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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

Internship Report
Ejaz Ahmed

Internship Report On Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)

Academic Program B.Com. (Hons.) 4-year Program
Roll # 1121-BC 2012-16
Section A
Department Economics
Submission Date 9/9/2015
Supervisor Mam Nosheen Rasool


I, Ejaz Ahmed S/O Shukurullah Baig, the student of B.Com (Hons) Semester (VI) session 2012-16

hereby declare that the material printed in this Internship Report on Aga Khan Rural Support
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
Programme (AKRSP) represents my own struggle and work, and this has never been printed,

published, submitted, used in any way as research work, internship Report, already published work

or any other form of publication in either any university / college or research or any form of other

organization either Pakistan / abroad neither in hard or soft form.

Dated: September, 9 2015 Signature of Deponent: ____________

Name: Ejaz Ahmed

Roll# 1121-BC 2012-16

Reg# 2012-BH--COM-68


It is certified that Ejaz Ahmed Roll no. 1121-BC-2012-16 has carried out all the work related to
this internship report under my supervision at the Department of Economics, Government College
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
University Lahore, Pakistan, and the work fulfills the requirement for award of B.COM (Hons)

Date: September 09, 2015

Head of Department:


Dr. Tasneem Zafar, Chairperson

Department of Economics, Govt. College
University, Lahore


Miss Nosheen Rasool

Govt. College University, Lahore.


(A Project of Aga Khan Foundation)

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

Internship Report (2015)


Ejaz Ahmed
1121-B.Com (Hons) 2012-2016
Intern, Finance Section
Tenure(22th july 1st september,2015)


Babar Road, P.O Box 506, Gilgit, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

Phone: (+92-5811) 452480 / 452679
Fax: (+92-5811) 454175

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

Allah is very kind, merciful, and compassionate. His blessings enabled me to

accomplish this task.

I awe my deep and sincere thanks to Mr. Amin Baig, Program Manager (ID)
AKRSP Core office Gilgit Baltistan and Mr. Atta Ulla Baig Skill Development
Specialist (SDS), who gave me a chance for this internship. I am very thankful
to my supervisors Sir Ghazi (FC) and Sir Nadeem ullah Baig (AO), they both
gave me good assistance in performing my job as well as in preparing
internship report.

My gratitude goes to Sir Abid Ali HR Manager, Izhar Bai, and Shakeel Ahmad
and everyone in organization who made Friendly environment in the office.

Besides, I am very grateful to my Teachers: Sir Mubassir Hussain Awan, Sir

Raees Aslam punno, Mam Nosheen Rasool, and other teachers for being ready
to lend a hand to me for my education and personality grooming.

In addition to this I am very pleased to my parents for their prayers, love and
all kind of guidance which helped to keep my morale up during this internship.

At the last I indebted all the contributed to the successful completion of

my internship report.


GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

AKF Aga Khan Foundation

AKRS Aga Khan Rural Support Programme

GBC Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral

IDS Institutional Development Survey

LSOs Local Support Organizations

NAC Northern Areas and Chitral

VOs Village Organizations

WOs Womens Organizations

PM Program Manager

RPM Regional program manager

MER Monitoring, Evaluation and Research

ID Institutional Development

HR Human Resource

MSMEs Micro Small and Medium Enterprise


CPI Community personal infrastructure

SDS Skill Development Specialist

FC Finance Coordinator

NGO Non-Government Organization


GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
This report contains comprehensive study of the finance section, at Core office
of AKRSP in Gilgit Baltistan. This report is an output of six weeks internship
at AKRSP from July, 22 to September, 1. AKRSP is a well-known and
reputable non-profit, non-denominational and non-government organization
established by the Aga khan Foundation in December, 1982 with the aim of
improving the quality of life of the villagers of Gilgit, Baltistan and Chitral.
The practice and procedure learned during the tenure is going to be very
helpful for my future. This internship report covers all aspects related to
introduction of AKRSP, function, objectives, activities, information about
finance section, and organizations performance. I prepared this report on the
basis of interviews of the staff, finance officers and review of the annual
reports, I also analyze the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the
organization on the basis of data.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

1 AKRSP in Brief...........................................................................................................................11
1.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................13
1.2 My first visit at AKRSP.......................................................................................................14
1.3 Objectives of AKRSP..........................................................................................................15
1.4 Mission Statement................................................................................................................16
1.5 Vision Statement..................................................................................................................17
1.6 STRUCTURE OF AKRSP...................................................................................................18
1.7 AKRSP Organizational Chart..............................................................................................19
1.8 AKRSP Core Office Organogram........................................................................................20
1.9 SECTIONS/DEPARTMENT OF AKRSP............................................................................21
1.9.1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................22
1.9.2 GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT SECTION (G & D)..............................................22
1.9.3 COMMUNITY PHYSICAL INSFRASTRUCTURE (CPI).........................................23
1.9.4 HR & ADMINISTRATION.........................................................................................23
1.9.5 Institutional development.............................................................................................24
1.9.6 Market/ Enterprise Development (ED)........................................................................25
1.9.7 FINANCE SECTION..................................................................................................25
1.10 Nature of AKRSP.................................................................................................................26
1.11 Declared/approved mandate:................................................................................................27
1.11.1 Definition of NGO.......................................................................................................27
1.12 AKRSP Services Offered.....................................................................................................27
2 Structure and functions of the Finance Section............................................................................28
2.1 Finance and Accounting Operations....................................................................................28
2.2 Structure of AKRSP Finance Section...................................................................................29
2.3 Financial Polices..................................................................................................................30
3 Accounting software....................................................................................................................31
3.1 Source of Funds...................................................................................................................32
3.2 AKRSP Sources and Application of Fund 1983-1993..........................................................33
3.3 AKRSP and Donors.............................................................................................................34
3.4 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS................................................................................................34
3.5 Practical Practices during Internship....................................................................................35
4 Swot Analysis..............................................................................................................................36
5 Objective of the study..................................................................................................................37
5.1 Working in Finance Section.................................................................................................38

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5.1.1 Duties...........................................................................................................................38
5.2 Accomplishments.................................................................................................................38
5.3 NEW KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED.....................................................................................39
5.4 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED..........................................................................................39
5.5 IMPACT OF THIS EXPERIENCE ON MY CAREER........................................................39
6 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................40
7 Recommendations.......................................................................................................................41
8 ANNEXURES DETAIL..............................................................................................................42
8.1 Annex..................................................................................................................................42
8.1.1 AKRSP Organizational Chart.......................................................................................42
8.2 Annex..................................................................................................................................43
8.2.1 AKRSP Core Office Organogram................................................................................43
8.3 Annex..................................................................................................................................44
8.3.1 Source of funding:........................................................................................................44
8.4 ANNEX...............................................................................................................................45
8.4.1 Members of the AKRSP Board of Directors................................................................45
9 References...................................................................................................................................47

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

1 AKRSP in Brief

The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme is a private, non-profit company,

established by the Aga Khan Foundation in December, 1982 to help improve
the quality of life of the villagers of Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral. AKRSPs
development approach gives primacy to the people and their abilities. It is
based on the belief that local communities have tremendous potential to plan
and manage their own development, once they are organized and provided
access to necessary skills and capital.

The initial overall objectives of AKRSP were to double the per capita income
of local communities in GBC and develop a practical rural development model
which could be replicated in Pakistan and other countries. To achieve these
major objectives, AKRSP set itself the specific objectives of reducing poverty,
developing local institutional capacities, and raising womens participation in
developmental activities.

An impressive portfolio of international donors has contributed to the AKRSP

for it to continue its programmes in the GBC region. Among them, the
Canadians are most notable, staying with it from the start to the present. It was
established in 1982 with a mandate to focus on income generation in
collaboration with government departments, elected bodies, national and
international development agencies and commercial institutions. AKRSP is
expected to perform as a catalyst for rural development, organizing resources
so that the company itself progressively withdraw from the project areas, as
local structures are gradually developed to sustain the development process.

AKRSP works in the six districts of Gilgit-Baltistan and the Chitral district in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It started its activities in 1982 in the Gilgit region. In
1983 it extended to Chitral and in 1986 it penetrated into Baltistan. By 1993 it
had set a firm foot in the Astore district of GB.

The AKRSP has focused on the creation of the LSOs which cater to the
evolving needs and aspirations of the people of GBC. It has meanwhile
branched out into bringing the youth into the fold of development. AKRSP has

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
organized village organizations (VOs) and womens organizations (WOs) in
NAC region. AKRSP has also implemented various training programmes to
build and enhance the capacities of the community organizations to
collectively manage village development programmes on a sustainable basis.


GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
The report is about AKRSP (Aga Khan Rural Support Programme), a well-
known and reputable organization apart of Aga Khan Development Network

Being a fourth year B.Com (Hons) Students. It is the mandatory requirement

of university to do six week internship at any organization. For this purpose I
was engaged with AKRSP for the six (6) weeks as interns. Being students of
finance, spend six months in finance section of AKRSP Gilgit. Where I get
know how about the organizational structure and expert Environment. Our
main focused area is financing section of AKRSP Gilgit that how the finance
practices are in progress?

The purpose of this report document is to explain in detail about what I learnt
in the finance section of AKRSP, Its role and function within the organization.

1.2 My first visit at AKRSP

I joined Aga Khan Rural Support Programme Gilgit (AKRSP) on 22 July,
2015.It was first day there. I was keen to know about AKRSP, before that I had
just heard about AKPSP.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

1.3 Objectives of AKRSP

Double the per capita income of local communities in GBC.

Develop a practical rural development model which could be replicated in
Pakistan and other countries.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

1.4 Mission Statement

Aga Khan Rural Support Program works to improve the living standards of the
people in the remote areas of underdeveloped and developing countries.
AKRSP attains these objectives through its different projects like women
empowerment, better productivity from the agriculture lands, women
entrepreneurships and many other projects.

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

1.5 Vision Statement

An empowered, equitable, socially cohesive and economically prosperous

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit


The entire programme is directed by a Board of Directors led by a Chairman.

The BODs is represented by members from the target community, government
institutions, academia, specialists from developmental organizations and the
corporate sector. The management of AKRSP consists of the core management
and regional management teams. The General Manager (GM) is the overall
head of the organization with a team of professionals for each development
sector. These sector-specific heads are called Programme Managers while the
regional heads are called Regional Programme Manager (RPM). The regional
management teams consist of section managers, project managers and area
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
managers. There are other professionals and support staff at all the three levels
of the management structure. The regional Programme team consists of 50-70
professional and support staff and a Regional Programme Manager heads the
regional office.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
1.7 AKRSP Organizational Chart

Board of Directors

General Manager

Core Office

Regional Regional Regional

Programme Office Programme Office Programme Office
Baltistan Chitral Gilgit

Area Office Area Office Area Office

Ghanche Booni Ghizer

Satpara Development Project Office Area Office

Skardu Astore

Emergency Field Office


GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
1.8 AKRSP Core Office Organogram

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
In this chapter the actual analysis of AKRSP geographical locations and
organization structure, the various sections of AKRSP (departments). AKRSP
works at different levels in all districts of GBC. Raising the incomes and
quality of lifes of 105 million people in the remote and poor areas of GBC.

1. Development institutional and technical models for equitable development.

2. Evolving sustainable. Long-term strategies for productive management of
natural resources.
For achieving these three objective AKRSP develops three broad programs
1. Social Development.
2. Resource Development.
3. Market Development.


AKRSP in this particular area have always focused on creating income
generation and job opportunities through diversification of economy, value
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
addition, introduction of new technologies and improved acceptance of private
business as for to sustainable livelihoods. Initially it was called market
section then enterprise development and now economic development.
This is because of the changing needs and requirements in the field of micro,
small and medium enterprises development (MSMEs).

1. Women entrepreneurship development

2. Agri-business development.
3. Gems sector development.


AKRSP follows gender and development approach as it as considers
promoting equality between men and women for inclusive development. There
is growing recognition of inequalities and unleveled playing field for women
that call for the affirmative actions and creation of conditions to avail equal
opportunities. However, it signifies the aspiration to work towards a society
where there is freedom from poverty, and women and men, girls and boys
have equal opportunities to make choices where they can live together with
dignity as valued members of their families and communications.


Community physical infrastructure is also called engineering section that
involves in the constructions of community infrastructure projects. The major
project includes irrigation projects, links roads, protective works and water
supply schemes. AKRSP spends lot of sums in improvement of infrastructure
of GBC.

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit


HR and Administration are a single section and have a crucial role
in the organization. HR perform the function of Hiring, Training, Apprising,
Compensation, decorum and other activities. In the other hand Administration
enabling environment for multiple diverse hierarchies to insure day to day
operations, logistical facilitation, events meeting, works shops facilitating
faculties to group and individual official, office maintenance and coordination
with stakeholders.

1.9.5 Institutional development

This section has crucial rule in AKRSP. This aim foster development through
local institutions.

This section further divide into two components

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit Institutional Capacity Building and Networking

Institutional capacity building and networking works with LSOs, other NGOs
and Government departments. Youth development

Youth development is sub component of ID that deals with youth organization
and youth itself through programs like internships, financial awards,
leadership development programs.

1.9.6 Market/ Enterprise Development (ED)

AKRSP has developed the current market development approach based on the
lessons learned from its previous programs of marketing and enterprise
development implemented in the entire program area. The demand for
business development services in the program area has been growing, and this
growing demand suggests that civil society, public, private, and NGO sector
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
should develop partnerships and linkages among themselves to meet their
demand for service. AKRSP has been working with the service providers to
improve supply side conditions and with the service recipients to improve
demand side conditions in markets. To accelerate this process, AKRSP first
identifies demand for missing products and services and then searches for
competitive service providers within the program area in Pakistan.


Finance section involves the allocation of budget and expenditure throughout

the organization. And also performing the function of bookkeeping, prepared
cheques, payrolls, control of credit and overall audit of organization.

1.10 Nature of AKRSP

AKRSP is a NGO, created by AKF to help improve the quality of life of the
villagers of northern Pakistan. It was established in 1982 with a mandate to
focus on income generation in collaboration with government departments,
elected bodies, national and international development agencies and
commercial institutions. Its also expected to assist other agencies in
promoting social sector programmes AKRSP is expected to perform as a
catalyst for rural development, organizing resources so that the company itself
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
can progressively withdraw from the project area, as local structures are
gradually development process.

The seed money for AKRSP was provided by the Aga Khan Foundation, and it
now contributes roughly 25% of AKRSPs budget. The balance is made up of
contributions by donors such as the Canadian International Development
Agency, Albert Agency for International Development, the food Foundation,
OXFAM, the Overseas Development Administration of the UK. The
Government of the Netherlands, the US agency for International Development
Department and Northern Areas Council. In addition, AKRSPs agriculture
credit programme is supported by Habib Bank Limited and the National
Development Finance Corporation.

AKRSP is led by Mr. Abdul Malik, General Manager AKRSP.AKRSP aim is

the development of remote areas in GBC. Following are the development

Economic Development
I. Productive Infrastructure
II. Market Development/value chain development
Social Development
I. Institutional Development
II. Gender, youth and Poverty

1.11 Declared/approved mandate:

As declared at the time of declaration AKRSP is limited as public company.

This means that it is meant to serve public interest.

1.11.1 Definition of NGO

A non-government organization (NGO) is a non-profit voluntary citizens
group, which is organized on a local, national or international level.

Task oriented and driven by people with the common interest. NGO perform a
variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concern to
governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political
participation through provision of information.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, environment
or health. Some focus on humanitarian assistance and some on poverty
alleviation. NGO according to their charter, work for betterment of humanity
in all walks of life irrespective of race, religion, area and faith. While most of
the NGOs work at the grass-root level with the communities, some provides
analysis and expertise. Serve as early warning mechanisms and help, monitor
and implement international agreements.

1.12 AKRSP Services Offered

The following services offered by AKRSP

Youth Internship Programmes

Early Child Development
Village Organization and Collective Savings
Productive physical Infrastructure
Extension Tanning
Womens Programme
Village Planning

2 Structure and functions of the Finance Section

Finance section is governed by Finance Manager of AKRSP. Which is

responsible for entire actions of Finance concerns. And the Finance
Coordinator has also position in the organization which is highly answerable
for reporting all the financial matters to Finance Manager.

2.1 Finance and Accounting Operations

The organization is using an accounting software iScala.

iScala is an online Accounting software. The Account and
finance Section used this software to record the daily
transactions and generates finance reports for the use of
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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
management. The Finance Coordinator/officers are usually
involved in making General ledger, Bank payment voucher
and journal vouchers. iScala is a unique and rare software.
This software is only possessed by AKF. It is online record
software and it can produce highly accurate record of

2.2 Structure of AKRSP Finance Section

Finance Manager

Finance Coordinator Account Officer

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

2.3 Financial Polices

I am not going to present the financial polices of AKRSP because it is a
confidential documents of the organization therefore we will just look on over
the theme of policies in key points.

Financial policies are made by the Board of AKRSP and it has the sole authority
to bring amendments in it.

Financial period of AKRSP starts on the 1st January and closes on 31st

External audit is conducted annually and mandatory by law as per Companies

Ordinance 1984.

Internal audit is also conducted but on the need basis of the sections.

Bank accounts are closed and opened after approval of BODs.

Separate bank accounts are maintained for projects run in AKRSP.

Crossed Cheques is issued to vendors for amount higher than 5000.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

3 Accounting software
1. Accounting software Z-loader was in practice since 1986-2006 for book
keeping and Reporting purpose of Finance Section of AKRSP Gilgit.

2. Peach Tree Software is in practice for employees Provident Fund and

operation of LSOs accounts in their respective offices.

3. In 2006, board gave an approved for new accounting software named as

iScala for accounting Operations

Before this internship, I do not have any idea about iScala software; here I
learn to use iScala, which is very easy to use. iScala is an online software
which is used to produce General Vouchers. These vouchers are used for
payment of salaries and other expenses etc. In iScala, first we have to make
charts of accounts which are related to our organization then we have to just
enter the related transaction in the software from the invoice, the software
itself make all related financial statements. To use iScala we have to make an
id because it can be use through internet.

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

3.1 Source of Funds

S. Prog. Funding
Start End Curre
N Donor Agency Programme Area/ Committe
Date Date ncy
o. Region d
Enhancing Gilgit-
01- 30-
Employability and Baltista
1. DFATD Apr- Sep- CAD$ 16,000,000
Leadership for Youth n&
2011 2017
(EELY) Chitral
Aga Khan Enhancing Gilgit-
01- 30-
Foundation Canada Employability and Baltista
2. Apr- Sep- CAD$ 3,000,000
(AKFC) Matching Leadership for Youth n&
2011 2017
Grant (EELY) Chitral
Construction of
Infrastructure at Right 01- 31-
& Left Bank of Baltista
3. USAID Apr- Mar- USD 19,753,136
Satpara Dam at n
2012 2016

Hydropower and 01- 30-

4. PPAF Renewable Energy Chitral Jul- Jun- PKR
Program 2013 2015
5. European Developing a Gilgit- 15- 14 EUR 1,943,559
Commission Sustainable Value Baltista May- Sep.
GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
S. Prog. Funding
Start End Curre
N Donor Agency Programme Area/ Committe
Date Date ncy
o. Region d
Chain for Gems & 13 2015
n and
Jewlery Sector in
Northern Pakistan
10- 09-
Agribusiness Agribusiness Value Baltista
6. Oct- Oct- PKR 23,228,586
Support Fund Chain Development n&
2010 2015
Rural Livelihood & 01- 30-
7. ICIMOD Climate Change Chitral Oct- Jun- USD 95,000
Adaptation 2013 2016

3.2 AKRSP Sources and Application of Fund 1983-1993

AKRSP's Sources of Funds 1983-1993

21.24% CIDA



GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

AKRSP Application of Funds 1983-1993


Tra i ni ng and R&D

Ppl m
A.M.V Operation
Ca pi ta l Expendi ture
Pers onel
Credit Progra m (net)


3.3 AKRSP and Donors

AKRSP works in close partnership with Government, other society
organization and businesses. The main donors of AKRSP during the year 2008

Aga khan Foundation (AKF)

Government of Canada (CIDA)

Government of United Kingdom (DFID)

Government of Norway (NORAD)

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)


The expenditure for budget allocation is divided into three parts.

1. Administrative Budget (i.e. office rent and training etc.)

2. Programme Budget (i.e. field Activities)

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
Trainings for women

Women empowerment projects

Construction of shelters for children

Construction of earthquake proof houses

Sanitation system improvement

Entrepreneurships for women

Relief for IDPs

3. Capital Budget (i.e. office equipments, vehicles etc.)

Purchasing raw material for products

Fixed costs of office and branches

3.5 Practical Practices during Internship

Throughout my internship I had a chance to relate and apply the concept in
practice in following ways:

The procedures of accounting were so useful to me while recording the

transactions in iScala.

The filing procedures that I learned in my lessons were helpful to me while


Filing techniques were also helpful while searching the vouchers.

I also got help from my theoretical knowledge while writing cheques.

The understanding I learned in the organizational conduct also helped me

while communicating in office during my internship.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

4 Swot Analysis
Swot analysis is a structural method used to evaluate the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an organization.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit


AKRSP has a brand image and Limited access to entire village people of
goodwill, due to the part of AKDN GBC.
Organization has running operation
Low salary packages
from 3 Decade since 1982.
Public private partnership The building of AKRSP Core office is
Social mobilization rented
Sustainable rural development
Community participation Misuse of resources
Lack of organizational behavior
Dedication and Good Governance

Climate changes. Utilization of natural resources
Cultural Differences. Changing government policies
Political Instability/uncertainty Sources of funds
Natural Disaster. Increasing awareness in youth
Poor Governance.

5 Objective of the study

To full fill the requisite of the degree.
To gain practical Knowledge in relevant field.
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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
To know about professional environment of office.
To assess the real role, performances and functions of AKRSP.

5.1 Working in Finance Section

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
5.1.1 Duties
In six week internship at AKRSP core office Gilgit I have performed these

Bank Reconciliation
Making payrolls
Scanning and photocopying
Making General vouchers Using Accounting Software (iScala)
Filling the Vouchers
Arrangement of Vouchers
Staff TA/DA
Costing of bills and supporting documents.

5.2 Accomplishments
Theoretical learning is totally different from practical learning. As an internee
I have done what can I wanted. I have learned practical application of Finance
as well as Accounting in an organization. I have also learned how to
communicate within the organization. It was good experienced to apply the
knowledge in a practical work. At the end of internship I had accomplished
every task assign my Finance Coordinator during my internship tenure.

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
I have acquired lot of knowledge during my internship. The most one is, how
to communicate and working with professionals and how to deal with clients.
In addition to I practically used online Accounting Software called iScala.


The difficulties I encountered in the first days were, it was so problematic for me to
get up early in the morning and be on time. Furthermore, it was a bit hard for me to
adjust with professional environment. But with the passage of time I become
terminated the problems.


This practice has a great effect on my profession in many ways. This knowledge
taught me about the application of understanding in practical work, official
communication, time management and many other things. The knowledge I acquired
from this experience will prove to be helpful for my further studies and for my career.

6 Conclusion
I concluded on the basis of the thorough study of AKRSP Annual reports and
practically experience during my tenure. AKRSP achieved its targets in a good
manner with a satisfactory of Community. AKRSP is playing the essential role

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
for the improvement of rural areas living standards especially Gilgit Baltistan
and Chitral valley. AKRSP Formulate the VOs, WOs and LSOs which makes
efforts to make more development in the region of GBC and provided the back
up support in term of technical and financial help. Furthermore in AKRSP,
there are skillful staff group in every section and everyone are forming his/her
responsibilities in a polite manner. All sections having perfect system but
foremost Finance section is one of the strong section among them all operation
done under the supervision of Finance Manager. And there is proper polices,
rules and regulation for all section and all sections works according to that

7 Recommendations
During my tenure I have identified some recommendation regarding in the
following areas are:

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
Six week internship would insufficient to go through a practical experience;
this period should consist of at least six months or 1 year.
AKRSP should try to get more financial support from donors.
The government and AKRSP should work together for further development in
the remote area of GBC by giving quality Educational Programs and
conducting career development sessions for Youth.
AKRSP needs to provide employment opportunities to eliminate poverty from
remote areas of GBC. And also improve life standard of the people of region.

AKRSP should take a feedback from stakeholders, this will be removed the
misunderstanding and challenges.
I strongly recommend that the Finance coordinator of core office should be
given full authority in financial matters.

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AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
8.1 Annex
8.1.1 AKRSP Organizational Chart

Board of Directors

General Manager

Core Office

Regional Regional Regional

Programme Office Programme Office Programme Office
Baltistan Chitral Gilgit

Area Office Area Office Area Office

Ghanche Booni Ghizer

Satpara Development Project Office Area Office

Skardu Astore

Emergency Field Office


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8.2 Annex
8.2.1 AKRSP Core Office Organogram

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8.3 Annex
8.3.1 Source of funding:
AKRSP accepts donations from various sources, including government of Pakistan in past few years.
The detail of current funding is mentioned in the table below.
S. Prog. Funding
Start End Curre
N Donor Agency Programme Area/ Committe
Date Date ncy
o. Region d
Enhancing Gilgit-
01- 30-
Employability and Baltista
1. DFATD Apr- Sep- CAD$ 16,000,000
Leadership for Youth n&
2011 2017
(EELY) Chitral
Aga Khan Enhancing Gilgit-
01- 30-
Foundation Canada Employability and Baltista
2. Apr- Sep- CAD$ 3,000,000
(AKFC) Matching Leadership for Youth n&
2011 2017
Grant (EELY) Chitral
Construction of
Infrastructure at Right 01- 31-
& Left Bank of Baltista
3. USAID Apr- Mar- USD 19,753,136
Satpara Dam at n
2012 2016

Hydropower and 01- 30-

4. PPAF Renewable Energy Chitral Jul- Jun- PKR
Program 2013 2015
Developing a 15- 14
Sustainable Value May- Sep.
European Baltista
5. Chain for Gems & 13 2015 EUR 1,943,559
Commission n and
Jewlery Sector in
Northern Pakistan
10- 09-
Agribusiness Agribusiness Value Baltista
6. Oct- Oct- PKR 23,228,586
Support Fund Chain Development n&
2010 2015
Rural Livelihood & 01- 30-
7. ICIMOD Climate Change Chitral Oct- Jun- USD 95,000
Adaptation 2013 2016

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

8.4.1 Members of the AKRSP Board of Directors

Mr. Ali Noor Mahomed Rattansey Chairman

Mr. Thomas Joseph Gerald Austin Member
Mr. Aziz Uddin Shamsher Ali Boolani Member
Mr. Naveed Qazi Member
Mr.Shoaib Sultan Khan Member
Dr.Zafar Iqbal Qureshi Member
Mr. Afzal Ali Shigri Member
Dr. Karim Ali Bhai Member
Ms.Shandana Khan Member
Ms.Nusrat Nasab Member
Mr. Ghulam Tahir Member
Dr.Inayatullah Faizi Member
Mr.Saeedullah Jan Member
Ms.ShamsahVali Mohammad Member
Dr.Rozina Karmaliani Member
Mr.Shoaib G. Khoja Member
Mr. Abdul Malik Ex-Officio Member/GM

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit

The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme

(A Project of the Aga Khan Foundation)

GCU Lahore
AKRSP CORE Office Gilgit
9 References

AKRSP Briefing Notes, December, 1993

AKRSP Background Notes January, 1987
AKRSP Annual Report, 2009
AKRSP Annual Report, 2010
AKRSP Annual Report, 2011
AKRSP Annual Report, 2012

GCU Lahore

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