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Bilal bin Rabah may God be pleased with him

He is Bilal bin Rabah al-Habashi al-Qurashi al-Taimi, Mawla Sayyidna Abi Bakr may Allah be
pleased with them, and they mentioned in his translation several of his nickname; he is Abu
Abdullah, and it is said: Abu Abdul Karim, and said: Abu Abdul Rahman, and said: Abu Amr.

He was one of the first two who were tortured in God. He was one of those who showed their
Islam at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) The Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Abu Bakr forbade them, and the others took them and
the polytheists took them to the iron shields and stopped them in the sun in Makkah. The first of
them was Abu Bakr, Amar, Sumaya, Bilal, And carried them to say falsehood, all agreed to the
polytheists on what they wanted only Bilal It Hunt himself in God, Voattoh newborns, and they
made parading in coral Mecca made fun of him and tortured him, he says, one, one.

Shaykh Muhammad al-Khudari said : Bilal was owned by his mother, Ibn Khalaf al-Jumhi al-
Qurashi. He used to make a rope in his neck and push him to the boys to play with him. He said:
"One of them was not occupied by what is in it about the unification of Allaah. It is the very hot
sand, if a piece of meat is placed on it to mature - then he orders the great rock to be placed on
his chest, and then he says to him: It is still so until you die or disbelieve Muhammad and
worship the Lat and the Uzza.

Abu Bakr passed by and said: "O illiteracy, but do you fear God in this poor man, how long will
you torture him?

He said: You spoiled him, and save him from what you see.

(Night: 14, 15); ie: Umayya ibn Khalaf) who lied and took away * and will avoid it. "[Night: 16,
17 ] The Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him ) said: "The friend who gives his
money will be glorified, and no one has the grace to be rewarded except for the face of the face
of his Lord, and he will be satisfied. " [18: 21]

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him between him and Abu Ubaida bin surgeon, and in
the story of the purchase of Abu Bakr Bilala novels all indicate the virtue of Abu Bakr, and can
be integrated.

It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said when he heard
what Bilal was subjected to torture: "If we had anything, let us take care of Bilal." Abu Bakr said
to Abbas: "Buy me Bilalah, So I woke him up.

Abu Bakr bought Bilalah and he was buried in the stones with five gold bracelets, and they said:
If I only put one ounce to his sons, Abu Bakr said: If you only take a hundred ounces to take it.
Among them: that his followers did not know that he was a Muslim and they made him in the
sun and tortured him, and he said: One of them, so Abu Bakr reached that and he saw him and
made him happy.

The ruler [2] narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

Four race: I am a former Arab, former Salman Persians, Bilal former Abyssinia, and former
Suhaib Romans.

And Muslim (2413) (46) in the virtues of the Companions of Saad bin Abi Waqas may Allah
be pleased with him said: We were six Nefir, the polytheists said: I expelled them from you, do
not dare us, and I was Ibn Masoud and Bilal and a man of this and other, (-) :) and do not expel
those who call their Lord in the morning and dinner want his face ([cattle: 52].

The treasurer of the Messenger of Allah Secretary:

Abu Na'im [3] took his command of Abdullah al-Huzani saying:

I received Bilalah, I said: O Bilal, told me how was the expense of the Messenger of Allah peace
be upon him? He said: What had nothing, I was the one who has it since the Messenger of God
Almighty, until he died, and if the Muslim man came to him, Vrkh naked, ordering me, Vnql,
Vstqrd, and buy the cold, Vksoh and feed him.

And took out his support for Anas that he said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:

(I have hidden in God and what is afraid of anyone, and I have been hurt in God and hurt
anyone, and I came to thirty of the night and day, and what I have to eat food eat liver, only
something Iowarip armpit Bilal)) [4] .

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had a great affliction and
had great affliction on the day of Badr. Umayya ibn Khalaf was killed on that day by inciting
Bilal, and the illiteracy of this is what he tormented and the torment continues.

And its virtues are too many:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw him as one of the owners of

One of his virtues: What was narrated by al-Bukhaari that Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be
pleased with him was saying:

"Abu Bakr is our master, and our master is freed" [5] .

This effect indicates the virtue of Bilal; he is one of the gentlemen who deserve this title (our
master), and also indicates the humility of our master Omar may Allah be pleased with him.
And indicates the legitimacy to say: (our master) of the Companions, and legislates in a better
way to say that to our master the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

One of his virtues: his keenness on jihad since he became Muslim, he took out Bukhari [6] that
Bilal said to Abu Bakr:

"If you only bought me for yourself, then I will be held. If you only bought me for God, then let
me and my work be for God."

According to Ahmad's narration of the hadeeth: Bilal said to Abu Bakr when the Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died.

Ibn Saad said in the classes in this story of the increase that he said:

I saw the best work of the believer Jihad, and I wanted to be linked in the way of Allah, and that
Abu Bakr said to Bilal: I thank you God and my right, so Bilal lived with him until he died, and
when he died Omar went to the Levant to Mujahideen, and died in the plague Amuas eighteenth
year, Twenty years.

His death was in Damascus, and he was buried in Bab al-Saghir.

It is one of his virtues: What was narrated by al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Ahmad and others from
Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Bilal at Fajr
prayer: "Bilal told me about his work in Islam; : I did not work in Islam, I am pleased that I do
not purify Tahora in an hour of night or day, but I prayed so pure what God wrote to me to pray
[7] .

Al-Bukhaari said: The aim of your actions is to move.

Ibn Hajar said:

"And he said: (at the dawn prayer) in which the reference to that occurred in a dream; because
his habit, peace be upon him that he cut what he saw, and reflect what he saw his companions ...
after the dawn prayer" [8] .

It was narrated in Saheeh Muslim: "I saw the night." Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad.

And said: "I prayed what he wrote to me to pray"; that is: what I have, which is more general
than the obligatory and passive.

In which he is urged to pray after doing wudoo ', so that wudoo' will not remain void of his
intention, and in it is the virtue of deeds that man is pleased with.

In the narration of Tirmidhi and Ibn Khuzaymah in this story, he said: "What happened to me
happened only when I woke up."
In Ahmad's narration: "What has been done is only done, and I did wudoo 'and prayed two

We should decide that the vision of the prophets is true.

In the hadeeth of Buraydah, peace and blessings be upon him: "When did you meet me to
Paradise?" Narrated by Ahmad, 5/354.

It is narrated from him that he came down Darya, a village near Damascus, and married Bani
Khawlan of its people, and was not followed.

Al-Bukhaari narrated that 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: When the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the city, and Abu Bakr and Bilal came to

Every man is in his family, and death is inferior to that of his husband

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