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NAME __________________________________________________________________________________

TEACHER _____________________________________________________

GROUP___________________________________________________ DATE________________________________________________ GRADE_______________________ / 28

LISTENING Looking back

1 You will hear some students talking during a graduation party at a CNA
school. Listen to them and answer the questions that follow.

1. Check if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

a. Theres a slight chance the man will travel soon.
b. They all went through a tough time when the semester started.
c. The teen boy helped the girl realize she could teach.
d. All of them will continue to have lots of contact with English.
e. The teen boy didnt feel quite at home at first.
f. Rachel is sure about pursuing a teaching career.

2. Which of these three students do you most identify with? Justify your answer.

3. What is the final balance you make of your semester at CNA? Use at least three of these expressions in
your answer.
Ive come to realize _________________________________________________________
Its about time I _________________________________________________________
In all likelihood _________________________________________________________
I never quite understood _________________________________________________________
And it gets better _________________________________________________________

Master in English 2

1 CNA Platinum 2
Final Test

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Choosing the Right Teaching Position

TEACHING (ENGLISH) Finding the right teaching position abroad depends upon
the applicants objectives and personal requirements.
ABROAD: THE Generally speaking, public schools offer lower salaries
compared to other institutions, thus, the applicant who is not
RECESSION-PROOF overly concerned with financial returns may find rewarding
employment in these educational institutions. Personal

EMPLOYMENT OPTION limitations or preferences, like having the benefit of bringing

the entire family to the country of assignment, should be
considered in choosing a position. Moreover, requirements
by Michael G. Hines for teachers and working/living conditions vary from country
to country. Given this information, it is imperative that the
applicant choose where he or she wants to work and try to
The 2008-2009 economic crisis swept the globe raising find as much information about teaching in these locations
questions around our planet about the continued viability of as possible. In addition, there are very helpful Teaching
many careers that were once considered stable. One profession Abroad articles referenced in the conclusion which are more
that will always persist, regardless of the economic situation, specific to various regions around the world with regards to
is that of the teacher. Education is a prerequisite to almost visa requirements and working/living conditions.
any field of endeavor and teaching abroad is an increasingly
viable option for educators. The primary characteristics a Preparing for the First day of Class
successful applicant will possess are the heart and dedication The first day of class is important because it sets the direction
required by the profession, as well as the ability to meet a and general atmosphere that the class will take during the
given countrys requirements for employment. entire term. The teacher must be familiar with the course
opportunities Abroad program and school policies. This includes a verification of
supplies, equipment, books, and other materials available
Teachers have a myriad of opportunities to work abroad. for the students use. Complete reliance on experiences from
The dominance of English as the language of business and previous schools is usually a mistake because there may be
commerce worldwide has increased the need for people to differences between the syllabus and rules in different schools.
learn the language and the subsequent demand for English It is also imperative for the teacher to have his/her own set of
teachers. A shortage of teachers for primary, secondary, resources, which may include books and extra materials.
and special schools is being experienced in several markets
around the world. Conclusion

Teaching Certifications Teaching is not the highest-paying profession in the world

but it gives one the opportunity to impart ones knowledge to
Some foreign schools accept applications for English teachers others and contribute to the shaping of our future generations.
even from new graduates or those who have bachelors Teaching English, for instance, helps people from different
degrees but lack special skills and/or teaching certificates. backgrounds to communicate and understand others better.
However, highly qualified applicants, such as those with In the process, teachers get the chance to visit other countries
a Masters Degree in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign and learn about different cultures which they can then impart
Language), usually are offered better-paying positions. to their students.

Adapted from:

Master in English 1

2 CNA Platinum 1
Final Test

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1. Which of the following is not a valid interpretation for the texts title?

a. People need to communicate with each other no matter what the economy is like.

b. Teaching is a cool job and you still get to enjoy school recess.

c. The possibility of a crisis only deepens the need for qualification.

d. Teaching English is a good option in countries going through a recession.

2. Based on the text, which of the following is not a good tip for Rachel?

a. Its essential that she choose the teaching position carefully and learn as much as she can about
that teaching context.

b. In order to teach, ones expected to have not only technical competence, but also personal
attributes like dedication and flexibility.

c. Anyone can teach English as long as he/she has the heart to do it.

d. The rewards of teaching abroad go beyond the money. Be sure to appreciate the cultural
exchange and the opportunities for personal growth as well.

3. What is probably not a good idea for a first-day-of-class activity?

a. Ask students what they have been studying so you know where to start from.

b. Adapt something you already used in another school, as long as it fits the syllabus and the
philosophy of the school youre in.

c. Prepare a game-like activity with extra resources.

d. Prepare an activity for your students who come from different backgrounds to get to know each
other a little better.

4. What about you? Would you consider teaching English as a career? Why (not)? What other career(s) would
you say is (are) recession-proof?

Master in English 2

3 CNA Platinum 2
Final Test

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3 Rachel has decided to discuss her idea with a former teacher. Complete their
instant messenger conversation with the most appropriate options.

Rachel: Teacher! I miss you so much. Howve you been?

1. a. me chatting with
Mr. Shue: Im doing fine. I miss you too, you know. So, have you
graduated yet? b. my chatting with
c. this chat
Rachel: Just did. In fact, thats also the reason for (1) you. (2)
but Ive been thinking of becoming an English teacher. 2. a. You may not believe this,
Mr. Shue: Thats excellent. You know I always had a feeling you b. Im sorry to say this,
might (3) being a teacher. Some people just have a
c. I never would have guessed,
knack for it.
Rachel: Stop it, youre embarrassing me. :-P 3. a. keep on

Mr. Shue: And where do you intend to teach? b. end up

c. turn out to be
Rachel: Well, the school where I finished the course comes to
mind, but I dont know it could be weird. After all, I 4. a. would be simpler if they do
was a student there.
b. is simpler if they do
Mr. Shue: Have they invited you? c. would be simpler if they had
Rachel: No, not really. I guess it (4).
5. a. will definitely
Mr. Shue: Well, you can always apply for a job there, but if
b. might certainly
its awkward, there are other options. If you want
I can make a few phone calls and check if theres c. can even
an opening somewhere. Maybe we (5) get you an
6. a. Whereas
b. On the other hand
Rachel: Really? Would you do that? Thatd be awesome!
c. In the meantime
Mr. Shue: Well, lets take this one step at a time, shall we? Ill
check the schools I know for any openings. (6), its 7. a. be
important that you (7) ready in case they want to test b. is
and interview you.
c. are
Rachel: Im so excited right now! (8) is turning into something
real. Im getting goose bumps. 8. a. As long as I had this idea
Mr. Shue: I know the feeling. Even after all this time I still get b. What began as an idea
butterflies in my stomach every time I have to teach a c. When I had this idea
class. Thats what makes it so special. Think about it
You were my student and in a couple of months you (9) 9. a. are to teach
your own classes. I feel old. b. will be teaching
Rachel: Come on, teacher. Cheer up! And remember its all c. will have taught
your fault. If you hadnt been such a terrific teacher, we
(10) this conversation right now. 10. a. wouldnt be having

Mr. Shue: Thats my student! My guess is Ill soon be calling b. wouldnt have had
you my colleague. c. couldnt have

Master in English 2

4 CNA Platinum 2
Final Test

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WRITING Looking ahead

4 This is the end of CNA Platinum 2. Write about your plans to keep improving your
english and make sure to mention how what youve learned so far will help you
accomplish your goals.

Master in English 2

5 CNA Platinum 2
Final Test

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