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‘Content Standard Performance Standard “The Kamer derronstvaies undersianding | The leamar independently prepares of concepis ard urdetlvirg principles in| architectural layout and deiails basedon the preparaton of architectural layout | established industry andior job ‘and dotails. requirements. Quarter | Time Allotment: 32 hrs. Quarter Time Allotment: 40 hrs. Module 3 DRAFTING ARCHITECTURAL LAYOUT AND DETAILS. Introduction ‘Technobgy and Livelitood Educaton (TLE) of the K to 12 Basic Edtcation Program (BEP) is composed of four comporente ramely: Agi-Fichery Arts, Home Economics, Irdustlal Arts and Information and Communications Tectnoogy (C7). In this modUe, the foous is on ICT - Architectural Layout and Details. This course Introduces the different learning activities that will prepare you to be skilul before you take the plunge into the world of work as draftsman and to feel more confdent while providing support where needed. ‘This mode is specificaly crafted to focus on Process and Delivery erviched with hands-on actidties ‘nat wil assess your le\el in terms of skils and knowledge. Leeming procedures are divided into diferent sections such as: What to Know, ‘What to Process, What to Reflect and Understand and What to Transfer So, explore and experience the lessons in Architectural Layout and Details ‘and be a step closer to being a draftsman > Objectives: At the end of this module. you are expacted to: plan and prepare for work prepare and setup tools and materials for drawing Craft site development plan craft lor plars Craft roof plans Craft coiling plare Craft elevations ard sectons perform presentation drawings Be eeeeee S at oa ake Lreaing eantogrur activities lear encounters. che ‘anower the sheets to. felong, practical learning that awaits at the end You will be chalenged to dig deeper into your prior knowiedge and previous experiences about Technical Drating. This phese will guide you in assessing yourself by areworing tho questions bclow before you further explore the basics of architectural layout and cetais. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer inthe space provided beiore each rumbar. ___1.A drawing too! used 10 draw horizontal lines and serves as gude for ‘angles, a. protractor —b. ruler trianglesd. T-squere __ 2. Anirstument used for drawing vertical and oblique lines. a. protractor boner etapa ruled. triangles ____3. The bestinstrument used for dividing lines or distance Irto equal parts. a compass —b.dividerc protractor ruler __ 4. Aial piece o plastic with standard symbols and used as guide for Fawing imageson plans, a Frenchcuve b.tomplaios e.tiiangles 4. T-square 5. It sused In setng a line degree angle a. compass divider. protractor d. ruler __6. An area of land for construction or the bt on which a building is constructed. ‘a.comer lt —b. cpen lot o.ciio di. through let 7.18 alot bounded on all sides by sieets orpattways. comer bt b.insidelot c.open bt —d. through lot ___6.b alotwith at least iwo adjacent sides meeting on a comer of two sides. at a. comerlot —b. insidelot_c. openlot__—d. though lot 9.15 a lot surrounded on each side by other lots. a comerlot inside lot c. openbot 4. through lot 10. Refers to the restrictions on size, location, and type of structures to be bult ona designated area. ‘a. building code b.set back —_c. site 3. zoning ___11. The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built. 1. floor plan. foundation plan c. location plan d. roof plan 42. Shows the design of the house, height dimension, material finish and complete information and specification. a. elevation —_b. perspective c. roof 4. section 18, Shows the outine of the roof and the major object lines indicating ridges, valeys, hips, and openings. a. ceiling plan b.floor plan foundation plan d. roof plan 14, The structural excavation plan of footings and walls of the bulding, a. celling plan b floor plan. foundation plan d. roof plan 15. A part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house. a. beams b.fooings —_c.lintels 4. roofs 16. This room is generally located between the bedrooms. a. bathroom —b.diring area c. kitchen. foyer 17.18 the center of the living area in most home. a bedroom —b.dining room c. kitchen room —d. living room 18, They are overhang roof lines in the form of hidden lines in a floor plan. a canopy b.domer —c.eaveline —d. shed line 19, The drawing of flow of water in the house from the main source. a.plumbingplan cc. water system plan b. sewage system plan 4. water and sewage system pian 20. Aplan that shows the flow of house ightings. . auxiliary layout «. electrical plan lighting layout d. power layout 32. / Learning Goalsand Targets: ‘After reading the introduction and carefully answering the pre assessment skils test, you might have ideas of what to expect in this module. Now prepare to set your goals and targets for this module by completing the activity below.Write your answer in your notebook. My goals are: Goat My targets are: After raising your awareness about the learning goals and targets that you are supposed 10 achieve, are you now ready to move on wth this module? This wil Include topics on the preparation of architectural job requirements, preparing and setting-up tools and materials, drating different plans such as: site development Plan, floor plan, roof plan, ceiling plan, dratting elevations and sections and ‘performing presentation drawings. Well, have some fun in reading prepared lessons, the activities and enrichment activities for your reffection and better understanding of the lesson. Challenge yourself by pertorming relaled activities to determine if you have attained the required knowledge and skills in a particular leaming outcome. Enjoy reading. B=) Lesson 1.Prepare Architectural Job Requirements THis lesson is designed in order that the student may be able to prepare and familiarize with the different things needed in preparing the requirements of a simple residential house plan. Skills Assessment Direction: Listed below are some of the most important skits that you must gain in order to draft a quality floor plan, On the right side of the matrix lists the skils expected of you to master. Rate yourself by checking "Not much’, if you are nat so {familiar yet, “A fie" and/or “A lot, if you are already familiar with the skils. Don't feel bad if you checked "Not Much” in all of the skils, Keep in mind that this is being administered to determine your pre-entry knowledge of ard skils on the lesson to be presented, Skills in Architectural Job Requirements | Not Much | Alte | A lot Tean prepare tools, mateials ard equipment in ‘echnical drawing, I can select drawing tools, materials and equipment in accordance with the SOP. T know Row fo assess architectural job requirements based on SOP. 34 T know how to injerpret blueprint according to architectural layout drawingjob requirements following SOP and work instructions. ‘Technical Terms Encountered in Preparing Architectural Job Requirements Baluster Detall-is the detail of the vertical railing along a staircase or balcony railing Column FootingBeam Schedule- a complete specification of column, footings, and beam in terms of sizes, materials and quantity. Construction Notes- a sub-complete detail of wall footings, lintels, beams, and other required structural features to present in the plan, Electrical Plan- a plan consists of lighting plan, power layout and specification details of the house. Foundation Plan-a structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building, Floor Plan- is the top view of the floor area of a house: Footings. a part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house. General Notes- a complete specification and legend of stuctural features preserted in the plan. Lighting layout - an electrical plan that shows the flow of house lightings. Location Plan- is the top view of the site or bt where the proposed house will bull. Perspective- is a drawing angle trom which an object or structure is viewed. Power & Auxiliary layout-an electical plan that shows the location of the conerienceoulet and other auxilary outlet in the floor plan. Reflected Ceiling Plan- is the complete plan design of house ceiling. Roof Plan-is one showing the outline of the roof and the major object. 36 Roof Framing Plan- a structural framing plan of the root plan with complete specification. Section- is the vew showing the inside patt of the building either in cross section or longitudinal section. Site Development Plan or Lot Plan- refers to the position and the location of the building with property ine, setbacks, approaches, grade contours, landscape and other pertinent data in relation tothe site, Septic Tank- itis the depository of human excreta and a drainage reservoir for al washing done in the kitchen and bathroom, ‘Storm Drainage System: shows the flow of water waste from the lavatory, floor rain, and downspout trom the root to storm drainage. Truss Detail 2 complete structural detall of a common or typical tuss of a building. Architectural Drafting Tools, Materials and Equipment, Their Uses and Care Most architectural drafting works generally consist of frechand and mecharical drawings. In this module, you will learn how to prepare all drafting tools, materials, and equipment needed for the job. Its presumed that all students ke you are already aware of the tools and materials needed in drafting works considering your learring in the previous year level. However, it is stll necessary that you will review the past lesson to help you prepare for higher drafting activity. Architectural dratting tools, materials and equipment A. Tools: 1. Tsquare - used to draw horizontal lines and serves as guides for tiangles. 2. Triangle - an instrumert used for drawing vertical and oblique lines. 3. Drawing Pencil - one of the most important tool of a draftsman in drawing 4, Erasing shield - a thin sheet of metal used when erasing pencil and inked lines to protect other drawing lines. 36 5. Protractor - itis used in setting a ine degree angle. 6, Triangular Scale - a tool used to enlarged or reduced measurement and distances to a regular proportion in the drawing paper. 7. French curve - a flat drafting instrument with curved edges and several seroll shaped cutouts, used asa guide in drawing irregular curves when constructing graphs or making technical drawings. 8. Penkrife ot Pencil Sharpener — shapes long pencil lead into a corical shape points. 9. Compass - used to draw arcs and circles. 10. Dusting brush ~ a tool used for dusting and cleaning drawings with dust and crumbs. 11. Technical Pen - a pen used for inking lines in drawing. it comes in different poinis/sizes. 12. Templates -a flat piece of plastic wth standard symbols and used as guide for drawing arctitectural images on plans. 13. Ruer - its the most popular type of tool for measuring sizes and short distances. 14, Divider - an instrument used when transferring measurements, dividing lines, ares into the desired number of equal pars. B. Materials: 1. Tracing paper - thin transparent paper used for reproduction in blueprint. 2. Masking tape - used to hold and fasten drawing paper on the drawing board. 3. Eraser -used to remove smears of peneil and ink lines 4. Sandpaper Block - serves as substitute instrument in sharpening a pencil into desired points. ©. Equipment: 1. Drawing boardtable ~ a board made of soft wood but with cleats of hard wood where the drawing paper is fastened with a draftsman tape. 2. Drawing stool - 2 basic tool in drafting use isto give some height for the ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: +100 1g Plan Ceiling plan is an outline of the ceiling that shows the overhead interior surface of a room. 48 ‘Sample Reflected Ceiling Baluster Detail ‘The detail of the vertical railing along a staircase or baloory railing, Railing can either made of steel baluster, ceramic baluster, free-cast baluster, wooden baluster at. D. Sheet # 3 - Sections, Details, Foot Plan and Reflected Ceiling Plan 49 E. Sheet # 4 - Doors and Windows Schedule, Detail of kitchen, and Detail of Toilet and Bath Doors and Window Schedule ‘A complete specification of doors and windows in terms of width, height, types, materials and quantity. Kitchen Detail ‘A drawing Kitchen floor plan complete specifications. 51 Toilet and Bath Detail ‘A drawing of toilet and bath floor plan that shows complete features. Spree atin ee Orne Sheet # 4 - Doors and Windows Schedule, Staircase Details and Stairways Elevation, 52 Here are the list of architectural term and their abbreviations commonly used in technical drafting preparations. You are going to come across these terms so familianze each, Architectural Abbreviations: Abbrev.| Terms | Abbrev.| Terms ~—| Abbrev.| Terms @ At CoRR | CORRUGATED |LAV | LAVATORY BALC_| BALCONY DR__| DING ROOM | LA LIVING ROOM 8 BATHROOM [DN | DOWN MBR | MASTER BEDROOM BR _|sepRCOM {ps __| pownsPour_|m METER Bw. |BoTHWaYS | ELEV. [ELEVATION [MM | MEIMETER BLDG | BULDING FFL | FINISH FLOOR|NTS | NOT To UNE SCALE BLTIN | BULT-N FG. | FINISH oc | ONCENTER GROUND LINE caB__| CABINET FLR__| FLOOR SEC__| SECTION cL CEILING LINE | FL FLOORLNE |T&B |TOLET & BATH ceM_| CEMENT @t__| GROUND LNE | veRT. | VERTOAL cHB CONCRETE Kk KITCHEN HOLLOW BLOCK 54 Architectural Symbols Knowing the architectural symbols is a prerequisite for all students in architecture and drating technology program. I would be difficutt for you to interpret drawing or blueprint unless you are familiar with the symbols. ‘The following Illustrations are the architectural symbols: 2. Doors and windows symbols tat are shown inthe foor plan , escer man winnow oveLe winoow ‘EXTERIOR O@R pousLe owR FOLDING O@A DOUBLE FOLOING DGDR —-ACCORDIAN O”DR Soo BLI0NG OwA POUNLE BLIDING ODA ARCHED OPENING igure 18 Fame wl pring 58 b. Symbols of doors and windows that are used to represent its existence on floor plans and elevation drawings. swinsinc, es we WINDOW SYMBOLS. i Window siping wiknow als RL _ ba | age sa saa Ee DOOR SYMBOLS exTeR109 9009, = | Srvc 0008 ear OA 0 se Om FAENCH Doom J ams RL Hees INTERIOR, D90A, Ot Om, ‘suiaing 0005 ocmeT 900% 3004 08, 2m om 4 ure 0009 sracoie oo0as | or 08, aF.0 as 56 cc. Door, window and staircase symbols that are shown in the elevation plans. 87 D. Sheets # 58 6 ~ Contains Foundation Plan, Root Framing Plan, Truss Detail, and Column/Footing Beam Schedules Structural Plans The following terminologies are used on stuctural plans. Be familiar with them and look forward to meeting them, Foundation Plan - A structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building, 's the part of the building below the surface af the ground which is sometimes called the substructure. FOUNDATION PLAN . Roof Framing Plan - A structural framing plan of the roof plan with complete specifications. 58 Truss Detail - A complete structural detail of a common or typical truss of a building either wooden or steel. CCUTTERDETALS sPoTDETaRS SPOTDETARS ‘TRUSS CONNECTION DETAILS Column/FootingBeam Schedule - A complete specication of column, footings, and beam in tems of sizes, materials and quanity. | Setoms rem 7 ergantoc / (> TYPICAL COLUMN AND FOOTING DETAILS \ SKE wo 59 Column, Footings and Beams Footings ‘A part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of house. A daetall drawing of building footings with specific requiremerts. Footings: Construction Notes - A sub-complete detail of wall footings, lintels, beams, and other required structural features present in the plan. General Notes - A complete specification and legend of structural features presented in the plan, (CONSTRUCTION NOTES. ‘Sheet # 5 - Foundation plan, Detail of Footings, Truss Detail, and Column/Footing’ Beam Schedules 61 Plumbing Plan/Layout Plumbing Plan The complete drawing detail of water and sewerage distribution, ‘Water System Plan The drawing of flow of water in the house from main water source. Water coming from the lavatory, bath tubs and floor drain goes to the main canal while water from the toilet bow goes to the septic tank. Sewage System Plan The drawing flow of sewage trom the house to main canal and septic tank, GROUND FLR WATER DISTRIBUTION LAYOUT 62 Septic Tank IVs the depository of human excreta and a drainage reservoir for all washing done in the kitchen and bathroom. The main section of septic tank is the digestive ‘chamber ard the leaching well ‘Sheet # 8 - Septic Tank Detail Gi 8 z 5 is Storm Drainage System ‘Shows the flow of water waste from the lavatory, floor drain, and downspout ‘rom root to storm drainage. Sia eae 63 E__ Sheets # 7/8 Water and Sevage System Plan Electrical Plan A plan consists of lighting plan, power layout and specification details of the house. Lighting Layout- An electrical plan that shows the flow of house lightings. Power & Auxiliary Layout ‘An electrical plan that shows the flow of convenience outlet and other auxiliary outlet in the oor plan. 64

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