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Criteria Unacceptable Needs Improvement Meets Criteria

Technology aligns with UDL principle of representation:

Features to add: Students are able to:

Soften contrasting page and Manipulate size, font, and
Perception text colors to prevent eye screen brightness
strain Access audio, graphics, and
video through hyperlinks
Features to add: Students are able to:
Embedded vocab practice Define new vocabulary
via links to Quizlet (which Ive underlined) by
Language, expression, and right-clicking and navigating
symbols to the online dictionary
Choose questions based on
comprehension or word
Features to add: Students are able to:
Graphic organizers Use hyperlinked graphics,
Comprehension Original YouTube videos, and websites to aid
videos/tutorials in comprehension
EduCreations tutorials Add their own annotations

Technology aligns with UDL principle of action/expression:

Features to add:
Incentivize students to add
their own text/notes in the
body of the text or margins
Physical action Use touchscreen technology
where available to allow
students to combine both
physical and digital
Features to add:
Allow students to respond
to questions visually using
YouTube links or Flipgrid
Expression and Allow other creative
communication multigenre responses
visual narratives (Storybird),
podcasting (Audacity)
Explore Docs capabilities
for discussion forums and
shared commenting
Features to add: Students are able to:
Embedded calendar for Read and work at their own
suggested due dates and pace as long as they are
reading schedule making progress and using
Executive function Forum for questions and feedback in their responses
clarifications (Once students finish one
More reflection and chapter, they receive access
metacognition questions to to the next; they must only
help students reflect on finish the entire book by a
their own reading process certain cutoff date)

Technology aligns with UDL principle of engagement:

Features to add: Students are able to:

Allow students to choose, Choose which questions to
annotate, and hyperlink answer based on personal
their own works interests and reading skill
Recruiting interest Meet in weekly sessions to level (without me actually
discuss their reading labeling the skill levels)
Allow more creative writing Set their own reading pace
opportunities (add a missing and schedule
chapter directly to the text)
Features to add: Students are able to:
More group opportunities Transfer their learning since
More challenging, long- classroom activities are
form writing prompts as related to the reading, but
they progress in the novel not dependent on their
Sustaining effort and reading at the same pace
persistence Increase the rigor with
which they read by
answering more difficult
Use feedback to revise
previous responses and craft
future responses
Features to add: Students are able to:
A book/page tracking Gain low-risk/high-interest
Self-regulation system that incentivizes reading practice and
students to read expertise
Weekly book talks, Increase confidence through
conferences, and increased exposure to
comprehension checks reading advanced texts

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