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Fusion Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service EBusiness Suite Data

Validation Procedure
Certain special characters are not supported in the Essbase database
which is used in Fusion Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service. Therefore
EBS data has to be validated before transferring it to Accounting Hub;
otherwise there will be errors when we try to load the EBS data into the
cloud. The restrictions are limited to a few objects and most are easily

The validations should be run before attempting to connect an EBusiness

Suite instance to the cloud. Any issues identified need to be resolved
for a successful connection to the cloud service.

Please refer to the My Oracle Support Note below for detailed procedures
and the latest patches and documents for this service:

Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service for E-Business Suite Customers

(Doc ID 2034564.1)

Chart of Account Segment Value Descriptions

Customers sometimes encounter issues with segment value descriptions that

need correcting.

These cannot contain the following

A space at the beginning or in the end of the description
A new line character
Any of the following characters
o [
o ]

Please run the below SQL which against your EBS environment which will
list any descriptions that need to be corrected. You should update the
description in your EBS environment before starting to connect your EBS
environment to Fusion Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service.

SELECT ledger_name,

'Leading Space detected'
FROM gl_ledgers lgr,
fnd_id_flex_segments flex_seg,
fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
fnd_flex_values_vl val
WHERE lgr.chart_of_accounts_id = flex_seg.id_flex_num
AND flex_seg.application_id = 101
AND flex_seg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
AND flex_seg.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id
AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = val.flex_value_set_id
AND val.description LIKE ' %'
SELECT ledger_name,
'Trailing Space detected'
FROM gl_ledgers lgr,
fnd_id_flex_segments flex_seg,
fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
fnd_flex_values_vl val
WHERE lgr.chart_of_accounts_id = flex_seg.id_flex_num
AND flex_seg.application_id = 101
AND flex_seg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
AND flex_seg.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id
AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = val.flex_value_set_id
AND val.description LIKE '% '
SELECT ledger_name,
'Contains a CHARACTER NOT Allowed'
FROM gl_ledgers lgr,
fnd_id_flex_segments flex_seg,
fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
fnd_flex_values_vl val
WHERE lgr.chart_of_accounts_id = flex_seg.id_flex_num
AND flex_seg.application_id = 101
AND flex_seg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
AND flex_seg.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id
AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = val.flex_value_set_id
AND ( val.description LIKE '%"%'
OR val.description LIKE '%[%'
OR val.description LIKE '%]%')
SELECT ledger_name,
'New Line CHARACTER detected'
FROM gl_ledgers lgr,
fnd_id_flex_segments flex_seg,
fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
fnd_flex_values_vl val
WHERE lgr.chart_of_accounts_id = flex_seg.id_flex_num
AND flex_seg.application_id = 101
AND flex_seg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
AND flex_seg.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id
AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = val.flex_value_set_id
AND val.description LIKE '%'||Chr(9)||'%';
COA Segment Values

Issues with segment values are rare, if you do have any of the below
situations you will need to contact Oracle customer support for advice on
how to proceed. Do NOT modify any of the segment values in your
EBusiness Suite instance, modifying them is not supported.

Segment Values cannot contain the following

Space at the beginning or in the end of the value
new line character
Any of the following characters
o [
o ]
Segment Values cannot start with any of the below characters

-- Special characters in Segment Values

SELECT ledger_name, fvs.flex_value_set_name, val.flex_value

FROM gl_ledgers lgr,

fnd_id_flex_segments flex_seg,

fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,

fnd_flex_values_vl val

WHERE lgr.chart_of_accounts_id = flex_seg.id_flex_num

AND flex_seg.application_id = 101

AND flex_seg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'

AND flex_seg.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id

AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = val.flex_value_set_id

AND (val.flex_value like ' %'

OR val.flex_value like '% '

OR val.flex_value like '%"%'

OR val.flex_value like '%[%'

OR val.flex_value like '%]%'

OR val.flex_value like '%'||Chr(9)||'%'

OR val.flex_value like '@%'

OR val.flex_value like '\%'

OR val.flex_value like '{%'

OR val.flex_value like '}%'

OR val.flex_value like ',%'

OR val.flex_value like '-%'

OR val.flex_value like '=%'

OR val.flex_value like '<%'

OR val.flex_value like '(%'

OR val.flex_value like ')%'

OR val.flex_value like '.%'

OR val.flex_value like '+%'

OR val.flex_value like '''%'

OR val.flex_value like '|%'

OR val.flex_value like '\_%' ESCAPE '\')

ORDER BY fvs.flex_value_set_name;

If the above query returns rows then please contact Oracle Support.

Period Names

Issues with Period Names are very rare, if you do have one of the issues
mentioned below then you need to contact Oracle Customer Support for
advice on how to proceed. Do NOT modify any of the period names in your
EBusiness Suite instance, modifying them is not supported.

Period Names cannot contain the following

Space at the beginning or in the end of the value
new line character
Any of the following characters
o [
o ]
Period Names cannot start with any of the below characters

Please run the below SQL to check for any problems with period names, if
any rows are returned please contact Oracle Customer Support to determine
how to proceed.

-- Special characters in Period Names

SELECT prd.period_name, prd.period_year, prd.period_num

FROM gl_periods prd,

gl_ledgers lgr

WHERE prd.period_set_name = lgr.period_set_name

AND prd.period_type = lgr.accounted_period_type

AND (prd.period_name like ' %'

OR prd.period_name like '% '

OR prd.period_name like '%"%'

OR prd.period_name like '%[%'

OR prd.period_name like '%]%'

OR prd.period_name like '%'||Chr(9)||'%'

OR prd.period_name like '@%'

OR prd.period_name like '\%'

OR prd.period_name like '{%'

OR prd.period_name like '}%'

OR prd.period_name like ',%'

OR prd.period_name like '-%'

OR prd.period_name like '=%'

OR prd.period_name like '<%'

OR prd.period_name like '(%'

OR prd.period_name like ')%'

OR prd.period_name like '.%'

OR prd.period_name like '+%'

OR prd.period_name like '''%'

OR prd.period_name like '|%'

OR prd.period_name like '\_%' ESCAPE '\')

ORDER BY period_year, period_num;

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