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Roots of Algebraic and

The following numerical methods for solving
roots of algebraic and transcendental equations
with one independent variable, x will be presented:
Incremental Search Method
Bisection Method
False Position Method
Secant Method
Newton Raphson Method
Newtons Second Order Method
False Position Method
used when the interval containing the root
has been determined using incremental
search method
the function is assumed to be approximately
linear in the local region of interest
the next improvement in the root is taken as
the point where the approximating line
crosses the axis
after each iteration, one of the previous
boundary points is discarded in favor of the
latest estimate of the root
1. Let the interval containing the root be x1 and x2.
2. Compute F(x1) and F(x2).
3. Compute

4. Evaluate the product F(x1) F(x3)

a) If the product is positive, the root is between x3 and x2.
b) If the product is negative, the root is between x1 and x3.
c) If the product is zero, then x3 is the root.
5. a) If the product is positive, replace x1 by x3, with x2 the
same. Then repeat steps 2 and 3.
b) If the product is negative, replace x2 by x3, with x1 the
same. Then repeat steps 2 and 3.
6. STOP when F(x3)< error (e.g. 1 x 10-5)
False Position Method Example
Solve for the first positive root of

3 2
F(x) = x 14x + 59x 70 = 0

using False Position method and the results

from incremental search method.
Example 1
F(x1) F(x3)
x1 x2 F(x1) F(x2) x3 F(x3) Product
1.8 2.1 -3.328 1.421000 2.01023 0.152669 -0.50808

1.8 2.010234 -3.328 0.152673 2.00101 0.015179 -0.05052

1.8 2.001012 -3.328 0.015172 2.00010 0.001497 -0.00498

1.8 2.0001 -3.328 0.001500 2.00001 0.000148 -0.00049

1.8 2.00001 -3.328 0.000150 2.00000 1.48E-05 -4.9E-05

1.8 2.000001 -3.328 0.000015 2.00000 1.48E-06 -4.9E-06
False Position Method vs
Secant Method
The only difference between the methods
is that secant retains the most recent of
the prior estimates, while false position
retains that prior estimate for which the
function value has opposite sign from the
function value at the current best
estimate of the root, so that the two
points continue to contain the root.
False Position Method vs
Secant Method
False Position Method vs
Secant Method
Secant Method: Procedure
1. Let the interval containing the root be x1 and x2.
2. Compute F(x1) and F(x2).
3. Compute

4. Replace x1 by x2 and replace x2 by x3. Then repeat

steps 2 and 3.
6. STOP when F(x3)< error (e.g. 1 x 10-5)
Secant Method Example
Solve for the first positive root of

3 2
F(x) = x 14x + 59x 70 = 0

using False Position method and the results

from incremental search method.
Example 2
x1 x2 F(x1) F(x2) x3 F(x3) Product
1.8 2.1 -3.328 1.421000 2.01023 0.152669 -0.50808
2.1 2.01023 1.421 0.152669 1.99943 -0.00857 -0.01218
2.010234 1.99943 0.152669 -0.008574 2.00000 4.7E-05 7.17E-06
1.999429 2.00000 -0.00857 0.000047 2.00000 1.43E-08 -1.2E-10

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