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Questions on the Text

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 1. What was Kates dream before she went to the World
Championships? Why did it change?
1. Describe briefly Kates daily routine.
_______________________________________________________ 2. According to Kate, why did the French team win at the World
Championships? Kate complimented Estelle. How did Estelle react to
3. What happened after the World Championships?
2. What decision did Kate make about her training before she met 4. Describe the friendship between Kate and Becky.

Andrew? Why did she make this decision? 5. Give two reasons why its good for the athletes to train at Lilleshall.
Chapter 3
3. How did Kates parents react to her news about her date with
Andrew? What reasons did they give to justify their reaction? 1. What information does Kate learn about Belarus from the Internet?

_______________________________________________________ 2. What was the British teams training routine in Belarus?

3. How did Kates perception of herself change while she was at the
4. How did Andrew influence Kates future as a gymnast? training camp?
4. Describe Kates relationship with the other girls in her team.
Chapter 4 1. Ben comes to Kates room looking very serious. What does she think
has happened?
1. Why hasnt Kate got a mobile phone with her?
2. What bad news does Ben tell Kate?
2. What is the purpose of the medical examination?
3. Why is Kate surprised to hear the news? How does she try to explain
3. What does Kate see on the roof? Why does it surprise her? it?
4. Becky describes two types of athletes. What are they and how do they 4. What does Kate try to hide from Ben in the beginning? Why does
differ? she do this?
5. In Kates opinion, why does Monique come to talk to her?

Chapter 7
Chapter 5 1. What stupid thing does Kate say to Becky?
1. Some of the girls drank alcohol on the roof. What is a reasonable 2. What favour does Kate want from Estelle? What surprises Kate about
explanation for this? Estelles reaction to her request?
2. Who accompanies Kate to the examination and why? 3. Why does Kate tell Andrew more than she told Ben?
3. According to Kate, why are the Olympics different from other
Chapter 8
4. Why does Becky feel frustrated?
1. What does Kate begin to think about Ben?

2. According to Kate, Estelle might be responsible for her situation.

Chapter 6 Why does she think this?
3. What does Ben discover about the drugs in Kates body? 3. The British delegation passes the audience. What happens at that
4. Why does Kate begin to suspect Becky?
4. How does the opening ceremony end?
5. What does Kate learn from Andres phone call to Ben?
5. Estelle is much friendlier to Kate now, but shes still extremely
competitive. How do we know this?
Chapter 9

1. How does Kate console herself? Chapter 11

2. Why did Estelle invite Monique to come up to the roof? 1. How does Becky get an opportunity to participate in the Olympic
3. Who gave Kate the drugs and how? Games?

4. What must Kate do before she can participate in the Olympic 2. What two things do the results of the team competitions determine?
Games? 3. How do the Olympic officials choose the winners of the gold medal in
5. Why does Kate apologise to Estelle? What is important to Estelle? the team competition?

4. What happens to Kate on the bars? How does she feel as a result of
Chapter 10
5. What results do Kate and Estelle get in the individual competition?
1. Describe briefly what happens at the beginning of the opening What does Kate think about Estelle?

2. Who participates in the Parade of Nations and what is the role of the

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