Rhs Internship Application

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Renaissance High School Internship Application

Beginning in Fall 2017, selected Renaissance High School students will be placed in
various paid and unpaid internship positions. Renaissance students will receive 3 credits
for participating in an internship. Interns will attend their four core classes required to
fulfill graduation requirements.

Interns will be required to attend a mandatory training session prior to beginning their

Student Guidelines for Potential Candidates

A member of the Junior or Senior class. Candidates must have attended Renaissance
for at least one semester.
Good Academic Standing: Overall GPA of a 3.0 or higher
Good Overall Attendance: No more than 3 unexcused Absences or 10 Tardies during
the 2016 -2017 school year.
o Attendance is very important. This is a professional work experience where you
will make possible contacts for future jobs or references. Report to work early!
No Student Code of Conduct violations during the 2016 -2017 school year.
Grades will be based on attendance, attitude, and evaluations. You will also be
expected to present an oral report of your internship experience to your classmates.
A student absent from the internship site more than two days will be subject to
having their internship terminated. Special circumstances will be considered.
The Renaissance Internship Supervisor will visit your workplace to observe interns
and consult with the Direct Supervisor.
Please contact the Renaissance Internship Supervisor if you need additional training,
information, or help with a situation at work.
The internship will cover approximately twenty weeks Monday through Friday 3-4
hours per day.
o Some internship experiences may vary in duration.

Email your typed application to Melissa.jones@detroitk12.org by July 24, 2017.

No late applications will be accepted!

(Applications must be typed)

Student Contact Information:

First Name: _________________________ Last Name: ___________________________

Email Address: __________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________
City:_________________________________________ State:______________

Current Grade Level (Jr/Sr) Current Overall GPA:____________


Interests and Experience

Please describe your general career interests and goals.

Please describe any work/volunteer experience you have including your job duties

Why should you be selected to represent Renaissance High School in an internship?

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