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: for wet process porcelain insulators — spool type ANSI@ €29.3-1286 } Kieison of : ANS) C20 31080 American National Standard % r Wet Process Porcelain Insulators ~ Spool Type > Remaye this tab before mailing Association ‘Approved October 2, 1986 American National Standards Institute, Ing 6 Foreword (is Fervoris eo: pat of American National Surana C22.8+1885) “Theyfirst edition of this standard was issued in 1961 end was bused essentially on the EEL NEMA (Eelison Eleetsic Inctiute-National Bleetrical Manufaeturers Association) Slan dards for Wet-Process Porcelyin Insulators (Sool Type). EEE 1DJ-53, NEMA 141-1532. Subsequent revisions were developed by tke American National Standards Commincee on Insulators for-Bteetcie Power Lines, C29. ‘The principal differences belveeon the 1977 and 1964 editions were: a changs of color requirements: auditing of neck designations, diivensions, and tolerances; deletion of re- ‘quaremneatts for maaufactuter’s production sampling and tests; and deletion of te state ment regarding certified rest data with regard co design tests. in te 1982 edition, all values were converted from U.S customary units to St waits. The 1986 edition moves Section 7, Packaging, te the Appendix, ‘Suggestions for improvement of this standard will bo welcome. They shoud be sent Lo National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Strecl, NW, Washington, DC 20037, This standard was processed and approved for subinitial 1 ANSI by Accredited Stauderds Commiittec on lnsulatoss for Elzelsie Power Lines, C29, Committee approval of the stare dard dees not nscersuily imply thet all eonunittes members vated for Its approval. At Ue thse it approved thisstandaré, the C29 Coxamitlee had {he following members: Olin Compton, Chair Jolin A. Gauthier, Secretary ngentaasion Represents ene of Represemertve Bennewsle Power AdminktatlON. oe. ee ve set er eres Robe L. Brows Eleeyrie Lit end Power Group. GA. Cook ALS, Tagan’ AF, Kercher EP, Marchbanke J. ener DE, Sofhin (NO ©. Compion A Pinilian, W,E.Richera NE Sa 4A & BR ngutute of Eleetial and Hleewnles Engineers « Nutiowal Exectical Manufacterers Antociation rep E. Kingsbury LL Riche 5D. Sabich ALE, Schivaln HL Van Heck (AR) - Wesnyaer qr, r E ¢ Siw. Coner i i 2 US, Deparment of the Army. « angetavas stewder G.A, Daviuson 1 Am i Approval of an “American National Standaieh requires veri!ieasiow by ANSI thet the Fe ‘ erican quicements fer due process. consensus, and oilier criteria For approval hove been mel by National — the's:uudards developer Standard canvass sabes shen. in the janent of he ANS! Booed of Standards Review. Conta veenent tds been feacicd by directly and materially affected interesis,Sub- aera acicmeutineansriveh move taf «simple majoi'y, HUE noL necessary wnanim aaa ree requires that all view’ and objeetion be comideved, ond that a goncecied affort be made toward their resoluiten. “the use of Armenian National Standardé is completely voluntary; tele enistence does not srrvay reapeet preclude anyone, whether ke bab approved the Stanger Gs 0: net. Fron me irraeronin, marketing, pueehasing, 0: using products, processes, of procedures NOt Con: forcing to The standards “The American Nationa! Stands ds Institute does tot develop standards and wil in ne cir Gumctanees give an interpiciation of any Amexican Naifonal Standard, Moseover, 00 per soe shalt ave the right or authodty to iesus an intenprstation of an American Native! Seandord ia the name of the American Nationa Standards Institute. Requests for inter. sratations shook be adcressed (@ te secretariat or sperisar whose nan appears OF (Me title page of tts standard, CAUTION NOTICE: This Arneriean National Standacd may be revised or withdrawn at soy time, The procedures of the Arnerioan National Standards Hnstitute equize that seeran be taken 10 realliam, ovis, oF withdraw this standaid wo Tater hep five years from the dote of epp oval Purchasers of Amorican Nalional Stanards may receive currant infor mation en all standards by calling or aaiing the American National Standards Institue, Pobiished by ‘American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Copyright © 1986 by American National Standards Institute, Ine allrights reserved [Na part of this publicallon may Ve cpraduced im any fom, Jn on eletronie vexrieval gistem ay eter vis WNW the plior writen permission of the publisher. Vrinted in the United States oF Amerie 088118677 Contents rags. 1. Suope gee eee Referenced American Narional Standards. « Definitions... Geneeal Materddl. cc ec cers eeeree ee Dimensions and Charseteristics .. « Manieiog. oe ence eres Sompling, Inspection, and Tests 8.1 General... 82 Design Tests. sees BL) Low-Frequency Dry Flashover Pest ss vee sess 82.2 Low-Frequency Wet Plashover Tost. 8.3 Quilty Conformance Tests. « . BB. Dimensional Test ee ees 8.3.2 Visual Test... 4.3.3 Poroslly Test... 8.3.4 TransvarseStrength Tes LA RRA RAARAAA HED Ow Toble 1 Neck Designations and Dimensions... see ss reer Figures Figure | Spool Insulator, Class $2-1 Figure 2. Spool Insulator, Chest 93-2 Figure 3 Spook Insufacor, Class 53-3 Figure 4 Spool Insulator, Class $3-4 Figure 5. Spook Insulator, Class 53-5 Appendix Packaging 6... ++ w American National Standard for Wet Process Porcelain Insulators — Spool Type 1, Scope This standaed covers spooltype insulators trade of wet- process porcelain and used in tie transmission end dis tribucion of electric energy. 2, Referenced Americnn National Standards This standacd is intended to be used in conjunction with the following American Nationel Standards: When the referenced standards ate superseded by a revision approred by the American National Standards iastiate, Te, the revision stall apply. ANSLC29.1-1982, Test Methods far Electrical Power Insulators ANSI Z55.1-1967 (R1973), Gray Finishes for Indus trial Apparatus and Equipment 3. Definitions ce Section 2 of ANSI C29,1-1982 for definitions of terns. 4, General 4.1. Insulators shall conform in all expects fo she re quirements of this steadard. The text and figures sap- plensoat cach other snd shall be considexed part of thie cteodard 4:2 Manufactuces's dhawings, if Camished, shal show the oullin of the insuletous, together with ali pertinent dimensions. Any variations in these dimensions dye to iaufaetosing, tolerances stall be indicated. Materia! 5,1 The insulators shuil be made of good commerciak grado wat-pracess poseeliin 5.2 The entice surface of the insulator, with the ex: ‘caption of a firing surface, shal! be glazed. The entire surface shall be relatively free from imperfections. Coler is pot a part of this standard. If gay is required, it shall be in aveusdance with ANSL 2551-1967 (R1973),and conform to Munsell aotation SBG 7.0/0.4 with the Following tolerances: (1) Hue: £12 GG to 7B) (2) Value: £05 @) Chroma: -0.2 to106 - 6, Dimensions and Characteristics 6 Figures } through 5 (see pages 7-11) ate drawings of insulator types. Dimensions and characterietics of the insulators shall be in accordance with these figures. 6.2 When specified, neck designations and dimensions shall be as chown in Table 1. 7. Marking Each inswstor shall bear = symbol identifying the mvanufacturer. The marking shall be both Tegible and durable, Tolle ! Neele Desiguations and Dimen Grooveticight Relotienship ‘a ADelieabe (uallbnetets) Designation Dinmeter {millimeterdy Minimo, Maxima A recy = - c S343 ny R r reel 4 2 3 8923 6 ig x rose! 6 rea N isha - - 5 af AMERICAN RATIONAL STANDARD €29,3-1986 8. Sampling, Inspection, and Tests 8.1 General. Tesis describe in 8.2 shall be required aully on insulators of new designs, Tests described in 8.3 shail be required on cach Lot of insulaters. 8.2 Design Tests 82.4 LowFrequency Dry Flushover Test. Thiee ingulstors shat! be selected at random and tested! in accordance with 4.2 of ANSI C29,t-1982. Failure of the average diy Mlashover value of the thee insula. ‘ers to equal or Caceed 95% uf the rated dry flash. over value, as given in the appiicable figere, stall co stitute failure to suee! the requirements of this stan- aud. 8.2.2 Low-Freyueticy Wet Flulover Test. Three insulators shall be selected st random and tested in ac- cordance with 4,3 of ANSI C29.1-1982, Failure ol the ascrage wet flashiover valiie of Ihe tIuce Insulators to equal or excoed 90% uf the rated wet flashover value, asgiven in the appticodte figure, shall constitute failaie to meet ihe requiremeats of this siandard 8.3 Quality Conformance Testst 8.3.1 Dimensional Test. Three insulatoss shall be selected at random fiom (he Jot and their dimeasions * Substantial test experience inilicates that a Wal of 1/2% of ‘the number of insulators in Loe lot is sufficient to estallish characteristics demomiteable by destiuctive Lest, checked against the dimensions on the maaufeoturer’s drawing, Failure of more than one of these insutators to conform, within manufacturing tolerances, 10 the diuensions on this drawing shall constitute failure of the lol to meet the requirements of this standard, 8.3.2. Visual Test, If visnat inspection is requited on lots of $00 or more insulators, 50 insulators shall be setected at random from (He lol. If more than 4 but fewer than 10 of (te Insulators fail to meet the require- nonte of $.2, 100 additional insulators shatt be selected at random from the same Jot, Faduce of more than a total of 10 insulators from both the flzst aad second samples shall constitute failure of the Jot to meet the requirements of this standard, 8.3.3 Porosity Test. Specimens shall be selected rom insulators destroyed in other tests and Lested in accordance with 5.4 of ANSI C29.1-1982, Penetre ton of the dye into the body of the dielectric stall con- stitute foihwe of the lot tu meet the requirements of this standard, 8.3.4 Teansvetso-Strengih Test. Five insulators shatt be sefected st randosn and tested in accordance with 5.1.6 of ANSI. C29 1-1982, Failure of the aver. age strength of the five insulators to meet the strength requirements givea in the applicable figure, or failure of any one insulator to equal 85% of that strength re- qutement, shall constitute failure of the fot to meet (he requicements of (his standard, ANLRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD C29.3-1985 SPELLS p05 + 3 (NOTE Ny GROOVE MUST SEAT - NOT LESS THAN 21 DIA MANDREL WoTES: (TAT nee, (2) All dimensions kre in sunmeters ee Rating Mechanical Values "Frangverse siongih, newton 9900 Blertrleal Values Low-trequeney dey flashovey, kslorats 20 Tpw-frequeney wet Nashoves, Klowclts erties a Hlurlzonul 10 Figue 1 Spo! Insulator, Class 5341 See American National ‘Standard C29.1-1982, ‘secilan S16 42 5 onfertna this panei snot port of Ametesn Nation Stance 27 5.1986, bats includod Fo Appendix torent Packaging Packaging of iisulators should be such as 19 afford rees0nbI6 and proper protection to the fnsulotors in eipping ard handling. Zech box or eontainor shovld be marked with the number oF Pet contatned therein the catar a descriation of the contents; and she manufacturer's ware, jog number, oF class number, ANERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD €29.3-1986 7OLLS p45 + 3(NOTE my 7 stay GROOVE MUST SEAT NOT LESS THAN 33 DIA MANDREL & Jab} 18+ 1.5-0 1 2421.5 ores: cLp SA” neck. (2) All dimensions ace in miamecers 08 American Natfonal . ‘Sandal C23.1-1 962 7 Ratlag echanlcal Values "Teanwvertesirengid, Newtons 13300 Electrieal Values Low-frsquenes day Aashoves, Horalis 2 4a Lowfiequsrey #8 Mashaver, kilovelts Vertlesl 2 4a Horizon 5 a3 Figure 2 Spool Insulator, Cless 53-2 AMERICAN NATHONAL STANDARD €29.3:1986 7621.9 ————— pe— 454 3 (NOTE 1} —>} 1983 GROOVE MUST SEAT NOT LESS THAN 2) DIA MANDREL, fo T i oe 405 t t | L 1 t , | \ | alts t I [VR 1 i ' 408 neck {Q] All dimensions are in rioters Mechaniest Valves “Transverse srergn,newtens Elacrical Values Lewsfrequeney dry (laborer, kllovolts Cowsfregueney wet ‘lashover, kilovets Vertieil Horkeootal Heres 24215 ‘See American National Standard €29.1-1982 ating ‘Beeilon 17800 536 2 42 2 43 B a3 Figure 3 Spaal Insulator, Class 53-3 AMERICAN NATIGNAL STANDARD C29.11986 105 43 73.3 (NOTE )-——-—— GROOVE MUST. SEAT: NOT LESS THAN 30 DIA MANDREL OTE: G)°F* neck @) All dimensions azo in rllimetere Mohanlal Valars “Transverse rengil, mewions Elecircal Vetoes Towetreauency dry Qashove ilovolls Low frequency wat Mashever,kilovolts erties! Horaontal 10 18+1.5-0 2421.5 ‘See Ameeizan Natfonal ‘Standard C79.14982 Raving Selon 20000 516 2s 42 ” 43 i a Figure 4 ‘Spo! insulator, Ciass $3-4 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD €29.3:1986 oz 3 ——— 734 3(NOTE I) fant GROOVE MUST SEAT NOT LESS THAN 2) 018 MANDREL i NOTES: SLT neck, {24 All dimersions ae ia milimaters Mecheriesl Values Transverse suengthnewtons Elveteleat Values LLowetreganicy dey flaahover, Kilorets Cowetiequeney wet Machover, kilovelte Veritea Horizontal ‘See American National Standard C23.1-1962 Section 26700 516 35 4a e 43 B a3 Figure S Spocl Insulator, Class $3-8 52.5 o PLEASE PRINT Ready Access to the World's Standards through ANSI Are you Seeking a standard vital to your interests? Turn to the American National Standards Institute, which performs a unique function as America’s clearinghouse and information canier for national, international, regional, and foreign standards. ANSI is the sole source of al/ epproved American National Standards. In addition, the Institute is the U.S. souree fer ell international standards and drafts of the latemational Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnt- cal Cornmission {IEC), and of the publications of {SO member bodies. And that's not all ., Here's a copsule summery of the wealth of materiale available from ANSI — AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD NO. PLEASE FILL IN ANSI DESIGNATION ‘Only One Number Per Catt ‘Te ANS! Sales Department Pieose advise me when new editions of this standard era issuod. NAME COMPANY —— ADDRESS ee State____Zip. city mation pracassing to safety and heaith Availaie in Microform aty onic American National Standards are aveilable in microform from; information Mar- keting International {IMI}, 13251 Northend Strect, Oak Park, Michigan 48297; tel (313) 546-6706: and from Information Handling Services (IHS), lnverness Business Park, 15 inverness Way East, P.O. Box 1154, Englewood, Coloredo D150; tel (303) 790-0600, All ISO and IEC standerds may be obtained in micro: form from IMI or IHS.

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