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TAN iV PAU THE LARGEST INTERNATIONAL POWER PLANT 6 CPU: NUUU MAUL P Ne AC TPA 26 = 28% JULY 2017 JI EXP0 KEMAYORAN.. JAKARTA . INDONESIA “ENCOURAGE INDONESTAN GOVERNMENT 35.000 MEGAWATT PROGRAM” FEATURING MAJOR INDUSTRIES - POWERPLANT (GEOTHERMAL, SOLAR ENERGY, COAL FIRE, HYDROPOWER, ETC) = MANUFACTURING = AUTOMATION (MACHINERIES TECHNOLOGIES, EQUIPMENTS, SERVICES & Bic SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES) ¥ CHAMBER OF COKMERCE a4D HOUSTRY —ypusrey oF rnonesza TENDER al KREAST INDOESTA MEDIA PARTNERS: ASSOCIATION SUPPORT : Asasissiaad EQUIPMENT ASIANPOWER Indotrading.n exsrorasr® a Pe om A mes) STE GK SNe Nan FESTINDO Bn Asosiosi Pobrikon Modul cere ce APAMSI Surya Indonesio aes siunewsan Tadonesiaf : Enencyie Sa Oe indor ck, Elektrik [~2QIe722 GIUESH Asia Power quality Thitiotive a Asosiosi Pertomb onganBatubara Dysrpae. donesia P Tn C—O - aan 2017 HU ean Se RIN Y at ABOUT THE EVENT POWERMAX 2017is a unique and attractive international Cee uted properly which is focus on advanced. technologies, DC ee a DO ee ce ea cad platform to network business globally and meet up with Sa Roe Td ms technologies, machineries, equipment, and services to spur the manufacturing growth and enhance industry. Ce aus “> ~ POWERMAX 2017 dedicated for answering the opportunities and challenges of industry Power Plant and Dre tL ee a Ea tac Ore Re Lee reer) Dene a ee Recast aac Reece) Megawatt (MW) and supply the energy national throughout blueprint National Energy Supply Agency (Badan Pengelola Energi Nasional) 2010-2025. POWERMAX 2017 is expected to be an appropriate platform for accelerate national industry and economic growth. INTERESTING FACTS ee INDONESIA STUMBLES ON MEGAPOWER PROJECT = Luau athe dur ras Al} of electricity capacity by 2019 has hit a couple of speed bumps since it ‘was announced last year, prompting President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to OR eeu rere eo eee ei heed Rakes eC une un teat kta eLl} Beebe armen meu) PERTAMINA & PLN AGREEMENT ON DEVELOPMENT Specifically, in the attempt to achieve the 35.000 megawatt (MW) Ata mer cee el Coma Per Rn alas Oa Lag Peete ccc at can ( 12 February, 2016) SIP ream aur er ear Rrra Cae eee ee ae rae rg Island. Since the program was initiated In 2011, the elsctrifi ‘of Sumba Island has increased significantly from 24.5% in 2010 to Oe eet nner oat 42.67% in 203 Island will require total investment of US § 428.4 million. Ce ue Raa te ua cae ge eu amt mile ry Re ed cd aes ACC! ee aa toda tac a Baas etd Pee Reet i ec ou ce FRAUEN ee aa 2017 TG OL Uae a kena ee rel assed AL he kau cee rato Ed in Banten, which is targeted to reach completion in three and a half years.This plant is expected eee ka oe ie ur kar ec ese (erence) eeu age ee ee eed ge) ee with completion target in 2019 namely PLTGU Jawa-3 with capacity of 800 MW in Gresik, East Java, PLIGU Peaker Jawa Ball-3 with capacity of 500 MW, and PLTGU Peaker Jawa Bali-4 with Cee ee ee ne Rune Roe Ou uO Rao ee LL) Se ere aman sn Fee eds see UE Ree ec Re Crud et Sacer cera Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) will drill 14 geothermal wells this year to pursue additional Se a ake kk a ke tl ee id capacity will be in operating this year comprised of Ulubelu unit 4 with capacity of 55 MW and Karoha unit 4 with capacity of 30 MW. Sd ee eee ee Ce velopment of Renewable Energy. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar confirms Indonesian govern- ait Od ese ee nee ae ere Pte te ua aa eer are formed Indonesian-Swedish Initiatives for Sustainable Energy Solutions (INSIST) as a scheme of cooperation to increase technological innovation. WHO SHOULD EXHIBITS ee Cae Cee men nore hte eure Cmca eect Me AES es ware, Bearing, Conveyor , Belt, Steel, Panel Control, Instrumentotion, Generator, Hydro power, Elec- er Met ua sae aR ea a eae tea Pumps, Policy makers and Governments related agencies, Geothermal Developers, Resources Com- panies, Power Plant EPC, Contractors and Services Companies, Drilling Contractors, & Survey Com- Ue Tac Mere Rese a Racca OM Cs Mc ' Peta ch tet eee RSet Men cee Rec at nt anne ES cel ce Pence ase ace ecu a enc De ea A ae arid ne Ne Mer eee ee eA tea fer oR a CU uM TRO RSS ORGANIZER ee. Sane ed eR eee ee ees eum ras ce Renn ous eee eeu ad oa ecco cts aS) 5 (eed eae ead eed aU ETN a] and avail support international exhibition Vor ROR tea] | industry in Indonesi x SEAT ree Oe Ny tecbereanar cy ces OR Cen eee es ten og le SCTE TES CUCU UU ues ua led ue (le Proven with the success|of many events, projects. Located inthe center of Shell Scheme —— [eyHBTTOR COMPANYS NAME 168 “Built up to your liking’ 350 )per sam [iieretiscremerackage includes: r BOOKING NOW! es ee We are keen to: Exhibit Indoor Raw Area_sqm (Min. 18sqm) Exhibit Indoor Shell Scheme Area_sqm (Min. 9sqm) Visit The Show. Please register me early. For provisional bookings please email this form to:

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