Intercessory Missions Update July 2017

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Jim & Melissa Marcum Intercessory Missions Update July 2017

Dear Friends & Family,

We are in a busy season! We found out the last week of June that the owners of our house we are leasing
here in K.C. are moving back, and we need to be moved out by July 31. Amazingly, the Lord has led us to a
mobile home park in Belton, MO. We never really considered mobile home living, but this park is very nice with
a lake & walking trail, and has some homes for lease (most are owner occupied). As a bonus, Jeremiah &
Shawna & the grandkids have also found a nice mobile home in the same park, so were still going to be close
to them, which has been a desire of ours. We feel the Lord is highlighting the community at the mobile home
park, that there will be many opportunities to minister there. There are around 400 homes in the park, and we
feel a sense of openness & community among the residents there. So were asking the Lord to use us to reach
out and touch many people. Oh, and for our Joplin friends, we want to mention there are seven FEMA-
compliant storm shelters on the property (smile). -Love, The Marcums

The Hour Has Come

Months ago, the leaders of our Pro-Life ministry team here at
IHOPKC, Denn & Mindy Tebo, shared something with us
during one of our meetings that was amazing and sobering at
the same time. They felt the Lord putting on their hearts that
He was orchestrating an hour in America to overturn the
historic Roe v. Wade supreme court decision that legalized
abortion. They felt the Lord telling them the window of time
would be short and we had to act now. So they began
meeting with major Christian leaders, as well as with legal
counsel to explore a pathway for beginning a petition that
could be signed by the citizens of the United States to petition
the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The most dangerous place in America right now is a mothers womb. 3,500 babies die there EVERY DAY. Yes,
3,500 children TODAY are sitting on death row waiting to die TOMORROW. And it will take place every day, again
and again, as long as abortion remains legal in America. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once asked
about this, Where is the moral outcry? Here are excerpts from an article by LiveAction about The Moral Outcry
movement and petition- the entire article can be read at:
On June 19, a nationwide initiative is launching that may be key to overturning legalized murder in the nation.
Myriad spiritual and pro-life leaders have begun The Moral Outcry, a move to petition the high court to recognize
the crime against humanity that abortion allows. Allan Parker [the lawyer who will be presenting the case]
notes in his explanation of the petition:
The purpose of the petition to the Supreme Court is to provide an outlet for the people of the United
States to show their Supreme Court they do not accept the decisions in Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton
and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. This petition will demonstrate that over a million Americans know
that abortion is a crime against humanity and can never be accepted by a just society.
In 1992, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court did not overrule Roe and Doe because the
Court stated that Americans had come to rely upon the cases and the Supreme Court was going to
settle the abortion controversy for all time. Obviously, the Supreme Court failed to settle the
controversy. Abortion is still the most controversial issue in American society today. This petition will
give each American a mechanism to petition their government for redress of grievances.
While a petition alone will not change the law, as Parker says, [I]t can encourage the Supreme Court to exercise
its discretion under the Writ of Certiorari to accept a case in which it could evaluate the facts and law in a fair and
impartial manner and reach a conclusion that achieves justice by reversing its crimes against humanity. Parker
and pro-life leaders note there is precedent for the reversal of landmark Supreme Court cases that were once the
law of the land. Notably, Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) upheld state laws on racial segregation, the separate but
equal laws, (7-1). Over half a century later, in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court ruled 9-0
that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
The Moral Outcry petition seeks to show the U.S. Supreme Court that the American people are deeply dissatisfied
with the decision that allows women to take the lives of their own children through abortion. Despite the vocal
minority that tries to normalize the inhumane procedure as merely healthcare, the reality is that the majority of
Americans are repulsed by the taking of innocent life when they truly confront it. The Moral Outcry will show the
Supreme Court that the repulsion against unjust U.S. laws and case precedent allowing abortion is widespread.
Organizers plan to roll out the petition on the National Mall in
Washington, DC at a gathering of Awaken the Dawn and TheCall
October 6-9. They see the presentation of the petition as a
prophetic sign to the nation. Parker assures the petition is not
just a crazy idea, but instead a probable catalyst to change which
could lead to the end of crimes against humanity. Parker, who is
also a Christian leader, notes its no accident that the idea for this
petition came from a woman connected with the prayer
movement. He adds, not only could this be the very thing that
helps overturn Roe v. Wade, but, This could also be the catalyst Denn & Mindy speaking recently about The
for national revival as we confront this crime against humanity. Moral Outcry at KC Evangelists Fellowship.

What an amazing hour it is! It is a Gideon moment will we tear the altar down? For too long there have been two
altars in the land, the Altar of the Lord, and the altar of Baal, where 3,500 babies are sacrificed every day. It is the
holocaust of our generation. Through an intercessor friend of theirs, the Lord gave Denn & Mindy a word early on as
they began to lay groundwork for this petition. She had no idea what they were working on, but phoned them to say
the Lord gave her a Scripture for them, from Ezekiel 21:27. In the KJV, it reads: I will overturn, overturn, overturn
it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it to him.
What to Do:
Join this prophetic and historic hour for America. Heres what to do:
1. Read and sign the petition! Go to the website: We are praying for 1 million
signatures by Oct. 9th.
2. Share with others, asking them to sign the petition use email, Facebook, any means to get the word out.
3. Invite Denn & Mindy to speak at your church or special event. You can email on the website, or just let
us know and we will put you in touch with them.
4. Consider a donation to The Moral Outcry movement, its worth it! Info about donating is on the website.
5. PRAY! The spiritual warfare is intense around this, so we desperately need prayer covering. You can
sign up for email updates through the website that will help you know how to pray.

Special Request:
The Lord has put on our hearts that this year, instead of a trip with Life International as we had planned, He
would like for us to be in Washington D.C. on October 9 when the petition to end Roe v. Wade is rolled out on
the national mall. This will be happening at the culmination of an unprecedented 4-day prayer & worship event
called Awaken the Dawn/The Call - (read more about it at: There will be 50 tents
set up on the national mall, one for each of the 50 states. The worship & prayer will go 24/7 for 3 days its
being called Americas Tent of Meeting. We believe this is a special moment for America, and with Jims
dream & meeting President Obama giving him the word about ending abortion in America, we feel strongly to
be there in Washington D.C. for this moment. It is amazing and humbling to realize this petition was birthed out
of the prayer & ministry we are doing here at IHOPKC.
Here is our request Would you consider a special gift to help us make this trip to Washington D.C.? We
are raising $1,000 for travel expenses for the 8-day journey. If you are led to give, you can use the information
below to give online, by PayPal, or mail a check to our PO Box. If you would like your gift by check to be tax
deductible, please make it out to IHOPKC. Thank you! (P.S. Were still planning on a trip with Life
International in 2018!) Until next time, please keep in touch and remember, were praying for you!

Because He is worthy of it all, Jim & Melissa Marcum

P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030

Jim & Melissa Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228

Email/PayPal: (JM204009)
Jim & Melissa Marcum International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO

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