The Christian Messenger, Epaper Edition, Aug 2010 Issue

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And thou shalt do that
which is right and good in

MESSENGER the sight of the LORD: that

it may be well with thee,
and that thou mayest go in
and possess the good land
unto thy fathers.
Evangelism Through
Journalism Phone: 044-65145334 | Email: Deuteronomy 6:18.

Vol. 7, No. 4 AUGUST, 2010 Price: Rs.2/-

Dalit Christians rally

for equal status

TELL IT LIKE IT IS: A woman sits holding a placard at a rally to

seek special status for Dalit Christians. File photo
THOUSANDS of Dalit Christians rallied in Delhi on July 21 for a
special status that would grant them the same special provisions in
education and employment as Dalit Hindus.
They condemned what they termed as the repeated failure of the
Government in extending Scheduled Caste status to include them.
The status is given to Dalit Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists to ensure that
they have equal access to jobs and places in schools and colleges. Dalit
Christians and Muslims are, however, excluded from receiving special
Continued on page 2
E-mail: REGIONAL Page 2 | August, 2010

Pray for a people group! Dalit Christians rally for equal status THE CHRISTIAN
K o t a Continued from page 1 more. Without justice, there is no peace. We MESSENGER
B a n g u n are going to press on till we get peace and
Kutai of The Christians called for the immediate Advertisement Tariff
implementation of recent recommendations justice,” said the Archbishop of Delhi,
Indonesia Vincent Concessao. Per column centimeter: Rs. 50/-
made by the Commission for Religious and
SPEAKER Sam Paul of the All India Christian Council Book space now for
Linguistic Minorities (NCLRM).
S of the Kota urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to be September, 2010 issue
The NCLRM issued a report urging the
B a n g u i n evenhanded and move quickly to undo the
Government to eradicate discrimination by
dialect of the
M a l a y
extending Scheduled Caste status to Christians injustice being meted out to the Christian Call 0-98840 63345 /
and Muslims. It denounced as ‘biased’ community. “We have been demanding this
paragraph 3 of the 1950 Constitution Order, for the last 10 years in various forums, rallies 91-44-65145334
reside in the and campaigns,” he said. In a statement, Rev
which accords economic, educational and Email:
c e n t r a l Dr Richard Howell, general secretary of the
social benefits to Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists
Mahakam Evangelical Fellowship of India, said the
only. The rally was organised by the National
River basin of Government was ‘grossly’ discriminating
Council of Dalit Christians (NCDC) and
S o u t h against Dalit Christians and Muslims by
brought together Christians from across India. For Correspondence
Kalimantan, in denying their reservation guarantees
“This injustice against our Dalit brothers and
the Kutai enshrined in the Constitution.
sisters has been going on for six decades and 329/4, Poonga Apartments,
region. The first Roman Catholic mission was
established in this locality in 1907. In the 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar,
beginning of the 20th century the economy of Chennai 600 040.
Kutai flourished as a result of the establishment
of the Borneo-Sumatra Trade Co. Working hours: 10 am to 5 pm,
Ministry obstacles Monday to Saturday
This community lives in a remote region of
Indonesia, and has little knowledge of who Jesus The purpose of the newspaper
is. is to report newsworthy religious
Outreach ideas events and activities within the
Christian workers can take the Gospel into this local community, nationwide and
region via films and recordings, and also use around the world, to increase the
stories from scripture. awareness and activism of
Pray for the followers of Christ believers regarding the moral
There may well be no followers of Jesus issues of today, to provide
among this Muslim people group, but pray for thought-provoking commentary,
those that will soon emerge. Pray that the Lord and to provide an effective
will provide good pastors and teachers for them, advertising vehicle for Christian
and that they will follow the Lord with total ministries and organisations,
commitment. events and businesses that want to
Pray for the entire people group reach the Christian community. -
Pray for the Kota Banguin Malay, that they Editor
will soon come to a more correct understanding
of who Isa (Jesus) truly is, and understand the (Readers are advised to make
thorough enquiries before acting on
significance of His death on the cross. any advertisements. This newspaper
“All nations you have made will come and does not necessarily agree to the
worship before you, O Lord, they will bring claims or representations made by
glory to your name.” Psalm 86:9 (Source: any advertiser.)
Bethany World Prayer Centre)
Page 3 | August, 2010 INSPIRATIONAL E-mail:

12 things you should never confess as a child of God!

1. Never again will I confess ‘I cannot’ for ‘thanks be unto God, which always causeth
‘I can do all things through Christ which us to triumph in Christ.’ (2 Corinthians 2:14)
strengtheneth me.’ (Philippians 4:13) 8. Never again will I confess ‘lack of
2. Never again will I confess ‘lack’ for ‘my wisdom’ for ‘in Christ Jesus, who of God is
God shall supply all your (my) need made unto us wisdom, and righteousness,
according to his riches in glory by Christ and sanctification, and redemption.’
Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:19) 9. Never again will I confess ‘sickness’
3. Never again will I confess ‘fear’, ‘for for ‘with his stripes we are healed.’ (Isaiah
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of 53:5). God ‘Himself took our infirmities,
power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ (2 and bare our sicknesses.’ (Matthew 8:17)
Timothy 1:7) 10. Never again will I confess ‘worries
4. Never again will I confess ‘doubt and and frustrations’ ‘for He careth for you.’ (1
lack of faith’, for ‘God hath dealt to every Peter 5:7).
man the measure of faith.’ (Romans 12:3) 11.Never again will I confess ‘bondage’
5. Never again will I confess ‘weakness’ for ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is
‘for the Lord is the strength of my life; of liberty.’ (2 Corinthians 3:17)
whom shall I be afraid?’ (Psalm 27:1) 12.Never again will I confess
6. Never again will I confess ‘supremacy ‘condemnation’ for ‘there is therefore now
of Satan over my life’ for ‘greater is he that is no condemnation to them which are in
in you, than he that is in the world.’ (1 John Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh,
4:4) but after the Spirit.’ (Romans 8:1)
7. Never again will I confess ‘defeat’ for

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E-mail: INTERCESSION Page 4 | August, 2010


Pick up a lifetime subscription & get a
Aug 1: Ask God for divine
guidance through this month.
Aug 17: The Lord's coming is
nearing. Pray 'the Lord of harvest
FREE copy of ‘Systematic Theology’
Lamentations 3:21-24 says: 'It is of to send out laborers into His
the LORD'S mercies that we are harvest.' (Matthew 9:38). About the book: About the author:
not consumed, because his ‘ S y s t e m a t i c Dr. Henry Syn served the
compassions fail not. They are Aug 18: Commit the women Theology’, a 793- Lord as chemist, missionary,
new every morning: great is thy you know into the Lord’s hands. page book authored by professor, pastor and author.
faithfulness.' Ask Lord Jesus to cover them with He graduated from the Grace
His blood. Dr. Henry Syn, is
currently used in Seminary and served the Lord
Aug 2: Technology has invaded
the pulpit. Pray that the new Aug 19: Pray for young boys many theological by preaching and teaching the Word of
innovations help the church to win indoctrinated by the extremists seminaries and Bible God. ‘How to be born again’, ‘The demon
more souls. and fundamentalist forces in India colleges around the empire’, The standard of true faith’ are
and other countries. Pray that the world. some of his other books.
Aug 3: Pray for the children of Truth sets them free.
missionaries that you know – that Aug 20: Communal forces in
they will be strong witnesses of the Kerala are working towards Name: Mr/Ms:_______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
Lord to the world. turning that state into a Muslim-
majority region, the chief minister
Aug 4: Pray for the institution of said. Pray that evangelical groups ___________________________________________________ Pin code: __________________
marriage between man and get together to fulfill the Great Phone : ___________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________
woman. It was instituted by God Commission.
Himself. Pray for live-in couples, Please find enclosed Cheque/DD No:_________ Dated:_______ for Rs.1,000/-
homosexuals and lesbians who try Aug 21: Pray for the youth of favouring ëMessenger Communications Pvt. Ltd.í
to distort the holiness associated Uttar Pradesh today. A 21-year-old Signature: Date: Please allow minimum two weeks for the FREE gift to reach you.
with marriage. laborer was beaten to death by
three youths last month because Fill in this Subscription Form and mail it with your remittance to The Christian Messenger,
Aug 5: Pray for Bihar today. they suspected him to have stolen 329/4, Poonga Apartments, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Phone: 044-65145334.
Elections are due in two months. Rs.50.
Pray that violence does not rock
the state in the run-up to polls and Aug 22: Cyclonic storms have
during the elections. Bihar needs a been on the rise in India since
What the Bible says about work!
stable and secular government. 1995. This has been cited as the And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall
reason for increasing flood and business, and to work with your own hands, as we not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are
Aug 6: Farmers growing drought. Our God is still in commanded you. (1 Thessalonians 4:11) the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy
vegetables are using chemicals at command. He controls the wind Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain,
random thus threatening to cause and the oceans (Mark 4:39) look well to thy herds. (Proverbs 27:23) nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the
serious health hazards to And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.
consumer. Pray this trend is Aug 23: Pray for 25-year-old they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. (Isaiah 65:21-23)
contained. JT. The young man is underweight
and has bouts of vomiting and
Aug 7: Pray that rogue elements stomach pain. Doctors have stated
in Pakistan’s ISI who are hell-bent there’s no medical remedy. Claim
on destablizing India are reined in. Isaiah 53:5 for the young man.

Aug 8: Pray for your pastor. Aug 24: Pray for THE
That God will give him more grace CHRISTIAN MESSENGER media
(James 4:6), spiritual revelation ministry. Pray for more volunteers
through the Holy Spirit (John who can help us in news gathering,
14:26), anointing (Isaiah 10:27) translation work, distribution of
and holiness (1 Peter 1:15,16). literature.

Aug 9: Fakes are taking over the Aug 25: Pray for Chad today.
originals. Pray that the menace of Fifty-four percent of Chadians are
the counterfeit ends soon. Muslim. Pray the Word of God is
preached to Chadians.
Aug 10: Prayer for JK. Pray
that God helps him to build his Aug 26: Austrians need a
house this year. personal faith in Jesus Christ. An
estimated 80% of them deal with
Aug 11: An estimated 17 occult.
million children are employed in
India. Pray for their deliverance. Aug 27: Pray for Azerbaijan.
Pray that hindrances to the gospel
Aug 12: Pray for KB. This are bound in the name of Jesus and
widow is fighting a court case over the people find peace with God.
her land in Kerala. Pray to the One
who sits on the throne judging in Aug 28: Pray for Christian
righteousness (Psalm 9:4). students in Iraq. A suicide bomber
struck recently injuring 100
Aug 13: Pray for India's peace students. Pray for their speedy
with her neighbors. Pray that the recovery.
evil designs of the enemy do not
bear fruit. Aug 29: There are about 200
evangelical pastors working
Aug 14: Pray for your church. openly or discreetly in the Arab
Pray for the pastor, the worship world.Pray for them and their
leaders or the choir, the Sunday families.
school teachers and the ushers. Let
Acts 2:47 work in churches. Aug 30: Pray for the family of
missionary Ajit Bansi who was
Aug 15: Pray for India. As the killed by fundamentalists in May
country celebrates Independence this year.
Day, pray that it experiences true
freedom in Jesus Christ. Aug 31: Three churches and two
pastors' houses were destroyed in
Aug 16: Pray for al those you Nigeria recently. A Baptist church
know who have some addiction or was demolished for the 4th time.
the other. May God turn them into Pray for peace and open door
new beings (2 Corinthians 5:17). opportunities for gospel.
Page 5 | August, 2010 PROMOTIONS E-mail:

3 steps to holiness Do you think a mere college degree

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Kerala HC
disqualifies Cong
MP over ‘fake’
What’s God’s message to us when
caste certificate
The Kerala
High Court
times are bad and paths difficult?
recently annulled
the election of
f i v e t i m e
Congress Lok
Sabha member
Kodikunnil Agnes Amos, author of
Suresh, holding
that he was ‘THE JOURNEY
ineligible to contest from the
reserved constituency of OF A
Mavelikara in Alappuzha district.
Justice Sasidharan Nambiar
said that Suresh is not qualified to
be a candidate in the Scheduled
Caste category and his nomination
should not have been accepted.
The petition was filed by R.S.
discovered it in her life.
Anil of the Communist Party of
India, whom Suresh defeated in
2009 by a margin of more than
40,000 votes and two others.
Suresh had previously won four
times (1989, 1991, 1996 and 1999)
in Adoor reserved constituency.
The petitioners had informed For direct delivery:
the court that Suresh was born as a
Christian and later converted. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
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accepted,” said Pillai. ICSA Books - 044-28193143, CLS - 044-25354296, HLC - 044-28172323, GLM - 044-24733321.
E-mail: INTERNATIONAL Page 6 | August, 2010

Gay Lutheran pastors set to join church roster What to look for in a pastor!
transgendered lesbian, was BY BILLY GRAHAM In other words, is Christ the
ordained by four congregations in center and foundation of that
San Francisco in 2006 but could person's life, and is their desire to
not join the ELCA roster until the serve Him above all? Do they have
d e n o m i n a t i o n ’s G e n e r a l a clear sense of calling - a deep
Assembly approved the new conviction that God has called
policy in August. “I didn’t really them into their ministry? Do they
believe the policy was going to exhibit the qualities of a Christ-
change as quickly as it did,” she like character - the Spirit’s fruit of
said. “love, joy, peace, patience,
Ms. Rohrer hailed the new kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
policy as a “symbol” to young gentleness and self-control”
people that the Lutheran church is (Galatians 5:22-23)? Ask God to
working toward becoming more help you discover this, both from
welcoming of people of all them and from others who know
different backgrounds. them.
The Rev. Jeff Johnson, another In addition, pray for your
one of the pastors who will be congregation as your new pastor
added to the roster, said the I've been asked to be on the comes. It's easy to be critical of a
HAPPY GAY LUCKY: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America search committee for a new pastor new pastor because “he doesn’t do
voting members (from left) Orinda Hawkins-Brinkley, Diane Yeager, ELCA’s position for years of not
accepting the choice of some for our church. What should we be things the way our old pastor did.”
Marj Ellis and Steven Schnittke, along with others, pray during the looking for? We want someone Don’t let this happen in your
church’s General Assembly in Minneapolis in 2009, at which the congregations to ordain gay clergy
was painful and disappointing. who’s friendly and preaches well, church, but urge people to
denomination approved resolutions in support of gays. (File photo) but what else should we be encourage and pray for your new
SEVEN pastors working in the committed relationships. Gunman slays concerned about? - Mrs. K.D. pastor every day.
God has given your committee a Affectionately known as the
San Francisco Bay area of the US “It’s going to be an extremely Pentecostal very important responsibility, and ‘World’s Preacher’ for more than
who were barred from serving in glorious and festive ceremony
the nation’s largest Lutheran group because it’s the culmination of pastor in Russia your primary goal should be to 60 years, the Rev. Billy Graham is
because of a policy that required decades of work to welcome seek His will in this matter. one of the most influential and
BISHOP Artur Suleimanov and Therefore pray constantly in your respected spiritual leaders of the
gay clergy to be celibate are being LGBT people into the ELCA,” his wife Zinaida pastored the
welcomed into the denomination. said Amalia Vagts, executive committee for God’s wisdom and 20th century.
largest Pentecostal church in guidance - and urge your He has been a friend and
The Evangelical Lutheran director of the Extraordinary D a g e s t a n ’ s c a p i t a l c i t y,
Church in America also decided to Lutheran Ministries, a nonprofit congregation to do the same. spiritual adviser to 10 American
Makhachkala. Bishop Arthur was It's natural to seek someone who presidents and has preached the
add six of the pastors to its clergy that credentials openly gay, shot in the head by an assailant on
roster at a service at St. Mark’s lesbian, bisexual and transgender is outgoing and preaches well - Gospel to more people in live
July 15. He died from his wounds a and that isn't wrong. But the most audiences than anyone else in
Lutheran Church in San Francisco. people for ministry. few hours later at a hospital.
The group is among the first The Rev. Megan Rohrer grew important characteristic of any history - nearly 215 million people
Suleimanov led Hosanna House pastor should be a heart for God - a in more than 185 countries and
gay, bisexual or transgender up in South Dakota and attended a of Prayer - a church of 1,000
Lutheran pastors to be reinstated Lutheran college, where she said deep desire to live for Christ, and territories - through various
believers - from rented facilities to see others come to know Him meetings. Hundreds of millions
or added to the rolls of the ELCA students tried to exorcise her “gay into a permanent home six years
since the organization voted last demons” by throwing holy water and serve Him. God appointed more have been reached through
ago. According to reports, David as king over His people television, video, film, and
year to lift the policy requiring on her. Some of those people are Suleimanov had just met with area
celibacy. now Lutheran pastors in South because, He said, “I have found webcasts.
pastors in which he revealed a new David son of Jesse a man after my Visit the web site for the Billy
Churches now can hire Dakota, she said. plan to reach the area with
noncelibate gay clergy who are in M s . R o h r e r, w h o i s a own heart; he will do everything I Graham Evangelistic Association:
evangelism. want him to do” (Acts 13:22).

Catholic church blasts gay priests THE BIBLE UNIVERSITY OF HOLY SPIRIT,
leading ‘double life’ NEW JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM,
The Catholic Church in Italy, still reeling Catholic priest.
from the clerical sex abuse scandal, lashed It insisted that the vast majority of CHENNAI 600 045.
out recently at gay priests who are leading a Rome’s 1,300 priests were truthful to their
double life, urging them to come out of the vocations and were “models of morality for
closet and leave the priesthood. all.” Accredited by World-Wide Accreditation
The Diocese of Rome issued the strongly Those who aren’t faithful to their vows
worded statement after the conservative
Panorama newsweekly said in a cover story
“know that no one is forcing them to remain
priests, taking advantage of only the
Commission of Christian Educational
and accompanying video that it had
interviewed three gay priests in Rome and
benefits,” the diocese said. “Coherency
would demand that they come forward. We
Institutions, Richmond, VA, USA
accompanied them to gay clubs and bars
and to sexual encounters with strangers,
don’t wish any ill-will against them, but we
cannot accept that because of their behavior Organised under the laws of the state of
including one in a church building. the honor of all the others is sullied.”
One of the priests, a Frenchman No one knows the exact number of gays Tamil Nadu and Government of India.
identified only as Paul, celebrated Mass in in the priesthood. Estimates of the number
the morning before driving the two escorts of gays in US seminaries and the priesthood
he had hired to attend a party the night range from 25 percent to 50 percent,
before to the airport, Panorama said.
In a recent statement, the Rome diocese
according to a review of research by the
Rev. Donald Cozzens, an author of “The
Offers Correspondence
denounced those priests who were leading a
“double life,” said they shouldn’t have been
Changing Face of the Priesthood.”
Church teaching holds that homosexual Courses in Theology,
ordained and promised that the church acts are ‘intrinsically disordered,’ and the
would rigorously pursue anyone who is
behaving in a way that wasn’t dignified for a
Vatican has recently cracked down on gays
in the priesthood. at UG, PG and
Argentina legalizes gay marriage Doctoral Levels.
ARGENTINA on July 15 became the first temperatures, erupted in cheers and tears of
nation in Latin America to legalize same- joy when news of the vote reached them.
sex marriage, turning aside protests from the The law makes Argentina one of the most Contact for details:
Roman Catholic Church to give gay couples liberal countries in the world when it comes
the same rights as their heterosexual to gay rights. No 1, Lutheran Church Cross Street,
counterparts. The Argentine Senate Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Kadaperi, Tambaram, Chennai 600 045.
approved the measure in a hard-fought 33- archbishop of Buenos Aires, led the
27 vote, with three abstentions. President opposition, saying that allowing gays and Phone 044-2238 2774, Mobile: 0-9380002895.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has lesbians to marry posed a threat to what he
indicated that she will sign it into law called the ‘natural’ family formed by a man
quickly. and woman. He said children deserved Website:
The 4:05 am vote came after an
exhaustive debate that dragged on for more
traditional role models of a father and
mother. The law allows same-sex couples to
than 14 hours. Hundreds of supporters of the marry, adopt children and inherit property,
law, waiting outside Congress in freezing among other rights and protections. Founder-Chancellor: Cardinal Thomas Edmunds.
Page 7 | August, 2010 NATIONAL E-mail:

Worship the Lord in liberty, with uplifted hands! CSI bishop charged with
YEARS ago when I was a
than a mere physical activity when
it is done in Jesus’ name.
total adoration of the Lord of
‘misappropriation’ of funds
newbie in our church, I remember The psalmist who wrote Psalm The Creator and only the A criminal case has been filed against a Church of South India bishop
how restless and uptight I felt 134 knew the power of lifting up Creator deserves our worship. The and 12 others in Salem on charges of misappropriation of some three
when praise and worship was on. I his hands in God’s presence. ‘Lift 24 elders mentioned in crores of church funds.
disliked being asked to stand up to up your hands in the sanctuary, and Revelations 4 understood this. The case charged against Bishop Manickam Dorai, his wife and 10
sing during worship session. I bless the Lord. The Lord that made That’s why they prostrated others, includes cheating, Inspector Kennedy said.
didn’t know what the worship heaven and earth bless thee out of themselves before Him who sits The police is already investigating the alleged misappropriation of
leader meant when he often said Zion,’ he wrote in verses 2 and 3. on the throne and said: ‘Thou art funds against the accused in Coimbatore, Udhagamandalam and Erode,
‘Worship the Lord with liberty.’ In the book of Lamentations, worthy, O Lord, to receive glory English daily Hindustan Times reported. The Bishop and his wife had
Coming from a traditional church during a time of great peril to and honor and power: for thou hast already obtained anticipatory bail from the Madras High Court in the
background, to me liberty just Israel, Jeremiah sought the nation created all things, and for thy Coimbatore case. Following the alleged irregularities, Bishop Paul
didn’t seem to fit in with the to intercede for itself in the only pleasure they are and were Vasanthakumar of Tiruchi and Thanjavur diocese has taken over the
concept of worship. But all that way it knew: ‘Arise, cry out in the created.’ additional charge of Coimbatore Diocese.
changed over time when the Spirit night: in the beginning of the If you doubt that uplifted hands
of God ministered to me, broke my watches pour out thine heart like
water before the face of the Lord:
and a heart full of praise can bring
deliverance in your situation, may
Christian woman ‘critical’
misgivings, molded me and took
me through various experiences – lift up thy hands toward him for the I urge you to look up Exodus after being attacked for her faith
some sweet, others bitter but life of thy young children, that 17:11-13 in your Bible? In the
A Christian woman is said to be in a critical condition in hospital after
mostly uplifting. faint for hunger in the top of every battle against Amalekites, as long
being attacked by a knife-wielding mob who accused her of forcible
Recently, I was rereading a book street.’ as Moses’ hands were held up, the
conversion. The 40-year-old woman, named only as Amodini, was at her
and I stumbled upon some A grief-laden heart had to be Israelites had the upper hand.
home in Karnataka, on July 6 when 15 men burst in and started accusing
delightful insight on the spent and a helpless pair of hands When his hands relaxed, the
her of forcing people to become Christians. They then launched a brutal
importance of worshiping God needed to be lifted up to God in Amalekites gained the lead.
attack on her. “Amodini’s clothes were removed in public and she was
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Registrar of Newspapers in India No. TNBIL/2004/15307 INTERVIEW THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
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‘Holiness and truth important in every believer’s life’

BY MATHEW VICTOR Stanly, an evangelist, showed me unified Europe. At this, my The lobbying for one religion that
DURING his college days, how prophecies had become part interpreter smiled at me will usher world peace will
Robert Simon almost became a and parcel of history over the sarcastically. After my preaching become stronger. Three power
rationalist. As a child, he had years. He told me in particular was over, he asked me how blocs namely the eastern power
accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord about the re-gathering of the Jews countries under Communist bloc, the northern power bloc and
and Savior. Yet, as a youth he and how various Biblical regimes and pro-US nations could the southwest power bloc will
found comfort in rationalistic prophecies were being fulfilled. come together. I told him it would emerge clearly. The United States
This provided me the impetus to
beliefs. “That rationalistic attitude happen. A month later, the Warsaw of America will continue to
helped me not become an atheist,” study prophecies in detail. pact was dissolved. It was quite become weaker as a world power
he quipped. “A true rationalist is a One such prediction was related startling. while the European Union will
true Christian. Hallelujah!” A to the coming together of NATO Similarly in 1990, I was leading emerge as a new power centre.
post-graduate in English countries and the Warsaw pact. In a special Bible study on Involvement of Europe in the
Literature, Simon had a personal those days, that was unimaginable. 'Prophecies and USSR' in middle-east crisis between Israel
encounter with Jesus Christ that Similarly, the unification of the Chennai. In my message, I said and Palestine will be more
led to his salvation experience in East and West Germany, the although the Bible did not mention s t r i d e n t . To t a l f a i l u r e o f
1972 when he was barely 23. Soon, disintegration of the USSR the USSR, it talked about Russia. democracy and an urgent need to
he was baptized and took to (erstwhile Soviet Union) were also For prophecies concerning Russia cobble up a new form of
preaching the good news. “My part of my preaching in those days to be fulfilled, the USSR would be government will be noticed. There
first preaching was in a moving even before those prophecies dissolved and Russia would will also be a proposal to divide
train,” he told THE CHRISTIAN could hit history's newsstands. emerge as a powerful nation from Jerusalem.
MESSENGER in an interview. When I saw these predictions Pastor Robert Simon, among the federation. The
Pastor Robert Simon is the founder come true quite literally, I began a founder of Carmel Ministries following week, the USSR broke What are the qualities one
of Carmel Ministries and is known serious study of the Book of Daniel up into several communist needs to have to be raptured?
for his teachings on the book of in the Bible. The question that “For the church, Christ is countries and Russia emerged as a The qualities of the Philadelphia
Revelations. “The central theme of weighed Nebuchadnezzar was more than savior, redeemer powerful nation. Church will be the criteria for
heavy in my mind too – 'What shall
all my ministries is this: 'You shall and lover. Jesus Christ is On another occasion, during the rapture. For the church, Christ is
know the Truth and the Truth sets be hereafter?' Based on these the Holy One and course of a regular church service, more than savior, redeemer and
you free,” he said. Excerpts: studies, I prepared a series of He is the Truth.” I said Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, the lover. Jesus Christ is the Holy One
sermons entitled 'What is then British prime minister, would and He is the Truth. In Isaiah we
How did you get interested in tomorrow?' That gave me a real cards and smart cards became a be thrown out of power as she was read the righteous people will keep
the book of Revelations? kick to dwell more into history and reality. not for the European Union and the truth. Holiness and truth are
I c o m e f r o m t h e C S I Bible studies. In November, 1989, I was someone who was pro-EU would very important in every believer's
background and was saved in preaching at the Apostolic be sworn in as the leader of the life. We should keep the Truth and
1972. From then on, I have heard What were some of the Christian Assembly (ACA) in United Kingdom. The same the Truth will set us free. So, keep
several preachers' sermons on the predictions that you made then? Chennai, at their Sunday evening evening, Mrs. Thatcher was the Truth.
second coming of our Lord Jesus One of the important predictions service. During my message, I removed from power in absentia. Pastor Robert Simon can be
Christ. That spurred me to study in my teaching was about a said a unified Europe will soon be reached at 103 Brickkiln Road,
the Books on Apocalypse and cashless society. I had always a reality. I said countries under the What are some of your future Purasaiwalkam, Chennai, Tamil
Eschatology more intensely. A talked about SDR (special drawing Warsaw pact and NATO nations predictions? Nadu 600 007.
year later, I started preaching in rate). Remember, this was many will come together to form a In the coming days, the cry for Phone: 044-26622198. E Mail:
conventions. In 1974, Bro. Simon years ago even before credit / debit one global leader will increase.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040.
Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., 1, Narasinghapuram Extn.., 1st Lane, Maduvankarai, Guindy, Chennai 600 032. Editor: Elsy Robin

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