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The State of the Birds

United States of America

Birds are a priceless part of Americas heritage.
They are beautiful, they are economically
importantand they reflect the health of our
environment. This State of the Birds report
reveals troubling declines of bird populations
during the past 40 yearsa warning signal of
the failing health of our ecosystems. At the
same time, we see heartening evidence that
strategic land management and conservation
action can reverse declines of birds. This report
calls attention to the collective efforts needed
to protect natures resources for the benefit of
people and wildlife.

Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Waterfowl . . . . . . . . . 20
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Marsh Birds. . . . . . . . 21
Aridlands . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Coasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Grasslands. . . . . . . . . . 8 Oceans. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Game Birds. . . . . . . . . 10 Hawaiian Birds. . . . . . 26
Urban Birds. . . . . . . . . 11 Endangered Species. . 28
Cover photos from top, left to right: Magnolia Warbler by Pamela Wells; Saguaro National Monument,
Arizona, by Gerrit Vyn, Greater Prairie-Chicken by Gerrit Vyn; Pacific forest, Opal Creek, Oregon, by Forests. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Challenges. . . . . . . . . 30
Gerrit Vyn; Snowy Owl by Gerrit Vyn; arctic coastal plain tundra, Colville River Delta, Alaska, by Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Our Approach. . . . . . . 33
Gerrit Vyn; Osprey by James Livaudais. This page: Scarlet Tanager by Gerrit Vyn.
Facing page: Bar-tailed Godwit nest by Gerrit Vyn. Wetlands. . . . . . . . . . 18 Acknowledgements. . 34

warning signal of the failing health of our ecosystems. Where we
have been negligent too long, such as in Hawaii, we are on the verge
of losing entire suites of unique and beautiful birds and native plant
Birds Are Important Indicators
of Our Nations Environmental Health At the same time, we see heartening evidence that birds can respond
quickly and positively to conservation action. Many waterfowl
The United States is blessed with diverse landscapes, a wealth of species have undergone significant increases in the past 40 years, a
natural resources, and spectacular wildlife, including more than 800 testament to coordinated conservation efforts in wetlands. Through
bird species. Birds are a national treasure and a heritage we share focused conservation efforts, we have brought magnificent Peregrine
with people around the world, as billions of migratory birds follow Falcons and Bald Eagles back from the brink of extinction.
the seasons across oceans and continents. Our passion for nature is
evident: Wildlife watching generates $122 billion in economic output We ask you to join us in continuing to reverse the damage to our
annually, and one in every four American adults is a bird watcher. nations habitats and protect our remaining natural landscapesthe
foundation upon which our precious resources, our wildlife, and
In the past 200 years, however, the U.S. human population has the lives of our children depend. Cooperative conservation efforts
skyrocketed from about 8 million to 300 million. As we have among the government, conservation organizations, and ordinary
harvested energy and food, grown industries, and built cities, we citizensprivate landowners, hunters, and bird watchersreally are
have often failed to consider the consequences to nature. During our making a difference.
history, we have lost a part of our natural heritageand degraded
and depleted the resources upon which our quality of life depends. It is imperative that we redouble our efforts now, before habitat loss
We have lost more than half of our nations original wetlands, 98% and degradation become even more widespread, intractable, and
of our tallgrass prairie, and virtually all virgin forests east of the expensive to solve. Together, we can ensure that future generations
Rockies. Since the birth of our nation, four American bird species will look back at this first State of the Birds report with disbelief that
have gone extinct, including the Passenger Pigeon, once the worlds their common birds could ever have been so troubled.
most abundant bird. At least 10 more species are possibly extinct.
North American Bird Conservation
Birds are bellwethers of our natural and cultural health as a nation Initiative, U.S. Committee
they are indicators of the integrity of the environments that provide American Bird Conservancy
us with clean air and water, fertile soils, abundant wildlife, and the
Association of
natural resources on which our economic development depends. In Fish and Wildlife Agencies
the past 40 years, major public, private, and government initiatives
have made strides for conservation. Has it been enough? How are Cornell Lab of Ornithology
birds faring? Klamath Bird Observatory
In an unprecedented partnership, government wildlife agencies National Audubon Society
and conservation groups have come together to produce this first The Nature Conservancy
comprehensive analysis of the state of our nations birds. The results U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
are sobering: bird populations in many habitats are declininga U.S. Geological Survey

Bar-tailed Godwit nest, Alaska.

The results reflect the influence of human activities and global change on
our nations birds. Every U.S. habitat harbors birds in need of conserva-
tion. Hawaiian birds and ocean birds appear most at risk, with populations
in danger of collapse if immediate conservation measures are not imple-
mented. Bird populations in grassland and aridland habitats show the most
rapid declines over the past 40 years. Birds that depend on forests are also
In contrast, wetland species, wintering coastal birds, and hunted waterfowl
show increasing populations during the past 40 years, reflecting a strong
focus during this period on wetlands conservation and management.

Species of Conservation Concern

70 Percentage of
Federally threatened Additional species of bird species that

Percentage of Species
60 or endangered conservation concern are threatened,
50 endangered, and of
The `I`iwi is a bird unique to the Hawaiian Islands. More bird species are conservation concern
vulnerable to extinction in Hawaii than anywhere else in the United States. 40 in each habitat.

Overview 20

The State of Our Nations Birds 0
The United States is home to a tremendous diversity of native birds, with















more than 800 species inhabiting terrestrial, coastal, and ocean habitats,





including Hawaii. Among these species, 67 are federally listed as endan-
gered or threatened. An additional 184 are species of conservation concern Hawaiian Birds in Crisis
because of their small distribution, high threats, or declining populations. More than one-third of all U.S. listed bird species occur in Hawaii and 71
Successful conservation requires information about the population status bird species have gone extinct since humans colonized the islands in about
of every species to ensure the survival of endangered birds and to manage 300 AD. At least 10 more birds have not been seen in as long as 40 years and
common species so they never become threatened. This report presents a may be extinct. Proven conservation measures are urgently needed to avert
new synthesis of major bird-monitoring databases, including data from this global tragedy, including increasing investment in protecting remaining
thousands of citizen scientists and professional biologists. We used data forests, eliminating exotic predators, and captive breeding.
from three continentwide monitoring programs to create bird population
indicators for major U.S. habitats, reflecting the health of these habitats and
the environmental services they provide. These habitat indicators are based Declining Seabirds Signal Stressed Oceans
on the population changes of obligate speciesthose that are restricted to a At least 39% of the U.S. birds restricted to ocean habitats are declining.
single habitat and are most sensitive to environmental changes. We supple- These birds face threats from pollution, over-fishing, and warming sea tem-
mented this information with data from many other surveys that focus peratures caused by climate change, as well as threats at island and coastal
on species that are rare, endangered, or difficult to monitor, such as ocean nesting sites. Declining seabirds may be our most visible indication of an
birds. (See pages 3334 for methods.) ocean ecosystem under stress.

High Concern for Coastal Shorebirds Forest Birds Face an Uncertain Future
Although some coastal birds are increasing, shorebirds that rely on coastal Although forest birds have fared better overall than birds in other habi-
habitats for breeding and refueling on migration are besieged by human tats, many species have suffered steep declines and remain threatened by
disturbance and dwindling food supplies. Sea level rise caused by acceler- unplanned and sprawling urban development, unsustainable logging,
ating climate change will inundate shoreline habitats. Half of all coastally increased severity of wildfires, and a barrage of exotic forest pests and
migrating shorebirds have declined; for example, Red Knots have declined diseases.
by an alarming 82%. Because of their relatively small and highly threatened
global populations, shorebirds are of high conservation concern.
Conservation Successes for Endangered
and Common Birds
Wetland Birds Show Amazing Resilience
The will of our nation to prevent extinction and reverse environmental
The upward trend for wetland birds in the U.S. is a testament to the amaz- degradation is exemplified by the remarkable recovery of the Bald Eagle,
ing resilience of bird populations where the health of their habitat is sus- Peregrine Falcon, and other bird populations after the banning of DDT and
tained or restored. The overwhelming success of waterfowl management, other harmful pesticides. Targeted conservation programs for listed species
coordinated continentally among Canada, the United States, and Mexico, remain necessary, and proactive measures involving voluntary partnerships
can serve as a model for conservation in other habitats. between local, state, tribal, and federal government, nongovernmental or-
ganizations, and private citizens are needed to maintain the integrity of U.S.
Bird Population Indicators habitats and to keep our common birds common.
Bird population Over the last two decades, unprecedented private-public partnerships,
indicators based on called Joint Ventures, have been highly effective at leveraging scarce funds
40 trends for obligate to conserve millions of acres of wetlands and other wildlife habitat. Also,
Percentage Change

Aridlands species in four major

bird conservation initiatives such as Partners in Flight, the U.S. Shorebird
20 Grasslands habitats.
Conservation Plan, and the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan
have raised awareness and inspired conservation action at continental and
regional scales. The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (www. provides opportunities for coordinating these vital activities.

1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007

Grasslands and Aridlands:

Degraded, Neglected
Dramatic declines in grassland and aridland birds signal alarming neglect and
degradation of these habitats. Incentives for wildlife-compatible agricultural
practices in grasslands and increased protection of fragile desert, sagebrush,
and chaparral ecosystems are urgently needed to reverse these declines.

Black Oystercatchers inhabit coastal areas

where habitat loss is a threat. Coastal
reserves help ensure that oystercatchers
and humans can coexist.
Gerrit Vyn

Unique Birds of the Aridlands
Face Loss and Degradation of
Habitat Greater Sage-Grouse by Ted Schroeder

Consider This: The State of Aridland Birds Birds in Trouble

Of 83 aridland-breeding bird species, 39% are spe- Federally listed as

Greg Lavaty
PP Aridlands harbor more than 80 nesting
bird species, including many unique cies of conservation concern, including 10 feder- endangered: California
and beautiful birds found only in ally listed as endangered or threatened. These Condor, (Northern)
deserts, sagebrush, or chaparral. species are especially vulnerable because of their Aplomado Falcon, (San
small ranges or restricted habitat requirements, or Clemente) Loggerhead
PP More than 75% of birds that nest only both. Shrike, (Least) Bells
in aridlands are declining and 39% Vireo, Black-capped
Sixty percent of all aridland species and 76% Vireo, Golden-cheeked
of all aridland birds are species of of aridland obligate species have declined. The Warbler. Threatened:
conservation concern. aridland birds indicator, based on 17 of 30 obli- Golden-cheeked Warbler
(Western) Snowy
gate species with sufficient data, shows a steady Plover, (Coastal) California Gnatcatcher, (Inyo)
PP Habitat loss from urban development,
decline over the past 40 years, to nearly 30% California Towhee, (San Clemente) Sage Sparrow.
habitat degradation from overgrazing
below the baseline value. An additional 13 species, Endangered Golden-cheeked Warblers depend
and invasive plants, and a changing
including nine species of conservation concern, on ash-juniper woodlands that are being cleared
climate are causing significant
are not adequately monitored. for agriculture or suburban development in the
problems for many aridland birds.
Texas hill country.
PP A regional system of protected areas Aridland Birds Indicator Species such as Elf Owl, Bendires and LeContes
is critically needed to accommodate 60
thrashers, and Gilded Flicker are of conservation
increasing development while 40
Aridland Obligates (17)
concern because of their small range, known
Percentage Change

meeting the habitat requirements for threats, or declining populations.

keeping bird populations stable. 20
Resident game birds that depend on aridlands,
0 including Greater and Gunnisons sage-grouse
and Scaled Quail, have suffered significant
declines and are threatened by continued deg-

-40 radation of their fragile habitats. About 45% of

1968 1973 1978 1983 1988
1993 1998 2003 2007
potential sagebrush habitat has been converted
to other habitat types, including agriculture and
urban areas.

Aridlands in the U.S. include the Sonoran Desert (shown here),

Chihuahuan, Mojave, and Great Basin deserts, and major shrub-
scrub ecoregions (coastal California chaparral, Edwards Plateau,
Gerrit Vyn

Colorado Plateau). Aridlands are characterized by low annual

precipitation with variability from one year to the next.

Major Threats production of seeds needed by birds. Improved Reasons for Hope
monitoring of bird populations may provide the
Endangered Cali-
Development and Energy first indications of changes to habitats.
fornia Condors and
Unplanned and sprawling urban development Aplomado Falcons
is by far the greatest threat to aridlands. Some of have been reintro-
our nations fastest growing cities are in aridlands

Brian L. Sullivan
duced to areas where
(e.g., Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Diego). Proactive conservation measures, such as ensur-
they had been extir-
ing sustainable agriculture and environmentally
Coastal sage and chaparral of southern Califor- pated in the United
sustainable energy development, are needed to
nia represent a global biodiversity hotspot with States. Public lands
reverse declines of native aridland birds.
numerous threatened or endangered plants and California Condor have provided impor-
animals. About 40% of the area is now urban or Linking the protected lands system with smart tant habitats for these
suburban, supporting nearly half of Californias growth in communities will provide oppor- species. Today, 174 condors are flying free, and
human population. tunities for people to enjoy birds, as well as for the number grows each year.
birds to move and adapt to increasing pressure
Energy development and exploration have major Vast areas of public land managed by the Bureau
from development.
impacts on aridland birds. Poorly planned energy of Land Management and Department of De-
infrastructure degrades and fragments habitat and Immediate, innovative efforts are needed to fense offer opportunities to protect and manage
provides conditions favorable for invasive plant encourage the coexistence of agriculture and na- habitats for aridland birds.
species. tive birds, including wildlife-compatible grazing
Harris's Hawk by Gerrit Vyn
practices, maintenance of native habitat patches,
Agriculture and Invasive Species and planting native seed mixes in disturbed
Invasive nonnative plants are a serious threat areas.
to virtually all aridlands. In the Great Basin and Continual efforts must be made to prevent
other areas, more than 17% of remaining sage- invasive plants from spreading in areas most
brush is dominated by introduced grasses such affected by wildfire.
as cheatgrass. Invasive grasses fuel wildfires that
devastate sagebrush and desert plant communi-
ties, eliminating native plants that evolved in the Beyond Our Borders
absence of fire. More than 50% of aridland birds are permanent
Unsustainable livestock ranching practices have residents of the U.S. borderlands. Effective con-
degraded habitat and damaged soils, fostering servation requires close collaboration with the
areas dominated by nonnative plants. Mexican government and private conservation
organizations. Most migratory species winter in
Climate Change Mexico and Central America, including the endan-
The impact of climate change in aridlands is diffi- gered Golden-cheeked Warbler. New and existing
cult to predict, but warmer conditions and chang- international partnerships must be supported to
es in precipitation may dramatically affect the ensure the survival of aridland birds.

Unplanned urban growth is by far the greatest threat to aridland birds.

A regional system of protected areas can enhance quality of life for
people and enable birds to survive.

Americas Heartland is
Home to Our Nations Fastest
Declining Birds Greater Prairie-Chicken by Gerrit Vyn

Consider This: The State of Grassland Birds Birds in Trouble

Of 46 grassland-breeding birds, 48% are spe- Federally listed as

Donald Metzner
PP Grassland birds are a vital part of
North American landscapes. Forty- cies of conservation concern, including 4 with endangered: (Northern)
eight species nest in U.S. grasslands, populations that are federally endangered. Eight Aplomado Falcon,
including ducks, grouse, hawks, and of twelve sparrow species are listed as of con- (Attwaters) Greater
servation concern. Of the 42 grassland species Prairie-Chicken,
songbirds. (Masked) Northern
with sufficient monitoring data, 23 are declining
PP Grassland birds are among the fastest significantly. Bobwhite, (Florida)
Grasshopper Sparrow.
and most consistently declining The grassland birds indicator, based on data for
birds in North America; 48% are of 24 of 25 obligate species, dropped by nearly 40% Some of the Ameri- Western Meadowlark
conservation concern and 55% are from the baseline value, with a slight recovery can landscapes most
showing significant declines. evident in the last five years. iconic birds are showing steep declines. Eastern
and Western meadowlarks, Bobolinks, Short-
PP Only about 2% of the tallgrass prairie eared Owls, and Northern Bobwhites have
that existed in the early 1800s still Grassland Bird Indicator declined by 3877% since 1968.
remains. Although birds may settle Grassland Obligates (24) Six species that breed in the Great Plains of the
in pastures and haylands, frequent 40 United States and Canada and that winter in
Percentage Change

haying, burning, and overgrazing can Mexicos Chihuahuan grasslands are show-
create ecological traps where birds 20
ing steep declines of 6891%: Mountain Plover,
try to nest but fail to raise their young. Spragues Pipit, Lark Bunting, Bairds Sparrow,
Chestnut-collared Longspur, and McCowns
PP Farmland conservation programs -20 Longspur.
provide the best hope for birds and
other wildlife. Agricultural practices -40 Lesser and Greater prairie-chicken, Sharp-tailed
can become more compatible with 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007
Grouse, Northern Bobwhite, and Northern
birds, and land can be managed Pintailall popular game birdshave declined
inexpensively for birds with funding from historic levels because of loss and frag-
from conservation programs. mentation of grasslands. Lesser Prairie-Chicken
is a candidate for listing under the Endangered
Species Act.

Native grasslands once stretched across the United States from

Judd Patterson

Canada to Mexico, and east from the Rocky Mountains as far as

Ohio. More than 95% of the tallgrass prairie has been converted
to agriculture and other uses. Short- and mixed-grass prairies
South Dakota by ? Strizich continue to be converted to agriculture.

Major Threats birds, especially in areas of row-crop agriculture Reasons for
and across the short-grass prairie.
Agriculture Hope
Haying, grazing, mowing, and burning can be
Grassland birds have declined because of the conducted in ways that are compatible with After recent, alarm-
intensification of agriculture, including larger birds, usually at very small cost to the producer. ing declines in some
grassland specialists,

Greg Lavaty
fields with fewer grassy edges, native weeds, and These costs can be compensated by conservation
insects, as well as the spread of row crops into programs that provide other benefits as well, such as Henslows
drier regions. such as erosion control. Sparrow, increases
Henslow's Sparrow have resulted from
Pastures cannot support many birds if overgrazed, Wetland conservation programs should con- the Conservation
burned too frequently, or burned at the beginning tinue to include adjacent grasslands because Reserve Program and other programs that have
of the nesting season or the end of the grass-grow- such areas are valuable for both grassland and restored wildlife habitat. Healthy populations of
ing season. wetland birds. these birds will require maintaining or increas-
Grasslands in public lands and parks are often Many national, state, and local parks could be ing acreages and conservation practices.
mowed too frequently and kept too short to managed to benefit grassland birds, and new Birds that use wet grass and grass adjacent to
provide bird habitat. Open areas are frequently al- acquisitions from willing landowners should be wetlands are doing better than average, per-
lowed to revert to forest instead of being managed explored. Management should include a balance haps because these species have been the focus
as grassland. of disturbance to eliminate woody vegetation the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands
while allowing a healthy tall grassland. Reserve Program, conservation easements, and
Energy and Climate Change
other initiatives.
High commodity prices and demand for biofuels
contribute to reduced acreage for farm conser- Beyond Our Borders Bobolink by Gerrit Vyn

vation programs, which may reverse the recent More than half of grassland obligate species
improvement in grassland bird populations. depend on Canadian prairie habitats, as well as
Wind turbines, if improperly sited, can fragment those in the central United States. Chihuahuan
grasslands and disrupt nesting activity of game Desert grasslands in Mexico host a wide variety
birds such as Lesser Prairie-Chickens. of U.S.-breeding birds in winter, but more than a
million acres have been converted to agriculture in
Global warming is expected to increase drought
the past five years. Ranchlands are often over-
conditions in grassland regions, leading to lower
grazed, causing desertification.
productivity and reduced food supply for birds.
Migrants such as Bobolink, Upland and Buff-
breasted sandpipers, American Golden-Plover,
Solutions and Swainsons Hawk fly to South America where
Farm conservation programs remain our best grasslands are being converted to agricultural
tool for restoring and maintaining grasslands for production.

Farm conservation programs provide millions of acres of protected grasslands

that are essential for the birds in a landscape where little native prairie remains.

Spotlight on Resident Game Birds Reasons for Hope
Farm Bill programs that result in the retirement
Managing Land for Game Birds Helps All Birds of millions of acres of intensely cropped lands
offer the greatest hope for the long-term man-
Upland game bird hunting in the United States show stable overall populations; however their agement of many resident game birds. Greater
generated nearly $2 billion and provided numbers are augmented by captive-breeding and Prairie-Chicken populations have benefited from
recreation for nearly 3 million licensed hunters release programs because of demand for recreation- the creation of core grasslands in several states,
in 2006. Because management for the 19 native al hunting. and population goals for recovery of Northern
resident game bird species falls under the Bobwhite have been written into recent Farm Bill
jurisdiction of state wildlife agencies, regional initiatives.
partnerships such as the Northern Bobwhite Birds in Trouble By the early 1900s, most Wild Turkey populations
Conservation Initiative and North American Federally listed as endangered: (Attwaters) had been wiped out in North America. As late
Grouse Partnership formed so states can work Greater Prairie-Chicken, (Masked) Northern Bob-
as the Great Depression, fewer than 30,000 Wild
together on rangewide management efforts. white.
Turkeys remained in the entire United States. Re-
These efforts target landscape-level habitat Northern Bobwhite has declined by 75% over the introduction programs, active management, and
changes that benefit both game and non-game past 40 years because of alteration of grassland- regulated hunting have allowed the Wild Turkey
species. In addition, volunteer organizations assist shrub communities in pine, agricultural and graz- population to expand to more than 7 million birds
management efforts for resident game birds, ing lands where the limiting factor is nesting and by 2008.
including the National Wild Turkey Federation, brood-rearing habitat.
Sustainable forest management provides forest
Quail Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and the Both Greater and Lesser prairie-chickens are habitat diversity for Ruffed Grouse, which inhabit
Ruffed Grouse Society. highly social species that are sensitive to loss and young forest.
fragmentation of native grasslands. Encroachment Gerrit Vyn
by osage orange, western red cedar, and invasive
The State of grasses also reduces habitat quality.
Resident Game Birds Despite state and federal measures to avoid, mini-
Of 19 native resident game bird species, 47% are mize, and mitigate known threats, Greater Sage-
species of conservation concern and 2 are federally Grouse continues to be threatened by the spread
endangered. Based on the best data from a variety of invasive grass species, degradation and loss
of sources, Greater Sage-Grouse, Gunnisons Sage- of sagebrush habitat from livestock grazing, the
Grouse, Greater Prairie-Chicken, Lesser Prairie- development of renewable energy, and the spread
Chicken, Sooty Grouse, and Northern Bobwhite of West Nile virus.
are thought to have declined by more than 50% in Heavy livestock grazing and subsequent inva-
the last 40 years, and Scaled Quail have declined by sions of nonnative plants have eliminated under-
33%. For these species, further research is required story flowering plants and grasses from habitat
to understand fully the limiting factors. Introduced used by Montezuma Quail in southern Arizona
Chukar, Ring-necked Pheasant, and Gray Partridge and northern Mexico.

Northern Bobwhites have declined

Cooperative partnerships have implemented by 75% during the past 40 years.
landscape-level management benefiting both Recent Farm Bill initiatives
include goals for recovery of
game and non-game bird species. bobwhite populations.

Creating greenspace for birds in cities
can help adaptable urban birds as well Exotic Bird Species
as migrants stopping over during The most common birds in nearly every urban
their long journeys. environment are exotic species introduced from
other parts of the world. Exotic species also occur
in most natural habitats in North America and many
American Robins can thrive have significant negative effects on native birds,
in many habitats, including In general, urban-adapted species from eastern
urban yards and parks. forests, especially permanent residents, have other wildlife, and humans. European Starlings can
shown stable or increasing populations, whereas damage seed and fruit crops and compete with na-
Gregg Lee
migratory birds, such as Common Nighthawk, tive birds for nest cavities. Mute Swans, introduced
Chimney Swift, and Wood Thrush, show the same from Eurasia in the 19th century, have displaced
Spotlight declining trends as many eastern forest obligates. ducks and geese from wetlands and have over-
This suggests that birds living in urban habitats grazed aquatic vegetation. Other exotic birds have
on Urban Birds year-round benefit from higher overwinter sur- positive economic impacts, such as Ring-necked
vival. In the West, a majority of common urban/ Pheasant, a popular species with hunters.
Habitat for Birds and People suburban species are declining, especially birds
Of the 17 exotic species considered in this report,
native to southwestern aridlands and Pacific Coast
Although bird communities in urban environ- forests. some have been established for more than a century
ments are often dominated by a few exotic and and now occur across the continent. These birds,
ubiquitous species such as Rock Pigeons and The wide variety of native birds that thrive
in urban areas underscores the importance of including Rock Pigeon, European Starling, and
House Sparrows, a surprising number of native
these artificial habitats to the survival of many House Sparrow, show stable or declining trends over
birds have adapted to life around humans.
bird populations. Creating greenspace in urban the past 40 years. In contrast, populations of some
American Robins can thrive in many habitats, environments, landscaping with native plants in recently introduced species are growing, including
including lawns with abundant earthworms. Cali- backyards and parks, adopting architecture and Eurasian Collared-Doves, whose abundance and
fornia Quail and Aberts Towhees find suburban lighting systems that reduce collisions, and keep-
plantings a suitable substitute for native aridland distribution have increased exponentially since they
ing pets indoors will provide the greatest benefit colonized Florida from the Bahamas in the 1970s.
habitats. Gulls, vultures, and crows seek abun- to breeding birds and migrants seeking safe places
dant food at garbage dumps and along roadsides. to rest and find food during their spectacular
Hummingbirds, chickadees, sparrows, finches,
The impacts of exotic species on the well-being of
journeys. humans and our native flora and fauna are not well
woodpeckers, and other birds take advantage of
bird feeders. Even hawks and owls find increas- studied. Exotic birds merit
ingly safe nesting sites and abundant prey in our Urban Birds Indicator closer monitoring, and
towns and cities. Urban Birds (114)
careful vigilance will
The urban/suburban indicator, based on data for 40 be needed to protect
Percentage Change

114 native bird species, shows a steady, strong against negative

increase during the past 40 years, driven primar-
impacts to our native birds.
ily by a small number of highly successful species 0
such as Wild Turkey, Double-crested Cormorant,
vultures, gulls, doves, House Finch, and Great- -20 Introduced to the Bahamas in the
tailed Grackle. This indicator may represent a 1970s, Eurasian Collared-Doves
-40 have spread to Florida and across the
sensitive first alert to environmental changes 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007 United States.
from urban and suburban development. Year

Vicki Lackey

Healthy Forests Are Key to
the Future of Birds and Our
Natural Resources Scarlet Tanager by Gerrit Vyn

Consider This: The State of Forest Birds recently. Many boreal

Gary H. Rosenberg
birds are not well moni-
PP North America has a tremendous Of 310 forest-breeding birds nationwide, 22%
tored over large parts
diversity of forests harboring more are species of conservation concern, including
of their range, however,
than 300 breeding bird species. 11 federally listed as endangered or threatened.
reducing our confidence
Roughly one-third of all forest-breeding species
in this indicator.
PP Some forest birds are doing have declined. The overall indicator for obligate
well, giving hope for continued forest birds, based on 96 species with adequate Similarly, in subtropical
conservation efforts, but roughly data, declined by roughly 10% through 1980, then forests of South Texas
one-third of all forest-breeding recovered slightly in recent years (see graph, page and Florida, monitoring
Elegant Trogon
species have declined. 5). Bird population trends in forests differed across data were insufficient to
four geographic regions (see pages 1415). create a bird population indicator. Many species
PP Forests are threatened by unplanned in these regions are known to be expanding their
The eastern forests indicator, based on data for 25
and sprawling urban development, range northward, perhaps in response to warming
obligate species, declined steadily over the past 40
unsustainable logging, intense temperatures.
years, dropping by nearly 25% since 1968.
wildfires following decades of fire
suppression, overbrowsing by In western forests, the indicator based on 38
Forest Birds Indicator
deer, and tree pests and diseases obligate species shows a slightly declining trend; 60
exacerbated by a changing climate. however, monitoring data were unavailable for Eastern (25)
40% of western forest obligates, including 10 spe- 40

Percentage Change
Western (38)
PP Opportunities abound for forest bird cies of conservation concern. Many western forest Boreal (31)
management, including a balance of birds, such as Montezuma Quail, Elegant Trogon, 20

economically viable but sustainable White-headed Woodpecker, and Hermit Warbler, 0

forestry and grazing practices; the are at risk because of their small geographic range
U.S. manages 193 million acres of or small and threatened populations. -20
National Forests. The indicator for boreal forests, based on 31 of 37
Courtesy Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

obligate species with adequate data, has fluctu- 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007
ated greatly with a generally declining trend over
the first 25 years, and then a general increase more

As many as five billion birds

fly south from the boreal forest
Sustainable forestry, landowner incentives for forest
each fall, according to the Boreal preservation, and urban greenspace initiatives can
Songbird Initiative. Many of
these birds spend the winter in
protect natural resources and help ensure the
the United States. long-term viability of many forest birds.
Major Threats eastern hemlock with extinction within 50 years. Reasons for Hope
Unnaturally high populations of white-tailed deer Forest-breeding
Development and Disturbance have destroyed the shrubby understory of many raptors, such as
Rapid urban growth threatens forests in all eastern forests, contributing to declines in forest- Coopers Hawk, Red-
regions. Development increased from 15 million nesting birds. shouldered Hawk,
to 60 million acres during 19452002 and is still

Shane R. Conklin
and Merlin, as well
increasing exponentially. as tree-nesting Bald
The loss of economic incentives for private for-
Solutions Eagle and Osprey,
estry has led to the sale and subdivision of forest The U.S. manages 193 million acres in 155 have responded
industry lands and a rapid rise in second-home National Forests, 80% of which are in western Red-shouldered Hawk positively to protec-
and other ex-urban development, causing forest states. By 2008, 13% of forestlands in the west- tion from shooting,
loss and fragmentation. ern U.S, 6% in the East, and 26% in Alaska had banning of harmful pesticides, and abundant
been set aside in forest reserves. Conservation prey in urban areas.
Decades of unnatural fire suppression have
of roadless areas and additional reserves and
created fuel for more intense fires, dramatically
improved management, such as sustainable
increasing the acreage burned in recent years (e.g.,
forestry and grazing practices, would ensure the
9.8 million acres burned in 2006). Historically,
long-term viability of many forest birds.
natural fires burned large areas of some forest Cerulean Warbler by Greg Lavaty
types annually, but were less intense. These fires Sustainable forestry practices improve the
were essential for the health of forests and their long-term health of forests. Economically viable
wildlife. practices on private lands and incentives for pri-
vate landowners can provide a mosaic of forest
Resource Use ages and structure to benefit diverse birds and
The U.S. harvests 21.2 billion cubic feet of timber prevent development.
from forests annually. Harvest increased by 40% Smart growth and urban greenspace initiatives
during 19501980, but has declined since 1985. are critical for stemming the tide of suburban
More than half of all timber comes from south- sprawl and preserving the integrity and connec-
eastern forestlands, 87% of which are privately tivity of forest ecosystems. Incentive programs
owned. Only a small portion of timber originates that enable landowners to keep their land as
from federal lands, but important forest types forest need to be expanded.
such old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest
and Alaska remain available for logging.
Beyond Our Borders
Invasive Species Half of all forest bird species migrate from breed-
Nearly every important tree species is afflicted by ing habitats in the U.S. and Canada to winter in
an exotic insect pest or disease, which will likely the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South
be exacerbated by a changing climate. Mountain America. Collaborative initiatives involving inter-
pine beetle has killed vast areas of western pine national partnerships are essential for successful
forests and the hemlock woolly adelgid threatens conservation of these species and their habitats.

The Cerulean Warbler is one of more than 40 species of colorful

wood-warblers that breed in U.S. forests. They migrate thousands
of miles annually to winter in the Neotropics. Many long-
distance migrants are threatened by loss and degradation of
forests across the hemisphere.

Eastern Forest Western Forest
Birds in Trouble Birds in Trouble

Roger Ericksson

Kenneth V. Rosenberg
Federally listed as endangered: Wood Stork, Federally listed as threatened: Marbled Murre-
Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Red-cockaded Wood- let, (Northern) Spotted Owl, (Mexican) Spotted
pecker, Bachmans Warbler, Kirtlands Warbler. Owl, (Southwestern) Willow Flycatcher.
Threatened: Florida Scrub-Jay. Several groups of birds are declining:
The eastern U.S. has lost two forest species to Specialized permanent residents, such as
extinction: Passenger Pigeon and Carolina Para- Pinyon Jay (threatened by massive die-off of
keet. Hope is dimming for Bachmans Warbler pinyon pines), Oak Titmouse (threatened by
Golden-winged Warbler Lewiss Woodpecker
and Ivory-billed Woodpecker. loss of California oak woodlands), and Yellow-
Many eastern forest birds are suffering consistent and troubling declines: billed Magpie (threatened by loss of oaks and by West Nile virus).
Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Bachmans Temperate migrants dependent on mature pine forests, including Lewiss
Sparrow, year-round residents of mature southern pine forests, especially Woodpecker, Plumbeous Vireo, Graces Warbler, and Cassins Finch.
the highly threatened longleaf pine ecosystem. Neotropical migrants such as Black Swift, Western Wood-Pewee, and
Neotropical migrants that require large blocks of intact forests, such as Black-throated Gray Warbler. The steeply declining Black Swift is vulner-
Kentucky Warbler, Wood Thrush, and Eastern Wood-Pewee. The Ceru- able to increasing drought conditions because it nests behind waterfalls.
lean Warbler is threatened by mountaintop-removal coal mining along Many Pacific forest birds, including Marbled Murrelet, Spotted Owl,
Appalachian ridges and clearing of riverine forests. Olive-sided Flycatcher, Varied Thrush, Band-tailed Pigeon, Rufous Hum-
Species dependent on disturbed or early successional forest or natural mingbird, and Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Murrelets and Spotted Owls
disturbance (including pine barrens) including the Golden-winged War- require structurally diverse old-growth forests.
bler, Whip-poor-will, Prairie Warbler, Eastern Towhee, and Field Spar-
row, and popular game species such as Northern Bobwhite and American
Woodcock. Reasons for Hope
Vast areas of western forests on public lands are
protected from permanent conversion to other
Reasons for Hope land uses. Improved forest management, such

James Livaudais
Wild Turkeys were close to extinction in the early as restoring natural fire regimes and fencing
1900s but have increased tremendously (8.9% riparian areas to prevent overgrazing, can benefit
per year since 1968) in response to reintroduction many forest birds.
programs, management, and forest regeneration.
Spotted Owl
Gerrit Vyn

Many characteristic eastern forest birds, includ-

ing woodpeckers, chickadees, hawks, and owls,
Wild Turkey
have adapted to urban and suburban plantings
and parks, buffering them from the effects of
habitat loss and fragmentation.

An eastern deciduous forest turns ablaze Redwood and Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific
with color in fall. Eastern forests include Coast are some of the tallest forests in the
northern hardwood and other mixed forests world. Western forests also include conifer,
of the Northeast and upper Midwest, pine-oak, and pinyon-juniper forests of the
oak-hickory and other deciduous forests of mountains, riparian ribbons of deciduous forest
the Appalachians, coastal plain, and river along major rivers, and oak woodlands.
Gerrit Vyn

Gerrit Vyn

valleys, and southeastern longleaf and

slash pine forests.

Boreal Forest Subtropical Forest
Birds in Trouble Birds in Trouble

Jack Bartholomai

Mark Keithly
Federally listed as endangered: Whooping Federally listed as endangered: Wood Stork.
Crane. Threatened: (Audubons) Crested Caracara.
Lesser Scaup and White-winged Scoter nest Smooth-billed Ani in Florida and Groove-
in boreal forests and winter in coastal regions; billed Ani in Texas have declined dramatically
both have declined by more than 50% in 40 for unknown reasons.
years. Other less-common species of the Rio Grande
The U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan identi- Rusty Blackbird Valley, such as Altamira and Audubons Altamira Oriole
fies four boreal-nesting species that are of high orioles, also have declined, possibly due to
conservation concern: Whimbrel, Hudsonian Godwit, Solitary Sandpiper, Bronzed and Brown-headed cowbirds that lay eggs in the orioles nests.
and Short-billed Dowitcher. Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpiper also
are experiencing long-term declines.
Reasons for Hope

Sam Crowe
Harriss Sparrow and Rusty Blackbird are temperate migrants that winter
entirely within the U.S.; causes of their steep declines have yet to be de- Couchs Kingbird, Long-billed
termined (Rusty Blackbirds have declined by 75% in 40 years). Thrasher, and Olive Sparrow
are among many species that
Birds that periodically come south in winter, such as Bohemian Waxwing, are moving northward in Texas,
Pine Siskin, White-winged Crossbill, and Evening Grosbeak, have experi-
perhaps in response to warming
enced long-term declines. temperatures.
Many Neotropical migrants show consistent declines, including boreal Acquisition and restoration ef-
specialists such as Blackpoll Warbler, Cape May Warbler, and Connecticut forts by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, the state of Texas, The
Nature Conservancy, and Nation-
Reasons for Hope al Audubon Society have created
a string of protected areas along
Boreal wetland birds such as Common Gold-
the Lower Rio Grande that are
eneye, Bufflehead, and Bonapartes Gull have
vital to many subtropical forest
increased. Management efforts for Trumpeter
specialists. The newly formed Rio
Swans throughout their historic range have been Green Jay
Grande Joint Venture is a public-
highly successful.
Deb Simon

private partnership striving to protect and restore additional remnant

Vast areas of virgin boreal forest still remain, pre- forests in south Texas and northeastern Mexico.
senting opportunities for large-scale conservation.
Trumpeter Swan Nearly all of south Floridas remaining subtropical forests are protected
In 2007 and 2008, Ontario and Quebec promised
within Everglades National Park and the Big Cypress National Reserve.
to protect more than 120 million acres of Canadas boreal forestone of the
largest conservation actions in North American history if implemented.
Garth Lenz

Kenneth V. Rosenberg
The boreal forest stretches south from the arctic A forest of live oaks in Tree Tops Park,
tundra across an area larger than the Amazon Florida. Subtropical forests in the
rainforest, a blanket of spruces, birch, peat bogs, and United States occur only in south
other wetlands. Occurring mostly within Canada, Texas (Tamaulipan thorn forest) and in
the North American boreal forest extends into the peninsular Florida (bald cypress and
United States in Alaska, in states bordering the hardwood hammocks).
Great Lakes, and in northern New England.

Arctic & Alpine
Key Nesting Areas Are
Threatened by Global Warming
and Energy Development Snowy Owl by Gerrit Vyn

Consider This: The State of Arctic Birds in Trouble

and Alpine Birds Federally listed as

Gerrit Vyn
PP Millions of birds travel from around
the globe to the arctic each year. endangered: Eskimo
Of the 85 species that breed in arctic and alpine
Curlew. Threatened:
Eighty-five bird species rely on regions, 38% are of conservation concern, includ- Spectacled Eider,
the arctics long summer days and ing 3 federally listed as endangered or threatened. Stellers Eider.
abundant insect prey to raise their The arctic and alpine indicator, based on 27 obli-
young. gate species, has increased steadily over the past In arctic Canada, the
Ivory Gull has de-
40 years. Dramatic increases in four arctic-nesting
PP Because the arctic is vast and remote, geese contribute to this overall trend. Because of clined dramatically in
data are lacking for many species. the remoteness of these regions, however, the indi- the last decade. This Ivory Gull
Some birds, such as geese and gulls, cator represents only 46% of obligate arctic and al- enigmatic and beauti-
seem to be faring well, but many pine species. A group of 10 landbird species shows ful species depends on arctic sea ice for feeding,
shorebirds and landbirds are showing a declining trend over the same period, with and is especially vulnerable to global warming.
worrisome declines. steepest declines evident in alpine-nesting rosy- Arctic-breeding ducks that winter in marine
finches. Some sea ducks and many shorebirds waters have declined. The nonbreeding dis-
PP Disturbance to tundra from energy
are also declining; two-thirds of all arctic-nesting tribution of threatened Spectacled Eider was
exploration and changes caused by
shorebirds are species of conservation concern. unknown until recent satellite imagery revealed
global warming are affecting the
important concentrations in arctic waters off
birds food base and transforming
Arctic and Alpine Bird Indicator Alaska.
arctic habitats. Arctic-breeding birds
also face numerous threats during 60 At least 38% of arctic-nesting shorebirds are de-
extensive spring and fall migrations. Arctic Obligates (27) creasing and population trends are unknown for
25%. A monitoring program to assess shorebird
Percentage Change

Arctic Landbirds (10)

PP Reducing emissions is critical to 20

populations is critically needed.
slow global climate change, which is
already affecting the arctic. Energy 0 Arctic-Nesting Geese
development and transportation plans 1,300
should incorporate the conservation Arctic Geese (4)
needs of birds.

Percentage Change
1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007
Year 800

Alaska's arctic coastal plain tundra includes some of

the world's most productive wetlands for migratory 300
shorebirds and waterfowl. The arctic region also
Gerrit Vyn

includes drier northern uplands and treeless alpine 0

1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007
areas on mountaintops. Year

Major Threats minimize effects on breeding birds from oil The future of arctic habitats and birds
spills and other hazards, and include adequate depends on our ability to curb global
Climate Change disaster responses. climate change and to explore energy
Warming temperatures are more extreme at the A system of protected areas in productive re- resources with minimal impact to wildlife.
poles than in other places on earth. Thawing per- gions of the arctic is needed to ensure that birds
mafrost in the southern arctic is lowering the wa- have areas to use as conditions change in the
ter table and drying out coastal tundra supporting arctic.
the highest densities of breeding shorebirds and Management actions continue to be needed to
waterfowl. control the overpopulation of geese that nega-
Warming temperatures may cause a mismatch tively affect the habitat for other species such as
between the timing of nesting and availability of shorebirds.
food. Melting sea ice cover will affect seabirds, As arctic birds respond to a changing climate,
such as Ivory Gull, by causing shifts in their increased monitoring efforts will be required in
marine food resources. Changes to vegetation and areas that are difficult to access, to determine
snowpack could affect lemmings, important prey population redistribution and impacts, and to
for Snowy Owls and other birds. develop conservation strategies.
Oil exploration and production threaten major Beyond Our Borders
areas of great importance to arctic-breeding birds. Most arctic and alpine breeding birds have large
Arctic warming will make it easier to develop off- populations in Canada, and some also inhabit
shore energy facilities and to transport products, arctic Europe and Asia. Birds that breed in the
increasing the risk of fuel spills that kill or harm arctic may winter in habitats from South America
birds. to southern Canada, so protection of international
wintering and migratory areas is essential. Of 51
Development and Disturbance
shorebird species that breed in northern North
Predators that thrive near human development, America, substantial populations of 40 species
such as arctic foxes and gulls, prey on the eggs (78%) winter in Latin America, Asia, Australia,
and young of ground-nesting birds. Predators Polynesia, and Europe.
introduced to islands can devastate bird
Reason for Hope
Oil and gas leasing
Solutions has been deferred
Reducing emissions is the only direct way to for 10 years around
slow effects of global climate change. Better Alaska's Teshekpuk
monitoring is needed to understand the effects Lake, which supports
of climate change on arctic wildlife. high densities of
Gerrit Vyn

Energy and commercial development plans breeding shorebirds

should avoid key breeding and staging areas, and large numbers of
Buff-breasted Sandpiper molting geese.

Long-tailed Jaeger by Gerrit Vyn

Wetlands Restoration:
A Model for Bird Conservation
Green Heron by Steve Wolfe

Consider This: The State of Wetland Birds Birds in Trouble

Of 163 bird species that breed in freshwater wet- Federally listed as en-

Marianne DiAntonio
PP Nearly one-quarter of all U.S. birds
rely on freshwater wetlands, including lands, 24% are species of conservation concern, dangered: Wood Stork,
more than 50 shorebird species, 17 including 10 federally listed as endangered or (Everglades) Snail
long-legged waders, and 44 species threatened. Half of the remaining high-concern Kite, (Yuma) Clapper
species are shorebirds that breed in the arctic, Rail, Whooping Crane,
of ducks, geese, and swans. (Mississippi) Sandhill
boreal forest, or grasslands. The wetland birds
PP Wetland bird populations are well indicator, based on data for 139 species, shows a Crane, Piping Plover,
Least Tern. Threat-
below historic levels but management steady increase beginning in the late 1970s, coin-
ened: Spectacled Eider,
and conservation measures have ciding with major policy shifts from draining to Wood Stork
Stellers Eider, Bald
contributed to increases of many protecting wetlands. Dramatic increases in many
Eagle (Sonoran Desert population only).
wetland birds, including hunted wetland generalist species, as well as arctic-nest-
waterfowl. ing geese and cavity-nesting ducks, contribute to Green Heron and Spotted Sandpiper are among
this overall trend. the few wetland generalists that show long-
PP Degradation and destruction of term declines. Other declining wetland species
wetlands reduce clean water and include prairie-nesting Franklin's Gull and Black
Wetland Birds Indicator Tern, southeastern marsh specialists such as
other benefits to society and eliminate 60
critical areas needed by wetland birds. Wetland Species (139)
King Rail, boreal-nesting White-winged Scoters,
40 Lesser Yellowlegs, and Rusty Blackbirds, and
Percentage Change

PP Bird-related conservation programs many arctic-nesting shorebirds.

have contributed significantly to the 20
See pages 9, 15, and 16 for more information on
restoration of wetlands. For example, wetland birds in grasslands, boreal forests, and
Duck Stamps and the North arctic habitats.
American Wetlands Conservation Act -20
have generated billions of dollars and
protected nearly 30 million acres. -40
1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007
Kenneth V. Rosenberg

More than half of our nation's

original wetlands have been Although many wetland birds show troubling declines,
drained or converted to other
uses. Many wetlands are
conservation programs have protected millions of acres
within other habitats, such as and contributed to thriving populations of herons, egrets,
grasslands, boreal forest, and
arctic tundra.
hunted waterfowl, and other birds.
Major Threats and enforcement of regulations, have enabled Reasons for Hope
private landowners to maintain agriculture and
Our national bird,
Agriculture timber production while managing wetlands.
the Bald Eagle,
Excessive chemicals, nutrients, and sediments Increasingly, hunting leases, bird watching, recovered from
from unsustainable agriculture can disrupt the and ecotourism are providing landowners with near extinction in
function of wetlands, dramatically reducing clean economic opportunities that are enhanced by the lower 48 states
water and other environmental benefits, and

Wilber Suiter
management of quality wetlands. after protection from
eliminating critical areas needed by wetland birds. Land purchases can be the most secure form of shooting, restora-
Disturbance wetlands conservation. With more than 96 mil- tion of wetlands,
lions acres on 548 refuges, the National Wildlife Bald Eagle and banning of DDT
Impacts of floods and drought on wetland birds Refuge System is our nations only public land and other harmful
are exacerbated by degradation from stream base dedicated solely to the conservation and pesticides. Most Bald Eagle populations were
channelization, construction of levees, dikes, and protection of wildlife, with a high priority for removed from listing under the Federal Endan-
dams, depositing of fill, and unsustainable for- migratory birds. This network can be increased gered Species Act in 2007, after three decades of
estry practices. in key areas. conservation work to restore the species.
Energy and Climate Change Small wetlands need special attention because Wetlands management and restoration also
Rising corn prices and conversion of wetlands and of their vulnerability to conversion during have contributed to thriving populations of
adjacent grasslands for biofuel production threat- droughts and their noteworthy value to wet- many wetland generalists, including American
ens the nesting habitat of several duck species and lands birds. White Pelican, Double-crested and Neotropic
other birds in the Prairie Pothole region. cormorants, herons, egrets, Osprey, Sandhill
Crane, Black-necked Stilt, gulls, and kingfish-
Global climate change will degrade wetlands, af- Beyond Our Borders ers.
fecting birds and other wildlife. Warming temper- The U.S. shares many wetland breeding bird popu-
atures and more storms, droughts, and floods will A majority of colonial-nesting wading birds,
lations with Canada. In addition, many water- such as egrets, herons, and White Ibis, continue
cause unpredictable changes in hydrology, plant birds from arctic, boreal, and grassland regions of
communities, and prey abundance. to recover from populations devastated by the
the United States migrate to Latin American and plume trade and market hunting in the early
Caribbean countries for the winter. Continental 20th century. Once nearly confined to rookeries
Solutions programs such as the North American Waterfowl in south Florida, many of these species have
Management Plan provide a solid foundation to expanded west into Louisiana and Texas, and
Widespread public education efforts and
expand vital international cooperation. north along the Atlantic Coast.
government regulations helped reverse the
loss of wetlands starting in the 1970s. Continu- Osprey by James Livaudais
ing education about the value of wetlands and
management techniques are vital for successful
landowner incentive programs.
Creative policies based on incentives and regu-
lation, such as the Wetlands Reserve Program

Spotlight on Waterfowl Successful waterfowl conservation in
North America is a model for wide-
Conservation Partnerships Produce Results! spread habitat protection that has
reversed declines of many bird species.
The rich tradition of waterfowl hunting in North planning, collaboration, and persistence, we can
America has ensured a sustainable population of conserve and restore wetland habitats for the ben-
waterfowl across the continent. Federal Migratory efit of both wildlife and future generations.
Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps (Duck
Stamps), purchased primarily by hunters, have Birds in Trouble
provided more than $700 million for wetlands The State of Our Nations
Federally listed as threatened: Spectacled Eider,
conservation. The North American Wetlands Con- Waterfowl Stellers Eider.
servation Act (NAWCA), enacted in 1989, set the Among 44 species of ducks, geese, and swans, Significant declines of Northern Pintail and Lesser
stage for creative partnership funding to protect 2 are listed as federally threatened and 2 are Scaup represent continued challenges for water-
vital wetlands. In an unparalleled conservation of conservation concern (Emperor Goose and fowl management. Pintail numbers dropped to 2.6
partnership among Canada, the United States, and Trumpeter Swan). The waterfowl indicator, based million in 2008, 36% below the long-term average.
Mexico, NAWCA partners have raised more than on 39 hunted species, has increased steadily over
$3 billion dollars and have conserved nearly 25 Although not as well monitored as other species,
the past 40 years, reflecting the success of man- several sea ducks such as King Eider, White-
million acres of wetlands and associated upland agement efforts. Many ducks, such as Mallard,
habitats. winged Scoter, and Long-tailed Duck appear to be
Gadwall, Wood Duck, and Redhead, show stable decliningperhaps reflecting increasing threats in
Waterfowl habitat conservation in North America or increasing populations, and most arctic-nesting their coastal wintering habitats.
serves as an example for other conservation geese, as well as Trumpeter Swans, have increased
challenges and offers hope that through synergy, dramatically. Reintroduced populations of resi-
dent Canada Geese in the lower 48 states have Reasons for Hope
been so successful that the geese have become a In 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimat-
problem in many urban areas. However, a few ed that there were 37.3 million breeding ducks, an
duck populations, notably Lesser Scaup, Northern increase of 11% above historical averages through
Pintail, and several sea ducks, continue to show 2007. Redheads reached a record high and esti-
troubling declines. mates for the Green-winged Teal were the second
highest on record. Changes in precipitation, land
Waterfowl Indicator use, and management practices encouraged by
200 the North American Waterfowl Management Plan
Waterfowl (39 hunted species)
have contributed to recent waterfowl recoveries.
Percentage Change

Rosss Goose was estimated at only 2,000 to 3,000


individuals in 1931, prior to stringent hunting

regulation. After regulation, the population recov-
ered to 188,000 breeding birds in 1988, and growth
continues. Most other arctic-nesting geese have
increased dramatically as well.
1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007 Wood Ducks have responded well to nest-box
programs throughout their range; populations
increased by more than 200% in the past 40 years.

Long-tailed Ducks by Gerrit Vyn

Spotlight on Birds in Trouble
Federally listed as endangered: Snail Kite.
Everglades National Park protects the largest
freshwater wetland in the United States; recent
Marsh Birds Marsh-nesting birds of Midwest prairies, such
efforts to restore the greater Everglades ecosystem
represent one of the largest conservation initia-
as Horned, Eared, and Clarks Grebe, Cinnamon
Secretive Marsh Birds Require Teal, Franklins Gull, Clapper Rail, and Black Tern tives in U.S. history. Although populations of
many wading birds remain well below historic es-
have shown population declines that are probably
Closer Monitoring linked to loss and degradation of wetlands. timates in the Everglades, several species, such as
Several southeastern marsh specialists, notably White Ibis, have benefited from the conservation
Thirty-three wetland bird species, including effort there. The endangered Florida population of
ducks, grebes, bitterns, and rails, depend on King Rail and Purple Gallinule, also have experi-
enced steep declines. Migratory populations of Snail Kite (the Everglades Kite) has responded
emergent vegetation in freshwater marshes for
King Rail are listed as endangered or threatened well to conservation efforts, reaching a population
breeding. Many widespread marsh-nesting birds
have shown stable or increasing populations over by most states within its northern range. of 685 individuals in 2008.
the past 40 years, but marsh specialists in the Marshes respond quickly to management and res-
Midwest and Southeast have suffered declines. Reasons for Hope toration efforts, and small but productive marshes
Widespread marsh species, such as Pied-billed can support very large numbers of birds. Wetland
Grebe, Least Bittern, Virginia Rail, and Common restoration projects, such as Wakodahatchee in
The State of Marshland Birds Florida and Sweetwater Wetlands in Arizona, are
Moorhen can take advantage of small or ephem-
Of the 33 obligate marsh species, 21% are species a mecca for waterbirds, as well as for bird watch-
eral wetlands and have maintained stable range-
of conservation concern, including the federally ers and wildlife photographers.
wide populations over the past 40 years.
endangered Snail Kite and freshwater races of
Clapper Rail. Other birds of high concern include
Yellow Rail, Black Rail, and King Rail. For 31 spe-
cies with adequate data, the marsh bird indicator
shows a steady decline until about 1990, followed
by wide fluctuations over the last two decades,
perhaps reflecting precipitation patterns. Because
many marsh birds are notoriously difficult to
detect, the indicator may not accurately reflect the
status of these populations.

Marsh Birds Indicator

Marsh Obligates (31)
40 Marshes respond
Percentage Change

20 quickly to
and restoration
-20 efforts, and even
small marshes
1968 1973 1978 1983 1988
1993 1998 2003 2007
can support large
numbers of birds.
Common Moorhen by Clark Rushing

Where Land Meets Sea,
Coastal Protection Offers
Hope for Birds Common Murres by Gerrit Vyn

Consider This: The State of Coastal Birds Birds in Trouble

Of 173 bird species that use coastal habitats at Federally listed as

Bill Dalton
PP Although coastal areas occupy less
than 10% of our nations land area, any time of year, 53 are species of conservation endangered: Brown
they support a large proportion of our concern and 14 are federally listed as endangered Pelican, Wood Stork,
living resources, including more than or threatened. Fourteen of twenty-seven shore- (California) Clapper Rail,
bird species that primarily use coastal habitats have (Light-footed) Clapper
170 bird species. Rail, Whooping Crane,
PP Generalist birds, such as gulls, (California) Least Tern,
Based on 50 species that winter exclusively in Roseate Tern, (Cape
have been extremely successful in coastal habitats, the indicator shows a steady Sable) Seaside Sparrow.
developed areas, but specialized increase over the past 40 years, to roughly 20% Least Tern
Threatened: Spectacled
species, such as migrating shorebirds, above the 1968 baseline. Large increases in Com- Eider, Stellers Eider, Piping Plover, Snowy Plover,
have declined. mon Eider, Northern Gannet, Laughing, Heer- Marbled Murrelet.
manns, and Western gulls, contribute to this Plovers, terns, and other beach-nesting birds
PP Coastal habitats continue to suffer
overall trend. Sea ducks, such as King Eider and are vulnerable to people and pets who inadver-
from unplanned and unsustainable
White-winged Scoter, as well as wintering shore- tently destroy or disturb nests. Wilsons Plovers
housing development, pollution, and
birds such as Wandering Tattler and Purple and have declined by 78% in 40 years. With a U.S.
warming oceans caused by climate
Rock sandpipers, have shown steep declines. population of about 6,000, they are vulnerable to
development and catastrophic hurricanes.
PP The USFWS National Wildlife Refuge Wintering Coastal Bird Indicator Small populations of coastal marsh birds, such
System manages extensive public 60
as rails and sparrows, are vulnerable to habitat
lands in coastal zones. At least Wintering Coastal (50)
loss and degradation from pollution and chang-
Percentage Change

161 coastal refuges may be at risk ing water levels that affect feeding areas and
because of ongoing and predicted sea 20
plant cover. Seaside and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed
level rises. sparrows are found only in coastal saltmarshes
of eastern North America.
Common Murres are still one of the most nu-
merous seabirds in the Northern Hemisphere,
1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007 but local populations can be severely reduced
by climate change, disturbance, fishing, intro-
duced nest predators, and oil spills. They have
Coastal ecosystems include declined by 76% over the past 40 years.
coastlines, nearshore islands, East Coast populations of Red Knots have de-
nearshore waters, estuaries, and
tidally-influenced sections of
clined by an alarming 82%. Semipalmated Sand-
Gerrit Vyn

rivers and creeksproductive piper, Sanderling, and Dunlin have also shown
habitats for abundant wildlife. dramatic declines.

Major Threats Global climate change causes sea level rise, Reasons for Hope
increased storm surge events, changes in marsh
Since 1990, under
Development distribution, and changes in the food resources
the Federal Coastal
Nearly half of the U.S. population lives and works for some birds. In the Southeast, rising sea levels
Grants Program,
in coastal areas, with resident populations expect- in the next century are expected to flood 30% of
about $183 million
ed to increase by 25 million people by 2015. More habitat in National Wildlife Refuges.
in grants have been
than 180 million people visit the shore for recre- Additionally, birds nesting on beaches and near- awarded to acquire,

Jane Ogilvie
ation every year. These recreational uses often shore islands suffer from some of the same threats protect or restore
conflict with the needs of birds and other wildlife. as island birds, including predation and habitat more than 250,000
Conversion of marsh to open water from dredg- damage from invasive species (see page 26). Brown Pelican acres of coastal wet-
ing, water control, boat traffic, and a changing lands.
climate have caused 93% of the coastal habitat loss The U.S. Department of Interior Ocean and
that occurred from 1998 to 2004.
Coastal Activities Implementation Plan provides
Federal or state incentives can encourage coastal
Resource Use better integration of coastal habitat management
management benefiting people and wildlife.
programs across agencies with ocean, coastal,
Red Knots and other shorebirds depend on horse- Neighboring communities can cooperate to re-
and Great Lakes stewardship.
shoe crab eggs for food. Overharvesting of horse- strict sprawling development and create green-
shoe crabs during the past decade has reduced the ways and natural areas. Fish-eating birds, such as Brown Pelican and
Northern Gannet, rebounded after the pesticide
density of crab eggs along the eastern seashore Incentives can be developed to create seaside
by up to 99%, which is believed to be a principal DDT was banned in the U.S.
preserves such as the Cape Cod National Sea-
cause of steep declines of many shorebird species. shore, with private or public ownership and Whooping Cranes wintering in and around the
Diving birds such as loons, grebes, gannets, ducks, local, state, or federal management. Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas have
and shearwaters die from entanglement in fishing increased from 15 birds in 1941 to 266 in 2008,
Nest sites can be protected from unintentional
gill nets. Overfishing of forage fish (e.g., menha- the result of successful endangered species con-
disturbance by fencing and other measures.
den along the Atlantic Coast) and bycatch of fish servation and management.
Sustainable fishing will prevent overharvest
(e.g., in small-mesh shrimp trawls) may deplete of important food sources for birds, including
food needed by fish-eating birds. horseshoe crabs. Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow by Kenneth V. Rosenberg
Pollution and Climate Change
From 1998 to 2002, sediments in about half of es- Beyond Our Borders
tuaries in the U.S. had one or more contaminants Many of our nations coastal birds spend part
exceeding benchmarks for possible or probable of the year in Canada, Mexico, and Central and
adverse effects on aquatic life. Excess nutrients South America. The international Western Hemi-
from agricultural runoff deplete oxygen in coastal sphere Shorebird Reserve Network is vital to the
waters, forcing fish, shrimp, crabs, and the birds conservation of these long-distance travelers.
that feed on them to move from the area or die.
Oil spills, as well as chronic pollution from bilge
pumping, outboard engines, and mishandling Half of all coastally migrating
of petroleum products, kill untold numbers of
coastal birds and can be linked to declining or
shorebirds have declined, indicating
depressed local populations of birds such as Com- stress in coastal habitats besieged
mon Murres and Marbled Murrelets. by development, disturbance, and
dwindling food supplies.

Far at Sea: Birds Face Hazards
from Fishing, Pollution, and
Altered Food Supplies
Black-footed Albatross by Brian L. Sullivan

Consider This: The State of Ocean Birds Birds in Trouble

Of 81 ocean bird species, almost half are of Federally listed as en-

Brian L. Sullivan
PP At least 81 bird species inhabit our
nations marine waters, spending their conservation concern, including 4 that are feder- dangered: Short-tailed
lives at sea and returning to islands ally listed as endangered or threatened. Based on Albatross, Hawaiian
and coasts to nest. available data, 39% of ocean bird species are de- Petrel. Threatened:
clining, 37% stable, and 12% increasing. Too little (Newells) Townsends
PP At least 39% of bird species in U.S. data exist to determine the population trends for Shearwater, Marbled
marine waters are believed to be 12% of ocean birds. There were insufficient data Murrelet.
declining, but data are lacking for to generate an indicator similar to those presented Mortality from
many species. Improved monitoring is for other habitats in this report, so trend categories incidental capture in Black-capped Petrel
imperative for conservation. were based on a variety of data sets and expert commercial fisheries
opinion. (bycatch) is the most significant source of mor-
PP Ocean birds travel through waters tality for Black-footed and Laysan albatrosses,
of many nations and are increasingly Trends for Ocean Bird Species both species of high conservation concern.
threatened by fishing bycatch, 40% The Black-capped Petrel nests locally in the
pollution, problems on breeding Apparent
Caribbean and forages off the eastern U.S. sea-
Percentage of Species

grounds, and food supplies altered by 30%

Biologically significant
board, but little is known about the population
rising ocean temperatures. size or threats to this rare species.
in Category

PP The health of our oceans and wildlife The Ashy Storm-Petrel faces threats at its nest-
will improve with policies that address 10%
ing colonies in southern California and Baja
sustainable fishing, changes in food California. In marine foraging areas, it is vulner-
supply, and pollution. 0%
able to contaminants, petroleum products, and
Decline Stable Increase Unknown plastics encountered while foraging.

Oceans may appear homogeneous Nearly half of ocean birds in the U.S. are of conservation
Brian L. Sullivan

but are composed of distinct

habitats created by massive concern, indicating deteriorating ocean conditions.
circulating currents. Human
activity has affected the health
Management policies and sustainable fishing regulations are
of our oceans even far from land. essential to ensure the health of our oceans.

Major Threats Solutions
Fisheries laws provide the platform to ensure a
Resource Use
sustainable ocean environment and can include
Overfishing by humans reduces and alters the provisions to reduce bycatch, orient marine fish-
food supply for many seabirds. ery policy toward ecosystem management, and
Longline fisheries worldwide unintentionally separate conservation and allocation decisions.
injure and drown as many as 60 bird species, espe- International efforts, such as the Agreement on
cially surface-feeding seabirds such as albatrosses. the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, can
Pollution set a standard for cooperative management of
Pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and oil harm
ocean birds. Major oil spills kill thousands of Coordinated, regionwide programs are needed
birds, but small spills and chronic releases from to collect, assess, and distribute data to better
boats and ports also cause significant harm. assess the status of seabird populations.
Many seabirds consume floating plastic and may Increased monitoring of ocean birds and their
feed it to their chicks. Ninety percent of Laysan food base are essential to measure change in
Albatrosses surveyed on the Hawaiian Islands ocean health and help develop more effective
had plastic debris in their stomachs. conservation actions.

Climate Change
Reasons for Hope
Sea-surface temperatures have risen up to 4
Regulations and
degrees Fahrenheit in the North Sea and are
voluntary measures
expected to continue increasing across the worlds
to minimize bycatch
oceans, affecting important food sources for ocean
have been estab-
Brian L. Sullivan

lished for U.S. fisher-

Breeding failures of some seabirds in northern ies in Alaska and
latitudes have been attributed in part to increased Hawaii, resulting in
pests and diseases that survive in warmer winters. significant decreases
Kittlitzs Murrelet population declines probably Laysan Albatross in ocean bird mor-
result from cyclical changes in the oceanic envi- tality, especially for
ronment and glacial melting, affecting their ability Black-footed, Laysan, and Short-tailed alba-
to find food. tross.
In addition to the threats noted above, ocean birds The recent protection of 335,561 square miles in
face challenges on their nesting grounds including four Marine National Monuments will greatly
development, disturbance, invasive species, and improve the health of our oceans, benefiting
sea level rise. (See pages 22 and 26.) people as well as birds and other ocean life.

The Black-footed Albatross, a species of

conservation concern, wanders the North
Pacific for most of the year and returns to
remote islands to breed.
Black-footed Albatross by Brian L. Sullivan

Spotlight on the Birds of the Hawaiian Islands after becoming confused by bright lights. Downed
shearwaters often die of exhaustion, are hit by
cars, or are killed by predators.
The Race to Save Hawaiian Birds
Reasons for Hope
More bird species are vulnerable to extinction in Nearly all native Hawaiian forest birds are declin-
Endangered Laysan
Hawaii than anywhere else in the United States. ing, their populations devastated by nonnative
Ducks, numbering 600
Before the arrival of humans, the Hawaiian disease-carrying mosquitoes, predators, feral cat-
on Laysan Island, have
Islands supported 113 bird species unique in the tle and pigs, and loss of habitat. The Palila, found
been translocated to
world, including flightless geese, ibis, rails, and 59 only on the Big Island, has declined from 6,600
Midway Atoll, where
species of Hawaiian honeycreepers. birds in 2003 to 2,200 in 2008. The `Akikiki and
the population now
Since humans arrived, 71 bird species have be- `Akeke`e of Kauai have also declined dramatically
exceeds 200 after just a
come extinct and 31 more are federally listed as since 1970 and are proposed for listing under the
few years.
threatened or endangered. Of these, 10 have not Endangered Species Act.
`Akiapl`au Population growth
been seen in as long as 40 years and may be ex- Exotic plants and diseases can wreak havoc on na-
of forest birds such
tinct. Humans have introduced many bird species tive habitats. Golden crownbeard is overwhelming
as Hawai`i Creeper and `Akiapl`au has been
from other parts of the world: 43% of 157 species the breeding habitat of Black-footed and Laysan
dramatic in the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife
are not native. Among landbirds, 69% are intro- albatrosses in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Refuge, where the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
duced species. `Ohia rust threatens one of the most important food
is fencing to exclude feral mammals, aggressively
plants of endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers.
managing invasive plants, and replanting
Birds in Trouble Seabirds that nest on islands, including the endangered plants. Application of these successful
endangered Hawaiian Petrel, face severe threats methods is urgently needed elsewhere.
Federally listed as en- from feral cats and other introduced species, and

dangered: Short-tailed Rats were eradicated from Midway Atoll in 1997,

habitat damage by feral ungulates.
Albatross, Hawaiian resulting in an increase of Bonin Petrels from an
Petrel, Nn, Hawaiian Since 1979, approximately 30,000 Newells Shear- estimated 5,000 pairs in 1979 to more than 100,000
Duck (Koloa), Laysan waters, a threatened species, have collided with pairs in 2008, and recolonization by Tristrams
Duck, Hawaiian Hawk utility lines and structures or have been grounded Storm-Petrels and Bulwers Petrels.
(`Io), Hawaiian Moorhen
(`Alae `Ula), Hawaiian
Eric VanderWerf

Coot (`Alae Ke`oke`o), Hawaiian Stilt

Hawaiian Stilt (Ae`o),
Hawaiian Crow (`Alal), O`ahu Elepaio, Nihoa
Millerbird, Kma`o, Oloma`o, Puaiohi, Kaua`i ``,
Laysan Finch, Nihoa Finch, ``, Palila, Maui Par-
rotbill, Kaua`i `Akialoa, Nukupu`u, `Akiapl`au,
Hawai`i Creeper, O`ahu `Alauahio, Kkwahie,
Hawai`i `kepa, Maui `kepa, `kohekohe,
Po`ouli. Threatened: Newells Shearwater.

The 7,500-acre Hanawi Natural Area Reserve supports some of

Hawaiis most important concentrations of native birds, including
`kohekohe and Maui Parrotbill. Hawaiis islands were once forested
with native trees such as koa, `ohia, mnele, and sandalwood. Since
human colonization, approximately half of these forests have been lost.

Island Birds: Vulnerable and
Often Overlooked Saving Hawaiis Birds
Most island birds evolved on remote archipela- Restoration and protection of mid-elevation
goes, so they are extremely vulnerable to inva- forest is essential for the recovery of endan-
sive plants, wildlife introduced by humans, the gered species such as `Akiapl`au, Hawai`i
onslaught of new predators, habitat degradation, and Maui `kepas, and Hawai`i Creeper.
and disease. In the last five centuries, 87% percent A highest priority action with the greatest po-
of bird extinctions worldwide have taken place on tential benefits for native birds is the fencing
islands. of habitats to exclude feral ungulates. This im-
Most of Hawaiis conservation crises result from proves habitat quality and reduces numbers of
the introduction of nonnative plants and animals, disease-carrying mosquitoes (trampled areas
Palila by jackjeffreyphoto.comy
but climate change is a growing concern. The and downed tree ferns collect water where
leading threats to Hawaiian birds include habi- mosquitoes breed).
duce the spread of invasive, exotic plants in
tat degradation from trampling and grazing by Protecting all groups of native Hawaiian birds areas important to threatened birds. Golden
introduced ungulates; nonnative predators (e.g., by federal law should be explored and imple- crownbeard needs to be eradicated from the
feral cats, mongooses, rats); nonnative plants and mented, such as for Hawaiian honeycreepers, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, especially
diseases; and bird diseases spread by introduced which are not protected under the Migratory on Midway Atoll where the plant threatens
mosquitoes. Bird Treaty Act. to overwhelm nesting areas for the worlds
Most native birds are now largely restricted to Targeted trapping and use of rodenticides to largest colonies of Laysan and Black-footed
forests above the mosquito line at about 5,000 feet, reduce numbers of nonnative predators such albatrosses.
a haven that is expected to shrink as increasing as rats, cats, and mongoose will improve nest- Some bird species require captive breeding to
global temperatures enable mosquitoes to survive ing success and survivorship of birds. ensure the continued existence and recovery
at higher altitudes. In addition, rising sea level is Focused efforts are urgently needed to re- of wild populations. Release of captive-bred
projected to inundate important breeding sites for Palila and translocation of wild birds has
many species, especially for seabirds on the low- resulted in the establishment of a small breed-

lying Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. ing population in a second location on the Big
More Online Nesting albatrosses on Midway Atoll can en-
Visit for information counter lead-based paint peeling from World
on birds of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, War II era buildings. On Midway Atoll, as
Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, many as 10,000 Laysan Albatross chicks die
remote Pacific Islands, and Navassa Island. from lead poisoning each year. Cost-effective
measures of reducing this threat should be
further explored.

Hawaiis native birds and habitats are

under siege from invasive species and
The endangered `kohekohe lives in the native forests of Maui. disease. Immediate action is needed to
In its very restricted range, `kohekohe are vulnerable to habitat
degradation by introduced plants and by the grazing of introduced prevent birds from going extinct
cattle, pigs, and goats. Fencing to control feral mammals will help to within our lifetimes.
stabilize or reverse population declines.

Snail Kite by Martjan Lammertink
Year of Estimated Population at Current
Taxon Status Listing Habitat(s) Listing/Historic Numbers Trend Since Listing Population
Hawaiian Goose (Nene) E 1973 Islands Low of 30 Gradual increase 1,700
Hawaiian Duck E 1973 Islands <500 in 1949 Gradual increase 2,400
Laysan Duck E 1973 Islands Low of 7; ~500 at listing Significant recent increase 650
Stellers Eider T 1997 Arctic, Coasts Unknown Likely remained stable (staging) 75,000
Spectacled Eider T 1993 Arctic, Coasts 3,400; hard to survey Likely increase 7,000
Greater Prairie-Chicken (Attwaters) E 1973 Grasslands 1 million in early 20th Century Decreasing 72
Northern Bobwhite (Masked) E 1973 Grasslands Extirpated late 1800s Never fully established 10
Short-tailed Albatross E 1973 Ocean Believed extinct before 1950 Significant Increase 2,400
Hawaiian Petrel E 1973 Ocean, Islands Unknown Decreasing 15,000
Newells Shearwater T 1975 Ocean, Islands Unknown Decreasing At least 36,000
Brown Pelican (Gulf Coast, California) E 1973 Coasts Less than 1,000 in CA, almost Steady increase 46,000
extirpated along Gulf Coast
Wood Stork E 1984 Wetlands, Coasts ~5,000 at listing Steady increase 22,000

Endangered Species California Condor

Snail Kite (Everglades)
22 in 1987
Gradual increase
Increase with fluctuations

The Long Road to Recovery Bald Eagle (Sonoran Desert) T 1973 Wetlands, Coasts 21 in 1975 Steady increase 100
Hawaiian Hawk (`Io) E 1973 Islands ~2,000 Stable 2,000
In 1973, the United States Congress passed the
Endangered Species Act to protect and recover Crested Caracara (Florida) T 1987 Subtropical Forest 100 Initial increase; since stable 1,000
imperiled species and the ecosystems upon Aplomado Falcon (Northern) E 1986 Grasslands, Aridlands Extirpated in the 1950s Slow increase 100
which they depend. The Act has succeeded Clapper Rail (California) E 1973 Coasts Unknown Likely remained stable 1,350
more often than it has failed, and some success- Clapper Rail (Yuma) E 1973 Marsh 750 Likely remained stable 1,000
es have been spectacular, such as the increase
Clapper Rail (Light-footed) E 1973 Coasts 406 in 1980 Apparent steady increase 800
of the Aleutian Canada Goose from fewer than
1,000 birds to more than 60,000, and the remark- Common Moorhen (Hawaiian) E 1973 Islands 57 in the 1960s Gradual increase <1,000
able comebacks of the Bald Eagle and Peregrine Hawaiian Coot E 1973 Islands ~1,000 Gradual increase 3,000
Falcon.* Sandhill Crane (Mississippi) E 1973 Wetlands 40 Slight increase 100
However, the possibility of extinction is still a Whooping Crane E 1973 Wetlands, Coasts 16 in 1941 Gradual increase 540
cold reality for many birds: 13 species may no Snowy Plover (Western, Pacific Coast) T 1993 Coasts Unknown Gradual increase 2,300
longer exist in the wild (10 species from Hawaii, Piping Plover (Atlantic, Great Plains) T 1985 Coasts, Wetlands Unknown Gradual increase 7,000
plus Bachmans Warbler, Ivory-billed Wood-
Piping Plover (Great Lakes) E 1985 Coasts Unknown Increase with fluctuations 110
pecker, and Eskimo Curlew). Several species
Black-necked Stilt (Hawaiian) E 1973 Islands ~1000 Gradual increase 1,500
face unprecedented conflict with humans for
land at peak economic value (for example, in Eskimo Curlew E 1973 Arctic Historically abundant Likely extinct Unknown
peninsular Florida, mid-continental prairies, Least Tern (Interior) E 1985 Wetlands 5,000 but surveys incomplete Probably stable 18,000
coastal California, Texas hill country, and the Least Tern (California) E 1973 Coasts 1,200 Steady increase 13,000
Pacific Northwest). Roseate Tern (Florida) T 1987 Coasts Unknown Decreasing 350
Of the 74 bird species, subspecies, and popu- Roseate Tern (Northeast) E 1987 Coasts ~6,000 Fluctuating 6,000
lations listed in the United States, 30 have in- Marbled Murrelet T 1992 Coasts, Forests Unknown Decreasing 25,000
creased since listing, 16 have remained stable,
Spotted Owl (Northern) T 1990 Western Forest Unknown Decreasing 8,500
15 have decreased, and 13 are possibly extinct.
Spotted Owl (Mexican) T 1993 Western Forest Unknown Unknown (in U.S.) 1,500

Year of Estimated Population at Current
Taxon Status Listing Habitat(s) Listing/Historic Numbers Trend Since Listing Population In the continental United States, populations
Red-cockaded Woodpecker E 1973 Eastern Forest 10,000 Steady increase 20,000
of more species that were listed early-on have
increased than those listed more recently, ac-
Ivory-billed Woodpecker E 1973 Eastern Forest Unknown Unknown Near or at zero
cording to the American Bird Conservancy.
Willow Flycatcher (Southwestern) E 1995 Eastern Forest 700; surveys incomplete Apparent increase 2,000 This indicates that long-term conservation ef-
Kaua`i `O`o E 1973 Islands ~10 Likely extinct late 1980s 0 forts can pay great dividends.
Loggerhead Shrike (San Clemente) E 1977 Aridlands 50 Gradual increase 230
An Urgent Need for Protection
Bells Vireo (Least) E 1986 Aridlands 600 Steady increase 6,000
Some species languish on the candidate list ow-
Black-capped Vireo E 1987 Aridlands Unknown Some increases noted 12,000
ing to lack of resources for listing. The highest
Florida Scrub-Jay T 1987 Eastern Forest 11,000 Decreasing 6,500
priority candidates must be quickly protected
Hawaiian Crow (`Alala) E 1973 Islands 96, including captive flock Extinct in the wild (all captive) 60 so that urgently needed conservation actions
Elepaio (Oahu) E 2000 Islands Unknown Decreasing 2,000 can be mounted. Funding for endangered Ha-
California Gnatcatcher (Coastal) T 1993 Aridlands Unknown Decreasing; habitat loss (in U. S.) 5,000 waiian birds must be increased: only 4.1% of
Millerbird (Nihoa) E 1973 Islands ~400 Fluctuating (in 1996) 155 all state and federal funding for federally listed
bird species is spent on Hawaiian birds, which
Kama`o E 1973 Islands 350 Likely extinct early 1990s 0
represent 44% of all listed species.
Oloma`o E 1973 Islands Ten or fewer Likely extinct 1980s 0
The most cost-effective solution of all is to stop
Puaiohi E 1973 Islands Unknown Gradual small increase 350
bird species from declining before they require
Bachmans Warbler E 1973 Eastern Forest Probably extinct before listing Likely extinct Unknown Endangered Species Act protection. Coopera-
Golden-cheeked Warbler E 1990 Aridlands Unknown Likely decreasing 21,000 tive conservation measures involving govern-
Kirtlands Warbler E 1973 Eastern Forest 167 Steady increase 3,000 ment and tribal agencies, nongovernmental
California Towhee (Inyo) T 1987 Aridlands 100 Steady increase 750 organizations, and private landowners are es-
Sage Sparrow (San Clemente) T 1977 Aridlands Unknown Likely stable 300
sential to keep common birds common and to
recover failing bird populations while there is
Grasshopper Sparrow (Florida) E 1986 Grasslands 600 Stable or slight decrease 400
still time.
Seaside Sparrow (Cape Sable) E 1973 Coasts 6,000+ Decreasing 3,200
For more on endangered species, including
Laysan Finch E 1973 Islands ~11,000 Fluctuating ~11,000
birds listed in the U.S. island territories, visit
Nihoa Finch E 1973 Islands ~3,000 Unknown, likely fluctuating 2,800
`O`u E 1973 Islands Unknown Likely extinct c. late 1980s 0
Palila E 1973 Islands Unknown Decreasing 2,200 Key:
Maui Parrotbill E 1973 Islands 500 Stable 500 EEndangered, TThreatened
Greater `Akialoa (Kaua`i) E 1973 Islands Probably extinct before listing Likely extinct c. 1960s 0 Population estimates include captive and
Nukupu`u E 1973 Islands Unknown Likely extinct c. 1995 0 wild populations where known. Estimates
`Akiapola`au E 1973 Islands ~1,200 Likely stable 1,200 are approximate except for species with very
small populations.
Hawai`i Creeper E 1975 Islands ~12,000 Decline 6,300
O`ahu `Alauahio E 1973 Islands Unknown Likely extinct c. 1990 0
* Fully delisted: Aleutian race of the Canada
Kakawahie E 1973 Islands Probably extinct before listing Likely extinct 0 Goose, and American and arctic races of the
`Akepa (Maui) E 1973 Islands 10 in 1980 Likely extinct 1980s or 1990s 0 Peregrine Falcon. Partial delisting: Bald Eagle,
`Akepa (Hawai`i) E 1973 Islands ~14,000 Stable 14,000 Brown Pelican.
`Akohekohe E 1973 Islands ~3,800 Stable 3,750
Po`ouli E 1975 Islands ~20 Likely extinct in 2004 0

Challenges Residential and Commercial Development
The accelerated pace of urban, suburban, and commercial development in
the United States threatens the integrity of every major habitat, from con-
Successful bird conservation requires giving birds a long-term tinued draining of wetlands and destruction of coastal marshes, to loss and
chance to survive and reproduce. Humans have created numerous fragmentation of forests, aridlands, and grasslands because of suburban
threats to birds in addition to the natural challenges that birds sprawl. Unlike timber production and livestock grazing, urbanization and
constantly face from starvation, predation, and severe weather. sprawl cause permanent loss of natural habitats. Increased development in
rural areas, such as second-home development, has equal or greater eco-
Based on decades of research, conservationists have identified the logical consequences than growth of urban centers.
most important threats to birds, including the greatest threat of all Steep declines in many bird populations are a direct result of unplanned
habitat loss. Addressing these conservation challenges can ensure a and sprawling urbanization. Birds that are particularly hard hit include
safe future for birds and improve the quality of life for people too. farmland species such as meadowlarks and Bobolink; eastern birds de-
Here, we summarize the major challenges affecting bird populations. pendent on shrubby habitats, such as American Woodcock and Brown
Thrasher; and birds of western deserts and chaparral, such as Bendires and
California thrashers. Fragmentation of forests by development can increase

Eric Epstein
risk of predation for forest-interior birds, such as Wood Thrush, Kentucky
Warbler, and Cerulean Warbler, and can contribute to nest failures from
increasing numbers of cowbirds, which lay their eggs in these birds nests.
Coastal development causes loss of beach dunes and threatens fragile salt
marshes, harming birds such as Black Rail and Seaside Sparrow, as well as
migratory shorebirds and other water birds dependent on tidal mudflats
and estuaries.
As many as one billion birds each year may die from collisions with man-
made obstacles, including windows, transmission towers, power lines, and
wind turbines. Tall, lighted buildings and other structures along coastlines
kill millions of migrating birds each year. Conservationists are explor-
ing and implementing innovative ways to reduce this grim toll, but much
remains to be done.

The way that we use land to grow our food has significant impacts on birds.
Because of conversion of grasslands to agriculture, grasslands are the most
endangered ecosystem in North America. The Conservation Reserve Pro-
gram and other initiatives pay farmers to keep areas with erodible soils and
sensitive habitats out of production. Farmer participation in this success-
ful program varies. In 2008, for example, farmer involvement was affected
by high commodity prices for corn and other grain caused by the growing
demand for food and biofuels. In the future, millions of program acres will
expire or will not be renewed, putting vital grassland habitat in jeopardy.

Suburban sprawl and other causes of habitat

loss are the biggest threats to birds.

Energy Production and Mining The number and scope of severe threats to birds is
Energy development has significant negative effects on birds in North daunting, but implementing solutions immediately and
America including habitat loss, reduction in habitat quality, direct mortality, widely will pay off in benefits to society, the economy,
and disruption. Construction, operation, and associated infrastructure of and the health of our environment.
energy development such as oil and gas fields, wind farms, and geothermal
fields reduce and fragment habitat. Oil and gas development in the West
is affecting birds such as Greater Sage-Grouse by fragmenting large blocks construction, monocultural tree plantations, and fire suppression. These
of habitat. Energy field development alters natural environments in ways have caused fragmentation; a lack of mature trees, snags, and natural early
that favor invasive plants and animals. Gulls that prey on other birds are successional forests; degradation of streamside habitats; and overgrowth of
subsidized by garbage dumps at drilling facilities in Alaska. Surface water brush and small trees because of fire exclusion, all of which can have nega-
created as a result of coalbed methane extraction allows mosquitoes that tive consequences for wildlife. For example, more than 85% of old-growth
transmit diseases such as West Nile virus to breed. Roads used for construc- forest in the Pacific Northwest has been eliminated, leading to the listing of
tion often become paths for invasive plants such as cheatgrass to spread. the Northern Spotted Owl and Marbled Murrelet as threatened under the
Deaths of birds and nesting failures are associated with spills during trans- Endangered Species Act.
portation of petroleum products and oil field practices such as discharging In arid regions of the West, excessive grazing has degraded grasslands
oily waste into uncovered pits. Collisions with wind turbines, offshore oil and denuded streamside areas where most bird species forage and breed.
rigs, and powerlines cause significant mortality. Construction and opera- Overfishing in oceans has led to the starvation and nesting failures of birds.
tions of energy fields can displace birds and disrupt nesting. Prairie-chick- Overharvesting of horseshoe crabs has been attributed to rapid declines of
ens and sage-grouse avoid nesting near tall structures. Studies show that Red Knots, which must gorge on horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay to
they usually abandon breeding areas near drilling rigs or wind turbines. finish their annual migration to the arctic. Many fishing practices such as
Mining can cause extensive habitat disturbance, degradation, and loss. For long-lining, gill nets, and trawling can hook or entangle seabirds or disrupt
example, coal mining that blasts mountaintops to reveal coal seams below their food supply.
has removed large areas of eastern forests and buried nearby streamside
habitats under tons of debris. This contributes to the decline of birds that
breed in interior forests, such as Cerulean Warblers.
Invasive and Problem Species
Invasive species are those that spread uncontrollably after being introduced
to an area where they are not native. Invasive plants and animals are major
Natural Resource Use threats to native bird species in numerous ways.
The intentional killing of birds has been a significant factor in the past, Nonnative predators have the greatest single impact by killing adult birds
including egrets killed for plumes, as well as eggs and young. Domestic and feral cats kill hundreds of millions
shorebirds for food, and raptors of birds each year. Island nesting birds, particularly seabirds, are very vul-
for sport. Hunting is no longer a nerable since they mostly nest on the ground or in burrows and are easily
cause of bird population declines in captured by rats, foxes, cats, dogs, and mongooses.
the United States, thanks to strong Invasive plants also impact birds by rendering the habitat unsuitable.
regulations and harvest manage- Because of the aggressive shrub saltcedar, areas along southwestern water-
ment. However, numerous other ways have become extremely poor habitat for Willow Flycatcher, Yellow-
practices related to resource use are
billed Cuckoo, and other species. Saltcedar has also crowded out beaches
still a deadly factor for birds.
needed by nesting Snowy Plovers. Cheatgrass has modified millions of
Peter Lee

Most U.S. forest ecosystems have acres of sagebrush habitat, lowering its value for species of concern such as
been affected by logging, road Greater Sage-Grouse, Sage Thrasher, and Sage Sparrow.
Unsustainable logging in the boreal forest destroys
habitat needed by wildlife.

Introduced diseases are a major threat to some bird species. Avian malaria Climate Change
has contributed significantly to the decline and extinction of many Hawai- The U.S. has warmed by an aver-
ian birds, including the Kaua`i ``. Birds on the mainland are also vulner- age of 1 degree Fahrenheit during
able to introduced diseases such as West Nile virus, which has been found the last century, primarily because
in more than 200 bird species in the U.S. and which has caused significant of greenhouse gas emissions. Our
mortality of American Crows and related species. nation is also 510% wetter on aver-
Many bird species have been introduced to the U.S. from other parts of the age now than historically, though
world and some have established self-sustaining populations. European most of this can be attributed to

Gerrit Vyn
Starlings and House Sparrows compete aggressively with native birds for severe weather events, which can
nesting sites and frequently displace birds such as woodpeckers, swallows, damage habitats without alleviating
and bluebirds. Birds are at grave risk from habitat changes caused drought.Most estimates suggest
by climate change, including inundated nesting that without action, the U.S. will
areas and altered food supplies. warm by another 59 degrees over
Pollution the next century and the sea level will rise by more than 1.5 feet.
Pesticides, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals such as lead and mercury Climate change already has influenced the abundance, distribution, and
cause significant bird mortality and reduce breeding success. These effects timing of migration and breeding for many bird species. A recent study by
are sometimes hard to detect, but can produce dramatic population declines the National Audubon Society showed that more than half of the birds com-
over time. DDT caused the thinning and breakage of eggshells, nearly wip- monly found on the Christmas Bird Count are wintering farther north now
ing out several bird species in the U.S., including Peregrine Falcons, Brown than 40 years ago. American Robins are now arriving approximately 14
Pelicans, and Bald Eagles. days earlier than they did in 1981 on their breeding grounds in the Colora-
The U.S. applies approximately five billion pounds of pesticides annually. A do Rocky Mountains. Tree Swallows have advanced their breeding date by
pesticide poisoning database documents more than 2,500 incidents, in- up to nine days earlier from 1959 to 1994. Red-winged Blackbirds, Eastern
cluding 113 pesticides implicated in the deaths of more than 400,000 birds. Bluebirds, and eastern populations of Song Sparrows now lay their eggs
Carbofuran has been responsible for more than 20% of all incidents, and earlier because spring temperatures are warmer. A great concern is that the
the deaths of more than 40,000 birds. Many of the pesticides highly toxic earlier arrival of migrating birds may be out of sync with food availability.
to birds have been eliminated from use in the U.S., but continue to be used In addition to these effects on migration and breeding, birds are at grave
legally in Latin America where migratory birds are exposed to them during risk from habitat changes caused by climate change, especially in arctic tun-
the winter. dra, alpine meadows, sea ice and glaciers, coastal wetlands, marine atolls,
Lead, mercury, and selenium also harm birds. Ingested lead fragments and ocean ecosystems. Many specialized birds live in these habitats, includ-
and shot in game carcasses may have toxic effects on eagles, vultures, and ing Ivory Gulls that scavenge polar bear kills on floating sea ice, rosy-finch-
other scavengers. Mercury deposition in forests and on surface waters from es that depend on high altitude meadows, rails and saltmarsh sparrows that
burning coal becomes concentrated in foods eaten by fish-eating birds and depend on brackish coastal areas, and Kittlitzs Murrelets that appear to
forest songbirds. High selenium concentrations in wetlands impair the depend on glaciers. These species may face severe conservation challenges
hatching of eggs and reproduction of waterfowl and shorebirds. Industrial in the coming decades. Sea level rise will inundate islands, jeopardizing
chemicals such as dioxins and PCBs, once linked to many poisonings, have nesting birds. The potential spread of mosquito-borne avian malaria to
been regulated and largely cleaned up, but new chemicals such as PBDE highland refugia for Hawaiian honeycreepers is also a serious concern.
fire-retardants are emerging as contaminants that accumulate in plants and Climate change can affect the survival and reproduction of many bird spe-
wildlife, with unknown effects on birds and humans. cies. Changes in prey distribution and abundance, reduced productivity,
shrinking habitats, and competition and stresses from increasing popula-
tions will present a great challenge to birds on land and at sea.

OUR APPROACH Healthy bird populations depend on maintenance
of both the quality and quantity of habitats. These
same habitats provide resources that are essential
The State of the Birds: Focus on Habitats for human survival and quality of life. Trends in
To develop this first State of the Birds report for the United States, our team of experts drew upon a variety of sources bird populations can give us initial insight into
to determine the conservation status and population trends of more than 800 bird species that occur regularly within the health of these habitats, and thus provide an
the continental U.S., Hawaii, and U.S. oceans. indication of environmental sustainability.
We began by assigning each bird species to one
of seven primary habitats: oceans, coasts, wet-
lands, arctic, forests, grasslands, or aridlands.
Hawaiian landbirds were treated separately. We
defined habitats following the 2008 Heinz Foun-
dation report, The State of the Nations Ecosystems. A
complete list of the birds in each habitat, as well as
2 habitat trends from the Heinz report can be found
4 3 at
Birds that are restricted to a single habitat for
breeding were defined as habitat obligates, rep-
resenting an important group of species that are
6 7 most characteristic of a habitat and that should be
Map Key
most sensitive to environmental problems. Birds
8 found in three or more habitats were considered
Coasts 11
generalists. We recognized birds that use urban and
Arctic 12 suburban landscapes as occupying a secondary
5 10
17 habitat.
Boreal Forest 23 13
Eastern Forest
9 22 30 Bird Population Indicators:
Subtropical Forest 19 28
32 16 24 29 A Measure of Environmental
Grasslands 18
Western Forest 21 25 To assess the health of habitats, we created bird
20 population indicators based on the best available
Aridlands 34 37 31 monitoring data for groups of species in each hab-
36 itat. The concept of wild bird indicators has been
applied widely throughout the world in other
State of the Birds reports and has been accepted
as an important measure of environmental health. Each indicator represents the change in abun-
dance for a group of bird species combined into a
Visit our website for additional details about single indicator line. We chose 1968 as a base year
the science behind bird population indicators as
well as information about bird conservation and Numbers refer to bird conservation regions created by the North
monitoring programs. American Bird Conservation Initiative. See

for these indicators, reflecting the 40-year span of reliable bird-monitoring
data for many species, as well as a period of environmental consciousness
A Special Thank You to Volunteers
and habitat protection in the U.S. Our understanding of the long-term health of birds depends largely on the
thousands of bird watchers and biologists who volunteer each year for the
Breeding Bird Survey, Christmas Bird Count, or many other monitoring programs.
Species of Conservation Concern The dedication and skill of these citizen scientists reflects their love of birds
Because reliable long-term trend data were not available to create bird and the natural world, as well as their concern for the health of habitats and
population indicators for all U.S. habitats, we also used the proportion of our environment.
species of conservation concern in each habitat as a separate indicator of
Without the continued
health or threats to that habitat. Our last line of defense against extinction

Diane Tessaglia-Hymes
is the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, which lists 67 bird species as
involvement of this
either endangered or threatened (see page 28). army of volunteer
observers, this and
We also recognize an additional 184 species of conservation concern, based
on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2008 Birds of Conservation Concern, any future State of
and the 2007 WatchList, produced by the American Bird Conservancy and the Birds reports
the National Audubon Society from information compiled by bird conser- would simply not be
vation partnerships. These species show elevated levels of risk based on possible. For more on
small range or population size, high threats, or declining trends. Proactive how to participate
conservation efforts aimed at keeping these species from becoming feder- in bird-monitoring
ally listed constitute the primary focus of Partners in Flight, the U.S. Shore- programs see www.
bird Conservation Plan, Waterbird Conservation for the Americas, and the
North American Bird Conservation Initiative.

The State of Our Bird Monitoring Data Suggested Citation for this Report:
North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2009. The State of the Birds, United States
In this first U.S. State of the Birds report, we relied on long-term trend data of America, 2009. U.S. Department of Interior: Washington, DC. 36 pages.
from three primary bird population surveys. The North American Breeding
Bird Survey (BBS), administered by the U.S. Geological Survey and Cana- Contributors:
dian Wildlife Service, and conducted at more than 4,000 sites by volunteer Project Leads: Bob Ford, Paul Schmidt
observers, provided data for 365 breeding species since 1968. For 120 spe- Science Team: Brad Andres, Laurel Barnhill, Bob Blohm, Brad Bortner, Greg Butcher, Jorge Coppen,
Charles Francis, Debbie Hahn, Mark Koneff, David Mehlman, David Pashley, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, John
cies that breed outside the area of reliable BBS coverage, but winter primar-
R. Sauer, Jennifer Wheeler
ily within the U.S., we used trends from the National Audubon Societys
Communications Team: John Bowman, Connie Bruce, Miyoko Chu, Ashley Dayer, Steve Holmer, Pat
Christmas Bird Count. Finally, trends for 13 waterfowl species were pro- Leonard, Alicia King, Ellen Marcus, Gemma Radko, Nicholas Throckmorton, Blythe Thomas, Nancy
vided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service Severance, Joshua Winchell
from the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey, conducted by Lead Analyst: John R. Sauer
trained pilots and wildlife biologists across the northern U.S. and Canada. Editor: Miyoko Chu
Analysis for this State of the Birds report represents the first integration of Designer: Susan Steiner Spear
long-term results across these three important surveys, using new statisti- We thank the following people for reviewing or contributing to the development of this report:
cal techniques developed by scientists at the USGS and National Audubon John Alexander, Eleanora Babij, Breck Carmichael, Tom Cooper, Martha Desmond, Dan Dessecker,
George Fenwick, John Fitzpatrick, Krishna Gifford, Richard Gregory, Catherine Hickey, Dave Howell,
Society. Our analysis also highlights the lack of reliable long-term data for
Dave Krueper, Marcia Maslonek, Larry Neel, Daniel K. Niven, Mike Parr, Melissa Pitkin, Terry Rich,
many poorly monitored bird groups, most notably arctic-nesting shore- Diane Tessaglia-Hymes, Scott Yaich, Emily Silverman, George Wallace, Jeff Wells, Roger Wells.
birds, colonial seabirds, and oceanic species. New monitoring efforts for The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service took the lead in creating this report through an unprecedented
these species and habitats are essential for future State of the Birds reports. partnership involving the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State wildlife agencies, and nongovernmental
organizations as a subcommittee of the U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI).

The birds we see in our backyards, fields, forests, deserts, and oceans have much
to tell us about the health of the environment. Each year, thousands of citizen-
science participants contribute data from across the United States, making it
possible to identify birds in trouble. By understanding the message from birds
and taking action, we can help them thrive and safeguard our own future.

Back cover photos from top, left to right: Greater Sage-Grouse by Ted Schroeder; Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Maui,
Hawaii, by Eric VanderWerf; Cassin's Finch by Darrell E. Spangler, Pacific Coast, Big Sur, California, by Gerrit Vyn,
Common Murres by Gerrit Vyn, Everglades by Kenneth V. Rosenberg. This page: Sandhill Cranes by David Quanrud.


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