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Name: James Harper Date(s):

6-10-17 6-15-17
Subject: Grade Level:
Texas History 7
Opening Hook/Warm Up: TEK:
113.19 B student understands & explains the roles
The Texas Revolution in 3 Minutes thought monkey played by significant individuals in the Texas
Open discussion on what students already know about Revolution and the formation of the Republic of
topic Texas.

Student Friendly:
Students will create Biographical Pamphlets on 2
individuals. 1 from class discussion, the other

Big Understanding: The individuals played a major role in the formation of Texas and their affect is still
felt today.
Summative Assessment Evidence: 2 Bios and a quiz multiple choice, true/false, matching

Higher Level Questions to Incorporate: Higher Level Questions to Incorporate:

What affect did these players have in the formation of our state? How can it still be felt? Would the
outcome have been different if they werent involved?

Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns: YouTube video, overview/lecture, group
discussion, cooperative grouping, individual assignment
Teacher Input/Modeling: IDO: video, overview of individuals, pamphlet example

Guided Practice: WE DO: group discussion, cooperative grouping. Using IPAD/tablet or phone, go to and research the characters.

CFU (Checking for understanding): walk around room during groups and check-on-learning with

Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students): 2 Bios in pamphlet form of 1 player from the
class discussion and another student-selected. This will be a brief class presentation.

Ending, Summary / Reflection:

What did we discuss today? Expectations of pamphlets, have the second individual selected for

Materials / Resources: computer, printer/email, text book, video

Grouping Patterns: 3 students per group, individual assignment

Technology:, computer/iPad device, YouTube, big screen

7/18/2017, page 1 of 1, IPG act assignment

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