Running Head: PSYCHOLOGY 1

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Running head: PSYCHOLOGY 1




The study solely focuses on researching the psychology of the mind. In this study, the authors

portray psychology as a study that unifies science in nature which typically tries to develop an

understanding of how the human mind works. Evidently, the author of this book has provided an

appropriate summary of the research study. The author manages to do this through classifying different

topics to understand the mind of human beings. These includes the science of mind, the biological mind,

the evolving mind among others.

The research method that was used by the author was qualitative research. Use of this approach is

significant because the focus on works that have been done by others as well as theories to justify the

nature of the minds of human beings. The population of focus of this research is people. The main reason

for this is because the research solely focuses on understanding the minds that people have. The study

evidently comprises of people from both genders as samples to identify the way the brain of human

beings works after being given fish oil and how this fish oil improves the human brain (Cacioppo &

Freberg, 2015).

The materials used in the collection of data in this research are research that was done by other

authors in newspaper form, books as well as theories. These materials are evidently important in ensuring

that the total amount of data collected is valid in the research. Based on the study conducted, one of the

questions that I have is how accurate is the measurement of mind as discussed in this research? The other

issue that I have is what the difference between the biological mind and the evolving mind is? The other

research method useful in this research is the use is the experimental study design through doing a control

experiment. In this regard, the hypothesis for this research is that fish oil is important in improving the

functioning of the brain.



Cacioppo, J., & Freberg, L. (2015). Discovering Psychology: The science of mind. Nelson Education.

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