Methods of Teaching Languages

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The direct method also known as a natural method, it starts with the main idea of teaching
thru the exclusive use of a specific language studied, that mean it is based in a natural
language learning. So, the acquisition process of a second language is similar as the first.

It was one of the first methodology of teaching other language based on the natural
acquisition of the mother language.

The direct method was an answer to Grammatical translation method, the main reason
was the necessity of dynamic and practice teaching language.

The communication among Europeans had increased so there was the necessity of learning
a new language fast. Also this method put the bases for didactic theory. Beside, This
method was established in Germany and France at the beginning of the 20s, Mr. L. Sauveur
and M. Berlitz started to teach with this method in schools of United States.


The fundament of the direct method holds that learning a foreign language or second
language should be similar to the learning process of the first language or mother language.

The main features of this method are imitation, association and induction. In other words,
with the implementation of the direct method the foreign language is learned through the
imitation of a linguistic model, the acquisition of the lexicon by association, and the
induction of grammar rules through of the observation of examples.

The direct method consists of sessions of questions and answers, which in principle refer to
names of common things or objects, such as pencils, tables, doors, among others. These
questions should be asked in a stimulating way, so that the student immediately begins to
use the foreign language.

The main objective is for students to learn a specific amount of new words per lesson so
that they can effectively communicate in the new language. Question sessions can be
between teacher and student or between student and student.


The oral learning is the priority of this language method.

- Oral introduction of new grammar content.

- To emphasize in the pronunciation and the grammar.

- The vocabulary is taught thru object, mimics, and other visual and material

- Teaching of the expression and oral comprehension.

- For teaching the Grammar, it is used the inductive method. It means the student
deduce the grammatical rules thru the examples given at the same language studied.

- It is centered in the oral learning.

- The class mainly is developed thru questions and answers from teacher to students,
then among students.

This is an inductive method, so the new language is learned by imitation memorizing some
phrases and little dialogs, the language structure is learned by associations and grammatical
rules used in the speaking part. The teacher who is going to speak in the studied language is
the main protagonist of the class, he/she is not the model of the language, but the one who
incentive the dynamism to create the necessary interaction in the class.


The method has provided great benefits in the area of teaching foreign languages, while
providing great advantages for its students. The direct method revealed the problems
presented by teaching and the learning process.

- It represented a total renewal of the concept of second language teaching.

- It opened the way to the didactic processes of foreign languages.

- It represents an excellent option for those who need to learn another language
immediately, either by change of address or by work requirement.

If you need to learn a second language quickly, practically and effectively, opt for classes
taught using the direct method, it is the ideal option for you. Whatever the area in which
you need to develop in a second language, language courses implemented with the direct
method represent the perfect solution.


Detractor of this method argue their approaches do not have theoretical and methodological
basis, they said the theory do not have consistent methodological principles for teaching

Their proposals are difficult to apply in large groups or in public schools and their demand
of not to use the mother language has often ended in complicated explanations. In spite of
all these disadvantages, the direct method has provided important innovations in the field of
teaching processes.
This method was an answer to Grammatical translation method and it put the bases for
didactic theory. Now, it is still used because of its didactic way. In Bolivia some private
schools and institution have great benefits using this method, but it is not possible with a
large number of students, so in public schools it is not practiced.

Bibliography: All the information given was a recompilation form the next authors.


- Richards, J. y Rodgers, T. (1986). Enfoques y mtodos en la enseanza de idiomas.

Madrid: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

- Titone, R. (1968). Teaching Foreign Languages: An Historical Sketch. Washington:

Georgetown University Press.

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