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Data Structures and Algorithms

Course code: X_400614

Period: Period 1
Credits: 6.0
Language of tuition: English
Faculty: Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen
Coordinator: dr. F. van Raamsdonk
Examinator: dr. F. van Raamsdonk
Teaching staff: dr. F. van Raamsdonk
Teaching method(s): Lecture, Seminar,
Level: 200

Course objective
To obtain basic knowledge about data structures, algorithmic design, and
worst-case time complexity.

Course content
Concerning data structures:
Linear data structures:
stacks, queues, linked lists.
Tree-like data structures:
binary trees, binary search trees, heaps, red-black trees or AVL-trees.
Graphs-like data structures.
Hash tables.
Concerning algorithms:
sorting algorithms,
the divide-and-conquer programming paradigm,
dynamic programming,
greedy algorithms,
string matching.
Complexity analysis:
big-Oh notation, worst-case time complexity, amortized analysis.

Form of tuition
Lectures: 4 hours per week (in total 28 hours).
Exercise classes: 4 hours per week (in total 28 hours).
There is also obligatory practical work.

Type of assessment
A mid-term exam (bot obligatory) and a final exam.
The written exam contributes for at least 80% to the final grade.
Moreover, there are probably obligatory programming assignments
contributing for at most 20% to the final grade.

Course reading
Introduction to Algorithms
third edition,
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford
Stein, MIT Press 2009.

Entry requirements
Concerning algorithmics:
recursive procedures, arrays, elementary Java.
For instance the course Programming (X-400554) of year I of the Bachelor
Computer Science.

Concerning discrete mathematics:

some familiarity with mathematical reasoning in general and induction in
For instance the course Logic and Sets (X_401090) of year I of the
Bachelor Computer Science.
Moreover elementary knowledge of graphs.
For instance the course Networks and Graphs of year I of the Bachelor
Computer Science.

Target group
2CS, 2BA, 3IMM, 3LI, 3W, 3Ect

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