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3/8" Casing Cementing Job

Shoe of previous casing
Current Shoe
OH, m
OH, f
Casing OD
Hole Size
Cap, bbl/f
Tail, Lead
Tail, Lead w/ Excess 30%, 50%
Total Volume of Slurry, bbls

Pumping at 5bpm, time, mins

Pumping at 5bpm, time, hrs
Displacement with mud Rate (bbl/hr)
Displacement with mud Time, hr
Total required thickening time[ 1 hrs Contingency], hrs

Casing capacity, bbl/f

Shoe track, 2jts, 3jts, bbls

Displacement volume, bbls

Surface lines volume- Will be considered during disp
Displacement, bbl
Error of 1.5%, bbl [ Pump Efficency]- Current Eff 95 %
Half Shoe Track
Diff in Plug Bumping - If pump Eff Issue (bbls)
13.3/8" Casing Cementing Job
662.5 400
2173.6625 1312.4
232.504973126 140.3803611327
302.3 196.5
498.8 336.9

99.8 67.4
1.7 1.1
4 5
3.9 3.1
6.6 5.2

11.662 17.492
Job Price, USD

935.84 929.73
5 5
940.84 934.73
14.11 14.02
5.83 8.75
-8.282 -5.275
If plug does not bump, won't be able to set ACP More time to drill floats & Cements

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