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1. A female shall be immediately attracted to a male if mars is posited in a sign in her chart where
Venus is posited in the male chart. Even a position at a quadrant from each other or making a trine to
each other is of identical results. If rahu or Saturn may be casting aspect or associated with such sign
where her mars is there, her sexual reservoir will be electrified and she will be attracted towards
such a man by some magnetic force. Under such conditions if her 7 th house is also aspected by Rahu
or Saturn of male, both will be attracted to each other and have intercourse, even if not known to
each other. The permissible orb is 6 degrees. Mars and Venus situated in mutual kendras or trine to
each other also produce similar results.

2. If rahu aspects mars or makes any connection with 7 th lord for that matter 7th house, she will be
in contact with several men just to enjoy but no marriage.

3. Saturn in females chart has any connection with 7 th house, she will marry a known person. If mars
is associated or aspected by rahu or Saturn in her chart without aspect of Jupiter, she will be
attracted to a person quickly to enjoy sex. If 5th lord has any connection with them, sex act is out of
love and affection. If evil Saturn by rulership affects such mars, 7 th lord or house, then such affair with
a man comes to a tragic end and marriage does not result.

4. The strongest planet for creating an urge for love marriage is Saturn followed by rahu. A male likes
to have love marriage if the venus in his chart is affected or afflicted through conjunction or aspect
by Saturn or rahu.

5. In a female hororscope, if mars is aspected or conjoined with rahu or Saturn, she becomes active
in flirtation with a male and has illicit relations.

6. A love marriage can be successful if

a) Radical mars of a female horoscope is aspected by radical rahu or Saturn of a male horoscope

b)Venus of male and mars of female re conjoined, aspect or in mutual Kendra or trikona.

c) If Saturn or rahu in male horoscope afflicts female mars.

d) when venus in male and mars in female horoscopes are afflicted by Saturn at birth and males
Saturn aspects females venus. Rahu also in similar conditions results into similar effects.

e) When venus in a male horoscope in 12 th house and mars is in the same house in the female
horoscope are responsible for many romances.

f) When 5th house is aspected or occupied by a strong planet out of mars, moon and venus, a person
is very emotional and liable to fall in love with the opposite sex very easily.

g) If there is a malefic planet in the 9 th house, one is sure to go in for a love marriage as one will not
honour customs etc.
h) If mars and venus have exchanged their relative positions in the horoscope of a couple, the love
marriage will be a grand success.

i) If mars in a female horoscope falls in rahus position in a males horoscope, the marriage will end in
divorce due to sex perversion from female. Or if venus in a male horoscope falls in rahus position of
female, the separation or divorce will be due to sex perversion of male. Similarly rahu in female chart
should not have any bad aspect on venus in the male chart as it would aggrevate the sex perversion.

7. Sun, mars moon and venus comparisons

a) Sun in one horoscope has the same longitude as moon or ascendant in the other is conducive to
good attraction

b) Moon in one horoscope has the same longitude as Sun or ascendant in the other is conducive to
good attraction

b) Sun in male and moon in female having same longitude = mutual attraction and congeniality

c) Sun in female and mars in male horoscope having same longitudes = attraction

d) Sun in one in good aspect to sun in other is good / Moon in one in good aspect to moon in other is

e) Sun and Venus having same longitude in each others charts show much pleasure and enjoyments.
Moon and venus have same effects.

f) Jupiter and Saturn having same longitude in each others charts lead to better understanding,
sympathy and appreciation of each other.

g) Jupiter and venus having same longitude in each others chart are good for social company

h) Mars and Saturn in same longitude of each others charts are indicative of quarrels.

8.) Sex urge is denoted 5th, 7th and 12th houses. When mars is linked to 7th house, 7th house lord and
venus or exchange between lords of 7th and 12th house OR 7th house lord occupies 12th house, the
native is oversexed.

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