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PAST TENSE: bentuk kata kerja untuk masa lampau

Keterangan waktu : yesterday : kemarin
last night : tadi malam
last week / month / year : minggu / bulan / tahun lalu
two days / a week ago : dua hari / seminggu yang lalu
this morning : tadi pagi
just now : baru saja

TIDAK PUNYA KATA KERJA ditambah was / were

I am happy. Aku senang (sekarang) I/He/She/It WAS
I was happy. Aku senang (dulu) You/We/They WERE

I. Fill in with WAS / WERE Isilah dengan WAS / WERE

1. The baker __________ in the kitchen this morning.
2. She __________ not absent last week.
3. We __________ sleepy this morning.
4. They __________ at the hospital last night.
5. I __________ not at school yesterday.
6. Samy and Jonathan __________ in the class 10 minutes ago.
7. Her brother __________ angry yesterday because he __________ naughty.
8. Hanif __________ in the library two days ago.
9. Sandya __________ tired last night.
10. The lions __________ in their cages last night.

II. Translate into English and make the () and (?) Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dan
buat kalimat () dan (?)

1. Saya kecil (small). 3. Panda-panda itu gemuk (fat).

(+) _______________________________ (+) _________________________________
() _______________________________ () _________________________________
(?) _______________________________ (?) _________________________________

2. Dia(perempuan) sakit (sick) kemarin. 4. Dia(laki-laki) di kantor (office) tadi pagi.

(+) _______________________________ (+) _________________________________
() _______________________________ () _________________________________
(?) _______________________________ (?) _________________________________
like liked
go went

III. Fill in with the right verb (VERB 2) Isilah dengan kata kerja (VERB 2) yang benar
1. My father (work) _______________ in a bank ten years ago.
2. She (clean) _______________ the floor this morning.
3. They (play) _______________ basketball two days ago.
4. The monkey (climb) _______________ the coconut tree just now.
5. The man (enjoy) _______________ playing tennis last year.
6. They (jump) _______________ into the swimming pool just now.
7. John (kick) _______________ the ball hard this morning.
8. The chef (cook) _______________ in the kitchen last night.
9. I (like) _______________ playing football last year.
10. Ben (rent = meminjam) _______________ a big truck yesterday.

IV. Make the () and (?) Buatlah kalimat () dan (?)

She danced beautifully.

She did not dance beautifully.
Did she dance beautifully?

1. (+) The cat licked the milk.

() ____________________________________________________________

(?) ____________________________________________________________

2. (+) He painted the house.

() ____________________________________________________________

(?) ____________________________________________________________

3. (+) You opened the door.

() ____________________________________________________________

(?) ____________________________________________________________

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