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THE BULLETIN Dear Friends,

Were writing to let you know about a new board-directed initiative to
strengthen our community; engage you, our members; and bolster our con-
gregational mission. With the support of the United Synagogue for Conserva-
tive Judaism (USCJ), Agudas Achim Congregation is beginning a strategic
planning process that will extend for the next 12-18 months. The purpose is
to examine our mission and vision, build on our successes, address our
challenges, and identify and address new issues never previously considered.
Our intent is to extend the circles of involvement in the process, engaging all
members who wish to participate through data collection and task forces on
specific topics. USCJ is providing guidance and tools to advance the process.
As a first step, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee has engaged with
a USCJ mentor. The steering committee members have volunteered to work
in three teams, with one focusing on mission, one working on communica-
tion, and the third responsible for data gathering. Each group will report to
the community on its progress through the AAC Bulletin, website and weekly
AGUDAS ACHIM Throughout the year, the Committee will be asking you - in a variety of
ways - to share your experiences, ideas, and vision. Well want to know what
CONGREGATION aspects of synagogue life are most important to you; whats working and
whats not; and what you think we should be doing to grow and thrive. If you
have questions about the strategic planning process or are interested in
participating in any of the current or planned activities, please reach out to us
at the e-mails below. We look forward to our conversations with you all.
Rabbi Steven Rein (
Rachel Goldberg, Committee Co-Chair (
Jim Robbins, Committee Co-Chair (



Mincha/Mariv......................6:30 p.m. Mincha...................................6:15 p.m.
Kol Nidre...............................6:30 p.m.
Shacharit................................8:30 a.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
Tashlich.................................5:30 p.m. Shacharit................................9:00 a.m.
(Meet in the synagogue parking lot) Yizkor....................................2:00 p.m.
Mincha/Mariv......................6:30 p.m. Mincha/Neilah.......................5:00 p.m.
Break the Fast...........approx. 7:35 p.m.
Shacharit................................8:30 a.m.
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat.....6:30 p.m.

King David Cemetery..........11:00 a.m.
2908 Valley Drive Agudas Achim Cemetery......1:00 p.m.
Alexandria, V
A 2 2302
Candlelighting.......................8:11 p.m. MESSAGE
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. AN OUTSTRETCHED HAND
Mincha following Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................9:13 p.m. Our sages in Pirkei Avot (The Ethics of the Fathers) teach us that there are four
character types among people. One who says, What's mine is mine and what's
FRIDAY JULY 28 yours is yours. This is the average type. One who says, What's mine is yours and
Candlelighting.......................8:05 p.m.
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m. what's yours is mine. This person is an ignoramus. One who says, What's mine
is yours and what's yours is yours. This person is pious. And finally, one who
SATURDAY JULY 29 says, What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. This person is wicked.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha following Kiddush The passage divides humanity into four different types of givers and takers. No
Havdalah Time......................9:07 p.m. matter what the commodity or stuff may be (money, time, wisdom, etc), the
one thing they all have in common is their finite nature. Some stuff is mine, some
MONDAY JULY 31 stuff is yours, and the degree to which and the manner by which we give, or take,
Erev Tisha BAv Service followed by of our resources is a good measuring rod of each of us. It is neither possible - nor
study with Rabbi Rein...........8:00 p.m. advisable - as the rabbis understood, to give too freely of our limited resources.
Nevertheless, we also know - as did the rabbis - of the distasteful disposition of the
TUESDAY AUGUST 1 person who is unwilling or begrudging in being forthcoming with any of the stuff
TISHA BAV that is theirs to give.
Morning Service....................7:30 a.m.
Minha Service.......................7:50 p.m. Perhaps the healthiest form of giving is the giver who insists that the choice
Evening Service.....................8:50 p.m.
between what is mine, and what is yours is not either/or, but both/and. Such
FRIDAY AUGUST 4 individuals carry themselves with a certain spiritual posture. They are eyes wide
Candlelighting.......................7:48 p.m. open to the blessings of their lives, they know themselves to be fortunate and they
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m. live with an attitude of gratitude that is leveraged in the most obvious way: They
give. They then see the impact their giving has on their world, and they thrive
SATURDAY AUGUST 5 further because of it.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha following Kiddush Over the past year, many of you have given to the Rabbis Discretionary Fund,
Havdalah Time......................8:58 p.m. whether directly or through the pushke in the chapel. I would now like to share with
you the impact your giving has made on our community. Approximately $5000
Candlelighting.......................7:50 p.m. (37%) went to help individuals and families in need. These funds helped cover
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m. unexpected medical expenses, rent, utilities and other assistance to the most
vulnerable of our community. Another $4100 (30%) was given in the form of
SATURDAY AUGUST 12 scholarships for members of the community to have positive Jewish experiences.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha following Kiddush $3700 (28%) went to Jewish and non-Jewish organizations such as ALIVE, JTS,
Havdalah Time......................8:49 p.m. JCRC, Masorti, and JSSA to name a few. The remaining $600 (5%) was given
back to the synagogue for additional programming.
Candlelighting.......................7:41 p.m. With an outstretched hand, the funds you gave to the Rabbis Discretionary
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m. Fund have made a difference in our synagogue, local community, and beyond. As
we prime the pump for a new programmatic year, whether you give time, money,
SATURDAY AUGUST 19 wisdom, or your good name, may we all realize the impact of our giving and the
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha following Kiddush blessings from which we all derive.
Havdalah Time......................8:39 p.m.


Candlelighting.......................7:31 p.m. THE MEMBERSHIP BARBECUE
Shehecheyanu Service...........6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha following Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................8:28 p.m. Look for more information coming in August
(Continued on page 3)


(Continued from page 2)
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Mornings................................7:30 a.m.
Kenneth Labowitz Monday through Friday
Evenings................................7:50 p.m.
Sunday through Thursday
My parents, Allan and Rhoda Labowitz of blessed memory, brought Patti and Sundays and Federal
Holidays.............................9:00 a.m.
me into this Congregation. When they moved to Alexandria in 1978, my parents
promptly joined Agudas Achim Congregation. Their reasoning: they were Con-
servative Jews, this was and remains the Conservative synagogue in Alexandria,
therefore they were going to be members here.
My service as President of the Congregation has a great deal to do with my
parents and my wife Patti Rounsevell. My parents served this Congregation in
many ways; my mother in the sisterhood, my father as reorganizer of the cemetery OFFICERS
records, making sense out of what had been chaos. PRESIDENT
Ken Labowitz
My father was the President of the Congregation as the decision was made to
renovate the 1950s-era original structure. He signed off on the contract for the
Meredith Ludwig
design of the new sanctuary and school wing.
Most importantly, my parents were the ideal model as Jews for their grand- John Ehrman
children. My parents were in the sanctuary every Saturday and holidays, usually
bringing one or another of our children with them. My father could be counted on Jane Shichman
to bring the story of Chanukah to Abracadabra and Immanuel Lutheran pre- Mindy Maline
schools when our kids were there. A, generation of AAC kids bought their Purim
carnival tickets from my mother.
Nancy Hailpern
Patti was one of the overseers for the Congregation for the renovation, YOUTH SERVICES VICE PRESIDENT
managing a great many crises and decisions in bringing the project to a glorious Arden Levy
conclusion that has served us so well for twenty years. She then served as President
after long service on the Board. Stacy Kreppel
So when I stand up before the Congregation as your President, I am very much TREASURER
aware of those who have preceded me in that office. I look and sound enough like TBD
my father that even I have to work to remind myself that he has not returned for SECRETARY
a second go around as President. Gwen Stokols
What I do share with my father and wife as President is a commitment to do the SISTERHOOD REPRESENTATIVE
right thing, to serve the Congregation with no other agenda, and to give straight answers Lenore Garon
to any question I am asked. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me. MENS CLUB REPRESENTATIVE
Elliot Parkin
Jeff Goldstein

Larry Altenburg
Bruce Brown
Eric Fusfield
Joel Goldhammer
Shai Korman
Amy Levin
Don Melman
Alex Perry
Harold Salters
Stacy Zuckerman


Chaya Silver
At the USY Spring Convention this
Youth/Education Director
past May hosted by Camp Louise in
Maryland, AACs USY chapter won
five awards in the Tikkun Olam As the mom of three amazing children, I do all I can to reduce the egocentric
category for the Bake Sale they held on attitude of my kids. Weve all seen kids ages 0 21 who are part of the Entitled
Election Day. Thank you to all the AAC Generation. Here at Agudas Achim I see victims of the All About Me Epidemic in
members, the voters of Alexandria, and a wide variety of situations. I have observed kids who refuse to comply with polite
Mayor Allison Silverberg who came out requests from adults to slow down when they are running, kids who give dirty
to support the teens. Special thanks to looks to staff members when they are asked to clean up their dishes at a Kiddush
Yona Lindenbaum and Kyra Shuster lunch, and kids who disrupt a class or service when they feel the lesson or service
for their hard work in organizing. is not entertaining enough for them.
AWARDS While we can point fingers and blame social media, schools, and a host of other
*A Tikkun Olam contribution of $775 outside influences, one of the biggest factors in the spread of this epidemic is us
parents and community adults. Often, in our loving attempts to do the best for
*Largest Percentage Increase of Tikkun our kids, we forget middot (values) for raising menschy kids. We over-indulge,
Olam make excuses, and blame others for our childrens behaviors. When we do this we
*Largest Tikkun Olam contribution rob kids of the opportunity to do for themselves, learn from mistakes, or overcome
adversity. For the sake of our kids, our community, and our sanity, consider these
*Largest Tikkun Olam contribution per 3 middot to help turn the tide:
capita ($129.16)
Middah Ma'amido al HaEmet (Set Others on the Path of Truth)
*Best Tikkun Olam Fundraiser: Give kids some credit. They can and should make meaningful contributions to
Election Day Bake Sale your household and to the community when in communal space. Expect kids
to do their share and expect them to take on increasing amounts of
responsibility as they mature. When we hold kids to a high standard, they will
meet it and often exceed it. For example, at the synagogue, children can
throw away their dirty plates, keep track of their jackets and personal items,
hold the door for adults, walk in the social hall, and other responsible behavior.
Children need clear boundaries and expecations.
Middah Shomaya U'mosif (Absorb Knowledge and Add To It)
Every time we rescue our kids from their mistakes, intervene on their behalf,
or smooth the way so things are easier for them, we rob them of a learning
opportunity the chance to be responsible, to figure it out for themselves, or
to face a scary situation. Little by little they just stop trying. Instead of rushing
Mike Scheinberg, Kyra Schuster, Ari the homework to school so your kids dont get in trouble, let them know with
Halpern, Avi Scheinberg, and Yona love (and plenty of training so they can be successful) that its their
Lindenbaum display the awards at responsibility to remember what they need each day. Trust in your kids
Spring Convention. abilities so they learn from their successes and failures. Youll be there to
support them but theyll feel so much more empowered by handling things
THE 5778 REFLECTIONS on their own without you intervening or rescuing.
BOOKLET Middah Samayach B'Chelko (Contentment with One's Lot)
KEHILAH COMMUNITY In our over-indulged culture, we know that gratitude takes practice. Its
something we have to teach our kids. Model for them and let them know the
We are now accepting submissions world doesnt owe anyone anything and that we all have to do our part to
to this years Reflections booklet make it a better place. Pirke Avot chapter 4 teaches Who is rich? He who
through August 30, 2017. Please send rejoices in his portion. If a person takes more than their share at a Kiddush
your entry as a Word document to lunch, remind them that we are blessed with abundance and need not take more than our share. We are blessed to have what we need. The research is clear that
This years theme is Kehilah those with an attitude of gratitude in life are happier, less depressed, take
Community. Please remember this is a stress in stride, and see life with a healthy optimism.
family publication. (Continued on page 8)


Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey Dear Doris, Barbara, Lynne, and
other synagogue organizers for our
family Shiva,
KOL KOL: EVERY VOICE We have been overwhelmed by the
Dear Hazzan, amazing support network provided by
Each spring, I know you have the opportunity to enjoy a week with your active members of Agudas at the time
colleagues at the Cantors Assembly Convention. How did it go this year? of our mothers passing. Its so
-Ko Lee comforting to have a well-organized
Dear Ko, group provide such attention to detail,
follow-up, time and and energy in
Indeed, I attended the CA Convention last month (May), which this year took
honor of our family. From the bottom
place near Atlantic City in Galloway, NJ. I enjoyed every minute at the convention
of our hearts, thank
whether I was learning in an informative session, listening to the beautiful voices
you so much.
of my colleagues, or just catching up with my dear friends.
Much love,
Here are a few highlights:
The Kasoff Family
1. Jewish Rock Festival
This was really an extension of some of what I heard at Song Leader Boot
Camp in February. There were four performers: Joe Buchanan, Jacob
Spike Kraus, Eliana Light, and Abbie Strauss. Not only did they
present their wonderful music, they started the convention with such DAF HASHAVUA WEEKLY
positive energy and love of Jewish music it was infectious and so TALMUD STUDY
much fun! Later on, I spoke with Abbie Strauss, who is contemplating And God blessed the seventh day
becoming a cantor, and she gave me some of her music one packet for and declared it holy, because on it God
the religious school students and one packet for Ein Lanu Zman. I cant ceased from all the work of creation
wait to share with the community. that God had done (Gen 2:3).
2. Lkol Yesh Sipur Shabbat, the most sacred day of all,
Four of my colleagues, Hazzanim Jeremy Stein, Randy Herman, has been adorned with the aura of
David Lipp, and Mike Stein, composed four original pieces about the legend. It is a day of rest and sanctity,
lives of four Israeli soldiers. Each of them was paired with an Israeli Gods gift to all of us. The laws,
soldier, who told them his or her life story. They then wrote songs based narratives, and theology of Shabbat
on those stories. The songs were wonderful, but even more special were will crystalize in our study of
the inspiring stories they tell. Masekhet Shabbat Tractate Shabbat.
3. Who Knows Five: What Every Jewish Educator, Hazzan and Rabbi (No prior Talmud study required; texts
Should Know about the Learning Brain will be in English)
Jewish educator extraordinaire Dina Maiben led this eye-opening session Fridays | 9:00 -10:00 a.m.
that reminded me how much I need to learn about learning. We explored Rabbi Steven Rein
the optimum ways to organize instructional time, approaches that make
lessons dynamic and memorable, the role of the learning environment, the
power of the senses, working and long-term memory, storage and
retrieval, and how art, music and movement can enhance learning beyond
the level of simple remembering to understanding how to use knowledge
Rabbi Ruti Regan, a newly ordained rabbi from the Jewish Theological
Seminary who is autistic, is the co-founder of the new group Anachnu Participate in a lively discussion of
(Hebrew for we), which is working to create a Torah-leaning the weeks Torah portion for half an
community in which disability is speakable, normal and a matter of fact. hour before the start of Shabbat
Regan says that understanding Torah and living it requires an morning services. Newcomers always
understanding of disability.The Torah says, Do not insult the deaf or put welcome!
a stumbling block before the blind,' she said, citing a passage from the Shabbat Saturdays | 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Book of Leviticus. But to understand that, you have to know what deaf Rabbi Steven Rein
(continued on page 7)


I just want to take this opportuni- Jen Halpern, Director
ty to thank everyone for the amazing
retirement party that was organized in
my honor. Specially to Barbara Fie-
dler (chair), Jeff Goldstein, Jona-
than Saiger, Deborah Dunie, Lynne GREETINGS FROM AAC SUMMER CAMP
Sandler, Ellen Katzer, Bob & Mau-
reen Shapiro, Sharon Montanez, The Agudas Achim Preschool summer camp has kept our hallways vibrant
Doris Parker, Cheryl Tischler, Ju- with the sounds of happy children! We have enjoyed making crafts, water play, a
lia Pitkin-Shantz, Nicole Yakatan, visit with some desert animals, a ride on the Agudas "camel", and a chance to sit
and Gary Zuckerman for the time in a fire engine and on a school bus. Our children have embraced learning about
and energy they spent preparing this "Tikkun Olam" by making toys for shelter animals, learning about recycling and
wonderful event. I also want to thank planting vegetables in the garden behind the kitchen. Camp just seems to get better
all the people (too many to name) that every year!
made donations and contributions to The preschool wing is currently abuzz with staff as we prepare for the
the synagogue in my name. upcoming school year. We look forward to having the children here again!
I don't want to forget all the LShalom,
Boards of Directors from 2004 up to Sue Finger, Camp Director
today and all the Committees that
through the years have made my
work so rewarding. To my wonderful
office staff (Doris, Lynn, Vicky, So- SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE
nya, Bolade, Mike, Wayne, Diana, June was an incredibly busy month for the Social Action Committee!
Marya) that was always there to Highlights included: 1) being part of the rally in Old Town Alexandria on Gun
support me and my ideas and gave Violence Prevention; 2) hearing Riva Silverman (Vice President of External
me encouragement when needed I Affairs for HIAS) speak at Shabbat services about supporting refugees; 3)
will always treasure the time we spent attending services at Alfred Street Baptist Church. We were inspired by the words
together. To the professional staff of Pastor Wesley to join together to confront hate.
throughout the years I want to thank
you for giving me the opportunity to We were thrilled with the incredible turnout for the screening of the
serve with you in sharing Agudas documentary "The Return." The film was incredibly powerful and the panel of
Achims vision. speakers following the film took the evening to another level. It was a meaningful
discussion and our hope is that this will lead to some tangible outcomes to make a
To all the support staff (KB, El- difference in the lives of returning citizens.
mer, Cheryl, Al) because of you that
made everything look so easy it made We particularly want to thank the event organizers, Alli and Shai Korman,
me shine, Thank You. and Josh Kraushaar for moderating the panel discussion with: Bilal Chatman,
a subject from the film who served 11 years of a life sentence; Kari Galloway,
Yours Always, Executive Director, Friends of Guest House; and Robert Leggon, Vocational
Mirza Opportunities, Training, Education and Employment Division, Court Services
and Offender Supervision Agency.
Safe Space will be our theme for 5778. Using a Jewish lens, we will examine
a range of issues through learning, conversation, and action. Building on our focus
on racial justice, we will delve into topics such as the rise in anti-semitism and
racism, refugees and sanctuary, domestic violence, gun violence, and disability
awareness. Further, we will support two mitzvah days, build our partnership with
the Alfred Street Baptist Church, and continue our ongoing support of ALIVE and
the Carpenters Shelter. Stay tuned for more information.
To learn more or to get involved in the Social Action Committee, please
contact Samara Weinstein ( Join the Agudas Social
Mirza Lopez listens as Co-President, Jeff Action Committee Facebook page by contacting Deborah Siegel
Goldstein, speaks. (


DEAR HAZZAN All in all, it was a terrific convention
(continued from page 5) enlightening, engaging, and inspiring.
people find insulting and what blind people consider obstacles. Later she Lshalom,
added; The Jewish community taught me to see everyone in btzelem Hazzan Dienstfrey
elohim, the image of God. The disability community taught me how to do *Please Note: This column will
that. In this session with Rabbi Regan, we got a glimpse into how she alternate between music
learns and how she teaches. This was an amazing opportunity to learn from reviews/recommendations and Dear
the best of the best. Hazzan letters. If you would like to
5. Concerts, Concerts, and more concerts! introduce or recommend recordings, or
I cant possibly describe all of the gorgeous concerts we had the great if you have a question for the Hazzan
privilege to hear while we were at the convention. I am blessed with so regarding the ritual, liturgy, and/or
many talented colleagues and friends. There was an all Bernstein concert music of the synagogue, please write
filled with our favorites from renowned composer Leonard Bernstein, Hazzan Dienstfrey at the synagogue
there was a Dellheim concert featuring the newest graduates of JTS (2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA
cantorial school and their mentors, including our own Hazzan Matt Klein, 22302) or email her at
and then there was the final concert of the week which we performed at the
congregation of the brand new president of the Cantors Assembly, Hazzan
Alisa Pomerantz-Boro (who was just here with Divas on the Bima). There
were some wonderful performances that night, including the Clergy Boys
(with Hazzanim David Propis, Mike Stein, Randy Herman and Steve
Stoehr), Divas on the Bima, and members of Hazamir (Jewish High
School Choir), but the highlight of the evening was when Joyful Noise, a
chorus of forty-five adults, ages 1770, with physical and neurological
challenges and acquired brain injuries, took the stage. I have never heard
music performed with such love and passion. (Continued next column)

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(Continued from page 4)
Our heritage is filled with wisdom Barry Nove
for raising competent compassionate
adults. Studying middot and learning
Hebrew terms for values and ethical Mirza has certainly left me a tough act to follow. As this is my first article as
objectives is a great way for parents, Executive Director of Agudas Achim, I thought I should tell you a little about
grandparents, and caring adults to myself.
frame positive comments to children in Ive been a Jewish community professional for over thirty years. Most
the holy language of our people. recently, I served as Executive Director of a Reconstructionist congregation in
Laurel, Maryland for more than six years. Ive worked for Jewish Federations
AAC CAN EARN MONEY across the country, and served as Director of Development of the Jewish
THROUGH AMAZON SMILE Publication Society (JPS), co-publisher of Etz Hayim, and the Jewish
Reconstructionist Movement, where I consulted with congregations across North
When you shop on, if America. Ive also served as a planned giving and endowment director.
you use this URL to enter Amazon, the
synagogue will earn cash from your Among my interests is genealogy. Im a member of the Jewish Genealogy
purchase: Society of Greater Washington with expertise on the Ellis Island experience. I
love Jewish story telling, so Chaya Silver will be tapping me to tell stories as part
of the Youth program on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which I also hope to
Once you have joined, your eligible do on Shabbats during the school year as well.
shopping will benefit Agudas Achim
My goal is to get to know everyone with a congregation Agudas Achims
size that may take me a bit of time, so please bear with me. And know this, Im
here to help. My door is open and Im in the midst of moving to Alexandria from
SISTERHOOD DOINGS Rockville, Maryland this summer.
First Sisterhood Board meeting of Please understand that Im still learning about the congregation, but Im a fast
the 2017-18 Year learner. So you can expect while some things may run the same as they always
Sunday, August 27 | 9:30 a.m. have, other things may change as long as they are within congregation policy. I
We hope to see all Board also plan to work with the Board and staff to consider future changes, which will
members there. be helpful to meet our mission for discussion through the Strategic Planning
Sisterhoods Judaica Shop is open by One area where Id like to ask for your help is building membership. If you
appointment during June, July, and meet someone new to the community, please let them know how wonderful our
August. Watch for news of our congregation is. The more families who check out our preschool, our Shabbat
reopening date in September services (with free babysitting on Shabbat morning, a service young families may
Michelle (202-288-9856) appreciate), and our adult education classes (which will have an added component
Susan (703-489-5068) as our Israeli Shlicha joins us in the next month or so) even see good things about
us on social media, well, that can help us grow. This congregation is a wonderful
Support the Judaica Shop to support community and thats something to kevel about.
all Sisterhood does for the
Congregation. Thank you for your Thank you.
support over the past year. Barry Nove

It is that time of year again. The Days of Awe are almost here. High Holiday
If you are thinking of purchasing a
information and application packets will be sent at the end of July. Below are
memorial plaque to honor a loved one
some important deadlines to keep in mind:
who has passed, contact Doris Parker
( Ticket application, child care, and other forms are due by August 21.
Entries for the Reflections Booklet are due by August 30.
If you wish the plaque to be installed
Messages for the Greetings Booklet are due by September 12.
before Yom Kippur the purchase must
Lulav and Etrog orders are due by September 12.
be finalized by August 7.


We mourn the loss of our members
Jocelyn Pearl zl
sister of Andrea Pearl.
Edith Landau Ziskind zl
wife of Sam Ziskind and mother of Les Ziskind.
May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners.


In memory of David Sitrin
Michael Savenelli
Allan and Mickey Lazarus
and family on the death of his father, Louis Savenelli SPIRO ADULT EDUCATION FUND
Ben Kasoff Get well wishes to Evelina Moulder
and family on the death of his mother, Barbara Kasoff. Lester and Joan Edelman
In memory of David Sitrin
Ellen Wayne Lester and Joan Edelman
and family on the deal of her mother, Vivian S. Kabcenell. In memory of Ellen Wayne's mother, Vivian Kabcenell
Deborah Rosen Lester and Joan Edelman
and family on the death of her mother, Phyllis Mottsman. In honor of Joan Edelman's birthday
Robert and Maureen Shapiro
and family on the death of his cousin, Dr. Arthur Lehrman. A donation
MAZEL TOV TO: Anita Turk
In honor of 10 years of marriage
Hannah and Josh Kraushaar Amin Mourad and Ellen Whitten
and family on the birth of their son, Avi Ethan Kraushaar. In memory of Nathan L. Silberberg
Amy Levin Howard and Lois Silberberg
and family on the marriage of her son, Joey Levin to Julie Zhu. CEMETERY FUND
In memory of Libbie Scherr
Evan Perlman and Catherine Crow
Stanley Scherr
and family on the birth of their son, Harry Morris Perlman. COMMUNITY CARING FUND
Milt and Rosalie Tulkoff In memory of Jennie Kwaselow
and family on the birth of their granddaughter, Stella Maia Lesser. Barry Landau
Mazel tov to Nan Berman on earning an MSW
Jonah Siskind In honor of Hazzan Dienstfrey for her Bar Mitzvah guidance,
preparation and support of our grandson, Ari
David and Nancy Bayer
In memory of my father, Edward
With many thanks to Hazzan Dienstfrey for the teaching, support
Randy Stein and Deborah Patterson
& inspiration to prepare Ari for his Bar Mitzvah
In memory of David Sitrin Ellen Bayer
Robert and Judith Bregman In honor of Dr. Michael Linver's retirement
In memory of Harry Goldberg, beloved brother Steve and Bobbie Gordon
Anita Deitch
In memory of Nancy Friedman, sister of Max Friedman
In memory of J. Stanley Rosenberg
Phillip and Farideh Schonberger
In memory of Sylvia Bregman In memory of Nancy Janice Friedman
Robert and Judith Bregman Barry Landau
In memory of beloved husband and father, Henry Krevor, on his In memory of father, Sol Myerson
yahrzeit Larry and Sandra Wiener
June Krevor, Sharon and Lynne In memory of Edith Wolfe
In honor of Joan Edelman's special birthday Robert and Maureen Shapiro
Jeffrey and Sharyn Tureck RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND
ENDOWMENT FUND In honor of Rabbi Rein for an inspiring and meaningful
In honor of the special birthdays of Jay Warshawsky and Carole service for our grandson, Ari Pearlstein for his Bar Mitzvah
Pollner David and Nancy Bayer
Arnan & Marlene Finkelstein
(Continued on page 10)


(Continued from page 9) In memory of David Sitrin
In memory of Daniel Selmonosky In memory of Deborah Rosen's mother, Phyllis Mottsman
The Selmonosky Family The Dunie Family
In memory of Leo Helman In memory of Karl Dahl
Gerald Helman Amy Godin
In memory of Saul Brooks In memory of Nettie Greifer
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Zetlin Amy Godin
With many thanks to Rabbi Rein for guidance, support and In memory of Pearl Chaiken
inspriration to prepare Ari for his Bar Mitzvah Rose Grossman
Ellen Bayer In memory of Selma Spatz
Get well wishes to Rachel Albert Michael Spatz & Doris Parker
Gwen Stokols In memory of Vivian Kabcenell, beloved mother of Ellen Wayne
In appreciation of Shavuot Aliyah Vic and Judy Tynes
Neale Ainsfield SEFER TORAH FUND
In memory of David Sitrin In memory of Dolly Helman
Gwen Stokols Gerald Helman
In memory of Jean Richman In memory of Hyman Blecher, beloved grandfather
Sheldon Richman Ronald and Dianne Spector
In memory of Vivian Kabcenell, Ellen Wayne's mother In honor of Carole Pollner and Jay Warshawsky's special
Gwen Stokols birthdays
In memory of my father, Morris Zetlin Vic and Judy Tynes
Morton Zetlin Kiddush Donation
SYNAGOGUE FUND In appreciation of Diana Weil from the WeCanRow DC team
In appreciation of morning & evening minyanim Doris Parker
Sheila R. Hess A donation
In honor of Ari Pearlstein's Bar Mitzvah Anita Turk
Nancy Siegal K ITCHEN FUND

In honor of Mirza Lopez for all her efforts on behalf of Agudas In memory of Daniel Selmonosky
Achim, and for being a good friend The Selmonosky Family
Robert and Maureen Shapiro
In memory of Milton Fingerman
In memory of Anne Siegal
Ellen Fingerman and Laura Peebles
Nancy Siegal
In memory of Sidney Backman
In memory of Ellen Wayne's mother, Vivian Kabcenell
Samuel Backman
Michael and Marcia Lawson
Howard and Sherri Kohr In honor of the birth of Avi Ethan Kraushaar
Elliot and Karen Parkin Robert and Maureen Shapiro
In memory of Elsie G. Shulman In honor of Cydney and Iver Kasenetz's new granddaughter,
Robert and Judith Bregman Scarlett Reese
In memory of Harriet Gutterman Victor and Judith Tynes
Hanna Gutterman In memory of Barbara Kasoff, mother of Ben
In memory of Rae and Morris Frank Robert and Maureen Shapiro
In memory of beloved daughter, Ilene With many thanks to Chaya Silver for leadership of the Religious
Helene Schrott School and guidance to prepare Ari for his Bar Mitzvah
In memory of beloved father, Elias Weinstein Ellen Bayer
Helene Schrott With many thanks to Randy Stein for tutoring Ari in preparation
Congratulations to Al and Mickey Lazarus on the new home for his Bar Mitzvah
Robert and Maureen Shapiro Ellen Bayer
In honor of Carole Pollner and Jay Warshawsky's special CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
birthdays In honor of Don Melman's Blue Yarmulke award
Robert and Maureen Shapiro Stephen Newman and Barbara Brenman
In honor of Noman Kaufman's special birthday In memory of David Sitrin
David and Jody Small Stephen Newman and Barbara Brenman
In honor of naming of the Perkal family's granddaughters In memory of Edward Finn
Mrs. Karen Kaufman and Al Barke Russell and Carolyn Finn
In memory of Albert P. Levy In memory of Vivian Kabcenell, Ellen Wayne's mother
Rosalyn Jonas Janet Barnett


PabloZYLBERGLAIT by Carol Backman
Born in Buenos Aires, Ar- those like me who wish they could do more if they only knew
gentina, Pablo Zylberglait, how and why, says Pablo. Over the years he says he has
grew up in a Conservative Jew- tried and failed to find sources or guides with the right
ish home, attended Hebrew amount of content and context to motivate him to engage
school and was a member of a more fully on an on-going basis.
Jewish club until he was seven- When he heard about the Jewish Federations Connect-
teen when his family moved to Gens Fellowship, he decided to apply. We were expected to
Los Angeles. A year later Pablo launch our project in June 2016, Pablo says. He called his
entered California State Univer- idea, Davenhack, and he hoped to be able to make it
sity at Northridge and after grad- accessible via mobile device at any time. He also realized
uating, he moved east to attend Georgetown University Law that developing this idea would be very expensive. I was
Center in Washington, D.C. Following law school, Pablo able to create a prototype (model) that works well, and you
returned to L.A. for a couple of years, then moved back to the can download it from the internet, Pablo explains. His
D.C. area to work for the federal government and married Agudas Achim friend, Mike Scheinberg, created a website
Susan Swafford, also a lawyer. called where anyone can download the file
For the past twenty years, Pablo has worked for the Feder- and try it for free.
al Trade Commission in the area of consumer protection. About a year ago Pablo shared his idea and goals with the
Susan is a federal lawyer with the Merit Systems Protection congregation during Shabbat Services. This helped me
Board. They have a seven year old daughter, Sara, who sharpen my vision and gave me encouragement to realize my
attends Oakridge Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia goal, Pablo says. He described his idea as a simple technol-
and is a Girl Scout Daisy. The rest of the family lives in the ogy that provides just enough content, context, and nusach
Miami area, says Pablo. (the chanted sounds) to those yearning to daven and practice
After several years at Adas Israel Congregation in D.C., more frequently at home.
Pablo and Susan joined Agudas Achim in 2015 where Sara DavenHack 1.0 is now ready for use. It is an interactive
could attend religious school. I felt it was time for a change, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file that includes morning prayers,
and I liked the idea of a smaller community, explains Pablo. Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv, and the Bedtime Shema. It fea-
After becoming a member, he joined the Mens Club, the tures a Table of Contents hyperlinked to various prayers,
Youth and Religious School Committee, and the synagogue basic explanations for the daily ritual cycle, and in most
musical ensemble, Ein Lanu Zman, since Pablo plays the cases, English and transliteration. The three daily prayers
electric guitar. One thing I like about Agudas Achim is the include nusach by our Hassan Elisheva Dienstfrey. Users
way we talk about things here. You are supposed to ask, can easily navigate around DavenHack through useful hyper-
why. You cant grapple with things unless you understand links. I want my mother to be able to pick this up and
why, he says. understand what the prayers are about, says Pablo.
Pablo was interested in connecting more with the ritual Pablo says that DavenHack is not a business pursuit, but he
and meaning of the different prayers at services. I wanted to has a request for anyone who can help him. He would love to
learn how to daven, or pray in Hebrew with the correct work with a tech savvy partner to turn this from a PDF file to a
musical sounds, he explains. Since he could read a little functioning app. You can email Pablo at
Hebrew, it was suggested that he study on his own with an Art Anyone can download DavenHack on their tablet or phone and
Scroll siddur, but this was not the answer Pablo wanted. I enjoy how simple it is to tune into the appropriate service any
decided to put together a simple primer for daily practice for time of day.

SUMMER 2017 P AGE 11

MARK YOUR CALENDARS Plans are under way for the New Year 5778. The High Holiday packet will
THE 2017-18 SISTERHOOD SENIORS contain information on membership and upcoming programs. Elliot Parkin will
LUNCH AND LEARN PROGRAM be continuing as Mens Club President and will be ably assisted by Don Melman
DATES HAVE BEEN FINALIZED (who will return to his former position as an at large board member), other
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 returning officers and board members, and our dedicated volunteers.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 The Mens Club Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Program has completed one of
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 its most successful years ever. Mens Club has provided six scholarships this year
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 to teens of the Congregation for Israel experiences. Thanks to Rabbi Rein, Chaya
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Silver, and Mike Scheinberg, Mens Club Ritual Vice President, for their help in
12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. reinvigorating the program. Please contact Mens Club for details if you have a
teen who is interested in a peer trip to Israel. We hope to have some of this years
Interested in helping? participants share their experiences with the Congregation later this year.
We are looking for
some willing and able We would greatly appreciate your support for our Mens Club this coming year by
folks to help us with sending in your membership dues for 2017-18 (5778). Our nominal dues for the
room set-up and food year are $36, but please consider donating a Chaier amount such as $54 (i.e.,
preparation. We have a lot of fun and triple Chai). If you have any suggestions for events or would like to help with any of
our efforts are appreciated. our activities, please contact us at or
Please contact
Jane Bergen -
Nancy Siegal -


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JULY 1, 2017 TAMUZ 7, 5777 JULY 13, 2017 TAMUZ 19, 5777 JULY 28, 2017 AV 5, 5777
Max Biss * Rose Greber Kirschbaum * Isidore Mintz
Irma Glass * Mary Mogel Jacob Moore
* Eva Levinson * Philip Daniel Shalloway Harold Paine
* Jerome Salkin Leon Siegelbaum Rebecca Rubinstein
* Leon Sherter JULY 14, 2017 TAMUZ 20, 5777 Usher Wengrovitz
* Beatrice K. Weinberg Geri Feinstein JULY 29, 2017 AV 6, 5777
JULY 2, 2017 TAMUZ 8, 5777 Harry Gasson * Sarah Chosch
Irene M. Arsenault * Sam Goodfarb * Fannie Cohen
* Max Katz Rose Isaacs JULY 30, 2017 AV 7, 5777
JULY 3, 2017 TAMUZ 9, 5777 Max Mankofsky im Devine
Herbert Limmer Janice Spiro * Joni Alicia Finegold
Dorothy Robin JULY 16, 2017 TAMUZ 22, 5777 Etta Mae Garon
Harry Schneider * Hene Apple Pauline Lewis
Hyman Samuel Schwartz Shirley Frances Flax Sarah Page
Samuel Moises Servianski Samuel Gordon * Rebecca Rosen
Jennie Weinkrantz Sheldon Gross Ray Etta Rosenbloom
JULY 4, 2017 TAMUZ 10, 5777 Nathan Rubinstein Elissa Scheinberg
Stephan Barber Bruce Zuckerman Ann Blank Young
Libby Chapman JULY 17, 2017 TAMUZ 23, 5777 JULY 31, 2017 AV 8, 5777
Edward Frank Ruth L. Brown Gabriel Goldstein
Morris Frank Herold Hofheimer Eugene Perry
* Samuel M. Shulman * Paul Kafka * Shirley Pollock
* Rena Siegel Anne Weinstein Kesner * Tzipe Shapiro
JULY 5, 2017 TAMUZ 11, 5777 JULY 18, 2017 TAMUZ 24, 5777 * Bonnie Sidransky
* Edward Berkes * Regina G. Fagelson * Edward Woolf
Elaine Berson * Harvey M. Kroudvird AUGUST 1, 2017 AV 9, 5777
Rubin Berson * Brache Lieberman Herbert Elkin
Frank Friedberg * Samuel Sheinoff * Milton Siegel
Semmie Jacobs * Iris Zirinsky Bernard Stier (Steer)
Marion Klutch JULY 19, 2017 TAMUZ 25, 5777 AUGUST 2, 2017 AV 10, 5777
* Bernard Richfield * Elek Edelman Stanley Kamerow
Joseph Ruskin Henry Lazarus Kanarick Hilda Kanarick
Nancy Schifrin Dorothy Kappel AUGUST 3, 2017 AV 11, 5777
JULY 6, 2017 TAMUZ 12, 5777 Vera Lubotsky * Samuel Berg
Alfred Quint Elsie Vavithes Bernice Friedler
Elizabeth Rose Zucker JULY 20, 2017 TAMUZ 26, 5777 * Isadore Roskin
Sarah Faith Zucker Adele Salad AUGUST 4, 2017 AV 12, 5777
* Sylvia G. Solotar Else Adler
Erika Blumenstein
JULY 21, 2017 TAMUZ 27, 5777 Mildred Schuman Elmer
Yetta Forman
Nancy Appel Celia Green
Dorothy Goodman Hork
JULY 8, 2017 TAMUZ 14, 5777 * Sonia Asnes Nancy Herman Planchard
Joseph Krochak * Celia Elovitz AUGUST 5, 2017 AV 13, 5777
JULY 22, 2017 TAMUZ 28, 5777 * Abraham Buns
Shayna Myers
Dudley Cooper William M Greene
Max Rubinstein
Meyer Dwass Sam Kesner
* Mildred Sugarman
* Shari Weinberger * Rose Kasenetz AUGUST 6, 2017 AV 14, 5777
Karl Margosches Samuel Becker
JULY 9, 2017 TAMUZ 15, 5777
* Jacob Siegel Richard Brian Glass
Bernard Cohen
* Regina Swartz Max Meritz
Solomon Cohen
JULY 23, 2017 TAMUZ 29, 5777 Etan Savir
Esther Eisenberg
Charles Levitin * Erwin (Ed) Schiff
* Henrietta Frank
* Sidney Kline * Morton Ruben AUGUST 7, 2017 AV 15, 5777
* Joseph Swartz * Louis Chester
Paul Liftman Bernard Rotklein
Samuel M Novak Joseph M. Tolces
JULY 24, 2017 AV 1, 5777 AUGUST 8, 2017 AV 16, 5777
* Miriam Schonberger Milton Leekoff Harold Bernanke
Jonathan Silber * Reuben Newberger * Zelda Cohen
JULY 10, 2017 TAMUZ 16, 5777 Jacob Finkelstein
Sophia Dahl * Eva Turk
am Wolf * Hyman F. Glass
* Ann B. Meyer JULY 25, 2017 AV 2, 5777 * Nancy Eileen Kamerow
* Harry Aaron Schiff Sarah Goldberg * Morris Loeb
JULY 11, 2017 TAMUZ 17, 5777
Natalie Labowitz Joan Millen
* Barbara Ann Borden JULY 26, 2017 AV 3, 5777 Rhoda Shralow
Jay Cohen obbye Goldstein AUGUST 9, 2017 AV 17, 5777
* Marilyn Greenfeld Ozzie Aaron Issner Harry Gilman
* Ethel Joseph Bessie Siegel Milton Kodish
* Edward Palder * Charles Sklarewitz Frieda Lukaczar
Seymour William Perlman JULY 27, 2017 AV 4, 5777 Maher Passamaneck
JULY 12, 2017 TAMUZ 18, 5777
Bobbie Fliflet * Bessie Rapoport
* Maite Draize Mendelson Herbert Garon
JULY 13, 2017 TAMUZ 19, 5777 Morris Robin
Marshall Effron * Hiram Levin Jean Ruben
Leiah Fogel Isadore Lieberman * Richel Serody
* Marvin Gordon Solomon N. Udeleff AUGUST 10, 2017 AV 18, 5777
JULY 28, 2017 AV 5, 5777 Philip Bernanke
Morris Greifer Roswell . Franklin Norma Roth
(Continued on page 14)
* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk
SUMMER 2017 P AGE 13
(Continued from page 13) IN MEMORIAM
AUGUST 11, 2017 AV 19, 5777 AUGUST 18, 2017 AV 26, 5777 AUGUST 25, 2017 ELUL 3, 5777
Bernard Chapnick * Michael Amorky Lloyd Livstone
Dr. Robert Evans * Anna Fagelson * Dorothy Naphtali
* Bea Goldhirsch * Yehuda Shmull Stein Louis Pollner
Emily Hersson AUGUST 19, 2017 AV 27, 5777 * Melvin Scher
* Bernard Korach Milton Finegold David Vitrogen
Leon Rosenberg ulian Lazrus AUGUST 26, 2017 ELUL 4, 5777
AUGUST 20, 2017 AV 28, 5777 Beatrice Allen
AUGUST 12, 2017 AV 20, 5777
* Rebecca Glass Hyman Kugelman
* Ethel Berg
Alene Groll Barnett Labowitz
Eve Hartman
Esther Gumnit * Louis Meyer
Berta Reif Kranz
Bettie Switzer Lillian Pollak
* Harry Schonberger AUGUST 27, 2017 ELUL 5, 5777
AUGUST 13, 2017 AV 21, 5777 * Herbert Wolff
* Vera Acs
Al Brin AUGUST 21, 2017 AV 29, 5777
* Elizabeth Boske Ceisler * Mollie Mae Cohen
Charles Gross
James Eicher Liora Laufer
Judy Hailpern
Max Kwaselow * Scott Bennett Nelson
* Nathan Pitkin AUGUST 28, 2017 ELUL 6, 5777
* Ron Pitkin Anna Miriam Levitan
Jonathan Bliss
* Bernard Sinberg * Frida Schiff
AUGUST 22, 2017 AV 30, 5777 * Solomon Rabinowitz
* Jess Wayne * Jeffrey Marvin Schiller
AUGUST 14, 2017 AV 22, 5777 Roselin Brindell
* Bessie Friedman * Samuel Turk
* Bores Asnes AUGUST 29, 2017 ELUL 7, 5777
* Albert Edelstein Libbie Garbow
Maurice Frank
* Susan Goldhammer Rose Z. Herskovitz
* Sylvia Jonas
* Minerva Homes Mildred Joseph
* Fruma Perlmutter
* Sol Pollock * George Kaslow
* Tchia Perlmutter
* Raymond Stokols June Berger Levine
* Bessie Raskin
* Morris Wolf Florence Miles
Peggy Stein
AUGUST 15, 2017 AV 23, 5777 Donald Miller AUGUST 30, 2017 ELUL 8, 5777
* Helene Goodfarb Saul Rosoff Jason Bodzin
Bernard Graboyes AUGUST 23, 2017 ELUL 1, 5777
Bertha Cohen
Adam Kreiger * Dr. Richard P. Immerman
Carolyn D'Aprix Franklin
Carl LeVine * Lenard Kushner
Isadore Froiman
Mary Rothberg * Nathan Levine
Shirley Howard
Ronald L. Sher * Harry Waldman
AUGUST 24, 2017 ELUL 2, 5777 * David Kramer
* Robert Shotts * Gertrude Meyerson
AUGUST 16, 2017 AV 24, 5777 Florence Edelheit
Jean Glasshofer Maxine Siegelbaum
Susan Goldberg
* David Aaron Lipnick William Soforenko
Hermine Markovitz AUGUST 31, 2017 ELUL 9, 5777
AUGUST 17, 2017 AV 25, 5777 Milton Malyn
* Mordechai Berman
Sidney Gaffen * Albert Woolf
Jacob Heitin
Irvin Shapiro
Bert Saperstone

Programming and community focused on families with children ages 0-5.
Find us on Facebook Agudas Saturdays 11:00-12:00 a.m. Rooms 1 & 2
Achim Young Families Group to Volunteer-led service for kids ages 0-5, accompanied by an adult. Contact
keep track of what is going on and if you are interested in leading.
receive the latest updates! For more
information or to get involved contact: OH, SAY SHALOM SING-A-LONG AND PLAYGROUP
Hannah Kraushaar Sunday, August 13 | 11:00 a.m.
at, Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey leads songs for the first half hour followed by
Sarah Leffler free play. No Jewish knowledge or experience necessary. Each child requires a
at lefflersarah@hotmail, grownup.
at, or Friday, August 18 | 5:30 p.m.
Pam Kesner Friday night service for kids 0-5 and adults with songs, instruments, scarves,
at dancing parachutes, challah, and juice. Contact if you
are interested in leading.
Young Families High Holiday Services
September 21, 22, and 30 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
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Agudas Achim Congregation WHATS INSIDE . . .
2908 Valley Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302 STRATEGIC PLAN 1
Phone: 703-998-6460 HIGH HOLIDAY 1
Fax: 703-998-5843 WEEKLY SERVICE 2
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 MEMBERSHIP 2
Rabbi ......................................................................Steven I. Rein 2017- 2018 BOARD 3
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey NEW 3
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline MAH 4
Executive Director......................................................................Barry Nove USY 4
Youth/Education Director.............................................Chaya Silver DEAR 5
Preschool Director.............................................................Jen Halpern IN THE 5
Co-Presidents...........................Kenneth Labowitz TALMUD 5
Sisterhood President...............Lenore Garon PARASHAT 5
Mens Club President............................Elliot Parkin WITH 6
Communication Specialist......Marya Runkle GREETINGS FROM SUMMER 6 SOCIAL 6
Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class PROFILES OF OUR 11
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat HaShavua SENIOR LUNCH AND 12
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat MENS CLUB 12 13
Sunday, August 13, 11:00 a.m...........................Oh, Say Shalom Playgroup
Friday, August 18, 5:30 p.m..............................Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat
Monday, August 21.....................................High Holiday Applications Due
Sunday, August 27............................Jewish Community at Nationals Park
Wednesday, August 30........................Reflection Booklet Submissions Due
Sunday, September 3, 5:30 p.m................................Membership Barbecue
Sunday, September 10....................................First Day of Religious School
Tuesday, September 12, 12:00 noon......................Senior Lunch and Learn
Greetings Booklet Submissions Due
Lulav and Etrog Orders Due

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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