2.2 Installation: Disabling The Linux Firewall

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Chapter 2 Installation and Setup Users Manual

2.2 Installation

Note RV-SC/TDMOIP and RADview-Service Center are not supported with RADview
installed under Linux.
To access the Linux station from a Windows PC, you have to open an SSH
connection using PuTTY.

The RADview package must be installed in the following sequence:

1. Disabling the Linux Firewall
2. Opening Firewall Ports
3. Editing the Hosts File
4. Installing the Database
5. Installing RADview

Disabling the Linux Firewall

To install RADview, the Linux Firewall must be disabled.

To disable the Linux firewall:

1. Make sure that you are logged on as superuser.
2. Turn first boot off by entering the following line:
echo "RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO" > /etc/sysconfig/firstboot
3. At the prompt, enter service iptables stop
4. Enter chkconfig iptables off.
The firewall is disabled.

Opening Firewall Ports

You may need to open ports in the firewalls of RADview components to enable
communication. Figure 2-1 and the tables below illustrate which ports to open.
RADview automatically opens the required ports in the Windows firewall.

2-2 Installation RADview

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