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Race Reaction Paper

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My opinion on this discussion is that the narrator, as well as other experts who contribute

to the debate, have given a comprehensive view on the issues of race in the context of USA.

Apparently, I agree with the argument in the sense that many people see the issue of race

differently within the USA. My realization concerning different views of the issue of race is that

leaders had goals which they were advancing and therefore they could easily attain their social,

economic as well as political agenda. In this sense, I agree that the definition of the issue of race

biased. This discussion looks at the concept of race as discussion by various experts in the


Many activities influence the issue of race in the American history. Some experts have argued

that the concept of race is evolving. Over the years it seems that race was becoming a serious

issue because many people were demanding equal rights, liberty as well as freedom (Hammonds,

2009). In my opinion, this awakening changed the way in which people would view the concept

of race in the coming days. For example, the narrator notes that the people within the lower

class were able to acquire rights as well as well as new opportunities.

I also feel that the discussion expands the struggle that various people went through

before they could attain some rights as well as privileges. For a long time, discrimination of

individuals was on the grounds of their race. However, the various discussion held within the US

Congress was useful in putting pressure on an end to the dominant policies within the USA

(Ganiel, 2008). In fact, the expansion of American society or rather a border enabled them to

look at the issue in a more accommodative manner. It implies that all the justification of racism

was to be abandoned to exercise easier control of their territory. For example, the narrator notes

the American acquired Pilipino after defeating the ruling class.


Again, I think that many people are having the wrong notion when it comes to the issue of race. I

agree that people always tend to view race subjectively. Because of the issue of class,

immigrants well as laborious, the concept of the race took much longer time before people could

appreciate an absolute definition. (Lavados, M, et al. 2007). After very many developments such

as growing population of other immigrate and constant pressure from discriminated

communities, the definition of racism became more accommodative.

There are several instances that I disagree with the kind of discussion that Jefferson put

forth. I feel that Jefferson never objectively look at the case of Indians. In my opinion, such kind

of argument in my view lack scientific backup; rather it is built on subjective opinion. Further,

the historical analysis of the concept of race is right. Smedley and Smedley (2012) note that this

is because it enables an individual to have a picture of how the issue of race was developing over


In conclusion, the discussion gives a good overview of the concept of race in America. It

appears that for a long time the issue of race was the basis upon which people were experiencing

discrimination. It is also evident that competition legislation within the USA, the debates within

USA Congress, the expansion of the boundaries among other factors was necessary for ensuring

an end to racism in the USA.



Ganiel, G. (2008). Is the multiracial congregation an answer to the problem of race?

Comparative perspectives from South Africa and the USA. Journal of Religion in Africa, 38(3)


Hammonds, E. (2009). The nature of difference: Sciences of race in the United States from

Jefferson to genomics. London: Oxford University Press.

Lavados, P. M., Hennis, A. J., Fernandes, J. G., Medina, M. T., Legetic, B., Hoppe, A., ... &

Salinas, R. (2007). Stroke epidemiology, prevention, and management strategies at a regional

level: Latin America and the Caribbean. The Lancet Neurology, 6(4):362-372.

Smedley, A., & Smedley, B. (2012). Race in North America: Origin and evolution of a word

view. Westview Press.

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