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Baseline Analysis
Procedural Guidelines
n Marcelline A. Ciuffreda, B.A.a graphs to a new level and then remained logical/ocular disease progression effects,
n Kenneth J. Ciuffreda, O.D., Ph.D.b constant (6.5%), (4) progressively de- etc.).
n Daniela Santos, B.S.c creased and plateaued after three trials However, there is relatively little in-
(17%), or (5) progressively increased and formation in the literature relating to the
a. The New England College of Optometry, 424 plateaued after three trials (7%). The re- topic of stable and valid baseline estab-
Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115, optometry
sults suggest that with full instructions and lishment.1 Only the Taylor,2,3 Griffin and
b. SUNY/State College of Optometry, Depart-
procedural guidelines, at least three prac- Grisham,4 and Yolton5,6 groups have sug-
ment of Vision Sciences, 33 West 42nd Street, tice paragraphs should be administered gested at least one practice trial before ac-
New York, NY 10036 prior to formal testing to assure a valid and tual reading baseline measurements are
c. Lisbon, Portugal, optometrist stable baseline determination in adults. obtained. Such a vague instruction, how-
ever, is of limited practical value. Further-
Abstract Keywords more, procedural guidelines vary
The Visagraph II system has gained popu- eye movements, practice effects, reading, considerably.1-6 Hence, the purpose of the
larity as a standardized, objective, and au- reading rate, Visagraph present investigation was to develop and
tomated method to assess specifics of
test standard procedures and criteria for
reading eye movements and, by inference,
Introduction determination of a stable and valid base-
global reading ability (i.e., reading rate

line reading rate and grade level equiva-
and grade level equivalent) in both adults
and children. However, procedural guide- lent in a normal adult population.
lines for the proper determination of a valid Methods:
and stable baseline for comparative pur- he Visagraph II reading eye
poses have yet to be established. Thirty vi- movement system (Instruc- I. Subjects:
sually-normal adult subjects without tional/Communications Technology, Inc., Thirty visually-normal adults ranging
self-reported reading or related disabilities Huntington Station, New York) has been in age from 20 to 59 years, with a mean
read five standardized high school/college available for over a decade. There has age of 28 years, served as subjects. This
level 10 Visagraph paragraphs in consecu- been a recent increased use by optome- included 10 males and 20 females. All had
tive trials within a single session. Habitual trists and reading remediation centers for binocular visual acuity of 20/20 or better
refractive correction for near was worn diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in at distance and near with their current op-
during all testing. Detailed instructions both adults and children. It provides a tical corrections. Habitual refractive pre-
and procedures were provided to each sub- standardized, objective, and automated scription for near was worn during all
ject. Eye movements were objectively re- method to assess specifics of reading eye testing. None had self-reported reading
corded, computer analyzed, and compared movements, as well as overall global read- disabilities, or neurological/ocular/binoc-
with Taylors normative database to estab- ing ability. However, methodologies and ular problems, that could interfere with
lish grade level equivalent and reading criteria vary considerably among individ- reading performance. At the time of test-
rate. Trend analysis of these two parame- ual optometric practitioners and others ing, none was taking any drugs or medica-
ters revealed five patterns; namely, those who use this system, as no universally ac- tions that could affect alertness, attention,
who: (1) remained constant throughout the cepted standard protocol has been estab- or oculomotor control. All were fluent in
five trials (63%), (2) shifted abruptly up- lished. Of particular importance is the the English language.
ward after either one or two trial para- establishment of a stable and valid base-
graphs to a new level and then remained II. Apparatus:
line, since this is the reference point for all Objective eye movements were ob-
constant (6.5%), (3) shifted abruptly down- subsequent comparisons (i.e., to assess
ward after either one or two trial para- tained using the Visagraph II eye move-
therapeutic effects, fatigue effects, neuro-

Volume 14/2003/Number 3/Page 60 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

Grade Level Equivalent: Sub-Group 1 (n=19)
Grade Level Equivalent: Group (n=30)
ment system, which is based on the 14
infrared limbal reflection technique,1 in 12
conjunction with the associated auto-
mated computer analysis programs.1,5 10

Grade Level
Grade Level
These programs employ Taylors well- 8

established normative values for compar- 6 6

ative purposes in the global analysis and 4 4

grading of reading ability based solely on 2 2

ones eye movements and comprehen- 0 0

sion.2,3 Five of the 10 standardized high 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

school/college adult level 10 paragraphs Trial Number Trial Number

were selected for the test trials based on

having the least degree of topical familiar-
ity. These included the following para- Grade Level Equivalent: Sub-Group 2 (n=5) Grade Level Equivalent: Sub-Group 3 (n=2)
graphs: #87-Admunson, #90-John 14
Ro e bling, #91-Dorothea Dix, 12

#92-Clarence Darrow, and #95-Sir Ernest 12

Grade Level


Grade Level
III. Procedures: 6
The eye movement goggles were
placed on the subject and adjusted per the
2 2
in struction manual for the near
0 0
interpupillary distance. The head was then 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
placed in a chinrest with an attached fore- Trial Number Trial Number
head stabilizer. The test paragraphs were
placed 16 inches from the apex of the cor-
nea on a reading stand raised slightly
above eye level to avoid signal interfer-
ence from the upper eyelids as they low- Grade Level Equivalent: Sub-Group 4 (n=2) Grade Level Equivalent: Sub-Group 5 (n=2)
ered downward during reading. The 14 14

reading stand and test materials were cen- 12 12

tered along the subjects midline. 10 10

Grade Level

Grade Level

Subjects were seated adjacent to the 8 8

Visagraph computerized eye movement 6 6
system, and the following standard in- 4 4
structional set was read verbatim to each 2 Subject VP 2
individual: Subject SL
0 0
1. You will be given five paragraphs to 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
read with approximately 1-minute rest Trial Number Trial Number
periods interspersed; all instructions
are the same for each paragraph.
Figure 1. Group and sub-group grade level equivalent as a function of trial number. Plotted is the mean
2. Look at the dot at the top of the page. 1 SEM.
3. Begin reading when the blank cover
page is removed from the front of the
test paragraph, and you hear a beep When needed, the following feedback the subject was reminded to keep the
from the computer. was provided to the subjects: head steady in the headrest.
4. Read the paragraph once silently. 1. If the comprehension fell below the 3. If excessive blinking obscured much
5. Do not re-read. minimally acceptable level of 70%,3 of the eye movement traces, the trial
6. Read for comprehension, because ten which was rare, the subject was re- was redone with another paragraph,
detailed yes/no forced-choice ques- minded that it is important to read for and the subject was asked to keep the
tions will immediately follow (i.e., comprehension, as the test questions eyes open widely and to try to reduce
dates, objects, colors, etc.). Read nor- are detailed. However, the trial was their blink rate.
mally like you would a textbook. not discarded. After completion of the reading of
7. When you are finished reading, close 2. If the eye movement traces were each paragraph, the subjects head was re-
your eyes and say done. markedly unequal in amplitude or moved from the headrest but with the gog-
8. Keep your head steady and against the contained considerable artifacts, the gles remaining in place. They then read
forehead rest at all times. records were discarded, the trial re- the 10 yes/no comprehension questions
done with a different paragraph, and silently and directly from the computer

Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 14/2003/Number 3/Page 61

Reading Rate: Group (n=30) Reading Rate: Sub-Group 1 (n=19)
screen, which now faced them, with the 350 350
experimenter denoting their answers. The

Reading Rate(wds/min)
300 300

Reading Rate (wpm)

response to the last question was not en- 250 250
tered, until the screen was turned away 200 200
from the subjects to avoid having them see 150 150
and potentially be influenced by their 100 100
scores. 50 50
The eye movement recordings were 0 0
analyzed by the Visagraphs computer 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Trial Number
program, which uses Taylors normative Trial Number

values for comparison.2,3 Several stan-

dard parameters were measured and plot-
ted on the Taylor chart profile;1,2 however, Reading Rate: Sub-Group 2 (n=5) Reading Rate: Sub-Group 3 (n=2)
350 350
in the present experiment, only grade level
300 300
equivalent and reading rate were consid-
Reading Rate (wpm)

Reading Rate (wpm)

250 250
ered in the analysis, as they provide a
200 200
meaningful global assessment of reading
150 150
ability. These two parameter values were
then graphed as a function of trial number 100

using an Excel program on a separate PC. 50 50

0 0
Results: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Trial Number Trial Number

I. Group:
The group data (n=30) exhibited sta-
ble responses across the five consecutive Reading Rate: Sub-Group 4 (n=2) Reading Rate: Sub-Group 5 (n=2)
test trials. The mean grade level equiva- 350 350

lent was 9th grade, with a standard error of 300 300

Reading Rate (wpm)

Reading Rate (wpm)

the mean (SEM) of 0.6 grade levels (Fig- 250 250

ure 1). A similar trend was found with re- 200 200

spect to reading rate, which had a mean of 150 150

225 words/minute with an SEM of 10 100 100

Subject VP
words/minute (Figure 2). 50 Subject SL 50

II. Sub-groups: 0
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
The group data were subdivided into Trial Number Trial Number
five sub-groups based upon their
trial-by-trial variability and compared
with the group data using a criterion of
values exceeding 2 SEMs (i.e., greater Figure 2. Group and sub-group reading rate as a function of trial number. Plotted is the mean 1 SEM.
than 1.2 grade level equivalents or 20
words per minute reading rate above or
below the group data). If the individual
trial responses did not exceed the above 2. Sub-group 2 (n=5; 17%): These sub- 4. Sub-group 4 (n=2; 6.5%): Since each
criteria, the subject was placed into jects showed a decreasing exponential of the two subjects shifted abruptly on
sub-group 1; however, if it exceeded ei- response pattern, with a plateau occur- a different test trial, the individual sub-
ther of these values, the subject was ring at the 3rd trial. The mean grade ject data were not combined. This
placed into one of the other sub-groups de- level equivalent decreased from 11 to sub-group exhibited a discrete shift
pending upon the overall response profile 6. A similar pattern was found for downward after either the first or sec-
(Figures 1 and 2) as described below: mean reading rate, with it decreasing ond trial, and then stabilized. For ex-
1. Sub-group 1 (n=19; 63%): The major- from 220 to 180 words/minute before ample, grade level equivalent of
ity of subjects exhibited a stable and stabilizing. subject SL decreased from 13 to 4, and
consistent response pattern, similar to 3. Sub-group 3 (n=2; 6.5%): In contrast reading rate decreased from 290 to
that of the group data. Mean grade to sub-group 2, these subjects exhib- 170, both after the 1st trial.
level equivalent was 10, with an SEM ited a progressively increasing expo- 5. Sub-group 5 (n=2; 7%): This
of 0.7. The same trend was evident nential trend. Mean grade level sub-group did the opposite of
with respect to reading rate, which had equivalent increased from 5.5 to 10. sub-group 4, as it increased abruptly
a mean of 240 words/minute and an Mean reading rate paralleled the after the 2nd trial, and then stabilized.
SEM of 14 words/minute. above, with it increasing from 175 to Mean grade level equivalent shifted
230 words/minute before stablizing. from 7.5 to 10.5, with mean reading

Volume 14/2003/Number 3/Page 62 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

rate increasing from 190 to 230 Grade Level Equivalent: Subject ME Reading Rate: Subject ME
words/minute. 14

Reading Rate (wpm)

III. Reliability: 300

Grade Level
Four subjects were re-tested approxi- 250
mately 4 weeks later using similar level 6
Test Session 1 150
but different story content Visagraph II Test Session 1
4 100
Test Session 2 Test Session 2
paragraphs. Three of the subjects main- 2 50
tained their initial baseline levels. This is 0 0
presented for two of them (M.E. and 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
M.K.) in Figure 3. However, one subject Trial Number Trial Number
(B.H.) did not, but rather increased at the
2nd session to a slightly higher level than
predicted based on normal test-retest vari-
ability (Figure 3). Grade Level Equivalent: Subject MK Reading Rate: Subject MK

Reading Rate (wpm)

The present findings provide an ex- 300
Grade Level

plicit set of procedural guidelines to ob- 250

8 200
tain reliable, valid, and stable baseline
6 150
reading levels using the Visagraph II sys-
4 Test Session 1 100 Test Session 1
tem. Both proper set-up of the goggles Test Session 2
2 Test Session 2 50
and text materials, as well as a full, clear,
0 0
and consistent instructional set, are cru- 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
cial to obtain high quality eye movement Trial Number Trial Number
recordings that can be properly inter-
preted, analyzed, and summarized by the
provided software. This last point is ex-
tremely important. There is the misper- Grade Level Equivalent: Subject BH Reading Rate: Subject BH
ception by some that the input data does 14 400

Reading Rate (wpm)

not have to be obtained with any special 12
care, as the analysis is computer auto- 300
Grade Level

mated. Just the opposite is true. Since the 250

data do not go through any artifact pre- 6
screening process either by an additional 4 Test Session 1
Test Session 1 100
automated software program or human 2 Test Session 2 50 Test Session 2
editing, the data acquisition must be con- 0 0
ducted with extra care. Misalignment of 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Trial Number Trial Number
the infrared photodetectors, excessive
blinking, lid intrusion into the photodetec-
tors field-of-view, head movements, etc.,
are but a few possible artifacts that may
readily occur and produce less than opti- Figure 3. Repeatability of grade level equivalent and reading rate as a function of trial number and test
mal recordings for subsequent computer session for individual subjects.
automated analysis. Thus, the quality of
the output, i.e., Taylor table analysis, is no
better than the quality of the input. Thus, our suggested conservative guide- potential benefits of proper reading-re-
Our findings demonstrate the impor- line is to use three practice paragraphs in lated diagnosis and therapeutic outcomes
tance of sub-group analysis. If only the cooperative adults. In uncooperative may be most important. And, it is in this
group data were compiled, the conclusion adults or those manifesting a considerable youngest population that the greatest de-
would be different. It shows a remarkably degree of hyperactivity and resultant body gree of motor learning reflecting oculo-
stable baseline across trials, thus suggest- movement, more than three paragraphs motor neural plasticity7 may occur. This
ing that no practice trials would be neces- may be required, and perhaps even more may involve learning of an optimal oculo-
sary prior to formal baseline establish- than one baseline test session. motor control strategy when oculomotor
ment. However, based on the sub-group The next step that should be pursued is developmental immaturity may be pres-
analysis, the conclusion is much different repeating the present study, but now with ent,8 or relearning one caused by a faultily
and more accurate. Approximately one- subjects covering the entire range of test developed oculomotor control strategy.8
third of the subjects required more than materials (i.e., grade 3 to high school/col- In young children, it may not only require
one practice trial to achieve a stable base- lege level). It is in this population, in par- more practice paragraphs for a baseline
line, and, in fact, up to three to do so. ticular the youngest ones, that the plateau to occur, but perhaps even more

Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 14/2003/Number 3/Page 63

than one baseline test session, to assure a
consistent, stable, and repeatable base-
line, as increased variability is a hallmark
sign in childrens oculomotor perfor-
This work was supported by a research
grant from the Langeloth Foundation to
None of the authors have a financial or
other interest in the Visagraph II system.
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Corresponding author:
Kenneth J. Ciuffreda, O.D., Ph.D.
SUNY/State College of Optometry
Department of Vision Sciences
33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Date accepted for publication:
April 2, 2003

Volume 14/2003/Number 3/Page 64 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

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