molecular models and structural
formulae. Can water be made wetter? Australian Academy
equipment, electronic
components and The structure of alcohol and (Chapter 2, p.26 Science for Life 9) of Science
soap. <
instruments responsibly Practical Activities
and safely. qualityscience/midd
How soaps and detergents work.
Making plastic from milk leyears/WesternCov
They select appropriate What are wetting agents and can er.html>
equipment and Shaping plastic
water be made wetter?
measurement procedures Paperclip models
Plastics (2.2) A Science Odyssey
that will ensure a high Starch packing foam
degree of reliability in What are plastics and how do (Chapter 2, p.2730 Science for Interactive - brain
data collected and enable you get different types? Life 9) probe, technology
valid conclusions to be What do we use plastics for? in the home, atom
drawn. Practical Activities builder, radio
Synthetic plastics. transmission
They construct working Rubber latex
Polymers and polymerisation. <
models and visual aids Balloon kebab

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
that demonstrate Thermo-plastics and resins. (Chapter 2, p.3132 Science for h/aso/tryit/>
scientific ideas. The shaping of plastics. Life 9)
They use Material Advantages and disadvantages Practical Investigations ABC Science
Safety Data Sheets of plastics. Getaway
(MSDS) and risk Making fibres <
How have plastics caused Making rayon thread
assessment to evaluate ience/>
significant environmental
the safety of their (Chapter 2, p. 3335 Science for
investigations. Life 9)
The importance of reducing the ABC Science Lab
use of, reusing and recycling Practical Activity (Teachers)
plastics. Fibres under the microscope <
Biodegradable plastics. bnotes/>
(Chapter 2, p.34 Science for Life 9)
What makes a plastic

Activity ABC Radio

Safety glass National
Rubber (2.3)
(Chapter 2, p.37 Science for Life 9) Background
The rubber tree. Briefing: 30
Practical Activity January 2005
How do you get the stretch in
rubber its elastic properties? Making safety glass Nanotechnology:
What is vulcanisation? (Chapter 2, p.38 Science for Life 9) Nature's Toy Box
Rubber tyres and recycling /talks/bbing/stories/
them. End of chapter summary and test s1265574.htm>
Fibres (2.4)
(Chapter 2, p.4142 Science for New Scientist
Types of fibres (threads) Life 9)
nylon, silk, wool, cotton, etc. <www.newscientist.
Different types of fibres and com/home.ns>
Over to youWorksheets
how some are produced.
(Chapter 2, Year 9, Macmillan Over to you
How a spider makes silk.
website) (Chapter 2 Year 9)
How rayon thread is made.
What some fibres look like
close up (under the microscope). sID=5&intArticleID
Materialsold and new (2.5) =73&det=1>
Ceramics and their properties.
Question test bank
Glass and its differing

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
properties. <www.science4life.
How safety glass is made.
What are composite materials =11&det=1>
and what are some examples of
What is fibreglass and some if
its uses?
Carbon and Kevlar fibres.
Sandwich composites.
Key ideas and Checkpoint

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make

Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete
tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

language & conventions
in accordance with

Design, Investigating &

Creativity and designing
Technology Make critical decisions
on materials,
components &
Based on understanding
of properties &
characteristics of

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Nuclear technology Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge and At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an <www.science4life.
understanding of: Nuclear debate
Students explain the>
(Chapter 3, p.43 Science for Life 9)
behaviour and properties Science in your world Textbook
of materials in terms of Activity
How can nuclear technology be Chapter 3, Science
their constituent harmful and helpful? Persuasive writing and speaking for Life 9
particles and the forces The debate nuclear energy or (Chapter 3, p.44 Science for Life 9)
holding them together. other sustainable energies? Practical Activities CSIRO
They identify and Using nuclear technologies or
Mystery box model <>
classify the sources of not?
wastes generated, and Inside the atom
describe their What is the nuclear debate? Periodic Table
Isotope models

management, within the Inside the atom (3.1) <http://chemlab.pc.

community and in (Chapter 3, p.4548 Science for
What is the atom? Life 9) dic/Th.html#is>
industry. (Nuclear).
Models of the atom J.J. Practical Activities
Science at work Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr.
Chain reaction MaralingaOur
They use the relevant Rutherfords experiment. Own Shame
science concepts and (Chapter 3, p.49 Science for Life 9)
Structure of the atom The Maralinga
relationships as one subatomic particles. Practical Investigation Rehabilitation
dimension of debating Project
contentious and/or Other subatomic particles such Using a Geiger counter
ethically based science- as quarks. (Chapter 3, p.53 Science for Life 9)
related issues of broad What is an isotope? Newtons Apple
Activities <
community concern. What is a radioisotope?
Radioactive sources tons/>
They demonstrate an How different atoms are
awareness of the ways in identified. Chernobyl disaster
which scientific (Chapter 3, p.5355 Science for How Stuff Works
Splitting the atom (3.2) Life 9) <www.howstuffwor
vocabulary is used
incorrectly in the mass What are nuclear forces?>
Practical Activity
media, distinguishing What are some different types
between the intended of nuclear reactions? Radioactive decay model Australian Academy
meaning of such terms (Chapter 3, p.54 Science for Life 9) of Science
How is a chemical reaction
and their meaning in <
different to a nuclear reaction? Practical Activity
non-scientific contexts. qualityscience/midd
What is nuclear fission and what Atomic battery
They use chemicals leyears/WesternCov
type of elements are used for
(including biomaterials), (Chapter 3, p.58 Science for Life 9) er.html>
equipment, electronic
Copyright Macmillan Education 2006
Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
English Writing
Write argumentative
texts dealing with
complex ideas & issues.

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.

Working with the

strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
techniques and learning
habits and make
Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete

tasks, including learner-

directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Civics and Community engagement
Citizenship Articulate & defend own
Contest, where
appropriate, the opinions
of others
Draw on range of
resources, including
mass media, in relation
to social, environmental
& economic issues in
personal & global


Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: You are what you eat! Length of Unit: 2 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activities Website
Learning understanding students should have an
Nutrition <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain change Your digestive system>
in terms of energy in a Science in your world
(Chapter 4, p.64 Science for Life 9) Textbook
range of biological, Nutritional facts about a Big
chemical and physical Mac. Practical Investigation Chapter Four,
contexts. Science for Life 9
Digestion (4.1) Enzyme action
They explain how the (Chapter 4, p.67 Science for Life 9)
coordination and What is digestion? CSIRO
regulatory functions Parts of the digestive system. Practical Activity <>
within plants and Where does digestion begin? Digestion show and tell
animals assist them to (Chapter 4, p.67 Science for Life 9) A Science Odyssey
The mouth and its role in
survive in their Interactive brain
digestion. Activity
environments. probe, technology
The oesophagus and its role in
Science at work Summary table in the home, atom
digestion including the
peristalsis. (Chapter 4, p.68 Science for Life 9) builder, radio
Students describe the transmission
science base of science- The stomach and duodenum. Practical Investigations <
related occupations in The role of enzymes in the h/aso/tryit/>
Small intestine model
their local community. digestion process. Your own design
Students formulate their Digestion in other animals. (Chapter 4, p.7172 Science for Interactive body
own hypotheses and
Small and large intestine (4.2) Life 9) systems
plan and conduct
investigations in order to The difference between the Practical Activity
prove or disprove them. small and large intestine in Modelling molecules csite.nsf/pages/inter
They use chemicals humans food absorption. actbodysystems?

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
(including biomaterials), The role of the villi. (Chapter 4, p.72 Science for Life 9) OpenDocument>
equipment, electronic What happens in the small Practical Investigation
components and intestine? Diagrams of human
instruments responsibly Examining plants anatomy
What happens in the large
and safely. (Chapter 4, p.74 Science for Life 9) <www.enchantedlea
They select appropriate Practical Investigation
What happens to the undigested
equipment and anatomy/titlepage.s
food the body doesnt need Mineral deficiency
measurement procedures html>
that will ensure a high (Chapter 4, p.78 Science for Life 9)
degree of reliability in Plant food (4.3)
Activity Science Teachers
data collected and enable
How do plants obtain their Association of
valid conclusions to be Your energy needs
food? Victoria
drawn. (Chapter 4, p.79 Science for Life 9) <

What is a plants vascular

They construct working Practical Activity au>
models and visual aids
that demonstrate What is phloem? Food tests
scientific ideas. How is water transported (Chapter 4, p.79 Science for Life 9) Over to you
through a plant? (Chapter 4 Year 9)
They present Activities <www.science4life.
experimental results What is xylem?
using appropriate data Why are Australians getting
What is plant transpiration? sID=5&intArticleID
presentation formats, fatter?
Vitamins and minerals (4.4) =73&det=1>
and comment on the Body image
nature of experimental What is the difference between (Chapter 3, p.81 Science for Life 9)
errors. vitamins and minerals? Question test bank
They use Material Why do we require certain End of chapter summary and test
Safety Data Sheets vitamins and minerals? questions. sID=5&intArticleID
(MSDS) and risk What are our bodys daily (Chapter 4, p.8384 Science for =11&det=1>
assessment to evaluate requirements? Life 9)
the safety of their
What sort of foods do we get
these nutrients from? Over to youWorksheets
What is fibre and why is it (Chapter 4, Year 9, Macmillan
important to our body? website)
What sort of foods do you get
daily fibre requirements from?
Energy in food.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Daily energy requirements.
Healthy food pyramid.
Healthy eating (4.5)
Are you eating a healthy diet?
What is the BMI?
What is the waist/hip ratio?
What is considered obese?
Ways of avoiding obesity.
Why are Australians getting

Key ideas and Checkpoint


Physical, Personal Health and Health knowledge &

and Social physical promotion
Learning education They identify and
describe strategies that
address current trends in
the nutritional status of
They analyse and
evaluate the factors that
affect food consumption
in Australia.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interpersonal Working in teams
Development Students work
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner

Students work inde-

pendently to implement
a range of strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make
Managing personal
Students allocate

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

language & conventions
in accordance with

Design, Investigating &

Creativity and designing
Technology Make critical decisions
on materials,
components &
Based on understanding
of properties &
characteristics of

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit Name: Body balance Length of Unit: 2 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
No drugs <www.science4life.

understanding of:
They explain how the (Chapter 5, p.85 Science for Life 9)>
coordination and Science in your world
Activities Textbook
regulatory functions Taking drugs.
within plants and Function of the liver Chapter 5, Science
What are stimulants? for Life 9
animals assist them to Drugs
survive in their What are depressants?
What are hallucinogens? (Chapter 5, p.8688 Science for
environments. CSIRO
Life 9)
Science at work What are some other kinds of <>
drugs? Practical Investigations
They use the relevant
Balance in the body (5.1) Kidney dissection Interactive body
science concepts and
relationships as one Investigation urine systems
Which organs in the human
(Chapter 5, p.9193 Science for <www.betterhealth.
dimension of debating body keep homeostasis?
contentious and/or Life 9)
Regulation of glucose. csite.nsf/pages/inter
ethically based science-
Removal of amino acids. Activity actbodysystems?
related issues of broad
Regulation of the blood. Who gets the liver? OpenDocument>
community concern.
Students formulate their Removal of toxic substances in (Chapter 5, p.93 Science for Life 9)
own hypotheses and the body. A Science Odyssey
Practical Activities Interactive brain
plan and conduct Fats and bile.
investigations in order to Test your nervous system probe, technology
The function of the liver in the home, atom
prove or disprove them. Tickle yourself
Hormones in the body. builder, radio
They use chemicals Looking at nerves
The excretory system (5.2) transmission
(including biomaterials), (Chapter 5, p.96 Science for Life 9)

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
equipment, electronic What is the excretion of <
components and unwanted substances? h/aso/tryit/>
instruments responsibly Interpreting diagrams
What are some unwanted
and safely. substances in the human body? Writing a poem How Stuff Works
They select appropriate What is metabolism? (Chapter 5, p.9899 Science for <www.howstuffwor
equipment and Life 9)>
The function of the kidneys and
measurement procedures
bladder. Practical Activity
that will ensure a high Over to you
degree of reliability in What is urea and urine? Plant responses (Chapter 5 Year 9)
data collected and enable Excretion in other animals. (Chapter 5, p.101102 Science for <www.science4life.
valid conclusions to be What are some problems if the Life 9)
drawn. kidneys or liver doesnt function sID=5&intArticleID
Practical Investigation
They present properly? =73&det=1>

experimental results Designing an experiment

The nervous system (5.3) (Chapter 5, p.102 Science for
using appropriate data Question test bank
presentation formats, What is the nervous system? Life 9)
and comment on the How does the body respond to
nature of experimental stimuli? End of chapter summary and test sID=5&intArticleID
errors. What is a neurone and what questions. =11&det=1>
does it often consist of? (Chapter 5, p.104105 Science for
What is the difference between Life 9)
sensory and motor neurones?
What is a reflex action? Over to youWorksheets
What is a synapse? (Chapter 5, Year 9, Macmillan
The CNS and PNS. website)
The parts of the CNS and the
The nervous systems of other
The endocrine system (5.4)
What is the endocrine system?
What are endocrine glands and
where are they located?
What are hormones and their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
roles in the human body?
What is a feedback mechanism?
The menstrual cycle.
Plant hormones (5.5)
Do plants have hormones?
What are gibberellins?
What are cytokinins?
What is ethylene?
How do plants flower?
Key ideas and Checkpoint


Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

language & conventions
in accordance with

Design, Investigating &

Creativity and designing
Technology Make critical decisions
on materials,
components &
Based on understanding
of properties &
characteristics of

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Natural cycles Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
Natural cycles <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain change (Chapter 6, p.107 Science for>
in terms of energy in a Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
range of biological, Rising temperatures do we
chemical and physical Activity Chapter 6, Science
need to be concerned?
contexts. Food chain for Life 9
Matter cycles (6.1)
They explain how the (Chapter 6, p.108 Science for
coordination and What is a habitat? Life 9) CSIRO
regulatory functions What are adaptations <>
Practical Investigation
within plants and behavioural, structural and
animals assist them to functional? Model ecosystem Australian Academy
survive in their What is a food chain and how is (Chapter 6, p.109 Science for of Science
environments. it different to a food web? Life 9) <
Science at work What are some examples of Activity qualityscience/midd
food chains? leyears/WesternCov
Students describe the Energy pyramids er.html>
science base of science- What is photosynthesis and (Chapter 6, p.112 Science for
related occupations in respiration - the chemical
Life 9) ABC Science
their local community. process (structure) of each?
What are producers and Practical Activity Getaway
They use the relevant
consumers? <
science concepts and Energy in food
relationships as one Self-sustaining ecosystems. (Chapter 6, p.113 Science for
dimension of debating Aerobic and anaerobic Life 9)
contentious and/or ABC Science Lab
respiration. Practical Activities
ethically based science- (Teachers)

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
related issues of broad Energy cycles (6.2) The cycling of matter <
community concern. Carnivorous plants bnotes/>
What are some of our Earths
They use chemicals (Chapter 6, p.115116 Science for
energy cycles?
(including biomaterials), Life 9) New Scientist
equipment, electronic What are trophic levels? <www.newscientist.
components and Constructing energy pyramids. Activity com/home.ns>
instruments responsibly How can you determine the El Nio and La Nia
and safely. energy in food? (Chapter 6, p.118 Science for Sustainable energy
They construct working
Carbon and nitrogen cycles (6.3) Life 9) and the environment
models and visual aids <www.sustainablee
that demonstrate The carbon cycle. Activities
scientific ideas. The nitrogen cycle. Coral reef ivity/

Balancing these cycles. Would you change? ml>

Earths air and oceans (6.4) Environmental case study
(Chapter 6, p.121124 Science for Science Teachers
What is the ozone layer? Life 9) Association of
What else surrounds the Earth? Victoria
What is the magnetosphere? <
End of chapter summary and test
The Earths greenhouse and the questions.
greenhouse effect. (Chapter 6, p.125126 Science for
The Earths oceans. Life 9) Earthwatch
Education and
The El Nio and La Nia.
Human impact (6.5) Over to youWorksheets <www.southeastwat
(Chapter 6, Year 9, Macmillan
The hole in the ozone layer.
website) x.asp?link_id=30>
CFCs and other pollutants.
What are some future Wild watch
possibilities? <
Greenhouse gases. ildwatch/>
Melting ice.
What can be done micro and Environment
macro level. <www.environment.>
Key ideas and Checkpoint

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Environmental Park

ABC Natural



Over to you
(Chapter 6 Year 9)

Question test bank


Geography Geospatial skills

Accurately interpret
information on different
types of maps &
photographs at a range
of scales.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Use map evidence to
support explanations,
draw inferences &
predict associated

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks

in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make
Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing

priorities and complete

tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Wide range of
communication forms.
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Light and sight Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
Building an optical device <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain change (Chapter 7, p.127 Science for>
in terms of energy in a Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
range of biological, How do you see the world?
chemical and physical Practical Activities Chapter 7, Science
Optical devices. for Life 9
contexts. Light and shadow
Reflection and mirrors (7.1) Law of reflection
Science at work
What is light? Curved mirrors CSIRO
They use chemicals <>
(including biomaterials), How does light travel? (Chapter 7, p.128129 Science for
equipment, electronic Natural and artificial sources of Life 9)
light. Light that travels
components and Practical Activities
instruments responsibly Transparent, translucent and faster than light!
Light tricks <www.eurekalert.or
and safely. opaque materials.
Critical angle g/emailrelease.php?
They select appropriate Reflection of light. file=epfd-
equipment and The law of reflection. Model optical fibre ltt081905.php>
measurement procedures (Chapter 7, p.131132 Science for
that will ensure a high Images produced by mirrors.
Life 9)
degree of reliability in Curved mirrors convex and Science Teachers
data collected and enable concave. Practical Investigation Association of
valid conclusions to be Refraction and lenses (7.2) Investigation lenses Victoria
drawn. <
(Chapter 7, p.133 Science for
What is refraction of light? au>
They use chemicals Life 9)
(including biomaterials), What is the refractive index of a
material/ Activity ABC Science
equipment, electronic

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
components and How are mirages formed? Drawing ray diagrams Getaway
instruments responsibly What is meant by the critical (Chapter 7, p.134 Science for <
and safely. angle of a material and what is Life 9) ience/>
total internal reflection?
Practical Activity
How do optical fibres work? ABC Science Lab
Investigation your sight (Teachers)
What are some different types
of lenses and what are their (Chapter 7, p.135 Science for <
Life 9) bnotes/>
Converging and diverging Practical Investigation
lenses. Newtons Apple
Dissecting an eye <
How to do ray tracing diagrams. (Chapter 7, p.136 Science for tons/>
Life 9)

Eyes and seeing (7.3)

How does the human eye work? Practical Activities How Stuff Works
What are the parts of the human Rainbow colours <www.howstuffwor
Milky sky
What are some common eye Seeing colours
defects and how can they be Over to you
(Chapter 7, p.140142 Science for (Chapter 7 Year 9)
corrected? Life 9) <www.science4life.
How do contact lenses work?
Practical Activities
What is colour blindness? sID=5&intArticleID
What are cataracts? Laser pointer
Colour (7.4)
(Chapter 7, p.143144 Science for Question test bank
Why do we see different Life 9) <www.science4life.
How is a rainbow formed? End of chapter summary and test sID=5&intArticleID
What is the spectrum of white questions. =11&det=1>
lights visible colours? (Chapter 7, p.146147 Science for
Why do we have blue skies and Life 9)
red sunsets?
How is white light split up Over to you - Worksheets
(dispersion)? (Chapter 7, Year 9, Macmillan
Mixing light colours. website)

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Seeing colours absorption and
reflection of colours.
Coloured filters.
Light waves (7.5)
How does light travel?
Light is a form of radiation.
How do lasers work?
What are some uses of lasers?
How is light polarised?
Polarised sunglasses.

Key ideas and Checkpoint


Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make

Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete
tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: It works like this Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
understanding of: Making an electrical device <www.science4life.
Students explain change (Chapter 8, p.148 Science for>
in terms of energy in a Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
range of biological, What are some every day
chemical and physical Practical Investigation Chapter 8, Science
electronic devices?
contexts. Electromagnet for Life 9
Electromagnets (8.1)
They give both (Chapter 8, p.149 Science for
qualitative and What is an electromagnet? Life 9) CSIRO
quantitative explanations What is a solenoid? <>
Practical Activities
of the relationships What are some uses for
between force, mass and electromagnets? Electric motor A Science Odyssey

movement. Loudspeaker Interactive brain

The Maglev chain.
Science at work Metal detectors. Generating electricity probe, technology
(Chapter 8, p.151152 Science for in the home, atom
They use chemicals The electric bell.
Life 9) builder, radio
(including biomaterials), How an electric motor works. transmission
equipment, electronic Activity
How loudspeakers work. <
components and
Connecting up electric circuits h/aso/tryit/>
instruments responsibly How electric generators work.
and safely. How electric guitars work. (Chapter 8, p.154 Science for
Life 9) ABC Science
They select appropriate What is magnetic music?
equipment and What are transformers and their Practical Activity
measurement procedures uses? Charging a capacitor ience/>
that will ensure a high
degree of reliability in World of electronics (8.2) (Chapter 8, p.155 Science for
data collected and enable What is termed electronics? Life 9) ABC Science Lab
valid conclusions to be Practical Investigations (Teachers)
How do you connect electric
drawn. <
circuits together? Investigating diodes
They present bnotes/>
What are some circuit symbols? Investigating transistors
experimental results
using appropriate data The capacitor. (Chapter 8, p.156157 Science for <
presentation formats, Diodes what they are the Life 9) tons/>
and comment on the different types. Practical Activities
nature of experimental Transistors npn, etc. How Stuff Works
errors. Making a telephone
Integrated circuits and <www.howstuffwor
A communication system>
(Chapter 8, p.159161 Science for

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Mathematics Number
Use calculators for
arithmetic computations
involving several
operations on natural or
rational numbers, & for
rational approximations
of irrational numbers of
any size, including
numbers expressed in
scientific notation.
Working mathematically

Represent relationships
in mathematical terms.

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work collabo-
Learning ratively, negotiate roles
and delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make

Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and
identify and utilise
appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete
tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Forensics Length of Unit: 23 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science at work At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning students should have an
Students describe the Whos guilty? <www.science4life.

understanding of:
science base of science- (Chapter 9, p.169 Science for>
related occupations in Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
their local community. How can you determine if
Activities Chapter 9, Science
They use the relevant someone is guilty from
science concepts and forensics? Marilyn Monroe for Life 9
relationships as one What is an autopsy? First on the scene
dimension of debating Role play observation CSIRO
contentious and/or Forensics (9.1) <>
(Chapter 9, p.170172 Science for
ethically based science- What is forensic science? Life 9)
related issues of broad What is forensic medicine? ABC Science
community concern. Practical Investigation Getaway
What is forensic pathology?
Students formulate their Making casts <
What is the coroner and
own hypotheses and (Chapter 9, p.173 Science for ience/>
plan and conduct Life 9)
investigations in order to Why is it important to secure a
crime scene? ABC Science Lab
prove or disprove them. Practical Activity
They use chemicals How is a crime scene secured? Comparing soil <
(including biomaterials), What sort of observations need (Chapter 9, p.174 Science for bnotes/>
equipment, electronic to be made? Life 9)
components and Shoeprints, treads and scratches.
Practical Activities New Scientist
instruments responsibly
Soil investigation. <www.newscientist.
and safely. Hair and fibres com/home.ns>
They present Hair, fibre and glass (9.2) Glass analysis

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
experimental results How is hair used as evidence? (Chapter 9, p.176 Science for Chemistry for kids
using appropriate data What sorts of fibres are Life 9) <www.chem4kids.c
presentation formats, investigated? om>
and comment on the
Forensics of glass. Interpreting evidence
nature of experimental Science Teachers
errors. How evidence can be (Chapter 9, p.177178 Science for Association of
interpreted. Life 9) Victoria
Blood and DNA (9.3) Activities <
What is DNA? au>
O.J. Simpson
Forensics of blood. DNA profiles Over to you
DNA profiling. (Chapter 9, p.181182 Science for (Chapter 9 Year 9)
Is DNA profiling accurate? Life 9)

Fingerprints and ink (9.4) Practical Activity
Are all fingerprints unique? UV light and stains =73&det=1>
Forensic fingerprinting. (Chapter 9, p.182 Science for
Forgery and altering Life 9)
Question test bank
documentation. Practical Activities <www.science4life.
Your own fingerprints
Key ideas and Checkpoint Forgery =11&det=1>
questions (Chapter 9, p.182185 Science for
Life 9)
Identical twins
(Chapter 9, p.183 Science for
Life 9)
Practical Investigation
(Chapter 9, p.184 Science for
Life 9)

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
End of chapter summary and test
(Chapter 9, p.188189 Science for
Life 9)

Over to youWorksheets
(Chapter 9, Year 9, Macmillan

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,

negotiate roles and

delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.
The individual learner
Students work
independently to
implement a range of
strategies, as
appropriate, to maximise
their learning.
Students seek and
respond to feedback
from peers, teachers and
other adults to develop
and refine their content
knowledge and
identifying areas for

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
further investigation.
They evaluate the
effectiveness of their
learning strategies, study
techniques and learning
habits and make
Managing personal
Students allocate
appropriate time and

identify and utilise

appropriate resources to
manage competing
priorities and complete
tasks, including learner-
directed projects, within
set timeframes.
(Activities, Practical
They take responsibility
for their learning
environments, both at
school and at home,
anticipating the
consequences of their

Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Mining Length of Unit: 2 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
A resource <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain the (Chapter 10, p.190 Science for>
behaviour and properties Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
of materials in terms of Why study mining?
their constituent Practical Activity Chapter 10, Science
What is a natural resource? for Life 9
particles and the forces Metal and their ores
holding them together. Ores, minerals and metals (10.1) (Chapter 10, p.191 Science for
They identify and What are some naturally Life 9) CSIRO
classify the sources of occurring resources minerals? <>
Practical Investigation
wastes generated, and What are ores, minerals and
describe their metals? Metal reactivity ABC Science
management, within the
Native metals and compounds. (Chapter 10, p.192 Science for Getaway
community and in Life 9) <
industry. Changing metals (10.2) ience/>
Practical Activity
Science at work Slag and smelting.
Properties of alloys
Students describe the Metal alloys and their ABC Science Lab
(Chapter 10, p.195 Science for
science base of science- properties. (Teachers)
Life 9)
related occupations in Heat treatment of metals <
their local community. annealing, normalising, Practical Investigation bnotes/>
They use the relevant quenching, tempering. Quenching, normalising and
science concepts and tempering New Scientist
Mining (10.3)
relationships as one (Chapter 10, p.196 Science for <www.newscientist.
dimension of debating What sorts of materials are com/home.ns>
Life 9)
contentious and/or mined?

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
ethically based science- Mining of coal and its uses. Activity Earthwatch
related issues of broad Types of miningopen cut Education and
community concern. Drawing pie charts Environment
mining, underground mining.
They use chemicals (Chapter 10, p.197 Science for <www.southeastwat
Where do we mine in Australia? Life 9)
(including biomaterials),
equipment, electronic Processing the ore (10.4) x.asp?link_id=30>
components and How is copper made?
instruments responsibly Flow diagrams
What is froth flotation? Sustainable energy
and safely. Mines in Australia and the environment
Making iron. (Chapter 10, p.199200 Science for <www.sustainablee
They select appropriate
equipment and Making steel. Life 9)
measurement procedures Steel products and its uses. Practical Activity ivity/
that will ensure a high ml>

What is electroplating?
degree of reliability in Froth flotation
data collected and enable Mining and the environment (Chapter 10, p.202 Science for Over to you
valid conclusions to be (10.5) Life 9) (Chapter 10 Year 9)
drawn. Does mining affect the Practical Investigation <www.science4life.
They present environment?
Making lead
experimental results Water at mine sites. sID=5&intArticleID
using appropriate data Comparing steel products =73&det=1>
What is leaching?
presentation formats, Electroplating
How is the air quality affected?
and comment on the (Chapter 10, p.203204 Science Question test bank
nature of experimental Key ideas and Checkpoint for Life 9) <www.science4life.
errors. questions
They use Material sID=5&intArticleID
Safety Data Sheets Weipa case study =11&det=1>
(MSDS) and risk (Chapter 10, p.206 Science for
assessment to evaluate Life 9)
the safety of their
investigations. End of chapter summary and test
(Chapter 10, p.209210 Science for
Life 9)

Over to youWorksheets
(Chapter 10, Year 9, Macmillan

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams
and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.

Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Restless Earth Length of Unit: 2 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
understanding of: Building a model <www.science4life.

Students apply concepts (Chapter 11, p.211 Science for>

of geological time to Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
elaborate their What do you know about
explanations of both Activities Chapter 11, Science
natural selection and Journey to the centre of the Earth for Life 9
Have there been any recent
evolution, and the origin events in the media lately? Convection currents
and evolution of the CSIRO
Inside the Earth (11.1) Earth diagrams
Universe. <>
Modelling the crust and the
They give both What is inside the Earth?
qualitative and The layers of the Earth. Earthquakes
quantitative explanations (Chapter 11, p.213214 Science for
What causes the Earths crust to Life 9) <
of the relationships mon>
between force, mass and Activities
movement. Convection currents in the
mantle. Polar dinosaurs Volcanoes
Science at work Evidence for continental drift <
Continental drift (11.2) u/gvp/usgs/>
Students formulate their (Chapter 11, p.216217 Science for
own hypotheses and What is continental drift? Life 9)
plan and conduct What was considered as Earthwatch
investigations in order to Gondwana? Activities
Education and
prove or disprove them. Cartoon captions Environment
Plate tectonics (11.3)
They use chemicals Plotting earthquakes and <www.southeastwat
(including biomaterials), What are tectonic plates? volcanoes
equipment, electronic Is there evidence for this Earthquakes in Australia x.asp?link_id=30>

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
components and theory? Core sampling
instruments responsibly What is GPS? (Chapter 11, p.221222 Science for Scienceworks
and safely. Life 9) Museum
Earthquakes, volcanoes and
They construct working mountains <
Activity au/scienceworks/>
models and visual aids
Do we have earthquakes or
that demonstrate Drawing rock diagrams
volcanoes in Australia?
scientific ideas. (Chapter 11, p.225 Science for Over to you
What is core sampling? Life 9) (Chapter 11 Year 9)
Folding and faulting (11.4) Activity <www.science4life.
What is folding and faulting?
Impact of volcanoes and sID=5&intArticleID
Anticline and syncline. earthquakes =73&det=1>
Some examples in the world of (Chapter 11, p.228 Science for

folding. Life 9) Question test bank

Types of faulting and examples <www.science4life.
in the world of such. End of chapter summary and test
Finding minerals in folds and questions. sID=5&intArticleID
faults. (Chapter 11, p.230231 Science for =11&det=1>
Drawing rock diagrams. Life 9)
Impact of Earth movements
(11.5) Over to youWorksheets
Impact and effects of the Earths (Chapter 11, Year 9, Macmillan
movements tsunamis, website)
earthquakes, mud slides,
volcanic eruptions, etc.
Volcanic eruptions Mt.
Vesuvius, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. St.
Helens, etc.
Volcanic ash clouds.
Benefits of volcanoes.
Key ideas and Checkpoint

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Geography Geospatial skills
Accurately interpret
information on different
types of maps &
photographs at a range
of scales.
Use map evidence to
support explanations,
draw inferences &
predict associated

Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.

Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &

Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Year level: 9 Unit/Chapter Name: Space trek Length of Unit: 3 weeks

Learning Domain, Dimension and

Standard Teaching:
Learning Activities/
Strand Unit Concepts/Key Resources
Domain Dimension and Questions
Learning Standard

Disciplined-based Science Science knowledge & At the completion of this unit Activity Website
Learning understanding students should have an
Space trek <www.science4life.

understanding of:
Students explain change (Chapter 12, p.232 Science for>
in terms of energy in a Science in your world Life 9) Textbook
range of biological, How vast is space?
chemical and physical Practical Activity Chapter 12, Science
What space treks do you know? for Life 9
contexts. Observing sunspots
Students apply concepts Our nearest star (12.1) (Chapter 12, p.234 Science for
of geological time to The Sun (Sol) is a star. Life 9) CSIRO
elaborate their What does the Sun consist of? <>
explanations of both
What type of star is the Sun? Galaxy zoo
natural selection and Australian Academy
evolution, and the origin In relation to the Earth, how big (Chapter 12, p.236 Science for
of Science
and evolution of the is our Sun? Life 9) <
Universe. The stormy surface of the Sun. qualityscience/midd
Practical Activities
Science at work Sunspots and solar flares. leyears/WesternCov
Red hot-white hot er.html>
They use chemicals Galaxies galore (12.2)
A model pulsar
(including biomaterials), What is a galaxy?
(Chapter 12, p.238241 Science for Search Sedna
equipment, electronic
What galaxy are we in Milky Life 9) discovery
components and
Way. <www.universetoda
instruments responsibly Activities
and safely. What shape is the Milky Way>
and how have astronomers Star types
They select appropriate
arrived at this conclusion? Observing the night sky How Stuff Works
equipment and
measurement procedures What is a light-year? (Chapter 12, p.238242 Science for <www.howstuffwor

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
that will ensure a high Types and shapes of galaxies. Life 9)>
degree of reliability in A universe of galaxies. Practical Investigation
data collected and enable Milky Way
What is a nebula? Observing spectra
valid conclusions to be <
drawn. How is the universe viewed? (Chapter 12, p.239 Science for
They construct working Radio telescopes. Life 9) e/mw.html>
models and visual aids Telescopes in space. Activities
that demonstrate
Stars (12.3) Communicating with ET Getaway to all
scientific ideas.
They present Types of stars. SETI at home observatories
experimental results What is a stars luminosity? (Chapter 12, p.243244 Science for <www.astronomy.or
using appropriate data How are stars compared? Life 9)>
presentation formats,

Spectra of stars. Practical Activity

and comment on the
nature of experimental Birth of stars. Wobbling star Space animated
Red giants. explanations
errors. (Chapter 12, p.245 Science for
Supernovas. Life 9)>
Pulsars. Activity
Black holes. Interpreting evidence Space Science
Observing the night sky. (Chapter 12, p.177178 Science for Institute
The search for ET (12.4) Life 9) <www.spacescience
What is the term Activities iculumDevelopment
extraterrestrial? Expanding universe model /1.html>
Do they exist what evidence Time travel
do scientists have?
(Chapter 12, p.246248 Science for NASA Goddard
What is SETI? Life 9) space flight centre
Hunting for planets. <http://imagine.gsfc
Alien life. End of chapter summary and test
questions. l>
Is there any truth in science
fiction films? (Chapter 12, p.251252 Science for
Life 9) NASA Goddard
The Big Bang (12.5) space flight centre
The expanding universe model. Over to youWorksheets (teachers corner)
(Chapter 12, Year 9, Macmillan <http://imagine.gsfc
The Steady State Theory.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
The Big bang Theory. hers/teachers_corner
Is there any evidence for the Big .html>
Bang theory?
How the solar system was A beginner's guide
formed hypothesis. to the Heavens in
The future of the universe. the Southern
Time travel what is it and is it <www.dibonsmith.c
possible? om/downunder.htm
Wormholes. >
Key ideas and Checkpoint
questions Over to you

(Chapter 12 Year 9)

Question test bank


Physical, Personal Interpersonal Working in teams

and Social Development Students work
Learning collaboratively,
negotiate roles and
delegate tasks to
complete complex tasks
in teams.
Working with the
strengths of a team they
achieve agreed goals
within set timeframes.

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau
Science for Life 9
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing &
Learning responding
Convey meaning by
identifying how their
message has been
Subject specific
Wide range of
communication forms.

language & conventions
in accordance with

Copyright Macmillan Education 2006

Written by Heidi Ruhnau

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