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Assignment topics Roll Name of the Student Assignment Question

1. 58 A.Kumari While examining the provisions related to dowry
death, discuss the contribution they provide in the
process of establishing guilt of the accused.
2. 85 S.Lohia Examine the concept of dowry under The Dowry
Prohibition Act,1961 apart from discussing the
importance of the same for The Indian Penal
3. 88 S.Barasa Critically analyse The Dowry Prohibition Act,1961
in light of gender justice.
4. 159 A.Yadav In what manner can we say that The Dowry
Prohibition Act,1961, apart from being a penal
statute, moves ahead in the direction of being an
ameliorative one.
5. 160 A.Ladrecha Discuss stalking in light of the relevant provision
under The Indian Penal Code,1860, and the societal
utiltity of such a penal law, especially in light of
Article 21 of The Constitution of India.
6. 163 A.Bajpai Discuss the limited scope of marital rape in India
apart from discussing how sexual abuse formulates
the peripheral domain in such violence by the
7. 164 B.Parihar Discuss the essence of The Sexual Harrasement of
Women at Workplace, (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013 and the objectives it want to
8. 169 H.Chauhan Critically analyse the expanded understanding of
sexual harrassment under The Indian Penal
9. 170 Jagdeesh Explain domestic violence with specific reference
to economic abuse under The Protection of
Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005.
10. 173 J.Kongari Discuss the essence of The Protection of Women
from Domestic Violence Act,2005, as in the
objectives it want to achieve.
11 176 N.N.Soren Explain the types of reliefs provided under The
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
12 186 S.Khanna Explain domestic violence with specific reference
to sexual abuse under The Protection of Women
from Domestic Violence Act,2005.
13 206 C.Mandal Discuss the development of law relating to cases of
rape involving death or persistent vegitative state of
the victim.
14 211 Divya Discuss the essence of Indecent Representation of
Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, as in the objectives
it want to achieve.
15 214 H.Sharma Explain domestic violence with specific reference
to verbal and emotional abuse under The
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
16 232 R.Jamuar Discuss voyeurism in light of the relevant provision
under The Indian Penal Code,1860, and the societal
utiltity of such a penal law, especially in light of
Article 21 of The Constitution of India.
17 236 S.Raj Explain the development of 498 A with special
reference to the social purpose associated therewith.
18 239 S.V.Singh Explain the development of Sec.304 B of The Indian
Penal Code,1860 with special reference to the social
purpose associated therewith.
19 241 Shweta Critically analyse acid attack laws under The
Indian Penal Code,1860, in light of a promise made
in direction of gender-justice.
20 242 S.Suman Explain domestic violence with specific reference
to physical abuse under The Protection of Women
from Domestic Violence Act,2005.
21 243 Smriti Critically analyse the development of understanding
of the rape post- Mathura, specially in light of The
Criminal Law, Amendment act, 2013.
22 246 S.B.Horo Explain the concept of domestic relationship in
addition to the enlargement of the understanding of
respondant, under The Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act,2005.
23 247 S.Kumari Critically analyse acid attack laws under The
Indian Penal Code,1860, in light of a promise made
in direction of gender-justice.

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