29 Seven Great Facts in John 3

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Have you ever tried to find objects or words in some of the puzzles that are out

today? It seems as though some people will spend hours searching and circling
words or tracing out mazes in an attempt to solve the presented dilemma. But
how often do we read Scripture and work to solve the dilemma in our lives through
its use? Have you ever taken the time to read a chapter of the Bible and settle in
to discover what it says and especially what it says to you? This week, lets read a
chapter and squeeze some goodie from it.

The Gift of God

John 3:16
This passage is familiar to almost every member of the human race. When we read this text we must discover
the depth of compassion God has for His creation. We must be able to cipher His reasoning and determine the
expected outcome for mankind and for ourselves. The mystery might be why did He do it? Did He not have
other options? As you read and solve, more questions might arise. Share them with others and work to settle
the issue. For God so loved the world, That means you as well.

The Mission of Christ

John 3:17
It may come as a surprise to you, but there are some who have yet to understand the mission of Jesus Christ. I
know you have a grasp on it. Here John records the fact that God sent His Son into the world not to condemn
the world for the infractions we have committed, but to save us, sometimes from ourselves. Can you see that
in the text? It makes a difference when you discover it for yourself.

The Work of the Spirit

John 3:8
The Spirit of God is a smooth operator. Not only does it make you move as the wind, but it moves with you. It is
invisible, tasteless, and removes stains. We cannot determine the origin or the destination of the wind and the
Spirit (Grk pneuma [wind or water] Heb. ruach [wind]) gives the believer and follower of Christ the
mysterious ability. While we know of our destination, we dont know exactly where it is. Work on that a while.

The Need of Man

John 3:3
Ever since the Fall by Adam and Eve there has been a need for a change. Now, we all know that change is not
one of mans most favorite activities, but change is in order. How God brings about this change is novel. He has
ordered a rebirth. Having been born physically, now man has to be reborn spiritually. Man needs to have a
spiritual core and this spiritual rebirth will provide that for him. The path to the Kingdom goes through the land
of spiritual rebirth. Have you made the journey?

The Way of Life

John 3:14-15
For some reason, man tends to focus on the temporary life we live in this realm. The enemy works diligently to
place a road block in the way of our reaching the Kingdom. In order for us to arrive in the realm of eternity we
must look to Jesus. Moses lifted up the brazen serpent to prevent death by serpent bite in the Wilderness, and
now we must look up to Jesus to insure life in Glory. In whom do you believe? Are you looking to Him?

The Consequence of Unbelief

John 3:18-19
Darkness is the problem because it is the realm within which the enemy operates. Where the enemy is, there is
no salvation. We must believe in Jesus, the Son of God, in order to be saved. We must believe in the Light of
the World in order to live without condemnation in this world and the next. When mankind is drawn to the Light,
darkness is expelled. Where there is no darkness, life and light prevails. Do you know the Light?

The Evidence of Faith

John 3:21
Truth is something that has become most elusive in recent days. Who tells the truth anymore? We all have been
caught the trap where we need to escape, but in order to escape we need to distort the truth. Our lives of sin
demand that we speak, live, and share the truth. Jesus states that if we are to do the truth, we must come to
the light. He is the light. Telling the truth verbally is not enough. We must live the truth every day!

In Judges 1, how many places did the tribe of Manasseh fail to drive the inhabitants
out of?
Answer: Manasseh - Judges 1:27.
Responses: R. Simms TX J. Simpson MO M. Thompson KS D. Stafford TX M. Arrington KS
How long did Noah live?
Did you discover something new from John 3?

Prayer List
Daryl Hubbard last report was very, very positive.
Brenda and Javan Reagan pray for peace and calm
Pastor Donald Carmichael pray for pastor and his nomadic congregation
SMBC Learning Ctr Pray for divine intervention to continue blessing our youth.
Sis. Gayla Hodges Pray she can provide continued great leadership for SMBC Learning Ctr..
Marie Thompson pray for diminished pain.
Kelly Hullaby diagnosed with cancer. Doing well.
Andrew and Megan Krznarich pray for Megs coming delivery in August.
Michelle Beck (FtW) Pray for Michelles physical and spiritual health
(Mphs) Ariana desires to join Air Force. Pray for successful enlistment.

Contact me to plan Revivals, Seminars, and Workshops for the coming Year.
Pastor Todd, ,
is available. Contact us via:

549 Riverbed Dr.

Crowley, TX 76036

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