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Hum Bhi Khelenge 2010!

The Commonwealth Games 2010 are round the corner and the city facelift in high gear. The dug
up roads and the half built stadiums send up your spine, what - a shiver of excitement or a
shudder of pain? Well, it depends on who you are. If you are a frequent flyer, the new airport will
change your life. But if you are an erstwhile Yamuna Pushta resident, now “resettled” in
Bhalaswa, your daily commute to work will be much worse. Again, if you study at an elite college
of DU you will have state-of-the art gyms and courts. If you are a construction worker building
the high profile Metro, however, you still won’t get the minimum wage.

And if you are a child, growing up in the slums, your playgrounds will continue to be the dirty,
narrow lanes, or unsafe, over-grown, open plots …

But let’s, just for one moment, forget about what’s wrong with the system and start to think
about what would be right – a Delhi where there is space for play for children and youth and
investment in sports for all we can do right and have some fun in the process! So, why not, you
and I, in the real spirit of the Games, put our heads, hearts and hands together to pull off an
across-the-city-people’s games, where everyone’s slogan will be – Hum Bhi Khelenge (HBK)
2010! (I Want to Play). The games will be held over July-Aug 2010, and this is how we plan to go
about it:

Young people from schools and colleges, bikers’ and walkers’

clubs, bloggers and tweeters, you and I … we will all come
together with children of all backgrounds, in gully-kuchas,
playgrounds, colonies and parks, to play. The games will need
a lot of enthusiasm, some organizing and little equipment
– a bat and a ball for cricket; only a ball for football; a rope for
skipping and nothing at all for kho-kho, langdi taang! If you are
between 6 and 24, you qualify.

But this is the grand finale. How do we start to roll it out and build support? By, first, getting
Mr. Prime Minister on our side! To do that we get cracking by, first, circulating a petition,
addressed to Dr. Manmohan Singh, demanding “Fair Play for All”.

The Campaign will unfold thus –

• Meetings with our communities – to connect with people and plan events, Jul
• Petitions to the PM, CM, official Ambassadors of the CWG, Aug-Sep
• Online participation in a theme-based photography/caption competition, Aug-Sep
• Offline traveling exhibition of photographs rated best by the users, Sep
• Hum Bhi Khelenge 2010, Jul-Aug!

You could do some or all of the following and more:

• Join the online community, sign the petition, volunteer to help at
events and spread the word
• Take to the road, with your digital camera, to capture bits of life and
the games children play
• Identify a basti and initiate talks with parents/schools for your slice
of HBK 2010

Visit our website for more information about HBK 2010 and our constituent members. If each of
us talks to 10 others we can pull it off. Who knows what we might start … a movement
for a Delhi that plays fair, includes all, and has FUN!

CWG Nagrik Manch – Rozi Roti Aavas Khel

P: 9818969490; E:; W:

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