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Preposition DEFINITION: A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what selection the person or thing indicated by it stands with regard to something else. EXAMPLES: 1. He is fond of tea. 2. He is ashamed of his behaviour. 3. He was angry with me. 4. She was absent from the class. 5. Letus hope for the best. * WORDS FOLLOWED BY APPROPRIATE PREPOSITIONS [2. ] Abide by t/a, | Players must abide by the rules of the game 2. | Absent from tz | He was absent from class; iy 3. | Accused of tnpialge” | He was accused of theft | [4 | actupon AF | yOu must act upon the advice of your teacher. 5. | Agree with ibis [agree withyou inthis matter. | 6. | Angry at utgens.Zig” | She was angry at my behaviour. | 7. | Angry with viz | They were angry with me, : 8. | Appear before tne Lis” | He will appear before the judge. 9. | Arrive at th Bpu~ | The train arrived at Lahore station in time. 10. | Ashamed of tere? | You should be ashamed of your behaviour. aa. | Assure of tusaBi¥gy” | She assured me of her help. L [12. | aware of tx@ | He was not aware of my difficulties. 13. | Beg for ‘JF | The children were begging for alms. 14. |Believein Muslims believe in the Oneness of Gd 15. | Belong to ined | These books belong to her. | 16. | Born to ‘etl | A son was born to her. [27 | Bornin tig oUE6 | He was born in a rich family. (8. Care for t4nz| He does not care forme. | fis. Careful about cate [He is very careful about hishealth. | 20. | Complaint against <3 362.5" | The teacher made a complaint against his son. 21. | Confidence in wmiizg” | He has no confidence in his parents | 22: | Confident of aPike ys | Shewas confident ofher success. 23. | Congratulate on tealtp | She congratulated me on my success. | 24, | Conscious of tI | He is not conscious of his weakness. 4 25,_| Control over taut | They have no control over theirson. 26, | Dearto— tz? | Pakistan is very dear tous. | 27. | Depend on (45)-2/141 | The whole family depends on her forliving, | 28, | Deliver to VAL ng” | This letter was delivered to me only yesterday. 29, | Died of tyeigs’ | He died of cancer. - | 2a | Bieter pes ‘estou always be prepared to die for ours 31. | Dream of thc | cannot dream of these comforts, 32. | Eligible for “Grult | He is eligible for this post. 33, | Engage to turd | She was engaged to a rich man. 34. | Entitle to iolge | He is entitled to these facilities, 35._| Equalto ‘pedis | This angle is equal to that. | 36. | Failin tap tore [Pinky failed in Mathematics. | 37._| Faithin trols" | We must have faith in God. _ i 38. | Faithful to tesbbstiy” |. They are faithful to her. | 39,_| Famous for trex ps” | Lahore is famous for its historical buildings. [40. | Feel for ‘Aut | feel for the poor. - ~ at. | Fight for azae 5” | We must fight for basic human rights | 42. | Fillin +4 | Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 43. | Fireat Police opened fire at the demonstrators. 44, | Fond of She is fond of reading novels. | 45. | Forgive for Please forgive him for his misbehaviour. | 46,_| Full of The basket was full of flowers. | 47, | Gladat tnulzely” | She was glad at her success | 48, | Grateful to t# | lam grateful to you for your kindness. 49. | Grieve at teri 641 | | was grieved at his loss. 50. alae Guilty of He was guilty of stealing. 51. | Happened to teahi vy” | What has happened to him = 52. | Hear about wto4£ | Iwas sorry to hear about his sad death. 53. | Hope for ‘441 | We must always hope for the best. i |Hopeat a nes E ae any hope of her recovery from | 55. | Ignorant of tml 20 | She is not ignorant of her shortcomings. — 56. | Incapable of - tetzedH! | She is incapable of doing any harm to anybody, 57._| Inclined to tw | 1am inclined to believe her. 58. | Included in tout Her name was not included in the list of prize winners. 59. | indebted to wi%F | She is indebted to Shabana for her guidance. [60. | indifferent to te | He is indifferent to all kinds of advice. 64. | Inform of cAvicety~ | They were informed of my expected arrival. 62,_| injurious to tin” | Smoking is injurious to health, 63. | Interest in cdudiutzgu™ | She takes no interest in studies : 64. | Interview with wayszLFL ux | Her mether had an interview with the principal. | 65. | Intimate with tGPl tne} | You are very intimate with him. 66, | Introduce to this” | She introduced me to her friends. 67. | Invite to Wz6rE | She invited her friends to her wedding 68, | Jealous of ‘firey | Do not be jealous of others. 9. | Junior to txt | He is junior to me in age. Key to txziu | Hard work is the key to success ie Kind to =u? | We must be kind to children = ht 72. | Knock at tc | | knocked at the door several times. 73. | Laugh at wiGusis” | Do not laugh at anybody. 74, | Lead to tA | This road leads to Shalimar Garden. 75, | Lecture on tvigel%" | She delivered a lecture on interior decoration. | 76. | Liking for terface | She has a special liking for this dish, | 77. | listen to teau# | Please listen to me. | 78. | Loyal to trubixe iy | He is loyal to the country. 79. | Made of It | This chair is made of wood. 80. | Married to tunities’ | She was married to her cousin, | KEEP VISITING TOPSTU DYWORLD FOR4 REASONS «app, 0 Notes KIPS AND OTHER NOTES FOR 9TH, 10TH, 11TH AND 12TH CLASS GREAT MARKS TIPS eo GETTING 94 MARKS IN URDU, AND PAPER ATTEMPTING, ENTRY TEST, FSC EXAMS TIPS Y => BOARD NEWS AND POLICY an BOARD UPDATES, PAPER IMPROVEMENT, CANCELLATION || POLICIES ETC IN EASY WORDS ERE FREE SUPPORT Q ARE YOU BROKEN? ARE YOU FINDING THE SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING RELATED TO STUDY? WE WILL BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU! YOU ARE GOOD TO GO! Stay safe WEBSITE: WWW.TOPSTUDYWORLD.COM FREE SUPPORT: FB.COM/TOPSTUDYWORLD & CEO@TOPSTUDYWORLD.COM Negligent in tig | He is negligent in his work. Object'to cAAn | He did not object to my proposal. Oblige to tx12 | 1am obliged to you for your help. ‘Opportunity for tu@x | This is a good opportunity for him. Oppose to tmaiy | They are opposed to each other. Parallel to gerJule | These lines are parallel to each other. Part with tg | He will not part with his wealth, Particular about: 4% | Women are very particular about their dress. Patient with ty | You must be patient with a patient. Pity for tnfLu | You must have pity for the poor. Polite in terzt¢ | He is polite in his behaviour to others. Popular with taney” | She is very popular with her pupils. Pray to ‘vic’ | We should pray to God for success. Prefer to t7 | prefer walking to going there by bus. Prepare for “ed Lazy” | We should be prepared for the worst. resentto Ade | Te headmaster presented books to the Chief Guest. | Pride in 2izs’ | She takes pride in her work. Progress in wAbae gL" | He has made a lot of progress in his studies. proper for + i ae oper for you to behave in this Proud of 22> | He is proud of his scholarship. . | Punish for euyzdis” | He was punished for stealing, [i02, | Recover from txUie/tpsnese | | hope he will recover from his illness rapidly. i, | Refer to WLwLie | The matter was referred to the headmaster. Hos, | Regard for tel?" | | have great regard for your feelings. 05, | Related to taziGites™ | am related to her. 106. | Rely on er | He always relies on his own efforts. 17. | Beply to. tet | He sent a reply to my letter after a long time. 108, | Reserve for tau | He got four seats reserved for us in Tezgam. 108. | Respect for tx?! | He has no respect for his elders. 110. | Retire from betslyPe 7b | He will retire from service next year. 11. | Satisfied with trey” | | am satisfied with her progress in the class. (212. | Send for Please send for the doctor immediately. | 113. | shock at | was shocked at the news of the accident, 114. | Sorry for 2 | | am sorry for what | have done. - 115. | Suitable for Sst | This building is not suitable for residence. 116. | Sure of ite AL Bu" | Shes sure of her success. 117. | Surprise at texoiezeks | 1am surprised at your behaviour 118. | Sympathetic with tsigu” | We sympathise with you at your loss, 119. | Taste for tordss | Thave no taste for music. 120. | Thankful to tx ZF | lam thankful to you for your kindness. 121, | Trust in teob igs | Trust in God and do the right. 222. | Unfit for txcunie | He is unfit for this job. + 123. | Weak in tractor” | She is weak in Mathematics 124, | Wish for t/FA8 | What do you wish for? 125. | Work in w/e, £6 | He works in this office

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