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First Things First

Stephen Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill

Simon & Schuster,Inc 1994 ISBN 0-671-86441-6

& Live, love, learn and leave a legacy.

Committed people struggle to combine
their careers, family life and community These four words relate to basic needs
obligations. such as the physical need, the social need,
Everyone is looking for more control on his the mental need and the spiritual need.
own life, but experiences that even you can Each affect our time and quality of life.
control your choice of action, you cant So Doing more things faster is no
control the consequences of those actions. substitute for doing the right things.
The four needs are not separate parts of
There is big difference between what is your life and it is where these areas overlap
really important and how we spend our that you will find peace, fulfillment and joy.
time. Time management has to do with Fulfilling these four needs is important but
quantity and speed but not necessarily with you also have to align yourself with
solving your problems. The authors use the principles. Principles are independent
metaphor of clock and compass. The clock truths that govern your live. Truths can be
determines how we manage our time, the found in literature and in your conscience.
compass determines how we lead our An example of a common principle is good
lives. social relationships that is based on trust,
And it is the gap between clock and responsibility and unconditional love.
compass that creates our problems.
Most peoples life are dominated by
Classical methods of Time management urgency and importance. The urgent and
came in three generations : important things make us produce things
bur the not urgent but important things
1. First generation: reminders, notes, define the quality of our life.
2. Second generation: plan, prepare, 6 steps give you an organizing system for
set goals and deadlines. not urgent but important things :
3. Third generations: planning,
prioritizing and controlling.

These generations helped people become Step 1: Connect with your mission.
more effective.
But their weakness is that they dont deal What do you want to be and do? What
with relationships, inner peace, balance gives life meaning for you?
and confidence that were doing the right
things well. You need a passion of vision. Vision is
defined as the ability to see beyond the
The authors develop a fourth generation. present and to create what does not exist.
A strong vision fuels passion and helps you The 4 human endowments ( self-
transcend fear, doubt, discouragement and awareness, conscience, independency and
barriers preventing you from accomplishing creative imagination) can help you set
your goals. achievable goals.

Create a personal mission statement. It is Step 4: Create a weekly framework.

more about detecting your mission than
inventing it. Your mission statement is Now it is time to plan your week. Schedule
unique and should be empowering. your priorities instead of prioritizing your
An empowering mission statements : schedule.
Fill your jar first with the big rocks, slip the
Represents the deepest and best in sand and gravel around. Combine activities
you. in ways that are better if you pursue them
Fulfills your gifts and expresses your alone.
capacity to contribute.
Integrate the 4 needs. Step 5: Exercise integrity in the moment.
Deals with vision and principle-based
values. Take 3 steps daily :
Deals with all your roles in life.
1. Preview the day
Step 2: Identify your roles. 2. Prioritize ( urgent / not urgent /
important / not important )
We all have different role at work, at home, 3. Distinguish time-sensitive items from
in the community and elsewhere. The all the others.
come with specific responsibilities and
different ways of contributing. You need to be flexible because
Take time to identify your roles. unexpected things will happen but you
Your first role is always Sharpen the saw: have to keep the perspective. So you will
increasing your skills, abilities and have to make though choices. Following 3
capacities in your physical, social, mental techniques will guide you in making the
and spiritual life. right choice :
Pursue balance in your roles, remembering
that each role is interrelated and all Ask with intent
connected by principles. Listen without excuse
Act with courage
Step 3: Select your goals.
Step 6: Evaluate.
Ask for each of your roles following
question : What is the most important thing Ask yourself at the end of the week :
I could do this week to have the greatest
constructive impact? What goals did I achieve?
Set the goal carefully as their achievement Was this the best use of my time?
make deposits toi what the authors call the What challenge did I encounter and
personal integrity account. This account how did I overcome them?
reflects how much trust we have in What decisions did I make?
ourselves. Failing means making Did I keep First things first?
withdrawals from the account.
Did I create synergies between roles take the time to teach and empower
and goals? another to do it?
Did I fail to apply any principles? Is it more productive to supervise
and control others OR to help them
Organization can do much more if all unleash their creative potential?
people worked together constructively. As Is it more productive to schedule
independence has its role ( the strength time efficiently to solve problems OR
you need to transcend roles or the to take time up front to clarify them?
expectations of society and stay focused Is it more productive to solve
on principles ) it also paves the way to problems OR to build solid and deep
interdependence. relationships?

Consider : Conclusion: this fourth generation Time

Management is much more people oriented
Is it more productive to get a job focusing on leadership, spontaneity,
done quickly and efficiently OR to transformation, principles and synergy. It
helps us leverage our capacities and us
and other grow.

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