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Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Unit 1: Learning to Read Informational Texts: Building Background Knowledge about Birds

Week 1 Noticing and wondering about birds Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate N/A
Building background knowledge: What understanding of their central message or lesson. (RI.1.2)
makes a bird a bird? Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story,
Reading aloud: Birds and Just Ducks using key details. (RI.1.3)

Reading aloud to research bird colors and Explain major differences between books that tell stories
beaks with the text Birds (Scholastic and books that give information, drawing on a wide
Discover More) reading of a range of text types. (RI.1.5)

Launching Birds Research notebooks Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its
characters, setting, or events. (RI.1.7)
Introduction to 2 dimensional shapes
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of
characters in stories. (RI.1.9)
With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening
to others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion) (SL.1.1a)
Build on others talk in conversations by responding to
the comments of others through multiple exchanges. (SL
Identify, name, describe, and compare 2-D shapes
including circles, triangles, rectangles, squares,
rhombuses, hexagons, and trapezoids. Identify, name,
describe, and compare 3-D shapes, including, cubes,
rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, pyramids,
cylinders, cones, and spheres. ( Supports 1.G)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between

the defining and non-defining attributes of a 2-D shape
and a 3-D shape. Draw a 2-D and build a 3-D shape with
specific defining attributes. (1.G.1)
Create a composite shape by composing 2-D shapes.
Create a composite shape by composing 3-D shapes.
Compose a new shape using composite 2-D shapes and
compose a new shape using composite 3-D shapes.

Week 2 Reading aloud to research bird feathers, Use frequently occurring adjectives. (L.1.1f) Unit 1 Assessment: Informational
feet, beaks and birds of prey: Birds Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in Reading Short Response about Birds
(Scholastic Discover More) manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and (RI.1.1, RI.1.2, RI.1.3, RI.1.4, RI.1.5,
Continued writing and drawing in Birds adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by RI.1.7)
Research notebooks defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Independent writing: Final annotated (L.1.5d)
bird drawing Identify, name, describe, and compare 2-D shapes
Science Talk: What makes a bird a bird? including circles, triangles, rectangles, squares,
rhombuses, hexagons, and trapezoids. Identify, name,
Introduction to 3-D shapes
describe, and compare 3-D shapes, including, cubes,
rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, pyramids,
cylinders, cones, and spheres. ( Supports 1.G)
Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between
the defining and non-defining attributes of a 2-D shape
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

and a 3-D shape. Draw a 2-D and build a 3-D shape with
specific defining attributes. (1.G.1)
Create a composite shape by composing 2-D shapes.
Create a composite shape by composing 3-D shapes.
Compose a new shape using composite 2-D shapes and
compose a new shape using composite 3-D shapes.

Unit 2: Building Research Skills: Birds Bodies

Week 3 Reading aloud: Flight School Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate N/A
Whole class research: Feathers, Not Just understanding of their central message or lesson. (RI.1.2)
for Flying Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that
Independent writing: Scientific drawing suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. (RI.1.4)
in Birds Research notebook Explain major differences between books that tell stories
Shared writing: How do birds use their and books that give information, drawing on a wide
feathers to survive? reading of a range of text types. (RI.1.5)

Putting shapes together and taking them Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.
apart (fractions) (RI.1.6)
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of
characters in stories. (RI.1.8)
With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening
to others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion). (SL.1.1a)
Partition a circle [rectangle] into 2 or 4 equal parts. Use
the terms halves and half to talk about the 2 equal parts
into which a circle [rectangle] has been partitioned. Use
the terms fourths, quarters, fourth of, and quarter of to
talk about the 4 equal parts into which a circle [rectangle]
has been partitioned. Describe a whole circle [rectangle]
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

as 2 [4] of two [four] equal parts. Demonstrate an

understanding that as a shape is partitioned into a greater
number of equal parts (e.g., 4 equal parts rather than 2),
the size of the parts gets smaller. (1.G.3)

Week 3, Build on others talk in conversations by responding to

continued the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other
media. (SL.1.2)
Use frequently occurring adjectives. (L.1.1f)
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1
reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of
strategies. (L.1.4)

Week 4 Reading aloud to research and take notes: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate Unit 5 Geometry Assessment
Beaks! understanding of their central message or lesson. (RI.1.2) (1.MD.4, 1.G.1, 1.G.2, 1.G.3)
Independent Writing: Birds Research Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that
notebook suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. (RI.1.4)
Developing Language: Shades of Meaning Explain major differences between books that tell stories
Charades and Vocabulary Volleyball and books that give information, drawing on a wide
Science Talk: How do birds use their reading of a range of text types. (RI.1.5)
beaks to survive? Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.
Graphing shapes (RI.1.6)
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of
characters in stories. (RI.1.8)
With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)

Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to 3
categories. (1.MD.4)

Week 4, Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to

continued others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics
and texts under discussion). (SL.1.1a)
Build on others' talk in conversations by responding to the
comments of others through multiple exchanges. (SL.1.1b)
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other
media. (SL.1.2)
Use frequently occurring adjectives. (L.1.1f)
Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in
manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and
adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by
defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Week 5 Zipper song using shades of meaning Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a Unit 2 Assessment, Part I;
with verbs topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some Research Writing: How birds
Research writing sense of closure. (W.1.2) Bodies Help Them Survive (W.1.2,
Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., W.1.7)
Beak challenges
explore a number of "how-to" books on a given topic and Formative Assessment: Shades of
Science Talk: How do birds use their
use them to write a sequence of instructions). (W.1.7) Meaning with Verbs (L.1.5d)
body parts to survive?
With guidance and support from adults, recall
Story problems for basic addition and
information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in
manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and
adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by
defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Solve addition and subtraction story problems with sums
and minuends to 20 involving situations of adding to,
putting together, taking from, taking apart, and
comparing with unknowns in all positions. (1.OA.1)
Solve story problems involving addition of 3 whole
numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20. (1.OA.2)
Solve subtraction problems by finding an unknown
addend. (1.OA.4)
Add and subtract fluently with sums and minuends to 10.
Use strategies to add and subtract with sums and
minuends to 20. Use the relationship between addition
and subtraction to add and subtract within 20. (1.OA.6)
Demonstrate an understanding that the equal sign
indicates equivalence and determine whether addition
and subtraction equations are true. (1.OA.7)
Solve for the unknown in an addition or subtraction
equation involving 3 whole numbers. (1.OA.8)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Week 6 Research writing Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a Unit 2 Assessment, Part II:
Sharing our writing topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide Research Writing about Birds
some sense of closure. (W.1.2) Body Parts (W.1.2, W.1.7)
Combinations and story problems
Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g.,
explore a number of how-to books on a given topic and
use them to write a sequence of instructions). (W.1.7)
With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in
manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and
adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by
defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Solve addition and subtraction story problems with sums
and minuends to 20 involving situations of adding to,
putting together, taking from, taking apart, and
comparing with unknowns in all positions. (1.OA.1)
Solve story problems involving addition of 3 whole
numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20. (1.OA.2)
Solve subtraction problems by finding an unknown
addend. (1.OA.4)
Add and subtract fluently with sums and minuends to 10.
Use strategies to add and subtract with sums and
minuends to 20. Use the relationship between addition
and subtraction to add and subtract within 20. (1.OA.6)
Demonstrate an understanding that the equal sign
indicates equivalence and determine whether addition
and subtraction equations are true. (1.OA.7)
Solve for the unknown in an addition or subtraction
equation involving 3 whole numbers. (1.OA.8)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Unit 3: Writing to Show Our Research: Building Expertise about Birds Bodies

Week 7 Riddle Discussion protocol Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. N/A
Analyzing models and generating criteria (RI.1.1)
for Expert Bird Riddle card and Expert Explain major differences between books that tell stories
Bird Scientific Drawing card and books that give information, drawing on a wide
Reading independently to research expert reading of a range of text types. (RI.1.5)
birds Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.
Scientific drawing of expert birds (RI.1.6)

Solving for the unknown in story Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its
problems key ideas. (RI.1.7)
Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g.,
explore a number of how-to books on a given topic and
use them to write a sequence of instructions). (W.1.7)
Solve addition and subtraction story problems with sums
and minuends to 20 involving situations of adding to,
putting together, taking from, taking apart, and
comparing with unknowns in all positions. (1.OA.1)
Solve story problems involving addition of 3 whole
numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20. (1.OA.2)
Solve subtraction problems by finding an unknown
addend. (1.OA.4)
Add and subtract fluently with sums and minuends to 10.
Use strategies to add and subtract with sums and
minuends to 20. Use the relationship between addition
and subtraction to add and subtract within 20. (1.OA.6)
Demonstrate an understanding that the equal sign
indicates equivalence and determine whether addition
and subtraction equations are true. (1.OA.7)
Solve for the unknown in an addition or subtraction
equation involving 3 whole numbers. (1.OA.8)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Week 7, With guidance and support from adults, recall

continued information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics
and texts under discussion. (SL.1.1c)
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other
media. (SL.1.2)
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in
order to gather additional information or clarify
something that is not understood. (SL.1.3)
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions
when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1
reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of
strategies. (L.1.4)

Week 8 Interactive Word Wall protocol Explain major differences between books that tell stories Unit 3 Assessment: Science Talk
Reading aloud to research and take notes and books that give information, drawing on a wide (SL.1.1c, SL.1.5)
about expert birds reading of a range of text types. (RI.1.5)

Expert Bird Riddle card Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.
Giving and receiving feedback on riddle
cards Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its
key ideas. (RI.1.7)
Measuring and comparing
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic,
respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and
add details to strengthen writing as needed. (W.1.5)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Week 8, Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g.,

continued explore a number of "how-to" books on a given topic and use
them to write a sequence of instructions). (W.1.7)
With guidance and support from adults, recall information
from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question. (W.1.8)
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to
others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and
texts under discussion). (SL.1.1a)
Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and
texts under discussion. (SL.1.1c)
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other
media. (SL.1.2)
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order
to gather additional information or clarify something that is
not understood. (SL.1.3)
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when
appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings (SL.1.5)
Use frequently occurring adjectives. (L.1.1f)
Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, so,
because). (L.1.1g)
Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in
manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and
adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by
defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Compare pairs of 2-digit numbers. (1.NBT.3)
Order 3 objects by length. Compare the lengths of 2
objects indirectly by comparing the length of each to a
third object. (1.MD.1)
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task
Week Instructional Focus CCS Standards Assessed Assessments and Performance Task

Week 9 Expert Bird Riddle card Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task Performance Task: Bird Riddle
Story problem for riddle and situation. (SL.1.6) Cards and Scientific Drawing cards
(W.1.5, W.1.7, L.1.1.f, L.1.1.g,
End of module reflection
L.1.2.b, L.1.2e, 1.G.1, 1.OA.1,
Celebration of Learning 1.OA.2, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.7, and

Literacy Standards

Math Standards

Speaking and Listening and Language Standards

Sources in this document:

The Math Learning Center (2017)

Preparing Americas Students for Success (2017)

EL Learning (2017)

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