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Reg. No: PPK/6290/2/2017

Administrator: Marta Szabn Rajnai, tel.: 461-4500/3892

Budapest, 13thJuly, 2017

To: Yara Showkat Hanna Hamarneh (born in Madaba, Jordan, on O8th October 1986)
Amman, Hussein Al-Fuqaha'a, Jordan

Subject: Decision regarding application to Etvs Lornd University

The Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Etvs Lornd University (Institution Identification
Number: F180798; hereinafter: ELTE) regarding the above named appiicant has made the foliowing

d e c i s i o n:

On the basis of the entrance examination results Yara Showkat Hanna Hamarneh has been accepted to
the full-time, self-funded, master-level social integration degree programme for the lst (autumn) semester
of the 2017/2018 academic year.

Since the appiication has been accepted within the framework of Stipendium Hungaricum
Scholarship Programme the student's tuition fee will be financed by Tempus Public Foundation.

For the accepted students the University offers accommodation in the "Kerekes ti Kollgium" (the
address of the dormitory is 12-20. Kerekes Str., Budapest H-1135). About this opportunity you can
frnd further information in the attachment of this decision.

The programme consists of 4 semesters and according to the curriculum, the total number of credits is
120. The expected compietion date is July, 2019. The official language ofthe programme is English.

An appeal against the decisiori can be fHed in the Jogi, Igazgatsi s Kzbeszerzsi Igazgatsg / Legal,
Administrative and Public Procurement Diiectorate (21-23. Szerb Str., Budapest H-1056), marked with the note:
For the atterition of the "Student Acaden -jic Appeals Comn-iittee", within 15 days after receiving the decision.


The Adrnissioris Comm.ittee of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Etvs Lornd University has
evaluated Yara Showkat Hanna Hamamneh's appiication and based on his/her performance in the entrance exam
has reached the conciusion, that this candidate is competent and suitabie to participate in the master-level social
integration programme.

This decision entitles the apphcant to estabhsh student status with ELTE far the la (autumn) semester of the
2017/2018 acadernic year. In order to establish the student status and begin the stud.ies the appiicant will be
required to be present at the University in the registration period (first week of September in the given acadernic
year). Please note that if the apphcant faiis to establish the student status, and/or fails to register for the semester
at the registration period, the appiicant wili not be e]igible to attend the University or to proceed with his/her

The financiai status guaranteed by the contract with the Tempus Pubiic Foundation within the framework of
Stipendium Hungaricum Schoiarship Programme will come into effect oniy if the student meets ali the
requirements of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and fuiiy complies with its terms and

H-1075 Budapest, Kazinczy street 23-27. telephone: +36-1/461-4500 . fax: +36-1/461-4586

There will be a meeting heid in the beginning of September to provide further information on the programme and
there will be a general overview of the administrative tasks. The applicants wl be notified of the date and location
of this event later by the Faculty's International Office. We would like to be informed by e-mail to to
admission( by the 20th August, 2017 if the appiicant wish to defer the commencement of his/her
studies in the autumn semester of 2017 orif he/she cannot be present in the registration period.

The decision is based on Section 9 (5) of Government Decree 423/2012 XII.29) and on Section 39 and 40 ofAct
CCIV of 2011 on National 1-Ligher Education.
We look forward to meeting you in September.

Yours sincerely,
t Demetrovics
The decision received by:
1.the apphcant concerned
2. the archives of the faculty

1-1-1075 Budapest, Kaxinczy street 23-27. telephone: +36-1/461-4500 fax: +36-1/461-4586

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