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Lesson will Data Outcome Data
be ASCA Domain and (Projected Perception Data (Achievement,
presented in Mindsets & number of (Type of surveys/ attendance and/or
Grade which class Behaviors Curriculum and Projected students assessments to be behavior data to be
Level Lesson Topic Standard(s) Materials Start/End affected) used) collected) Contact Person
3rd grade Individual Responsive Mindsets counseling Sept. 17 12 Survey to assess Decrease and prevent Caitlin
Counseling Services BSS-8, BSMS-7, approach June 18 progress retention rates, with Bailey (SC)
time on BSS-4, the hopes they catch
calendar up and do not get held
back again
Mindsets Community in
3rd grade Mentoring After BSS-3, BLS-2 Schools (CIS) Oct. 17 12 Survey to assess Decrease and prevent Caitlin
School PrimeTime May 18 program goals further retention Bailey (SC)
Mindsets Small group to Jan 18 Developmental Increase in study skills,
rd Small group Before BSMS-6, BSMS-7, address Mar. 18 12 delay assessments, academics, and a Caitlin
3 grade
school BSMS-10 behaviors, surveys decrease in behavior Bailey (SC)
academics, issues
study skills
Mindsets Success for All Increase literacy &
3 grade Success for 3rd grade BSS-4, BSMS-10, intervention Sept. 17 12 Quarterly surveys & reading abilities. Teacher
All classes BLS-5 - tutors May 18 assessments Increase social
intervention -handouts emotional levels
-computer lab

Goal (tier 3): By June 2018, the retention rate of the twelve 3rd graders will decrease by 20% from 12 to the target of 9.
Data source: OSPI/SWIS data

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