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Crochet Abbreviations Master List

Following is a list of crochet abbreviations used in patterns by yarn industry designers and publishers. The most
commonly used abbreviations are highlighted. In addition, designers and publishers may use special
abbreviations in a pattern, which you might not find on this list. Generally, a definition of special abbreviations
is given at the beginning of a book or pattern.

Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description

[] work instructions within brackets FPdc

front post double crochet
as many times as directed

work instructions within

() FPsc
parentheses as many times as front post single crochet

* repeat the instructions following FPtr

front post treble crochet
the single asterisk as directed

repeat instructions between

** asterisks as many times as directed g
or repeat from a given set of

inch(es) half double crochet

alt inc
alternate increases/

approx lp(s)
approximately loops

beg m
begin/beginning meter(s)

bet MC
between main color

BL mm
back loop(s) millimeter(s)

bo oz
bobble ounce(s)

BP p
back post picot
back post double crochet or patt pattern(s)

BPsc pc
back post single crochet popcorn
BPtr pm
back post treble crochet place marker

CA prev
color A previous

CB rem
color B remain/remaining

CC rep
contrasting color repeat(s)

ch rnd(s)
chain stitch round(s)

ch- efers to chain or space previously RS

right side
made: e.g., ch-1 space

ch-sp sc
chain spac single crochet

CL sc2tog
cluster single crochet 2 stitches together

cm sk
centimeter(s) skip

cont Sl st
continue slip sitich

dc sp(s)
double crochet space(s)

dc2tog st(s)
double crochet 2 stitches together stitch(es)

decrease/ tch
decreases/ or t-ch turning chain

dtr tbl
double treble through back loop

FL tog
front loop(s) together

foll follow/follows/ tr
treble crochet

FP trtr
front post triple treble crochet

wrong side


yarn over
yarn over hook


Size D/3 (3.25 mm) crochet hook

Worsted weight yarn in cream and tan
1 pair of 9 mm plastic safety eyes
Small pieces of tan, black, and pink craft felt
Black crochet thread
Sharp needle for crochet thread
Tapestry needle
Craft glue


Color: CREAM yarn

R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook 6 sts
R2: 2 sc in each st around 12 sts
R3: (1 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 18 sts
R4: (2 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 24 sts
R5 8: sc in each st around 24 sts
R9: (2 sc, dec 1) repeat around 18 sts
R10: (1 sc, dec 1) repeat around 12 sts
Fasten off
*Attach the 9 mm plastic safety eyes to the head. Eyes should be inserted between R7 and R8. The most
ideal distance between the eyes is about 5 stitches, but its up to you!
*Stuff the head with fiberfill


Color: CREAM yarn

R1: Ch 2, 3 sc in second ch from hook 3 sts
R2: 2 sc in each st around 6 sts
R3: (1 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 9 sts
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing to the head

1. Cut out a nose shape from black felt.

2. With black crochet thread and a sharp needle, sew the nose felt piece on the tip of the snout, as shown in the
picture below. DO NOT sew the nose piece in the center; leave enough room to sew a mouth.

3. Right below the nose felt piece, continue sewing a mouth

4. Cut out a small tongue shape from pink craft felt, and set it aside. Gluing the tongue to the mouth should be
the last step to prevent it from falling off while working on other parts.

Ears make 2 of these

Color: TAN yarn

R1: Ch 2, 3 sc in second ch from hook 3 sts
R2: 2 sc in each st around 6 sts
R3: (1 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 9 sts
R4: (2 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 12 sts
R5: (1 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 18 sts
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing to the head
*Cut out 2 ear shapes from pink felt. Set aside.


Color: CREAM yarn

R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook 6 sts
R2: 2 sc in each st around 12 sts
R3: (1 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 18 sts
R4: (2 sc, 2 sc in next st) repeat around 24 sts
R5: (2 sc, dec 1) repeat around 18 sts
R6: (1 sc, dec 1) repeat around 12 sts
R7: sc in each st around 12 sts
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing to the head
*Stuff with fiberfill

Arms make 2 of these

Color: CREAM yarn

R1: Ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook 4 sts
R2 5: sc in each st around 4 sts
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing to the body

Legs make 2 of these

Color: CREAM yarn

R1: Ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook 4 sts
R2 3: sc in each st around 4 sts
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing to the body

Putting Everything Together

1. Using a tapestry needle, sew the snout to the head. The top of the snout should start at R8 on the head. Make
sure to keep the snout as centered as possible between the eyes.

2. Sew the ears onto the head. Pinch the ears so that they become flat. The ears should be placed starting at R2
and ending at R5. Next, glue the pink ear felt pieces onto the ears.

3. Sew the head to the body.

4. Sew the arms vertically onto the body. The arms should be positioned right below the eyes. Arms DO NOT
need to be stuffed.

5. Position the legs horizontally and sew it to the body. Legs DO NOT need to be stuffed.

6. Cut out a tail shape from tan felt. Glue the tail between the legs on the back of the body.

7. The final step is to glue the pink felt tongue onto the mouth. Simply line the top edge of the tongue with craft
glue and place it in between the 2 black lines of the mouth. Hold in place for about 10 seconds and allow
enough time for it to fully dry.

8. Decorate your new pup and enjoy!

You can use the same pattern to make different dogs a well. Just change the ears and cut out different felt
patterns for coloring. These are some other dogs Ive made using the same pattern.
A Doberman Pinscher:

A Golden Retriever:

The possibilities are endless!! Hope you enjoyed them!

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