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A Guide To Curriculum Mapping

GIPS is engaging in a curriculum-mapping process to aid in providing a viable curriculum and 21st-century education to all of our students. The goal
of creating and using curriculum maps is to ensure all learning and teaching is vertically standards-based. Our curriculum-mapping tool,
CurricUplan, provides teachers with the ability to seamlessly create connections among curriculum maps, instructional unit plans and lesson plans to
enhance our students systemic education path.

The design process follows recommendations made by Janet A. Hale in her text, A Guide to Curriculum Mapping: Planning, Implementing, and
Sustaining the Process.

Type of Map Initial Elements

Essential Map Collaborative, mandated planned learning

Teacher-led task force recording for districtwide incorporation Unit Name
Consensus Map
A teacher teams recording at each school site
Consensus Maps and Essential Maps provide written agreement of the Assessments (Common and/or same assessments, district
collaborative, agreed-on planned learning. These maps are intended to benchmark or state-mandated assessments - appropriate to
inform all stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, students, course - collective agreement)
parents, board members, and the community, regarding students Resources (only included if collective agreement and available
mandatory or compulsory learning expectations (Hale, 2008, p. 145). to all teachers teaching the course)

Writing the Elements

Since curriculum maps are oftentimes accessed, read, and discussed without the map writer or writers present, consistency in wording, format, and
intra-alignment contribute significantly to the quality and clarity regarding accurate map data interpretations through a learning organization (Hale,
2008, p.39)

Element Format/Conventions

UNIT NAME A unit name is written in all CAPITAL LETTERS to

distinguish it from the map element
A unit name serves a purpose similar to a books title. It is written as a broad statement or
simple phrase representing the information within. See information about the use of asterisks to allow for
- Unit names may be based on discipline-specific standards strands, concepts, themes, flexibility of when the learning may take place in real
and or/ topics time
Element Format/Conventions

LEARNING GOAL - A learning goal is a statement of what students will know or be able to do.

CONTENT - Content is what student must know. They are typically written as a Intra-alignment coding includes letter(s) preceding the
Key Noun/Phrase: Descriptor content listing(s).
Key noun/phrase is a topic, theme, or concept (which may be recursory horizontally or vertically). The letter is followed by a period (e.g., A./B./C.).
Descriptor is the specific learning expectation in relation to the topic, theme, or concept for this Always start with the letter A. for each new u nit of study.
particular unit of study. Each word in content listing begins with a capital letter

SKILL - Skills are what students must do (cognitive abilities/actions) in relationship to the aligned Intra-alignment coding for the Skills includes letter(s)
knowing (content). There are three parts to a well-written skill statement: (Essential Map) and number(s) (Consensus Map,
measurable verb, target, and descriptor. Projected/Diary Map) (e.g., Essential Map = A. / B. / C. /
Measurable verb: Do not start a skill statement with Demonstrate ... Understand ... Know... Show ... Consensus Map and/or Projected Diary Map = A1. / A2. /
Learn... (these are not measurable). Do not start with Practice... Review... (they represent an activity, A3.).
not a skill). Do not start with Use... This word is often a part of the descriptor (e.g., Find slope using a The beginning of a Skill statement's measurable verb starts
calculator). If you start with Apply...You must write it using the word "to" Apply ___ to ___ with a capital letter.
No period is needed at the end of the statement
Target - Represents "how" students are measured summatively (as well as significant formatives)
regarding the learning. The targets listed below are listed in order of most commonly used: Examples
in writing = represents not measured "orally" ... "in writing" can be as simple as filling in a A. Strike caps lock key to type in all capital
bubble sheet, putting an "X" on a certain shape, or more complex such as writing a sentence, letters/strike caps lock key to return to lowercase
paragraph, or essay, or drawing a diagram/illustration letters.
orally = spoken C1. Describe in writing 3 variables that affect
visually = used only when an intense visual focus is critical to the learning, such as in locating weathering (climate, differential weathering,
places on maps particle size) using real-world examples
aurally = listening; used only when cognitive demand requires unique aural requirements, such
as in phoneme discrimination or differentiating musical notes Note: Sometimes two targets may be involved in measuring
a skill. For example: Solve orally and in writing...
Descriptor - The information after the target in a skill statement is referred to as the descriptor and
includes details and enhances the Content listing information; not simply repeats it. A skills descriptor
should aid map readers in explicitly recognizing student learning expectations.
Oftentimes, descriptors include additional information in parentheses:
(e.g., ______) = for example OR (__________) = must be learned
Element Format/Conventions

Assessments: Products or performances that measure the knowing and doing Selected Response Abbreviations: MC = Multiple Choice /
FinB = Fill in the Blank / TF = True and False / M =
Assessment title is written as a Defined Noun. Think of it as giving the assessment a title that Matching
summarizes the assessment focus(es).
Respond to Text/Illustration Response Abbreviations:
SA = Short Answer (1 word, 1 phrase, or 1 sentence) / SR =
Assessments can be products or performances that measure single or multiple learning
Short Response (a few sentences or complete paragraph) /
expectations (e.g., 25 MC Test / Persuasive Essay / Hand-Finger Placement Performance Task)
ER = Extended Response (multi-paragraph) / DBQ =
Document-based Question(s)
While there are no specific wordings for the noun portion of the Defined Noun, common terms
Evaluations include the manner (e.g., Teacher Ob / Peer Ob
include (but are not limited to) Test / Quiz / Exercise / Performance Task / Project / Essay. If
/ Peer Review) and tools (Checklist, Rubric, Scoring Scale,
there are multiple assessments given to measure a particular skill or skills, indicate by using
Student Feedback) used to judge students' abilities related to
plural form of noun. For Example: A1-A3. 2-5 Item (MC, FinB, M) Pop Quizzes
the assessment requisites. An included evaluation begins 1
space after the Assessment name/title. For Example:
The assessments that measure the most or majority of Skills, even if given last, are listed first in a unit A1-B3. Town Square persuasive Essay (Evaluation:
of study (e.g., A1-B3. would be listed as the first assessment since it includes A1.) Teacher Ob/Rubric)

Examples Formative Indication = FOR It is written prior t o the

Assessment name/title (e.g., B1-C2. FOR 3 SA Pop
A1-C1. 40 Item (MC, SA) Unit 1 Test
Quizzes). If FOR is not included, it is assumed that the
A4. Original Fable (Evaluation: Teacher Ob-Peer Review/Rubric)
Assessment is a summative.
C1, C3. 20 FinB Quiz
Intra-alignment coding includes letter(s) and number(s) for
an Assessment(s) included in the unit of study. A period is
used after the letter/number coding (e.g., A1. / A1-A3. / D1,
D3.). Each word in an Assessment name (title) begins with
a capital letter.

Element Format/Conventions

Activities/Strategies Intra-alignment coding includes letter(s) and

Best-practice experiences that aid students in learning Content/Skills learning expectations. letter(s)/number(s) for the Skill(s) aligned to the
Activities/Strategies included in the unit of study.
Essential Map Examples
A. Smartboard Lesson: Introduction to Perimeter (M) (underline indicates a hyperlink) (M) indicates that the activity is Mandatory across the
district (Essential Map) or in a school site (Consensus Map)
A-C. Grow and nurture a plant using soil, seed, water, and sunlight for 2 weeks
B. Ruler activity: Find perimeter of 3 things in classroom
Consensus Map - Projected/Diary Examples
A1. Smartboard Lesson: Introduction to Perimeter (M) (underline indicates a hyperlink)
A1-C2. Grow and nurture a plant using soil, seed, water, and sunlight for 2 weeks
B2. Ruler activity: Find perimeter of 3 things in classroom

Resources: Textbooks, materials, and references that aid in the instruction of the knowing and doing. Intra-alignment coding may include letter(s) if used
intra-aligning to a total Content/Skills set(s) and/or letter(s)
Materials, technology, and Web 2.0 tools such as books, textbooks, manipulatives, DVDs, SMART and number(s) if intra-aligning to a specific Skill or Skills.
board lessons, hyperlinks (using the hyperlinks feature*) that aid in student learning. A double-hyphen is used prior to each listing.

(M) indicates that the activity is Mandatory across the
district (Essential Map) or in a school site (Consensus Map)
--Chapter 12, pp. 131-156
--It Does Matter! DVD (M)
--Brainpop Mind or Matter (Underline indicates a hyperlink*)

Standards: Proficiency targets that serve as a framework for the knowing and doing Add a Standard:
Click on the + s ign in front of the standard(s) that are
Select Standard LLE: addressed in the unit of study to populate the Standards
Select appropriate Standards' Level of Learning Expectation for each standard statement: field.
C (Prioritized Standards - Critical Learning - Students "own the learning" deeply and can
generalize their learning) Re-order Standards:
N (Prioritized Standards - Need To Know Learning - Students "own the learning" based on To change the order of the standards, click and drag the
experience with the understanding that student learning will go deeper within the academic year standard to the new location. The selected standard to move
or future academic years.) will be highlighted in GREEN until you place the standard
SN (Prioritized Standards - Still Need To Know Learning - Students have learned standard in the new location. If the standard turns RED, it indicated
expectation deeply and now applying that knowledge OR students are being introduced to that you are outside of the standards field. If you let go of
learning, but will go deeper within the academic year or future academic years.) the standard while it is RED, the standard will return to its
You can choose 1 or more level of learning expectations for each standard statement. original location in the list.
Additional Recommendations

Writing Numbers Quantities less than 10 are written as a numeral, not a number word because it is easier to read when scanning the map
elements (exception: when students are learning to recognize/write number word[s]).

Using Hyperlink *To use the hyperlink feature, begin by writing a short title or phrase that describes the URL destination.
Feature For example:
--Periodic Table
Then highlight the title; click on small chain-link symbol (6th symbol from the far right smile icon) in the bottom row.
A new window will open. Full how-to directions are included in the User Guide that is available on the home page in the eBoard area.

Creating +U+L Create Instructional Unit Plans and/or Lesson Plans directly from the Map Unit that will be pre-populated with selected
Instructional Unit content from the Map Unit.
Plans and/or Directions:
Lesson Plans from
the Map
1. Click on the icon +U+L on the Map Unit.
2. In the Create a Plan window select:
1. Type of Plan
2. Plan Template
3. Matching fields
4. Create LInk from the Map Plans field (*Author's only)
3. The new Instructional Unit Plan or Lesson Plan will be created and saved and will open in a new tab/window in Edit mode.

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